HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-07-28, Page 1„ • • • 112.00.,A. YEAlla,---..IN* ADVANCE -50c, EXTRA TO 1.1. S. A. FOR, 'SALE -a „two -plate _electric , • •stoi're-, A,PlAy at Sentinel Office. , FOR SALE -.9 -piece dining. roma suite, goo d as new Enquire at Sen- tinel Office, • ' • • / FOB SALE-.4,:greven-fobt, cut Mas- sey Harris 'bkdera in' A 1 condition:. ,J. • F04 *SALE. —Mixed grain, also • phie flax seed, meal: E. G: Zinn, Phone Dungannon. ' FOR SALE -TWO beds, dresser, kitchen table and :chairs kitchen range.-MrS. R. Mactallum.• -FOR, SAL -agood potatoes, and 'all kinds ef,vegetatiles. Mary J. Darrow, north Of T. W.:Sniith's garage. • S4LE.H20, six -weeks oldIdge; ,1 `,Bleek; three-year-old Gelding, f .weighipg 1;500 lbs, 'Richard Bake.,.. rood FOR SALE -1927 Chev. , Coach, heavy .duty tires; 192/ Pontiac Sedan; , 1-928Durant. Sedan; 1925: Ford Sedan. -N. W. Whiterstein. CLEARING AUCTION SALE -of household, effects , -at the residence, Gravel goad,. South opposite Green- hill Cenietery on Saturday, July 30th, 'at" 2:30: ',O'clock: Terms, cash. Robert-•MacKenZie;•praP.-,WelL• He:WC .ersen, •auctioneer, ; AGENTS! ' , If you are ambitious, .active,' and i • ; eterested in establishing your own profitable business with sale of over • 200 , guaranteed household products ACT NOW! Safe and solid plan for alert person. Quick Sales -Steady cash. No. obligation in sending for full de- tails of offer. FAMIILEX CO. 57e St Clement; Montreal.: _ CLERK'S NoTICE OF FIRST • POSTING OF VOTERS' 'LIST , Wawa' Lista 1938, *Municipality, Of : ,The Totinaluip Of Kinloss, :•• • ••••"" COunty, Of Bruce • *, Notice is hereby given that 1 have complied with Section, ir Of ,T40',Vot- .,ers! Lista Act and that 1 have posted up at iny• office at R. 2, *Holyreed, on the•15th day of July, 1938, the -list of all.",persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Municipal Elec- tions, and that such list remains there for. ihapection. ' • : And 1 hereby call upon all Voters to take immediate proceedings to have anierrors' or omisaions eoreec- ted aceording to kW, the last day for appeal , being the , 5th .day of August, Dated this :15th• day. of July, .1938. J. .1 ' 'Clerk of -the Township of Kinloss • MORTGAGE SALE . .0f Valuable Farm Property , • • , ,UNDER AND BY VIRTUE iof the. ,powers contained in a certain mort- gage which will be produced at time of 'sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction on Saturday; July , 'A.D..1938, at the hour of three, o'clock in the afternoon at .the office Of J. W. Ilu,shfield, Solicitor,• Meyer .Block, Wirighlim; Ontario,, subject, to • a reserved bid, the following -proper - "ALL AND SINGULAR that :Cer- tain parcelrir tract Of laud and pre- . arises situate lying and being in .the .Township of West W'fi.‘ianosh .in the. Count of Huron and -PFO-a-Tiiie of Ontario and being: composed of , the :Mirth half of 'Lit' No. Twenty-two in . the Tenth Concession Of ' the said .Township Of Weat 'WtatairioSh" cont- aining one 'hundred acres of land .more Or less:''' . - , • . ,O.P00. the said premises theie"ii . Said ., to be %sitinite-Frame 'House, Frame barn with ' stone foundation, ;I: Franie, hen house, 1 Purim) house, 1 work shop; Twenty-five acres ' of bush. Farm.is'Iocatea 11/4 miles east of St Helens' Village. . 'TERMS: 20 Per 'cent of the pur- chase .inoneYto be paid down at the time .of sale And the ;balance within . 