HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-07-14, Page 7•
4t.i.xiliT Y.t411.01CS, AT LOW
: nriee terLegborna
Rarred New' HampShire -
Reds ;7.94, Large gnalltys
.add: I4e
,gbctfri pUllets' 20. • Mae.
••at'artedleh's all ages. Von Notch
, - Chidkeries, 16_ Wilson 01;04)
• • .Cintario. • •
NO pEr...,ifes'iviiiN Y01.6RIDER
,your chicks front, TWeddle$. 'We
• gi,v.eprompt dell.very•vh day. old.
or started',...10„.'day old to ;three •;
,week Otc!, 'Jarred • ,Itoek. White
•• Rock,: New liampShire, Reds. and
• or •chick's. *Send for • Price
"Ilst. Tweddle Chick,;,./Ititcheries-
,I-Oraltied. Box. 10.• loergits. Ontario, .
LA.T;C:AL.L. kirt.RA.BY
• Dray's 'el1L'3f-Old chicks t
for itnmedlOte §1.11PInght licl.wetjt
' July 12 and July. 26. loirst there,
nrat served! Order t,(410 .
Hatchery. 130 John St. North,
" 1-familton,' Ontario.,
,. •
'weeks oid; available Jt.ny 15. '14i$t
,chance to 'get pray Started Put-.
',Iets.''Oet your ordertn. now . w lijl
the' supply lasts'. BraY. fiatchery°,
130 John St.. North;'Hamiltoti, On,
'1,1IGH EGG PRIOgS PitEr.n.CTEil '
for, ne,xt Winu
Winter. put yorself a
•• share., of'the profits . with •Itray•
chicks. Get_ your Order .in •todayi ,
- Prompt shipineat! Bray Hatchery,
.130 John St. North. Hamilton, Oil- •
• chicks, all G,overnment approved.
. ' Leghorint $6.95', Barred Rocks, New'
HamPshire Reds .$7.95. Also day'
ow' pullets, cockerelS and started,
chick,. all n.P;PS,' linden Electric
Il.itehery I.imited,'110*V 534
Lade.n, Ontsrio.' .
• ir it 11,4A 161Ist
LAL it AIkI tp,:Et:EC REST '
• foundation stock, 'prices reason- •
oble. Vrite .51•Itier MinIcery, KingS-
vine, Ontario. '
22 x .36 AND, -10 x d1NICckliIimiCE.--•:,
Doering „tractors; '16.x 30, 20
'and. 25 x -itl-,Ituniely tractors; a.iso
Itiackstc.me , Unit
coniplete. Liketiew,'' '(.1.ver '20
trucks'. nen r13" all .sizes- a'nd, mitkes. •
AV. ri t fel, prices. '`.11a 110 a
, international, SaleS: • iluelph; 'O'nr;
.478.,YOnge St, Toronto
, •
V.,y0y„';11 ticIe • tho•rotighiV 1 7ea fled,
reckinditibned and sold under .1.'•deri,
filte,inuney-back guai•tiluee
rm May Turn
rl, , One: -of the', most, impartio
. •hranchesof :scientific, work being
. 0 undertaken in Canada today , is
stages at the Institute 1.4( Parasit-
ology,, Ste.; 'aiine de Rellev.POp .1?. ,
Q., says G. T. S. Calder, writing .
in the current leSne Of the c-!,-,11°
th.rai. Parasitie, worms, which are
in no *.ay.. related to the earth-
worm Or the Jur Wenn,. do, an
•epormous amount of damage to '
livestock and probably form the :
..greatest ' single, source ofloss in.
Canada: WOrkE. tO.date'Y',Ilich has
,involved the carrying ,Onti �f ver '
,I.,000 expertmentS; indicates that
the moat , likely Jnearis Of. ridding
Canada': of 'the ,Mentice,of these
worinei, many- ,millions -. of which
, are Swallavved during the" life-
' tithe' of . grazing anithals. vill be
„through the use Of chemical -fer-
tilizer.. ' ° : ' ' • ,
remedy Stomiteble, for
• your it(jm-
aeli trouble, gleans.up gas„ lieu-
, sea,. hientlag.. bidigeation, Prilg
• ' 'Stores' or. direct 'Write for, free- •
I'ifurm:t(ic,n 191 Albany Ave, TO-. .'
. •
ItO`AN ' 1 A Ifts
. ' . T.1.1, 1.4R, 1.. , is CRIPPI.,Es. •
recoYer theuse of their:limbs Un-' ,
.der..Our new,treatment.• ,..We give
the fous loot treatment. for
• tired fading feet. pray Pevei re-- '
sponds, iti stantly to Our treatment. ,
Don't suffer. Consult US regard—.
