HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-07-07, Page 6Y'
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. • •411
Walter FOrder
Thefaint.. sickly aromP-. of Marin-.
,OUS ,paint 'emPlciyed ' togive. the .
blopdhobad a. ghostly APPearance;,-
ratiViiing about hini. ,His drying
gartnents glistened, Witlutee.SPerkle
tot faee- was ,also •
„••••-'.clia..Witt and haggard the •deeP'lines.,
and e fnr.tiAfo. tglare, told , a vvld• tale
of the 'in.Ti'''Oata.te iriiiid'rt AR, was
Prit#1'. 0wreck.,
„Henson. had, ,plied, the .whiskey
r bottle -with el'ect; arid dawn
y:eyed.b: t tructii-
glanech"-pt-' the.' elaelt-;' ' the
. eight,-;
Stopped, I i.cicon,'•t.lie
ed.•• •
• ',."Then.'if„,s9; be. 'contd.. laaxe been
:On.: tb,e. ';be,4,felt''arguerl lqr.cOlintock.s.
ed dowii tomewhere continued"
E,1-,nseri,•-as though he had newer
'heard: the oilieea • i•exthirle.'",', '
#!.Then. Why can't we,find..'himr.:
'Betrio'..;I1eame suddenlv a'ware
, .1Wesit, ',pleaded.
tock., iliVlict:',ean..have, happened' to
.' ...Benson- •stood staring unsee'•
ilirtni.gb.•the-windciw•;.tta, tlie grey
tuinhie-!Cf.,Waiee, be7ond, • •..•••
ck, as thouh lie feared,What Ben -
nen Wcittia,',Sli.,41picl'iops.',1te!S.trYing,.',1„.
o.scare that" • •• '
tight$*•tiOne Out, .
• trensOn .shoo k ,iiis , head; and ..the".
rill . • , ,ave•ripl .1 2
<6.0hateief haVeh'eP Pen erl to
got,to-clear, and :
y'-reid-klaY I shall have finithed all.'
, ,
the burning. og, .0:..1)ers; and, .bOoka.':
en ni RObbins ,Y11 deetray,411h•e•
'..downitalts," he etittintied.•'
--,eattls• up the "'eat:ranee
• -,• •
the ..:Store-,CaVe„.well to.
get 'te.the-Other.side;of •theIiAtlaatic.,
before "any; IriOsey,,narlts tumble on
mir"secret-,.:.,111 attend to things. uri,‘
"he ,Sp:Oe;'he',Ope,ned"..ari-cin-,.
tique-tatVed.-Oaf :Chest,' producing,. •
"Of.latigqiteei 'Cylinders, r
. . . . .
,s,-;.,Ptigad Men ..and :burnt .out.,huild
illis tell lio:talet,", -
stutily 'figure sWirighig up the
,cairiagejdrive caught theireyes...
tab "darted:, forliar'd,' the,
dow, ' but their' hisPer'Were. dashed.
was net :the lean figure ,PE'Dandy
• West Theysat the stockv propir-
tIong,tit'thq/Viijage'.. peal/nab,' Wheel- •
tiktlife...,CcOe';'Ve;::Ciiiiihilhe fleet -
their palite:,faced 'and.,,,
balled,theni*Itliite.:raised hancl. •
,:he„,"vant tte red- i
' "Equine: Never.seeii.hina, before,"
• . •
on; re-
peating by.,6Sign,that.he*isheri to
.• '
With '4,...:"digi•-forebncling, . Beaten
made, hii:waylinAhe'liail depr.;and
opening it; yo;f:atond-' waiting; ; •
Tombstone Heady
. The postman.-•arriVrA at a trot,
and ;t.ntlahleti .10s. es..ele.;!atidbag on
the--.1aWn; then crodsee wair-
ing Benson.- • • . ; ,
-."4.'1V1f.'.:Derisen.,. Orr; he began; his
beinest.faCe.tilight:WIth the smite Of •
bis iniportance. "Your, friend sit,'
_tli.je„„igetOrin.,_was-Staying-het ,
think:his nettle ,is West, air Mt,
i,...•:•Patr.dy *eat, least waYe..• that"i I'Vh t
it says on the trinibstpner
A:stifleci,gasP camc frent the hall
in'tvhicli;l1fcPlinteck had' been Ils-2
"A.torallstelie. .ilaine•
On a •IPtilbiplie.
• "Yes',";Sir;, all the Village' is out .
