HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-07-14, Page 8• CIGGE TEE VIXENOW SENTINEL TETTE '1. THURSDAY JULY 1938. • THE SA777H- LE IS STILL GOING STRONG * - • BRII.NGING TO YOU .0 HINE SAVINGS ON EVERY ARTICLE AND' GARMENT IN'THE STORE, RICES DRASTICALLY' REDUCED .FOR THIS ' WEEK..END. SEL`LING-DONT' WAIT. BUY 'WOW -r .YOU'LL.. SAVE MONEY AS NEVER. RE>:lORE f• '•irst 15 People, n Our Storerc. tomorrow: 9 A adios ►i1 REG. TO $7:50 •IN,. LOT FOR ONLY POSITIVELY ONLY ONE DRESS, r TO A ' PERSON •MENS• FANCY. ,SO$', . • ' MEN'S WASHPANTS .- Extra Special `. Ladies' SUMMER GLOVES • LADIES' SLIPS ' SILK'' LADIES'. SILK BLOUSES '� Fine ,Georgettes . or ;Satin -Smart' 'Styles=alk'. colors '-and sizes. Away they o at 1,59 Smart'; Patterns .priced to ' Men's Summer .sa forized :Colors navy, white,,, yellow - Satins and taffetas. Colors .,,:clear at '• • ' . 2 pair for:' .........:.4.---...`""""C' wash pants . (�,(,� 'Now Only,, pr . ! `�'" ;� or greyn'silks orsloe,`white 'string:: Sale , price ...., "' .'and. tea rose'79, sizes 34 to '44. Only' , • i 4 , -Men's' Odd; ' Pants Worsted Pants Tin all sizes. Values oto $5.00; Now Only t... $2.95 -Fine ` Silk Hose: TO THE, FIRST,;- 19• 'CUSTOMERS �. - : Izt Our Store ' :Friday "...Morning* at •'9.00. O'clock sharp, • we will sell ' a pair, of fine silk. hose, Reg. $1:00, for Ladies', Summer .Suits Chinchilla Wool; all colors and sizes., • Newest Styles. 3:75 Now ere's Reg $4 00 Dresses Summer . Crepes -Flowered & Paster-Lanenes -`:Coot • Washable. • Sizes 14 to '44. -Reg.: ,To' 63.1,8- Sale 3. 8Sale Price ensatiio sam • Sacrifice Of -All Our' Summer ..•. y Chiffon ,;Dresses • ew Flower N ed C h ilf • all. Colours i et :, To .• 48. Tu Clear. At+ - $2 LADIES'` SPRINGSUITS ITS There ..are. only • . 2 , of these ' left , in • fine. worsteds , with ..pin. stripes: 'Sizes •18 and 20 only. •peg. • $15.00, Now . at - $33.95 CHIFFON DRESSES Smart Flo •erect Chiffon •Dresses .with slips, in all. leading styles. Now at .only 3•' • LADIES SUMMER. Coats' • Jigger'. . Coats • I' Sharkskin n White And Pastel'Shades. Priced To ..Clear At— • $2.95 .Men's Sport 'Pants. These r in . Tweeds And'. Flannels -Pleated Styles—. With Permanent Crease : And • Miracle Pocket=In Greys, Fawns Or Blues:' New- Only—:, $2.79.. ►ND Y�UNG`FMEN'S T SUITS 'WEEDS' AND WORSTEDS - SOME .WITH. PORT.: BACKS. ' !• 9 PRICED TO , CLE�IR •AT • • - THIS. •A BETTER 'GRADE OF :SUITS. IN FINE WORSTEDS . WITH 'PLAIN. • TWEEDS S S&WOR OR SPORT BAC K.S $12.95 PERMIT _.U$ . '10 SS `'A,DV�;itTISE-` 'EPERYTHIG. HUNDREDS ,. OF OTHER ITEMS ONANOT U4TE,ERE'; JOIN THE CROWDS BE HERE EARLY a. STORE OPENS AT NINE' .A. • Extra'Special , Extra Special ' Extra Special `. Extra 'Special MEN'S LIGHT F;FELT$ATS All•shad; s•—new est styles with. fancy 'bands ''• Nowat• ._..:_ 1.395 SILK'' LADIES'. SILK BLOUSES '� Fine ,Georgettes . or ;Satin -Smart' 'Styles=alk'. colors '-and sizes. Away they o at 1,59 LADIES' , SILK HOSE Supersilk Hose Chiffon and Ser- • vice ;weight•. All . „ 'colors & sizes. Per Pair ,_....... 