HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-07-14, Page 3.LESSON' 111
Judges 4,1-5:31:'
Prnted Text, 'Judg 4•;1=9, 12-1,4.,
'Golden Test. - Who. . knoweth
whether thou art not come to the.
kingdom for such ..a 'time' .as this?
•Esth. 4:14.' ;
„Tin -m.7-1298 i3,C;,. • . C`.
',Place.--FIuzor was 10 the' tribe
ef,,.N(tphtali,,'a . the extireme north •
of Israel's r
tear:tory overlook'iiig: -
Lalke,Mei:om,. Deborah 1ed.on the
confines of Benjamin and .Ephraim, ,-
n‘ ar't' ,cit, of T ethel;,. Mount, Ta-
. bar is in the. ;iii .zt 'of'.the great'.
plain, of J•ezt-ce1, in the very middle
Of Palestine, and, in this mountain,
- the river Itishon takes its rise.
1;. And the children of Israel
again did that which was evil' •in
the sight 'of'. Jehovah,, 'when Ehud.•
was• dead.The institution of'judge.; •
• evcrr Israel' is recorded' in .2:1G-23.,
Therise•.of each jud:� follows God's.
punishment of Israel for her, repeatq.
ed.disoliedtence to'hind,
2. And Jchov ah sold. then :into.,
the liand of', J`abin `.i11g off.Canaan,..
Th t""reigned' in.,Hazor. No 'one
knows exactly where. Hazer' was lo- .
rated; .h e 'Was certainly in the
tribe of Na.phtbli,: and overlooked
the waters .of Merom, far north ;in .
Israel's teii '`', ry, •'The canteen of
whose'' h ' s 71sera, who dwelt
in I-Iarosheth Of 'the Gentiles. The
exact'lodationyof this. city' is also s
'matter .of 'great. dispute.
3.,,And the children of Israel cried
nUo Jehovah: ferric;`had'TrineErin- _
Bred chariots of iron and ,twenty'
•year..'he mightily' qrpresse3 the
...''children of .Israel. ',Trouble ought"
'always, to bring us to
sweeten you
morning care
with ::BEE 11111
Syrup you'll
good cereal
can taste..
DebC: ah AS Judge'
4, No..: Deb3rah; a prophetess,
th•? wife L:lppidoth,. 'she fudged
,Israel, at Hutt time.,• There are,;two:
D,borahs in the Iiiblei.the earlier'
one •. eing• the nurse of Rebekah
(Gen 35 8). The 'word "Deborah".
.Means "the.4; bee." Dr; Abraha
Kuyper calls her•."the Jm
oan,'of Arc'.
7. of'.Israel's,.astonish g'his ,ry,":She:,:
one of''the most reinarkable.whr,
men in -al •
)the Bible, ,and this ac- '^'
count of•.her•Iife••will .b.e and a'.
• :mot, fascinating page :of sacred', .
history: The • word ••`prophetess
here'iiniIlies• the possession of po-
etic as pi -prophetic ••gifts
(Exod. 15:20) n'l we •. • see.. her
• • right to such ' a title in her. predict; -
tions (v. 9), lierlofty.courage'(5:7)'
and • the • -splendor..of \ her inspired
seri^ tSife is't►re only fernale.judge;.
or, , indeed; female ruler of• any
;kind in Jewish history, except the •
Phoenician •Tnurderesd, Athaliah;:
6.. And:she dwelt tinder the, pal -n••
n e
tree of Deborah between I`;.amali;'
and Beth -el in, . the Bill=.country; of
Fphrsimt+ and,, the -Children ofT'Is-
rael came up 'to her'',for. judgment,.
Cf. Gen. 14:13 aril ,I Sam; 14:2. •
,The two cities. mentioned.herre were
on, the' confines • of Benjamin and
• Ephraim.:, The palm. where she, at
judgment was• called after her
the Deborah palm.. i•Ier gift of pro-
phecy •qualified Tiger to judge the
nation., to settle sueh disputes
among• the people themselves
the lower courts Were unable to de-.
. ' G. And she sent and'.called' Barak
the.sol .of.:Abinoa:ni out• -of I •edesh-..
naphtali, and said nuto him, Hath •
riot Jehovah the God of Israel,�uconi- .
manded, saying, Go and 'draw 'unto'.
