HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-07-28, Page 8q 1 THE' i,�ZC iQ] _ c"EII! L r� Easier -#o -Travel McB • r>tne SMART 'D E or :, R•ESSING CAS .. aero packetter for �Overnight. or week -end' trips? ' Priced .up v filo Fr, THE:AEROPACK sal a., aranee, • . . salart ppe , .lona lite; >'°>i corrlect•. nese; The aero ckeepa dressesin r a o a. . , 1?a k.: .... p, � 4d. provides apple •roo for accessories.'` 114.. i Priced' `'*,,, up., • r,; Ba a e. McBRINM TRAVEL. NS the .... ; . ET;.TVIiIN , elaart,n�atcl+ed; set tkat you will be 'bran t : ' ow I►r , d, o n, a, trim. visit ease,.and . - , , � , c�paciais Aeropack $104.00 Price • ' The Set a1 'well ;and 'Ree H FMA, id -Summer , er . Sal on inn C � es Until Saturday • >• y -t1 et Your Supply Now. Pp Y ree ° Guinean ueaS�'Ef este t Em n_ a s Men's-�� •1N a e u n w�. Q GRAIN RATE; .E P. GAINING . SupFo ILY REUNION eigth aminal ,reunion of the Armstrong -Dickson clan was .held at Iiarbour- 'Park. Ggderich last: Weak, est With an at. end nce: of P . o • n died, and fifty relatives present.'�,. T e are descendants; of four pion- eery . eer'brothers_ and, sisters 'who came .out, R otla d 'bont from Dumfrieshire Sc . >i , a seventy-five' years ago. The ,quartette were. Mrs., Thomas ArmstrongDickson who settled in 'Ashfield; 0Mrs Walter Armstrong -Richardson ..:and George' "Armstrong, who,. settled -in Culros., and, Robert' Armstrong Who chose Puslinch'for:.his initial efforts in;+this. country. hfi ow -' • n Parrish, As. eld t o r icnic : and ai , hi •::was'in h e..the. , .... s me ofp g P, sports werg...conducted' by a committee' of Miss Grace Richardson,,: Fred Sandy Mrs.;; Salkeld,, Elmer Farrish 'And, Wil-, fred Fairish; The day opened with a'mixed ball game. and'a. full' program of sports. was. ca ied •out and results 'were as follows. > + , : Girls '< ' 9—Alberta Thain,,Isobel. •,' Dickson; boys 6 . to 9—Earl Keyes, Myrvin Rosewell;. girls 10 • to .12_. •Doreen Rosewell,. Doris Reed; boys 10 to: 12—Grant Parrish;; Jasper''Farr- ish; girls 13' and over—Doreap ;Rose= well, Anna Mae Farrish; boys:13 and over -Clyde Brown, Earl . Dickson;. tie .race -M, rs. Horne `,and Wilfred Farrish,•' ladies' race=Isobel Gunter - man :AnnalMae Farrish; 3 -le a race , gg dI —Anna Mae Fairish; Grant Fairish wheelbarrow race Carl Dickson, Earl Keyes;-• threading the-.needle—Mrs.: J. Richardson, 'Mrs. Widdis;' eghing, fam •ily in mornin Wilfred; Fairish; Tho- nias: Dickson;', dropping pins'. in bottle Mrs. L. Fairish, Earl Dickson; small- es and t largest waist line Mrs;: C. •' Pinnell : Mrs. G. oldest er- , Dickson; p son' present -= Angus.•Mse ermid; ,:. y married couple—Mr., a r ( newly p arid Mrs. C: Pinnell. f carr over from s es o las ear. � i i t t ROTEST Y Y t-• S During lunch officers were elected imated b m ?steres that 6000 a o to `' , e • Y g• , . s . , s f 1 ws. Presid nt—Jack !Vanish, RT ' 000 'bushels will be, used for :dome is Ashfield; ti • • vice i � 1. t pies dent—George u oses n' feed a d . 000 • for sed .a3i i'P .. j;, ;,000 r d Richardson; • Guelph• secretary -tress=' :Considerable attention is being f ,used' on, the'' matter' of freight rates on f;. %beat and 'corn,•whereby, the, Ontario 'farmer,. ,. is-claime' '' �` e d to b penalized ..: • by. an 'unfair:: discrimination'' i1 theiie• rates._ .In this regard g a meetingwasheld in Lucks . recently ow and a sinailiar meeting • was held' ' g • . : in Wingbam; on Saturday night.. A few days after' the meeting here Hon.: 1. C. Nixon -`act- in r. envie •of 1F•.,p t Ontanosent'the foil- o - : communication' ' to on Hon. W. D. - Euler' Fede 1:M'"t r. i'$ . e of 'T .. ..Trade and Commerce: '"It .has been drawn to my attention that the export 'markets for OZi 'a• winter .' ' enit,' and the flour ?Mfrom this wheat, havebeen lost'in' past'. fey .years to . competitiu from;,abroad , • "On.. seeking a reason for. -this doss of trade, I find that the freight rates• for' export on Ontario -grown grain are much hi her than' on either g foreign -grown 'grain, or grain :grown in the ,Canadian West moving: in'; the sande 'equipment over •the same,rails ' from' similar: points of'•expert. "No doubt our' farmers: in': Ontario are bearing:the brunt:of these higher ;.freight rates; which' is reflected in the pace na :;bels' 'o iv g Offered. for ()nt- ark) wheat, end I • feel that this sit•: nation ahould corn be ected :•immediate•" 1 y, ,.and � would r - . Mid, � urge that ' mme' • g,date action be taken." The Globe and:Mail. has:' been des • in g editoriallywith , h this. matter: an d we : reproduce in a p part 'an artict[e, Ir apparin , last week. g k: A : wheat crop of , approximately , ••. •8 1 000 ,.,_sh. 000: bushels '' s being •, , is em ..Ontario, 8 harvested `. in; ,:to which• witr 1 be added 1 e- eed. 'Or, taking the outside'figure: urer=Grace Richardson*. Sports—Mrs. ecently given in the Canadian section Salkeld, Elmer Farrish, Grace ;Rich - the : Northwestern Miller,'. 1.4,000, ardson.:Wilfred Farrish; cinch=Mrs. shell of: soft winter wheat may:.'Girvin 'Mrs. T. Dickson, Jr. Mr ' m. Med as seed, feed, flour and Dickson, f •Mrs . T. Sandy, Mrs.., M. a in the! crop year, there Horne.' After . this Mr;: Thomas Sandy; 000,000; - to : 12,000,000 'treated : all .'to a'boat' ride on the lake of 000 b be -consu cereal food will remain . bushels , to be di the market? ;"The situation 'is :Be farmers and 'millers, .es pec iti ,:' ' v , se s a de l likel to z y, become :pdrmanent nl something ;is, done.to, restores the mo favorable conditions prevailing up to the last few. years.''' The crag of the w matter 'seems: to lie in the fact that! Ontario wheat • is discriminated ' ag-' ainst through freight 'chargee;! on ex- port flour as .compared, with freight en Western hard wheat • flour. ' There is little, if any, . competition Between the two (rinds of;flour,for ,taking pnr • Poses. Each has, its place. Yet Ontario: flour cannot' get • into the markets as cheaply as ' Western' flour. sposed of: ,'Wherre„ais'' which was enjoyed•immensel • 1 ` Relatives were present from Guelph, ileus. for both Toronto Oshawa :.Montreal' New York , , w pedally : the Peterborough, St: ' Pawls, South `Por- e b 'merit' supine,• Larder Lake • Gorrie, p . , . Wkdsor, ` Chicago,' ' Saskatch u ens_ g , swan; ,.. Lucknow • re Ripley, Teeswater; Tiverton Ashfield and 'Goderich. a reunion: next year ill be'held 'at the same place;.. • "This rate differentialprevents Ont- ario flour. from Competing foreign in: fore? : markets with , flour from .Austr lia' and other soft -wheat -growing -Count- ries. Canada formerly: ,9u li e ' Pp ed90pr cent 'of the wheat im ported+ into •the` '' West Indies..Last year :Australia obi• `tained 60 per . cent of ',`this b'uainess partly owing 4o` e the' side rciatio p n of the P., Australian ound. Shi seen ` . p ts,from, Ontario' flour znills Were virtually • negligible "No onehes:is • . w to lowere the'rev e nu ofthe e Western• wheatgrawer'.b Y posing : n higher • freight rates on 'cbairs Products. thp� railwaYa • carry Western .,,'ahi menta' throug .h' P .. Ontario for 13' cents ' ,why do''thev die: • LORD TWEEDSMUIR TO VISIT. PLOWING. MATCH • An:, offical visit'' by His . Excellency; Lord Tweedsmuir, Y Governor-General : of 'Canada; to the .International Plow in Match h at• Minesin a g, r ne Darr' - g, ie,. Ont., on Thursday, October 13th, was announced today' by J. A. Carroll, Manager of `this•' annual 'agricultural- event,, , the greatest plowing.. 