The Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-07-14, Page 5prt
TUTIRSDAY, Julir 141M,
Lyceum heatre
...Show—ntartstat--8- m. except ,
Eat• --Sat• night two Shows
7.46' and '8•4kilLita.., • •
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
July 141 15
•• return engagement . of a
great pktitire, 'slatting the
PhilosOPiler-:comediap,' ovitose
whIntsicat•type. of humour can •
never be • imitated...: ,
Also .1"PlitIL HARRIS' AND
• "NE .
• ';
.• , Monday, Tuesday,' Wednesday
. .
July 18, 19, 10.
"Everybody Sing" ,
, Judy Garland and Allan Jones,:
mike this show a musical suc-
cess: and Fanny. ',At -ice' prov-
ides 'the. comedy with her
"Snooks" '••routine •and
other Specialties.
, . •
-S, .S./N0,17, Kinlons',
1 " --lideOrS 75%; Pass co:
Entrance, Class ,-.., Eileen 'Carter;
Lloyd Irwin; Donald, MaCIntre, Lor-
fuel). CliY,e.A11:04..,,tAl. 1:-.,-,,$:Ageoss:-.1
I• .8-4.--Alineeaite-l'-F.-74; .Glen Mint? 08.
To Grade •VIII -:-Donald. MaclIonnld.
•- *. 74(;•'0.rade,VII.74---.Ruhy II'Wiit 94,IJoy,
Carter, Sif • Noreen Thomson': $0;
Gordon McQUilliii."14.* Margaret Mc -
Nall 704,, 144r, McCotMell .04. i'
Frank '11,1cConnell 40 Glen ,Irwin, 34 '
. , To Grade. V17-13ertha••StimsOn '0';
'Marian. GiAliain 90; • Stewart 'England
.64- Jitirvey •McQtallin 6'.);:.....
Mageffifi '00,• • • ' . ;
• T.o, Grade IV—Doris 'Irwin.115; Mar-
garet Graham. 82 --ElVa,Itossr80;- Har-
vey Irwin' 7,1" 0,1aiit Irwin 70' flareld
.1:McQui1liti 68. '
.To Gra-0, III:__
A1. Maefntyre .-.074;"
• Eunice Reed 0; .`, HatidOlph 3lorrison,
•, 70;: RusSeli , Stanley
• To Gracie IL,L.-Excellent-- MaYine
i'r‘% in; 909(1,—,jiari-py Ross; jaek. llit:
I Quillin. •Fair---YvonneMagofhnr-',
The Week in Parnament.
- • • RY, • `'•
W. R. ToMLINS011,
016. session' e;ending- next week.; ner7
114Pa on 'I'horsday, but certainly, by
'Saturday.: Legisiation being de-
ferred to 'assist' in this object anti it
is 'expected there , wilt be• ,an •early
Grade J., ' 3feNall, Allan °Me- Fall seasion to take Nire 6f• -•the. h°9ed,
ArnObri Poss„ Thonison," fur Trade At•I'cemen'is' N'•41•111.11g• "J11
J&aii'.1eConnell.• , he done this year .in' regard to.„._
; Best- 'attendance for. year---GOrdon: Report .of the' (1 rain
MO40111111 .Jov Carter, the old Act is' 's•till -operative: T
No. on 1.0441.. : Att. 38:5; is much interest Li the .report of_
. ev itoheek: PeO•••the HO
;of Commons. and that augast b
editOi• 3 ,.Arran
meet :Act` The,' Bill calla
tbe repeal of . the 'Act at .the •DI
de:11 3
i4E- Province -but!the, enat,e Iva
to' rePeal it Oric'q • eke0in.In
Min' 'and"
The, Hokise. 'iyorit have this and
LUCKNOW .SENTINEI, gy.exy- ThursdaY-.-Eniniink:
. .
at Lackaavf• Qatari°.
A• .f); 'MacKenzie --- Proprietor
Camnbell, Thompson-7-Pnblisher
„ THURSD4YLY 14T11,. 1938: .
Mr. and Ms Eldon' TwamleY " and
tage at 13ort Albert for the summer.
3i.Olive Anderson;:iti' frien'd;
in J.,ondon 'last • week. •
Master Keith Moffatt 'a :Union ;
,visiting ',with' his grandmother . Mrs.'
Richattl Johnston. ,
chilciren'iof 'Chathani are, at tbeir'eot-
Mrs, Dennis Donnelly of Pinker -1
-0,n, Misses. Flora • Andrew and Alma
Alton of LucknoW and 'Olive Webster
of 'Toronto, visited relatives. here 'nrie
'day, Iasi, Week. " , •
Visitora at, the home of Mr. and
Mrs. S. J. Kilpatrick -during' Sunday
' the and Monday were;. Mr. • .ancl Ps-
but Gordon. Dickson; Margaret and Ella,
here and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fisher Nor-
thema an Eleanor, also _Miss Catherine
.a Slemmon; all ,of •Atwood.
use Mr's • Fred AnderSon 'of Zion Spent
ody I Monday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs.
