HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-07-28, Page 71, • §.?N,M4.04; 4,1713,P4PTI..1 AND • W,EAlc • 440.9.es,. chaPtera'.13716. printed, text, hidg, 14.•:•11, 6; 154 11-141•.16:15-21.• . • • ., •Ptilden Tozt.-,137, strong 14 the. tord, and In the ..strengtly of .1.41§, ..ntight. • Eph, 6:10, • '• THE LESON.IN:I.Ts..N'iTINQ • 'Tinie.-TIte datee foi. Saitison'a Hfe•kanutit :he ascertained.Withab, :Salute aceuacy. Ile lived betWeen': 1150, Re, and 1110• . , tbree°,prinelpaiails; or .piv: Zorab,:'finirteeit west of •Jer'nsaleni.; on the, nertli-wes,* border Of Jodi); • and the philistine. city :of Gaza, in , ' the southern enq of the, province:of on 4 -he -high ,reatLberween EPR,.t..•110.4,'.1‘feeOpoliliaiw:- :-.: The .aaufe .4Sains6n." 'means .."little or "suhlike.".,; • ' • 1 t 8,Duritig • the' . time while Israel • :was, in, subjection to the Philistines ; „the: angel of' the ttird-nppearecl:to sthe wifeof .Manogh, of the tribe of • Daw„livingat tbat•time in the townOf zoth; • about fohrteehInhies tri- rectly, west q(,:0,e"rimal'eni,.a woman, 'who tip to •thit'iinie ,had. b:orne.-ne. to her husband. The angel: ' told (lie wife Of Maitoah not :only' that she'. want& ewiegiVe arid bear ia .son,..: but the : angel 'also told ter: • : • .how the by wtts'to be .brougb't,uo-,thut ' iie'shotid be a Az,arite . unto ' flaktram ,thO day "of his. birth,. and .that1lhe' would "begin to deliver' is. .. rael snit 'of •the hand of the 'Millis.- titics.7 , • . ' .5. "rhea. went Samson ddivif,: and'. his .fatter and •his. /nether, 'to and••••eUthe to Abe.. vine.)•nrils' Of tind;,•behold, a'. yOutig lan : roared -.against 2111in., 6, And the Sah'it ; of Jehovah , Came: lnightjly pea .Ilini, find- Iie ieit hiin as ' he ••voii1d itaVe, rent. '4. oricl,Ile; had , • oothing• 'hi,. his hand: but te . told ,.• •• not his father.: or :ilia -Metter; Whhe 1id done,at" .• Of. thiS dar'ihk 'deed, • he spoke licit a Word :to.lti*, 'invents,: • ,reVealitig',at once ill abirit.',Of.; . fly and tack of all, ,boastfulhess: 11.. ',Then: iltree 'thousand :met' Of • Judah went::dawh te....; the ,,eleft of of EtaM,' and said to • son, Icnowest thout not tht „thePhiljtjn , are rt.derS 0Ver..us?:what: 'then is tliis'•thiat 'thou ,haSt deihe .0h- te..na7 , Ant 14'saidnatio thein, i they • didunto. thP, ,s tuitO'thetp;' 12.. Ahd•they'said Ino %V.e:,are- Come clown ,tu blind . thee, that we ihay'deliverlhee, into . the hand of the. ['What:Ines. • , And Sainton said ...hnto...thera. Swear.' to pie:. that ye Will' not .fahl upori nie. . yoin'selves 13. And they spakpilum tO.birn;ssaying. Nat^,inft We Will' bind ' ''d,: , SriY We will hot ka6;• thee fast,, and 'deliver", , thee into their han .kill thee. And .they, bourid:hiM with 1', two new.,ropeS, and la:Ought hini..up t -from. the. rock, 114, :When. he 'dame." , unto. Lehi, -.the ,.Philistines • Shotite(j. as they Met' bitit and the Spirit of..7. •Jehoraji came Mightily :tipen .him and: the ropes • that'. Were upon his7 arms' b.icatiie as'.flax that was burnt : with fire, And the bands dropped• • • , . from off,. hia hands: . , His Judgship The judgship of SamSop,..i. stun- • inarized zi one:hrief, ve,rse (15:29). This .period of , twenty years ,;••.' at least