• ing.'your , case, ...A:clunac• Health. .
Clinic, 1-,ritile weir or' Erinclitle 1on
• "Juridas 'Highway. '
. . . .
srov1C •
4.wQ14,EN UDDElt q„ArtoET
• Lang.'s Mineral- .exeells anythingl.
obtaingble for Swtillen Udder, Geri'
get,,theeding Teats,'RingwOrtn, or
- Scratches. on :horses' feet. Results
quick, end coinnletesaves worry
• and expense. • Sent by mail. Free
Information. Langli: Mineral
Iternedies, 946.Roloon Street, Tan-
ic Poi( ,sapE
.. Mink( kits err choice Quebec stock
325.00 each •fur July end A.ug,use
delivery. C. licitly, Richniond; 011-4"
siti.EsmAN•' WANTP:0
' sell miningstoek:.In the Malartic..
'ara Oerierons commIssiens,Par-'
ticularp. 407 Centra To.
' NEwSi*AFinit •OPPoittTuNITY
. .
ty.and• Joh plant for .sate In thriv-
ing, Oriterio town. 'Excellent job.
11Z111 l.i' business' complete equip..endid "f` ondition.
quir' Sit;OVO cash, bitiance on•easy
• (!1111:1 t„,q. re,ponSihle nurehaser. O.
.16, flrowtrli114 Moore. •A •Tor-•,
. °filth:, • . •
There are few fanfilies' left: who
'are so farbehind. ihe tithes :that
, .
they still enjoy the -siniple things of
•life '
• tA,...ag, Large Clips rile Id, ' i)ts kry
•r7.•••••• „1•0'.0.8.(b1e
• custr, • • . •
$t3.95 ;Piece CheSterkeld sui 1,
-r, , Velour cover; '
N1ztridiall sepririo'.cushiuns: . • •
.4g Ileanarul 3 Okee•cli...ster:—
w".• suite. .v.elour coVer,•
ilgoreitj'revers,111e..1,1i.esil.,!1 '
$444116Modern .3
new int rd •W';1 II ng •
• retl,P ro,•ersibte•cuiilr:-.
$45 00'cnouirto.:id,bya t 6. •,'3.
pleCes (Krocitipir.). Vt.;luta„
eover,..reyersihle, Marshall cushiol,s.
$24:75 '§'olid „soak; Tooni
, • . buifct
• table, and ' leather' Still seat 'chairs,
tAa.nri prght di"anctvesuite
,`"•14' , in rieh Walnut, tl1h. buf-
fet," refectofy table,. ,lind .. 6 14.10,.ilier
• peat „chairs. : • ,
Agg.fin...Bo:intiful •
cahinct,' ex tension „'t ble and, 6 •Iea tit •
. ,seat : • • •" '
et; extension. table 'and 6. Slit) 'seat
• 'chairs With cane panc..1s:.
$89.06 Beatitiful Soltd
. • ink; rooni suite, ,.butterl
cabi7ietextensio14.441e., and .6
blue 'leather scat chairS•:
4 'piece bell r.4(.411' !stow,:
• dreSs'er....:chiffenier; ifuil.
lze bed' and :sagiess, Spring, 111 W1 1 -
nut •
. ,
egQ.nn Beall ti tit veal Mit' " room
'"'"'.‘f,' 'citifronier, vanit• y
"with,...Venetian mirrer,,, fan sizebed
nid.sagiess spring.-• . ••7' "'
r414.,./11A 4.t.pieoe:.-bed
. ,
chiffonier, ," fun
size bed :and. s:tglesS pripg.
$14.75 Sinn rt k itehen , es bi ne
• • . %vim noreelicit••C
--Radios, *IDIOM 14rkgscrs, $.i.nni
- • banters. t5.05; (las :StoVes, Sew•...• '
muchtne.s; $12.aoj rteds,
• SPriiigs.•:,192.01); New 'T‘IlittreSS.
..vbt,tin:cabinct§,•$itkito.' • • •I •
Write for free ilfustrated en t,a-
Itigue shOWing. huildrods• "
outstanding Valties in ,•netv amt
, conditioned fut.niture nd eree gi(45.
'!with Olt -chases: • •
• Lyons Trade-in Dept. .
•• -.178'..Yonge St., Toronto
• .
111 I". 'AN1) '104
• ,
t�Li tititynr.,olib:1) • ANt) 1.:roter
pentstINI 01171rgo'n10161 • $
regular prinls. a nd one-F*111.n.; -en- ,
largement• 251', 81,1.V.11'1.1 OtiltrAtt;
teed. , York ithotO Ser.viee,
Ring '
GEOltIAN •sysiSitat t'Aati. •
CAIW:11 1.411ANICIJN'S Pit I 1.; MSS V
, ,
ConteSt.oloIrst ,tu•ize, one.
dollars; 'Second prize, Ofty dollars• ,
Th e e—"Ca m p lora n It • the
.„ Camp, 'with' Ideals," dOtil1 infonmo..
tion regarding' q'atuida'A 1141 kith' ' •
and pioneer rt,4`1•01t lonti !,:timi 'for
Twang nien ti 1111 )`01n11:: AN 41111e11.
