HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-07-21, Page 1.41 t. 12.00 A YEAR IN ADYANTCE-..6Sic, EXTRA. TO. _U I HOUSE.IFOR.'RENT—ir Lue1410W;: Apply to S E, .Robertson,-Lucknow.. FOR SALE -.good potatoes and all .kinds of,yegetables.! Mary J:. Darrow, northof T. W. Smith's',*arage. WILL ' SWAP ' new 1928. Marconi: Radio for,1913 or earlier F ore int geed condition.= -;J Ci , Stewart IJuckno'w. „ ,' FOR 'SALE -:-Massey Harris : binder —7 ft. in. Al: conditionic • re so P,r a a n able. :',APplY to John • Blake, .'Con.. ;,Ashfield. 'Phone try-9,:"Dungannon• • • N OZ',ICE .... • Will theart wh re P y •.,o _.,moved the. pair of good ' .drivipg lines frorn .Lawrence 'Reid's • cornett farm last • ' Sunday, return atonce and • save, fur- ther' troiible the as party was seen on the. property. ChEARING .AUCTION' SALE—of household;, effects' at the • residence;, Gravel Road, South op p o' is ;:Green - h•ill .Cemetery on:,Saturday, July 30th at• 2:30,. o'eleck.. Terms cash. 'Mrs. Robert MacKenzie;•' prop: Well. Hend- erson, ,auctioneer:` . • ' TENDERS. WA NTE D` Tenders will erec rvedlby the un- dersigned clerk, lip to..8' P. M•, July 26th for the construction of a concrete e wring 'wall, at Graham's bridge on Division Line. Approximately. 39 yds: Accepted cheque for 5 per 'cent 'to accompany tender:; Plana may be s atoa. •d-•-Superintendent:Herb--C ran'§..' , C• , • E.� McDonagh,C � le • RETURNING WEST • Mr.Robert Mackenzie, plan ta• retain to Calgary shortly and are holding'aclearing auctiQnlsale of household effects, the end of the month.. Their home. ,arid property . has , been purchased 'by: James . Ou1bi rt•. Mr: '1VIacKenzie,F'w, o' rs a :carpenter, came.- east • thrr teen . e rs ago 1 first job upon his arrival here was at the :continuatidn„school which' was then'b rn e e g x�err#od,.11ed.ills brother Alex will remain here, for•the-piesent• BORN .• BUT TO N In Wir•.ha�iGeneral era,. l Hospital an Saturday; July, 16th, to. Mri~ and Mrs,' Jack Button, Lucknow; a. daughter 'UNCLE JACK'S' PICTURE BOOSTS NIA. GAZINE SALES Young Kenneth. Webster; ' had •a good line of sales talk he used effect ively this "Week :in selling The Sat- `urday Evening . Post. "Uncle. Jack's' Picture : is in it” was all that, ' was; necessary to create a. ready demand. "Uncle Jack" is none other. than that• popular' ,tack; Webster • who is ere- of a colony ofone hundred men and' one woman, attracted to within een 28 : miles of the ,Arctic Circle U1._by •t he1 o eWof adventttur e�`6al,e ofrk. money offered those,who .wiii :SALESMEN! are you •• If not :earning a g $3.00 a day, you u cannot 'afford to 'miss this 'op-. portunity! .Over .400 men 'make' from • .. $18.90 to $50:00 :'weekly ; accordin to ability. with' distribution. of ',200 ar antee'd • ro uctsw Cash'Sales. Free gifts., 'Liberal • commission) RIGHT NOW best tinie•to start this business. FAM ILEX: CO. 570 'St. Clement, Frie pattic ar• without Doligstrol ... Mon tical. • EXECUTORS' SALE' OIF SPLENDID' FAR. FARM PROPERTY . 'H Includin B s tF ou chole' Contents F ,.srm Implements :andv s Li..