HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-07-14, Page 2'
alter* Forder
• PHAP,T..gli. XX
In thetlny nOliee efliee of Whiter, ..
sea ,n seene ot nisweitted: activity
• was, taking place,. ' • :•„:•• , •
'• Murders; were, as the tna&te.: of the '
. .
UttelteecteSt • Tramps;,' drunks . and .
• the 'ever: game motorist, : :Were. the •
•* OniY 'griat,•.;that had iiitherto:ewne:,
' the way -of the village •constable, -
.0.. Height, .
. .
For years he had maintained a:
griP of terror unell thq, whole 'ooun7
tryptoe.by reason or the majesty ot
the, law; a inagnilicence whichto tell the •truth, had hegun,,,-hy reason
of familiarity. to •fade. ..,But
with the. mysterious "Avenger". In
„their -rnidst,'And a real murder:
acted Outside . their. very doors, the'.
yillagets,;turned •aggin • and exalted
rz", Drig'ht. Into an ftwe-lespiring,
To the. district
• ; Who- ntatie a hasty call,•be confided
his greatest secret!' , ' •
. •
:• "DP you mean to tell me that you
know the murderer?" remarked the
astonished officet. '
'A :cryptic •amile snreed.::oyet the,
features of P. 7 C. tillght • ,
"I could pia OU thIS, •
.• Minute. sit!'" . • • : ,••• ' "'
• :.31:i1a'newa was atartling•'enough;
, •
but he added, before , his. 'stipetior .
cOuld ,reCOvet.froM his sur -prise:
"And l,-kn.divals eccoMpfice,'••
• •
• • It was thia simple" -convetaation,•..
stating' in :enitizenibmt at the two
hOrly, 0/l1dera as they stood later in•,;
. 'the. entrance 'hall :I of. 'Owl's OtOtt."
?•• •Cupboard Secrets ,
,iniirdet;de You?". 'asked • '
When he graslied, the reason for the
• .• • . . •
" W e''i9 I OfiliCq, officers etigagelt in
'our' dtity;raiiii ii!s„.tietfor as iiitina-
:wer Your questions: We invite. yet* '
, . ,
- to answer ours!" „was the •reply...(hp._,..
• •receiited: • • ' '; • -•
Hruiter.stood with his back to the ,
Wide old lire -place, •• and • teeing. the.
. •
• mysterious libeary,4obt.
• Wasit his imagination, or 444hiS
, „ • „
'eyes 'play- hini, false'? •The • :"yo. of.' •
„ Acera saw ' the beWilderinent in his'.
:,.eyea and •gloatingly accepted ,it as •
the hunted look 'Of -it who '' is
• •
• "It'amy duty, to say that I :Sue-
-1/00t•You of 'eying slime:connection ;
• In • this murder.. 'Of •,oise -.Danny •.
•Virestir. •
bit at that Mente,nt,
. .
•• inetbe wouldhaVe• lilted the .whOld
Village.; to. he standing,: there 'ite• his
.thrillecfandlenee.AO,hetiy,hiM *Meek
• those' Wonderful, wetfig: 'He; „Police
.Constable Height; Of ,Wintersea; was "..•
about :•taI• arrest; his . first murderer.:-
Whatever roseate 'dreams he cOn:
jured, up to entrance eatrance.,hie intagina-
• tion will 'never. be told, for with a:
• .. gulp :of'.glee, HUnt leantby the
two atertled. ecniatebles..-
, . •
•••Te say he leapt "by"'4.hern* con,
••-,:ieys' little; It .might:eVenbe ,re.:
ets'ded that he leapt throUgh.•thent.• •
ler,*.itandifig•as they •were, • side by
aide,. he had glimpsed a niMple thing
• orar.ia,tha corner: Of the halt• ,
•A tall cupboard:, with•Ei black eat!
•cart -d oak 'dont...had 'Wined That. -
had, Matre,d:tiiiittli,..he Was Sure.
1:'•••11e: lied explored • that cupboard....
more than 'once, 'and he knew that
• the tot; half -Of the door hada, deep
spllt running.its full length.. Prim.