3.0* days. For further P tienlaes al), : ply'to the undersigned.' , . DATED. at Viringham,, Oitnrio,.: this ;eighth. day Of. Jillar,'.A.D. 1928.. •1 ' I W. BUSHFIELDr:-•' Solicitor for the ,Mortgagee, t•*: .W.iiigham; Ontario. MING ,EVENTS ,DANCE Dance in Paramount Hall on Fri 'day, ljuly 20.1)Ancitig frinn 9 ,Until 2 Alusie by Ma0Ktintia'as 6 »pkce oi4liesi,- 1 CLUB MEETING ' The regular ,Menthla. meeting ei the Leeknow Joint ,ettib Will he heidl.iiithA .ifirarige. Half on I'Vedneaday, ','Ord4 839 . . , a n (Alone Sec., l'keits. • APPOINTED PRINCIPAL OF - AISLA CRAIG PUBLIC ;SC404.314 Miss ICUtherine RahertSon, Who for the past; five Years hes taught at /folYreod School, arq.,*11.6 •reai01...,951• at the end of the :school term, has been aPpointeci' to the Principalship Of the -Ailsa Craig.pubiic School. The ;latter is a 'itiO room .acheel, 'Miss Robertson has beenpoPuler with the 1)4Piip,.. and the•Parents eieead Holy - rood and althengli they were sorry •to, lose her • valuable- services, their best 'wishes . folIew her to her new field. ,WON CEDAR CHEST • • On Saturday .eveiring the :publisher • r• made the .dra'W for a cedar chesttand sewing box. 'Jackets. were sold by . • George ,Wraith of Larigside, on the cheat amide by his uncle, -Mr. •George Wraith of Wingham. , • Th e winner was Bill Scott' of'Lang, Side with tigket-nuMber 55. Mrs. 1VIel. Orr was the holder'of the second, tick- et drawn,.narriber 28, arid wen a seW- 44g box. ' SPEOIA L AT' LYCEUM • TETANUS FATAL is ASHFIELD FARMER :Passed Awa y 'MondaY gorOlg ,F$If.0.10 Lockjaw Forty . Eight Hours After His Illness Had , • Been .Diagnosed,Funeral. Of Pop- . •.•dar Ashfield .Flarriter Was • Held. . Yesterday,;., • , Tetanus infection , caused the de of • Daniel Rose Long, Who Ipas away afhis hohie in Ashfield on M day morning within about ferty:ei hours :after he, had sought Medi attention; when his illness was•*1 thediately'diagneSed as lockjaw., ---ite7infeetion may have been eo tracted, from a flesh woiind ieceiv smile' ten days' previOus, but „it w not until :Saturday 'morning; that t effects of Che illness became appa erit to his sister.' jean, . who perSua ed her brother to -see a „Oder, steli the setionsness• •Of his condition'W at, Once:, 'determined. ''Serrim ,wa brought' from. Winghem , and. 'Lando but in Spite Of the,attentien of skil ,doctors ,and nurses, the rithieida ontraetiona'''. became more 'sever rith his .deaith resulting*On Monde erning:' • - ! Dan or."Short" as he was popalarl town, ;attended The • Clansmen' ight. in Isticknow ,on Thursday, an incetitep.--it--has-,beeri-lektra!d-th ath aed gon- ht cal m, ed. as, he en as aS s' ,e .•• 111 ,n effects of the illness were then be - corning apparent ' to was about his farm, work as serial on Fri- day; horirever, and on Saturday morii; ing assisted with the 'chores before seeing a • doctor. ,Daniel Long, Who wia,•42'iears' Of age,•°'was a aim of ',Mrs, Alex Long of. Concession 12, Asiifteld,, and the late AIex Ling, whose death occurred some, twelve years ago. Dan has eratedthe farm since his father's death, •rifirl'1,rirea an ,efficient and hard, working young Mae; and popular among a: wide circle of friends' -who Were shocked to learn of his serious illness : and death. ' ' The.. funeral service ',was, held' at the family residence on. We,dttiedeY: afternoon; With 'interment in Green- hiil Cemetery: • , Surviving besides his mother,. are three 'sisters, 'Mildred; Mrs. Gordon Towle. ‘Varrehuver; » Maria, . Mrs. PalPh•tfill of..Purnle' Greve,' and Miss Jew!, Long •at•.horne. •"Happy Landing"' featuring ,Sonja Henie, queen of -the silvery skates is the speciaI:attraction at the Lyceum rTheatre-'this-weekzeriCM1i-adiant and' mere beautiful -than, ever she is cO7Starred With Don.,Arneche.,: SHOWER HELD FOR •, BRIDE -ELECT . LOCHA-LSH, NEWS On: Saturday.