HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-07-14, Page 6,
CaioalelltarY on„thHi$hIige
Us' Of the Melee New
•.SUNDAY: C....01.41PANY:-• -Take -a
_ 'ye through Eastern or Western
01000 agricultural areas of a
Sunday aftetneiin,'• and whet do
...Amu see in..everY farnatiane? Two
•„he, three ”' swank cars standing
' empty after bringing a load of his- -
;tors Iron; the City or nearest big
town to Sponge en7their'Poor far.
•Inek friends and relatives for the
day., And there' ion see the 'corn-
• PaPY, rocking back and , forth on '
the verandah chairs while the far-;
•-mer'S wife, uPssince dawn, slaves
• in the kitchen in _Mortal fear list,
the table won't "groan” enough
• t� suit.ethoSellmitless eitY.-hi•ed .
.:appetites, always ready •for
other meal, • . •
Sweet are the use of hospital-
ity but they can't stand too inueh
strain. If the farmers of Ontario
:were not such, out-and-out, indi-
viduals, they would long age ,have
risen eP in a body to ' Pretest
against their .Sundays being tak.."
• 'en away from them in such incon-
siderate fashion.
• But even, though the farmer
may never go on strike for a free-
. Sunday, some day' he will murder
, the occupants of the .first car to
turn - into his lane of 'a Sabbath
morn. And the jur/ atill • acquit .
ple of :Canada felt that .at last
they. were getting. , Some action,.
When, follOwing, the ;rePOi.t of tie' ,
HOYai Commit -310n probe into the
Dominion's ,prisons, the • Govern-,
:•Thent• ,gave 'notiee•of its :intention:
to carry out sante of ,the,recom-
mended, reforms, :.to establish a
three-inass Commission to admin
:ister Canada's penal system.
the Senate,' killed was'
rushedthroughon the Anal day of
the •
parliamentary Session: .• •
Prison reform in Canada is
thug given an indefinite Setback
because our parliamentarians •c'e.ere
in a hurry to, get away ;for ;the
A GRIM LAUGH: Veciferous.
• protests from the British people
led -by the parliamentary
thin 'enused. Prime Minister Chain;
"Perkin last week to\ make • a real
fuss Omit ,the consistent boinbing
of.-British,Ships by insurgent air-
. men in. Spain. ebb British Vessels
hive; been sunk in two years with
• •
corresponding l Joss. - Of
But the ironic part Of it is that.
Mr. Chamberlain slaked Mussolini
to ask- Franco to. step the 'bomb-
ings, ;, when ",everybody knew that
Italian planes were responsible.
for the outragesr,A: laugh indeed,
but a•grim one.
. ,
ing, in her belt ...another notch.: at
home last; week, lapan.,is prepar-
ing for .the greater ,and 'greater'
By Elizabeth,Eidy ,
strain *WA 1414ureto, be felt as •
•the Chinese ' war keeP4. on. War. •
essentials Are now rationed (no.
more cotton cloth or fren„. pro-
ducts :may; be manufactured for
401nesticuse); imports, sn.ve. of
war .materials; are Curtailed; the,
government is controlling prices
of commodities.• .
• Says Japanese War Minister
• .ItagalciV "The war wilt :centipue
a;lhOlg ime,. Chiang Nak'shekerna
,attennit, to continue hostilities
throughout his lifetime and, 'as *
long as Chiang continues, Japan
mast continue.. Consequently" it
is necessarrthat the 'Japanese `
..solYe to continue fighting at least
ten' years." ,.. •
.• Political, obSerVers, aee prac-
tically linanimOila• in their view .
that at, the rate she is now going
Japan cannot possibly -last those
ten. years.
BUMPER 'CROP: Hold your
breath now lest 'something happen
„ te,spoil Western Canada's chances
for e" bumper wheat crop this
year. At the moment,. everything
, -
is all set for the fulfilment of ourPrairje •
farmers', best hopes, meis-
lure conditions Laing just right.
• •
• The next two Weeks will be de -
pees. Better times for all
of Canada will result if,present
crop conditiens hold.' • '
NEAT oBJEtyivE: Poor
• ljt-
tle neutral Switzerland .is shiver-
ing in •Le' shoes. Within her
'borders .,oveit 1,nno,noo German-
speaking people; a, juicy bite., for
, Herr flitlet whose avowed per -
poke ' is • to unite allthe ' German
race into one nation, .Switzerland
• shiveLi_in_spite_of -the--Assurance
-Wen by Berlin last week that no
•Geinian •• tropes: *mild march
through her territotitY in event of
war. One reason, why she quakes:
. ,
• Getnaan Field Marshal Goring re-
cently published in "National
; ;equnr..;•'" Map of Greater; Ger-
many, ' Prepared by Beieb propa-
gandists fr.
,tered practically . the whole of
•'Switzerland as belonging to: the
Heigh. The Swiss' frontier 'i3 "the
boundary of .the :internal. separa-
.tion, of the 'German people," an-
--nohnied-:-aorifirs news -sheet and •
claimed Switzerland's 3,000,000'
1: Germans, as "exiled citizens of the
• 'Getman
'In France, however, the belief
, =
.is current that the .next Hitler
"putsch" (now : that Czechoslo-
vakiahas. lam Stepbed for the time
being) will, result inthe., annexe- ,
tion • of; Danzig. •The 'capture of
this Bailie 'port would he an. easy,'
:Walk -over,. would restore Hitler's
flagging prestige: ,
Hirpect:developments in that .di-
rection,.then,.tot many week -ends
Is ess,„Clue
Doct�s Foretell Cow* Of
2DiaiPae.b4r Its Elasticity
Ability of the humanskin to
" • •
Stretch is it newly ..discovered
prognesticater of death .eifT7recov-
ery in several' serious diseases.
". The hiethiide of 'Paint -.skin •
stretch, '; worked •:olit .at Thiene •
Universityschool of medicine,
were reported to ti* Amerjcan
Sodernian, - :M.D., . and George
Burch, M.D. • •
. .
, , •
When : It, Tightens..
• The 'skin, which kioctopx • Call ;
' '"the outer •defense Of •the body,"
changes its, elasticity • :during
disease., The change is connected
`. with alterations' inthe:presSure
of body:tiSsiies.: The Telane phy:.
• sieinni have Worked Outmethods.
of ineespring both .skih ..stretch
, and tissue pressure and of tising
them' to foretell the eetirse of ill- •
fleas before the patient himself
• feels a. change.
' In disease the. skintightens; the
tisine..presiure rises. In health
ithe abdomen Ain :las the greatest
elasticity, .six tithes', as mechas.-
• that of the shin harm; and twice
as much as the skin on the back
. . ,
di the hand. '
".The pressure in the "tissues of
the back of the; hand is equal to a
column of water half aninch
deep, from:this, ictw it iapges up
"to, an inch -and -a -half of water for
Ieg tissues.: But 'm stripe disehies-
these tissue pressures' ", are Multi-,
plied up: to 10 or lb-feld. •
The diseases erejieerf edema,.
kidney troubles,, perniciouS anern-,
peritenitis,:„pregriaiihY. texem,
Iasi, malnutrition and scierodenla,
The latter ie the "steel Skin" de-
scribed by Sir Williani Osler. The
skin loses all its elasticity,.until
, :fingers caenot, bend and finally it
.craeks. • '
•AO LloPlet(sentI011e Ruins the
Whole Effect Otherwlse/Pro':
duced by One's Personality.
•It's ;mistake , for oay girl to
work hAiJitl- to improve her figure,
hair,:skin" and her taste in clothes
but ignore coMPletelY the feet
that she has an imPl'oPerlY Placed!'
unpleasant voice. Because, . no
Matter how attractive 'Site is, un-
less her voice „lias a- fairly sooth--
ing effect on others they.' just
aren't going to hetet; to her -.;-not
'for long anyway. • "
To day that a girl has 4' nice
Voice doesn't necessarily mean'
• that the has a low voice. It Can'
• he, highand still ..he Pleasant ,to
,the ear. •:
• Breathe Correctly
One goodway•to begin a.vtiice
,,improvement campaign is to do a.
breathing exerciseregularly until
you breathe correctly 'all of the
time WithOut thinking ahlint it.
V. P9 practice eliealting•SloWly and
• worse on Anyone's nerves than
• 0.14.°°j°031.0., 'es3rreetlYt Nothing is
having to listen to a Weillen Who
, rattles op, slurring words together
•and speaking so rapidly that, half
She says can't be. nndersteo0.atoll,
Theexercise' to -correct •., had
S-heeell is 44 Simple As the, breath-
^ ing exercise that will tend 'to ire" -
prove "the vele?: -Just read,- aloud,
for fifteen. minutes 'eVerY 'day. Co
teltyour room, close the door. then
- reed. 'Listen .to YoUrself and. trY
6 •
Charles - A,...Yoeng iwen ' the
• world lobstereatipg championship
at Atiantie City bY:eating,A2 lob-
sters• hours. , 4 ;' • 4- '
Silica, 'seed, salt and limestone
. or 'lead,' the four • ,Princhial
stances necessary for glees -mak- '
out the world. ; •NearlY:all the
• terials liecessAry. for , the many
branches of the glass industry are
obtainable' in the United States..
, •
of the
THE tivulfzt
.. Fanner's -Utopia • •
The farm :Without weeds is either
owned and operated.. by '‘a master
farmer. or the soil is se poorthat.
nothing 'win grOw.,--Phrinet'a` Ath:
vocate •
Not For . •
And then there is the story of -the •
roototing fiend who had his first
ride, in a trailer, He nearly, went,
mad because he couldn't jiass the
eel' in. • front: --Terente Saturday
Night.' •'
•:Where The Taxes Go
'Where shine ofour taXes go; TO
peg interest charges on the, ptiblie
debt of Canada; makes necesiatY a
Weekly outla of 2' .006•7. . Tr
, Working that out in ;days and min.'
Vs. -Niagara:. Halls RevieW. •
'Sortietime. W,911". Learn,
" The -Highway Traffic ea no
vehicle on the, right ,i$ not Permit-.
Mekea deat that passing . another
ted,' and no exception is 'made in
. „respect of. street intersections; but
1:the tievii does' net seem to have got
• 0:.°°94-'
' Public Service Its Purpose ,
This is something The7,. Journal
has imight ]tel;emhhaSize all alting;
the clear face that interest on the
national...investment in the panicle
, an National Railways :is and .ninst
be in sresulte_g public service; jest
as the Interest. on_ investments In -
Mani other puhlic works --aids to
navigation,' harbors, pest, offices,
and must be In public. ser-
'Vice-, In other wiii'ds; to put the
thing briefly; ,transpoetation', in a
• land $ech as Canada, is'a hasie and
;essential government functionits,
•cost a part of the cost of govern-
ment;.' Of the national existence -
Ottawa Journal ;
, The Dictionary Saye So
Those Whe• lost motley some yearS,
rneati.,"$weat," are . noce 'heitigask:.
ed to lose ...some". morel by people
" who say, they cart prodeed dictidn-
arY authority for aceentirfg. „ the
hann,lhenvelope" on, the ;'seccintr,Syer
table. , And ,they can, Tank ,and
Century and the N'eW
.periaCklye this as the, preferred ac-
cent. As for 'ercinoetieing the first
like the in'aa/rns"..; seine
antir Citifies' !Aver :that tee, :but the
• '• Oxford English dictionary,Awhile,
admitting it, is periniisible, 'says
there is no good ,reason :for giving'
this French, scenic] to a word that
has been Anglicized in spelling
nearly 200r years -Toronto Stai.
Not "New"
'..tnat:' There are 48 nations in the
World still at, ,e-te.e.‘ large Mita
be, 0! antotsts drove safely 4nd.
eo*tegtisly tlitough. Vancouver
atreets yesterday. '-Several",Millieri
Canadians are, working and draw77:
ing regular. pay ,ehequea. 'Vs.tesaw
people laughing thig: niOrning: The
mangleweetz.el: peep is good: this
y atMost people .really like spin
ach A girl and boy. eat On 4 Vic,:
tory 'Square bench' at lunch-time
Yesterday': and. Jost . track of the
around them as they .look&j
-ltisers eyes. aj isn't
news but we thbught we'th tell You.
,oitietiinee'-We get so' fed tipwith
news that we like to stop and think
of things like these: Vanconver
The EMP/RE..., .
Tools.' For Peace. Construction
A Isreported that. when- ,the
League" Council assenibled.-on the
last day of its reeent,SessiOn:at Ge
neva a spectator in the. gallery
stood up and shouted speak .for
the people of Europe!' Long' live -
Peace'' Long liVe the League and ,
the'.United' States of Enropel", .He
was promptly ejected by detectives.
In the eirceinstancesi pet-hi:Ps, this -
was wise, for -the 19,1st sessmirer-
the CounciI 1l1 surely go hewn on .
record as the knostdenteising In its
histoty. In considering the peeseet,
sickness of the League,' however; it
is important tO.'distinguish•between
'cense and effect, The. Cause, as has
often been pointed .out, is no fault
in the organization er.priticiples of
the League • but the 'weakness'. and
,stupidity OE its theinhers. So when
recently, -• the ,Council tejected-
Spain's appeal, gave but cold coin -
'fort , to china, and 'encouraged the
a an onnient ef..", Abyssinia ..these
Were ,the„ failures of Governments
and, in Particular, of the dciverrl•
Me -Ms Of Britain' and •Prenpe.'Such
failures may ',1ae. ‘disaitreu4but they
• heed net directly 'affect,thefOttut-
ture' of the League of Natidni., In
time new .ami, .different Gover*.
*rents will be elected .to ,power''
which, by using the same, tools as
those nOW thrown epw.h, will non-.
Struct heace. in Burone.--,-Manchest-
er Guardian. ••'''
at n
t:ial..t0Nattita0eNk; nhegul;iodu.
ing (Own the capSuies or shells of
the bacteria ane allowing the White
thied corpuscles to vanquish the or-
gnisrns points the way to i new
,:liaeof medical research, experts.
.believe„ '
..,Two physicians at St. T.!artholo-
nlew'S kips pita I, rep orting in the
Lancet, 'describe results of pn,ea.
amnia *treat merit with. a new nie
0! the so-eallee
group" ; of drugs, "Ig and 13 693",
,7444nkeerd. P.m alaheyS:," •
Many herSees' have 'claimed they •
could hear sound s feom'tee heavens..
during displays 'of acirthern
bit moat of: the Ohservers'„ Were
.without scientific training. A .re -
Port by Professor Carl Stormer, of •
the IiiStitlIte 'of ,Theeyetical Astro.,:
PhYSies, N.OrteY, states that, during
the great, auroral display on Janu-
ary 25 apeps„ rilen:Ibers Of his staff
distinctly. heard. sounds whieltthey
associated with the, :movement:el:
the White beamS. lh:•the Iights, amd.
repel:1s' frorn outside observers cOn-.
ilrth,their find)ngs,
kis'rEpttO BLOOD.. 'T1:1EAM...
. men at
tending a"tlinie at the General Hos;
pito .here saw •a' demeastration of
An amplified Stethoscope, a new ••in-
struinent which ."'aetuaily • "broad.-
• cast;A". nioverneutsof .fao, organs
• the hOdY and the blood strewn:
' The de'inonstiation. was One ef
the features of a two-day prOgrane
ATIO1s1 FoR, CAN.7;;R:
TOtiONTO-1,7aceination. againtt
• • , . •
„ experimental 'cancei. is being sec,
cess•fully carried out in the labora
tories, ofthedelialtnient, of ,piedi-
cal researeh; University of Toron-'
••to,:`in. the I3enting • Institute. : To
'date it has been proved' effeetiye in
, mice,. against .;chemically ieduhed
cancerand ifl have': to be tried'
het' on, monkeys.whee further"de-
VeloPed: I „ ; • .
After that, its application to hu
mai . beings wouldbe considered,'
Dr, wt. It. assisMnt erefes- '
sor in 'chargepf the work; sayS,
TORONTO. -The chances of mart
ever discovering or seeing the ele
ment "Minium," One of ;the few mfg.
t, e
sin links In the table of elements,
44.Ve.V4Piebeik •
Pr. T.. H. Wilkins, Pr the
sity of'itPchester, Rochester„
told the Anierican'Physical PacletY
Meeting here last Month that a new
inethed '04 Precise chemical analysis
indleates..the element either •doee
-hat exist or at most epnies into '4-
ietence and vanishes again In a few
,milliontlis, of a second. .
been -the :meat phi:.
sive ' of the elements and was 69
.named by a group or Univer,sity of
• Illinois Physicists who mada,..the
nearest approach to isolating and
ideatiffing it.. It is one of thd so -
palled 'orare earths,': samarium and
"neodymium being its .nearest.lieigh,
Crop .00100k
'4" FOt. Ontario
, .•
. ' .
Oepartirrent of •Agriculture
POO Shows Bountiful
'vest. fok Mort of .Province;,.
Damaged Tobacco Replant
• ed: •
:TORCINTO.,-7-SPring rains and
warm weather have brought prom.
ise of gond .CroPs in most 'parts of
the province," the Ontario Depart,
input- of Agricultur: announces,.
- The reportsays: new indus-
try. in the form 'of An "alfalfa de-
hydratien plant Is in ;fail swing in
the Oakville district.• This plant is
rherchapilising :approximately .20•
toes per eay:""
, Look Promising '• •
North. Simcoe reported , that fre,
Mien t , and hee.yy rains in the past
to weeks 'tae promoted'very.
rapid :grewth," 7, althoughdamage
was heavY.'in the nOrth Part pf.. the
rcounty from 'a recent storin. Prince
Edward dannty, in Central Ontat-
rehorted that ' crops look.
'!I-laY erep' 4 looking, Very‘, good
as %%e have had plenty of raie,
. . •
the grain crop.is piobahli..•damaged
by 'a little tee ,nineli'rain," the de-
partment's representative In :Cecil-
• eane 'said. The report, added that
erop,s,;• howeirer, .looking better
!than average.'.'
' Abundant Feed
.Pastures in Middlesex •61.1.1,1tY
generally are in excellent cendition
with 'abundant 'feed for:all kinds of
•Iirestock.: •Spriag grains there Will
have • a '
cern, and roets "are rather bach:.
ward because. of copl„ •Weather'' but
in meSt instanceS are a good .stand."
l3riMip is. aiding 'emigration to
. • •
, rev•ft•.•••••••••704.4/..frare,0•2•64404.0etoL%1.44•4•00.'040.•:••••4•:•41.4%04.01•01;,)
AUtitralia Boasti
Underground P,C):
4DELAIpt, Australia.-ezthi1at-1.
elists (starnii colleeters)., Are! .just
beginning to . take a • marked ,iii-
tetese-ip: Coober •!edy, the reinete
'. South. Australian epal. -field, he- .
-cause it, possessed the only Meier -
•••ground, post office,' in the .werld.,.
The prospectors," live. in "rooms'? .
. dug into he soft earth of the
low sandsteine hillshere, too,is
their banle,:and their post offve.„*„,,
Pecent issues of stamp
. carry article i dealingwith the:.
unique 'interest • of covers, bearing .
the Ppstniark of 'Coober Pedy,
Which is the aboiiginal, name ler
• white mail's, buitow. It has. been '
s„uggested that specially decorated
Covers should he made ava. hake
foe use on Coobet pedy's
iationij air', mail.' '
New Zealarid p1as..toabelish
its unemployineht fix on ."wage.3..
• "That's the *ay to talk!" cicd -
• the, gnome: King,. "What iiYoui
name, general?' ain.„callcd
tluntk your Ma:NAY." "Well,
' Guph," Said gle. King, "chine. With... •
inc to my pr#Vate eaVe and veiI
talk „It over." Thenthe tureV to
the 'rrity. "Yeti are ,te• obey the'
•' tomniands ot General Guph ittifd
be hetohles dog- fed," he ..seld..
"Any Man who •taila 'tnqliOst
2iWaY., • yOn are nuw
"G:ipit went' to the King's' pr.f.
• rate CaVe and 'pat down Orion The '
King's chair: ',Then he lithis pipe, •
• !•• - '
r.,t,ld threw ''the;. live Coal he had
.taken ,from his pecket upon the
King's leftfoot'and•puffed smoke
,Into the King's esies- mak- if .
• vet, unconifortable. For *he \Vat' a
wisp old gnome and he knew thair
; the„ best way to get' Mot* With
,. the King Was to show hint that he •
was. 420t,,ittraid.,..of
• '
, \\I 17
c.fiyaighted. 1912 4/04 &roe en
' am i'eady to talk," he said..
The King looked at his new gen-
era! iiieree•lYt tremble
.t; take such libertie with your ".
Monarch ?k,': he aslpd. "Obi ,",
sad OuPlf, mant to eoncitir,
the' ;hriterald City*, andil am the
only gnOrnwin:nll your dominions
Who 'can" do if, so You;will be very
Careful not to butt me until-: J
have' carried • out your.. wishes.",
"Bet suppose you fail?" asked'
the JCing "Then; ,the slicing
thaddite1 agree to 1thatiF ,ah-
ilditifeed-GliPTC-ntire`if Yoe does7
I tell you there: Will he un fail-
' tree, The trouble With you, King,
is -that you don't think enough.
You Wetfid go,* ahead and Mareh •
your atiny thretigit the tunnel ite.
OZ and get defeated. i•weiq.
4nd. the .reaSon 1 won't is. hetause*
.Wheii4-inarth 4. -v/1112 -have -a' --host
of, allies 10 titslit "na," '
Choseti'ae the 'new PreSiderit of
• the_Sinada Life Assurance 'Coin-
•.iP•ott3roi, Mi -,
I Npisiejatzclhy91fil ftles.
.one of •the most brilliant of the
• younger insureme Men in. Ariier.
On1y last hionth he was
'Pretsident of the Life Insur-
ance: Officers of Canada.
Mr. 'Mitchell .has had a diVerse•
'he'd career, starting oitt.as a schoel..
teacher, litarichirig• out Into. news-
paper Work, then joiningthe Ptaff.,
of 'the.ifanutacturers' Life as ad,.
.VertiSing manager in '1921. ' He
remaineit with • thr.:, Atannfactuyers •
for ten: yeavs,,, fising to the nosil
den of Assistant Secretary ef the
compArly.,' In 1911 he joined the
, Federal Life in.Hamilton, was a'p-'
, painted General ,Manager the fol.
••towing year. : • , .
When the 'Federal was absdrbed
• hy;the Sun Life in ,1915,°,fr. ,
Miteliell 'joined :the Canada. Life
,as an AsiiS;ailt:Superintendenf. In •
• 1026 ho 11,ecanie Assistant General
'Manager; General Manager; 1930;
-ViCe-1'isidcnt, 195,'77
In. the .period during which he
has been General Managoe: of
anac 4 Lire, , the co -entry. has
. passed through- vet•y diffleult times.
Mr. Mitehell had a tough job, but
has 40.1ro it Well, lli sound
consoiqufltiY., his great energy and
capaciy tor.,,,,Work_have -beep -
,`svalualote assets, will c01itin6e. to,
lihrt, in a distinguished cateer,
en elcome
Women Should ReMenibP.P Th13
'VVI.zeo.'ShopPincfor Them
' .Salesrnen jn men's shops never
forget *triat.117y. have to have, iii
stock -what they-tolt'woolen'S liter;
thet• aPPO•al,
wives vihe shop for their haSh4Mis •
and are subsequently „ ekchaiitted; '•
It . is, a woman's duty, obviously,
to steer 'clear of ',these 'eye...catch-
ers., -This ttirna out to he.,
ably easy" ira.;the Woman keepsin.
mindone. fundernentel; .the gar-'
inent'01 eceessori the woman is
considering- fOr be.r. Male kelati•O
will be welcomed if it has :Pl'ag-
:Several me• n's- shops in NeVe
asularner tlthigs this -:
7 'A shirt made .iike a carpen-
ter's' jacket of . closely woven
ntibliy ;cotter' has a •toW, of deep
pockets across the:front.below the
Waist, Where a map eat), tuck the •
• things he wishes to carry about
with him. For thp !pan joining •
the ladies dn the '.terrace of
.eonntry 'club 'there has been,•de.:*'.
heavysgeraash elblilileanyletbssat.ii:ek
looks,!easy to wear. 3ingle-hrease-
ed„wjth-long.sleeves., and an •ela's-,
tic at•Op across the heek to give
it a slightly nipped -in line at the.'. -
waist, it can • be. had :,in 'i-tavy or
hi te.•
Pitt Invented
Weird Taxes
British Treasury' Once 'Taxed.
Windows, I-lats and Hair
• A. hendred_andl,fitty yea'rs.:-;igo
. sayS. the .'Magazine Leedop ':Tit- •
Bits",,whenwe,had bat our
' Aniei-
ican c•olonies and had just con-
. 41: war With France,...Pitt; as.,
Treasury dietater, invented •alt
'sorts of Weird ta-xes to raise the ,
ipeney ..needed • to :pay; the • ceun-,
try's WeY., •,' , '
He pet A tail en hol•ses, ..which
s -e enraged • hfhriner, gamed
Jonathan "'Thatcher, :that he, rode'.
.a hoW• to, market.. as a,' protestWid�ws,
w 179 also ' 'taxed,/ the
larger , the- house the greater the
telt. ;explains the many
blind -windows • to be seep in old
Mansions today. ' flackneY coach-
es:. hats "and hair-pewdee;
, licences;, hearts, and •caridles, all,.
brought•unpolaular grist' to. the..
_Chancellor's' mill. That was' in r,
,,, • "Plum -pudding" f ax
In 1797 a Clock tax : was im-
posed at the rate of 2s. ed. Vie'
'London and -.Middlese arid ' Is.
,elsewhere. The tax 'Was a failure'
and was repealed the. next Tear.
. Cromwell: invented the "WM--;
pudding" tax, one on currants and
raisins, while 200 years age a tax '
on tnalt drovelhe Soots to 'strike
by refusing to Ariel; been.; Rut
here the Chancellor on, ah4 the
Scots‘-pWalleiVed the taX, , • • .
roph Best
In Six Years.,
Finance Mirlister Donning Sark '
' Conditions in Western Wheat
• ..Belf Unequalled Since 1932..
1.. OTTAWA. --Crop'• conditions:in. ••
the Wheat-groxiving .areaS' are bet. '
7-7-te.rthart at anytime sinpe.
,.:VinanceMinisterfripunning telc1„the
'Itoirse .of Commons :last week, •
the Sout'hern,Arought
gte • the. improvement ,,inioisture;,
contlitiOnS has,,bpen 'substantial:
although...ctirrent rainS'are 'needed
in other areas. Increased plant -
of ,Thatch• Wheat
,more . effective insurance agaliist
rust : :than '',we•:,liave. ever had be.,;,
'Snunter Basis
"The adequate .Preparations be-,
ing made by the peoeinceto deal
with , the somewhat less iatenSe,,
,but -perhaps -niOre , •
festation of graeshoppers, 'should,
assure that losses' On this account
• Will he nirnimized, •• '
• ' "In other wqrds; although we '
are only at...,the beginning of the
ctitical period of the•Wheat (rori.
we may agree there appears,to be
basis tit t t'
, a soundei% ,.an.a any, mein th ;
last' ten . Years "lerthat,
buoyant' optimism:"Whih is 'Again
evident on thewestern' prairies:.
May .Rosiciro' Balance • •
Witti .n lotV0'.4.61.1(1.
of wheat hrieeS a geed ,Wheat crop •
'would, in my' opihion, de ty,ore'
than any „ether feetor'
revitalize oar whole eConomiif:'
• 'life, to establish confidence and'.
to restoi;e.,a More normal balance „
,hetWeen ',the 'kest and tli,e"!;ase!'„,
Week -Enc t In Jail
Convicted' -of embezzling.
ptly:chtsspen5j011 eheqUeS,
• American has beell t.entenced to '
spend 49 *etk,•enik ,Sattrik)Ay
'afternoon's and sundayi jait,-,-
-neltgOk: On weeilays, , he .ean
work to ;suPpert‘hi. twfs
children, ttitd. his parent,