Where he • had ; been . standing his
eyes had Ceught•e•.rapid, glint ItOM:
the reflected light ,upon the door,
3:wife Winking flash, and, marvel
• inarVelai, the *it panel wa whole,
Re had pondered : mien this to
.'great length .whilat the two itothide '
of the law had 'held Min in, cOnyer-
nation.) ',New. he ' had atriVed at. a,
dacision. The alight •tremor Of the.
.Panel gave him the ,Clue; Thecup.
, •
board was doable.; fronted, halting
. •
improve your pertiotialitY •
with Wrigley's Gum' Keep your ,
teeth'White, breath sweet., by
using be.althfUr wtigleys Gum.
thilliont do. .The
dren also love ' the delicious re-
freshing flavor of Wrigley's. DOuble
• Vint. Take some home tOday.r,s4i
AitAA 4:41 Al A A
gue No. 29—'38
• a carved door np.on'hoth
.1t• had roxolvetl.".• •
, someone uutterfhe. eirpoeurit'haft
caused It to turn, and he ooerten,c,.....
ed • that 'queer. certaiiity of feeling.
that he•*40,..heing, watched. •
Locked •
• Whoever It wasuponthe: inside
,•of tbat.;e•Wiveillag,,, cupboard • had..
.,,'..donntleia Veen:attracted there by ;
.- the presence et. the 'pol)ce.•
Eohe acted, •• ,• ' . • .
With a CO of'exaltetion he made
a herlequin-like:leep.-hetwapn the:.
• stuedy, figures Of the constable .end •
his t.saperior, sending.' there
one upon either 'side, -each !art
ermedand outraged'. man.Bearing on .
.he bore anoti.
the: cupboard and arrived at that
antlque Piece • of furniture with a -
crash, evoking evoking. from Within it a
faint -•squeal. • • , • ••
}Ie.:fagged- at the oldstaalsione •
break handle, but in , the au*,'•
' board .was Iocked... • , .
By this time the most 'valiant P.
C. In all NOrtolk was upon his feet
'again,. end pipeeeded to, .huri
. ,
self, - with commendable •disregaid:.
'of:- danger, anto. the.man. in 'the,-
"I.. arrest you ,for 'cOamileitjr."
this•''ere:Dandy.,. West et,"..hel,
'ebaPPi4g ri'eg-ot,t
• Mutton 'hand on .11-Innter'S shoulder,
"litild Wi to this capbearci-,-th7:-
are 't tying" tol Ii.7-.'weal,ititifet'S' 7'
• True•lit was ',that ,".sonte' great
strength was 'tieing applied •, to the .
cunbaard, 'end lie had lunch ado to •
resist the '.attacks Of the coliatable,
and hold the cuphnard•tat the.sarrie:
' The aupetior .0M:ex now took a :
matter, •approaching
with the dignity Pt his eitelted.tank, •
nayopinion' tii•ere's,nothing-.
againat• tannin.* in, Bright Clap'
latt;_le cuffs On" • '
I' He gayethia a his-Lconaider.ed-
1:•opinioa, .but was careful to leave
the yetigh Work to his subordinate.
Nothing•loth, P. C. Blight produc-
ed hand -mita; and tried, to wrencli
, Hunter's franc:Ia. front tile' cupboard '
"You fools," mhee,; '''.fahsPaedc'uti b';';;ellrdY
'wilt:turn again' in...a Minute and "•Avq,
will loso *hat We've:Caught! 9
no you don't eare
about ,..tutairig -cupboards, OrtWiz-
liolinzigg,, a ;4' 16'ivees' goo rt yjO4Unti.P10.11'n hairs,
• 'ands."
"VirEkt'S, :41111*r
•,A..quiet;Voice broke in on the din
, ,
With mar -ed ,effect. Digby stoop!.
just Within the'rentrattee:deor.., ••••
-,!!Quick, • Digby, quick! There's.;
, isonleone in this-eupboatd. It; re,Yolves .'
andithe,ylre trying .to . turn.