'match not only in the British Empire; but in HURON TOWNSIiIP HAST COUNCIL VACANCY TO FILL,•' Ta 1111. a• vacancy, in Huron Twp, council caused by the death of John1 Collins,, a nomination meeting will :beheld in, that municipalit next Y °• Monday, and in `the' memories: of oldest residents of • the .Township, it 'is the first time such .'a course has been'nec essary in the' history, :of the -Township. • If • the' seat. is not filled 'b acela - Y. m ation, an election will heldonA `- �... be . u gust 8th.. l9 A the.Ja•� r: line y election. the late Mr. Collins: polled 245 ,votes, Thompson, an; unsuccessful candidate olled 212 otes an ' is { n o .. i'; Y ; .d . one ,f •the candidates proposed '.to fill the un, expired:ter m. Others.. mentioned clude,.W, J•- McKa J. Farrell a -,Y A. and Ralph Elliott. , BUSI NE B . ,_ SS I�1 EFS �' • l 'SALE 'OF DRESSES, Friday, July 29th and. Saturday, July .30th. ; Crorue in, in the morning. and get a Good Dress for $1:00 THE -MARKET STORE. • ` HOFFMAN'S Mid -Sumo? - .sale er sa_e continues until Saturday.. Big bar', gains in all summer wear. Free guess• in contest— ou 'ma win.h g Y 'May , a new bat.. .LIGHTNING- KILLS VALUABLE LE L:... CO TS IST:: HELENS, NEWS)' During the severe ;'electrical storm .here on. Monday night, : Mr:. =David Todd had two':valuable' year=old colts ' r killed.` • Mr and Mrs. Wm Bell.' • ,.; , ., , of Pine River; were recent guests of Mr and Mrs. E: 'J.' Thom and other friends. Mr: 'Robert.: McQullin of Sudbury is s ndfn ' • va "o ' pe gfa esti n at home here. Mrs. • .MeBai� of.?Toro ''sn oto 1 a :vis- itor' at::Mr. ••John McQuillin's. Rev. >Mr: Watt of Oakwood United 'Church occupied ;the ' ul it here on , P e,p, p •. Sunday `morning. , Next Sunday :-the: services e ices •: willber in ..cba ge , of 'the ' Y. P. IT, 'with Mr:' Clarence McCle aghan of • Whitechurch es' special speaker: • Misses M. E.'and Elizabeth alkel �s d Of Goderich, were !visitors. on Monday with ' Mrs, R. Il;:' Miller' and Mrs. Gor- don. 'Mr.' and'r .• Mrs.', Wm. Leitch.of � "-• i. De troll •'are 'spendi : • the'week.`with Mr, ng, and Mrs.. E. J.' Thom and other rela-' tives, rrien's :Institute will be held in -the tionri;') AUgust . 4th. Roll. call "Where Earl putnin,..cotivener: Prograriri. coin: Pherson., Ilosteasea!--Mrs. 'Lorne Dur GOrihip of Ottawa :Vent . sawn V. the 'entire'' world. - : f a e da Mand 21 :cents for freight originating in ' this Provmq, ' e . Is 'it. becausethe-interests- of• the. Ontario ri farmer r oa e' a 'closely not s Wet'. ched' b' Messis; HoweEuler Y .and Euleri�a§ ursh one o t f the West byr• es M srs. Dunning,.: and Gardiner? n It. . appears that u les. s an ad}us tment'is made. 'Ontario 'wheat grow.ing—is,�going..._to- tiave a' serious setback." • tween, ,000,Oho and3;OOb`OOp •bushels O the gue W.. E ,: Gordon. Member s oft es of g .nisthe Whi • on Wednesday: afternoo special • speakers was Mi Blyth.% . Mr ''.a and Mrs. R.. Woods "Mr. Mrs:'` Lorne •Woods Mrs: • Ale' x Mur di n , e and Miss Charlotte,Johnst n -%'ere o. recent visitors• with th':' Mr. . '.and_ -Mrs% Harry •Durnin, Seaforth., e<•`• . M' w . S. were techu . rch W ' M. S. on, when the Miss ys' visitingfriend ' here 'as s b . ler - t r sister in- �. f �aw Mrs. Skelton ef, and �LOEAL and GENERAL) FOR ' SALE T,yyobedsdresser,, kitchen table and *44.,' kitchen range.