�, tock The undersigned will offer for sale by auction, on lot :16, 'con. 6, Huron Township, on'..Tuesday, July 26th, . at 1 p. m• E. S. T., the farrt�, of •the 'late• John. A. J. McMurchy, consisting 100'•acres more:or' g ,less ' immediately adjoiningthe. Villa ofh ger ,..,Ripley; with, a 13'4' storey :red brick h, use,' wired for hydro, Y m r` . e, garage, e•.� g .. g , ,, tame' barn on .cement • foundation,: driv eshed,:, pigsty . ''andsid•henhouse•..Drilled wells both' in „.. ,. e and outside the •lvarn,:,and spring well', at house. Never -failing creek. Also ' two other Eaters;`: bein,g..west' half of. Lot "45, ' Concession .5, Town, ship,of Haron' Countyof c tarnlilG 50 acres more or less. And N. E. 50 'acres :of Lot 29, Concession i2, Township of Hugon, County of truce,. Wit ho ut buildings: "Also household contents, farmim- plements and livestock. See bille r for �. : particulars.. l a ticulara.' ., Terms of Sale for . ^Chattels and Stock•:::AII sums of''$10'.00. and lin der,. Cash, over that, amount 4 months'. Credit. without • interest; with 6 ,per- cent discount' discount' for.. Cash on'' Credit Sums. 'Chattels .without reserve. '.Real; 'Estate -10 . percent' Cash, balance 60 days; offered subject: to 'reserve ' bi _ THE: -"CANADA" -`TRUST COMP ANY, Executory London,' Ontario MAT'; GAYNOR.; Auctioneer, Luck now, Ontario; ROSS H,; MARTYN Ripley;, Ontario, venture: the hazards of the north to operate f p Eldoradoo ,one , of two of •the world's 'greatestsource s of radium. And.: "Ur;clo JrIck's' "ictur�e h? was t� � ical Y.1? of •hini ,with his' broad' snags and 'a he,av •i•owth' Y •g of ` beard;nducei �bythe xtre`me'su• 'zero tem • � btemperatures "Cowboy" Jack ' ck• Webster Y as thelnil•=. J;. aline: refers to `him make 8.5 him, s ,�' Q a day,wit '.free 'li h board and: room: The' o pulation '. p p of•.:Eldorado�scom osed p. pi acticaliy-o, men. The... ma i j'om?�n :ager' is''thirty-one. His !Wife, ' Mrs . 'Virginia g is Wally; is' the lone :woman• resident. Sevent '-ei .ht .to of° Y g nsore .are mined daily. 'It takes :450 toils of ore to pro- �` lice-a sin ]e•., fi dam ,.of_ :raduin.. Pro- duction is soon. t'o be doubled, striving toward a• mark Of .100' grams a: year, to ''make' Eldorado the .rich of a esf:iadiu'm Mine in' ,the `world. �• The : two• richest mines in the !world are 'the Belgian Congo: go;'inines at the equator in the:ol-d •world sand the other the Eldorado at the :Arctic in' the' new world The •:Belgian Congo o' output,. g. kept ;• secret,' is estimated •at•::• thirty Y. grams. a year. Price of.radium With Eldorado' develiipnient-.has..dro 'ed� pp from $70,000 to $25,0b0 a . gram. Treasured. in )rosy ital sinal) ' p the'wor•ld areit st lf.w •� e er a' th n 'six"1111 ante ''�r d t;, anis for. treatment• of .cancer. Frozen in. 'fo • • ten r month ' s a trip year, the, two months between: the freeze=up :arid break-up are dull weeks for '.'the miners,- when: they'. are isol- ated:except,by radio.. from the ou t. 