• The W. M. S. will Meet; On ThUrsday
' afternoOn.. at the ' home Of, :the .Pres.
;•Mrs. Bert Taylor. '
• ,Mr. and Mrs...John 'Jefferson., :and
1.fimil•y of 111.inroewere, Sunday 'li-
itor with' his ..rnOther Mrs. C:' -letter-
1. The 3I'is-S-c$ •Marion and Grace Mills
ge-....Thes. Anderson.- • , 7 .
for,; Mi. and Mrs. flnri4 Alton Of
ire 1 Waikerton, , Mrs. Thos: Alton .and diss.
Ms) Alma'. of tficiiknoW, Were recent vis -
the itors :with Mrs:. .Richard'JohntiOn;,
i be, Senate' Wt;ift back down. Certainly . •
1,100u.i ptilliz,i1.%Yi',..! 0. ,ftll.,.,..1:1 it: -0 ;;;Aineyt nliiiaii-s;1 bietcoui.laiec..,
t..6,f,.Defi-oit;a_r_et.s_gp_n_dim,""i t" . ,, . ;,!..‘a S., n I•..ti .t i..t.t I . the faun( 1-;‘--
•i • .,'• • • • • • , . ' . NION:D.A.Y—i.he''
: vcitii-ViZit:c1: in' Oda Vicinity." .: ' . • ,;,,'' .1.:1,.‘11.1 . ,t.'•ei!;d
....,,...e.w....w.cess, -:- • ..i-•-•- . . ---•,......---------7-----7,--.7,--
'Nit' Graham, Chainifey • was .a week- - ' ' • ' • , • '
lend 1'i )1 Wirt,j) ‘fri:(!h,ds at: Centralia. wa'''' til'e: .16gisia;tiPil' 13i44:11-'''''' tcs: 'the.
.17.i,„.tinv, Bank ...-Q..f, - Ca..n. a;la,4 for :corn-.
• , '"S"' -'-•-•-•,-c..
I—' The koris•-•
Tivith her. cousin. Ir'ene 'Reliinon,..... ' •IAe • n'i:Lti°n1 nwiteraltiP• .,
!,!tgr, . Bill „Was ;also'. diS(nissed and put
• .Alis, ,Margaret 31e4',ser''a-, Blueval throu,..h .t.6 the „final st?g..i. 1.,h6 min,.
• .
- • '• "' I is -visitqic•-• INith' 'her aunt • Miss Me •'''
.. .
, - 1
. ,. .•1
\1. 1(1(11 Lorena: Crozier' .0f.,,C,reve vi:$7
• • '' ' ' • • '
Viso .Lorena Crozier ittarned,lioine :ited.' wiik: her: p:likidp.rti:66,*".‘114.. ail&
Sattirdar:after•isPepdMg• the pelt ii,CO'l,,Mi1
.s., W. 1-. C.iimpl-2)110,.i' •' '
. . . , . . .. • .
'• Weeks., with '.,.' friends at Donnybrcioke..1: Mrs.. pearl' Thoniiisbn and, 'claugliteil
Mr:. • and Mrs. Raymond Finnigan lionise' and 'A:lata c ' :.• 4.1.,_,.9
•-••• ..,•-7:,•••• L,--7:-;-.----,7-77-• h'ester•-!•anCLoaise,• Visited •Mr. '1,10.'4' l'w (if.s., '418t 'we.0`. with*Th.*".: aill•
111VirS.' •,Ceci1. Chainney o. IVehiesdaMrs. ce&ilCly...:: . anineY' and , other .fi•iends':
, ... n• i.t ., .•
istei has put . through, an... amendnie
lio..\,ing fet-. loans: as low: as 5
'thailie :Of houSeac6.sting not ino
.th vn $2,500,-..D.nring the latter ph
of, the day, the Election Act came o
with a heat ar
.,on voting:. only ...where:he Or she
.-6rdinatly. • resident'? A Wider', inti
, ..
; Congratulations .aKeeitended„t6 Mr
Joiin .: D:7Martin on the success: Of hi -
two entrance 'pupils, Who tried -their
examinations in :Dungannan, and both
Passed:with, honours.... • ' _
'A nthnber from 'here attended the
.. . . , '.. .
funeral of of Mr. John 'Collins at Purple
qroi,,,e last Friday afternoon. ,
Mr.' 'and Ap-s.. Wm. une9i11, were
•'.:1, recent Visitors with relatives at•,MilL
arton.and .kincardine•.::' '
q I '-:The• • July ' meeting of the Para:
rt 1 iount U. Y. V. '6. held at
Mrs. L. Macpith went to•thel.GOCI-
a Milne Of lira. rfiii;•-.-Ensit,*-01v.