* julY, 16, •1Viiss ..Mary Finlayson was 'guest of 'honor. al: a , . . . iniscellanemia. shower given her IV „ •friends und,nejjhbrnq.,Many beautiful gift i were opened by the , bride -to -he after which She expressed her. apprec- iation :in' a. few well-chosen Wards. , , A. Short. prograinme waS presented conSistieg of a'reading •"The Groan? Gets a Write-up" :by Sadie McCharles, A „song, "Donnie : Gees .a..Courtin,";:by Mae .and: pertha, .'MaKendrick, and Barbara MacLennan; tap dancing; Mary 'Joliriston;•scotch red, Margaret Mehenatin,.: Barbara McLeanan,, Mae and Bertha itlacKendriek and a redck Weddiiig-with ilia following: cast -- Bride; ',Mrs. Cliff Connell; Green], , Kathleen- MacKendriek; Minister, grs, .Jas. 1VlacKendrick;, bride's mother; Duacari. C. Mackenzie;' bride's father, Mrs. DOhald R. MacKenzit; Ifiticv".4-1iili;2*;:-. -frank .kaeLerinair and Mrs. Tr A MacLennan, rine- bearer, Pearl IVIErcKenzie. 'A "dainty , uncheop » was s rved to iboue fiftrgaests:f;rpught the pleas, ant *afternoon to a •elose. . • " COMBINE BUSY » • . HARyEs-r!!•!G WHEAT . The' Alice,Cliainhersall •crop' her,. .ve,steri. in.. ediitant :Ope'ration° for US past Week ;in Wheat:' fields :in the'crini_•. Muriity; contin.rieS .• to interest Spect- ators ,who -gather tir. Witness the dual ivork ,of harVesting and threshing done in . One operation. " : ' • • Th'; teactorqioWered 'machine 'start- ., operatio11e-1.- on 'ithe,- farnt' • of. 711fra- Din 'Roselast week:. where. a :fifteen. aere,fleld 1,%;AS`CpiiiPloted. in about ten hours This was -believed. to set,' an early dote: • record.. fair having grain, harvested' "aiiff threshed in Huron •County. , . From there: the machine moved , to the farina • Of . Robert Hamilton, ,and 'Dive -:SteWart , and on satui:day coni- nieO"ced, harvesting 'twenliar-five ricVeS ' of wheat on Albert .,JOhristrni's:farin, tondeOstefi. Ati,";'West: WawanOsh com- 1)lcting .,the wOq on'‘..,Alonday after, neon, In this' ease 'Where' the 'Are* was net to , salvaged, the inachiae. was set to cnt high., , Twd, men Operate . the 'ontfit, which is dilated, by the CoOlprina ta •thresh anything from .‘bird ..seed to 'bearia, ,One Mad • operates .:the traCtOif and the. other oneratoe. is kept liusy beik- iag 'the„, 0.14„‘froni . the twO: shoots: This is the: tozily machine' in -.Oner- atiori in this distriet And., in* •derriand partictilaily 'Where:there, are large stand's Of grain, to, be harveatod. . There IS ti" MasseY,liarris • Combine Joseph killough's" farm hoar 0121-* gantion, bu we uriderstarid ; that •tit -the"end of the Weeli'it had not Yet l'.1en tried: out. . ' STEPS UP : IN SALES' 'CONTtO . AS a result of the 'volunie of hoY- ing 'toode, he has *Ad this ,Seation, John Kilpatrick has 'inoVed up to sec- ond„ Plate in the Salee contest open to/ all Jkassey.41arrii dealers in On. • • : : ' ' HARVEY. :MaeGEE* TO . ENTERTAIN'. SATURDAY ----Saturday night shoppers' and visi- tis in town are assured of Plenty of "facoteh", this . Week., Besides .41., Pipe, Band '.perfermarfce; :Haryey• MacGee, popular, Sedtct.Coniediair.'ef Auburn,: •wili be in:attendaii,ee ;to pre, sent ',several . entertaining airtribers: „ FOURYOUNG MEN '1'0 HAVE CHARGE For ',*• the lialanee of :the surnin.er Months, Messrs Ross Mackay, :Frank' 1•14elealzie, Rex Ostrander, and „Nor.: 'nap Taylor. Will, ha( charge. of the 'Christian Fellowship,.Club'asSisted by a group of young people :summering at- Bruee peach. There Will he a diffei-7 gilt program, and speaker every Fri- day. evening. All are invited to come enloy, this 'haul" of 'inspiration. and •Chriatiaii fellowShip.