HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-07-28, Page 4* FOVR • U.:CTmC WE .DING. and eneraI chili Work , Ma_:.eShop No Job Too Large '-,- No :Job, Tqo Small Wt .,, RAVE INSTALLED MODERN AND SUP TO=D;ATE ��`: EQUIPMENT, •MANNED • BY ..EXP D ELPERIENCE ' . Bring; :up• your next job.We.arantee :satisfaction and ' oyr• • estimates are .Within 'reason,,• IRE HUNTER RBRIDGE ,OI1.E4 WORKS. P► ' one 30, ; 6 Kincardin •'• • ' e, Ontariio. • Tie:largest open air dance pavilion!, on •iatie worldis beingraPIdlyPusheq to completion at the Canadian Nation. .11.Fhibih'on,where three autstand in :' Ing d . ce ..;bands -a11 favouritesf 4 • a. rd io arid'ser will . sen d hear • be . These bands' are . Guy : Lombardo... and his'• Ro n and ; ' a d.insthe BGood=. an and i omrny Dorseyunits K1NL000H Rev. R and Mrs. A Townshend Wm of London, visitedlast week with Mr. and Mrs; Karl Boyle. Mr.: Jack; Graham; of Ari Arbour, Mich., is holidaying with his parents Mr an " ._ d Mrs, It A; Graham. Mass Annie MacKenzie, ,10th: corn, visited. • an afternoon last week with Mrs.,' F: A. Blackwell. • Mr, RudySelloff -cif Detroi ,., ... ,_t spent the at the home • M of Mrs. Ade4Hodgins, Mrs; $eiloff and Elroy who have been holidaying here for y ra the. past three weeks, also Mrs, Hod- gins,, "returned- e to Detroit on Sunday: with.1} r Seiloffr Kenneth' eth:• "Hal denb _.. ,_ , of•Tor .' .Y o • is. of v isitIn g with' relatives here Mr. . and. • 'Gerald ' d , McIver ,and. 'there is:no sidewalk alk path- and'You • • must walk on .theHighwa , walk toward the traffic.;- not With; lit! : When• You walk toiVard oncomingtraf .. c,•yovl can watch every car: as, it approaches,.and the " •'•drl' very: call see you: ::'Don t Y risk Your life, needlessly, , dally at S ni ht. =Walk: On,, the' left "s , . ,and; keen' close to the , •• edge Of the road. • id • 41. • ONTARIO DEPARTMENT ;OF HIGHWAYS. Motor Veliicies , Branch'' • vgits- 4• 0 • ra ov i sorer JuLT children were Sunday visitors at; Mr - f. B. •Hodgkinson's, Mr, • and Mrs. Jack McFailan. via-_, rte unda ith inctrd oe friends. d s. •Mrs. Ringwood and sons :Jack and George of Toronto, are visiting at Mr. Arthur Graham's; • Mrs. Jack Schaumacher and: baby of`"Culross are visiting with her. grandmother, Mrs E. J. Haldenby. The,'Au gust meeting of the `Holy rood Women's Institute -wilt be held ch ThursdayAugustth• home ... Y, 4 , at the , of Mrs. Earl Hodgins. Convener, Mrs. Torn Hodgins; assist. con., Mrs; Earl Hedging,' Mrs. Wm. Wall;.. topic—. Public Health. • and 'Child,Welfare ; Cur- rent eventsMaY Boyle; motto—L at winY and ell ss' Bess e d not' too � by Mica L n ;•' rollcall..-The. a ekind: of man I. ,... ., man always intended to marry.. Dernon stratiun in"charge of Mrs B. ''E.. Mcr. Lean. :Lunch Com., Mrs. Earl Hods gins, tiMrs. Aylmer Ackert, Mrs. Ern= est Ackert; SECOND .C:ON, Miss Catherine, and Mr Roy Mc- and Mrs. Angus hlartyn of -Ripley-motored'.to Toronto o"lii. Sunday Rev. Donald Nicholson;, Quebec•and sister Mrs. Pollock, Mr. Alymer Tiffin, All, and: Jack were' Sunday visitors at D. A, McDonal`ds. `Miss Ida M Elliott of Lon°4n was a visitor.:. the past week, at Melvin Irwins. Missporis Irwin was a recent vis- itor withMr. and.'Mrs, Wm• Kempton. Miss •Mary. McKinnon and sister - Mrs. Duuicait'•,of; Toronto visited on, Saturday with Mrs; McInnes ' Miss. Helen McIntyre,vas a visitor durieg the week' at Archie • Mclntryes. 