HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-07-28, Page 3•••, , • „ !ass.i At9 ,•11'014,141‘* • miv,P11111MT • V0(104444 AT REDIJOED. PRIICES, . while they:J.4st.. Barrett ItapIc and NOW Piampsblre .1teda, 41'week OW: p$4.14.0•.- day uidflig . V.gt• 'QI•141Ky :add 1C. BadenElOtrle 'Ohl* Ilatehery, „t.iatten, OitturIO:, " , 1likitAT'.134ROAINS•Wli1To1i., TligY • last., ,lrfirrecI, Rocks, clay old 9-Xc. 10 dt.i)," I3%:e, we* •14%0, .31Vgelc,•• 111•No;, Leghorns clay 014 13 e, IQ flay 2 „week to%e, 3 Week 2334e.• Wru'e tgg gnaiitY • 4.114- Ito(•,•hs. te• Leghorns .'rup Notehi. •.'Cliieherles; Guelph Ontario • 14 • Or ?MAT •ISTAIrrPrt Leghornpullet •ettitilts. .2 to 3: • ',Weeks old, will, be available this, •• Nvitele.....;Niscr daY,Oltl chIcks in sont,e Hr the, heaVter beecds.. Wk6,te. for Price's t.)IJily. Dt•ay,Htftehery, .130 Si: North, •HantiltOrr,',Ontario. Ill:40 OP THE HATCHING SHASO'N. SaVe 2 to .Weeke 'by' ordering lir.aystartet) 1.4egliorn :pullets ' , day.. A;few or the .heaviet .breed# ill.available until' the end et• July; .." Write for • Prices • tuda y. Dray 'Hatchery, 130 John St, Nurt Hamilton, Ontario: , „ 1'1C)%111' DEC !VERY ON 1)1X OLD started I3arred Rock: , )toelc, New Hampshire Red', and • NV:bite I-0eghorn. pulret0,.x.Loekerets. • ;it'd non -sexed. ehielcs. . Send for . latest price' list... Tweddie Chtele ' Hatcheries.141mited,. rengus. Ont: , . - LAST CALI, FOlt B.A1711:' L'ateh up 9-ith nray startect• Leg-•, ' horn • linnets. S'orrie. 2 and -3 week- •• • • 01(.1 legloirn pullets are• av.allable. • Order now ivhile .our suPPIY „ Itrz4,1-ItticherY. 130, -John St. North, ' Hatniltisn. 'Ontario, 11 IVIT1/11 ie 1^ • • : TRADE-IN DEPARTMENT .478 Yortge SL JULY• CLEARANCE SALE • Reconditioned Furniture:' Every article our store Marked down for quicit elearanee, thorAttglt,„::-- r-erealleu, reeolidifitmecr mud sold .under a positive niOney back" guar- ' autee of sailsfaction.'A•line,hzppor-• faulty for .bIou.. to 'buy, high eltiSs , reconditiotwd tu'rnittwe at , .., tiof its rel value: , .AR"•nnDi(rnon sUite , fdriaecstsieopn,chit:ini (911 sixe Oed. and sagirss spring.' Perfect. •.$42.00 neautiful vatliey, • dreSSer, full,. size bed and sagless, Opting, 'Floor sal -1101e.• - ••:, .• - $49.00 Modern suite; vhnitv ve- •• • •netran rhirt•Or. ' 11111 r. full size panel bed and sagless ' t Smar (.4' piece .sin le, in • 1114„L110istt, large dresser: effiffOrtier,.vatilty. full size bed and: :31k1e§,s snying. 1.4 lo: .4160 nnLarge suite dresSer. tripie 'mirror' 'vanity. ,chiffrohe 1.1.111 .sizo bed. sagIess :spring.- Cosi ' Over .$21111,00 new. Perfe'vt conditien.. $19.50•: rgg d resSer; 'tuff,. size • '• bed. sagiess spring aOd•• , brand tie*, felt mattress. $70...,ISolid walnut suite; 'dre•qs'e n r, ' . • •••''' vanity': ehif fouler. full size 'IreIratid saglesit• Spring. 'in petbfeet -"Se1.9g. I iresseri. 'AInt.Sh :"sizinds ' 7 ••• F.S.75 chit ton Wrs. , • • • • t SUlid ,pak. dining rOoni 79' .,•-•••F• butfet• extension , table ..and '4'eather .tiphOlsterOd .4•11airg.7 $49.00 ".ryiis(.4, wa Inn t finish, • bu fret. 'ex tenSion. ., table. .• •' china cabinet and 6: slip seat chairs, ' •,Refi,filshed: • •.• . .$26.00,:'Es.7„qur"I'otik .4nite.' tPhoist etre ir4sba sion , i't le. dd 6 lea,th- •, waInn,t finish • `v '1••F. buffei. extetigion table. China :cabinet 'and, leather •seat 1 1111115 6Z50: English °hie' suite; bufiet. • ' e , .xtn eStion .tablcch , ina cab.,,,- inet and '6 letttlier'5-e4I eliairi." . •-•- acienn Rim,. •warnat Apish suite, `•••• ''''"•large lip f fet. :eh inn •Cabinet, •eXtetrsInn table and- •G lorttlter. 