•'Song, Service. at 8 o'clock sharp. Bring your Bibles and invite a friend. ENGAGEMENTS . and 'Mrs. •Lauehlair C:*.IVIaetver, fltiron Township,,. announce' the Ow" gagemept*.of'...thele daughter, Sarah Wood to Me; William Alexander Townson of, •Sudbury, aerr., of , Mt, and Alra. Fred Tottrikiii•Of .Powilasiin,1-„the Marriagto:take plaCe the 'Middle of August, • • Mr, and Mrs. , Thris, J. Anderson. of Ashfield ariaouriee ,the engagement. of • their . datightero' Olive Liliian, to Mr. .Charles Clayton Pearce,. -ion of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pearce,:of Exeter. The. marriage will. 'take PlaceAn'Au- gust. *. MADE ''PRESENTATION.. AT. AFTERNOON' TEA, • • Aftt. gliion'Johnstoribf Larder' take' who has been lielidaying ents in 'AShfield, WAS "•bratnetaliiiii the'guest'ot honer iit'an afternoon tee .Friday at the home of kr,S., L. 'O.: Thoinpson.--x. , • • :Some Swett young' ladies `2, -were iji•esent16-.'Slielii.it a ljlea§ant. iifiettlatdJ „thitIng which Alti: JoiniSto24. • -Mech. to lier stirpriSe,: was presented with ainrcly • silyer-niutrin dish. 11,tra. Mdigati tlendetto spe brieflY .before the aqh Wa' keSdil ' . • EDDING :BELLS : MacDONALDL-FiNLAYSON The Free • presbyterial,: Church Manse iA•Chesley 'isa the seine, Of ,pretty wedding de Wed;.;,Tuly 26h, hent)nliasolthI:'oefidLesOtchdaalus7h47brecc)ii±1111?etTtghled Orid,e, of, Donald MaeDon_ald of Ripley. The ',bride Was becorningla ettirea, in s dress-inaker's Frit of navy gab- ardine With blouse. of peach lastek and navy accessories. .; The 'ceremony:was performed by Rev. Via: Matheson in the presence of" 'about ferty, guests. .A...uniqne feature ..the•gathering-was the presence df t e• bride's'aiine, brothers. ' Following .the ,eereinony a dainty buffet lunch - on was Served by Mrs. Matheson. , AfterFa brief honeymoon in.North- ern Ontario, Mr. and 'Mrs. MacDonald will take up residence On :the grOorn's farm on the 8th Con'. of Huron Twp: We extend to them our best wishes for a. 161'4, happy and prosperous wedded life: '1VICCABE+.1dcQUILLIN On Wednesday, July 27, .193.8 at • , 1. Church of the ‘Adventi.:"R!dgetirwrii: with the Rev. J. H. Geoghegan , Dorothy 'Elizabeth,* daughter of Mr. John McQuillin and'•the late Ars...X.094illiaof:„Lucknove,,,,Ontarro-i- became the bride of Mr. Irvin A00' McCabe, of. Windsor, Ontarib,,sea of 'Mr. and Mrs. Baxter 'McCabe of Greenfield, • Nova Scotia. They Were attended b kiss "Florence McQeil- lin and Mr. J. M..Gatfield. 'After the cerepioni, the boaPle -left by 'motor for Nova Scotia. '' • SPECIAL. SERVICES AT 'SUMMER SCHOOL SUNDAY' Sunday :at the -Presbyterian Sum2 nier Scheel was Marked, by special ;der-vie:es Conducted .by Rev.: E. Me - clean of the school' and by. Rev. A. L. Budge Of Hamilton. • • -Sacrament was .adininistered at a special service at the •camp at nine a, in., With church Seritice. at .Ashfield Presbyterian ckeli., at eleven 'trait. In the evening an impressive open air conventicle was. held on the camp grounds, attended 'by a large Con- gregation •including ' many visitors. • '.BRICK , WORK COMPLETED ••• ' • Erick work' .at .the 'Post office hes been :completed including th_ clock. Toreraillt.Y6.W-Jiiih9a1c4219r.-41Pqsil..Ig clock. The •sheathing, has been laid on the roof in readiness for the ,zeverai qoatings of tar and roofing materialit Will receive. Interior :41i.P will COMZIrience' as soon as the metal• lathing. arrives. Altogether: whrk..is , pragtesSing Steadily and satisfactor- ily. : ,cLANtMEN NIGHT NETS NEATIROFIT 'Street Dance and Genies Pre!' Big Crowd, ,ThursdaY7-Net Profit, $103. 