'fuesday .thily 19t11, .:. . „ . ..
erich, Hospital on Monday thermion,
INV -hope her condition will improve
as she has. been bed -fast for over; a
yeai.. „
... %
-, .., . . - ,
. and, • Mrs. Wm: Larkin ' and .- ,. Mr.. and 11,rs: Joim . K i Ina ti ie- ' a -1-1 • ').1.tati"'''''• •Was• 'irg'611 . b'' . that cany
• . . • _ . ' •" :-.,,,,f., A , "ft ,,,iii lr ii. ,
-'fainity are ;spending a week with I fa m il yr of T.. -u a ii o • S nen t. , S u rid a v with: : - ;- ''''' • " • * ' ' ' ' ''`'"; ''''. ''r
. :their .brother :Matt. and Mrs. Shack-. her pareatz., NIT -ird M .- W ' .g ' 'TUESDAY =!-• TOdav: 'considerabl
_ „ .,
, . . . .. _ - " - , , • , • • „ • . - •
•• letia: : • • - ....: - ,. ' • • • ...: , insith. ' . . , , •
_ , .. • .Progress was made until theLeader• Mr. and Mrs- V4i:nOP Runter ,Of 1 ••.• ' Mrs, Ounninghain haS'kene':' to Tor- ••°,f 'the', Q.IVoSitioii ;arose in his might
. - .
LticknOw,i spent : Sunday ' With. their .ente 'for.. -a visit 'With, her :daughter. 't°' deItnii:nce Ihe..baSste•:. W.ItIt''.,which
. 1
:leaven.• • : , ,••" - • • • ,i1Mrii Wrn.• A.shiev :and children 'Of -
.parentS, .mi: and • Mrs. ,'..., Sett . ,Tre- ...11C.,. L1PYd IliiitOn. *, • • ' ' 1.:,..1.1teilit(;:(1).1:111:1gise bi iliiiIgne.,iiii17;ittiahii••••,%6•gatid.millite-',.
Mr:Iirdi Mrs, Kenny Campbell and 'Tprouto :are. visiiing• with her • siAef. anillaneed intention of doing, • his
girls -of !•Detroit. Mr.' and, Mrs:, John 'Mrs., 'Charlie,
Robinson. •, nest to. prevent 'the ef this
Menary, Mr, and l Hrs. lack 'Curran, Ovei•-•.sixtY ladies and: children ` of •-"ieastire this: HO‘i'-ever, what
and • children spent Sunday evening tlie • Institute Met laSt Wednesday at niay. loOl; haSfe, reallY 'the
with. Mr. 'and Mrs..., Herb. Curran. I the home, 0.Mrs; ••Cecil •ii"lislithey, add enbni1.144kii' Of .the diseussion of these
*. -Miss_ Lois ...Moore of 'Cedar' 'Valley Spent, ,vetzi ploa,aot, a-ftel.noont many Ny'oeW, When it, was coninlained
is".;•• Spending . sometime with " Mrs: , Program opsong.s 'aiid readings hy_the tia flnthfl11 was, done,Now-
I.airne'.,Enrinion `irchildren, ice that .the point of alt this discussion
Mils Bernice 'Blake is .engaged as ,c1esin and cook, ies 'we're ger-4d: These, is reached'. We are-CriticizedfOr haSte,
teachet for No. 15 scho-ht for tbe.coni'• taking part ih theit hard to• ple'vset Conider
. „ , - ,
ing:year, •••
-song's •by Foi•an sisters. the. SmYtli 'able iiitereSt i'.",being evinced the-
' Mit: •FOWler. 'and • daughter, ,Irl::;'si,fqe'es, ,,iren,. Rilhini..en. and, "%-h--..inia •connitg- .CollterlOtIt e Com,ention of
.. , . .
je's'e. Igegler . Of, ilimilton,.. Obi . il. chAinni,y, .R6;idimt.„ le„.,,,i ,gro; ne'xt yeek.- At one inoinent -it, is .runi-
. .. ,. ,
MrS:•.'Allati 4KlYne..aniL ditagitthr Dor- nhey, A ime"•Channicy, Jewel' ' 'tt:ellin-: 01 td ,ha t Mr. Bennett. Will. ,not• retire
Otliy; of chio;iko., .,isit.04 4heir .cousin ..chey, ,..tgutt, :131.0pkey; Gw...,11.m.r.ti F.ju and another,' is,•tliat 'mr..SteAleng maY'
, 'Drennan and ' .- Treleaven. nigan. and Atidrey• Andr-, • ' ' .-..tand... It ;will be interesting to know",
. . . - •
on Saturday.
