HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-07-07, Page 540.1k1D9X—.1ivIll.GHAm
, 4
baAVES. -LiveKNow for
'Toronto ona Louden: 'Daily
except Sundays
P. M. 4.55
& Holidays, P.M., 4.00 I
dairy except Sundays and
Holidays, 3.50 & 9.20
To SouthaMptou daily--
, 3.50. P.M. ••
Sandi*. and -Holidaye-3.50 &
40.50 P.M. ."
_ . •
4! •
SATURDAY.' NWT TWO SHOWS', 7:45. and 945 p.m. •.
ursei rim, SatOF O. July
Wedding" •
". • • . .". , •
"tRAViEL,T44,R7 and. :4IsIEWSL'
n. Tues , s e
The .Piftnre portrays ,the adventures • of a Spanieh dancer during.
' the Napoleonic inv.si of Spain, :The sereep PleY is based on the
. Operetta and Mottle of *Wolf Friml.
Owing: to, ,the lengthofthia Picture there will be no Short subjecte..
ADMISSION,, -Adults,, 35C, C dren 20c'
041.1.D...:.•1.:P1 TRAVEL BARGAIN
. . .
Ont., $4,45.. DETROIT; Midi.,
Chicago $12;8O
Equally low fares from all 'adjacCat. C N..R. Stations .
'Aakfor handbill and Complete • information feeni 'Agents •
• Mr. I Wm.' Montgomery and daugh-
ter Miss Mildred of Detroit Visited
• during.the week: With relatives here.
• Mrs. Cliff Bortwick of St: Cath,
'mines was .p ;hojiclay ' visitor • it the.
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs..
Jas. , Hodgins. ," •
Mr. 1:Fred ;Hedging received • ,word
of the death :of his sieter-in4e*, the
bite ' Mrs. Vanderbilt*. ,
• Miie Frances Elliott, of London j$
holidaying. with her siater, Mrs. Karl
' A s'number from here attepded the
Presbyterian, Sundav sehdot picnic .at
Kincardine. on Thursday, .
' •
Miss Greta Hodgkinson and filen
of .London spent ,a ese • days at th
former's hone. h • •
• Mr. 'Cliff Lloyd of Tonawallecta,
Y., •spent Sunday with his., •niethe
Mrs., E. J. Haldenby. •
Don and Betty Gillespie are hell
ditying. with, their grandparents here
• Welland are at ' their home here, ;
• Mr. and Mrs. Howard MeGilire of
-Olivet were :Sunday yisitors. at Mr.
Geo. Halderiby'le
Miss ;Eleanor Mel'arlan who has
' been in 1Wingfriamfor sometime
at her home here. H '
• Mi. and Mrs: , B. E. McLean. -Bid-
four and Nye. Sleisor were visitors
• Sunday at Mr. J. Sheir's,, Arrnow...
M. and lfra... Rudy ,Sieloff and
roy of Detroit were week -end visit,
ors' with her mother ,Mrs. Ada Hod-
, ,gins. Mr. Sieloff: returned to Detroit
on Monday. Mrs:. Sieloff and Elroy
renitiined for a couple . of tedek:C
Miss' Helen " Thompson who has
,been at Mrs. Taylor's home in ,Luck -
now for senile months, returned to
•her home; on • Monday for -a month's
• holiday; Miss ''Dorothy Pinnell taking
her ',dirties during her. absence.• ' • ,
rs. McLean, Mrs. Bert McLean
• and Miss, '`Evelyn MacLean 'stient,
• few days last Week with friends in
,Hamilton. and while, there -attended
., Some of the services' `conducted by
Dr John Zoller, 'beloved radio Prea-
' cher. ;
• Mrs. Ethel RauncheY of. Merrit-
ion is visiting .this •week with her
'• Mother, Mrs, E. J. Haldenhy.• .
Friends of,.. Mr. and Mrs, 'Wilbert
IlOdgkinson. lathered In the Con:intim-
ley Hall, Ilo yrood; on Friday even-
ing to do honor to the newly wedl.