21VItieSter AnniVer'iarY Street Frolic:Tin .Aiiguat ' • . , -"The ,ClariSinen ....street-. dance, and. games held ,TharsdaY:'eaening'' taas ...fevered with, ideal,,,si-eather, and the .event attracted a large•tarnout, proa- ing. 'p6'fitable for the CluJj and pro...! •.n I vetry. satisfactory eritertaininent. • ' . ' ; Worthwhile: prizes • kept the bingo and spin Wheel booths well patron- ized, while dancers enjoyed thernSetireS to. niusie by' McCartney's 'orchestra, on the well/ trolled: paVenient that 'Made dincing.,a Pleasure. • , Restaurants' all 'did -a flourishing business .until a, late, hour;Net • eroceerls for. The Clansineit'a: treastity: 'totalled $108.32. -es. follows: .Spin. 'heel • , Receipts W ;, •15 Prizes .. . 19 '86 Net Proceeds.' „ , 02 • • • 'MOO' Receipts 60 ; Prizes 49 78 , Net. Pr,.:;cpeas• Dante Ekpenilitai•ea ' 31 5 Net Proceeds , $47 31 • .; • 'fetal • • , ' .4111 42" Lesi 'Oefieral EXperise .; '8.10 , . • $41 82 LOCAL TEACHER GOES MARYS !Ursa, Margaret, • 944:Calliait Tendered ; ' Resignation As •Mentber Of Luelf,..' School.Staff On, Werinesday---, , . . *, After Ten. Years ,Efficient Service' :A•Va,caney was createdin the Luck - no' 'peAlie; School : teaching stair on Wednesdaymorning,. when Misi Mai- . . garet Ma0Callutn:.tendered her, .res ignationt''» • Ansi MacCallum lies,been'apppinted:- tp the public schoOl staff of .Central Schooi,.%,pt..11faryis; her:duties to: com- niencj iu September.. This in: a teo- riThiii school in, which Miss MieCal- Juni Will teach:Grade IV: Miss Mao - Callum was the unanimous. ,choice Of members -of the St, Mary's :Board, 'who received. 150 'applieatioris thr..the. position. . • • 1 For tee years; Miss MacCallum has taught Grade:S.:V. and Yr in the local Sclipok and, has been*an efficient and 'suceeSiful' teacher, Whose resignation: is received. with regret. Preparations , are being .1 -Jude tbY Mrs. '.Madeallurn and Margaret to store their furniture here,' as Mrs. MaeCallum will leave in: the neer future forthe • coast, where hire datt- shter,: Misa,....Martha MacCallum *; employed at Port Alberni. PLAN •FOR AUGUST STREET. CARNIVAL - A. comulittee of The Clansmen Club has been working this •weekdrafting a tentative .program for,a, mons ey anniversary. stieet...carniVal ano frolic .to' be held Thursday, August 25th, featuring, • a calithumpian Parade,, Street olances; and a new ;and more extensive ,set-up of. games.' • 'Present-,plans••will be submitted, for approvalat a -,'Citib• ineeting. Friday night; following which eornplete *de- tails will be released to permit cadi thunapian entrants to 'Commence .Pr,q- paration for this night.. -;Worthwhile rizes wjii be offered in the Various a clasSes. . • . • • • . BIRTHS MacINTyRE-In Winglam Gen - 'mail Hospital:. on Friday,. July .22nd'• to kr. and, Mrs.. John Macintyre, of lairigside, a son. I . ' HACKETT_LJn'Ashfield. Sun- • ca thfo Mr in is • T h o a s • Hackett •R 7, Lu'ckeoW • a: son; ' RINKS .TOORNAMENT TO BEHELD- NEXT THURSDAY _ . . . , ' The: anneal rinks tournament. Of the LticknoW ' Bowling Club Will be held next *Thursday, August ..4th., This.. is Considerably :earlier, than ;other 'years: Last year's tournarhent was ,rained Out oii two.different occasions:mid was fine* *successfully staged as a twi- light tournament With forty-one rinks 'entered,. When, the eliiiiinationplan . of deriding the winner was'disearded, and replaced .b, the:, wins and Plus system. ., * Tins year's tournament .whiCh starts at 1.30 o'cio4 ; will adopt last year's ‘,.) method of decid ng