7 ••
"Why'?" breathect Benson:
"The' big, tOnilsi; it is, sir, that by.
the.eld tin:Oh-of the MartiiiraY:4M-'
41,y4 'it. fstandd.ont.,plain Jtist• at the;.•
' COtilet. *tit churchytti•rd, • Over, •
Child '•
.• , IDOn't let ,constipation dull that happy
1 , Stale. Give Stee,dthan's Powders, the '
1 ?..imilib gentle laxative scoria!), made foe,
• I banes and 'growing children. For more
: , • than 100, years Mothers everywhere hon.
trustedSteedMan's tokeetichildreri health. ,
fully regttiar•frolti infancy to early teens. '
FREE. Sambk and. Booklet
roints to Ateithel.8" .0 on r 0 q ti 0 ii t , kV r 1 t 0
. Johll Steed -truth •it: Co., l'ipot, PS.
. 442 St. Gabriel Strcet :rvinntrooi• ON;
. . ,
t4/1151/HIEED ' AN .
I) woE
7r .:;. I
took for the darthle EE symb,a 0.,t1'9.1ch p:ick,iiser .
,Ititti& NO; 28—'38
Isoking d. Yea knew it; sit,
a big flat-toplied affair."
well?" •
"He' on sin top, 'sir, dead!"
"Who ,--- Mk, West?" •• ••
practically. sure, sir, it's the
gent seen• about : here. ' i,was
just telling:the sergeant se, Sir.'
„ P.C. 'Bright found him early . 'this
.mornir'-c.,,..`sir. He was, dead" When he
-;.,catrie Upon` him. `What first attract-
ta hit attention was three names
writtet,„ down the white, end el the
tomb, sir.."
"Three harries?" MgC)Intock was.
peering forward: "Written ,on P
toinn?" , •
'Yes, s' -It's: as strange a thing
as eVer happened. about here,i, • ' •
'Brasilia- by te, tnian Without
a wordof thanks Benson. liaised
the front pf the house, to a large
.• garage in the rear: • '
A .tnoment. later- MeClintoc,k and
the p,oStrnan 'saw: bim swing round
,the center again 1n...a large ,saloon
ca. With ,a jerk he drew up at the:
- entrance steps' and threw. Open the
'car door invitthilt.
Without a went Moolihtecit dant-
tiered in beside 'him,' and Without a-,
word they stared ahead as. Benson
hurledthe car at full 'speed to -the •
'Robbins, the butler-,', hearing the -
commotion: came 'hastily to the
doer, • . •
' "I, didn't, hear you.
"1 .didn't - Ting," tamer od .; the
postman, gazing' 'thoiight Ily, after, -
„the' deParting, car; "„.,.. •• ,”
. '11hatrt'.ritit the, wind, up them..
:thought , would, • `
, :Three: Names On it
tqv'kfat are you talking -about?".
"1You:v,e'ad 'a death in the.fa:mily,•".;
said the postman, and theteupon he
'recounted With gusto •what hehad
told the others,
sMall-cro.Wd .was gathete.:. by.
the tiny churchyard, its Members-
. .
! standing about in;:aWed..groups ds -
cussing • the. thrilling. event which ,
•dbpsiahfe 'waS superintending
'the:,prOceedingd, and making an
,ergencY ambulance from one Of the .
baker's then. Window shiltters and
att.o10 carriage rug:, . t
1,40, .e?ccitect cibloekers alade way
fer. Benson's 'eat. He 'iapPlied... the _
brakes with a Serujieh ancretepped ."
put,- closely followed by McClint-
affair, „str.,;""..bgan „the stin.-.
• •: lint •
• Benign and IVIcClintrick.'were..'
"not listeningto or looking at .hhn;
. eyes' Were fochised .uPon, the
-.tall, white tensb; standing just
in the .elfureliyard.• •!ItliOn. a :ele4r
•' 'white. end ofthi Memorial Were: the
three names, Written boldly in '4
...,black Crayon '• •
" • ..'0`Dandy...Weit;•doi,doiliqcCliniocit.:1
. and George BensOiL7
Vnefirat name had .been.partialiY.