Cutter...Celt:Oen read the following an-
• drteiritiut Messrs, Wm. Pinnell and
Wm. Jackson nude the presentation
of 'a lovely -kitchen 'Cabinet::: '; •
To •Mr. and Mrs. 'Wilbert Hodgkinson
There isa good Old 'saying • which
'bids ue "rejoice With.- those that de
rejoice"; and it is with teal earnest-.
inelin that we,
your friends and neigh.
bori welcome , this Opportunity •,of
spending a socialhout with you tied
of sharing some Of" Yetir „ note fonnd
•`• :For a long time "Vib" you have
• been one of our most. 'respected h*P14
hers. pot all that Yon have done. IA
our coniirtunity , and for the men that.
You are, We delight to honor you to-
night and to greet you With our beer-
, iest econgrittnlittiona. - •
you, Mrs. Hodgkinson, a new:
comet, but by ' no Means g. stranger
in our mitists, we bid you a' hearty
welconee end: sineetely, wish :that yeur
life among flewfriends hall be one
of true and lasting. happiness: .
'.May your jeiii.ney_throegh.tife . toe
getherbe over a .pleasatit ' road With-
out .atly embarrassment that eneegy
f'^."TRE L C104* SENTINE41
- •
(coittlatie4 from Page 1)
• PoiRm 11
Fernagratninet C. •
• Campbell; Audrey --Eng. Musk
Ci French Civics .0; 40010g7 ,C;
„Physiograph 7.'
"Campbell, Eileen Grammar
.French, (Prov.); Geode C; Zool. 111.
.•Ceerathers; Kathleen .-,- Gram. 117
Gram. C; .Lat. C; Zool. III; Phys. HI.
cuwaii,. 141111w -trig. 6: Music 11;
Gran. C. Geom. O. Zool. II. •Phys.
Culbert, ' Gerald -Eng. I; Music I;
Gram. •I;,:Latiref;. French 11; Civics 1;
Arial. i; Phys. 1.
Cureare • Bertram .-, End. (Prey.);
• `MnSiC C; Zool. Phys. :
, • , v. • -• • -
." Crosier,. Lorena-Eng:. ;: Music 1;
Grain, C; Civics C;°: Zool.jai; ',Phys.
Dahmer, ' ArnettaGrarna: III; Lat.
'Irl; •Fr, • : . - • '
' Fisher, ,Mary -Gram. C; Lat. III;
Zool. 111., • ,
• Finlayson,:Don;la---Gram; III; Lat..'
_HI; Frenett,-0; „Geein. III; Zool. C.
Greer, LoiiiSeOrani• •Geom. C;
Zool. C;Phys. 111. • ,
, Hunter, • James 'Eng. • (Prov);
, Civics III; C; Phys. 17.
• Hunter., Rene--Getan.: C; Phys. 111.
• Janliesen,. Isabel-Lat. III; Geom.
.C; Phys.. C. ,•, •
.Jewitt, William-Georn, t; Zool:, III
MacGregor, Gordon -Eng, (Prov.)e
Zool. III.; Phys. 111. •
Maeintoehiltebert1.--F1.,. • Jr ; ZeoL,
MeeKinnon,: Grace -Eng. Music
• 6;.-.Latin.I4 Fr: II; Clines C; Arith,
C: Zool. III; Phys. II. • • '
. .
MacLeod, 'Grace -Eng. 'III; ,Music
C;: Greet. C; Zool. C;
MacLeod, Mardeaii Eng.., III;
Music, II; Cram C; Phys.
MacMillan, :::Bruce---,E4g..,:-(Prot):;
deoin. C.;
• _
McNeil; Clifford -Eng.. III;I,Mdste
; Pr. III:- Arith. III; Geoin..
III; Zee'. ,IL •
, • .,
• M0Nall; Rae --French C.
Nelson, Jean --French
Penrose,Gladys---Geom. 9.'
• Pinnell, WraY, ; (Prov.);
`Geoni. • IL ••
Richards, Rayrnend--Geom. -‘
EldonGrian. C.• .
• Rivett,. Elliott -Eng. C; Mimic II;
;Grant:, C; Geom.' Zool. II; Phys. 7.
SarfdY',. Jean C; Music • II;'
:Gram. C; Fr, III; CiVics.
Arith, III; Getim:C; Zool: 1!; nye; L
, .
Solomon, 'Murein--;Eng...III;• Music
C; Civies.,C.: Meth. Zool. C.
• Hoffman, Marjorie_Eng. CI' Music
III; Frenele (Prov.);:,.Geem. C; Phys.