the winners. Each rink will playfour .garnes, As. well. as the, Joynt trophy there will be the tistial,attractive 'array of Prizes offer- - STORIES, Fiank G'rahrini; fihing'from , the hank at .Ptirves. Lake. last..Thursday, hooked a black bass that Measured 18% :inches from tip to tip, and when skinned, cleaned and ready for' :the frying pan 'tipped the scales at up; tirds to two pritirida. The troiible was "was the only nibble all daY, klia :talking about fish stories. ;11 rod ked reel erithusiastdrom Kitchener hauled ina pike Taylors take days ago,. measuring gs inches ' in length and weighing an even fifteen -pounds. • . • , , • And 'litre's still -another. one. • couple of .lotal•fialierman•Wete trying - their luck In the Maitland:. River first one of the boas' landed two bass at once, * Measuring , ahout..ten and el-. inches respectively, Less than five. 'Minutes:later; While he was still: envying 'his', partner'sluck, the, Other fisberthan' repeated the 'Stine his two bass meakiring• about ' the .-----..»»:.. same length; Making i one huiidied •, . , Total Net„' Proceeds` Per cent. • iiatit with. t61;s'tY,O. • The nextevent i5,set tot miltit'schii,„ Aagnat ••5thi, •whea they filitlf to 'StAge: A rherister riaiiiVerattry Sfreet.frdlie and ,Calithihapiiie parade, plena for taiiieli are now belfg. donsia' &ed. home .the •Oeideirce Of then:” Siory. • . seceiid ,gi.ov.i.th alfalfa, !ate been at worin Aeld of "J AIILV is tare; 'but' When two. fellow fisher:, fliCn "atcomplish the "Same tlihig-nwell . • really Sounds. like ."Aah "SiOny",, but as a feet, •even thOtigh"thete fel, lows 'fish -leg fun and didn't bill On;oy".1.;Bre!ad, •f,WEEK...EN.p'sptcoALs':. JELLY. ItOliis •..••• ' • RONEY • .„ . . . MAPLE vv.A uT TARTS. •RAiSiN PIES • . TRY, OUR' IN.,-wHotg- WHEAT AND Homi,'MADIt BREADS • ROLLS '.TUTUFRUITi, ROLLS • • • 44I1E'APPLE Roils :CHELSEA BUNS ' COFFEE CARES CHOICE COOKIES HOLLYMAN'S BAKER ASI-IFIELD .1)AYS , .R;eklL.WAY ‘, BONDS Debenture Issue Required To Pay. Maturing Bonds' Of $125;000. 0 Defunct West Sher* Railway Gun Tano-teRs ev,diiiphy. Western Portion qf Th h igatsiOfhiSe 4ede eTownshipreghi!Osmet its ob Wes Shore; Railway bonds, to the ainotin of $125,000, .with which the Neater -pprtion of the Township was saddle :when this transportation bubble burs thirtly, yearsago. • ifi:Vedbt:esdhi'iPetil:1Sts!.; 4.f7unidnibeiPingatuhr:thsie;ssuble°nnkill'ofnegid. $50;000: haa been floated for. e ten •ear period bearing • interest' at :the ate.,..pf.31,7c*,.as against the original and rate of 57c, which' the'rminiei- ality has .been Paying for 30 years: his lashe has been totally.sub'scrib.- jon ended,the nhinieiPaiity td aninc-46sltlai :Cat: je ri_:219ifii -0 :bill.- gati ‘-lie'7°‘19:ebrilit:Ii loishi ehi- permitex tie. July lst. t, 4 • SALE 01? -DRESSES, Friday, July 29th and Sattirila, Come in the .morning, and • get a Good Dress for $L00.• •THE MARKET STORE. ARMY CUT.WORM . ,UNDER -CONTROL' No serious spread bf Werra Reported: This CamMunity And Infestation • 'Relieved .To Dying Out ; • - Tho present danger of; the army worm becoming •a Serious'. hienate-in this Corrarmaity seems to be peat. With trops being harvested and .further .general -hifeatation:beieg reported,,•it appears ;that the. threatened scourge of "worm's has, reached a matere 'stage, and barring 'a ,further„. eutbreak, no ,c:xtensive, dathage ; has . heeri :occasioned: by . theii invasion' ,locally, although at ;least a. couple' of..fatmers in, the im- mediate • vicinity have Suffered some less. : The Outbreak Wee widespread how- er, 'With the ,,Worm appearing , in