It. I Otte't 'hold on much longer!",
•.Ina moment Ifigby had ',sal:rimed
up • the Situat:• n, and With
,strenktiii WS' siendei.,ketm belle4r.
-;nifiled the perripiring,•Brigisi
and applied his strength to the
trd.••• • . •
•:.,, Then happiiy', Digby proved to he
quick in the,ltp,take, and he ,sprang
to :the open hearth 4.11Zi•-•saatched:'
ull; the -heevy free pokerGoo . . •
, clinging • to the 7 door; :fat.", frantic' „
•nressere-..was no*. being applied -to
turn it •••
"Wrench 11 anent".
• 'Crt-i-reckl '• - ••••''
• • Enter . Mts.. 1;6i.lovif„..
The pa ne1;spliliter1 .hhder their
.eorribine.d efforte, and the leek hung
at a: iniChing,engie. • • " • '
Snatchingthe: noker, 'Hunter .
••tbrAst: it into the ;crevice .,:wh.tett •
marked . the, turning edge •of the de-::
•vIce.and, in one stroke 'effeetually
-Jeanne& iL ••• • •
,. The 'othe•rs drevy. hahk, whilst he
- threwopen the , torn and 'hettered,
'.• Whoever. orWhateyer they each
and everyone expected te.aee-,-hidJ
• . .
j: den la thetAttining::eimbeard,, they
were all eqUally itientiSed.:* • • . '
,Cr,ouchfug down .in whimpering
fright Upon the float .Of..,:the--ettp,
hoard was
well, welt"- panted. Hunk' •'
...Or, I 'The oluai•ve, Ms 13t1 hint
,aliVe and . Weli,"Or?" • ' '•
•• -"Would yoii like to • , • . •
Barlow„, who 11 15 that has boon ex.; '
'citing hItt strength • againet ua.? ;
.Yout husband, Xauspeet,Mis Br
haw., eh' • He IS :not tat away,- •.
be bound I "
. •
• °Ob." itit,II-You' don't Underatand,
wailed the, Wotan. •
"Oil. the Contrary, Mrs, Eerie*, I
understand 'niore'about all this tban,..1
ymi. think; 7 Now „you'd hotter' he
freak eh .
out:It all."
, •
give toll yeti, all
•,,,eVarytiting." •," •
' . The, millieernartflinip" with fear)
was tiaiilated out troth t1e ctinhpatil,
• itiefr attiie keing. liefited In e chalr
- 'fated"; theta', her Hp aulietink,r4t
_Iter thinitildliertotia
ed her fitert,'•
men May
Artist .$atito Perfectjon Todak7Is
Sweeter and More .Rnmanne
TocM130N, Eng. -Perfect We',
men, saicl'Artist C. R. W. Nevinabn: .; I
at,.a 40404 "luncheon. is liOW be,
coming romantic, aWeitly Victorian. •
' But her Meal' Of the.PesOct;Mall.
Is ening:thing between a cad and a;
dressy crook. „
the Wonsan' of temoripW May
• •be a. Attie plumper, ' '
•• , • ; cUrv44'' cOlnirtb In ....• .
• . Television' unlike the •filin
era, minimises the flesh and will
Probably start- a demand. :ter large,
fat performers." , ,
8o ,the curveaiere going tp have
it, "But soon," Mr, Nevison Added:,
. Soon',perfect women will be
simpering and obeying: our deal.
dictators, produelag: babies, .and
. •more' babies for slaughter". . •
-.0nede.finition Of -the flerf-et -wo- •
roan was quated at the Idnelle64; • '
: She should possess the roundness
:of the moon, the the orve of the ser-
pent, the velvet of. the-fiowers And• ;
the Cruelty of the tiger. *
. 1,
.;Stockholm, TEweden, • now .his
417 :consumer co-operative stores'.
Catching time by the forelock ;
is an important thing .te 4re44-)P-
- Pub • in-' every housekeeper's life. •
• Aittt catching the summer fruits
as they 'ecknie On the Mttritet. 44d .