4citit . ' rho i rs. . nerfet.t. , • .. . , $79.nn 11,11111 itto ,cralmit• ittlite, '9 • "'"`•• Pi1'1'es. hot fgt.' china • ertli•-' iliet;,extetision tabIe 0191 6 "Icather.:, •gea t ailtirs.., Like: new. ' . . m gy,: • ltIoilern: 9.,piece suite; luif-, • 71.'*'",• . ten,siofi" ta We, .e hu.i ' ea,binet •atidi 6...teather:,5f.01: chhirS. • fo:st nqw: 9ver-:$.200.00. .- .$127.130: . . A .ssoo solid walnut 'suite, . heatitiful carved. buffet, ektension• ble.., china, cabinet and 6, • leather upholstered. chairs. 'Perfect., condit'ion. ; : • „ • '`. $119:00 purl, wurriut large,. stitiffet..'cloSed front. ehi- na cabinet, extension 'table and 6 chairs,.•v, and Seats upliol- ',*stered ...la- blue , mohair. 'coin • ovp- .1011;011',. (loinAleteiy.tennisheci. $49.00 nt,i.utirto .201@ep 'ehester- • field sitite in hist' repo. res. • verisble Ntarsha,11 spring cushions, floor, sample. , "tqc'nA •14,1 rggm oha r saite. 3 •" pieqs, Agured, roVe,t'sible, ; • Afars hall r• Ittons in.'perfect • troll • I • $'2C nit, three piece brown .lizobair , Otigh,lY tf I ortt4d, • •,• • Cir•-'• ,.$14.50;;L;I're piee rhosterftirid 1,71,.1 , tapestry . eover mi lsli 11 ti g cu'shio t94 gn 3piencse. J.a en tin rd Iii rnversible Marshall. tigh•• fort • $27..gn:Frm7h s'• -- nieces Ma esti-hit . re:vets- , title sprIng eushions, Perfect con - (111 (015 • •,, $45,00 4'rorliler In tine tr•IP•g'Is..11 $149 AO. •t4.3 4, odd r,s to til o! Moiza•te • reversible cushions. , ' • . $17..50 n0,1,(7) Roo' $14,95 mCioy,}itie.dVitItTtikfra'St. I f.o§. .$0,nn az Litz; WitingerrAs'cile‘itis niachines, 5-1.113 gO§ 5toe. ittatt , beend now.foft •tnattr(iSsosi and IIllfl- di0d at other AtttStanding ValueS ,....tnAllintiernins le Mention. Write fo froe i lust ted, ea talogue. • ,LYONS', •TRADErIN DEPARTMENT . 478. yonge St. oronto ' ti'on sur ,r;t ft NI ') 00 ,k0i1.1-1i,4..lArt. 6, (*Orr. t. TOWnsbin Of 'MSS( atio, 01' Mlddlessx,kOndr clity !Ohl% Stiittibie faroi •20 Ames rie Ohail „ha hi' ntaPle gitOtte 'hinih hIsteile rinot he ptok,tt. itt) ritty to ifiti.th Nictntyre-„thinitffielL 051 101'. cztitail,lo 0 ft: 1: or (0 A. V. , ttiN'el; SolicitOr .8.tratin, Olitario. • • .. 14134.8 ,k9;14;14.11224Art'S `. . „ , , AN.6/111(111T beatiii tut etilargerileritri 306, S. • regigar •prlhia• and .O.ne, PRtf.:. en, . largeritett '2Se; ' gerVite• atiartilie toed': York ,,PlIOto SerVie..ea. 18ali : ,Ring Past, teronte.•• ' •••1, • TRY 1122 .1101(eT..E0D`S. ScupITI.Fic •remed.' Stomachic. tor. Year fitbm- , aeh ,trouble. :pleura un g•to, nati, •" sea, bloating, 'Indigestion. Drug• stores or 61reet. Write for tree Information; 40kAlbany Ave.,, To, rento;'• 11,(FAIITIME F,A.R.ALTSTS CRIPPA'4'ES recover the uso Of their limbs un- - • der our new troatmont, e give the 4 fa,m0tui toot treat ' for tired aching feet.. Her F?Ve re7 :11pOnds fristantlY to our . tr atment. ' Don't sutler, Conant( rOg4rd- • ing. your case. , Ada e • milerwest rifidele, on •Dundas../Iighwar... • ' •14E001,61•Alir must ER VAMP CAMP '14t.Alsricla-i'srs, p ."RSSAY • Contest. First ; ne.