moat counties in •the, prOVince. Most of the darnage,bas been done. to grass eS, barley, eata and eorn: .Grass Was the general breeding ;dace fiere where they Moved 'in large: minibers o pear, by grain arid carip.,peifik„ '111.37 "%veie known' libWeVer:to• haVe' actually' bred: ' the.. grain itself, ' the. eggs ,being laid the , leaves:. retailers hatte been ' advised to keep a constspt watch in grain until danger Of•the pest - Alfalfa, stveet clover,, red clover, peria," heaps, potatoes and tomatoes Are arhOng "Old crops which have not been attaekecf. Oitt'crops 'when attatk, BowLiNp.NEWS . • . Winners, Of the Ladies' jitney on Tuesday • afterneoe, Were Mrs., Chair. 'SteWard; 1St.; Era. Robert rieher, 2nd and :Mrs. David Huston, gra. ,In the Weekly mixed jitney on'Men7, darnight, thelladies' prizes were wen by Mia'SL Mel. 7:Clarke, .. Mrs: ,W,..,,,Henders'on and. Mrs , ,Docfglas. The '.'Successful men Were, Wallace Miner, 'Fred Steward, Mr Rathwell and Wellington: McCoy.. •, AUGUST WEDDING 11 Among . the charming weddings to • - feature themOnth of August in Owen •• *Mild; will be that Of ,Miss Olive Al- McKprroll, daughter of Mr and Kenneth 11a1co1m gelitcrLe°11rina.aniin' Mr of Barrie, Ont., only .13011•of Mrs.. Mac- -: 'Lerma!! and the late Duncan Mac_._ Ilefifiair Ont, *base en- gagenient. is announced.. Mis,s McKer- 11; ri ro who is a graduate of the Owen Sound CollegiaCe Institute, has been a member of the staff of the Ontario Hospital School at Orillia, for eight ,years and popular in Weill" circles there. -The2groom elect .is principal. of .,_Victoria., School, Barrie., Their marriage will be solemnized at the home of the bride's 5 parents, Angust • • '. 16th, ..her uncle, • Rev.' Dr, Pt T. . • McKerroli, of Niagara -on -The -Lake, ' pfficiating, , FAIL TO ORGANIZE . ,JUNIOR BAND AT'PRESENt Effortseto corriplete the organization' , • of the_Lticknowand-Cdinniunity4iin. • ior Boys' Band, have been not :been , . _ successf-ul to date, and 'with the hol-, iday' season on and a 'number , of the, - boys away, the matter has been drop. ped for the tirne being.. t The hays made rapid progress der-. their, two 'inOnth,s' and •'We sederstancl that., lacer this."' • season, further effort will be made with a . vie* .to this bald and, adding to its numbers, so that a, sheeessfill.• junior musidal..:,q.o.ciety May' yet become a reality here.'.- • ." ASH FIELD' FARMER ,ATTACKED BY BULL Fred Merris, Contessieni ‘5..AShfije1d .had, eSeape from Critital` injury at his farm when .an infuriated buil which' he •was leading' suddenly attacked him, teasing him in thesit and landing hirn about 20 'feet away. The bull 'then tramPed him under not; and, had it not been for' the pre, senee of his neighbor, Arthtir Stew: • art.i .whe succeeded in catelling the, long Lope, 'attached to the .ring • in ed, would .he left Stripped of leaves the bull's nose, 'Might have killed him. • 'and the grain- hea"d -nipped "der well 41); The bull- ,atbe, ',Wards; thifeed: lif6, ' in the, stark. BarleY Was stripped of Stewart who succeeded. in avoiding leaves also,. with .the •grain ,_..lfietta left it: The bull, which was an iiiii one, : ends ' - ' St*fiediag* but StriipPer12,Of the..barley had not ahowi any s'i,ent of •hein-g - 6,01ss preitfooly, . :While reports from Deoartinent of : ,1 • Agriculture soUreet state Waif& ia net, nttrieked b.a • the Werlita there is Ile head the tOet, but tried to scoot ' evidbriv la: this. neighborhood -that And beat. the Cheetheo to " it ' thv . ,. , , ,The poOr:.*attite he)** trithes a lute- Ta,0 heo4,..s.hct (too i,ou. ito' ii. • • •