'Side • world. This s i in f •rt -'fiv pd t; o Y, e• planes of three conlpanres, d n_o�?thward regularly, carrying more_ freight, . than .from any 'Ainer'ican ki airport • to any destination DNDER.ANti Alt ',VIRTII0 :Of ‘.the gage whieh.wil be produced at trrne, by. Pubhc auction On...SatUrday. July •O,eleCji. in. the afternoon riethe.,office Bleck,' Ontarie.;:.aUbject to AND .SINGUI.4.V.that .ter - thin' parcel or tract of land ,and pre-. niipeksittiate. lying and .being in .the ' TOWnahin; of West WaWariosh, in. the: • '1COunty- of, Huron -and -ProVince of ' Ninth halt of Lot NO.' Twenty-two 41 ',Entine, ;tiara with Stene ,fOondation, Praine hen: houee, 'Pan* house; Earth is 10eated ..1:% east nioney 'to -be' paid doWn the time' of tale and the ibalenee ., 36 days. ••ror• further' .partiettlara ply to the undertigned, • •• /31YSIIPtELDi Winghatil, Ontario, • WOLVES AT ,HOLYROOD 4;wo.Dens Located .East Of•1101Yreed' • —Stotk, Has.: Been Molested And 'iinvaders Have Been' Seen Several • Two .welf., dens have?: been 'heated !They are.On the hick of :farms -owned by ,Tames- Valid, 6th :Cencessiori and, Ed. James': 10th .Cencessiori.,The web: Ves have .been .,sighted several times? itis possible they MaY be resPon-' • i!cflib :hearing a disturbance g'inntrg the 'cattle RiChard.Elliott's .adjoining farrn,' investigated, and found, n calf stirramidedhY the par,' ent *elves and six young TheY • wire abla to driya them off. ' • thabush On'the faith of Thea. Barris, tWo miles, west pt Holyrooci, and .111rS experience of liaving it dash past within twenty feat of her.. " and'Mrs, 'Harris :had taken the .and ,rwhen it tet .up a persiatent bark.: itoward • went. 10 investigate the Wolf dashed past. (mite 'eiose tp 'Where • ocid 'condition, i,e§ belt Apply 'at 4entinei • `Oir Friday' afternoon Luekn .. , , ow.;iT.uv- eniles , •go to Goderich 'for', the 'first' .g•anie prof the, playoff,' series for. `the. 'Maitland Lea' ue.,,h nisi . .hi ' t; � . T s rs'a` best ;tivo-out=ofi th .� , tee ,gf�me series with the iviitrier Meeting the winner• of the `'Du .'.. a ng., ilnon-Clutton: series, for the League chair) ionshi '` p.. p. • and right t o cont nu in 'the 0. B. A. . la do s' •.___ _ i_.•_ _.P._.Y. _ �;gin.. ;Th r e stain game' of •the•Lucknow Goderich •.series .will be played here next :Tuesday. afternoon :' at 5.' 30 o'cloc'k.' UC*SOW ASHF I'ELD-RI PLEY CALL ACCEPTED ESLER. TO Be Ordained' , And `. Inducted• In Ripley Neat TuesdaY -4s Gradual's. Of Knox College And. Son. Of Dr. Esler. Who Hapi_ Recently •Concluded Ministry.'''of • Forty ,Years I R L eo ar•' ev. kr • 1 .; . ..... ,,. d ,las a;, has .••acc¢ ted; 'the call' extended by the Congregations' of. -'Ashfield and ''Ripley .'Presbyterian. churches•, • alis ordinationand indue. 'tion service 'will be' held .in Ri 1 •p ey. next Tuesday. Rev Esler raduated from Knox =College -'=this -=spring. There -he .had a: high,' standing and is an Able preacher. de 4s aNsori of Dr sler of Vancouver Who was:: pastor 'of Cooke's Presby.:' terian .Church, Toronto for .a number of :Years, and who has recently. • re=' tired•, after: forty years :in the, minis- Hartland Presbytery' has approved R`ev.. Esler's .,call : to : Ashfield • and Ripleyand has. arranged for the or-; dination' and induction service. 'Rev. S. M. Scfltt, Kincardine, will conduct' public worship; arid Rev.,J. R. Greig. moderator of , Maitland : Presbyter will. conduct the 'ordination andin duction ceremony. Rev C. H. Mac- Donald of'.