, nip I.' n it's To I:; t
otilei:, 83 ,Yonge Street,. '
14ittli'tit:Ii•A 1011
ENLARtlitIMPNT lo111.;A
• ery. 250 Orderc.11ottlfilin deveice!‘ki
rid eight. priti(ii 25e. IltiPrintA
wished over 26
Iliehmiuul Street •
Etist.,.: Toronto., ' ' 4 • •
Pt-fttStilVAL •
• .. •
,plutsots*,‘ SOI.VEi)
817) S7(t1 1-
• Ore, .Write 11:4 conddettec.-Sethy
25 ,Cents 'today,' ttiturAey Vzocic.
-Merits, Szter4ithe'ut, 511 *'t.
Montreal. • '
TORACC(), SN111.. 1.1,NS11:8-,,
ine*Ponstvely...tfouft• fothea,%. T4^
11,$v 1, %VInnllu 11
tVtitit ,NiAlt11.1 1.114. et)
"thofie •enttoniiht.titig 111:1111 *50
rtfo 'Von't 11,,", 1114
'Pettetio.POsillitid 250. • OM'. csge
tlitistrat.441.94aloitti:d ot
dtag, mo.„. free trpoif",,rir •
SOPreitie )40)
!Doront •
„$trangerTell me,, have any big,'
men (''101 been bbr4 in thiS,,citY? '
Native—NO; ii oil'. babies. •
Little •Nature Sljdies
'PIK:re, are 'a lot ot funny.. things
Abotft Dime Nature and her fliiigs
Now: a ,fly, Wiph• greatest ease, "
Lights' on deg,gy's,aose; „then flees;
But 1 fta c•n't
,Beeause it "iSti't built that-way
Ski..to flee if has,' to, juinp
To get *away, from Fides runin:''•
s.eent'sliardly fair to me,
'Shiee:a ify,'caWt !Wand
That a flea ean:t ,11,f,hpd flit
• \\*nen' tbe'do:- grows' tired of it.
Discovering fet anOther mistake
lin his letters:. the enraged eMPIOYer'•
-1Dondoner--summoneci his new
typist... .
Londener (barking)—TOu came •
here .With good testimonials, and do
• you tnean to tell ine.you don know
(indignantly)—Of course
•1 kno'. 11 01111.1 \S he wouldn't
be •king, would' he?
• ;The local ,pti,pe'r 'la ach. issue
of-a6c tat arid -7
cil'ic„IrighteinisnesS 'to 'a' larger au
, -tliOitee•thazi the •ccinl:b,ined ;audiences
of 111 the preachers' inthe terri-
• Dentist—Open Wider.
Dent is t --titis'etihig. rubber
ton'el• and •AtiOngel—ilow'S
• . .
fatally .
3- Oar
F'.Or 'tinier -eye putlitiesS.'' advises
. . •
,d, beauty hiu•ter, "use' powder ua
der your tq•k;saiiti,add a tiny tinge,.
. Of rot;Fc there." 'Or, soggestii our
, , •
wise friend, try going. to 'bed for a
, .
• i'llange.
,'• So yOti. kisSetl. Bess when
.til.,1104,,its.11•1•10tili.itig?: Was .slie an-
114)l).- '.uniie 'tit; 111 ,ft
• ,11:4,1 to .do Ovor, she
'1. Skill you love' spiitacli?,
N1.11.1'.11;.*.rsott` YeS, it's lily middle
• „ .
n.I.IttO., • ,
cl)on,ritl.•llta 11 1
. •
• ,N1:1‘,1:',i1c.r•.‘1,,t1 Them:Is. Sandi
`1;ive, to116'u•'.uh.o tells lits hest girl,"
gpod enough for her, uSnal,
1). tht• pro'tit, but She doesn't....
her 111'01:het' dOeg..,• ,
411 1/*1';. What*ran.1 da
..11',11$1,1‘li:110AA.? '
t\selOr 'Have' .Y0tt
.•,,;‘,11,(1, • Iles*' did r!,rgt reit
• 111;trit•p,4! , •
(!;‘,101,,t• rmt see titOSS alefid
st .1.1101.'
,i0ri4i1 Vet* ••' ' .
ttAPer • Well,.'