in, part, is contemporary with 'the judgeahip ot Ei Notting is :said of Samson's eoundils,•nor of'. • any liniprovernent mgoveriiment, • ,:itor of (r.,general, streagthoningf.of the tri hes of lerael,:-Sahisen play.t ed alone hand; 'whatever was done he did, and many thing* that. could •• he done only by milted conricil and • effort werenever undertaken. . verSe of the fifteenth, ObliPter would have. inade • a •,fkae. co.nclucling. sentence ,to Samson's.: "I • life; but.ne, this is not the en ; J110g. 164-22.. . in the valley St/reit, hear Santatin'S, hatiie ,t .of 4,0rah,the; fell. in love With,. mao by the Pattie of Delilah, W they heard it, she was apProa hy the lords of thes-philistines,. ••• each:offered her eleven -.lam , Pieces Of.silyer;.an aM0.144.eatta aboht thArtk-„three`,...litilltired • if she would..obtain fr.ora Sam 'a stateMent seere Jis streirigth., Tho Nei that' Del • allowed .herself to be hribetl, • potiAtanfly Sought to' Obtain in mation for the she knew would :Mean the. ultirn , death of Samson, ' isan abso , proof • that Delilalt dld 110C, re love this man,. A Vow Eitike15. n And she said mit°. hint,. I -low . canst ,thou say, I .love thee, when ' thy.. heart isnot me? thou • haat inoeited me these three. times, and hast not 'told me, wherein thy' great :strength lieth. 16. And it came to. Pass; when she/ pressed him' daily with her .words, and urg- ed thatti* Soul was vexed un-; Ito' death: 17. ,Ahd he told her all 'hts, hea'rt,"and Said, 00tO her, There , , hath not 'come, a .razor untin spy- , head; for. I have been a' Nazarite ,'anto God from my mother's womb: : If :I be shaven, 'then my strength ; go from me, and •I 0a.11 become ...weak, and • 'he like' any other. niam 18; And. when Delilah, saw, that be had told her all his heart, she sent 1l1(1 cdnie this once, •• for, 114....hat1 told inc. all his heart, • Then the lord.§ of • the Phill'stines • , ie S;:. d is te•• 1011:••• cited NV,i10- dred:• , • t to; 4610,, J04 for- LiCh ; ate, • late ally.. , . came tip unto her, atia-..brought't) Made, him sleep ,upon, her ;knee "..thade hi* slep", upon her knees; an she :called, .tor Mali; and alittie off the to lacks of his: head an ' she began to afflict him,' anti h strength „went' froni him.. We at notcOmpelleci to believe that San. .,Stufss actual power 'residid in, hi 'king liti1r:.-'74-lre1Mwer-which he,lra :came, froth godeu4ingOi his hal . was 0 deliberate breaking of hi Nazirite V.OW,,'and that at the hand of a•womao ,with Whom he Shotil .never have had. association.•Sarn ,soir. did not lose his aaweisiinpl because his hair Was shorn, but Oo took Way hiS power because h •fillb-Wed ill's Woman to • talce:frOn liini the tokens: of such Power. ,:, in Othe ot ds his'kink hair ..t.iras, a ..niark :Of SeParation, and, his yieldingsCo Delilah Were' a', series of de •• ..libei•ate, violations of ` his '.ow of senaration.- , .20. And she said, *The Philistines •are 'upon • thee,. Samson.. And he ass oke out of his sleep, and : I :will. go Out. tis at, other times and shake inyaelf: free. But he knew ,friet"; that.' Jehovah was .. departed littletiniele fall- ed to realize the spiritual 'disaster that had :dame upon: hiin. But . for a "little time .ohly, . Eyeless In Gacia' • • 21..And the Philistines laid hold ' on.him an:d put out his' ey'es;:•. And the brotigilit him• doWn to Gaza,'' and: bohlid' him With fetter* of• brass; and he did grind in the 'pri-.