• Lucknow will narate the. steps; leading . to ;the.. call. The con- •gre gatio will g n, seer g be essed by Rev. Mr., Wilkie, and Rev. G. .M. Young, of. South .Kinloss 4will„ address the newly: inducted minister: Ret. Kenneth•` etr M eL. ean of Winha m will "'eonduct 'a short Presbytery.. ser- viceuniting the two g ':con re .ati ons g o into one pastoral charge.: En.sbytei a roved: •,this: . Y Pp ... #, . action this: spring • on • the"eve of"•which Rev' J. K. McGillivray; 'pastor of Ashfield Church •tendered.his: resi .•, , gnaton:.to per mit. thecongregations a free hand in 'choosing their ;riew- pastor. Ser- vices; In erp-vices,.'in Ripley had for!'some•• time: ;been conducted b ev..`Mr. Y•lZ McConnell pending the calliri "of a`r . minist- g e to the: deal . charge• BASEBALL 'SERIES • COMMENCES! FRIDAY'; OF SUMMER WEAR , : Read ,I-Ieffnians ad on page eight ,of. this !issiie listing marik bargains in a stert,'Wide clearande Of all sum, iner•inerehandise in •men's and boys' The remains, bf the late Walter Borne were removed. last week, front ;Icingsville to 'Greenhill CeMetery for interment • in. the' faMily plot ,here.' tplans'• to, return to OPENED MONDAY. • Registratien At Presbyterian MeMorial, Camp,: at Einiall ,was ,,opetted 'On" Monday .",i'Verting.2by. c; MeeDoneld; niederafOr• of under 'which 'jurisdiction the OtOnP- , The, registration Year Omni:. 'here, some, 'seVeritY:Yeting people frein The* eainp. Which con. eluded the end' Of ,tire week. had an teadance'of seine ejghtY'gitta and the. advance registration ,for the' BOO coo opening ne'xt,week gi‘ie4 pro. lagh of BrantfOrd. Others on 'the start Itickey,...tohdon, find Rev; hif.Selott; • T UR I�AY �iULYw 1�t, 4 M BEDDING; BELL • WEBS' ER ,..BLAKE, A ^quiet wedding. was: solemnized at high noon on. Tuesd Jai' 19'z- C Tuesday., ly 1938, at ' "Asl rove : Farm” the•..home ' of Mr, 'and. Mrs;, 'Ernest Blake' of ::- sh- fiel d,.; when' .their .;eldest.' daughter; Winnifred Ethel,, became 'the bride of Mr,' Harold Wesley Webster only ;; ,, s o 'of Mr, - � ; ,. and Mrs;" James -Webster Ashfield Rev.: Jas:. Wilk'n .. R • . , # s offrcrated and the- wedding music' was . played by the bride's brother, ''Howard. . The bride, given 'in marriage by her •, . father .'wore: a char . .. •, ming .gown, of ,powder blue triple sheer, •and' her mother's silk.''net fingertip veil held i ,l.Y a..hAao oL..erange.•,bldssonis: The' bride's . `flowers:: Were briarclifi'e roses. Fallowing the cereniony, the • guests withdrew to the. dining room for the ti!edding." dinner• ,They' room was ar- tistically. decorated' with roses, -car: nations'; an sweet `peas. 'For travelling, the bride ..donned a dress of basque weave in wheat tones on¢s with acees I `. sones to match. ,After a • motor trip to Manitoulin Sault,. S ' t e. levie, North Bay and northern points 'the couple will resides on the, g roorii's. farm, 'concession'eightr ,Ashfield. MACLA GEN=RITCHI E • A quiet wedding. was solemnized on Saturday :July' 16th, at the'::manse'.of St George's 'Presb �terian Chu ,,�� Y u .ch Condon,' when, Mai garet Helen Ritchie.e `eldest' daughter• of Mr.. end .Mrs. Jas: Ritchie, of :,Luekn.ow, . became the bride of.; Ross 'William: MacLagen,',of. London. Rev, Donald', 'McKay' offici- ated• ` . The'liu` blue sheer, 'With Matching •accessories.. The bridesmaid" Mrs: John • R. Shelton„ sister, of the groom, wore black sheer. `over 'tinted taffeta with whi " to access- ories. 