, r;.
and, love cannot ,..easily overcOnie, c;.• ,
And that see! May be peel. •Mindfiri'
of d.i.e•• Wishes on your behalf, we as!. III.
that,:you-accept the; .gift as the eN-
preSsion of:-:rour ,affectfonate regard
for each of You:: • •
Signed behalf delthe ,Comniunitve
• Wm. pienett.' • Frank 'Thompson,.
SVin,-Jack$On, . Char] ie Hodgins,
Currie :Cojwell, 'atraleke; Hodgins
Wilbert ethen :thanked .the .frignds
.fet. their' kindness and For thy are'
.4o1Iy Good -Fellows' ' bap,.
eine, mid: .social. One Was enjoyed..
-Me; ie
Wayne Arsteoeg, of .Niegara•
Fallse, Mr. and -Mrs, Brundritt and
40n.113illie of Tpronto. • DickSon
tied Miss' . Watt of ' Winnipeg ere'..
-Visitors last :‘firels- meth -Vv. and 51-FJas g:r
n's.• and friends., here,.
Mess • Meetle ITodgnei- ()f Toronto,
Mrs... ,John I1od4jn and'Ten& Wete
to. Callander over the Week -end. ;
' • .I'
.Carolyn -English I; klasic
II,; SRC. Studies 1•;, .Matheinatics
Bus: . Preetice II; :Gem Science '1;
• . ' • •
!tore Ferne.Fr... III.
aMpbell, 'AudreyStic: Studies C;
th; I; Art' C. • ..
.Grace-Musie . Fri
Sec. Studies. C;• Art- C. •
• •• • .
ook, ;Jack -Eng. (Prey.); 'mil
. Math: iiri Bus. Prac. .C; 'den
eienee I; Art 0, • • ' : • .,•'•
Crozier; LoeetiaPr.:, I; 800. Stu
111;Art C. ,
Ciirean, Bertkaine4r.• C. .
Fisher, .11/1file-Biii: Pract. I.
Gardner, Kathleen -Eng; (Prov.
Masic • Soc. -Studies •C;, Math.
Bus Prae. C;.. Gee,: Science C; 'Art
Gibson', Kathleen, -Eng. C; Mus
C; Fr: C; Sac., Studies C; Math. C
Bu. Prac.: C; 'Gee. Science .c.; Art'
Hunter, James--atfueic II; , Fr:
Gen: Science . I; :
• :Jewitt,. Music
Fr. II; • Soc. 'Studies 'C; r Math. III
'Practice III; Gen,' Be:' I; Art
' Mac1Cirinen, • Grace -Math, I. .
MacLennan, •Bruce -Musk III; ,F
Miss McLelleed' ; of. 'Windsor
'ho 'is-hame,; ftie • eacetien: titi 'zone
.te • Nett& Ontalit) for . pie of
weeks., • : . • • • • •
, aeti Arther• .'-.lrael,Yougall •
of Detroit,. IllisSee. 'Artie , Mite elierg-
iii.et. Atitcridee,all .,of Nese. Yotk,;. ate.
Hora.Ce .Mcleay Of ,NteW-21(ork and:
,Ohna. of l'oeetito..
'Ware' of Mi'. and 'Mee: Griedoil
vAl'eaaruler, ' • ,
, .
Bdrt and Glenn !Weedhain
went, on ,-.11iintley . to :Fi'llestlie where
thee:purpose taking suriunet•Courae
GeddesOf. Cliaelottc,
lieta., on a. Sesit to his bro-
ther,, dotal Geddes • and fsister
11. Aenold, who we's
James Kincardine,'
.S.isitieg feiende here this -'sveek."..
Mr.•• and Mrs • F eider.'"oh (if
' Lue'ailow . Were vkitoes' Priddy at Nr,
'0AtUlreW McDoraild'e;:, • ''•
Mr; tied •Mrs. Meleilla Coning;
ViSitOd. tit j. IL BirsirelM
leobt. Ihbotsoit and .eon
,141110, 'Like Are.. visiting. her fa-
ther, Mr,.. F. •Lituistie; .Nettli
'Line." • , • .•
mut 'mit. Milton Aleithiler eile
&tektite -I' • alhis Marie also .Misses
Belib ,and"' Al Mit! !Ale fid6r .of •
, kartott are seem -Otte, a..rouple• of
treeWs ttentiOn • st theieefettir
' Recent 'viSitoeg: at tlig"•,heiMte'of Ate.;
tititt Mrs Jas. flunti'p \VtSrO
Colwell, TivdrtOtt; ,1%fr. and Alis.. ;bro.