•• son house John Milton has packed whole booklirito Otte Inc referring • to this, verse, '''Eyeless in •Oaza, at the:mill with slaves.," ,Thesaddest. tragedy 111 all the world, is a d • ,once..kneW the power. of the . . , . „„ .• libly. S pirit,.and who now walks, the at reeta.. of,' some great dirk, or,. is ', butied in.-. the. clittage :. of an , ' knoWn countr.yside, withoht„power,:. • Without Work, wit hOut joy,,.. ith on t the' leading,'Of Gocl...'.'He knoWsa. w..4.rineostjtai-tappr-In °Veer glire*-4- .„..,for he , wakens' every mornink More', .''tireti and.. weary:than „when he Went to sleep the 'night before. " • entist Fashions "Artificial Nail - Makes Wax One For Injured Thumb , ..' Dr,.ing,C:1,-.‘veland . 'dentist, has, tleSigned What is • • probably the World's.,first titilitar- - iari And .•Dr, Manning Smashed kis' right . • thuirill antoinobile • ilder.1 This' a4cirleilt:OiltNed four-fifths df • : the nail- to ,itiosetv... ". The daMaged nail canght oti • • nearly everything „In', Il 0011 • totichell-:-,,a, 'severe rm. a ttetaiSTY`', : Melted Iplo ' To. Pertiedy 1 his sit nt ieti lie a Way the ieegeire4 n,11(1 coated his thuimhWith'. siift 'wax to' proleCt' hinis'elf ago i 111111s • I'" then. api"?Iied • bita of flitted' lieni :ft „ WaX' A fiff ti I t iliont int O 'The use of snmtpapetc a11',1 .a the nail a. real fst 411)11e:1V' ; L. :Ill% no tt (volt; retilircenient:everk: Other day. IteweVer it giv,es pro-. t� tion to .1Titi" iititgel anti , tint .ibletter,•-With-growth,,ef the PAW nail, lie said.; • weden Escapes The Depression Has On Hand Raw Materials tct StipplY: Other Nations; Edatroni, Swbdiali l. dtistrialfst,.Said at •WaShingtan, last • Week, thati„:S.Wdden Vat' felt the de- )ression hen tnan other becatme lt °hid world•renitired,,, In nn intervieW,'Edstrom toot Is. • sue. 'w IA the opinion 'will& he 'said •: fOUild; ourrent in this cOnntrY,.. ito '6 -Operative •MOVOnient had 'preveifted l',•evere, depreailon itt his.'eahntrY,*. Lots 'of ;Steel, Lumber , '11148 "ee-imerutlyes': had nothing i•,;ft Pty ltd•i1:i NV 01 a •tri0IS.',•41 ti'tt •PrOiltrdt8 titeA ;World delitand&i.,!' 1l hien- . i..<111 OA 14)1111er 'and • steel. 1 r • IM5f..1'(,)11' talk 61 IV 11 li rePOrtetS in the t",ompaity: ot Olssaili a. fae-... 1.001: Warker", 014 Artht 4beret. rtt' 'fArirtrr';01:4S4,011 Id ()bag Were in or ,;(1.0 Meat IA; Sweden, 1•.`,4tr0itt And GISSOiragreekr.thak. Of :1-1Vviidiali WcnIketa fi 0 -t ..the, W. ..0tOrn ;110;140.•: • Oncemoie safely in their mother's, arms, LaWrence •Stuffle, sik,, and his two-year-old sister, Isabel, are wondering what all; the exeite- ment is about after Spending twe days and nights in the dense bush arid marshes surrounding Pleyna, Ont, Three hundred .seatchers combed the countryside for DO liqura•in` search of the lost 'babies, wha emerged from the woods by themselves, none the worse for their experienc,&. The only food the children ate, duringthe two days,: was some rasperries• that Lawrence ,pieked and fed. to his siter.: • Swing Devotees Need Treatment, . , . In Advanced-. Stages, Say. EX:. , . Perts-r...1tfs.Toyinif with Vio- lent &notions. ,iniisic; and the Conemait,'' tint:frenzy Of "jitter -bugs'', has been . ,apalyzed by • McGill • psychologists . and mus huthoritlea. Their judg- . ment puts the matter 'sntiarely up to psynhologists as one for potenti-. al clinical treatment.' , Here Is the musical .atithdrities' opinion t .the closest,ap; prbaCh to Swing'musie in our mtitie libraries Is contained in some ..ot:.