'Both .; wore corsages of roses and: Sweet '. e`s p as• Mr.: Shelton was •• groomsman: Twenty' ' relativ• y es, and ;friends were present -at a buffet supper at' the „home of: the groo 's mother• • After r a short' trip the , young couple will reside in London. CH UR . CH. PICNIC S .HELDTHURSDAY A'n i hean� •'Con . g gregation` Held • Picnic'; At Goderich On. 'Thursday' With RY . " Uni ed Ch rc t , u ch outing Held. t; d Same. Afternoon At n.'' :' Cong.regations'of.�St`. Peter's ters Aar gIican:':Church: and Luckno , w United .Church, held their' ' summer:picnics last :Thursday sd a afternoon, Y with pleas- ant weather adding to the.,sueces's and eIlO• J yinenf,of the events.; , St: Peters choose ":Harbour Park Goderich for their 'outing The 'usual sports program was carried out. with. a bountiful. picnic sapper, serve at , d t tea.; time: '_ `At Kincardine the United Church. pknie attracted a' large attendance Bathing was enjoyed for a time and then interest centred .around the 'p'orts program: While .the races: and other events Were being ''run off the married and single men, engaged 'M a 'softball battle:, that was Won: • bythe married; nien' 18' to '13, assisted bx' Harold Ritchie and Harold Greer, who formed the benedicts battery. Race results were as fellows:.. Boys,' 5 and under—Dickie 'Treleaven, Bruce Johnston, 'Donald "Thompson, George \'i:ehster• • Girls 5 and:"under, ,_Jean Winter stein. : r Donald." and Margarei Treleaven. Dahmer; Norma Ritchie, Rosa:. Henderson. Girld—rNerma Rit- chie and Verne Dahmer,. , Todd, Mrs.:Vernon Hunter. Mra. Iltinter. These 'prizes' 'Were turned M .for a aingte Ladies' race ,W61.11 by Mary. Struthers •,and Leuise Mon's Open race,..-, Morriaon, pbell; Jerry Rathwell and ,Doris. ewe (4114 'y61.1 shotild have -seen the, • Other group tontests 'were herd, Supper wai the ne,.v.t,etent Of Prink) 1938'x ARMY WORMS MM(E APPEARANCE. NCE.: HERE' Are. RE: .. Are, d t Repore. 4t • Several. l'ointa • lu' 'IinmediateVicinrt ' i r Y Agr.,cultural; Re p, resents ` . trve•a Hopeful That. .In:. • sects: Will sa ear Sao n • The menace of:the'army,worm, e);-. cee.'in l.. d g y destrucbive'.' to farm••. crops has struck= in 'this; immediate,' ._rate, vicinity. i 'alit as. . general or extensi • yet. noye damage appears;to hive 'been, done hows, A field quitofe. stiouts nctat Mvel;; enc G'reet'sof e farm sdi, eid their. activity and- for a 'distance• of two and three rods into •the 'field the -�'• taxr, e , eendruinng. the�•crop.;- Reports of their: presence come 'also: from Paramount and Holyrood;neigh-' horhoods. A half mile: east of•'Holy-. 'rood,; the road'. Was reported, black with them for' quite a distance as. -they crossed . the 8th concession,, but little or rip crop damage "has yet, been. discovered, • Agricultural representatived .at Clinton and Walkerton have been de- luged with' reports' of • the ,Pest and have ' been wrn night .'a • •, okig n gand day Visiting :infested fields and, assisting .and instructing farmers inpi#ia o i 'g c• with,: the menace. • The infests t ti n of the armywerni has • been general throughout the .length •and:breadth' f' o Bruce <Countj•;. A ric lt r .l-,. g u ua IZ'ere.