'McPaYden, Tieeetone: Mf and
oo..kinmer and:. ,frimityv tictiroit:'
and Vouiv- of Toronto, • fOtAl"
MAY of-, the. Yu , • • ,
. . ,
grA„ Arnold .n.a8Sed°
This-prograninie becomes effectiee
July 1st, 1938: patients who are able
); to pay, all or 'Part of their mainteminee
C;. in sanatoritim ,Vvi:11 be •expected to do. .
C. so as heretofore., - •
The Minister emphasizes the feet
that the Geiverpmerit is: taking on Pa
C; additional responsibility • whatever
with4e,SPeet--•tri"Pirblic general nos-
': pite!ls and the 'care. of indigent pat,.
tents • therein Such institutiens
, continue to. receive Government'suP
r. -
Port: in the of statutory per diem
'grants but the Main .,resPonsibilitY
for their operation Will, as in the Past?
reinain ; with the, communities which
.. •
,PA0 nv4
pu4lisho Overr Thu_,rs.d4i17'
at LneitneIvi, PPtarlti,
Mrs. .D. etlaCKenzie.= prtwiet,01:''
-CamPbell Thompson-f'ublisher •
• THURSPAY. JULY 7T11, 1938
New: Proyincial Legislation Relieves
Municipalities of Indigent. Patients
Maintenance in Sanatoria -is Re-
' -
suit of Studying ..Proersim Of: Tub.-
erculoeis .Control- Municipahties
Still. Responsible For Share or Cost
Of -After Care •
Fellowing" the approval of the
Lieutenent-Governor Copheil of the
regulations' relating to the recent
Apenclinerles to the Sanatoria for
Consilteptives,Act'WherebY the Pt
hula' Government relieves the ,mun-
icipalities.. of the coat of maintenance
for indigent patients in sanatoria; the.
Honourable Mr. Harold Kirby, Min-
ister of Health outlined' the policy of
the GOVerinnent in respect to this
This 'Legislation Was introduced as
a result of an extensive study . of the
Programme of ;._tuibercPlesis °control.
which.revealed 'Olt in many instances
suitable and necessary care .for those
dently not been previded because of
suffering ; from disease had free:
the ;Ceit to the, menicipalftieS: Hereto,
foreil approximately half of 'the pat-
ients '-tlying from. tuberculosis ihave
not received the benefit of: sanitterruni
tre.atment. Furthermore the 'burden of
the costs of eiiiiatorkini care, have been,
strikingly unequal. from .municipality
to • inuniCipality throughout the Prov.:
ince. .
Prier' to the -last.' Session 1 of the
Legislature, all cities .separated tewhs
and counties were required by Statute
to. Pay $1.50 :per day for the treat.
Meet in, sanatorium of eaele indigent.
person suffering..frem tubercillosis.',In
the"ease of • counties one-half of this
enioupt "Wes charged.: back - to, the
township, town Or village, as the case
might be:. The amount of money raised
. „ . . • •
by the municipalities. through taxatimi
for this. purpose amounted to 61,350,,
(100.0014st year. " . • .
den, formerly. bdrne, by the municiPa1-
Hies, has been assumed by the Goy-
ernment, the l responsibility: for the
after-care of. Certain , patients'. is, still
left :With the 'municipalities.-
. Failure on 'the part • of . the, munie-
te supply such after-care, will
:result in the -retention. of these 'pat-
_ •
ients in sanatorium at the expense of
the. municipelity....Sueh 'cost 'would ' he,
greatly in excess of that entailed in,
providing proper acconame a .-
ion .and treatment outside the' &that;
'.,.MacLeed; Soc,.stud
di o8 II.; Art •'; • • • 7
.MticLeOd, 1111Urdean-.4.Pr.' II; • Soc.