'• • The'. '
BY ELIzAE!,E11-1
By Non:1119ff and Hall •
,Messrs. NerahOff and. Hall's. last
novel, .,"The 'Hurrleane",, Made a
, most Popular "movie," andyou can
:• have: considerable fun casting .this
neW 'Tire Daik Rii•er,". for'
it wiil•be gobbled up: by flolliWoocl
faster ?than yen can say Dorothy
La rnu r.
. .
•. Laid. in the setting Which these
gentlemen may rightfully' .claim as
their ovit' private literary ••
• groundTal,i19,,'MpitelOtiyer.'-',..
oneoftheir more Sentipiental
„works,' con,COrned With:pol ite Poly.,
nesitutsfar reMoyed from the rough
'characters , Of the .."Mutiny •bn the•
1101111 t3" • story, 'arid .ahounding• 'in
lofty••romanee and quiet,...discreet.
,ernotional ' • ;
'A Lovely, Nature' .
The storyis tinged uPon a fattiliar'.
that of: one woman..a native poly,-
neslan 111 1 his ,caie,, appropriating
the,infant.'dangliter of another, ati.
riglisliwontin who • dies, at Child.,
hi-iili-,7-antFinlirging-7-the childup as..
her own. The authors thns-Oreate, a
lovely daughter Of Tahitian ha--,
tore,- wandering among the' glades.
and,*tropical strearnS of island
with the. ahandba and dark beauty.
;of, anative girl, hut:With p' 10.6 Eng-
lish blood in her veinS,'a,faCt' 60111.:
fortioi sainellow toNordie readers... ;
•The love story of the girl IS the,
Main theme - of the book.
• ,
When the. c011abOrator's On' this
novel write of tlitr=natives, or the
• Storini and primitive life On these
deserted islands. they : cateh • some
irof-the•stu,rdy Vitality -of theirs:earlier.
:adventure books: 1Their novel has
eninigh: moment:urn of events and
energy of ‘c jharacterization;'toO, tO
make it 'eaTIY'digested. •
The Dail( River,_ By charmsNordhoff and •
.3.36 pp. . . Toronto:;
McClelland ei. Stewart 215 Victoria •
• Street; $2-75.•
•Salmori.Not So
Smart, He 'Says
, Salmon Which h -001j itt the
. . , .
headwa.tera- of fresh - water .strearns,...
;and :spend • their adult lite: izi'the
sea are . not as Sniart as t eNiLhali
-7-lreen supposed:to be, saYs.-Dr,
" Ilinitanian;-• of .06. University
• of Torento,
It has always been believed. that
salt/ion. •swini:-,far out to Sea and
then. find their Way. batk: to,,, the;
saline. tiny! stream, in Which ,..they,
were born With.the acCoriircy,Of a • •
homing 'pigeon, he' declares.' • .
• Actually,' the fish must •reindin'
„within the ,freah'water area. Where
a river :empties- into the' sed •br
• they, become lost and never' re- .
:•tut••n; Dr..NTuritsmad 'declares. •The
return inigratIcins •froth the sett to
. .
fresh Water. also 'depend.' largely/4:
Oh floods or fresbetS','sibieb give
the . fish: their'' Cue to :start un the
• rivers 'again. '
"Okay.For S,Oun
Our, Houso of COMnienS' thiihe
,do' Well to ;takea tip m • New •
-York; 'where public speakers
after-dinner raconteurs are likely;
tO he COntrolled by ,"traffic
nals".` • '• ,• •
If the speaker's 'Noice, is
tinet, a,hlue light fliekers.on „the'
poptro1;, if too high, a red light
glows; a, stendv green glow wails
,"okay 'for sound".
Oteck ROUP
(8,„„e1ai;.1 Fro
TWA a FewPropg 0
41th Secondary s.
110‘v. Are Calledie4 Teen Age Rosrs And Girls To Keep Fit?
V4•41.0W. TO AVOID
Cy Tp"r„..,4" f11749.°rPmVa..1"o°'
§t, mOrrs HooOtpl,•Tim:piinp,;, grit.
.` follasjit4 4r051..e; in 4 brief
way, will tri to 'outline" what con-
ate and atty
Itiberealogia one
must ha*e.at .woriciot,isao*-
. I 2 age., of the'patlihlogy:•ot :theNgtindi
(1,), Very.--indiVidual'.,:who. lives,'
...?iifitler• the .Prqn,ary ...cm:30.410ns.. 'of.
•cJ'Ilization Is infeeted. after, birth
and: at some .period lietWeen •birth
antr.adbit • life With the tubeiPle '
'.hacillus. (2) Such
tilting!" it •Oroduces, a'definito body
•reaction,. is. not necessarily follow..