„'fitindrect .dollars; second pri*e, fi dollars,, ThOrni4--"Cornp Franklin .the .Camp with Ideals.!. nfortius,,, tion „regarffing Canada's unique .and spidneet reCreationaI e rnp for ,young men, and ' young •men,•, from Camp Fr/414110"a To • ;Ito ..oftlee, 83„Yortge Street. • . LillEWS,PArnirt ,orp0.11171`11rilltlf 'ty Anct Job. Plant tor •sale thriv- ing: Ontario toivn, .Extellent job• ,printing 'busIness, cornplete ....ruent in splendid- condition,. Ite- . quires $4,000 Cash, balanee''On. easy • tOrns.to responsible purchaser. . BrOwn, Luc moore Ave., !rprH oontg. • ' • " OluoultLr,ss .9r0ILRirs. , YOU CA' HAyE. CITY , •enedS in, your. village,or farrn•home . without water supply or sewers Write for free information' on our mOclern, set f,ernptying,• .odotiridss •Tonefs froth ,$95,00 up 'and leave.. behind, for ever 1 he dread otit7 bow, ‘ilth 'its •coid and un-. discolnforts. litlustine En, , . • •gineoring Company, 164 Ptirtialud , ' St reee. Doran tit., W A vorleY• ..4.1,.fitsgs3; L, • , 'QUIT TorzAcco. 'SNUFF,. EASILY,. inexpensive13•. Home remedy. 'Fe' 1111101)1:1 Is. • Guaranteed: 'Advice.. free • Ilaztte,tes,..Box...,-1-, I.V.innipeg-0,0•0-- . , .4W.L'Iti* TqAl2R1H,D• 00UPLE AND, those eonte platink., • mart•iage , rt:.:?. •-• . should read, ex and Yon_th.'•I•104. pages,:nostpaid -5e. Oar -12 page ' 0. iilus,trated 'Atittal •-ue 'of sex bOoks, -, itrog sundries,'•te.. tree tip6n• se - (most. Stipreme "Specialty , 169 • Yonge, Toronto." rturrotat A PHY k.:N Itt;112.T•ENT FREE EV.;', ery 25e order. Itoll•filin dezeloped ...and. eight prints -25c. Reprtnts 'Established over 20. years. Hright, ling :Audi& 29 Richmond Street . Toi•onto. • FREE INLAII.43.E.11.1:IN ROLL. DE veloped. Printed' 25e, renrints 3c, Antill Hing- st.:•31!1111;11 lil•;'NOlkTS • SUNSET PAR#.7SIX 'luif.;ps. NORTH . 04' callsoder.On' Highway No, 11. Thi•ee miles south . of /%Iorth DaY. •galkins and,cottages ort 'the:beach'', Yor*Lake "Nipissing., Best fishing tor pickerel" and pike: Inner spring' ; mattresses.' Hot ,ftt34,Cold shoWCrs., City . water and lights,' Dbats for: rent. Apply "E..J. Jesep;,•168•1,efsh- er Street, Nortii DaY,"•••Ontario. • TRACtOit •MAGNET0 AND 19:1:113 ATO It ID:PAWS • SEN L 178 YOUR TR.eiCTOYI.MAONE- • to and•Genei•ator•Repairs. :We have, ' Youi'money. Alla nson Armature Mtinfr., 855 Bay .St..s„T'oronto.. Hear Modern .:Mnsic. At C. Exhibition It will , be interesting to music lovers at the Canadian: National}xhjhjtjon , , to compare the :Ultra :Modern rhythmic arrangements of. popular and folk .dance music. as, expinplified by the leading dance . ' prchestraS;, with. the =Sic', of the • band, of the Royal •ArtillerTfroni., ,England With their more conven- tional interpretations of tetisieal ' themes. , There will be an 'unique OppOrtenity ,to do this as three of ' the :outstanding, U. S. 'dance ag- gregations bo.'preserit at the new open 'air Dance •'Pavilion' this, • year 'Guy Lorabardo. ,and his ' „Royal. C'inadian's and the Tommy DorSey. . and. _Benny Goodman, ' um. s. , ' lir'••••••"•••"••.er at Science oing * , 'VENOM MAY RA CURE • The poisonous venoms of 'bees?, lizard's, salamanders and the -dead- Ir rattles9alce and 'cobra ,Vere'cle- • eldred • t� offer new hope to. suf- ferers'from palsy, paralysis' 'spi." nal -cord injuries. and •other'lIain" ?Jul nerve disturbances.; The use , of inSeat. and :r4t.i16 poisons to treat the pain which, re-; sjilts from cancer and othel., ' ' 4gnant 'diSeaSes is not, new.. Dr. AI B. ,Greene of New Y de elated le,n a report to • the. Atherican Asdeciatien for the Advancerneht of Science, lint the 'method of us,- ing them. to''bieek off" individual nerves or :sets of nerves, is now . being successfully applied for the first time on a large' scale. • Hills of water 'exist in the. Peel - fie Ocean', according to Howard " Wf.:Blakeslee, .the. Associated Press science editor, quoting. Dr. IL H. Fleming of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography Of the Univer- sity ' The greatest hill centres drolind the Hawaiian island*. , the Water there is a little more than three feet higher' than -at the Aleutian Islands: .2,000 miles south. NEW DISCOVERIES Il 1-IEREDiTY , Dr. Leonard C.1. • tor of,..,the Plipadelphia Institute for Medical Research: •inVestitrat- -Ang---the-affects-Tot'the fiwnd that •the inether,, pas -es • On to her'child the factor . that controls.the rate of, growth, 'and that the father's icontribuj.lon' is nil. Earlier ,experitnents by Dr. ..n.qw.ntree demonstrated that et._ fects of; gland' .treatmerit Can be passed on from' one gene'ration to • the next. In these experiments he treated „hoth parenta. •. Continuing. • ;the experitrient with, the same line of animals, he emitted , the gland:, tiler treaterientS•to. the father rhd found that ti.eatinents given to the , . • , me:44er Alone ,prOduCe :the :Swim effects •as were s observed , •then,, • both :parents.' -were tirenteci. , • This :discovery is important' in the study Of,. hei.e.dit,Y• It has' beep 'generally' believed that. all '' the , .physical• characteristics posSessetl ,by an individual are the 'joint 'con- • tribtition •Of both ',parents 'and • Of •• :their. line, of ariCestors, •and 'that •these characteristics are carried • •;in -.the chrOmosomes, 'tinv • striic- , 'tures in the -nucleus of the' get.m; MIRACLE OF METAMORPHOSIS' , . • , • , A Winged : chrysalis,z. new. in- sect, half chrysalis and half 1.nt- terfl3i, • has ebine :from the bio, -logical-Ter-St- tribes of:. Stanford', University, Palo :Alto, California.. 2' 'With, head and wings of a' but- terfly bat the bodke:'of a chrysalis; this. strange. 'creature anises from „ discovery 6f *hat cause's. the turn, iner mitacle 'of metarnornhoSi.: •of Caterpillars into 'butterflies.i , The . discoVerY ,was 'Made by:.: Dietrith. I Becienstein, respareh. assistant 'in the. schoolof biology. • P ,.The tause is a ellen-deal in.the chrysalis' head. The chemical act§ • • 'like a hormene (he ductless gland • • ,• • • ;Secretions which 'Wake a man , What he is." . • Bodenstein saysthe metamor- , plies's:chemical znaY be hotinone, enzyme or "a nervous' , It travels ',through hes, cheysalis'," , ar WORK NEVER FINISHED - The . gardener' p work never. is finished: No sooner has a pliint2, developed than every'.. -effort must be Made to:niaintain it at the,peak for as long as tl•fe natural lirnita- tinns ofthe 'species:. permit,"' At • . that tirtzenzere than ever, skill,lhe practical application Of knowing how, is the ,determining, factor in :sUccess.. Vertunately there are lnanY lo-:. • cation's where .the gorgeous develop to. perfection 'even' With, littie„care. Tile object then is to insure Cow- tinued, success. This , attention ',t,6 the needs of • the plants, siflce insect and'Plant eases eyCe ttee,luekini.to destroy them. The food •ballinie of ,the soil also likely to be. tifstitibed.' „FEEDING IN survittt,. • '..The feeding of garden plants' .during samiter•Outilly•iS refeited to as. tePdresxing hectihse the plant food be,fertilizer 'cannot he Yebrked qleenly into the SOO now without causing conSiderabie harm , to „Many r et& Never apply anY- tertiliei, or plant food while,' the 800 18 dry, Always ; give good* watering and, uttee :the surface moisture 1186 .drained