• .1 the works: of Tchalkewski.., Tills'. • 'conitioser live& much of, the thrie:,: under great ,ernotional straiii. • fie was on the verge of 'a Hnevous breakdown dn; seVeratc• occasions... 'Part's of eompeSitions manifest an emotional frenzy eyident"iti.Serr40,•ewitg mnusc Svving niusic Is •o.bViqusly..toying with „yip- .. . . lentetriotiori*.", • •.• • • The .psy,cholcits delve ,deeper inle:'•the niental aspects of *Wing' . musc "Swing,milsie is ainanifes- tation of the jaiaginaticiii run 2and...0.1i,the'riart• Of thehearera a re-' Tease a mental;inhibitionS,, inmt a p of emotional presAu.e• generally due to frustration or feat} The savage. of 'Africa, whbs,e nhutStC has been 'declared closely altin, to „swing ninsic, was •howecti . dein by a litindred differeht super, ' Stitions, and trilial...triboos.„ His 'only.; :release from.' the . •weight .of these taboos and snperititions' Was to vvork hirhself, up. into' an •emotional , frenzy in Which, for a time; he, lest 118 fear •and superstition'. 2,• Peet's); ..ofially a. savage did .not return '1,4. • theno,rnial State: 1.16 ran, aradk,',' istep14, RA010 • LO gg 1 311 . -1C-33 .fX1C • tolig‘I a' 1,4 Britain Accepts anicia's Poultr3r • the .poultry, iharistet IdPrIng, the Pres- trY Prod -Peers ShaP1.4 111,arket.4 PQr- t,ion. 9f their chiekens At between, three Andi„ five'pouiis dressed Ne.Ight ahrt244.•particular Care tp. see' that, they are: fattened befere ',sale So that 'they :,cah,' Ite exi)Orted , • it •necessary." '.• ctIck.en'19: CoO,ti„Pernand " at yThisba ihg conveitetr nntler the 41181?1,6esof the .PoultiT Ind•ustries&Continittee or Ontatio to ceasider.ltefis, to he taken to handle' the .1933 -.cropOf dressed peultry. Last year the Are- eridAn inat,dtet.t.00k UPI-Yardsof six rniljion polindS, of Cariadian:poUltry. .This Year it ..appears that this amount will 'be ver3'; materiallY 'cur- tailed on account of rower prides., op the American market 'till* Year. A. gon0. deal of e'ontidence was ,••,.pressed that;•`...Witti the sm1I stocks ' of Poultry in storage OA- year and, 'the favorableoutloek on the Brit- ish. market,there, isan outlet to take cate 'af. all the well finished Poultry .00adian• producers have te offer: ,Cahadian!e'hiciten, aS result,' of iii evion's. export, IS in good de.-' man& On the Britishlinarket , and Prises there are higher ••tban. they, ' have been- for in,a0f:years, • F'atten. Them Well‘• Ta bring the beat' prices' eilport poultry has to 'be well 'fleshed and fattened to the point Of grad•ing Milkfed' A or Milkfed 3 t *Vva pointed .e.ut'that,a stib,statitial 'pre- ' .mium is offered bY the trade for' :well finished chickensWith .feed, co[sting less: thisseason.' it; appears that it Will, be 'more prlifitable.thith last year, • ".