—Mrs. R. MacCallnm. Miss ,Jean McMillan,,, spent the; :Wee end at her home, here. Mrs '' ,•_;...Fred Nixon wbo, ha , bee u1te: ill is tl ; ro'v • , nk g . grey Y �P. gd, .. . •. Dgorge i ,. -ave H s spending tpgo ",weekd holidays in Detroit with his aunt,. - iss Mil,dred..Horne._ Monda is Ci olida - is ' k. . - ...... y . y G H .,, I! , Lucnow and will beobser,ve00 as such by will age merchants. ' - "' Mrs; 'James '.Cook: ;; of Toronto is -visiting: with relatives in Lucknow. and: neighborhood: r i's Alton ''•Fen o"•n auonon was soloist in. the U:nitef d: Chuurcah Sunday • morning,'' , Mrs H Th' soR1 • 4m� n. and Wilard sire visiting, at Sullivan Quebec; with Mr: and • Mrs, Win. Hewat. Miss; Aileen Reid is spending `a few. days of her 'vacation with; her grand - Parents Mr. and• Mrs. Thomas, Reid. Mrs E.. G. Bourne from • Sierra Madre, ^'California, is visiting at; the home of her sister, Mrs. Thomas' Reid, Mrs. Bert' Ward; Who, last week was confined to Winglam!Hospital with a' knee injury returned home on Satur-' Mr. Norman Taylor .has returned from V'ietoria Hospital London`wbere 1?e 'un'derwent 'a double antrum oper'at-, ion. Members of the Horticultural .So- ciety who desire bUi,0 for fall Plant- ing, leave their orders this week with the secretary. Rec est vi ?tors ;with ,Mr, atid',Mrs.' Austin': Solomon •were 'Mrs. Wili"Me 'Guire and familyYof •Detroit. and -Mrs. Curran • of:. Pittsburg. • • Mr. D. C. 'Taylor, .who has ,been in poor health for a . long period' was •taken seriously i11 last Thursday, but .s s�oinewhat'improved this .week. Dr. an: d Mrs. G: ' W. McGregor and: g. daughter Donna, :left on Saturday for Chicago, or Chicago, a#tar spending wweek � is iting in town and the surrounding neighborhood: • We understand Mr: .Wm -••.' McGill: has' purchased the residencejust east of the village; at present ' occupied, '11Y Mr. and Mrs:. Wellington: Nixon' and. Wilt takeossessi in p on n October: Mr. Mrs. ., nd.Wm.,'$inchloe: and daughter 'Isobel ;from'Chita o g , who are spending their vacation 'in 'one of Mr. Hewson's cottages ,at the foot of the Boundary;' spent: last Friday with Mrs:'. Ken o chl e s sister; , lldrsP. J 17 cMillan, . .Mrs ' McMillan returned with them and will spend ,a weak 'at the , cottage. CO R U . RIEw.S-.CORNERS. Mi.. David Fairish and daughter Margaret of.,: Semans, Sisk, ,are iting with Mr. and 'Mrs. Wilfred Far rich` and friends.' ,Miss Marjorie McWhinney • of : Dun- gannon visited with :.Miss . 'Myrtle Johnstone last' week. .'""Miss..' 'Isabelle a e1 e. Scott,:entertained a number of .her friends to ,a birthday Harty one afternoon. Mr.' Bower Fairish of ,Gorrie vis- ited with is-ited:'with; Mr. Jack Farrish for a week Miss Evelyn 'and Elaine Little 'had. their tonsils removed ` ' moved . <in ' f, roderieh Hospital on Saturday:. Mr.and ' ... Mrs. Wesley • Alton • and family. o ' 'Lo Ff. n don are visiting with Mr. andMrs.'D avid' Little. ' Miss Vera LittleWWI a taken n Mond . ay -eveningto London on forteeth ' te xtras- dofn, by a specialist,' U • JulyulJulygale contin • . continues w s• I er & : Better '.n : Ever __. VOILES—whde the = last'° Reg: 39 x.-.- � c,.Saler:,,,,,.,, ;CURTAINS. AT I•IALF PACE YOUTHS' BATHING' SUITSPur ' . , a woo,(.: Itea',;,$1.50..Sale,! , . 5SOCKSESLest .._eX top. Size6,.6 ►/ a, ?... Reg,y . 25c., y LINEN TW N 2 9T99„25c, FANCY RAYON TABLE: LOT,H,..S Qx.r O Sale ,;,.,::,.,K.r •39r 0... 0 SUMMER, DRESSES, GREATLY I;VEI)UGEti Q +',I RAYON'BED: PR ”—lar ,.S FADS gesizc ..,.. : BLANKlTS-- kre wool double1aSkels, S ec.alai r . ?,00... socKS—S MEN' Sil"` ' oo • k. & . IVY... 1 socks, lastex ,ta s. Pair .•r.Sr O.• • .CK E ES=Men.s , ,,.