'Mr, and Mrs. Melvin Irwin,`,Doris nd Helen visited on Sirnday,with Miss. Edith' Hughes' of :Ripley, Mr., andMrs. . ._,.........;,�„m�„Juhnsion,_:Luckz. novr "were: recent visitors. with Mr., and Mrs; Thos.'Henry. Miss. Mary Irwin of Holyrood was a Sunday visitor at her• home. here. number from • this line attended the 'Community picnic at Tout's Grove •on Wednesday afternoon and report.n rood time. GRANT INCREASED :TO $1000.0u Word ' 'was received this •week by Mr. Archie Weir, president •',of. the Bruce • • County Children's ' Welfare' Board, .from the „Department of Wel- fare, •Toronto, that ,the , Society has: been advanced' into a' higher' category, 1 his' warrants' a yearly grant of $1000, from; the department Accompanying., thrs'•'announcement • was 'a letter of congratulations on the excellent work. .done and progress'made;;by the Board, ,the'_ Superintendent and his `staff; men- tioning in..:particular the commendable type of•, program''adoptedr by the Sup- er intendant; D. W. ,Cameron. AIII,'bMAY: PU11PER •WAS: IN ,HAD SHAPE: -- Mildtnay• fire engine. which broke down,. While ' battling ; a . serious con- 'f lagration':in that .village recently has been-•-r4paire_d • 'at Woodstock. This. machine has beenin use for 14 years, and' luring that time has been in act ual operation perhaps an ;average of ,25..to; O hours per' year., The whole story a the $3,300 :outfit,: as set down by the •-expert; is one of pretty constant, abuse. Lack of proper ' tub rication • and ;piling, and• the; fact that the. •presence of sludge` in•' the crank case •of • the' engine, :indicating that it had not been, cleaned out for' some" years,, tells the sad .;story of .neglect. The engine : had been ran more than once 'without'` wafer, and it was cont. sequently badly seared •, through tense heat. •The • fire pu p. was in worse 'shape tbari the engine, every 'bearing being. broken, • the packing dried Mit, aliowing the pump to leak like a sieve. The. townis faced with a trerYe,n,,dious bill for repairs;' ,anti also with:.thb':necessity. of a complete r : P.., e organization : of the system'of caring for'the fire apparatus. DONNYBROOK Mi•, arid. Mr, A A. Naylor and daughter Grace of • Chatham visited •with Mrs. George Naylor. and Gordon,. On, Wednesday evening a'large mim- e'. of .friends and neighbors; gathered n'Donnybrook .School to express° their. coirgratulations and good wishes' to. Mr, and Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson 'who returned from: then' honeymoon last week,: During the -evening they were' iliade.the }eeipients of. a sum of 'mon» ;ey',and in • a,"neatly worded 'address, :firs. Jefferson was extended a hearty welcornp' to the comnl`unity and the best''wishes of those asseinbled 'ex tended to the bride°' and groom. Mr, Craig.read the address and Miss .Jean• Robinson • made the presentation Ito which. H'illiarcl made a fitting reply. The Women's institute' will ineet on Wed,. Aug.