• • ill Colonize Utopian Isle Australian Seeks to Establish -"International GoOdwill Set- tlement". on Nultahiva in Marquesas Group; Has AP- ' plications From Many ,Lands, ' MELEOUNE, • .AuStralia: f . Wtiat'etty, toiler .has not dreamt., at some time ,or another, of es- cape to '4'.1Onely -tropical , island ,Where he dcmid. live 4 close to na- ture freed' from., the stress and • strain of 'modern civilizatiOn? Fred , Briggs, of Melbourne,' taehed. until .qUite recently to the ' Photographic section of the HoYal::' Australian Air •Force, ha$ not , been content with dreams.. ..Fle . :has' set in action and alinos.t pleted plans for thefouriding if a . Utopian apiOny in the South Seas, _IP be knovVri as tbe International, - Goodwill:Settleinent. • , .:NoCieus of' Eighty , • -To it "may belong all those who.. :areabre te pass, a Stringent. in;Qi- : cal eXaMiriation, whoare_willing to abide. by the ruleSof the Tom-. muriity ,and, who :can .dontrilinte $400 to ..a comMunity, fund. There'. , • 6 100- , 100 go 0 p00: 1100 • In inaugurating „.this..column of: ,"Air Wave News" theT, editorial department ask the co,.7trperation. of its readers to write and tell: us what interests you, the most in ' radio. comment' and news. Juit address, "Rai:R(1114.c\ olomni" Room 4,23, '734AdelaTOiOnto. '.1CANADi4 ,FANTASI'm rg Canada,..:her beauty,' hermusid, her Place in the *Odd of scien- tific -invention, .wilt be the motif . of a programme Which will orig- butte' in the -studios of ,theCana-. 'diarr--131-eatiraStineVerPOraiion ,at . Tbronto, , Tuesday, August 2nd, , 3.90 to 3.30 E.D:S.T4 Tor the radio- ,audience of Great :Eiritain : Theugh the rneditnn ofmusic coMplemented by. episodic .scenes and .Songs in narrative form, ,the Canadian influendeiwill .be shciWn 'aS,that of'a young and virile pion- eer people, with a full ,sense of achieVement, and independent idea, even' in the realm of 'MUSi.c.. Percy '. Faith, conducting his famed "Streamline?' 'orchestra Will • interpret the Classics'and the mod- ..erna in typical Canadian, -or .?new world". style, And he will haYd, an array of Canadian radio talent as „feattired artists, Stitported by the , ••• Specially Written intisic Will pro - .vide the attnosphere of ."Ctinadian- scene", Whichwill hatiia particular referente,to Canada's' part in., the development ,of pragranurre will `conclude With an original: descriptive satig.r, "Radio',41in Which an impression- : ist style,„ - Ttints Wet,' Will Carry the story o an, impressive Allele, "Canadian Fan'tdby" has .been eetiqpived and written by lohn ..kaimawiii, • the • reducer Who will be in charge - rthd btdadeast. pol=ey Faith hag Vritten. and artanted , the Impale ' hitir is -chiefly original and some f which will be heard foi thc first7 line I:luring:this 0/1.0-1jB pro- grannne. Tlid broadcast ; be „ heard on the te.