;Pr. Ce.. Soc. Studies' II; Math. III;
'Bus:•Peact, .III; Gen.. Sc: II; '•Art C. •
• ItleI5Telli Rey -Eng. .-Mueie C;
Sec, Stud. ' III; .Math.',. Bus. Prue
.Gen: Science; Tit Art C. 'I
Eng. 1.111;
'Mueie • ,Soc. Studies II;
II'lath.qt; Pree..1,1; Gen. Sc. I;
Art, .o..":
?lIha his)
Soc. St.. 111; Meth. C;
C; Geri. Se. II;.. Art 'C, • , • •
Lotna.--•Eng: :(Ptov, ) Musk
C;„, 'Sec: Studies C; Meth, C; ,
*C; • Gen. Sc: III; Art. 'III.
C; • Music '`C;
III; Soc. St,. C; 'Bus. 'Pre& C. •
Marye-Eag. Mueie'"I;,
Pe 0; Soc, 8.tedies .Math. II; Bps:
peed. II; Gen, Sc.. 14 '.4krt.. •
• Seioinoii; Mtitvire-altith. C.
'Steward, Gordon.: -••:- • Eng. (Ptile.);,
Alsisie. 0; Soc. Studies, C.; nue.: Prue:
C; Art ' .
• -TOYlor, Musicl
Ill; • Pr.or,C; Soc, Studies 'III; .Math.
,C; Gee, Sc. It; Att.
III! .'• •!-• • • •
TlionitiSeii;. • Willetri III; •
Music; Pr, Ili; See. St; III; Math:
C.:. tins:, Prac•C; Gen. II; •.Art
Treleav:(45;' ,„ (Peov,)Musie 0; ;
Soc: Studies TIT; Math.
.6eii.• Se. ir;• Art. 0..
l'auntley; 1'.%115§ht t.'
Fe; :See- • If; .1r:e •
Bus. pnAu, ti •'" • ' : •
Sun night at • the horod Of .1.or "110
dauglJet.., Mrs, Thos, Colwell.„Cou,
9. The funeral was bold en Wednekk "Yes
day, The fetralet.; end..trieticte. leiVe.the °heti
eyntoathe of A largii. circle. of .trietitli t
h eront etneitf„ .
„ .Mac ENN-;- (Ptine)
h the been in an, ait.,
Sanibel" "
salt Alt, wcht, Otte
bet Mi • .•terie go. siteered' Ah
let all inah weight down,"
el •
'they serve; •
•The rose iS red
13,• 1 n. ‘sa°tcetiagi overdue. et1 isb, cic. iiit :31:;11t.tihweehen
. violet
•• pep' if you do
Delay i'f'thes, •
13Ni000vinielfeotr ivuisl , • .
UnieSs Yon •PaY.; •
The rose will fait,
Upoti yeitr.fair
•, And Moab?". cheat
The birds Will 'sing'
what th
at nooftheaatt.!
shallWO .,th'ont•
'Where We're at, '
' 'genie across ,
We need the dough
Net in the Fall
But tio*; you know!
'The, tose is red '
The Violet's` blue;
Do cadli ?
• hr we de
tuteheri "Shall r dress the chititen
for atreefintiarint„?',",
• Mts. Newlywed: "Please. if Yoe 'Oil,
don't know what their' wearing this
Last Wednesday afternoarl. tlio lad-
ies and 'children of the . community
.gathered, at. the -school to Present the
teacher, Mr. Gordon- Campbell with
a41)eklavteil4Y galm°6eks.'.01411P1Up4fchte.rw4ao:n.serw'Vagstir
by the .:14dies. The following address
Was "read by Master. Buddy Ilamilton
arid Master Doregraa Macpiermid
made the presentation, ,
Dear Teacher,- • •
Having learned 'of your departure
. fffirral a° °II; have d:'atthWeree dY°11t Q dr pupilsaYt oo haenwd
• a; appreciation of '. Yonr ,'WO:r1t
since Yaif have comel,anoong us:, As •a
teacher; your work shows for itself.
and .the examPle You -,haYe act will
not .easilv he forgotten., In, the corn,
cYn Foo:t • tRY, ha yrs t9 iWtWt eel wt1d4. ask willing11t slight
gimp -made. and • Yvi4hing YOU every
success' in the ftturei. .
'Siknd. on behalf the School :sec-
, lfiths Mary Cook of Wingham Hos-
pital, visited at , her home on Mon-
Mv ra. fJt et John °Dn..•Martin and Mts.
. .
MdOnnciaya,riltPobetialkelefat'sfuontrinlier4inceillithren on
marina' training. smina ir'om•
Mr. and Mrs.- Ko
Detroit were recent visiteies With Mr.
and Mrs. Jas. ltleeDonalcl.