�.... ..:.., L tea S,,.o..c.,k,ee8.;.Pair, , ...._ 30c, .A.BOOK TOMOTHERS Y'ITH BABIIS Disposable ,• Diapet. Pkg, ,•� .:.., 25c. ieton DISMISSES CHARGE In police court in Winghani last week Ma istra g • , to J.: A. Makins •, d isinissed a reckless driving 'charge. against Mr.' William; Henderson, sixty-eight •year year- old resident of Teeswater. Mr. Henderson; returning; with a party of young:'people° from Kintail on June 27,, struck the girder of a bridge •,south of Wingham: on the London-Wingham road. The :;car turn- ed over with the.'result that several of the young people were injured,. and the Car wrecked In • evidence it was shown that'the driver had been blinded by. the lights of Approaching cars; and because :.of the narrownes of s . the `bridge and, tan..he.struthe.si ,a c k, de,,of the, bridge approach. Mr. '''Henderson has been driving for' ' 32 r andthis' ,y,ea s his` is the ,first,•ac- cident: he has' ever. had.' Prior .to' the a,cci dent hmotor trip.: u HELD 'BRIDAL. SHOWER FOR MISS BERNICE • LOGAN Mrs. ,Walter Lane, Ripley-, -.held •a- bridal shower . at her ho last me est week in honor'' o -'Mis' s; Be? sles .Logan, ,Teeswater. Friend' and`' l ` • s re ati3'es of the :bride=. to -be `were v` in ?ted. 'Ths .liv-' lois room was decorated in (pink and white, using hollyhocks,' to • roses; and hydrangea �• A f,we. g mes:. ofbri bridge Weie• played; , after which Miss :Caro .Y l n ,Ann, Lane, cousin of the :bride-to-be ;dressed as .: a bride, wheeled in the'.' bab ' cart, ,.: which was '• decorated.: in pink, and .on. whichl, babylto 00 es were. tied. It wag.. loaded with gifts, which the bride to-• be. receivedvery gratefully, thanking everyone. 1,.. g A t ''lun >n Y, , h s the . s `• n . er ved ill the ' diningdai•roomc, was ' the table decorat lona being -in pink' and ' i white'' also.' Thi' brideelect's.- mother; Mrs. ,Harty Log an : and her •. aunt, . Mrs, Ben` Lo' gttu; poured'tea:, 1' PEOPLE ':STILL GET' G00 Good • Things to eat . at R �arsS R.• li • • GOLDEN CRUST' BREAD as your ;daily bread. ; The Bread that has . a r' different flavor -from, all others: • , SPECIALS FOR THE WEEK END- AND 'HOLIDAY Chocolate to 'and Cakes; e Light.k s�'�•: , VaRet "o Tarts'•:• Y f _,ch Choice Cook ies,, Raisin, Lemon, .Raspberry and Bluebery:: Pies, • ICE, , CREAM' . SODAS. and SOF(`' DRINKS AT R� I ,S pp �, 1 AICERY 'PHONE E 68 •' ' • Teacher: Willie, define the word 'puncture.' • Willie A II •'unetu P re ' is a little hole in;"•a-`tire, usually found: a 'g 'great. dis- tance t from a garage, • . , • Mrs. ;Jones:.. "When doe, S.. your. hus- band:find time.,to'+doall'his''teadi ' ng •,, Mrs; Smith: "Usually', •when -I 'wan= to tell.hn1 sotnething. "', ether, said the .ministers son; ear-Old.•Pre'serves "m `teacher . • ,. y says that ;bollect and t s. -Mean', ' o nett ar.; a of b congregate mean• . the ' same thin lack currants, . g• ire, er d• Do: they ti,, .. .' .. .• .. .. ! . �.. � thirty=five years?' ago :was..., , opened •recon tl .b • ;•,, �, Y Mrs. Y J1 of ri ;SIM, Perhaps, . my',: son; ' Perhaps: n ' p. .Ps.• they 'nobs of Brussels...:., said ,. an�..Ilwithou do" r " tan Y ,•.the elergy'man:_ But,theres rad`ence-- --- • ' ' ' �••- •'" . ; ... of m.ould-�iPon it, tasted as a vast di er '' F encs::etween,a con re f •. g g fresh and sweet as .newly preserved anon;' and •a `collections" • ' fruit • WE `A R.E AGENTS -. fog' COUNTER CHECK BOOKS PRINTED `GUMMED TAPE MADE BY U130 111 �.IFER PROOUC 5 —I -1—Q -I I Stylo$ for every busrnoss Various'colIc/irs and designs Samples- Lggestions and Prl ces wr ouh ions obli r 9 a . e. den tln el .1,4iflM.-fw.: • �.r