±'.'cOast:Li ,111..eHttftipti•-liti)0thek0;--4t.7-tt1ittle4netWOrk t •'• tit addition 'good nattirodly. about the being tent. by :short wave • to • „ nee, 'MO' woo ;se° :listeners. throughont, GI/eat Rrit, ain. * '* AIRLANES GOSSIP , For the "early birds?' the • ,Breakfast Club' program offers a - generous and highly pleasing mix- ture of Music' and Comedy. Wel- • ter. Rlaufuss and his orchestra with'featured vocalists really "ga- •to-town". Start the day Of with, aGood Morning." ;This program is aired by the NBC Elite Network from •MOndaya to , Saturdays '- at 9.90 to 9..55 . light ,Saving Time. ' The final,special program in the • National rarm And Horne ROM. , wilt be heard ,on. July' 28, from 12.30 to, 1.30 ptin. ever the NBC Blue Network. This program is ' from the Seventh. wood Poultry, Congress advance meeting at the Ohio Rxperibient Station at Woos- ter, ' Ohio.' • The. •n•duat daily, pro- OW118 ofthis.:popularhour con,- sist of national farni.news, echica- tional talks, ,inusid; entertainment and ;special feattires, presented in cooperation with the S.- Dez- partment of Agile -White and vari- ous farm 'organizations. Don't foget daily '(Monclay to &Aut..' day) from' 12.30 to 1,30 p.m. -Eat- , ern Daylight Saving Time. , all,. "jitterjheg0'. who., groove" , ,teit, to Benny PennY gebdinan• and ,the • Swing School, prehehtdtVWeekly . Cantel,Olgaretteg over the Col- umbia Brotide.astiiig,'.SYSteni front ' -tP-1-6.06-p,in.--tadh'W,brk the orchestra plays the mest-peptilat :as 'chosen '.by.„„, ',the ,itudenteef, the Swing -School, einlierz--TiieSdar •9h40 p,nt‘-.:CO17•,, timbia ,Ilroadctisting,Network.. ',Henry. Hunter radia And aditett , * *, ' . • . actor, and :Det:ty, • WitAtier_"re astairect 'togeth-er. In. "A.ftotney,n't- Law," a neW weekly • NBC' show -'Whieh 'replaces the' Tuesday evon- ing-Ifibber it for Alto tawnier Months g• -only, • • • • „ is a nucleus eighty or so,- at. readY.,. :The, island 1:;4r.fliee is N.t.4.0„1-tiya ,the 'MarOueSas group, nninb,413:- ited (there; was !Mee' •,popplation ); 47. miles square,. and a fertile, land of .broad, well ' 'Watered: valleys lying between ilerL dure-elad mountains. running UR te 4,509 • pe From, ,the Presie4.4 Since the scheme was an- nounced hundreds of letters have -poured in from all -Over' Australia. Most of the: writers 'could not af- ford the necessary,$400 'Alia fare anfi2eNPenieS $0111e dEoppell out becanse•there were .na miSsionar- ies,, some beeause.there ,were no " cannibals, -sOhic ••' kieckfasel they. thought' there might he..s'ifakeS,', Present 'members range •inage - freni';12' months ,to.,:70: years and . differ in tastes,. ideas., and, back- ground. •All are united in their belief in a Utopia ltitl their desire" to escape from' what, they feel •ifi the ugliness ”ok present, diviliza-• Canadiang At Peace Meeting . . World -Wide .Jubilee i.burghsIlasts Ten °falai Canadian .delegates, • including Mrs: George Spencer,.',of '1Woucton,:N.B.,,president of tlie-Na-,. ,tional 'council .or , Women. of Can::. •acla, are ..attending the 12 day jnbi- . lee meeting of ,the IrTferns.tional , • .Cotinejl-of \\ amen opeeed, at Edinburgh jhly 11: Several. other ' by liarones's Re1 inm Nsionat g acorecl4ed obscr.vera... ' Canadign wemen 'were 'present: as ,-The-,ttleetiiil.;,, Was' 'preSided -over , Councilsof.: Women well knoWn fel' the W C 4. work ;and:, . ' activities' the Pirl. Guide riMVe-•', Meat. 13y• lie'''. .8100 ‘vasthe honor- • ttry 'president; isslibel, ..Mardhioness of:Aberdeen•and T,einairo one' of the Soundei's'and the ,nrst•President,,an. ofhee 1e lied contintronSlY for '44 •• yet -la's:. She also organized the Na-, 'tionai Council of Women • of :ban.... ada in 1S•93 when, .a.s.,Wife;of Can • ada's governor-general, she: :Was "First. Lad y" Of the DoMiniorf. Al.,. • though More' than 99. 