!Mount Tabor and take •with thee
ten ,.thousand men• of, the children,
of Naphtali: and of the children of ,•
Zebulun•? 7• 'And I will ,,draw 'unto:.
thee, to• the river •Kishon S'isera,
the :captain of Sabin's• army,' with:
• his .chariots and ,his ,multitude .,ai d
i . Will.. deliver him into.. thy hand.
Already • known in Z'ebi'lan. ;arid
Naphtali as a, man of ;bold temper•
.and sagacity; Barak wasin a
tion': to gather .;.an army 'corrps' out
of these tribes, the naaiii,'strength
of the force ori which Deborah 're-.:
lied, for'the approaching, straggle,
Bette:-, stf'l.-hel w'as a, fearer of :God.
• the Victory
i?. And she said;:1 will surely, go'
with thee: notwithstanding, the
journey .that, thou .takest shall:. n:ot
be for thine honor; for Jehovah will'.
sell Sisera, into :the hand,of a wo-
mati:` Arid Deboifa1, arase;and went
• with'' Barak to, Kedesh:.C.T6.enter,in '
to,the force of Deborab's statement, •
we ipust..remember::the,humble and
• almost downtrodden position of wo-
'men` in the':East, so that, it. could, •
'hardly- fail to be aliumillation to a
great warrior to be Aoki. that the
chierglory would' fall to :a';woman;
• We can i_tiiaginel Deborah in that �•'
time 'of trial; growing ,up into tall:,-
and 'striking womanhood; watching?
with•- indignation Many a 'scene in
which her, people :3howed :a- craven
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• fear, 9.r.194.10 slavtslily in heathen,
><'eveis Iii. Kiln •she rooked for a
prophet,'•:a leadez, .a man, 'of 5ehg.
Vali to• rekindle a 'fiatne in; the na-
tioii'S- heart. . A flame! I,t was 'In,
her., own soul, •she• might wake Witt
other iou!s. :..
• 12; And they told' Sisera that -Ba•
rak the son of Abinoam. was gene
up.to,:,..ountTTabdr,.T13.`And Sisera-•"
gathered together. all 'his ,cuariots.
even nine hundred chariots of iron,
and all'. the People that were ,with.
from Harosheth, of" the gen—.,
: •tiles,; unto •the. river:1'ishon..14,. And' .
Deborah said unto '13arak,,..,Up; for,
this s. th* .day in; which, Jehovah'
hath •delivered Siseea into thy hand's c,
ie•not Jehovah $one out;' before
So }Barak went .down frond
• mouin't Tabor, and; to : thousand
men ;aft. - {m-,' "The -• tremendous
oment has`corne. , "Up," cries be:
borah,. • She; '•h,as waited. till .the
troops' of . •$)sera.are. et tangled.
among the "streams • Which. here,
froi r virions direction's; converge
the rivwr Kishon,, now. :woken.
with rain and'difficult• to crc
.'Barak,, the Lightning Chief, leads
his men impetuousl.y';down ;i•nto,the •.
plain. The .I ishoii ..sweeps away
many= of. •they, Canaanite. hest,, the..
rest rnake a stan•1 by Taanach;,,and•
further:on. by the staters of ;M' gid
do. The • 13ebrews . find a 'h_gher
' ford, and following ,the south bank
of the river are upon the,foe :again,
Only ` the fragments of a ruined .
army f
to • heir-er within the gates.
Symbol of Conflict
The':defeat' ,was • crushing, ~ The
..„ immediate 'enemies of Israel..were:
',,utterly• routed.: The-Hebrews'were.
,',Safe. for' years to conte ,.from 'the
warlike tribes, which; held •so; .ten-
aeiously'ta the'.'land. ,We cannot
• help Iooking, a^on these conflicts in
the book of ;Judges :as certainly :-
syuibolic Of, the great .conflict that
every Christian .knows. as he wrest
les; not with, flesh and: -bloody •;but
against principalities and powers,
against the world•i ulel-s of this •
.darkness',. ani] spiritua7`wickedness; •
• In, heavenly. places., , Victory is cer.
tain only when'tipc Lord is with us
and only when we walk` in iris will
and .contend ogajnst• evil in his
"Power, Vide are 'more •than conquer-
• ors, but; only° through' the Lord Je
sus Christ. :
The Song of Deborah; Jud:n:s, ,5 1-
31, •Commentators of'. every 'age,,.
conservative and, liberal) both )rave'
vied' with one. another in .their..
praise of' thilt•teina•rkable,. ode. Tho
,• •soilg- ofr Debo.ra'h is'u'nsurpass,ed' .it3; '
.Hebrew 'li..terattii.e in all .the .quill
hies of, poetry; • ands,hold$. a High.
place'a'mong triumphal, ,odes in:, the
literature :of the, world. •r
Sritons Drink Most, •
While •Germany is reckoned, by
tradition, to,; be a nation of beer
• drinkers, figures show that Britain
is, in fact,:, • the • greatest beer -
drinking nation; The consum tion
per head Of beer, in • the British
Isles is•;;given 'as=T13G-pints;.'while
:in'Germany It is 118 pints. Eng_.