away, apply the Sood. Or fertilizer to , the mill around the idantt,' • NY, 1 Keep it.awa•y''from all parts of - the plants,including the„ base of • the stem, since many kinds, ' titularly ,the highly concentrated • fertilizcit, exert a' 6austie ;action - on plant tisSueS. Bee the material. • 'lightly into, the. soil. Surface and give Prolonged, watering to dis- solve the food. and: Carry it desvn . te the irobts. • r " , • , • ttgtAbr FOR. FLOWER SHOWS New is the' dine. to AnnlY iight feeding- to plants ofnil kltida that are being grOWin-•fiar the. fol.thi,*•. •shot.vA,,,, IteettratesA ,prthe • type , plant:406d; it will be found Odd :practice to spread it over • er,eral .feedings rittlfer-. than one heavy apPliCatipia.' Neediest to Say, , the ideal tiMe to feed -any ngrdon is 'lust -before a.'eairi, or, if artifi- cial is. present,, to s.i'biitelt. ' the food :in itifillerlititely. titter ap- 1lying. If you nost use etetnetitt ' high in iiitrggeit;`-.'go,,eaSS% hit• hot' ftWeatti.et miff nitrogen .„ lupet. your best .talettlationst 'Welt :•81)06111SaOilleiiii.fildfC):°§11;:4rettti'ill-:!tbte,gttettihtf8,...-•- e..gt dividnds, Only, experienced gardeners ,,'$uceeed ., roplyhig' -• singlc' ebernents to, ithoti pbants . and they otten. 'And ,the ,viignfiex Of. nature itp§etting skin. DiScOverl Of 'this mehazs opens: new angles of InveStiotion' ' inta.:the .biological .secr.ets pf all - .HELIUM HELPS ASTHMA. ' Successfnl use of ' hetibill in re- lieving a large , prbportion of chronic. asthma cas.c treated with. the gas was'. dscribed last „Week by the Vhited States Health. Seriica; - .An ap.proximate four -to -one miXture of helium arid • oxygen '44eavSeissei'dadhMoolndist.teerhet,,,tih%a,stsapteee:elrilyt said, has given Patients yeri. fav- : 'citable relief. - 'Although ,fint proposed a's iviire for asthma, helium 'is, now •..seribed ,where an" effeCtive :Yen- 'tilatio,n, of.; the, lungS, as .least .ef- fOrtv to, `Qie patient, -is necessary to end, severe ..apthrna which n� .longer . responds to "adrefialin treatment." It has even . been . found useful in tertninating per- tain cases of severe asthma. • ' -tanadian. National Railways Revenues : The .grossl.reverzues of the all -in - elusive Canadian National !tail - ways'. System -for the Week ending . July 14, 1938, were• : ::83,188,21 i0 'iorraparech.with ' • 3;770,754' for the corresponding ' period of • 1937, , a de- • . creUs° of • Soda may ss eete'n the stomach, but 'a man With a .sou r .disposition l'iltkgt Work on :himself' if he eter hopes fOr a cure. ' . Teacher — `.`.Now, boYs, after. What Pve expinined oft the lion's 'fierceness, Strength . And. daring,' can any one of you 'name a Aziglej • animal thatthe king of benSts' stand,s awe of ?"' Up hot Jittle Willie's land! Teacher-'!Wel.4 'Willie, which •• is:svthielti;nipparol.?m"pii;):` ° .teacher; the lioness The Train -of 'Lif tisecl to .S4, •WhCO I •was'srnall; 'Upon the grass; beside aWall • • .''Whete tangled seines • •and yeses,' To See the nine fifteen go through. Far down •the track*, a ..heat -y 'tread •Sent notice to me UR ahead, And thena shrieking ' whistle blew, I 'I'd watch tie nine -fifteen go • • through_ I It thrilled'. Me with a keep delight TO •See the 'last' cbaCh fade. from Sight; What . pleasant SC'ellei my" filn.cy, drew - :Of lands: the nine-h.fteen Went ;. • through. On such .a trajsl zny life has sped, Through Wistful dreams that lured .ahead-• • ' • • • IIy clinlrning eyeS' now scan the • • • ' • track -7', . there's no' trainto take' me: • . -5Profeiser----qf You bbys kee, . p 1.1se you are nOw; You'll'he like ' .N'apoleon." ' .•.' ' • ' . .class Jill."u9isOr9 "--• `‘.1-foW.'S .."that?", -:' • '• • ' ' i'rofessor---!'179u are' all, going down, .in, c4sueeessful.:Man one .who Make More. than. his wife can' - spend ' and 'a successfni•wornan is one ho O•an 'land. such a nvtn . Lawyer—"2:trid vihere did you see him milking the..eows? ' ' Witneas-"illist, a trifle beyond • . • . the center, sir." 'Read It . Not: •-=- Olive oiL -dropped at' therf')ot of a fern " iniproVe• its groWth.: Junior---"Nothee dear, you said • if 1 we's good fpr 'half' an h011t I could, do what.4 .11,1Other-Yire1i.9.ir Junior -7-'1 Want' to be •natiihey * . for two hones." , ;•• , . . Trig GAUP.. it'S much. tridre ..sa(isfactury, and far .more pro- ductivei making the, beef of 'what ,you have .than Wasting tithe. wish- ing for the •is.befter .to -Snit •on: youe lands than to !wring :them, Life is not so inZuch htildrfig a gobil hrid as it, is Playing IY.Poof hand Weil: Sanie-t1)Inek, 'nee smarter. then .100e hens; ' 'aren't they, • , . Mother----X`What makes you. axic such a silby onestien %-•Iatife,.-ieWc1/; bind; 11013 Cah lay -white' ego, hut. Ncktito hold can't, bay black eggs, nft they?" Issue No. 31—'38 There's no waste - 1 -1.0u -sed papers are -Proteo,ted this DOUBLE Alykonlat P0.69E1e ,amiougif CIGARETTE PAPERS Aqr0A01477C B9OKLET- 'NONE • FINER . MADE lamorous Pageant . T9 hundreds of thousands of peOple on this contiaent and. over., • seas the naineLeariadian-,National --E-Xhibitipn is synonymous withi pageantry, glamour and, pomp.' • This is because the, grandstand spectacle the outstanding event ' Sulphur Enters Into, the Manu- facture of an Amazing Vari- ety- or produtts, Including• , Rayon, Candy and Newzr' print. Millions of _pounds ----Irnivarted:Yearlifiom Texas; .But Remar4able New Chlor ine •Process, :lust Perfected, Means That' Canada Will Have Profitable Sulphur In- • dustry of Her Own. . , To 'the average, person, the menz', lion of sulphur: usually 'ebnjuree up the , mernory that particularly obnoxious Ibnic.'.which:, in .yOutb,` ..'.iriarledthe advent' of Spring: But, to, the .chemicalengineer, sulphur • represents. one of !the'.1nost,itaeful. and \interesting: • raw'. _ materials • Offered to .rnan .by Mother Nature• : In fact, It is praeficallY irnpossjble to book abont.:city, tOWn•or village without. seing seine useful conirno- : dity in the. manufacture 'of Which •sulphur" h4§': played an iniportant,. '• 'textile .proce 'ng': in.(1,11St‘r.r. •• it is authoritatively es atedused 22,400 tons ot 'suinhur. during. 1937. And, if .You're wearing rayon, you'. are Wearing sOnke.th Mg: that :s u I pbur lielpeki. to Make.. "' Last... year, ;the rayon industry: used 76,006tons'. of sulpinir. in: addition tO.rnaily .thous-,.. anti, 'tons of ,carbon • nistilphide•and• ;Sulplilir chloijde ' • - In Car Manufacture Sulplior rnotormng tOo'..rcto, rdi_tb natteev, oAy400ttii.r: nolfild8 .ot Sulphur./ in one 'form. or • anighbr, are •:'reqiiired,:-„in the ;manufacture' df a The rtibbeal, ' • in the tires sasuallyis' toniPouncted With 2% by weight'offstilplitn4fai'd • ; rubber Moulded 2.productr contain about 40%: by weight of sulPlitir. • AgticnIture1 eWei.., much , to ant:, .• phur, for imniense athouts of s01- • . . of their 'visit to the world's great. est annual: exhibition. This year's pageant 'prond.ises to be even, jgrea.