-ed by disease, , In tbe vast ma.,
'joritk of eases the individual,' keels
suceesSfutly With the .„Infection and
at; that .reinctbia-is ,4 staifitite.. Scar.
.(4). . a certain percentage. Of
cases, , howeier, manifest ,7 disease
Occurs a later date; thaf'being
due to re -infection by the tuberele
.mottly preceded by lowered resiat-
ance on the part .of th.e
Centro) Active Disease • •
I( is,1/4-ObViousjroin the..abeVe that •
eWhave very Jittle lioPO '04
.ayaiding contact With the tuberCle •
'b?cillus .fhionghotit
ottr,efforts mint he' direct,ed'to cent,:
trolling the einount, Of active.' tits: .
eagOarkd cons'e;qUeOvi4ealhs ',froth '
this all -invading organism.
baci 1 I u 1.1 eh7'10 jithilj7,titionS.-thefe'"'
s .iro:;eseene. S'ooner. Or' later
ryone :iS infected aticl, 'if.•••thei .
mary lesion oechrs in 'early 'life andhe .
Alos'e ritasse":, the patient •
uccurnbs.-Iton the Other hand' the
irireary hea I'S a lid perha,PS
ut.•any nannifestatiOn of .• disease •
ben ..the..iddividuars.
r be gradhally 'rais.ed.• to
ain't ''1 he -re will, be ,prOtected
oder.' any 'ordinary eirelims'tapces'•
the'rest Of his ; life. ' . •
„ •
First Act' of
:Therefore it iS •perfeCtij,. apparent
hat -Vp.3. solution of adult '.tuberthr-
Sis depends alincist7entir.eiy:on the
ad.Y. of thberculoSis in 'eh:lid:reit:13 in .
t,he children ,that We.'sce•
1110Yeci. the firtit at gf. the drama pt
tubercglois' which may' 'go -..on to .
:•;adult'-•tuberenloala unless he pati •
. eat dies ot sone Other conditloizor
Are ifiktutiate•encln&l.i• tn control
,4•.:Ii.'an„.eStablished• feet that t
• death..rate, „trent tuberculosis ,o
c1ea'1ng.- It has'gr.idtially .deerea
.."ect:from 414 place to:$.444: place a
.the ciinSe, 'death the. ag
..kranliSJ reinenibe
• that titherciilesiais atill!hy,,jar
leading cause of 'death ,aMoliget ncl.
•Olescents and iming adults, • "
.i..100,5OrisArr Preventive '
flearing all. the above points I
mind ,it can be. readily seen,,,tha
should., be, the centr
of preventive *Orkin fuherculOsis
It is not Suggeate,d, that tl?,o pd,h9OiS
,P491:11.d '61irfleird:wit4 any more
than they new. have' o0. their hands
but it perfectly obvious that. the
school is the logical point .of •at-
fa0. The question ordinary hY-
---.-giene,--is-',-taught in all our schools
:and undoubtedly is',a factor in con
trol",and also, the habit, Of Spitting is•
'a had one-end:the question of bad
'housing eoaditions 'playa aninaPort•
ant ,Part in the .spread tubercu:
4'1 these. things, hoWever.
are setondary' to an, ',intelligent
tiiherchlosis 'stfryey, of; your
Oen:, Carried, out Year' by year.
The Method . I woad*.aaggest is
:s follows: •,••• •,
iIe'1ic'a1 Hoaltit Officer or if he
0.)) Dplist. -the, SerViceS of :*bikt•
nurSes''• and eiso.,: diStriet ,
,ntirses'.in; 'Making fhb sittrY:ey'. I
(3) 'BuY your titheretairi in. quan- -
••• titieS 'large' enough .",to -do your
,groUP; ,
•(-1)'Ceir, the written perrnisSion of -"
the parents to have the test donc
t'ul.Tn) l!5es°an ,t fqrsemtuteilre-
kindergartenup to:„the.top'fiirres in
the high schOol..• ' •
NOTE:. — This series' On
• "Health , Secondary , Schools'
is, being 'discontinued during vaz •:
cation time to be resumed in
World Of Today
Needs A System
01 collective secip'ity--„more
So Than Ever Says Canadian
Legation Counsellor,' Dr.
" Riddell: - • ,
„ .
T'he, woria..7toder • needs
lective systenv'more. • than
'Dr. W. A. Riddell, 'conriSellor di;
, ,
the :Canadian legatielk,'•WaShini-
ton, .4declared last.:•Veek.. in, ad
'dressing 'the:. final-seSsiori of the ,
Conference -on Canailian-Ainerican
kaationa Orem?, '1‘laine'... if ,
.eneugh nations Wanted' that S3f-.
'tern, they --cOUld .get. it.