. land ranks; first as • a beer, con=
,sumer,.Austria is second and Ger,
many third, . Germany, - ho'rvever,
drinks more hai'd liquors, ' and
wines per person `than. England.
••`a.1a con ' J• W7 J • C,
se ku
u.0 t � (,33 m •te 25)c
V uw.
JLLI :t •
',' .
74o too'. 900-; t000
tato 1100 , i3oo-`µioo'1 ISQo'.
In inaugurating' thiscolumn of ",
"Air Wave News"'the 'editorial :de-
•pArttrent ask..the_co-operation
• its readers to "writ'e',and tell• us(
what' 'i.nterests• you : the,most in gra-`
dio comments•an'd news. JUSt'ad
dress "Radio `Column," Room `424,.
73 Adelaide West, Toronto.
, Many of the outstanding" Metro 1,'
politan Opera Singers •:ray be heard'"
a series of operas' which will •be`.
'broadcast each week' from the. Cin
c]nnati Zoological Gardens:: This
program is •now -.'under way and
may •• bre heard:• over the NBC, 'Red,
Network' at 11 to 12• Eastern
Daylight .. Savings •Time Saturdays..
•Many of, the best. loved 'operas will•
be featured -during the q.• weeks
-July and, August. •
August:16 es' C li' for Trot-
ters front Good Tiine Pai•,if, Goshen,
. The Most, ambition's- Undertaking
hour ,pre,, -;rents :presenting, the Pti7
litter Prize Plays frOm. 1,918 to the
:present, interesting plays
--,--Anrericalrlira-tafirliterattit•e. The.
schedule .cif 'Plays', to he hearti:
..;19.421i571:t Nn.eiv 'What
names .:indicati 'the the Prite".
August 17-Ifainhletenian. Stakes •
:7-prentier':event of the .trotting' race „
Here are sonteprevieW ScheduteS
10r. the, ontstanclingtennia• tournar
:for 'men Wattieinfrotn'Iong- •
,Frances: Sautes, CBC.:;artiit.at Tol•.•
peen Canadian for'fohl- generation's,.
QUartette and:
'Per. firat ` this yoat the, 'never. has neen 'any ettim for,'
8toiiett,..ttom,.the Eriiversity delight to.' her. The Canadit.ti(
Canadian BrOadeasting. Corporation ' :of 'Canada.; ahd she hait toured the
toi,ohte T1,16, n ti the -1140 :thete.,Ott
ow coTBrew
he 1ost.
Izp:,T spoon #r>t'B Qk Eacb.
Cath:13-.Re,,o nniendect. `
Sotrie'of''yob may. enjoy the Eng- :
lisp' custom 'of serving an early
rno'rning cup or tea with, a buscuit.
Or you PAX ; like tea with any meal•,
Or perhaps you loop forwai-d to the
afternoon 'tea hour, .However You
alike your tea;:.it Must be brewed
right; says Katharine; Fisher,. direr.
for of: Good Ilousekeeping•ipntitute
• who gives this 'adv ce •on•. how to.
brew tea: * " •
• Be_aure.the:.trater .put oh to. boal.
for ..breWing pt'ea is": fresh from
tap;.` Use one teaspoon of tea or a ,.tea bag for eacit,cup,.of•tea..1f yeti
like you ,can ,add ansl a ,-'extra' tel r` o
or bag for the pot,.
Then • heat• the teapot With hot
water, drain it,' and add the tea.
Oyer the, tea pour,. the , bubbling
boiled water: hnd ' let. stand .in 'a
Warm` place to„"brew. Never pour
the boiling Water in the pot or 'ka-
olin and: then add• the tea.