• ,3'rd at the• Milne of Mrs: Har i"ey' Andrews: The •, District . Pres, .Mrs. Oster •of Myth, will be the guest speaker'.,'' Ro'stessesv..:Mrs. Jas Craig; Sitg,4hn Thompson Mrs: E; F'inn= ,lean HOLYROOD Eileen V Siad; spent. 'the . past tree. Peeks • with.friends at St. Cath. arises and Buffalo, Miss Eileen. Peterbough 18visiting "with _her cousin,. Mis oris. Eadie.;' ' • Mr. and ' Mrs • Bker of B. Minne- sota are visiting ,with the former's brother, Mr. Richard Baker •.at pre- Wit/ Mr, and Mrs. Fred MacLelland, s,.Dori,, Hary e , •. Lloyd end Ed., were., Sunday visitors at Mr. Thos. Harris,' Messrs. Lorne " "Eadie and Billie Peterbough are 'holidaying with their Zrandnnother,.Mrs, Rachel, Culbert, Miss' Reta . .Riveradale. Miss Betty' ;and Mr, Getitld • Ca}sidy of Car ilh� gar . vision g e a '' resent' rat g at present J , , m Vald. Florence May MacDonaldr Francis Mary';: Ellen •. Scott, Mercy ,Kenneth Barr, .infant children of 'Mr. and. Mrs. Robt{'MacDonald;. Mr. and Mrs. Bea. Scott and • Mr. and Mrs. John Barr, were baptized at Kinlough,:Presbyter- ian,.Church et4 Sunday.• " Mr. and Mrs. Ernest 'Ackert , and• family spent ,,Sunday afternoon 'with Rev., H.:Ackert's,..at.�their cottage --at' Stoney Island.: T :PARAMOUNT Congratulations are extended .to Miss• Jean• Raynard:on, passing'' the 'entrance „examination's in "•Lucknotr. Miss .:Margaret Simpson from -Kin - tail has•. been engaged to`teach in the Paramount school' for next year.::' Miss. 'Maryfrom Win'eham Ho's' ital s q en Pi P. tMonday afternoon •:at her. home here{ '.Mrs; W. J. MacGuire Miss ;Ethel •MacGuire', and Mrs. J. Snider' from Detroit,: spent a , few days last'.week with' the f ormer's brother, ' Mr. Herb Pnsigg; and otter relatives Acre _ •T Recvisor r.:Mrs Wm: 'Mentartin' •witeres WithMr.';D.MC�irruandthers;: Mrs..' J.:Carruthers, Irwin,, Kathleen and Lillian • Carruthers from Kinloss. Mr B. Begg; end Mr. H... Campbell 'from Tivertoi. A 'number; from here. attended the ;ale at the farm of.the late Mr...1. 3. MacMurchy, .at`•`Ripley' on :Tuesday afternoon • Mrs. Herb.:Ensign is spending a few weeks visiting 'withrelatives' in Detroit and in Sarnia. Mr. James 'and" Miss M ; Pickering from',. Lueknow were ,recent • visitors .with Miss Margaret:: and.Mr. Jamey Murray: RAPID 'CITY' Mr;•'and Mrs.' Peter T. -Carter and joy visited irk • Listowel with.. Mr. and Mrs, George`''McNnight on Sunday. Miss • Lola .McKnight ' returned' home after "spending; a week here and Joy Carter remained at' Listowel. for a couple of weeks Mr. ' Chris: Pottage of Boston, Mass. 'is spending a few days this week.' at the homes of W. G. Webster and W=• G.: Reed ' and with other friends around Quite a few' attended South Kin- oss S. S. picnic at Tout's. Grove last. Wednesday. '.Mases Mary •and • Eunice; •r pent a 'day 'with• 'Miss` Donna Hesse at Ross MacMillan's .this , week. • Mr. J." O. Ross and Jack '•Miller are making repairs, on' the school this week Lloyd, 'Jim ,and . Clifford :. McNall spent• Sunday at their home here. WHEN THE NEWSPAPER STOPPED During the .recent suspension ,of' the' three daily newspapers of Port land, Oregon, ' due to ;a . strike of the 'mechanical staffs, • now' amicably