„-tet,and,.4nore....impressive-: hen , ever before comprig'r, its scope and. pageantrv ourand r,marice of . the 'developtr7ent of '• . great Dominion, of 'Canada. during the •past , sixty Years. ' ' Induitry Import phurie acid are, used: in the manu- facture of chemiCal ,Last. y:ear, over 157,000,600, pounds of sulphur Were imported froni,Tex. as, a very large perdentamaLivlitch -wwent-ro----our Own ,pulp and paper plants, because;., next 'to pulp wood, itaelf; sulphim is probably the most -esaential raw ntaterial Used br this gi:eat industry.. These 457,000,000'. pininds' represent Millions Of dol• • ,Essential Rnini Material What a market to have for our, selves! And We are going to have • it in the near. future, Natfite,diesn't'given us .• Snip:bur, tobe dug or :fere, Od Apit by super.heated, water; as in * 0! OUr cTlreeFinas;:ts hu at St,hPern.' dinizgeeed4ait•'}new pro' ceet-for: breaking.pyrite info its tWo ;main. -constitiienti, suiphiir and eaSily and:cheaply; ';', . This process iS.,consitleted;.bY ports to be the greatest inetallargi- cal aChieveznent for Canada since C,onsolidated Smettersinvented" the neW Precess 'inr. separating sinc-' s'ilrerAead 'ores. . the face of things, Canada scems.,Certoin of her ciwn sulphur t. .iiid-uslry in the near future., an pi. .dusi!':•';'singularly favored. in (hat it • first .,sulplitzr 'plant'. has •,e•Ver' been.: l(j for Ds P.ar:0.2c1;;1„Cht°.u.bea4;41e''''. c RE" ltVE cti lins,e2et son • , , Evert. the most .siulkorn itching of irneo bitls alt - fries foot, hives, scales, eczema:. and other externally: .• •eaused skin afflictions quiekli• yields to cooking,. anti- . • sep.tic,•liquid D. D. TA. PRESCMPT,10511 .1.:asy to Ilse. • Dries fat. Cleargrcaseless and 'stainkss! Soothes tfts'irntationo.anli quickly, stop the most intone° rtching: A 35c trtal bottle, at all drug stores, proves it - or money back. Ask forito,p-PRESCRIPrion...33 . . UM -DIPPING is A patented Firestone process not ,used in any other tire. With it every •hundred , pounds' of ' cord 'fabric absorbs eight .pounds of rubber and, as a result, every fibre, every cord and every ply in a Firestone tire is coated and 'aincatu'laintetelmw:ithhPeuaret lardberfritc°tiocr/tlizeie- gieatest enemy of fire life. Due lo ,this 'extra 'Process, Firestone Gum -Pipped Cords have 58% longer flexing life. , Yet you do„ not pay one . 'cent ore for this extra. And ' m You also get 2 Extra Cord Plies under the tread and the Firestone Scientifically Designed Safety Tread,' See the nearest Firestone Dealer.. today"! ' GUM -DIPPED TIRES "MOST MILES PER DOLLAR" raneln, Fear F German Coup On Her Western. Frontier Be. fore Hitler's September Coo. gress at NUremburg—New Fortifications Being Built Two. Paris 'neWsPaPera haVO..1 eecUllni.8 or' reParted Ger militaryIIian est;fro the 'ni;etirep:rraaz.ltiddaAprealosleldg ,„..belier.the4teich'ala3' bo i),?;Ani.rhi4 0,...coup to take"place before the Sep- -: tember ;Nazi .Congress Le Figaro; Rig)itjt flewspaper' said ,airpiaile;.prodbetion • in Qer- many bidhaliseis? e Seelalist.,1,,'Oeuvre asserted 'impOrt-,. ant new -fortification lizies were „be- ing bailt, in the Saar region. -"Preparing some ,clirprise" fgafor'histion "obtlalued •,tear that the ..Reicli'.45•: preparing sonie:surprise •for this spininer be- fore the Nuremberg Congress 'Sept."; •'. • .' , "We learn, -[hat fortification wOrit• on the Westez•n. front and covering troops along the. 