- • ' •
The Young People are prevenfiensenting
'Alin' will be: the choice of :.the Con-
rep6,rt on:the Graill,rharketcfig, They
SaY the , hands of the[Canadifin Wheat
Beard are tied. Estimates ‘for Various
Departinents- Were 'passed' and it is
expected Friday Will see the finish
ofthe session: ..After all the shout-
ing ,and the inmult, the: Senate“have
rejected' the Penitentiaries Act ,,So
that 'is, MkfOr. the ' •
FRIDAY -7 -After ::five r Months- of
work, soinetimes 'Monotonous but oft-
strenuous; Parliament .today „folded
Up its tents:. 4ithongh,, not outstand-
ing for nceoluPliShment. :much, im-
portant legislation was 'enacted Many
disappointments were • suffered; most-
On:account. of, the failure ' to ciitn+-
, ,
pieta the ;Trade Agreements. The
Test was:disappointed. because there•
were not more tariff Changes find the
:Ontario ..overnment was.disappointed
, .
' their play "An • Old •Fashioned.,111o• THE ARMY' WO'R 'WEDNESDAY -4 pi‘OVision, in the because they were not allow:ed tO
• t•
thet" at Ilohnehville. lawn social. • , new . Electiith and 7i;niirhise—A-etport pOwei-And becA
itse—ilheir project
fr'I.N-Yi—B-Rua ,
Gongtatulations—are due Ronal
otissed it..; third reading•in tbe Hoiis:e for a publielk. owned bridge at Niag4
'Treleaven and 'Ivan •Rivett for ',hal.- ' to(tilS 5.Y wilk:11 it -will be inipossible ara canie to grief in the Senate. 'td
• obtained honors at the 'entrance . e \‘`•1111' for electors in W astern Canada to vo-at of unification in railway' mat-
':'exaMinations•• 'also their•tegi6bei% mi.rePried
.. '...,,Wei•t.
linow,.1mw the.. battle •is going, in . the ,ters• Were dis.apPOinted, in . getting: np-'
,'to .: ,..l.. . A4Y,1 4tiott, •
John' :Martin.
1 , • • • .' tieiV•••••.sentative for .Hrn-t,e, "on ..-31oliiie•Y, r'a s t -before •.flie.';' •-i•-t thelig•VoteS'. It 'where with It arr atter all^ the \%O1
,110 41•0'.... l'll'es. . NV(sri' 1 r -"I : NV1 ' el': will be An' offence • nintiShable •;b,c4:.-fine, of . the'. Senate: 'Coinitiittee they did.
' ','".`,...1'.?1,At*"..d..' l''''."121,•-tz in ,?Its'•,.''...Trit.Y." • °. ne . fOr. • anYone .. to .., publishor. bro,:aletiSt.1x4hing•'. but ..exPl'ess ' the pious . hope,
of" 4 he• Ini,fint • in,. 1,..,Itii t's1,10 ' v it'',1 e.a. • •elt.•+•.: tion: •, res.ults ft'Otii • . any part'. of -that , the,;railWay,s, would. speed, 'pp ..the
showed „Nei.y.. 1,:ii ., ion , and' c..,,,,,,,,la' .tn ,,,, 0 -pi.,6,iiire 1.,,,,f.,. the. work of .co-operation..IIOWeer,,,' flinch
llea*v•y• dama,g.e.',',0.'0..t,•iie • sAnte -!vA••••' . ''''- ftell'S chisein, that. PrOvince•, The 'Cote
ported front a nyint ' • soul 11 0! Tees- A'a's • 'no-. on .'narty •lines-„,aTlie • Penft-' te. this cod 'later on.; • '. „•,: , '.' • ' '
, , wa$"°4:talliedl..viiith',aialr be utilized
water:. •. ',.. :2 . .. , .. t.intialle,, Act jiii:"•-•sedl today io reCord . .:„In ...antici,pation • Of ,Ins , retirement
W hen '. fa into* • n':e i ht., ,Al't'll'iill ,..1)i t.jilict . a .1.sil j.'i kut.p.,4 , hzi-titig ' 6e..n.e. '.. •it.,e1.1.., frOM.:the'.'leadershiP • of the .0,onSer-•
abinidafiee --they axe n *, sMorth . c'ut''' i.y.' th,;' mioister : 'of, Jklitiet„. that,,.1)0 vative, Part-. Mr. Bennett liennett Was . the
wornt-Iike eat,,;11Pillai.! 'il..•I‘olltr .One 03Iti - ',1i1nr•es in ntethocis Of Aditinis•traticii Object' of fine' tributes from Mr. King'.