'year* f age,„ she • retain.s an '•actiVe interest, in the --..c!,;inadian ahd•offic.ially opened by raille ,frorrrher home in Scotkuid the recent• 4h ,annual, ttleetitig• ill ,NTaiiseouvels. ' Lady ,Aher (leen. was liOnored Jiily, 12 1111e0 the I.ady"Atie:tdeewl. rnaii ter -the- '.15.1.6iiintio1 of WOrld: Peace .waS dedicated OffielallY • to the Catiae, of repre'sentatives of. '.a 110U8 :countries who:: will 'aithohnee.,.. the:. amounts -their countries have, peklged Canada gave 4O0•• ' They Don't Agree Mr, N'exygent of N.• 'York State Says he's reached 101 .becauSehe7S. never touched alcohol oi tObacco. , • :But 11:11:7-s,--,Belle.- ,lahoma, attributes her ,108 years. "to beer ..and :•a pipe Of tobacco ..Since she was. 16'; 1 Youn rn Actress HORIZONTAL 6. Canddiari :borri•piettire • .star. 11 TO study . press' •. , protector:. 14 Aroma". 161To bathe: 17 Alluvial • 'matter. ' 18.1-leatilong plunge„ in • .• water.; • n• , 19 Deptitie's. • , 23 behold:, 24 Red stones ' ; 28 Beeaine wan , 32 Imbecile, 33 Marriageable 34 Punctuation mark:. 35 Ronan Janguage. 36 Parent, 37 Maids. 43 Thi'reach' a , • - 'Answer to Previous Puzle MINH= ElEIR s 1 D RIM 111011LNININ 0 E MECO 151 E 1.11 10111013111 IMMO A: rEictlif41110 Milan lin c I . PP WM LW 1 Iiii El EMI I MI T ER NIA N ur LENIN mop IN R x, lilluA N E Ealfil CIEI MIR filliiCIEIMINI EliiiiN MEM 1111101iig ' GM Gil 12 El iliOni CialDIBRIENLI11114151 INIAIM 48 Pertaining to . a tela, • , 51 Constellation, -52 Tract. .„ • • 53 Empty., • 54 Mole. • 56 She reinarkable 'child- 1 •(PO, 57 She ,bas "a , carefully , ,Vice. 2 ROof edge. ' 3taat word of a, 4 Scolds- cotistautIy.„. 5 Monkey. ---- - 6 Dewer ' • - property.1: 7 Up' to.. . 8 To atigur. . 9 Pertalhitig'. to. an id. - 10 New star.' .'place. VERTICAL 11 She sings 47'Snakelike fish'. 1r� trail ' ' I Z • 3 " 9 ' 10 18 Corded fabric 1.5 Recession. w ill. • )131U1s‘ 26 Bi•ink. • , 27 POrtygutse 29 •Striperi-e,totir.l' 0 kin -die -cf. 31 P__I'optiet:' 36 oh6 who% 33 Pertaining to • Ophrossesr.lLe%ci. 40 '91 Ado.' .92 Wing. 45. Nretai: . 4464 va:anielexii.7. 90 .18nedinutr:iott' s insect. 52 toike. 55 17.61.(1 pu hwy. • 141. 18 15 19 20 2,5 .3-7- 39 44 47 95 "'";••••••- 46' 52 54 55 hairs Were Used oYalt hey Were Once the Exclusive Emblem of Power And .• OfStat The next- time you can't get a. seat in a :bus or street ear . • member that for" many centuries' ' the 'chair was, .the exciuslve. eni- - tlern .pf power and Of state; it Was- intended for and nsed-,..Only.... by kings high;'digriitaries. TO 'this 'day it-reipains thesymbol of ' authority, for. at Meetings that ard Condncted, actordin,g tO forMal • we still address.