HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-07-21, Page 4•
• . „
The extra packet attached to the half pound is FREE.
Try it! If you do not think Salada is the finest
tea you have ever tasted return the half pound for
refund in full.
Offer effective Lucirnew. only *bile suPPIY lasts..
Mies Hope Wall of Larigside re-
turned' borne Sunday after having
spent the Past, the weeks' :with .her
, sister --Mrs. --Albert Moffat.
, Mr, ' .Of Sault , Ste.
• Marie, after, an absence ef over thirty'
rein* from this pert of the Provifice
W& the gust of an old :friend, Mr.
, Jas. Hunter for a few (lays.• .
Miss K. WYbis is to be 'cOrigratii-
••• lated• on having, ,successfully paSs'ed.
her•••exatilinatiots in ninsic,'
• Mise Meagan ' Owens of Ripley is
bOlidaying :with., Miss .Eileen 'Moore,
ElOoe Kairke and two Child-
ren Of thifttilo, spent the .Past two
•• 'reeks with. her .cousin, Mrs. 1.
red..., • . ' • '
•• Mr. and Mrs. W. J. !MacDonald, of
,LireknOW were •visiters Thursday' at
Mr: At. .McDonald's.,, • ,F
•••• •
Venables and misk,„&ictionald
'‘ sit ;Waterford are ' Vielting: 'frieede in• ,
The polo& service in 1'0; Church
"kat Sundak, was
well flt-
• Rev, tMeciary, Bible Soeiety •
. kiipresentativei preeehea a''very
teresting • i6'tiiitty and -•.14re'=1,r;::`S.
Mott Sang if,' very fine, 8010,. Meet11,"
k Alter WA'S ,P,rganierit. the: service,
A. singing' Was led by '4 • mixed
•The July ipeeting of the
o. club' Was';lielsi at thehome of
Uri. 7lierh.''Eneign on Tuesday, There
Was a' splendid attendance•
'big opened ,With the Club Ode, follow-
ed by prayer in ,,iinieen. The minutes
of the last, meeting were ,read,and
appioVid. The roll enil was .answeted
by hints on , canning. It. Was :inoved
OSt, ,Mts. McGill and SecOnded. by Mkt.
Robt, Hamilton, • that the ,next ,pidet-
ing be a 10e tea.. A splendid provitin
was • much ,enjoyed by all, including a
ieading by Viola Cook; Motto by Mrs.
Art 'Cook,: read • by Verna Hamilton
on 'the :Only Way to Keen. A ;Friend
is to be One"; reeitation by Shirley
Bebinsont a papier by Mrs. Kempton
- • • -
"At .h•Orne with Yourself";; reading
by Veeria 'Hamilton on '•'.Washday on
the victrola 'innsiet a .splen-
clid . travel talk.' by, Mrs'. :Jack Jentie-
son:. iecitatioe • by Mie.• rend-
itig ,t14a Cook: 'community sing-
ing recitatiofl. by 'Eileen 'Ensign; read,
hie' by Mrs. Olivet MeCluirlew rend-
ing hy Mrs. Wetstee; a 4depionstrii;
tion on floWers .Ethel Mktip and
eorninueity singing. A. Vete of thiinkS'
War extended to the hosteeit. A ilainisr
lunch wa served and a 'social hour
spent. ' ,., • ,
•'ME ,./Ohn •;rektor ,,tetnii Was.
Visiting OWtrichdg in .thit'.00ntootot-,
ity Mi Taylor left hcie 54 year's ago
I Mr.. Norman • Wilson 'of. Auburn
spent,: Sunday vith •bia. sister, Mre.
Albert' Cook, • .
i„ Mr, Albert Cook, lEcirta";.„atid Vieli.
?spent the • ,Week-etid in CollingWood.
Mr: carniendlainilteri ..ja spending
- •
a few days at his: honie here,. ••
IMr James • Webster? is Still under
e doctor's care.; We hope for s
spedy rcveiy.
1 . • • .
Me, anO'• Mrs: Jt.' Moffat ONO Shir-
ley 'spent lest Week • in... Goderielf.
Mr, 1-Ta1-ry 11/fe1)ongi1 Was ',up' frOM
Toronto °Vete 'the., week -end.