,i,1,•`., iftlif ..41201:•,,,,, .10,lii, :k fie4.:.:.?1:11,•••• ...01.41,1;', Ise !undo' until' the tteW, Coin, mr....eotorn o'fia ;.onigtandinetn• eti!hc's
gOw-i1. m ith 11. r,,' strivo.,, -t,i, ;...tidt, i.ii:ssion lint! 11) l:, 0n,-1. •'J could" Of: other. parties ..n.nd Mode :t.esponde,
• of 'N.+4,IY: ;the, .„Cionlyni•,:stri'00 l'oh.A.g!, %lend,':tisSista"iii,e, 1.-,i,der. these 'con, in terms Of,-, ' appreciation. The
bli,teki*Sli,.' the. et 4ei.s . no'st.,, „ot .:8 . reit- , .litions thz• !wider O.::: the•lippPsitron incident Was a. ,pleasant • note • niter:
dish:tinge : t!6. ish.i;z1,1..:li ' otiev, cle-‘-,.„p2, t(' ',,; 1 el '..),,-1 .ciir'dier :h- a long Period: Of .c•ontention.; The 'eon;
. •:, blue :, taffeta ,witb.• .,white geeesSories •cidt,' whis.rt.',..thoY• iirc...I.Ili."' to titovt',,i, jrei,hui„ ,•;•:".:•.• ' ' ' '' : • : • ',•• • ' •'Xt:,..week tO,.C.hooseiio lender
'hnd Was attended by her silte•', ifitlit. 4 /11 -St, . O01.1).; 1‘..81lrt.s;S' , 41";*, `,12..41 1)`1e•''' A • delig,atio;I''.... refirc.senting.: .',:tlieV .iiiit.,fr.: Oeolliett!'! WOO i'a ait.'°'utstan4'.
Eunice ThOrntoni wearing rpirik' Crepe. •sAtite ..' by . 4 t rol:. h. • 1,.., ,Protortive :'.(.1.'iinn,(..1, " ..n00,100 'tiers -inn::: itOii1 , the Ing' topic Of °interest.
, , .
The• United Church Manse, 'Bine-
. vale .was the scene of a pretty wedd:
ing on Saturday afternoon, when Alice
Mary; daughter • of Mr. and Mts.
George 0: Tliortiton,' became the bride
„of, Mr: Helliard Jefferson, son , of
Mrs,. Christine Jefferson, Donnybrook
and. the late Mr. Jefferson: the bride,
waa attired' gown oft turquoise
'The . bridegroont *114 Suppoked ;by $b,e,:',d tee 10.1.1 " •
iec was in , the City
Mr: 'Gordon 'Robinson. Following the 'el!es +1+'••!li tO.tlifS"t0' iirOteSt' "OgainSt th6 Quebec
cerephiny, which Was Perfoinieil by •2 on. .."('%,‘ fee; tll.. *padlock • law" As . ni.o
diove , to the home ,Of bride's ...I•ar:.• seti-ecollect' 33 or r- an on • 1.•
Rev, A. V.' Robb, the hridal 'party trep'ell‘ th tad Ivo; ma tic with he MiniSter • of.
, gilts where about twehty-fiie guest's )+111•11 tlie‘ .in 'iet0„,1‘, deAtr , , x ,
'„the'absenec.. of flis :Excellency,
Ldril,TWeedsiituir, Mr. Justice Arthur
Cannon:. plrortignied ParliaMent,' and '
gave 'roYal asSent to 32 .measures
. • ,( e eft ed,, mewil
, This l be the last ',letter fo. r this'
• . not oceeded With
' Wedding •dintierl Later. th'e• , • ei in:
'Session but it is runtored that should
'the Trade' Agreements be completed
thiS. stuntner, an early' Vali :session
Will be called., T hope to visit the Om;
stituency during the itecesS and can
aSkture tho4e Of You who care
13 e, and 'u°—
groom left by motor eotP. A .0rAni, erop' hove' .cleveldped and. as' the Order
Toronto and other points, the Nide to ..s.13a,-t4,11:,-.. ,T;ts‘,„ • of:, pallor pretty Well cleared. it IS'
travelling in ilinett dross. with .brow.1 tifrotrIl nrorootion Will take' plaCe
trimmings, coat and shoes • t o, Mateb. 'Then m„slc,r 111""':'41:11,..1 the' t om6rro•w", •
On their teturn they. will resido on jniee er,;4 !ere.,+11,•+. TirvizSTIAY-,A vain hope,•'as i call on. me whet) in, the VieinitY of
• „
11,s."'"i 't‘ It h n!ft or in idn 4414. •i/ an ':tftterapt to tin,: •"41cPme.. •
• .
the liridegroont'a fartit at Donnybrook ' sel‘ •'.of '" V' 111 out 41, the. irotige'stit.',tot21 22_1 titY Poi't, that' win be indeed
lflJ '4acquen—Patteriion • 0 n. 0.1111.11 ,e,V• rlhieet. tihi 11:04, heell adj., •
• ,iitt..eciue son 'of Mr, and Mrs, VA ConserVative ,menilier; feorif tendentt- "Ws. '10iies, .we punished
The togriitige of ,r. ‘,.".,'"s'*,3!"..S tbr„.. •bitiok:tito Delicate , • 'S'inietin,•
• Jacques ' of , Whiteclittech and M Isl.; • zi." s.hett.I'd .+•fieh, pashrit,o(n‘1111, your. genni p6taitte,,,, 1.614
Ile was - wifu1 ...suitatet ,pattetsmi; tOot 151i2 fir 1 2 s , 'and abotted h 2110 Hon, NV,'" t•P'„,..rtzlY' in the daSsroOni:'''
„ Pembroke on WeilneadnY, ‘,11)1;11; 4",tit 1/. 11111.11"'(' 'V'..1t 1101'11'011; toilnet or ,AgA,1 Th toiieg!, Wollit have it /Tel;
Me, and r Meg, ,Jacques will eegide• at (Mile. WallOvtie,"; „AN •• "1 .41`4 ,21';.1.*••!. A allure front the : shine .Proeinee,', n delicate' eliita and net lised•tn
,.gudbuty, vihete' he is at 'not V4 . til04V4i twogOlthiiittqi 00,114have 'meting.' At 'honie we never hit " hitti
the Mines at COOper,("lilt
. very low opinion tit 'the riirooli oxeent golf &tense."