Obliterated. chy' a• bold .line rtinning
, through" the letters,•••Ab9Ve the 'edge •
.of the Lomb .datigied,the..glanihOyant'i
patent shoes:With •pciiiitett,"toes
gulai'J Dandy West.. '
One glanee• at that. inanimate.
form .and 'Dense') knewi the Worit.,
was dead.•
yro, Cbritinne,d)
Cotton Houses -
Coming Next
,ItbliPred:ctetl; TheY!II Be Prac-
ticable, T•le, and, Cheaper'
. The Oid•Song,,•"Tliere!s S. cabin In
.,. the cotton'cinay soon have to be
altered to "there's a'eabift,' Made Of
cotton If If , neW, tcheine to giet
: the ,eniergeney'oUtbe A.Metidart -eat-
,ton.snrplus.1$ adapted. • •
' Oyer li th tY they have so
much spare cotton they .den't know
what, to.'d6 with it. ", Vatichis uto$
'haVe, been. SfiggeSted fey, the sti
pins, •ahdrosearch workertue now...
'exploring Vie Possibilities. ef...:ctittOif
,heuaes: ' • •
F:laor oe:Cloth'
Thee ."woftid' be Itisite 'ct cotton,:.
,inside And out Even the thicr;
wetild-Con.sist 'the ..eleith' pa WY'
• s'end a steel 'base. They Weilid
cost ' Cenaidet'ahlY lees than houses,
alte; datile tYPe',htilit With
the •ItStull tnatertels,-apd.after technieal „tie/10011y,
duAfile, , • •
Thecotton. lioriSe haVe. eyery.
'Convenience of: a Modei•ii home', if is
eaid, _Cloth.. Construction .witi.x..not
intent:fere With either,, tlie,-,MOdern
Education: Note
. An. Arbo2r2cau WOnlati'
, be-CAU;Se bo r ,trUbtfa
..7pitto,i-o. going, to Aight:
In, 'tali it n; "hot.' ths'the
, ,
w Gloves
• „ :
GIONea haYe gone streamlined,
ah -conditioned • and , generally
. modern as the hollse orcar—or
the latest fashions, • ,
• There are crocheted gloves and
' string ..gloves, and glOVes with
long wrists and Short ones. — with
Angers. And thete• are ' all the
--Popular jeathers,. doeskin and Pig-
skin, etc., etc., all .in washable
varieties. . Our, mothers - and
grandmothers were, a great". many
' white, gleVes, but they were,,,not
• waShable., in •the kid. types. Alt
• Ways' these ladies were, seeking
'some really telial!le solutipn. .to
save cleaners' WM.' • ,
'And, the inotlei•n. sjlkglpv,L5'; are •
sornething to write home about,
too; They, are ribbed,and woven
in all sorts .9f attractive •and
novel 'effects.
:(prpru The Countryman)
In Sleep Of helplesinfancy
Trees Were the arms that cradled
On Tree.••tify. daily jood, is- spread,
Tree :it my chair and Tree my
bed. • • , •
• Fibre of .Tree:tbe books I con,
- And Tree' the, Shelves they stand
• upent- ;
• Primeval Tree burns.' clear and
bright. ' • ,
-To warm..,me on a winter night.
• I hear; to wind in, woods
Treemusic of the violin;
. . .
And at the teat, when ..1:ehall idle', •
111y• tired dust in Tree will .lie; '
It used to be necessary for her,
to ?make a cherry pie, fast as,
cat can wink its eye", according.
. to p4, nursery rhyme. That 11c-
, complishmerit doesnot seem to be
of prime importance when the
• modern • ia*rt, ' goes looking for a
young thing that,: can leave her
mother, but she is„outstandinr..,ef
' she can cl.p it. ; •14. :.•
.We, don't . guarantee that the
recipe '''her,e.' Tor 'cherry pi, will •
enable anyone to MOO a pie fast
as oat can wink its eye" but we do
. guarantee 'that it will be .a grand
pie and Billy Boy will ben, more
than pleased.'
Combine,0% cups pitted red
cherrie„,s, lel, to tablespoons
quick . Zooking.'-tailioca, 1 to 1 '4
clips' sugar, 24 ,teaspocin salt, fIrld
1 tablespoon Melted butter.' Let
minutes,,18st!tbnedinig5.Tnade.User awshfiillelinPgas.ftroyr,
9 -inch pie. Bake' in, Ijot oven
(450 degrees F.), 15 rninutes;Ahen
decrease heat to moderate (350 •
degrees F.) and bake 20 to so
• minutes longer,' Or • until cherry
filling' is cooked and crust is deli-
cately browned. •
2% .cups ,sifteci'' cake flour
2-3 cup.eold shortening:
1/2teaSPicien- salt
• 1-3 cup :Cold. ?Water (about),.
6 hi 5tyle,'SiyS•taura .Wheed0.,i0%ivocktit
Here's. Up to the :Minute:. style n glove crochet 'that's easY, to do!
Front and :back, each crocheted 'lengthwise in easy stitehes--hiexpen-
siye 'to, make—the sinart stripes on . the darkground -flattering to the'•
'band.' Pattern 1813 contains directions for 'making the gloves in Sinall,•:
' . • o -:q pattern) an illustration' of th,ent
and of Stitches; materials ' required. • • ' • . .
' Send 20 cents in coins ' (stamps cannot be ac'epoted),. for :this Pat:
tern to Wilson, Needlecraft Dept:, 73' West Adelaide St, Toronto. Write
plainly pattern number, ;your( tieing and . address. .•
u lie Healih Fie
o ip
Canadian Health Association
Asks. Pederariii-Q,Priial
Acfitni on coininon.Prtiblems ,
-,.--Advocates Widespread::
•''Education in Preventive
. Measures: •
• • „
• HALIFAX.—TO mike 'the "part-
nership" in 'promotion of public.
• health between the Dominion and
the Provinces "more' effective;
some Provinces at least require
• finanCial •assistance from the_
minion in Order to Maintain and
extend certain' 'services for which
"they,are now ,obligated,"
Campbell of , Halifax • told the '
Canadian: Health Association in
his: presidential address here.
"The Promotion of thc public
health it novihrecignized as an es- ,
Dentists recoinmettir Wrigley's
GUM as anald to stroftg, healthy
teeth, cleanses ;theft Of food par -
tides, MassageS the gums, Wadi.
gestion,"relievea stuffy feeling afiet
meals. Helps, leOp .you healthy! •
Take, some home.fOr the children
too ,--they 4111 love 01 •6149, .
• 1'
sential function • of Government .
• and is "gtedtially being accoNed
• .
sirrillar: 'rece*nitiorr to „comnietee, •
. finance, defence and ether
tant actiVities,'? Nova Scotia's
•I chief health'ofticer. said. "This is as
' it dhotild be, Since, any nation
flot: prosper' unless the health Of
its peoPle is • not only preserved .
but is 'developed to the greatest ,
extent ,postible within human en1 '
deaV •
• ,Teach How to: Keep Well . •
• "As to whether. public :health
'per se! is a ,Federal or 'Proyincia
obligation need not be, debated
• here.: Without a cleubt.:'ionie
Of the health pro,bienis Of. Canada
are common to all the provinces
• while ethers 'ire Or local cop -
Once; measure, add
salt, and sift again. Cut in shart-
;ening until pieces are about isize,
!Of small pea.. Add- Water, Sprink-
'ling- small arcoUnt, over fhint mix-
, ture and `mixing .With fork only
enough to 'inak9 flour held togeth-
er. • :Continue until, all flour has •
been • Mixed in separate portions.
' .:WraP in waxed. paper. Chill thor-
oughly, Rell .Out on slightly
floured, beard, Using light 'springy
t.°41/11111 -0 -inch pio Piate With-ahont
Ye of Pastry, rolled 14 inch thick,
pastty to extend- I, ineh
heYond edge, „Fold edge .ebacitto
furm standing rim. Fill „with ohm.- ,
ry mixthre. Moisten,edge, Of pie
; with cold tvatert' hrrange lattice
. of pastry strips across. top. • Flute. '
run with fingers. Bake- as directed
.While cherries are in seas -on,
she : can add to her. accomplish -
merits by making delicious „cherry
,jelly for uSe throughout the win-
ter. •:
f •
• 3q cups lbso, juice
7 cup's (3 lbs.); sugar .
1 bottle' fruit pectin.
cr•uT:h,, jr;uptar4epjoatlicnedis• aft:1411y. -;•lainoecr.."‘
• cherries. 'Po not pit. Add q.'7eaP.
Water, bring to a boil, 'cover and
fiintmer .10 mintites. • (For.,strong-
er cherry flavour, add 24 teaspoon
almond extract before, pouring.)
Place 'fruit in jelly cloth or bag
and.' squeeze: out . juice. Measure
• sugar and juke 'into large settee-
.'• pan and 'mix.Bring to 'a bell over .
hottest fire, eitd at once: add bot-',.
upd „pegtia; . constantly.
Then bring., to..a full rolling boil
and boil hard Vi minute: Remove,
from 'fire, skim, ..• pour, :quickly, •
-Pataffin," hot jellY-,•••at,:9nsek •,•• Makes'.
abont. ld, glasset: (6 -11ttid 'ounces
1:yAN•n..L4..wAxgRs '
.1 egg
cup white '.$tliar
.,14 &ills butter. or shortening'
cup, Bei. }live 'White 'Corn
tSp; 'baking soda; diSsolVed in
qup warm water „, i•••••
• '3 4ps..vanilla •
Flour . to, niake a•deugh (about.'
'-Roll out and cut; or form dOtigh
into a. tell, chill, and. lite" With
sharp knife.'Bake, .in Moderate
.oven; 5 to 6' dozen snialt cookies.
Would Certify
rs' Eyes
U. See Need Of
• •
"Keeping Close Check On
:Ante* Vision •
vert. and ••tWo pail's of glasses.:tor
Certihedeyes aatoinobile
every commerciartnotor vehicle 01)- '
erator requiring artificiatald to.vit-
- ion is the Pita 'of the; Anierican•M.e- ,
dical.Astociation. , •
.It Went eii reeerd last week ae.fa-•
voting' .vision licenses for. all dr.1-..
' Licenies.
driver ..Wo,ithl• be
tequIred: to pass the'Staticiard eye
tett eir :get 'glasses ',that woirld. per- •
:init. him" to. aualify. When •looking
setaigbt ,ahead he • wouldi have to •
Show 1W -degree scope of Vision
,be able , to distinguish 'red, ,green.
' and yellow; be ftee of "deuble•vit.
.04" and night. blindness.
: e':p'tivate'dri vet would have to:,
.04es' a lest.„Tigid tett' Would
haVe._to- ihOW., a held' •Vision Of .60..
dektees.;„ vision impairment ,through
heing-cock-eyed•Or cross-eyed would
• beVe to show Pep,okdinatithi of eye;
Mind and•
Ippon Emperor
Decorates Duce.
29 Other Italian Statesmen and
Diplomats are Honorld In
Recognition of, Pat
.• :'TOK10.7-Empermi, Hii•ohlto'has
'conferred decorAtioris . On ,Pretnier':,
'Mussolini, Foreign' Minister. date.'
atzo 'bane, vice-Pereigh
G;usDpe Ilattianiur and • 27 'ether, '
stateatnen and. 'diplomats .
Italiaii stateetnen • and 'diplomats:
•• •This recognition of pant,' •
.eipation with' •Japan-ad,.Gerinany
' In the' Peet agaiiitt. the Communist
hiternational Was, .adeennianied by
announeetnent'tJie King qf Italy
'had Conferred dedorationt:. 'on• 30
Japanese 1.ad,ers'; inctUditig Prernier
Punrithara Konoye.'-'..and fonder' Per -
Minister halt!, 1-11rptai,,,,,,,,,t.
• Mussoliniwasgjveti the Order of,
i the, Glirydantliemutir, 6:rat class,
". Willi.: the grand eordon,
!'1,17e are plea ed •to note . of
cent .yeart, a tendency on the •part
of r.the Federal agency to attiiine
Mere of the burden: , ' •
The most important Wokltin' any.
1-leaith bpPartment •. Was • "of a
. broad editatialial character So
that all health Officials are to a
large . 'extent' concerned with.' the
Inisiness of eaching tifelTpeopid.to
• kecp welL"
• Pinitenlion. and tor'e,
. Dr; ''t,ampoeli noted:develep,
ments in.:the nubble; health field,
kedent.' years.' physicians.
. were .concerned almost entirely
with."..the -Cure of disease, t and.
; Medical schools taught cure rathk
or„.bnan' prevention. During the
'Past4ledade, there hA's been ,s deft- 7
nitt*t,ehdency.t.bwSrcli Iriving pit4
vdntive and curative medicine net
together 'and:present a. Co-Cinrain- '
eted:.progrant for leelcitig "'after all
%the pre:biotite connected with both .
, the' indiVidhal and pUbliC „health:"
Fine Feathers
hi t,are no longer to be ./.'ound
it Aniybecatvie the great increaSe
of, 4 inific and' Customs: troops,'
who .ucar s kitc's"feother'in their
Soft •grey -,green felt, hal, n as led
to he practical extermination :0£
the WNW "
Household Hints
A.,good rule for Cooking green
.vegetables such . as pea,:s . and.
string beans, or.' any. vegetable .
which*matures and ripens 'above
the ground, is to put themon to'•
. ;cook in boiling water and leave •
Uncovered Until chine root Veget-
ables: such as potatoes, ,,, parietal,
' beets, should be ..put on the fir
in cold iirater1 and
Now that the 'season for ilehgt '
; ePpl drinks 'is:upon •us, it'S 4 good '
. idea te considerways' of protect";
: Ing furniture ''and,..tugs ' from , drip-.
,,ping ;,glasses. • Knit *•*,11ackets••te, fit .
the glassei. or . use eciasters,
, .,.
, / • .. A leleanitg stick ' may. be . fixed .
.•.: at home for the purpose nor dust-
ing ,
, ing _Venetian blinds. Take 'an, :old
ruler. and wrap . 'it several , times
with a soft'Cloth; securing itwiih
.. ,
.. soft. String.. ..-This will glide in be-
tween the (Slate ;easily and, 'prevent
. the &1St : froth .accumulating,
• 'Change ;the cloth ,'Wheini .•soiled,
.. keeping , one Cloth „washed `, and
ready to to replace a: second One. •
, .. .
• Lettuc•e, watercress or .any
•green food can be: kept fresb„for
a day or tiV'n., (even if you haven't
refrigelatiOn facilities) ,by witting
.. them in a pail With fi,c1Oee-htting
• lid, in a 'paper bag', twitting. the
9pen, ends together And eXancling
Store them in a cool, drY place,
:and, a short time before yon want
to use' Meth, soak . theni :in '• cold
, , , , .
watek to which' a -slice or' two Of
„ .
lenion has been added:
r ^
• If the .water in your locality is.
• hard. and Causes white rice to dii-i
, color slightly duting 'cooking, 'add
a teaSPoonfnl, of lemon juice, „.
DiSaolorations , on :the •inside of
aluminum utensils ,caused, by ,
*wipe. foods may be renieired ,hy
. boiling a ,solittion of, one tabla;
enoOff of vinegar to one:, quart Of
Water in. the Utensil.• '
If 'fat, in Ydtir: frying or brailin
' pan catches-fire;-a-liffildfift of sTf
' thrown into 'the pan is .usnallY ,
sufficient to'pht it out
If not,-tht9w ori mere salt.
Sugar" From Beets
Four •• beetroot •.sugar •factalies
wore .in`.operation in Canada in
1937,, the Canadian and Dominion
Sugar ComikinY Ltd., at Chatharn
and :Wallaceburg,' entoriO, , apd, •
the •Canadian, Sugar 'Factories,
Ltd.'at ,Ray,moncl and • Picture
Butte; 'Alberta. .
Sirius is eatiniritied to ,be 70,-
000,00O,000 tniled distant, yt it N
one of the 'brightest stars visible.
••It :is 'a, "fixed'', star, bid it moires
apparently about an inch a cen,
Instant Lighting.* Quick Heating
- - I
, . Save 1/3 IrAniug time with this lrbn '
that maitbe and burns its own gas.
No cord, or connection's. Can be used, .
anywhere; See the . Colemnti lleaor
. near YOU or write for details!
, The Wow Lamp and thava,Corapady, Efd,
Dept, WL325 '. Toronto, Ont4
'. • t81251., .
Coleman ting, -,G iron
•• ,
• Falling Hair
Isn't A Sign,.
Of Baldness
ormally Heathy Scalp Sheds
Continuously, Says Specialist
•„ Persons .who•don t become ba,ld
before they g1'4W,--411,
average of 1,650,000 hairs—a new
crop of about 110,090 every tour
YPil'44--4 Witted seal!)sPeciali4t.
told a conference Of trichologists.
"Contrary to popular opinion
falling hag- isn't sign of bald-,
ness.,” he . ."A' normally
healthy • scalp sheds. '0OntinnouslY
and -regrows new hair to replace,. •
those lost so that anjigne ,eleaping•
baldness kir 'the avei . e life .span
. „
must grow about -fifteen crops..
:Depends On .Fiiinplexion ••
',bland° scalps always•
• contain far more baits thanz"bt
ettes or ,red-hpads,, the average
healthy Scalp Contains about, 11 0,-
000. While the .hair 'turnover"—
the time'for.a new about
the sante, for ei7e,ryone, .the actual.
• number of hairs You Will losaand
regrow daily depends on -your
complexion. • .
..`„`Blondes' scalps normally con.
taiti4.• about, 140,000 Jo.. 150,000
hairs and Idea about 05 'daily, Be,- •
Cause .blondes' scalpshaveiso many
hairs and 'their+ scalp 'structure is
so delicate they -are. petihapS '25..
per cent. more •prone to .baldness, •
than brunettes. , ' . •
„ What PreVenti•Growth
"Brunettes', scalfirceritain' ap-
proximately. 100;090 :hairs, and • the .
fall average- about 66°,1144: Red-
heads; Who ‘have 'far felVer,•coarS-
' et' hairs-;abent .50,000-4ave an
average , keplacement rate of 33
daily:. 11.
, "This; ratio of duly hail., loss is
'natural and ,results , balditesi
, only vvhen, •something 'prevents. „
new • .hatr from .growirio•
Higher In.193
47:bar, Report ShOWS.
d:an Foodstuffs and Reta:1 , •
' Prices Are .Up
':rhecostof ;living ,.was • higher
Olen. • the ' pi.eV ions
month, ni' Ing to the survcy published b the
''.Depsr;trrient of.:Lahdr in the .1,abor.11'
'.Gazette fo.r .Fooda...and. rent,
show an 'inpre.ase whilefuel
light costs 'remained.stationary,
by .tbe-average faniily is shoWn at
• `88...69 in .:Aprit,..eatiinated withsthe
„..same,--figura--forn•-,111arehiartd--8.8.:54 „
for. April, 1937: Rent"'is shown at . ••
. $5;9•6 compared •with $6:0•4 in:
..--1‘larch. and 5,77 in APril,--10117;
Average In 69 CitiesIt is pointedotit that the family
budget ;used' iri compiling these .
statistic's. for Pu'rriCteee Of•COirinari..
• son iS .nat:intendeci to be 'a mini,.
f.rntirii budget andt is not .based•vit;':.
:quantities': whielt would be used:lisrl
'an average' family. it juit"
gratinof foodstuffs ' Priced each
m.onth. in., 69 :..canadian citics to
••• show' price trendi.
Einployment inthe furniture iri-
•:austry • showed 'a slight (10C1'('1150
for.. April, at an 'index figure Of82.5 . .
compared with' 844. ik.IV.Iarch,
In the"'Pt igi• elik 4stfiagurYe7srhoftw.ri"'`:5418. .
,.dhart which goes hack to .1934.,
A' sUrvey, of retail prices:, in
principal.„citieS:.reVealS:that '8trat,
, ford 'enjoyed!. leWee pi'c., in April .
then: the aVera e4Or....the •provineeTjii ' '
alinost all eta*. faods,:, The
price of t'ourul steak,sirloin steak, '
'rib roast,: Shoulder::reast and stew-
ing b,e6f.Was:roVe,Withan in WcotI.
•itcek; Or ` London, btit beef • Sol,d.
slightlY'..cheaper in Ritehene4 '
Meals Injected
,By Hypodermic
Scientist Finds Way :to Inject
Proteins Into Blood Stream:
System Expected to Keep IIj
.Folk from Dying of Starva-
, .
,ft111,-: Meal by hyp.oderin.ic
nee ittiPttivernent On, the
. • old idea ,of a meal. in, ,a
' combs'. reality Under a.disCoyery
'announced: to the. American.. Medi, ,
, eal Association,,tneeting last !..ve*..'
in SanItitticiece. .
, "The. iliaccivety ehablesie deetor. •
hileet proteins, the "limn, eggs
• arid In110 of inentis„ directly
• the :bleed, ,I-leret9fore the needle •
has been confined." to . injecting
•The needle, Meals , will save kbli'
silgare, Water and: salts,
11Yet , of.. peteMis • WhOte
rcfuse food, 7ThiS happens not
fi'equcntly , after Surgical operak
tions. the" patients do ' 'riot,,
directly, starve, to death, . their
•partial stai.vation• .Weak.ene'• Wein .
'SO that Other cornfil:icationa..,.hill
them,' • ' •
..%The"prOtem injection Icaves,,,
••onlY' fats and vitamins' out to cram', '
piete the "ideal .diet" by .needlc. •
of 'the tin'eddy.
' in pure "form • ‘Vhieb. 'earr..be Inject,
ed, and fats can be diSpensed with' ;
'for soMe time in the starvntiOn'":'