'putting thein away for winter use ,
retA, good illustration of this
I. famous phrase •
cntrenta make grand jellY and
Run when Made with ;the: ,short •
•boil method. a Ma0e *ay, it
takei 'just' lp tni4ute.s to compete
the job after' the fruit is prepared *
and becauselhere Is no long boll•
• ihg tiMeatlie lovely color and flav-
,of tAe fresh, fully ripe fruit
is -sealed into your jars. Of course ,
there is a secret. It's bottled fruit.
'pectin. By adding just the right
amount of bottled pectin, (which
• has been extracted' from • fruits.
which abound in it, refined, and
bottled) you get jam 40,:jefly Of
:the..right -consistency without
ing to boil away all the goodness
of the fruit to make it jell; None: .•
of that tangy, -tart flavor which
• you-expectTof currants is
• The 'short boil method not only •
saves thecolor and flavor Of the
fruit, it actually gives you 'you more'
Laura Wheeler Shows You a New Trick In Doily Crochet
'PATTERN '1818
Crochet a:luncheon set in the two sizes of 'rectangular :deifies., Then
following the simple' charts—crochet only the centre part of each filet
'rectangle and presto !_ -you have round doilics itt two sizes to . use as
occasional •doilies!. 'Ilse 'mercerized string. Patte•rri- 1818, contains direc-
tions and charts for, Making doilies- illustrations of them and Of stitches'
: Waterier required: ' • • • .
Send 20 cents • in ....coins (stamps cannotbe accented) for this oat-.
tern to 'Wilson Needlecraft Dept.., -.73 West Adelaide- St.; Toronto'. • Write
plainly ,pattern number, :yoile,smaine and address. •
tell everyth1ng 111 'tall: the
:trath, ,se help theHeaven-.," •
• -She wasinterrupted, by the-
, slirP-
ling Of the telephone. •
'AnOthpr , Death
' Hunter frowned. • ‘'See *hat that
AS, Digby," he :said., '
Digby stepped to The. instrument; •
which stood 'Upon a small side
table. •
. "Hullo?" ,
"Superintendent bolsover,L-Yos---
and P.C. Bright—ye. They are
both, here." • " • :
.1 "They!re wahtetri;, f. Oh, very
' lIveltit_continued4Digby.
' :speak to you. •'; Who, Itt that? The ,
Wintersen Pollee :•Station?.- :Very ,
good, holdthe, line." , • • ,
He Was abOut, to -pert With the
receiver when Vis.eiPressien Cheng!„
:71:4.Whet's. that?''''fie ;.geaped. "What:
do- you say? . Another 'death?' An-
other, man on the ." tOinti (0P-4'
Who? A mati named McClintoelt? •
Hunter was at the , 'phone in. an
. .
"Hunter: speaking—Maxton Hunt-
er.- „at.Owl'a, Croft: lint' investt."
gating for I the, Owner; Mr. Digby.Vhat , •
Is it that, You're telling. us:
; anOther •death. in the:L.
.• • :
"Yes, sir," cattle the .reply. "An:. 7
other • man's, been'found stretched
on the topof the same tea:0;4n the
--.-oliarcb,Yard-• and the, name ,of Gor-
don McClintOok is Scratched oft.the
list on 'the tOmitstope'S, aide." -
• ", Ponderously, ' the 8uperintend,ent;
itenpect.,forwerd" arid,leolc^, the re-
• Ceiver frora'Hunter.
' (TO be. continued) •
' clucritional motion./-, pictures.
are to: .66 .shown in Wakefield Pig,
soli in :England,
Ate 'Henry Pellatt, Minion dollar das,..'
$fiadirle, /toad;
onto.•Itoitt'S tOut•th.te!,CaStW:tOtli •
tuariel, *table*, art, :galleries; and
eorohation roof* tt tthd
botiVenirsi. See '"The .1ritil tot Nine.
(the and ,,WiVeii);,
balrited by order ,et bite ,Ehiheror
J0aph of AtistrlithitS • 20. lite ,aito ,
ilitatrea on it darrvas., 28 teet.X.:13 teat,
and "the', TinlY, Itentori al.. •-_.• open '10 '
kW. 0.1n, :Adults, gsc,Chltd1
reit-150, Bulldog,: 23 ::c.plita.