„kr. aUd. Mr's. Martin ,sPent §en.'
day With Mr. anti Ws. 4, courtuey.
Mi tiei•ber t thiekton andhis sisto:
speit ar day htstweek it Port
• The „annilal- ot the Kairshea
clu'h., 'and South • Rinloss, congregation
IA to . be at'..TOnt's• Gtove on Wetiiie
daY, , , , •
Miss, lost Millie' Robb Alie4tb aCday
,W‘e11with WS,
A ,number from. 'helve 'attendeti the
Gattien patty '4 c,.Iat'ler.s lest Priaay
vftiigL - • . ' '
.,64 "7 11.a.,;11.0.11414,41'
Pobileity is, highly valued' by Willy
people; exeept 'When!: they' `1.1aVdtti Pay
fat. tt! • •
• REV, J:C. MACKAY • ,
'•Rey. Angus MacKay Who, Intro-
duced His Son As He Assumed His
New .Charge On inkulaT; July 3;d:
The inauctioa of 'tile Rey, Jelin
Calviii IY4443',. M. A., tate of ca-'
,perp,. to the pastorate of
• Kiridardine Free • Church, Ardgay,
Seetland took place recently.. •
• He.ir; MacKay .is a On Of
gus. MatKaY Of. Kingneeie • Scotland'
and d former 'Initlieter of the Locknow
Presbyterian 4Church. : :Rev. ;MacKay,
wasinducted here on May 3rd; 1887
and was the :first after the
joining of thetwo congregations. of
Ke,,,* .1104 St. Andrews. The Present
church ,Was built during the early part:
of .,his sixteen -year pastorate. - Rev.
:Ang94-X4aY resigned his charge
here: in 1004, and paid a visit to Scot-
land where he joined the Free Church
and eeePted a 'call to: ICingusele..One
-seri a '.twO•denkhters -served in. the
foreig mission field..
induction • service of his ion
v.,as p :• by the Rev. Roderick
Campbell; Golspie, and • the newly -
inducted minister ' was addressed by
the. .Rev.. • William „MacLeod, M. :A,
Dornoch, and the Congregation by the
ReScr J. M. MacLennan, Lairg, Moder-
ator of the General Assembly.
Mr. MacLeod, , in addressing. Mr.
said hat it •was unneces,-
•ry , for himto emphasise: the duties
and responsibilities of. the Christian
ministry. These things • Mr. • MacKay
mew beter than he did. He had exper-
ience Of these difficulties and
,ibi1ities at henie•and Abroad, and his
• throughout. the • • Church. • a
Rev. Mr: MacLennan, Lent, . ad-
dressing the congregation, :said the
people of Kincardine 'might well say,,
'!The Lord hath done great things for
PS."' They , had had their ,share . of
i• difficulties and were to be congratul-
ated on :their, loyalty' amid the diffi-
cultiee. He counselled them to eeteern
their neW.Paltor'as d Man ,of God, to
siipport• him by their ,presence at •the
serVicea of the, Church,to remember
the spiritual character Of his• -.Mission.
when receiving him into their homes,
Au,d. above all sustain' him' by prayer.
. •
After. the ,. induction, ceremony,
rninisteri'°11Wera:Kitd, earkit.:ttb4eRev.
Mrs. M .,
A. D. Cameron, retiring inteiiin mod-
erator. •
Rev. M1'4 MacKay,inexpressing his
thanks for a ,wallet of treasury mites,'
said he needed. no such tangible token
of rove from the , congregation. He
wasalready: assured of their loyalty
by hislontriet with them and helook-
ed.•forWaril to knowing them better
in the near future, ' , • ,
. . ,
'Mrs. MacKay was presented with
...a handbag. She_expressed..her thanks
, •
in a feet' wards, „Saying that ,she also
looked' fOrward' to 'making the acqu-
aintance° of the People.
Beth .Mr. 'and Mrs, MacKay' have
Id connectionS, with the •,'Parigh Of
Kineardizie, Mr: MaCICey'sforebears.
having emigrated 'from. the • district to
:Canada, ancr-,Mrai-•Meekey's grand-
father . haying' lived near the spot
where' Kincardine Free' Church Manse
.`tioW stands. Her brother; Mr, .W.:D.