9c BROA. DCLOTH 36" .wide,.•fast colors, ;all shades 7 Yds. for, 1.00 Positively' no; • more than 7 Yds:.' , person. one, LOO PRINTS K' RINT i�1l.. •.. •. --- M- est ,Color,. Prin�36 -"wizi�' ��F Atper yard - 1 8 Reg.lacper yard • _ LADIES' SILK 'PANTIES AvEXCEPTION L RANGE'OF BETTER: SUITS INNWORSTEDS ' AL SIZES-' L AN iJT SMARTLYTAILORS D ABSOL ELY D CORRECT TO THE LAST • . STITCH & Bn.TTONt SALE , •41 1 (1 All sizes 'and , some trimmed with dace. ' Foronly per pair- .,�' MEN'S 'TIES MIRACLE , CRAVAT he.:' i of - an , T tie thous d _,.. a: knots. , 5 nI colors. at Each''. 39c:. .. Iieg 7 c On y, 2 For ' 75c. ' ' Each, • , 55c, i 2 _Fqr_ $1.00:. BOYS' SHORTS BLUE. AND SAND COLOREDWI`PII4 ELASTIC BACKS' OR BELV5;;. • 9c' ATPER .PAIR .;.., ...,..»... . ».,,.»...,�.,,»..». . MEN • S WORK'•'SHIRTS S.. . ALL SIZES, BIG B'AND RED INDIAN 'BRANDS. NOW FOR ONLY 59 cr RED HOT BARGAINS 1 TEN'S FINE SHIRTS A ,special lot, collar•; attached 14 shirt, in 'fanc), patterns— smile with fused .collars -all sizes—big values at •..79c . MEN'S & BOYS BATHING SUITS Fine • knitted cotton ' — , all sizes. For only , . . .35c. • LADIES' PURSES Fine leather—ali colors some 'regular $2.00., Now for. •"ATTENTION!`' Pure tie Towelling stri • P " f ed heavy border, , vy : quality.:. Re25c•per .yd. o Reg: Now ' 6 Yds. for only ,$1.00 •..N Re r No , se• veEver thin • Y g.: Goes! Never Before! Never: r Again Such' Values—Come 'And .See Them:, BOYS POLO SHIRTS •Smart Polo shirts' in fancy knitted cotton . for • only each ,49c MEN'S UNDERWEAR Penman's Balbriggan Com- binations. Finest quality. Sale Price --at t9z. , MEN'S 'POLO SHIRTS Fancy -.knitted cotton Polo.. Shirts, with lace or button 'necks, For only... ,.•MENS WORK PANTS Fine :hard .wearing;. cloth in'' a ` very nice' dark grey pat- tern. A real 'good` pant:Sell •ing out at only, Pair' ..$1.39 .-.:;.TERRY --TU W E L LI N G • Good hes weight — fast calors, • in all shades Now. at 6.' yds. for .$1:00 Let. Nothing Keep ' You,:_Away . From This : Big gMoney-Saving Event—It's Your Big Chance To Save;:Money cos vn Ito Shoes BALANCE OF OUR MEN'S • '. TO CLEAN' UP THE. BAL ,W,B SHOES,WE HAVE : REDUCED THE PRICE= OR`QUICC.SALE • TE O OR 'MEN BUCK SWHI • '$ DL • Reg. • 4,95:: Reduced to eg 'IT ::FORD'' MEN'S, WHITE •DUCK OXFORD' .Reg. 3.95 • reduced: to e4 4 4 a MEN'S. WHITE SUOES I 27. Values - upto. . .$ reduced• to WOMEN'S WHITE SANDALS 14,Paiirbite' :Onl ,'Women s W Sandals Y h . Low Heels.' . . • ” CLEARING AT. 1.00 PER PAIR athwell an ee E.:AL.TandIIENER;M). FOR RENT—ftirnished residence in Lacknow With modern c nvenienees. 