`the Chair": Previous-•tO ..tb4 .sixteerith cen- - •t_nry, henches,..:;-stOols Sand, cheats , Were the seats of the cOmmon" people. The Renaissance, 'how- , ever, brought the chair .into mere, !, '..general use- thereafter it re? fleeted the modes and trends of the -periods, " . • , ' 'Cofliei-5atjo Chair" - In the time of billowing ,petti- -cTiats and follsonie robes the . • chair :took, ein' broad proportions to adcoMrhoclate these romantic ' faahions During •the :eighteenth . century and the early part of the ' • nineteenth' . the , `iconversation. .. chair" •enjoyed Much favor with . • the gentlemen. This narrow, artn7 lei S chair "periiiitted the dandy to sit, astride with his face to • the . back of. the :Chair, . his precious' • coat-tails hanging unimpeded over , the 'front. Extra-C:t rviricluiLar e Activities Said m0 Experience. Gained In ,That •Phase of, School Life, Ex- ceeds Worth of Academic . Side Declares Department of Education. , TORON• TO. -Experience' gain- • ed in extra: -.curricular activities are..Of great. Value 'and the inclu-' sion-of such activities as an. irn-' port -ant part ,of,the achatil program js urged- in an outline by, the : tario Deljai•tinerit of Rchication .on ..a ,t4tv: PrOgrariV 'Of studies fpr ,grades',VII and' V11.1.. oft'eletnen, • tary schools. , •• • • ' •• "A.:great • many .adults are of ;he •:opiniare that the, eXperienee - theygained in ;,Organizing :and condueting literary; musical.'and,' ' athletic sbcietics At sehool,was of:'. great vaiiie to them as.,athdents and adults," the t4iie says. "Smile' go so 'far. as ,to.'••say that, ',the value .of such experiences ex- . •• c.eed,thi.atC•f,th•eoirdi' nary: etic wit ':ettng.Alongwthpeoi , Tlfe new program .•emphasizes, .., that no phase of: school life 'offers ...better opportanities' for , learning to get Wt-ralo14 with other persons the corporate life- of the school: .1• ••' • • , "Corporate actiVities provide, - net only 7a• valuable :'trainingin co-operation'hut•A useful discipline •! in . the shouldering Of regponsibil-... itieS,7:it, explains, "And the teach7, erS,,:in the interests of their 'pe' organizations, .should' not •deprive the pupils of; these:responsibilities,' :It is far better that :a. dharapiOnr Ship should, be 'lost ,.or a Concert have a hiteh in it than that' the overzealous Watehfnhie,ss • of the teachers. Should leave nothing to the; initiative. of the: taught:" Monkeys Collect -Jungle Specimens Malay BqtAntista Ost.IVItitikeys: To Gather Plants tr-rDiffi,..'... cult 'Plates. : !' Th liit .mtmbeYs Ca jOine, the Calonial V1iI SeIstce is the.de. ScriPtion.giVen to.three Berok inon-,.• ,kes whichhave,' been .hotight.by •,..the'British ,Mala.yarir goVernment to, .• a8s1,st 'botanis:ts ca eollectuig' 31111 gle Specimens.. , • .,, , TheY-are named jamblv •(Ftizzy7 .hr3ied)d",)Zin•tlIPII•li•h(oNnVgil .Ii.t.etli:'6.'"I)cdosAftr$a1151 (11 ea oh, they have alrea0Y, tayed: the - botanical department thany•linies 'their do:t.,,!. • • Others Gather Ccieehlits The 13brok:mo1ikey i, ttaed• tiS' 1114 :...;11ala.V.. ter ga otot.hig ebC0t1tits btit 'It bbs • ;neve!' .betere been .tfaed..tO e6116et bot1i1cajt1eoiiebistho. pci .ipOo oy 8 aye s, lugIl t as 'sobit ?if it .railob'Ptho, ()rot) voccfriuti ftbni the ei,:p 'A:11, • • The,hlea of ualtig 'rponkeyi 1.6 014 .• le'et botanical svecitnenS Was' .1..q>b, Cetveri it ":,;1„, 11. C.6trier,'Os'ais!,nne dito of the 1161nniez11 tlarden4. 111• 'S:ingttl)cF.I114: .46 '1:1*Ire.et*' .Y11en't Ilitii.;atillit11;1:. ti.. Vt11. a Of' k.) tlt.61)? in6n.k'ey Is: to. , 1th o ‘‘',!fltnot‘-;111te; ., ' taPis)1 k" ' to' hi iso ttlelt tr 4 "bite Off th1it bile,' and „.'"e0iite • "