__.: p sentative -'"° s" Geoig� Pattee rson, i;eports, that he, has visited. ,practically everytownsh" ,y ip and inad= nitron has ..received 'information con, cer nitre. •the presence of this , insect from' the southerrr,border as far north: as Eastnor townshi." p It1 a , umber - of cases•, the ,damage has been serious particularly in.", pastures, ' spring grains- and'corn. Where fai7riers'were. fortunate to • discs •ver' o the•.pest. before it great reat•headw 'ay. •. they have beep able' to check an • d m some' cases pias - Cont FINE DALHIA • $ED vel . G ..• E local , y, oc 1 veterinary surgeon, .has what promises to " be • a real `flower show -place When, th ' bloo- ming o ming season starts•';On:'the• lot behind. Wellington McCoy's residence he'ha' S a plot of some thie e , e•hundred , d'alhia bulbs, consisting; of ,upwards to , two hundred different; shades, and varie- ties. e ties. A• finer growth has, attained ',f , se . far and it should.be'a':real.lieauty spot "wh-n:,are g. they e an full flower. TO TEACH' IN GLASGOW. S Miss• M b''. Mabel McClure.' of •'the Tor- onto tteaching o _ staff : ff� was a visitor in g town last week the:.• .uest Mi • of ss Alnia 'Alton. 1Ziss M f .r. ,. cClure ,leases early in Aug'ust for Glas ew, . Scotlandwhere, she; wi11 teach this coming term. Mis. McClure•, oes • to cotlan g S d by an exchange arrangement, wjhere by a teacher will come from'. Scotland t.o:. teach for the' .term in Canada in .Miss. McClure's place. • DIET• •o HOVIs' d S.0 n 0 Br. LAYER:' CAKES JE>1J.Y ;ROLLS E.• " R .•'•4• RY. • . U . CUP CAKES DATE .RAISIN PIES • WEEK .E:N SPECIALS.,-,... PINEAP , P LE�80I:LS TUTTFFR I U TI .' 'A• R SP$ER'. AR. .. ... _ �' TLETS: • 'CHELSEA, A>DUNS. CHOCOLATE CAKES • TRY ,OUR , ' • RAISIN, WHOLE *HEAT T AN D HSE •MA.. DE'•. D ' BREADS.. FARMER PROTEST DISTRICT: ��� F RELGHT • • ' RATE INEQUALITY Pass .Resolution And Si gn • Petition I 1, rotesting„Flreight Rate On Ont-. ario-Wheat That Isi gent • • ht .E g, s Per Hundred peanda Higher Than Rate On Western Wheat And U'; Syr Ar- gentine -;And South African 'Corn And: 'Wheat:: That :Ontari o f a o dimer' # s . are: •being •penali� z b e :.. of .• ,-,.....• . 1 . d , Y".ap u all discilt`tilrCatdon freight rates' was information 'pre-.• sented. to a gathering of 'district farm. ers,':Who met in. the.,.Oran Hall n ge o .S. t rda evening. wa.m Y It s formatio that few; if any of -those in attend- ince kne ` w anything. o'f and resulted i h n the meeting as i sn an •a' . un rir 0 9` passing� u resolution and' . signinga petition' .,p, nto be :forwarded 'Ito theproper Government and Railway sources protesting What! t 1 they considered is an unfair diacrim- ination:,in, frei lit ra a - t s with •the. Ont- ari farrier ,"the goat": Mr, • W. E. Trel' saver wha. reside , p d, at Saturday 'night' Y 'night's s meeting :pointed, out .it''was a: Matter th r ,. a Ontario; Flour* Millers Association l been, Millers � fighting'foi, some: time; and that .Gov- ernment,heads weie',recognizing the justice • of•the claim 'mit, forth 'How= ever it, is : vitall• a farthers u Y q estion, and calls .:for action on 'thePar Pert of•tlie Ontario :'fainter.. The. Ontario:: farmer ` pays Ys �a�,f�'eiglit '-rate. be 'wheat to 'M onti sal; apprdx'- imatel 5 450' ))lilies; of 21 cents per' 100 lbs.: Western is';liauledtwice the 'distance to thehead, d of the lakes at a •13 cent :rate .and this' • s sariie 13.'eent i rate' applies on Ar entine'an •So h �_._g d_ llt Affil scar •c '• "! 1 Dray an Am ' circ d a n •cot i n o wheat •• s. _ Mo ,• '. reoi� e th �; e sea '321/21! I t p 1 rate is 32E 1 • cents , p% the' Ontario fai»lei. ainst5.lents as ag furgrai' g nshipment hipment from the • Western provinces. Thi• disci iniatioli in. rates, the meeting wa told; was an 'important' factor, in :th loss; •of the did'CountyY, '' *Vente at I d` ' . and Newfoundland markets. Austral Ian .wheat, ground' in England; oar t. s GRADUATE' OF BOB JONES COLLEGE .TO SPEAK Ross Mackey,,gracluate of The 'hob *ones' College, 'Cleveland, 'Tenn- essee,' will bring , the 'message 'to' the young, people at the Christian Fellovi, invited te come' and enjoy ,the fine song service at 8 o'eloek sharn, Bring your ',Bibles aad 'invite year friends: PRE NUPTIAL EVENTS HONOR BRIDE:ELECT Tea ToWel Shower And Afterrieon ' JT:hanI8Iteolnd l'Ion.or Of Miss' MAaron noon. tea 'have' been 'recent • pleasant ,finictions' honer.' of 'Aliss Marion Johnston, August bride -,elect:. • .' nrs„ Roriiell' entertained. on 'TIthrSday after/mon, at delightki, pretty' with italian, lace ,cloth centred. with rosesTand pink tapers., Mrs., W.. Tuesday aft4noott, 'MSS jelui= atoll ivaS' fprthei, honored at a very stre:sponsorhig a street 'dance and bingo k Dencihp,' gargles ° STREET' :r• UNDER CLANSMEN, EN.A . USPICES In. .�L uek n0' Th : -` .. urs. July • DANCING AND, GAMES' START AT • 6 P. M.'SHAR • P M a s, y SIX -PIECE X PI ECE ORCHEST RA Tn•'. Case:—. O • f—U .s7[f v�orible� Weather(. :Dance and Games Wills Be Held In The '' , :Co mmunit HI • Y Hall 'JUVENILE NILE: AIT L M. AN• :: : .. D >yE.AGUE. PLAYOFF SERIES Best 2 out -of -3 ;games GODERICH 'AT •', LUCKNOW OW CALED� d HA N PARK . Tu es.''Jul•• � • 5:30' o'clock, . Support The. 'Boys In..Their. Bid' Ear 'The 'League Champion.' COMBINE , OPERATES day' mid: large c ..owd, 'gathered • At i!Ni•:01.0•1c1'.1:e •CoPi::::et:oolel. it. 1.. 'threshing ir,fifteen,Acre held of'Wheat ,wook Tueaday afternoon and. the field' '1‘1Virl::s184A6eS.1,N) 'AC.‘15" t:1 !°!,NeYdtle!t' sons 'of Ashfield. granin bagged oit the maChine and' the. lit 'this :district, ' into ',trio .pastorata of t,T•nited,' s*ciliorch was ,unique in... that three hrOther, Participated the' J.., Land Of :knoX.: P1‘08,hYteritin ',Church; G'interich,. assisted' In 'the' ter,. '-viqe.•, the fortner pledged the throning the' lattor iced the' Scripture ledsoil• .CITILDREN 'UNDER 12, FittEE gentirie""and Australian. farmer?" more than :enough le ``atipply 'local ,Consumption,' if not allpeurid' were timated 20;000,000 bushed. crop in Critarie thid year, and an export Mar.. would ,merin.increfased shiphientS that_ Wenld mere' 'Clain Make • an ''the "The,•'higher..•rate, 'ultimately, Must polite 'ont of the .Ontario_ produceri .who 'with, an eqoalized ,rate; . re"Ceive upwards to.* eeiits more for hia wheat With' a tOtal gain: to the 'Ontario farther ,of',froth 4 thill. ion to Million and a half d011atiyi;te.. ,streoett the fact ..that it, Wig a .fattm., ',Speakers ' ;include Poster :of Ontario. Mr., :Scott stresSed the int.! was'Ytti ae'coinpiistied this 'year, Re 101(1.'1_0 at aSsistlaaCe they could: ' • •