‘. •
..s. Aporrs NEW
Cattle From T,TeFre-e• Ate.'ati In On
tad° Can Be 7 :Exported To S
-Freely While Others AlOst._,P.a#S,Tes
—New -.Ruling Does Not 'nand
Cattle For Inimediate'Slanghter,
.'gfIlltea4Ifeandjeehaent:si who O
C rner f;rotpmwhere.1°grid44ljeafhtewent:Saturday
for Sarnja
-hAat to, _PaNth... :Minn Douglas
spen a month visiting relatives, • in •
•St Paul, Virginia, :Minn., and'
The Judgement of the majority, of
county couneils in Cintarialp support-
ing the Live Stock Branch of the: On-
tario Department of ..Agrictilture in
its efforts to have ev,kry county, it/
Ontario made A T. R, restricted . area
for cattle • has proven sound in 'view of
the,receneaCtion taken by the IThite.d,
Siate4.DePartinent ' of '''Agrielilture
governing eattle •being shipped to that
coUntryt .,-'.• • •
• . • .
'These regtlations; in substance state
all. Canadian -cattle being. exported to
the U. S.A. other than those for 'ant-
niediate slaughter, thust have a qual-
ified . veterinarian's certificate ShoW:,
ing they haVe been tested within 30
daYs, of 'date of shipment and ,found
,free of boyiiie tuberculosis. This how4
ever does not apply to cattle exported
directly from an, accredited area., It
Means that a veterinarian's eeriifi
:Ate 14 not required for 'cattle in'Jlie
Ontario- counties 'already' tested and
the owners will be able to, .export
; •The reason given ,by American offi.7,
dais for their liew laws is that .prac
ticallY all United States cattle are
tested. and they wish ;tet maintain this.,
status and keen T..13. out of thek.
ThiS new iuhng *ill ,probably , re-
quire the testing ,of at least 1,00,006,
Canadian .cattle annually sent to the
(JS for feeding purposes.
' • Robert ,31cGUire of ;London,\
•and, Mr. Stuart • McGuire Of • Prince
-'tbe*t Sask ca11ed on old , friends
here as the guests of Mt. and ,mts.
w -
E J. Thoin.' • • :
• The' JOY :meet:ing, of the Women's
Institthe Was held in 'the Community
Hall on . Thurs.-day' afternoon , with
about ..thll
irty ladies present The roil
Call as 1 "Suggestion -3
for nicnics”. It wasdecided to.hold
the annual timininnity picnu and•
committees were appointed to ar-
range , for it:. Mrs. E. ly; Rice gai'e•
a report of the district annual 'Meet-,
ing' held at T.n.yoil. 1-1rarie Swan gave
'a 'recitation:: and • ' Rice.
fiviMied 'with a. Members of
the. , 'Girls' • Handicraft- wearing
the spectator'ssport dress • :they had
made their course sang sang their
club song, Oiler 'Which' Tayim:
and:Freda.' Ilintotil. told new .'''CottCor,
3lay , ,'Sniart".".• cpticluSion
luOli ',Was . •serVed': by: •the,hOstesses,
'Mrs. • Jannes J. 'Thoth
and Annie .Arinie Watson.: . • •: • • '
• •••
••±-- .Mrs:---ThomPson7T-andieina Of
•Wingiiani ...are visitors • with her, 'bro-
ther, Mr. DA',. Todd and 'Mrs. Todd.
, and Mrs. :Alex 'Tor-
onto Were •Week:enti guests.. de Mr,
And Mrs. RObinsoit.WoodS, Mur -
', is•,reinaining for ,the•
WilSon Woods .Of. Dundas and
Mr:'•Win.,•••.'Douglierty. Of. .Were
guests Of -'Mrs. • DoUgheity and . Gwen
who • are 'Spending 'a .ifeW Weeks. ',at.
the:.,hoMe„of, Mrs. Isr..oOds. • ,,
• ,a, relatives liand
riFfas .t.efidec! the 'funeral ati'D'un7,
gannon on. • Saturclair , Of Mr. •John•
, .