Fortner' perinanent Canadian.
repreAentatiVC .at. the League '.'.*Of
. Natipris . in Geneva; Dr.' Riddell.
4e:id he Was, convineed where the
1,ea.gue and affiliated' organizations
failed it was diie to "the irre'con;
aa few of the
to the
of the
Corrmany.” •
Only 1,'erinanerit Foundations
These „nations "either did not
Want Peace*Or .,they 'did not
Iive the Words of President
Cleveland that 'Mutual advantage .
and eonvenience. are/ ilia Only
As the Yeats passed, Said, Dr.
Riddell, :',the prigintil:‘ inheritance .
of Canada and .the .1,Tnite.d States,
their machinery. for ;Settling ”dis;-
putes •and.. their Voluntary . agen-
cies ,
cies "haVe Paid' Substantial divi-
dends Which' •has greatly- enriched
auk heritage -of goOdwill." ':81.1ch
a, heritage Made the two countries
ood neighbors. • •
This could not be..said.,Of many
otintries. In'. inatly parti of' the
orld,' the heritage; of the .pitht•
WEIS the<greatest sturnbling'. block
o good -neighborliness.: theit•
Oriente :3,ti,stifie.d', fear-iispicion
nd. distrUst.. '
, In ,8Weden'5 new freformatory
at' .pitena each bOy has 'his Own
toorn with comfortable furniture,
11, playroom'haS gaMes and :radiev,;
no 7Walla surroimd the building,'
"a.nd. windows are, not, barred.'
• •
."No 'talking 'pietttres' may be'
• shei,Vn itt elmteli,i'(leelared 'Dr; Pt:.
G. Parson, Bishop .of SonthWtirk
.prbVitional•regtatitiOnt for his
'diocese' In triglifful; but he will
perinit ',approved 'Silent
Issue No 29—'38
Jus4 nuri)ti
• RiamokeNdK,
tsar Istal C
!Conscience Boxes"
"CanScience boxes" for •Passen-,,.
gers Who have omitted to • pay
;their .faites haVe„been. plated' In
Johannesburg tram- and buses:
• :Wheat: fed; or. to be fed', to
liV:e Stock and poultry in ,Canailaduiing :
fhe', 1937 38 CroP. season
has been ,estiniated prelirniriarily
'aS 18;038,91)0 IiiishelS„as:compared
With 15,794 000 bushels •''in the
1036-37 'season, "
Tie up with a teal treat! • Roffryour-4:
own 'cigareit,e's Ogilen'S Fine
C.o. 'anti pipit corral: the fuller
smehingenjoythent.that this 'cooler
and 414fe ff,edrant" !Ogee? 9iVes•
Yan'll toll them even:,b,eiteri•if you
,.make sure 49 u* 'Clicintecler" Or• ,
"Vogue" papers. •:
Ofsk •
Canadian National
•- Railways Revenues.
• 'The grloSs ;revenues .ofthe all-
inclusiV,e, Canadian National
'ending Jiine..30,.Isp8i'.''
' Were' '
' as cOm'pared, 'with'
Ur the, torrespanding:
period of .937, a de- ,
crease of $ 661.20.6
Hogs Tattoed.
Before Shipping
IALTINSTO&, Ont. ,L'--' Uniler a
..__.:Re3y_tailing wilic-h-Weittnto . -
feet ' in :JAine,, all -,"; hogs shipped
,frorn the counties of ' Larateri,:
' Huron? Rent and Essex, must be
tattooed: liy. the shipper.,,prion
being, sent` to, the packing houses
'far 'slaughter. .,. ' • ; : • '
For yeai:s; 'since the ' Grading '
Aet has been in. force, it has. lieen
the:custom, generally, for 'a buyer
tit> purchaSe, the falmers' hois at
the:- pen, the shipper doing the
grading. '
'• garden .flOWers. plentiful at-
' ,this,...t.i.ine-;.;Aitalortgaideners-will be
intereted-le..-knoW- -hoW „keen
,,thetu ;fresh 'after they liziVe.-; been-
Cut:.''The first and most important
.s.lep. is, to cut .Carefully, .,Flowers
should tidy& be broken
frbra. their' stalks, fRit •at.
clean, ;This. ran be',
pone With.,a ,sharp' knife, or a pair
of ' Speeially • :constructed :Scissors
:which do not pinch the ,steins as ;do,
-Otitting. the
ers on the -slant 'prevents:the Stenis
,fronr:reating.,,fiat' upon the „botteili•
• ot, ,the con tiliner,i.t,ints. closing- t lie
. Mar*. fitly Cells.4- • , •
Nost.rioWirs should be 'picked in
• the ear1y",:. Morning,bpfore., the heat
0! tlIe '17.611.:;i4oebrat
according 10 an an-
,,•netinceinent Cornell
:afternbon, last Itinger, They may ;
.be cut.iyhen the•firat..hoWer: on"; tlre
spike begins " Oben, 'Most:floWers:
shottld gathered ..ittst Wiien'the
bud 1 unfolding, although dahlias.
last Mager if When jolly sineM.