set tled, , Many •interesting " facts • were` forcibly., brought to •the attention of both buyers and sellers in that inter-. prising city • One of . the •principal ones is , that, radia ,news • service does • not supply a, community With the, kind of news 'it: really:wants.; News- papers •iii Portland ere 'more •apprec-. :ated • now. than' they . had been in'''the ;cast :fifty years,. and One would .think,. after listening' to comment in public gatherings and on the streets public me 'of the, greatest .events in history ^as happened: It` was •also.: brought out: rather, conclusively, that, radio advertising •is not 'responsible for }ringing ' customers into the metro- politan, area 'stores nor in the Sub,: urbanstore's because during the dur- ation ot the strikes, retail trade, suff- ered' a tremendous' drop in business :and the little. merchant :who seldom, advertises, was' the.'one hardest. hit. It isapparent that the advertising of the large mercantile establishments brings to the little merchant his gnat - Diners and that the little fellow should ,hare his. responsibility in newspaper advertising in the future.-,tTypo- graphieal Jot"irnal. ° ' • "Oh', John I forgot to turn, off the ga`s•''in the kitchen when we left's "Don't worry. 'Nothing'll, burn. '1 forget to •turdoif'-the wate>~;•in the d Mrs. Will Redmond. bath LOCALS ERRATIC TO DROP FIRST OF PLAYOFF'S. Goderkii Capitalises On. Locals. Tei Errant'•T Win Firs . ' am . iii-: To- t, G: a Of Se . Final Seri ee • 'Tangling with o de rlch'. ast Friday in;the first game of the Juvenile,sem i=. , finals series, the Lueknow lads; folded Up. under the playoff • exeiten ent•..and lost the fixture 9 to.1.' The.Kids mitted, ten errors, ,and couldn't do` anything at bat to ,overcome their predicament as Bloomfield set them back. with. three hits. ' . . Luckaow`. ab -r h—pa a' e D. Aitchison, ss. 3' 0 0 2 3; 0 D. Finlayson, c. ,......3 0 0 2.. 3' • 2 L. V4rylds; `3rd _T . 0 '0 2: 1' 0 J. Carter, p. ,,,_._,_2 1 0 . 1 4 0 J. Cook; 2xid{,' . ' 9 '0 .1 ' • 9 , 1 ; 3;' G.. ;Stewart, 0 ,0 JRR'. Richards 0 .•1 J. Webster, 1st: _»2 ':0 . 1 8':.; 0 1 A McKinnon, lf,:.-. 3• '0 0, 1• 0 2 M. . Solomon; rf. ;':1 ' 0 :1•`' 0 0' >'1 Tots s;.12: 1.: 0 ION Mtss; s1et Rr�h1eretered ho e - .�.., Sunday ,after' spending a ,,week with her sister, •Mrs,• Elmer Wall and Mr., Wet• ' ins: Ada ester :o L cknow .1�4,. . Webster f u ., Miss` Eunice,and, "Master Bob Web, stet; of Port Credit, were, visitors in " this neighborhood. during the - week:,' r • i c�, { and M s, F>'. an s: Rt ch $ent ' artMof . last week withi• friends ap" sit: ,p Stratford and camping - On Lake Erie'', ML.and Mrs. HenryHen{Gardner anent the -Week-endwith:friends 'at Hann a • :• • ktlhteu'paosridtioOnkaysillpe,rincipal ,of a two - David Andersen has accepted. roomed .school. ear Elmira , Me: and Mrs; Kirkland arid, �` , Ogden - r babe, ;Mrs, 'Andrew and Mrs..Findlay spent.' Sunday, wit}):' friends in Pinker ton. . w Miss, Kathleen Gardner is spending thi ,;�}yeek With, .her girl friends .at Port Albert, Mi . ' Christopher ' Pettage, formerly • • of Toronto, now of Boston, 'U. S.'.A , 'visited on Monday 'with Mr. and Mrs, :