'Siegfried, 'Line ' • have been 'increased recently to the point that in t4 VerY near future the'y will form., an impregnable bar- rier; • .." . ' ° 220,003 Men WOrkgng "New •pians permitting . doubling of aviatiph strength In less than six , niontha instead.of 19 have been .in to effect end factaliet"are,alreadY produ6itig• $00. 'Wallies a month'," ItIS .• hopectlhat in..three months tliet• figure can be .clocbled. Bu the fig.‘ • • Iltiroe'nfigure"of1O.. s 'already. .a.,„wa...r.t„.0,r. •Reperting, ruMors, Gene- vie.ve :fab,ouis, .ebrnmentator; -of ,L'Oeuvre,•said that from Spe.rer .to Trier the Oberstein Line has been • reinforced • by new fortifications'.Jn• the .Saar' region 22000 -men. , have,„ .1;ee.11 concentrated "to ipteusify.winie .aleng fortificatinfis traVerslng the area frbin'eaSt•itowest passing by ... ' Tiombere Neunkirclien., Saarl.velP ingen anddeclared. • N . . Housing Loans " . " nekthEnt re7i, June. Sets Record 'Wit!! Tc.ga;. of $2;095,714 ,fer 59G.Families • OTTLA:"A. Loans made Under ' the DominionAct reached a new high in Itine,:jhe DepartMent , of Vinance announces. Pr.ayidin.g housing tbr 590 .families: tbe loans totalled ' S2,0,96,713 compared with :..,913;127...loaned to .227 farnHies in. ',dune last.Year,,,. •.' ' Since ihe fall Of 1913, $49,toe,00p had bepn 10aned• to -1,339 -fani!Jjes imder.the act. the DoininionrGov,' • ernment participating to the. extent of 25 per ceirt; and t.he .hank.s and lending. orgariiiatiOns rest. • The nzithber: Of .1011S•, made •.10' each 131:Oxitice la•igtine with the:. amoulits Ontario 1.80S, $902 ' ,181,991; British coliimbia 640., $2;-,, ' GUS.. • Noya.:ScCitia..ps;. $1,57?..9$1:.:Is;ew. • •Bruniylelt• S-10•$378'.90•7; Maziltelia; • 751, '504.73.4: Pi inee Ed ,•arti, Islarid' 10, $54,03(; §asktitc•1rewan•2, $8,,290 and Alberta none.. , tko.s.,t,armers.''• ...Protect Birds Use of •"FluShing•Ear"..to AVoid. ,De:itrtiction'by Mowers Sought • -1.76•,',Of.. a ofltishitig-bar'!' on 'hay Mowers is.Urged hY,Ileuben R. Zile.' - , acting project .rnanager Of the.SoiL ' Coilservation„SerViee at .Burlington Vt., to Preserve Wild 1ife•, " have a ,deflnite 'econozine• • . valuerjo 'the.'•fertner.. The 'farmer .,'spends hundred* of :dollars and •"manS- hour's '.6e I:tbor in lis cease-' lELs °• faithful zillies7t4110.tiir'd8-":11•:wci.t114 •egaiirst :d'estrizeti.!:e weeds a ,nd, iasects. Withnnt hia have little .h6pe,' winning .the fight even for one season. His bat- - tie. is eltaler in ni•ORdttion to the 'number of, 'birds liring 011 bis farm," ziie said. . • . Many . Nests Destroyed ,ffiaehtoes ....dettrOy many' game birkneats and, eggs; as d's!'fledgingS and grownbirde. •Surveyrbf'llay teldi; where P1160e-• anis' MeSt'afte,ii.'nest, intlieate.`thiit more than' 00e4ourth 4: the 'adult rnowera ' Year, W.bile frbm'one.half to',,three, fr.:1011118 bt their nears are. deatxoyed, actordiag , , ‘741s seriotis loss largely ,elth be tlt.'Ottled the.. ,gxrnler, will nee e, on bii, mower,t"'Zile Says . Light Elatribeo Pols' 'rho fiutliihg.bor iv,drht herr et :.the approaChing pio'vecti:':iinf when sillito6welit'tt,11t117a't1u !I me( Stops thet p.I'q`deiitlg,..i.Slantl 'Or lIntitt4'atty. : •,-ii:l'OnAd• it, by retistirg,t he euttef. :tar. . the 'iS a. fight,bhin• , • b5 1)o0 12 tc0t !Ong, tinehed Ut;itx ihtattgle la' tito frotit pt thc, kingtie "0 t11l6 eet with, ti1isoo:...i11,, fo:Ie' short Ichgthot A, etiAhl huiu t �Itl the.tree't,ina. eg' • the oole 50 o.tcto Ottlethretigh the' hay ahead' Of the, cutter -liar, • •