I'his _is also trne of tryaahthemnins'.
111111115, -
..„ "
;Don't Crowd Them
cy to •detay. in water. shoufd
inOved., •keep the ilOWet's TOt'aleW.,
hour s alter cuttfng
it-'',1','before arranging in 'a Container
ot. water deep ,etionglt to?' the
water t" ('01110 just beloW„.the flOW:r
paka.„ ThIS:,treattnebt.
rovh•eS flowers whleh 'apPear. ta:'•
taVO The water .Shonht be.
elioiged and , pie'cl. of the
stenv.tut bit. This 110100 fei •Pre'
erVe the floW'r, An it:40 eithe:drel',
ed hito thd water two or 'three •
iMpa ' :day. alAO
' beitigS,
bed air to breathe, so do'. net
ro*ii them tightly' to 'IlAr:r9)y
a:liter,. • , , • • ,
Lcit'Nt.'01N 'dAtiOEN
NV:hot tutting new edge fOr
OWer-liett lit*tif trning an,
:bra "Og6i.'ll30S.a;. 'cord.
Progress to .rtatte
The eartlf'spins like a giant squir-
-re cage,
Its bars are • Swiftly gliminer-
Mg nights and -days, • '
And we the .squirrels scrambling.'
: neither time
Nei. precept ever Changed a
squirrel's ways. • ,
Preund, in "Wings."
tiler' than rely Upon 'the, acchracy,-
Of,y.Ohr , eye.: years
of, exr ie... profesSiOnal- ga4'
ener ,"inn a' String' tO
• • • • r
keep his.edgeS
Common CletheiPins canhe very',
s,eful, in holding the -string ',Or''COrd.
.) Place. 'Bren thOugh,the'Cord,May
•be, lightly. run, :front end ,s'ke to
'6nd 53a'-‘0. •otie'is ;apt' to mere the
back 'and:forth , with the edg-
ing to, nrilesS it is .ninried in.plaee
01. freq itiferval,S;,, with.. clothes.
,This sante.' method of Using
stakes. ' string .•and, elcitlies :pins an
he •e toyed for :planting. straight
• rows or •the, home. Vege
tat.:.e. 'garden. , . • '. . •
' .T17tV 8PROUT, TNgii:C6'ebs
riVie.reating.CustornS of the, enter:::
prising 4puteliiiardeners filight e.
'follow 1 11y gar.leners
W116 'speed. .6f..
ACcording 1,a,Plant breeder. 'vlio.c
cartio44,ti Chi*, cciuntry froth, the. Neth-
•-erlalitle., the, Rollatitters place se,eds111,0 Ci01) ,
1,ng., and hong the bag
O nearby canal 'overnig,ht. Th • bag,
IS taken, Ott and hung tor AS. hOurs,
in, the poW barn..where :it Wade',
Jly thiS Z,Erti'ly:18 'i`ttleci;
,011,0itidri•eitri .1iSI(')1.t.t.i.'0,titi.ca At by hand in the,
: , •
'.Gardeners need net. of,,tourSe.i
Atint,.• tip a Panel 'or..'build co'.'.
•barnr.bnt.they May, hang the. seeds'
-Overnight hi allY waterlilled ton,
taiher,"tliett place the bag in a War -
liter place. .for ti'. o. • a ni night s.
1' is' Traelleo, is ,espeeIa "IY"..reotit,
1flflded for beets,•: carrel:, and
Atli seed.. • '
n Chaco' Froe'nt
Rgnewalisflipstilities is Feared
'In South AMericaBUENOS AIRES. - .
tiVe reports last eek sad . minor
• t,ptirtiepnzt17:hg.tlfevaaqnyra tiaith:han4e: ej?.14.4,0nefi:grri iuevia a tidt; ree3to bgt, et..d.teirfeat
pute reached a new deadlock.
incidents had broken out on the,
arming', to'thelimits of. their
sources:Ah the rRgzon, Where an.
,..arinistiee has stayed hostilities or ;
three, "years during peace* confer,'
enpes with neutral ' intermed
' I -Ong 'BoandarY: •Displite
'earful. of a breakdown o the
, negotiations which might, end the
truce between .the . embittered'
neighbors, arbitrators atteMPted,
to pers.,•ade''POraguay's
tatii• es •to modify their bpsundary,
ydemands., , •
..--triFears. of a new flare-Lup', were
echoed , in the Buenos Aires press. ••
The newspaper ‘ La''' Raz '4 ;said
neutrals .had, disclosed eight ships
.lagen,.. with in"4teria1 for
hvia, :recently had ;arrived at, AT -
lei, chile. The chief cargoes were
said: to have ,lieerr airPlaries and
high explosives.
armer Siti,Beside Own CaffM,,
y germon,
:Listens Leri
..Abotzt Hiniself.