A brew of five minutes --. or in
some cases., a -iittle,,.longer, depend
ing. on •,the• tea, you use—w*111 bring
' out the' flavor of *the leaf. Sonne
people prefer a shorter tine,'
• does. tp ,Antarctic
'James (Red) LyMburner, above,
ef 1VIontreal, will replace 'Herbert
Ifollick-Kenyon al No. 1 'pilot of
the forthcoming_ EllsWorth expecii
tion to the Antarctic. . Another
Canadian flier, Burton Treriee, of '
LYmburner's .-'-post at, second
pilot of the expedition.,
ooroo on ,rnilitary aircraft • in
he Comes Back Eighth Time For Title
Att Live Long
;fl This Town
,EnglIsh Community Hos .0n13;
136 HOtIseholders But Ages
of 20 Oldest Total 1,500 -
tiny. ,WorcegterSbir0,;.y,filage, 'than ,
...Anywhere else. la -England.. There
. are only 136? househoiderd , Pin-
4`Ther:Allards”. hold: the record
:in this Village of' records, „Gyand
' Old Man' is 'Edwin. Allard, hale mid" ••
hearty ..at, 93;,-0 Ile hat' three Mar,:
rie'd danghters, aged -70, 69 and '65
in half a mile of his cottage. '
Farming, Thatching .
• Tending. the Pretty, garden of 46'1'
little, thatched Cettage is•Mri,. Page;
aged 83,, She lives alone and is :her
•• The. old 'folks of •Pinvin got tei-
,gether .recentlY to. celebrate. the.
golden' wedding of . Mr. and-Uis.
,George .Boden - both more than 80,. '
Years 04d. 'That was the. fifth gold-
en. wedding in •fiVe years.
One, villager a gloVetnaker—
aged 76. She tobk- up that trade;
'when she *as. ten years'old:
till'Y'village lies in 'a 44.1.1e3r
walled b'y the' Ccitsivoidt and- the
••:' thatching and the old erafts of the: ,
conntrySide. riig city blues, are ail
unknown there as'big 'city •
:habitants like it. • That's WhY they
- LoSing only foul- games, to ler arch -rival,'• Mrs. Helen Wills goody'
defeated Miss Mien 4acobt op WiMbledeu's famed Centre coUrt tii.eap-
,t ture the' all-Englandewomeres. singles tennia championship for the eighth
'bine in her career in straight sets. The. teores.were' 6-4. 6,0,- The l'eterl ;
, an 'Californian. Was invincible in •the climax to her Wimbledon ,cOnle:-,
"--'-back- While Miss Jacobs waS hampered by. a -leg injury. MrS. Moody is
:shown here. in a tyPical action . picture, • . .
11' Constelfatien.•
13 BilloW.
18 Rootstock,.
.2.0 ExclarnatiOn.
21 Sun.
26 Folicenian.
29'Huinor, 52 Less common. 3 Split, .
36 Laughable. 59'fle is a ''Vorld lar:
41 Writing' tool. ,60.IIc is also ail .
Answer to Previous Puzzle
1 S
45 Diaphanou•s,
47 Valued.' ' 1 Promise
17 Plnrider.
18 To hloW a
19 Iltrp\‘;inds,,sheisrlo.s.
, victory:
30 To•iierute.
31 Frost bite.
35 PosseiSes.
S6 Cherry color.;,
41 House, eat,
46 Parrative.
449.8 \EP:xi ti on :
52 Hurrah!
55 musioo
58 Railroad. -
51 52
Bioukht BoCk From Storehouse.
,'..drugs hat cOme a ne* treatment for,
and: Harvard ,IgS.dinal
These .tko 'physiciana tried ,in'
nnusual e`Xtieri dent; They' Went lie'
• the, storehouSes. Of rare. chemicals,,
196!ot these eh epilepsy. •'TheY
. these -Was
.phenyi Hydantoin:
.114.4„he Harvard. tests:it proved to
."' They hail ;fohnd. no relief:1n any.
"Old. Plfendbarbitald which . ••
chere .was a great decrease' hi: unin;
orest Fire Loss
InCanada Huge.
tost itlie7',..0overnn3pilt over ,$;1i.7,,2
'00 000 in ioste- the •pltzt
leif'years. This. figure rovers,the':
not ineltide... indirect: 'losses:, in
Soil fo.ftiblY and scenre.
Th c there is the', dont:Age eans0ti
result fore$t Prtl$1. ."
jarglil..zt forest area • In 6' :
Mill ell, 0onstitutss* nearly 50
prdVi(10 PAW Material for her third
Most .j.hipOrtant Industry, ''
estimated that the
fOreSt area is eapable
present' •