How to Pe
-Youi War ro
If You are Looking FOr,a (issick'
And Easy Method. of Reju-
venating Your Summer War-
drobe, Here are a few Sug-
gestions From Paris.
Choose sky blue handkerchief
, linen for a tailored ' single -breast- ,
ed jacket to wear 'over wool or
Border • t: white •.f.',TgUUdY.."`bnuir •
With° a hand' of" gold sequins. 'and
place it high' :on the., neck. of a
black ' wool; dress with a jacket
bolero of inatehing , wool. •
Make ,Iglovea of 'polka-dotted
silk striah temetchthe•bloUse of a
tailored snit.
• Sew sequins at irregular dis-
tances • on a .square of pastel -col,
eyed handkerchief linen, and toss
the handkerchief • nonchalantly
over. your head for ..iiiievening
, Flowers and Leaves ,
• Slit your pocketS,.• Vertically
stcacl Of crosswise. :And place' as -
• Many as eight of these neat ,:in-• '
Visible pockets _on a ..Single, tail -
„erect jaeket..•, • •• '
Tuck a red rose in the belt of a
stiff black black taffeta evening dress
whose Cfrotilar skirt ends a •
wide' ruChing.
Cut maple leaves, out of black
Patent leather and applique them
loosely ;on a.' two-inch white kid:”
belt. • •-
Applique , or embroider ,your
initials on the band ofyout hat:.
Suhstititte, long, tight sleeve
• . •
for the .ordinary short sleeve in
'Ace boleros. 'Paton makes the
tight -sleeved bolero in heavy black
lace for •-a black tbrie dinner
, Contrast 'LI lavender printed silk
blouse with a pale Yellow WoOt
Snit 'whin hasbuttons made .of
porcelain.' in the 'form of wheat
sheaves. •• '
,Austtia•, Norintiy aria 'Sweden
have the lowest birthrates :in.
• t urope, .,•
,:$614,014Y 81.14!
red and iiielloto
i?cickaies. Never
OaSted. and ..titsty,
8h4.041.: #11,!trHttle ' fh.l.vt,r041.
wafers 04604',
"Ritz" -.. tIvoicv
•4;filioufToda Of 418.9.intit1;.-
ating canntliim
e „
O'Iserea Cfiristie Biscuit for ev.erY tOSO"
,jrits ofjam and jelly: per _quart.
of fruit because none of: it is
1 boiled away. It has been estiniat- •
ed thattheyield: from this Method .
gives you 'approximately 'half .aa -
Much again as that from the, same
amount "of • fruit when long boil
methods are used. . •
'' Currant jelly is simply 'clelieieus
withcold roast iamb, chicken or
duck and and .currant jam, has aliiraYS
been Popular with toast.
(Red or •Itrack ;Currants)
5 '•cups (2% ''lbs.) juice
:7 cups (3 'lbs.). sugar
Y2 'fiottle,..f rut.t_peetin..,
• With black currants; crush
about about, 3- pounds piny ripe fruit;
add .3. Ones :Water. • With .red •cur-
rants, el -ash -about '4 pounds fully
ripe , fruit;• add, 4 cup- water. To '
• prepare. juice, bring ,niikture to
boil, :over, and :simaier 10 min-
utes. Place fruit in jelly cloth or
' 'bag and squeeze out juice. ' Meas-
ure sugar and hike ' into. , large. •
saucepan' and mix. •Bring to a
boil over ; hottest -,fire .and at once
',add bo,ttN&::. pectin,, stirring, con-
stantly.. Then bring to a ful
lng,hoi „an. : • oil hard % minute.
: Remove, :from fire, : skim, --pour
quickly. Paraffin at once. 'Makes
: about 11 glasses (6 fluid ounces
•. each). ' • , • •
4•;Cups ,(2 lba.). crusli& fruit
7% cups (34 - :lbs.) sugar •
•cup 'water •
it .(%: bottle). fruit *Pectin
To:prepare fruit, crush thor-
oughly or grind about 2 pounds
fuily: ripe. frit; measure into
large kettle. With red currants,
add • .4 'Cup water; ' stir until mix-
ture ''
bolls... (With black chirarits; •
, .