• ,
iNk••.91:IO1(17%.•:'ri:e$It7lex°d: N4 '14" til'oT.s..hth'es13.'r:17.Piah,e1:iti'we:1; ;tie- „
• .preacher says : about
besidehis hantt-Maile cof-
fin ,
fin last , week 'While • a' minister •
,-'‘eulogized him in",a.•:lengtby
Serrnen.'' . •,
",`It the.•nicest ' funeral I
ever hearcW,'•thp 74 -year-old Roane
• Opunty ;farmer said. gWhen I die
there W00% be another' One,: 'This
?waS My. last f un e 1 and "
° 111y-Lait . Funeral' '•
While 'Rev.;Charles,.:TaCksOo, "er
'Paris; ...Ill., .p.raised the ' inanifOld,
' merits. of "Uncle push," a..',erowd
„ :estimated . a '.-more •:,: $,000
saimed o dr.:the peaceful,
'-Cave Cree: - Valley grOVe.which'
l3reaeale .09Sen- for his' ob,',
Sec:lilies. • • • "
Fi Mote than .three''hours•af-.
ter he hallibeen. ecinsiened 'his
. graVe. ,t e hearty ° .• farmer'
, -stooll.. beside the he hewed
graphed ' scores ' of cards and
pci "V that
15 his Time For .Happiness'7,-. '
'Breazeale, dressedLiir ;Mei' uit
and That :rode to the prove in; a '.
. .
alone little karni 'home *here -14 'lives
. hears, that called for al the.
• • ,
Mr: JacksOn praised. BregZenle!n: •••
!, idea, of .' funerals .for the living.
,saying: -"there ' 'are no '• tears and. ,
heartatlieS but OnlY hapPiness at
this seltIce a: time. for sober re-•
2 Stiggestions
Car Accidents,
the most @tethers 1141114 el ecients,,bletiihey
• ptaiplea athletes toot, rashes and other %Ids ertip•
'tibitio,ltigiluidekt11$.1)...131,tiot3REDSC.AnittifhlOti'fie(4. Ital6teallinet
4'neetker the irilistel olds. Cleari'tieSseless acid itid0
lites-tdrini fast Sti:1-4, the 'most hittnei itebiat
eteskly, A ase t. 11 hetet it drus itieta proeni
• AfAtoto.D 241'
• Prof:. V. D. Tait,' ,McCill psp,
chologist,'.liats the following reale-
'dies for.preven,tion• of accidents on. '•
tbe highways: •' '
' • :,Subject ail . Cant -Hates •for'
atitorpObiteo', licensei to ',carefully
• stipervised jest's: •
,Train those, who Show' theta-
selves..lacking,' in skill, or °hay, '
some Aefeelt Which can be Co,rnpeii-
sated for; before granting. licens-
• S. Give 'all those involve(l. in, ac-
6ilent5 'both- a .mental and p11) -S1 -
cal examination. ••
, 'Centel' 'licenses for periods
of 'tinie:Protzmitidal to the .Of.,
. fence.. Where .tre'rrth,,'IMS. resulted
.'.frony an accident, and the di iver,•
has been found • 'negligent. the
lieepse Should be cancelled 'for
• e, ,
..• Change, Car Dcsig0,
• •Give 'jail sentences •insteatl
of fines ih cases Of seriOtis• ate:- ,
tlent8 Where death lia$ not l'estilt-
Ccienp'ol the adeption of nett-
? glare glass In all carS. ,
• .R0,-,:deSign'Itlie- hOOdS Lif eark,,
so• as, to enable 'Ariter to 'See the
road lippiediateW.in froit ,of4tar:
• .8. • compel :t'he Adoption of rad,
• fel bars onall cars so as to avoid
,torout ,on front , •
tiVe years after they haVe:
.60: yeair• hg'e; :
4ttach sealed ver- to
in' stieb a Way
l'Pg'ploto—o.00tt_bot not pOWer 10
fIte' elle of' those dt 1y61's! who have
fed Isppe,r1 'rule I kT 11 Vt:tt))(1,iit11, ,
-t,ninIftlafp ,ri0e(1 And' stuPt
ittivallisemepts, •
111ahe (nil t.se ot' the ,)to‘t,:.
le4fe of both .rtho psyclphiglitt ;Ana
the physieiati`•L161 th .solodtion,
driVerA, * •