Munro Overekibo- well known
throughout the •north.
. ,
. The new pastor waa introduced by
his father, Rev.. Angus Mackay; on
Sabbath July; 3rd at 11.30'a.
there; was also an 'evening service at
6 P-rn:
• ,
Miss. Rose Campbell of Hamilton .is
:visiting lyliasee Henna and Belle Ross
Bobbie' and Kenneth , Thompson Ot
Kitchener. . the holidays
With' their. grandrnether, MrS,
• '. °
, „
, Mr. and .Mrs. R. E. Litja and leek d
and Mrsi Mary Jerret of Hamilton
and Mrs. thin. MacKenzie spent a few
days with Mr., and Mrs, Earle Hod-
Take ' •AdYnntille .Of Godetleh • 'Mts.
onCS And 'Combillo Nile Hite To
• Win :10-L-4 Decision
Lirekrivo • - juveniles • ended their
SChedule in, Goderich, on-7Thursday by
i'lving • the takealders a10to 4 tr91$11-
,.4.-• „ .
The locals collected nine bits,
and assietecl_by eight miscues' by the
Goderich nine,: pilled up * command-
ing lead that kept them well in front
• As a result of their win' the local
• ..
Goderieh in the first round• Of the
play -downs for group - henorw. on Fri-
day. •
Johnnie Carter; Was on the mound
for the locals and did his usual steady
job in testing them up. Feature Alai
of the game was a shoe -string cateh
by Angus McKinnon, redeeming au
errai he committed on the previous
OAST'. Betting honors went to Deng.
Aitchison, with 3 out•of-8,- while -Ross
McDonald collected three. Of the God -
°rich boys six ,hits. 7. ...
••••,••• •
General aWor.
• . • , . •
I) LQ) TOO 44.4*.Tao. _
Wl AIAVR 1.1szsAta,b_a„„i \ODlN AND ljlV1() DVI
QUMN.MANNI!"11) j\ PF Ij 1cF4»'; ,
. BOng. us our lieat b We •PilaraUtee'." 04.tiP•44.ctiAiA. ataf Tilr
oskunatea„ Ate,. w it .01 reaa047.
'Phone..3fi' kiegardine, „Ontario;
„,, , .., • ,
many others • ,wal,ih„dtat- ,11.:11:15k3r't:1. ' 'f‘ii'ltoli.htt:'''''Itivee4 l'Pl. ai' .6oefv'tIC44.111 efitlft19(01tellei.e1;re' ral. OttawatOl!aulrQ-
. Dear- Sir: • •
'haVe, heard O.Y.0..r the air, br' read iii ; Oh ,„Stmxiay.' last, ••• rineouverites.' -
•the -PaPera. stories - of Villie.okiVer'S .1 -wakened to. learn over the radio that: •
own Sunday tuurning' riot, , ' .- .. I Onietning had,ttlipPened..: The, 25,0 men' '-•'
' 'Very erroneous iinpreeeiOna. :. have at the• Art Cialle,k"t42w'h. eT•f?r,.fell,r weeks • ;
'vet 'our beciw-R-Tot-the-mews-thlW*AsTA-hild,';-bn-livingi. iiy.,,ain.1„,...inght_iit,„fulim,
spread. The more Or lesa.natu'ral:tend- , view'of• tiabl,tings in, 'oil ' and w4tgi7,..' .
ehey ' to exaggerateapparently ran p eolouN by ,world fanicnts ;Mists': Inre0:
riot with the ininginutions of the re, expelled. by thK„„iiiounties tear bonibs ..
porters. One news broadcast,.net Cai„: beim.;: used to. lork.I? „them to quit. They •
adian; spoke Of 'hundreds, of thens."andS. ,,:aciited the Phic'e Pettc;•enbW and mar -
of dollars, 'of ' damagebeing done and . elieci off .toWard; their halt. 'Phi larger ..
WOO being Shed; and the streets being group ' at •the'rQst ()trice wore notified,. •
14. shaixiNes. A ...tourist . Nraii,otiver ' .bv City, ..tintliorities 0, Vacate but re- ,
bound was: Seared ...away' with a story . M. 1
t'Used...The R. c.',„ " the de-
.. repeated .
the reds being' in -command. ;Sp. 1
and; .1.11.a.alt7lheAli Itkiii .e.lai N,','1101,11t•ilil•ii..II:Ig'..a114. a, titne'liii.:.• ..
refuied to •leitye.'' • ,
Of 'Vancouver . being' a shambleS
think Vihay. be .excused in talcin't.: up Then theY .Wers e.j.eeted with aid '‘of .
your time to 'tell 'yew what has .hap•p- tear Os.; bontb.4., hut' iii:the;seiiffle they .
Stied.- .,'.. ', . - . ' • • . .-, wreEked.„•_41L._the• wi•flOoWs and • nittch_L.
14 the..first..pliiee Vancouver . is s,,,i,i.:, of the' fine interiorwork just recently '
uatetren English ility, (Part of • Ci:tilf ' e(nnilletett; ' •Sethe • ef the 'PPlice: and ' •
- of Georgia) .on' the vest, Burrard, Iii,: :.t3red.i.e,.. leader of the 'zienlanded. in
let (another. part 'of the Gulf) ..On filo...the .hesPl.toali a.easualities.. Then,em-
north,, pia- extends ".t.iifih
, ,the Fraser r!,'.t..ing. . the...P(5st Offl& the. me.n
River on the south.
' • '..'
§outh... It core.i.4ii. good • rushecr do'',..‘ i'. Cordova, .eitstwprd. 'Sev.; .
glass windows in Spencer's
dealof- 'area''.464. has , a population of' et:ai 4)1ate
390:000, tiod, ropfe, The .d.iain bi.isin$s and other :plaees ...Were 'hrOken: In the • ,
section ..ofete ,thLe•--..w. retwd-,-gfrefir,ne...x.t.„41ocli Several...sifialler„,•:-WindoWS
and Ai:. hest of - 'smaller •ozies Are Sit- l'ilall6d'' ...Pie. 11°.kt. .'binC4' 'In'
e'.whieli...the i•wci .,buildings : I am inter -
and -
.tiated is on Granville and liestinge
other, and . near . their convergence- at 1
ested fn. ;are, sitiatecl. fnred . better, '
(Miry one, 'Of onr windows being.,brok- ...
' streets • parallel. with 'one.' Or the
from Hastings is West ' Cordova •
..P1:. In . the next block is. Woodward!ri
iiig.• store:. Here ',every Winnow:. on:the
the Post Office. The street next north
Two of thd, big department
•sfores.e...i.,,i three, ..,..lides 'we .Siliashed• and many of •"..
tend .fiiim. Hastings' to :Cordova, .hav•-- '.ihe. glass. doers as •w;eit.i On' Hastings' '
. ing 'fronts. on :both, streets. .. Spencers . St'' 'quite a''ti'mber • bf other stores
fills a,.whole bloelcand has entrances " .4..4trel'e;C1
hut none on Granville St.:$59;000 'wor- •
'and'.4 'few . in 'isolated parts,' .'
on the ....tWife-'sicle' . streets- ' as • , Well. •
th .of plate ,glass was swept 1,1V :and ."
WOodward'e occupies,. :a• good part of a. '
.hlOck and has big 'plate' glass wilidews- ..tk24111.4°O•itily•e:'1°Sariltnbdaak.Ye.:..giutonilrw..ing' the
and. an ientrance on Abbott:St. as*.Well•',..„.p-r*,:d. •c:if news ;re on Hastings .andCOrdOva..Hastings the eiciwds of : sight:
seer.; •ere.w,' ruiti1 at ':nie,lit • ttheiiraffic-' •
rt:ps east and *est arieGi•inville• runs. '
C. P. R. deprit close to I3ureard. Inlet..
the. • p(1.1°3-7'lil',i=enstw•,atti5.jaanilct.niened,.,..wSatsanfloeisril7kaernk." l'...,
Suspension_ bridge 'in
north '.and scruth; -extending.freni
ion dollar one.' :. AO . extending • SOtne' i
a(Isilee•Careek en- , c8o‘ilici.";e't017.i...'3o.ina''trocti9a.; Was forgetten.
8'nli117 Afte•:. a' monster 'mass ,.• meeting on
.indes.', There Are no vacant spaces on. •in
PoWe II .St.... greeeds., the then , gathered
• froat of Police .I1eadeuartere""and ..":
either of these ..tveo. Main streets and I a
I.clo-not think there are anYonnOceupi- windoW was: broken. During the:
,i.i.igli.t. the: e'izelowa that. had been.' re.
ed stores. They are both go Streets phieed at. Woodward's Were . in ' tiirii: '.
,wiothr;fiGnreanbUoilldlinsgts: •i' ,the, Hotel .s..7..i.tn_ .By , monday
evenin,g normalcy . re..
• . ' . '
.couver, also • • the' Palatial HOOsen"e .; igned.., iigain. Most 'of the 'big. WindoWs''.... •
RAY Cu: stores. Just off Granville ;an Lwere, replaCed .':ind. ',the. Sta.ffs. _hail. • •
Georgia . is the nevi.? $7,000,000 C, N..• R. !• them 'dressed 'for ..`,bisiziess as. u`Sual." •
Hetet which • the C. P. R. and. ' C , 'N../1. : it7ria. been quiet since. Some hundreds ..
;are going to OperUte.. joiptlY„..Across :1..- of. the Men. ha..Ve'...gene to.. Van., ....
'•Gfr:orai,,giait,H..tiiis.e,iiiiiito:stlitoeriy,fmineeciicb4olteDi-,•e 1K ft
Island to .N.anaimo. an .Vieterie.. .
ntilli. Just as • I.: have'. 'been writing,. this
Bldg' and, farther . •doWa, . tbe. ;Art '1.45 T. Ni„ F-riduy,:j, abOut 150 nien sing-.
Gallery... •; ...- . .. • - . ... • ..' , ''. • ...., 'iJng and Ca rryingbtindlea:hafve Mareh-•
, The eliipate.'of V.aricouv:er, -Mid', it- ' ''Sd past y 'office. on •Cordoxe ;to arci . .
..-.6.1 • • . , -4 , . ,..
environs has been stith_thet_niani of flie V--E.LR wharvese-beardr-One
.the . unemP)Oye.1.: 'of P every province,,.',th'ero saY ."On. tr.() .Victoria." The clues-
eeet of .uallaye trekked this ',Way. and tion tAre we :dpi,ynheartidll•brouOt
7,.e. :htiVe•• been .:saddled :with a :gre:it •-fOAKIlle, pSual-, hoisterPus ,and• hearti :
throng of., 'single '. Men', ;)Uf.j• Of • woik...
The 'city • authorities .and the 'provin, :;'.4-T°*,.•:•.'O'... d•oi.g: A' it'o., . the. 'riot •the-ee'', waii.
cid:authorities 'Consider • the 'feeding -no ,sitrii of... it...apart ' froin; the PoSt• .
and 'Cake of these, men As, belonging ,',, Office.. in' whipli, all .:the .windo.we .are .
justly. to the federal authorities. The still ,.ilearded up: . • ,
ly- for ' eirmething.-to-berrie;.- e
men have Nyalted.Mbre or less patient, I.. As _srou..aii.:.see. .,r_ar.n.. na,,,,01.s.t.,.
OW6; !. leg. iighte or WrongS,.. merely' stating • .
what, toOk Place: •Serious ..as:
work or . relief but theY hae. waited I
was, . the. -glass,: b-ro'ken. being worth '
the -affair. ;
in vein. ,Their organization has been ,
850;060 .or •more, it was Only a refgre'tt;
good.:.and 'their Officials .have . had the I,
able • incident. Vancoiiver• was not ' a
Men in; complete !Control:. On. the•
. shambles", -,:on, Simday• and ha no
.in eharge: Ne one here looks -on these
. . .
sears" today, and ."the„ rede'". are not,
lads.' as, reds , although we realiZe..that; ..
Continued . failure '•to., deal. with and...
.i.erne.ly the condition. 'inight• easilY,
'turn. tn into' . red's... their dernand -
for .‘vork.
or food and shelter ,hardlY. ....:.
eonstitutes 'a ied• u.prising. The syrn-
,1i6Str.•'• -
PathY Of the, peo,Ple. seems' to be with
them. tor'."eVerytbrie they • get. on the
:Streets with •their tin :cans theie. are
who eonributie,despite the . •
fici• that •they. ate ,defying, .the tioiiee.'
in lit eiging on the •streets. :. • .• ''' • .•,..; '
Provincial. Capi.tol., :', • • :.• • • ''
...• . .. • • . . . • . • .
T4,..: next act in -the draelit, will
appe.rently 'take place. at Victoria the
•• , Will Faraday,
Re V. BenSoti. Cox of. ;NeAi. York. and
:ifiss'''Niary Cox"7"are • holidaying at ,..
their honie Cert. 10.Mr. Jas., HOdgitia to Toronto
., .. •
Mrs: WM..' Percy and Hazel..
(hiring , the: 'week, • , . • , '
.MV., arid!
u -ere •Sunda•Y Visftora Lit ',ME, N. .,Mc,,,
Lucknow - •,; ,,• ab r h
D7! AitehiSaa, , as. ' 5 1 •fi
D; Finlayson;, c. ' 5,. 1', 1
.;11i.,---W-Ylds,-....3rd.---------. 3 1
. J : Carter; p. .,, 2, - 2
J.' :Cook, 214 , .' 41 '
R. Richards,, cf. 4 ,1 "2
,J, Webster; lst. ..,....,:......-...4 : 1 0
.M. 861Oinon, rt. •
A. •McKinnon; If. • «4o • 0
, ,..•
• 7 37109
' .
GOderich. •ab r. h
Holnien, 2
McNeil, "30.
-mepenaid, ef. • - 37-2'3
Westbrook,'• as; ' 0
.•13loonifield; p., ind, ' 0, 11
Turner, if' ' 4 0 0
Hill; 2rid.: P
Johnston,' if • • ' 2 • 0 0
c 3. 0, 0:
Bissett; if • 1' '0 0
29 4 6
* * * *
'Maitland League Standing. •
With Whighain out of the. Juvenile
Le.tgue •LucknOw picked 'hp in addit-
ional.: u in, and coupled with 'Thurs.-
day'S ',.Yietory 111 Goderich ended up
fourth place in the standing. • Tie
igainea were not Considered in the
.441 standing whigh was as follows.
W. • L. Pere.
. • •
3 625
elinton 1 6 4 •600
truCknO*11111........,,,. -5- •14•555..
.RiPIeY• :444'
, • ., •
Lacknow :Juveniles who have been.
OlnYing iniproyed ball as the, Season
progressed ended up in fourth. Place
in the Maitland League and won a
playoff" pPsition. °
First and third and second and
fearth. place teams now commence an
elimination 'series for group honors,
the champa to continue in the 0 B
A. juvenile, Playdowns.
' Goderich in second, place Meet the
Lueknow nine: The 'first glinlie of the
best two•':out,of-three, series will be
played in Gtiderreli.:this Friday, nrith
the Second, game In Lucknour net
Twinners will'me' et* the.; in' nen
the D,Pngennen-=-Gederich 'playeff,
'f the Dungannon - Clinion „lialyou
ate of which have not, yet been ar-
ranged. '•• • '
* • * * *
•Gordon' Irwin still holdsfirst place
for batting ,honors .with '.:Goderich in
the Huron -Perth ,Leagne. ,Gord. has
a percentage d ..444;
a conifortabla lead Over his nerest
Clark FinlayaOn is in 4th place *itb*.
ai aV0Age ef•.323:," '
Mr. and Mrs. Goorge'•Hotigins of
Woodstoek spent a .'few • days •• With
'Mrs. W. .Hedgins.
Mr. Harry:Pitmen is ablelto be/Pp
and around again. '
. , KieleugsOftball team is. loading
. .',.. . 1 •' n Kinlo 91 and Wine. .1;,.
Miss Eileen Ensign front Goderiph e1L" ''' .- s- 74''''-ar—t.e
is visitinti. ,,,,,vith hot, ,giaridpatetit,s, loop with 5 wiee and no losses..
Me. and ,Mra, E; Dexter. . s • ,tr • * * * *
, kiniough kept their; winning streak
intact when they defeated ' Arrnow
ti to 4, spoiltlg. seven' of, their rtins .in
tK). 6'1%1 inning.
* "*, *
. toniptainto 'lave been nuide to the
1.truce I- u- Executive that players
• Mr, jOhn D:*•Nuirtin. has been en:,
gaged to' leech 'at 8. .8•,,No.; 1; GOO•
eriCh for thccoining year
' 'MN. 'HoivardAtobinsOti. ned Miss
Shirley froM ,i/olyrood, -::"spetit a few
1 !'t ' h ' ' M '' ' ' • '
reys wi h er, patents! : r.,....ruid Mx,s,
.Fl.. Doder.. : • .,..• .....- :
.. . .,.., .
• ,„ r , .
, me.' mull' Arita.% A, A hoinpaori amt.
Mr. tddie Thompson • from Holyrood
, were .recent visitori ,with Mr, , alai
4re. ' Win., ;1'460111, ' .. •
Ate,'• d.• D.', Niiirtin front` tininfliZn'
*4)64 the, wei: at his tionite here:
and ffcia1s. in 'Shitiie of tiaines aie
indieg. pen dthkhig at alines,
tio1n4 bing:hve
by the ,fiendo 1(iotignO' And 'AnAnotovions
•Are• likely to tollSiv..,Port • Melt,' tihiCe•
• and not bkely to.iniProVee -
second list Friday ' in. . May, 'three
groups , of 'these 'unemployed • ,met,
suddenly ' turned : Up and. occupied
three buildings here, 250 of them go.
ing tetlie. Art. Gallery, 500 eccupying.
the Hotel Georgia and seven Or, eight
hundred . the post', office. Their st0.00,
.3at or lay on the floors of these build-
ings and refused. to leave. ,Saturday
night the Mayor Paid $500,00: to: the
group at the Hotel Georgia and they
left the premises. The others °stayed
,ori the job" day atter day until early
last 'Sunday 'relorriing; .refusing •to,
leave., .Past. my office on 'Cordova, St.,
I saw severy afternoon group after,
group of the men from the Post -Office
Marching by •quietly " on their way to
a .ineal at a. restaurant or it ;shower
'oath at the Y. M. C. A. • - • , •
,,Seven hundred men Ottlng or lying
all •day and. all night in closeterniat,
ion on the fliforof one building was
,4nestarithitearbyesstiacnOdnpd6itiinoth .:ofeta4fraanirds"rnfraogin.
:pines; were brought in and they had
their own sYetem, of distributing the
food. The litst'aight,theY Were noisy'
Pd sang More or less all night but
latterly. they just sat mid' chatted. I:
asked one ,inan past middle life if the
floor wasn't pretty hard to Sit on hour
by hour This was about • the, third day,
know but he didn't,•find: English VerY
His e ly was, ..yes, but We, are gett-
ing great kick out of it." just What
language he 'spoke at honie „I dO • not
easy.. Vancouv,er:Waited. for Victoria
:or Ott:A*444o act. The proyince would
'do nothing and *aited for Ottawa.
The Federal , Government sat MI the.
fence. and did nothing. . . ' !"
Everyone knew that :the " conditidn•
should not have been permitted'. atiO•
yet no • one did aeything..'ThOuSaliOs
ek,PooFtle werit in and Out Of the Post
Office Just , out of euriesity and What
they . Saw WAS a • drowit of tne
Kay'', CiIan;is
%It 14014'• I N1' VA!'
. , .
etniollion:an:fiteodiu,ivit...hti.71.s,viisii.6itittwith Mi- .di4here.e.:.
• -
' Et":4e1 lialdenhy Vieited .last ' week
With her , cousitt,-;Artiold, arid 'Lovell
'McGuire', -"•• ' •
Frapk has been
emPloyed near LiWtowel, had the
fortune „to bredk• Ina wrist.
..,1;etnaadnding and d taying cards, some lying Iow childre11 bc rt .W.ht:eetiti.b01):.,0871.!
' 1'
pnblie te, get, to the various wickets. \ 104,sot• are hohdain6. at
have to ' happen,lilthoilgh hartil„Wits • I- : - •
being done bY;the hien,
,EYeilene ,:kiieW something would• Sun -
There waS jest- ernytiOi roOtry„iir •I•
out beautiful 'now" Post Offide for the 'Shirley DoI11 and .13illY• of
'n the hot stninner Weather froth a kdaY Seh001 iiknie at "Itieeardthe oil'
health. standpoint was . not i 'luesday, •