' use 44, cup water). Sinuiser,
ered, 45, minutes. Add anger, •MiX
well;: and.bring to 'a full rolling
boil over hottest -fire. ' Stir , con-
stantly before and: while boiling.
Poll hard 1 minute. Remove from
fire 'and stir in pectin. 'Skim; petit ,
., quickly. Paraffin. et :once. Makes
4 • ,
about 11 glasses (6 "41tild,` •ounces
each). •• • , • .
4. lbs. cottage roll roll
Boiling water
• 1 tbsp. mustard
e"runths •
Whole eloveo •
1./ to cup Bee !live .Cohion
Corn Syrup. • .
Simmer cottage rail, in gently '
boiling , water Until tender:: •Coe! '
:in liquid in Whiefi it was cooked,
then dram. Remove strings. Place
cooked cooked, cottage roll .dri,,Ireck, itt
--roesting-Wii,--"Siii641i mustard fe.,:
'a: paste with vinegar, and spread .
over 'fat surface of roll. COvvr:
With sifted Cracker crutabs scare
in • diarnonds• arid 'centre `each
diamond with p' Cleve. Pour: Corn
syrup careft.14over surface. ..
Place in:a Hot oven •OYen,,,•4100 degrees •
F. surface.
d,heastt.e cre f
meat .t001:1 ye.' a gi
tWice d aringcooking ;with tic:laid
in pan.. • '
Hints --
To keep• ..„. • , " •
. a haieltraah,eIeu bp7-.
..tWeen;.wealtingS, • brush the, brist....
les with 'A 0e431sing: tiSsue/or":cleah'.
soft „Cloth • after' .abotit ;every:tCn
• striikea.•: •"
• .: Washable garmentsained With '•
grease (not maehrnegi.ease)
, should 'be rubbed in watin,`Water
apart from rest of the lituadry.
Before using a new . kettle,
Place. a clean piece' of canc.° : in-
. ,
side to prevent furring, •
Bacon will not shrink in frying
if it Is first dipped, in flour:
To soften and clean leather on
at-US:turd' use a mixture Of :one:
part hot vinegar to Iwo parts lin-
seed oil. Apply with •it: cloth. Rah
the leather, dry and polish it with
another clean, soft cloth.
•V, • . ,
sOniething if you ItaVe.`.:
isottried thistnew fine, • ,
out, which .kes n (147
your and a smeOthness
thatspells neW.Ilicitry .
in roll-yOur-owst- sniola-
It's backed'
nitrite :that inarautee,s..
, quality with nearlY
Century of, citpeiience
in the' manufacture .0t•
; !fine tobaccos. Try It.
1..001,311144 In ;-
tarni NO'W Thai g'0,90
•. Roft*, ,
. rNtioul Awl tort,
§t: at4eV tAtuttrat44: 041 In
• nu', lix-ett•otPriVati!' ilPthettfus, Hays :
‘‘rit•er tu an itIlsl O PO r.
tki,A .;:tknliii; 10 waY111044' At a: • •
itt;02 itibK"h 'et exeltetilkflit setnits
tseetkinte. oatirely 4001 item kliiWit
*s'r 111 ikeiVa '46,00 the,
tit oilier people's
I..'•Vh4t tt)*t In rcal. life
NI•1' tk•rx • 'ttOt: awtwo Or that-
.rutwttlott Is *L 4.1tot •ai‘ atkange
' ,
• Many ,HaNlei Agencies' °
i`tt,cat. tt%..leotiyos ore an , •
t4t`klUf,4; Pv (or t.ttori,•actly4
„ Itt ;-
• . . • .
cotutuoreially their uses
hayv tuttitiotttt .otturfitouoly 10.•:the .
14;m: tor '-s. In in England wonieit •
.heve tonnUeti agencioa, and it te
safe to ,1-A,v' qt4 t t.ho 4talY of no'akeit-S%
• e.,,x• t.".k.ituplett '
•tor lustance, theCase
t•optitatile tirai• Who, decided:to',
.. lust i'tute thole own inquiries about ..