a foriner resident of this
commanity.. „
The ' annual conitnimiti, 'picnic ar-
;ranged by the Wonien's Institute will Deported ;with his 'four children
be held at . the .tenth „bridge • ,On the from the : United States; Joseph
Maitlan'd :river, on Friday .afternoon ,Couriney,..thiddle-aged natiVe of IFInr- •
'July 15th: Toil :are- inyited to bring in County, Arrived in GOderich' • cni
, .
the late C. N. R. ,train' lagt week,'
•• .Mi:i. Harry Lee and little daughter • homeless, , penniless, but not friend-
X'att, • ;
Rean bScceNttc4lee!etOof
were visitors nnii*:,0.f. ;
the, week...11eY- EePle401i,' now, Sitlier-'1
Animated; , Was • rectoe of; -St. ,Peter'sl
Church, from '1916 to 1921. He is at
'present relievng in Tinghany'while
Rev. E. O. Gallagher is on holidays.
' Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Cameron,
Mrs. Ed, Snider and 'ehildren, Wilfred, I
Avii:Marie•and Carol of 'Detroit, and •
Mr. and •INIrs. Bert Vincent of Be1,,
graVe snent the week -end with rela,-
tives and friends at Guelph and Cam-
pbellville. , ;• ‘, •
.MrS. Lea;.MCKeith of Ashfield, who ,
has Leen in .qUite. Poor health for aking period
was_removed to,-Goderich -
Hospital, Monday. Miss Esther Me -
Gill, Who,has been caring for her for
many:months is .visiting with Mr. and i
MI'S, W. J. Spindler.
Visiting at W. J. Todd's during the ,
-reek , were, Mrs. Susie Taylor of
:RlYth,' Murray Taylor, and Vera Tay-
!or1,of .Fordyce, Mr: T.. Ford .of
Mr •D., EMacDonald and Miss AnneVaj 1,
Wyek of Wingham, Miss Mona
Van Wyck Of . Montreal, :Mrs. Lizzie
4 1.
roolinPson., and' MiSs 'Verna Thompsoii
'of Wi d,•11 '
Mr.: and ..Mrs. L. E.*.,Flanders;." also
Mr. and Mrs' Lee Henion all ;of Mus-
keegori,:',Mich,;, Were recent • visitors
Of • 'the •-forther'sdaughter, t
M. Moore. .„ • • •
. •
. ,
Mr. • and, Mrs:: Robt Hunter- and 1 •
Mr. . and Mrs. Jas. : -Bisset of Toronto
were 'Week -end , .V.isitorS of .Mr.. • and
,Mrs, • Jas:r:Hunter. • .• ,,,"
„ :Rev. 'McCleary ''Of.,• the Upper Can-,
ada SOciety- will preach. j the
• • •
Presbyterian 'Church; ilerVie, on ;Sun- I
daY• neNt. at 7.30. This. yeat..1.1*iks I
thei4S0th. anniy,ersarY.' 'Of the society
and..we 'trust Many' people will at-
tend 'the serylee,•,' • s' •
''• Miss Bei•tlia'• -' Wrightson of En-
cardine is h'olidaying .at "-the home of.
her sister, Mrs, 'Jas..,'Ouiliell• • .•
The 'Parish picnic ' of John";
Church, Bervie; Matthew' s- •church
kingarf and :Chureh of'-the,'AscenSion,
Km16iigh, will be 'held at , Huron
Pai k.•Kincardijie;'''flon' •Tuesday,.: juiy •
,19th All our families and friends are
urged. to 'attend. The more the mer-
rier.: (-n1e Iii *time foilttiteh at noon.
..w.hand.. mtg. •ItOht.:., Hewitt Of
falo Buf-
were visitors for. al fe.W.days
wek with •MiSies. Gertrude and Alice
Hewitt., • , •.' .
• 'Alt. and'. -Mrs .: -John Bushell are
• • .
to 'their new hoine 011: Cdn. 5
ViSitorS • on Wednesday *With .,theIIodgiii •
'fannlies were Mi and kh.i.
Glags, I.1,ucknow, also Mr. and
Mi-. Ralph Class and sons Allison
1 • •
and ROss'„of..Virden,' Man. 011);'.4Aiy
Hamilton 'Attending the L.Cdge of
OchifelloWs. , • '
'Our, leaCher.7Mrs. E. APPle)'Art:1 is
Guelph, taking the summer course
for .teachers. •
Miss. 'Atidrek: Arnistrong' is enjoy -
jog a ho1ida. at the"'beach at • Bay -
. • .31isses kirrgaret," jean ,and, Bettj-;
• - WiTORWA.M- •
-LEAYES' LUUNOW 1--" for
Toronto and London, DellY
except Sundays & Holidays
A. M. • • : • • .
_ . .
&,1.1.0115.1aYs, p.m., 4.00"
•. daily except Sundays and
Holidays, 3.50 ‘4t 9:20 P.M.
..7ro Southampton, dadY—
. 3.50- PM.
Sunday and Ilolidays-3.50
, •10.50• P.M.. -: • •
Overall 8 oz.