1 '` ntinel, ffice • App y at Se O `Miss Roszell-a Mullin spending' a two weeks' vacation with friends in Orangeville.' ' Mr andMrs. w o' of Robt.',Iio s n Penticton B. G. were .recent visitors with :MI and, Mrs, Wm Hornell. Mrs: d •McDonal of Fertile Saskat= chewan is. visitinQho..aunt, Miss` 111.. IA, •..MeKenzie....... Mr. and Mis, Donald <J. • Low of. • Elizabeth, New Jersey acting. ,,with Mr,' 'and 'Mtis. Allister Hughes. Mrs. B. A: Higgins 'is confined .: to bed' for a few- days; with a:'heart, con- clition. . Mr; and Mi s. Grant McDiarmid •and stn, Douglas are:away'on a Week or ten -days'.: tour, visiting, friends" in, Detroit and Cleveland. • Mi and • Mrs: Alex ' Mirehouse of Mileta s1YIanitoba' are visiting their, aunt, Miss C. A. McKenzie and other. relatives': in the country. Mr. and Mrs. Ed.,,•; McLaug lin of Pari 'visited over: the week -e • with s r d Mr. and Mrs. Sam Duinin and. other' friends: ' Mr.and , Mrs • Gordon Johnston and family of Perth : are visiting :':at the home of Mr.' and Mrs...R. O. Robert •son:• _ Mi. and Mrs. A F. Mitchell and son of ,Kirkland •Lake, are visiting this -;!,v;eek ,at the home of Mr.. chell MISS C: B. Gto don of yOttawa, Mrs, D • W. Rae\.pf; roxetei• 'and Al' bell li r - - visitors Ma Ali • o onto. ar e e with .Mr, and Mrs Harold Allin: ' Mrs D'an McKenzie' Detroit and of her son, . Dr, ~Morrel McKenzie and Mrs MacKenzie of 'New'. York, were in town for a day last week :Visiting the Lioi polls, Mr, and Mrs..li1aixy"Pierce •arrived by 'motor from Winnipeg' on Sunday and are visiting with her,sister,'Mrs. Thomas Watson • , , Dorothy Paterson, younger •daugh ter of Mr : -.and Mrs: F.M. Paterson, underwent::: a tonsil • operation ' ',in Wingham on Tuesday • and was ,'able to return- Miss eturn Miss Lorna:, Cam ell %andMiss Ilelen. Thompson,left Toronto on.'Sat uuday for a five-day 'bus'trip'' to Montreal, through, • the Adirondaeks and along the • Hudson River to ' New Mr: Jos. `Taylor and Mrs. Anne Tavlor,•of Detroit visited at:the home of Mr, Thomas Taylor, over the.: week eni1. Mi : Thos Taylor is' return ng with them to„Detroit for atwo=weeks • visit: KEEP.' IN STEP WITH Jy uymg Your: Summer 'Needs At This Store CN+ Mr. ;and. Mrs; Alex Havens and Mr. a Mis, lli . ` and Herb'• Mc ui lin and ;nem - .e bens of their familie§ 'attended ` :thi; • "P.ura1, Mail^ Couriers' Association; . of Canada pig nic held'• at' Pinafore Park, St, Thomas on Sunday (Additional' Locals On, Page 5); SHADOW PROOF SUEDE TAFFETTA .SLIP Swiss S— Embroi-'. dery yoke, ke, 'a dju table strups, white 'only •Special , y. • �c, . MISSES AND LADY'S. YOR_ ool 'strip'� e • neckInes gf ,nw1 at f .MBS' ;and Up..• C ILDRE . N H . , S. $IIEER DOTI,Ia VOI'I. •Dlt>JbSE -,- .o � >i S C' ol. little;, Dresses,• made up from dot,edmusuah y wild at $'i•.50• ...9Sc • (H LDS CELO-SUEDE: • 1'AN I EES—elastic: at waist. • 2 to 6 yrs. :25c.. • S :to • 14 yi 3.Oc. LATA LIN• A SWI iT�'-f • M ' SU of lac res � • 1 o e . .. S m thing .:difFierent in • bathing Sciits' or Beach wear ..... BOYS' BATHING TRU•'NKS-11 e-4°poptilar. .gaiinenttriirbeys to, • da y..Pure wool,: reinforced bo d y *EN'S NAVYWORKORKSIIIRI — tri e' slitched zipper 'fastener:' 14--L-46q •... . • • .t A :1Mi.A�e:, '.43..'rtiu ALE'w:i-a h