•onoc,,ato 'of, inditereatI. quality.
Which was ,heittg, supplied In 'their
• Nokage,:: hv an- unknown traveller. •
-------Whoz-m-any men failed, a .V1,0• ,
,taan 'trapped nitn .iu a; little village.
nuefister's shop which had • been
•ononod. her., •
' Stores" Employ Clever Once.' '
' „She is a %V0 tau .who. is 1111 adept
iu' disgaise as a 'charwoman or;
gower-seller: hat ,this was. the first
she' hed.attempted to play the ,
tele et tyi1Lage grocer's: Widow,. • .
and the hardest part • pf her :Job
• vas' eh. allay' the 'su•spiCions ot• the
io that 'thete •Notild me
gossip N'‘''hich foreWarn- the
'They"' are addition"al to the PH- •
. .
vete, detectites that most' . stores
-• .
emPloy 001:nallent]• •
Pack :Your Bag
The Proper .Way
CoMfort And Convenience Are
..What Is Wanted Most When
Travelling. •
'If she has the tight' .equipen
--plentv. of tissue paper, irand
iterthiet,lingerie •and, stocking.
eases and • enough ieggage to •nc-,
contrnodate • everything she feels , • .
she musttake—any trayelet • can.'
do the the kind. of ',pecking job that .
'keens cipthea 'in 'good: order, e'os- ,
'Inetica from spillir.g all. over. sev•-
• 'eral dresses • and' •lhakei. ; fel,
minimum of eonftisiim •upon
• . • , -
• ' Don't Beige Them?'
•Naturaily, il,y9,U .try: to soneeze,
ir ten, dresses, • en•extin•lcciat,-4 With, •
robe and half a '::doien gifts for
your hostess! fain)ly .into 'a 'bag
that was made to hold -five dreaitea
arid.' only .a •few ;gadgets, net One :. •
dress out of •the .,tea is • going to
be7fit'--to. weer :until 'it has .'been::-•
pressed. • ,Talli,:te the Woman who
neVershas to ask the one and only
niaid fn her hostess' household to
aton ring press a dress before's
• rival day dinner •• and',you'll,' be.
convinced that it isn't 'silly • otd•
take two bags that aren't ically
..full instead of one that• is atuffed.
. to the bulging point:
. Folded Correctly,
'Ton ,"don't have to be • an
: ex-
perienced ladies' Maid to learn -to •
fold •dreases.. :correctly. Simply
ebcee4 anyor
t•gh t mErQe on!: fftoownt, ithe slidoens
from shoulders to hem ' tOWard
each other at the hack: Now lay •
a- smooth sheet Of tissue Paper •
over the; lower half Of the; dregs
:and ertiSh .two. More sheets --,pito'..
to, go' into. each sleeve: ' Smooth
the sleeves down along the folds • •••
at • the ,baelti 'If the., suitcase in •
•• long,fold. the. 'dress only once. Ii
short,. fold it 'twice, ' alwrys
ting tissue , paper.' betWeen. the •
second layer,
Allem Me one Jase, look at thJni.,,
14.y- burning bildges'..fightinguji• '
the night, , , • .
Panic' in respect; as • for ,soine
• pagan rite,.: •
'And listen; for: -the 'air and
. Clear, ,:••• •
ih fhe hipping. Of;the.Lfire ITite ..
heat • • ' ' , • •
sotinds Of demolition; as the
•, blaze •
Conaunlea the burden, Of .hiy
toda.i • it oeerii final to your eager
: The darkneaS trosesin,' the lain-
• 'bent flame
:13tirns lower, ',dares a moment,
• ,And „goes out,
Nothing Is. left,. ho sear, no. char- •
• red' black:flamer •.! '
My bridgeS !retie gone dowk.'
• ••yoli nOW doubt?n.
At ivist that' tiogielyks§,1 tleed
• rifine because there la
turning hadk;
•-`4.111tabet1i Orey Stewart, in itt
llatper'a Magazin,