TheSpecial Price
• 0 .
adies Like
And so we always manage to
have something in Our store at
specially low -prices. '
Well you had better. Come ,
pleasure dY1fseeing
r soel fandi aYIOlouwus
Light and bark...Print ',Cake,
Banana Cake,, Muffins; Cup
Cakes; Variety of Tarts ;• Pitts;
Cookies i Etc.
. •
. • ,• .
yoUr, baSket :and come along.'
Alexander, -are visiting' friends " in.
N1i11,4, „of Toronto, visitors with
her ;mother, .;:Mrs. Alex Rintoul.
• Mrs,.. :BOY; 3IeGee,'OtWitiglitiiii` Was,
the ;recent guest ;of
Durnin . "" • '
• The regular meeting, Of the '11.•.p.
U. was held or Sunday evening.' The
, • _
main: feature' of the Meeting was an
informal discugsion' on, "Soeiability"
!ea, 14,- Stanley Todd. 4 •
,Miss GordonC. B. of . Ottawa is
visiting old old friencla„,„here, the guest
•of her sister-in4aw, E.
Gordon. :
Tal:tet GuelphGuelph1"• HAWS::
Mr, L'P. McDonald . of St. s ine
guest in
at ,the, home of Mr. D. , • • •
ray: •' • : , Robb• of Dungannon has haS 'been
'and. mti. Charles:, 8tietn'ood oi,
c;oi-doi; Ritchie duriig the past week.
Detroit.. were recent visitors With. M•r;•
nd Mrs,,,:t Andrew •-Gatint„.. • ich is Mr and rs.
, lir rC;o:eura..
at Mr:'. Hugh` Rutherford's. • They '
were ,aceotimanied hoine, by Miss M, 1••44red Gordon of G°4'
C.tflutherford; who bad 'been' ther:. °I.:16 011 afterfiOn. last lveek
• , with Albeit •
' , • , '
and .Mrs. , Geo.: Topp and babe
.of Lendon. spent Friday afternoon
with MI-. and" Mrs:, C.; E. .McDonagh.
:and Mrs.,charles Sherwood 'of,
1)etroitare visiting relativeslin
field at: ,preient.
Mrs.„, lake Htilitet" js •Silendjfig 22
t';elt lyjth her sister,',Urs,Fiertna
• •
. • „ „, Mr, and Nil's. I. 9 '" Ritchie."- and
Mr.t,11.:t,Bib,.1.1eyti8100eUire.,tynwrkielpil);eesetntiteatItol,i'71, ,a8tO;t: b:,R,it',3chi, iseisit,ci)1:16:61:47fit. ,sur:1, drii: wit!.`i
.roeaker ,in the United Chtitra,-$('"5: '• Mt. and 'Mrsi R. ErOWIri cif ,/eini.,.
daY a`0•3rning, ' , ,,, ,.,Io'ck etty, -rit.;.ita:•4villi' dordon ' yit:,
. ,
. chies on SundaY.' : ' •
, 114 •
"NChat time IA', it, Maud 94' boomed , • We, are .'.orry, that
top of the.. etaitg." , to,Ited' foi' the past reiir• WnS retnOved
!Teed's watch' i'sn't going." '
her father,' about tilidniglit, from the tti:i6is•lt,t7t1t, wit, et confined
about Fredt" , „•to aorleyieh, iosn '1"%fotidaY' „at
of five, tired and
rafter 15 -hour train -
stOod 'On the, station platforinr:knoW:- •
ing,not, Whieh, way til•turh...biit kind •
carnepeople oon
their asistance.
niQ..,shficld Township -•,
.20 "Years ago, and, has a
oricrk hand aiid,.as factory
Canada ''"and the . States,
:where he neglected tO „take 01:2 'Cii4.,:
taeriship ,papers. T1:0 of :his children
were born:, N,Iichiginv4anti,::On,rof"
these was!. left :behind in a -taMte.
The tattilly was • getting'•alottg' fine ,
:when the T.• $. intinigration' '':
traelt4'.d6Wif with their deportation
;%tr. Courtney had been, ieniPIOS=-:
:ed for the ."laSt., six years: at 41
-inontit„ house and 'farm' and dairY:,
produce Stipplied.',': Ile ihad. taken hig •
, Martin, Rosella Pattiek;,, ,
and Maty',. the: eldest fti, :tit
home', :when 'n truel intinigratiett
Order 'Upset ,dreants clf a bright tokuro.,
• The atatioti Master' locat. a kind
motorist, Who 'droVe, 'the-
diStant atives, place 111 ..,,ti,,h•••
field fetiftighip; 'itoto • 9(4.
erich, it, yva's'.after,inidifight Whin
deported family attiveit • Milietatiled„ '
hitt the- , taken n:. ted.
given neeoninmdation. ;„ . ,
.„ttfinitafi6y. has 11164)10Y1S., 'Ile
'WO 'Mails- are'being .tiendited' front "
Michigan, one tifplish' family
eied .40;ttir ,train: