HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-07-21, Page 2titted Linen arments'Coo ; Fine -Twisted Linen Thread Knits Up Very Light -,,Paris Is Using A Great Deal Of It. CHAPTER Coward 'Ohne • Echoes. ePhOeS, WheileVer he .inpY, • ed. and nerie-raeltin,. 'silence when ;he paused to listen.• , •• TO: liateil*tO whet?: The distant ..''ettr4e of -the sea" :Or to dim 'echoes. • • treated .by his careful . Creeping around the ,house.f •••:, ' • Denson. like a furtiveshdow, to room in the great shuttered Mansion. -Deserted • by all -his •and rolibed by •‘.the 'hen 1, Or the Avenger.of 1110 two aecartipiices,,I3enson took •refitge, be- : 4414 theks, holle ,and bars , Fear- •-• somely he wanddred from -.bolted door :'10,Slitittered•:Wintlow: Frpro_ rooni tO ,rPoni, up. Vii7the-10141,10St „ turret and beakagain to: the cellars •.beneatnteunningly , contrived 'eel-, lats. ,t9O, permitting of a ,docense7t7. • Its, hut.etteli of'them•now a possible. ,...-soirCe• of danger•te the ,fearoatirted 'Outside. •somewhere in the dark neis, lurked death.stalking around 0:0 WallS; • 'The Avenger,: who had.. • „sworn that..he should ccenplete the . . , trio of :the' doemed, •• • Vhisky did little to help and only served to inflame his 'brain Lunt eon, ' Itire • up, still'Anore dreaded phaa- • totes; , Se. trona ets, dim and shuttered apartment Benson' crept..with • .fling feet, and palsied, handi;, every „cimboardheld for hiin an ,unseen the _death he.',feared. , • • ' The .sound Of, • a.' ,softly ',.closing door brought' the:hlaral.to his head with a dazing rualg• his ears throb,. 'bed' with the be:ng Of drums and: bis eyes made. fantasy. of , things around, ; , • , • . • , The Soerid• of.,1-,bis • Heart For iame taiiiintee BenwstoOd ' taCtrig4 irresolute' and • panic- ky. listcning to the heating of. his . , • tinu, heart and ,stiffing: his breath. to , .•,strala 'his hearing., ,ThinaP7',.hunip••--7bunipI •.,SOM‘rietr-,re-down.,:in the ,,base, 'anent.,•,In the:labyrinth Of thosi0 cel- lars, Sorrier al • -4. iomething. Was.' .,•, With di4matty he •suppressed .a cry, and •IVieftelt for a further The certainty -.irks that he was hot : „ as atoll Soineone. was • In : the- htius:,i ...with him. ,' • . .Ile -Cursed. again the !cowardly . , • •.teitler.,who,had dt.camped'aft?.r the• • •de- ,of, • West.. and cursed 's., • • . . hi• . •:own folly ,' before, • • ,Creakr-creak-ereakt'• '•••-• • • Slowly; and , talcing 'his •time, Asernizone will coining Up the stairs • „ •..., , -tlir,ciiigh dt-iri, that Benson knew ' • . , • .. . he' had locked.' • „ , " • Upthe stairs, eorairig to th, ,r00m1:. In which ht stood . . ,caught- hini In. -it :‘ • whirl .• and' he . . . stretched out a; .Shaking hand for the Whisky a dluMbled again for his ,.revols- to. reassure himself .."that ,hehaditsafely, Stcalthy Footiteps' Nearer--nearer`On. the, 1itiadink; along the eorriddr...."Stetti thy footstep s . • •, Moving ,even • :• more 'cautiously . • , ; • • ' Then •:'a pause •outside the very • doer ,itselft• '• • • • . , „ • . • t • • 0Stopi". Benson's' voice Was harsh, • and Cracked, "I've got (he door, eciv-, ered:L.--1'her7ger•Who7teriterS,.dies- „Oer hear? I've got the dear :Coy-. . • .. Silence. Just the ticking of Clock and the .gatiping' of his pant,' ' ing longs; but outside, the door- -s Lu uluLer. • "Yes.now down 'On•,:the beach •with you and intercept hire' as he . comes ' ashore. Tour 'Men are 'stir- ..t rounding the hcnise?" • • . , .."Ifes, air." :* The Centre of the Cava . • Bunter sinned grirelY to think pf the Care the law Was takingto:Pro- teet•Benion from danger, just In or. ',der that he should answer or hie. crime before a ,tribunal of justice! •.tn the darkness the Sergeant' and • -;three men-crept:to the..beach below. •Staiithog to;.the very run of the surf they Presently heard the bump- ing of rowlocks and•nars, and a•ino., Went . later; a .ildp'S:Jang-boat. ran, oOlinginto the 'ILOW far 'do you i'ecitori we are from: the 'cave, Take?", asked a , ,He glared round the ,hrilliantly, litroom and attempted -to collect hI sehieS, • '' :The smouldering. fire with the Satan table by , the' bide Of ;hie:chair :with whIsky. ..and sandwiches-ey,... erything seemed So normal and. ev. • ,erything• was so quiet. • So quiet. It . was •inibetiraille, 'this silence, • "Who7tr e you, frhat. do you Wank?" he "See' here. can't We tome to terins. you and I? You've had your share ot revenge ; 'Panting, he waited for an ans. • thenr,witliataiosat-w-feelliagOf7 relief, he saw the door was opening. • ;Slowly ft. widened until it dischised•' • • the lalackneeS Of, the !corridor be- • yond. but the door .aperture, was in- ,,eocent pf,anyierm, or person. MCI a quart of fright, ;13e,riseti .,:biasedaway, with iis pistol; bang - bang -bang! • • , Th,e reports in that ,room were • Strnning. _There came 'a splinter - Ing of glass as,thebulleti shattered Mirror ,on the distant Wall -ft silence again; • • • ' . , cilApotR, XXII, ; over tro.reisii dunes: that scrub- , by irilet 0! coarse grasi and sand at, the cliff lop. • passed -many •dini "forms, „.; • Aboiel' thenflickered' 'Benson's, ....eignallilig17,Etiipai-at4sT- flub iiid7(11#' continually djseharged , beam • With ' , its red flare:, On: otr. Oti, Off,"Lts repetitiori.. eX•PreiSed the deiperatima.pf the hunted mao .H.".1.4O6ke to nae :like a set sinal."'' • said Banter.' • :'"It'S sending- out au S.O.S. to sea, and means, that -13ea-. eau'is cornered" . •,• ,'•!••-• • . ' ycin're..right, sly," greed %the- : pollee sergeant, 'noting the '.eerie effect ,of ,the coloured cloud. , . hanging over the supposedly haunt." ed•cliff. • ,"Look!" .Hunter Indicated ••(he dark sea. . • ' :• • , h7rciin: afar, like :a 'twinkling star, Came.. the 'answering light,' Wink': wink, .v.lnk. • , 1"There's. our ...Men, agreed • 0 !,Beut,,:centre. Of 14 'Sir, ludgi.ng by Mr. Beason.'S GOsht-,dare thatlightsir-guess he's.•gone Mad. o,let the thing raeket. like that' bet 'there's . somethingWloflg.Ke. sharp eye and I ITVO • _ Olii. nui the Whistle if anything's amiss."' :There was a, Splashing and aerg.,' ng qf forias. of men through '• the urf,-,..Snatithered. Cries and eatliS came Itrot.o the dark,'and a..rsorava-, Ing constable.*SphiOhed . into the Whitfoani of aa,10 tunning wave.. : "Better take,it.onietly; •We're.the police.", • ` • • • • "Police . What's wroak?" . exclaimed' the iiaSal tones of ine the nien in..the'bdat. ,"WhtithaVe Wie• (toner • ''Ttirat's•a1l rightHwe're heret�. e.yon doe'i-'de.• it. Now; Conte Ong bellfof You.:' . "Drlig.thp boat up tho beacir'•,ansi,...• ing .'e'r along," .the -sergeant oral ' ed, Saying which, heAeadeci backhi little • Party to Where the ()theta werq :watching, the:lieu:se of :the, slo6piodmoo; ,• ,. • To Save the I.:atty....One' `Got '!em," he 'whiiPered.prinidly. : blatvlo, o' 7Vanks they sonad ,to •.; • sweeten, my morning cereal with BEE IIIIIESyrup because It IV Is better for ine. Issue NO. 307—'38 er , uie .Tile Rash ht a terch disclosed the wet' and ,dripping terms of two al- • armed men hand:coked t iwo Con- stables; They were lean and tVeody: and"both ,wore tatfl dirty .OverallS,, 'like 'those.' of niechapics: , ' ' - • what's t'lle• :gatitc?" , 'ate:weed 'one, • •"No' game,answered • limiter, • • 'trying td save the: in lionit 'froin w bit app'earsto ,,ertaintleatTii na ' SOh, • '.Votl',re teem 'SIPA thieven .'The:Inan stareemiti biI<d - JstWhO. 'are'you'?" he be, • • 'gat) • , •' • ' , iliat.doei sot conceilt yoo„flen iott.k.i„a .%youltuov w It $ ERIZIES PARIS, -Here in Pars Worneh are seeking holiday clothes -that . -look as nerd' as they feel and vice 'versa, To, meet•the demand Aileen Rice is,knitting suminer' thing's, in : , a neW:., One -twisted, .linen: 'thread whiCh she says knits up, lighter ' and ..eholer•than any yarn •cOVered. Senne,stitches'give a sur- face: as • refreshing to the :eye as these thirStitlenebin'g'illan• wat- er ices called .granite. . This yarnis., featured in three new exclusive neutral tones. Ail- een Rice Offers hand•knitted ;nod - els in ,these tones as a change from cOnventional cotton and •lin• en holiday frocks. Her use •••of special stitches lifts them out of -the,:orilinory-sports-class-and-gives- them :a distinguished charatter Of their•oWn, Sonie work into ir fab- ric as: airy as crepe chiffon. Oth-. • ers vie' in sheerness with lace: • Both one and two-piece :frocks are favored. They are siinple, With Very short sleeves and easily 'fitted : Shoulders.. ' Here rare. a few suggestions which' will help you to servo as • • many fraspberries as ....pOsaila:ei in hs• ThanY,1 4iffOrent WitY.e as ectssi- 'tile 'while the Short 'season lasts, • , In the past, strawberries have °Oheemed to ha lie a • rabnoi013' ' on „shortcakes but* it's, time raspber- ries, • got a .„„;;break. • Raspberry, 'shortcake is • quite •tts ' good" ',as., • strawberry,- but has b'een Sadly. neglected'rin 'favor of the latter. •• Try it while, the' berries ' are at their best.. • •"' : :RASPf3.41t:RY SHPATCAKg 3 Cups , sifted cake ---flour .3. teaspOons. baking povider •I• 1 teaspoon salt . • eup butter or ether'ihort4 'ening •• : : . COP Oink (abcqlt) _ Sift flour once, meas.lAre,- add 'baking powder and salt and sift again. Out in shortening.. Aim milk gradually• until Si -At dough ..is formed. Rea 4 jouh thi* .on slightly floured board. Cut, with 3-indh, floured biscuit cutter. Place halt of circles on 'baking cou'll Race Through This Laura Wheeler Jiffy Crochet CROCHETED soLckb : ATTgF314 1745', _ A trim bolero. in 'a iaCY stitch that goes along 'citlieklY in two strands. pt.:string! Crochet it to wear over. your afternoon or evening . dresses. 'Pattern 1745 eontains directions for 'making bolero; illustra- tion of it and of stitches; niateriali yequired.. . „ Send .20 cents in 'coins • (stamps ; cannot be accepted) for this',, Pat - ern to Wilson Needlecraft Dept., 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto. Write plainly pattern number, your name and ,addreSs: of anyee•Cre,t• entrapee?.. He's. bar. • ;red and bolted himself in.,? • ; . . • "Why?" stared the. tnan, , • " .".T.here's no that now... • 1;et me tell you that Virest tind.MCalintock are dead." ; The Pair sniped.... , at the, .news. • " ' . . Killed by 'soliteone who is at this Moment sorpewhere• about," , • • • , • ,• . .he spoke he indicated: the sur- rounding ' .• "He's waiting. to get .Benson;.and :I.Ve want him „,firsty. Now, how do YOutet In?" ' • • "This gospel? You ain't'.shootin.. rautt'S gaine;..,ate Man • who appeal -ed to be sothething akin., : to a skipper or captain 'made ans; • ',•• He's Cornered' '!Deeita. that frantic • eignei• up.. ...there Inetin anything to yph,1:' rap- ped out ,liunter. ,• • •• ' right, guest • Benseli'S cornered."' • ...There. came' the Maine. 'hOWling: trein- 4iie surf, beloW:' •,,afid Coming , .imidenly it chided. the blood .of the' .listeners;,: at - the same Moment a' • • muffled report of...three explosiona• • .carne. froth the. darkened . "Say,,:st.iist'S all,..right-den'l lei. . pele . the. hound-alarmS'yon," • coni - IB enced the, , ' • as yea. iaY. there's 'been ,. :tretible here, -he may. hare got looie. • and is plittin'' in an extra: show'oii" ."•irOu kilow• of this . dee then?" ". asked HiMter;.•• , "Sure, .he's a deeent hotind,, One of BOLig9i1' se tApiectis' nhls glfeety Stutt-to: scare. oft tioseY.,,' Parkers • whent we're running'the goods." Orrilsioni Pistol. theta- . With' a series ot :yelps the phiti, :tohs-lipatf.d aPProfiehed,:thein, 'Oatn. ly ter 'the' peer briite still had tiaceS. ot the., luatiaouipain. ••el0y1ng,41, oat. , • , • "1-terei, Pet'e!'' softly,' called the , 'ieaMan.r, ekeited' response the, inasetve hound was instantly' nosing and lirSiltig on With WbOrn lie 'was familiar, making 11 those . t tixPressions. ot joythat,' oak flogs db.- •• • "'There you, 'see; ,01gby," ttlile‘r . slfokeT011ictiio-lhet'l:S die hiring ot..Yetit. spooks:" • °Hp hrolie.o#,.a.tol,al1 oyes tortie the4ltieltli.lqhMitted"outlitie.,0t.- ttie barred and shuttered:: manSion,.. • :What' new?":• '• . . ---.OVeithe unkempt gartroos WhrOk7- setiarated, thein from ' the house Caine 'frenzied.. sorearas, terrible: to . hear, for -they sere the criei. Of . Man deiriente,c1 with fear.••'• • ; .AboVe in the night sky . glared ; that ,Ominichis :red cloud, 'alterna.t,": nag..betiveen .a dini sha:dow ef • grey and 'a -bleed red: • . ." As .Hunter raced ahead +of' the • men- with a cry -of. re lateT T the Anger is insideit', the ;thought •• fiastfe:d; into tili •tairid that the •"fiery cloud as nifitting funeral pyre. to • the . of: Men Who had lived by, • Those .*pistol shots :trona. the hose were •olninotis.;, the bul lete. WhielV'acePniPanied thern rnlght ' haVe robbed m 01 his quatiy-or Might have laic! the ghost. (To Be 'Continued)'. 1 • I* •„. _Sheet; brush with melted butter; •--Place remaining 'cireleatin-tOn-• and: butter tops well. 14ilto • io hot • Overt •(450 degree i F:,) 1$ to '20 , minutes., Gat trait in small pieces • Or sileeS. and sweeten Separate ''.-httiVes'•bf hot biscuits, • sliread bottom half with soft but-, • ter and sweetened ' fruit Place Other half On top, down. 'Plread.with:hutter and re- • rnaining fruit. Garnish with whip(,- •. • pee cream, and additional:' fruit,. '..Serves 8. ` RASPBERRYFROZEN DESSERT 4 cups rasiburrief , t tt. 4 cup' water' , cup. dinned piheaPple juice' 'package raspberry .jelly pow - eups :cream,,.whipped. Crush • 2 • caPS raspberries ada cup' sugar and Water; let Stand 10 minutes, '*" ti en force thisthrough• as psbt rPy. Cbine t cup of 'Dissolve. jelly powder . w'arm • juices.' • Chill, When cold and I syruny,. place in hew! of 'cracked • riepetaroyr;Igege: bweaattee::.'nannt4whip it1i i1 Idffy and -. thick like Whipped creain. To re, .maining 2 cups ratiaberripi, add 34. Stigar .and t stand' -- 10 minutes (dP not Crush)., Fold in- to whipped jellY mixture, 'then fold in Whipped 'cream. Turn in- to freezing trays of. automatic .frigerator and' let 'stand hour, or until frosen... :Or :turn into 2 -quart container, cover with,, Waxed paper, press.:cOVer tight- ly, down. over. paper, and •pack equal •parts ice ,arid. salt •for g to 4 hours, 'Makes 2 qiiarti. -RASPBERRY BAVARIAN CREAM • . , :1 package raspberry 'jelly pow, „ 1 cup N4miini water • , 1 cur) raspberry 'juice • and. cad. . • water Clip heavy, cream 4:tablespoons. ,1;; cup fresh raspberries crush ed and,drained. .• i•Dissolve jelly Powder In .warm ' • water:. Add, .raapberry, •juice , and ' • ?cold •i.vater: . Chill until Cold and eYropY.. Feld in ,Ciptup, 'whipped,. ----onlyArzytirthitek andthiny, , but not stiff..Add.' sugar to berriei. Fold . into jelly • mixtere. , Chill until • slightly' thickened.' Turn into mold :i Chill until firm. "Urirneid... Serves 8: .• COR•ONATION: COOKIE'S Syrup1)4 cup white sugar cup Bee'' Hive' White Corp cup butter 114 tbsps lpmon Jutce' • 4 tsp. baking soda 1 tsp. baking powder • %tsp. fintnieg 34 tip, salt' . • cup St. Lawrence or Ditr- -.1ifairkicorn Stareh,, . 14 cups flour: . C•ream, butter and .sugar. Add , S'Yriapt,' beaten egg yolks, lemon juice. Beat. :Add stiffly' beaten • .pkg •whites. Mix wcll. Sift dry ingredients and add. Drop .from spoon on Well • buttered baking u..shot. It dough not stiff enough, , add more flour: Moderate oven - 10 to 15 minutes. • 'Le4ers frotn Canada bearing 'postmarks reading "0.bserve Sun- da • Said • to be w•errying those running football, betting , pools: in Britain because they fear the idea ,might• 'spread there, With all mail Marked ."Don't Gamble': , England has, just learned that nearly :.lialt'the meter, drivers in " volved' in fatal road"accidenvs„ are under 30 years of age. •' Wrigley's Gum hatpaiouleei? at XelleVe‘s• that ethkv eellog after , eating..aeanses treviCee between, ' teeth. too. ; . assuressweet birth, • • A sinspie aid Lo _" '• • Buy some. now Small 'Woe • but big in 'benefits! Enjoy it atter' every meal-i-mlltior4 del mai AAAA4AAAAAA, • 1140.1140y7* -Topper • Inspires HatS. Headgear the Si* Of an Organ - Grinder's Pet ,the Rage • ‘="13.01,1:a7 Hats .f* Autumn PAltiS.,°Dell's" has whieli perch jauntily en, the std. or ifront of the head Hie the...4af on au or- gan -grinders monkey. 'were intro- daced; SChiapatellj. in' her inid- autnnier.,collection.. be the Secepied thliag-for tali and: wjnier Wear. Stie's !usually fight=. e.Ven if the •world ',doesn't come ' r y o na ing ir cqupfe .ye4rs •later. But lead- ., . niilliperi•••are .beginning to swing. over to , the i hat,. ,which is just about as big. as. its name siguides,,, •• • • ' Easilycarried .Fashion':e.Xperts Say that the tiny mak, cOnie tor two .reaSons; one is the definite a'clvent of' the Pine-; • apple Coiffure sv,hiqh sweeps every- . thing upward; tlae lother.is the ne,,, . , cesSity for a tucifre eaiity. portable „ '• hat owing to modern travel Ways. •• van . , • . planes-or,jain yourself in crowded . • . .,subways-7:With a. broad-britnnied hat in ttie %lay. • • Cettirig down •• to details, theSe . naicros'coRic„,, hats are trirahied al- most inyariahly ,with ribb.pe:bows or ',feathers,. . • . •, 1.. Shapes vary froni naodified tri- 1,cornes and, bashed -in Ty.roleans • tO:'..! 'little saucers with irregular ,but .they alt take car to leave tla 'entire ,tiack (and' half the top) .ot the head completely uneoveredi. They all have a' tendency . to: tip . 'ever the forehead -Pr over oI1e eye Household Hints — Blueing should be added to the last rinsing water and thoroughly dissolved before putting in the .N.vashed -clothes. Avoid us ng too ,much. Thin fabrics need less blueing than hea‘y materials. , . • • _.: , Gartnerits hold their shape 'bet- ter When pressed along the weave of the .fabric rather, than aerosi, the weave. 131.%ess :completelY. dry. Cipthing' •put -away even ilig,htly daniP is aptto be wrinkled' and lick freshness when pia Garments made of material Which •• aye: not theronghlY fast should he rolledin dry towels before . tubbing, With', additional tpweli spread inside to prevent layers of the material touching:, and colors running into each oth- ' er . It -on as sear' as SuffiCiently,idry. strikes the happy medium SHREDDED WHEAT contains all.the Vital eieMents found In whole wheat only, in their most -delicious Ancineasily 'digested form, Each One plays its part in ' pourithint,:strengthening and regulating the system: Serve! Shredded Wheat every day, with milk or Cream. fresh and canned fruits and,berile, or in any Other combination.• „ 111.4"CradinnanShrild; Ltdd.d. Whea ooyt. , .Nhisaia Fain 6 c.,inada, „ • ,1; big biscuigi in every box MADE wite47.. Rkh Children More Nervous „Behaviour Problems Discovered Motu Lac* to Affect Those From Wen-To.,Do Homes Nervntis •disorders And ..bghav, ior *problems ' are More :likely trt' ' ffec,t • children froth well to do homes than' thOse,..;t1.04,214P .10 • po'vertyi according to experiments carried, out in liendeht Englund. • The, ON.iellinents :Were conduct - e1 . ed 'by Lindsay NeuStatter,.a. research assistanf the Departulent:' . ' PsYehelOgical _Medicine at .,!Gu$c!S H2OSPital. He sonbt. to diScover. whether pov- ercy bad. social Conditions -had, any effest. in ,producing nervosa., ' disprders. • socetecl Group/ , ;Foe. this task, . theg .results::of whkh ar'e described the Inedical., • journal; The' Laiket, • Dr: Neuetat:- 'ter selected threo. groups of 50 • .= Nine per rent, of the children the poorest group were reStlbis or irritable in 'their ftist year of life,' In the weatto,tio_grftup...,30 — per 'cent. were restleSs' or irritable. Welt -to-do Chiidren ihowed ,much • ruOre \,vorry,;.instability of mood; , aggressiveness , and ob:- • stinacy than children' • ,from the poor, faxiiilies: Nearly three times as many provided behavior iems. The poorer children' showed, . shyness,. fear of noiSe and punish-, . Afraid of Dark •' • • Woil-teAb childTen, ShOwed inert , feat. ot the dark mid. of , nearly one in five ..pf the rich chit - showed nbnbrinar,' .fears • 'without rational foundation. None• . of the poor children studied was thus affecfd.•• "Twenty per .cent., of. the *poor • Children •'ere • classified, tie* . , ner- vpus; and 56 pe tent.' displayed , no nervoni symptoms. • Of the well -to -.do children, :.38 per, refit.. 4, 'were'nervous,, :2:6 :P4i; •cent. par- ..tially,nervons and 36 ;per cerit.- not 'nervotts..at • , , , • Pia Clothes Are: In Highest foor . , 'HUinacIdurneur-Sharliskint The Big Three In Summey, YQRK. Hopsacking sharkskin,: and linen are quoted he . the big' three ,Of play clothes. And . the ,phltY suit with the pleated skirt is well liked in Chambray. :Then there are • the 'pastel. col- pred burlap ;boxy coats --L Some .' , of them with 'fish huttons-,=truly a seastan of original details. Itpleiros Everywhere , The ever-present bolero , is seen; too, in burlap and it may be , worn with a flowered r.rint coun- try "frock- It is a•:"pyettY" sea, , son, 'I might add; in case you haVen't • notic•ed it before. • • ,.....Molyneux has desiguedv-g47, 'printed frocks for the beach. They button all the Way 'down the front. or part' way . down, . With ' flared skirts which are casually . leftoPeri, • :permitting s,! glinipse of the monutone• shorts beneath.' Printed: f1eneh ,: Wear MolineuX•Oses square necks s for his beach, dresses and :charming colors of 'navy. :rose and, pink - 'the latter in ..trinimings.: "Then there /is the 'Coolie beach- wear, :Which was. cited earlier in the season. Midcalf' length trous- ers,Withloose short jackets are.by is same Paris designer, who:is • an Englishman, by the 'way; Or straight trousers : corning .to tiOsff below, the knee are cuffed by' 1.elOng' and have suspender tops. . . sies 1Seep, -1,Veird Vigil •Siu,a• Outside= Hospital Await?' mg .News Of.Strieken YOUth.., p7i-n.theYeltittered' itvareliouse ' • A. 018trietof Manhattan's .eapt side', a' bind of gypsfeS huddlecj'itVa ing• lot last Wqek, , keeping weird - Itoniaily 'vigil fel' in afflicted ti ibe4 man. • 4 • Louie 'di. ,NIetro, 20, wa ii With an intectioion his thr.oat? '13e11e vue.flosPital. • : • ,Aniwerolhg the tradition :that :bids thein keep Watch over those ot .thoir kind' wit.° tall 111 thgYPZies stinted Out .ot their teitethents and 'sat on the harit'groiiird ot the park. laglot outside the hospital..:Sc•;tne' • :of Ithem prayed,. ,Stnieof them doz... ed but mostly.they sat and •stated at. the hospital WilideWs., '1. ty hotn OnO ot them • ed about.the, youth, afflicted With'',• Ludwig's angin.t. a' diseaseSaid be t,•itirt JiI .1110 out tit ten clues, • bay Dresnl, a trepiCal isinnd in. , tit 'Whitsunday , group), ti;0-.hut. at its first Ivo/Whig', a youug teacher and, a trader's e'Ori5loyee • beitig•Married among the paliiia by. a 'It1ird8p.r who 't,liadc...sticc,ial ,tigo .t'rool tIoweliw QUce0slatid, tos offieiate, ,,,' •