'Recent visitors With Mk. and Mrs.
R. • Martin. 'were • Mr.; and Mrs.
Jehn Falconer ; -Mr.- and Mrs. 'Well -
wood and Mr. Richard Wellwood from
Calcdon, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer
and family and Mr. And 'Mrs. J. Fal -
toner. and family• from •Whitechurch.
and Mrs.• Douglas Gibson of
Toronto visited over the week -end, at
the. home of Mrs. Richard Johnston.
Mrs. Gibson is remaining Allis Week
for 'a visit: • • •
Misses Grace and Bernice Blake
left Monday morning for' London,
where :they are: hath-taking-suminer
Mr. and :Mrs. Palnrier leilpatrick, of
Toronto; spent the :Week -Mid with
their parents, at Remniller and !Mate -
Mr. ano.;,.,.Mrs. S. B. "Stothers and:
family of Arthur are at their cottage
at Kintail for the summer -Months.
Teachers'. and • students are all
home for the holidays. • • ';
.1Mr. • and Mrs. J. C. Sththers and
family and Mr, Bailie •Stethers of
Lopdow were. recent visftors • With
Mr. ! arid Mks. .Henry• Hatton.
• Miss .Maty Anderson, of London is
visiting relatives here this ,,Week.
The.. Y. S. held their regular
meeting 'set Friday. evening. 'During
the meeting they ,presented Rey. Mr.
Patton with a HYmnery, prior to his
departure for Oil City this 'week. Mr:,
,Richard Kilpetrkk' read, the address
and .Mk. Jerry Cranston Made the. pre-
pentation. Mr: Patton , made a very
fitting reply, thariking the.: Young;
:People -for their kirid-reinembrenee;
Our new Minister, •Rev. 'Wilkins will.
have 'charge of e service nex Sun-
day Morning at 11 a.m. • : >.
Scholars -and. Scheel. Section
Present Miss Olive Anderson -
On Wednesday afternoon' of lest
week ,friends .and neighbors in this
-School section getliefed at: the school
to. reinembet. our teacher, Miss:. Olive
Anderson,- who has resigned; 'after
having taught' in No. 9 sehoel for a
neinber of Yeats. ' Her pupils presen-
ted :her with a 'silver casserole,. with
:LAI ;Iceman reeding , the address,
and 'I -reward -Blake making' the pre-
sentation;.Miss Anderson thanked her
pupilsfor ' their .kindness in 'a Very
;efficient ..mannee. '
Following this,,,the school section
presented her', With a Magazine hold -
in aPpreciation for the help she
has rendered in the ' section. Miss
Verna Kilpatrick read the address
and Miss 'Alma Curren 'nide* the pre -
septation. ltliss Anderson. again than-
ked the people • for their kindness
shown towards ; her., Following this, a
social half hour' Was :,'spent derk_rig.
'which . was • served: Miss Apder-
..eores:sifecessor for the coming term
will. be Miss.'Elizabeth MeIvoe Of Kin -
'lois. 2, • '• • .
, „
• •
As.tifj.E0 NOTES
, • ,
and Mre,'„ Jake Hunter and
family' spent Sunday' with fltrr„ and
Mrs Philips of Ferdyee...!. .
Lorena Hogan left for "Guelph
•Menday'. mottling, .where, she intends
taking a .8mi/tiler. coerse.- : • .
Mr...and Mrs Gorden 'Ritchie ,epent.
AThifip.psdhasyrIseovoetin!Ing with .Mr:..e,nd, M, re.
• ' Me. end' Mee. MacLeod' and
ehildreit. of Clinton • visited Will
.1-lelm's. one day.laSt week. .• ;
;Mr.' ahd Mrs. Vill Hunter, uAd
ily :motored to Tiverton Sunda. where'
‘'t heY, spent the day with Mr, tied Mee..
McKinnon.. ;.
Mie 1111(1 1IS. Jes, , Shetwoed •and
Children Nre'rd guest's of •Les. Ritchie's
o'!1.MSisusilda'leya.n. Learn; and' her . diether
1111(1 Mrs. McCharles of InektiOtv
ited friends, in London for ,a day..
• •
Messrs. McKenzie and Crocker and
••Miss eA Matgaret Morntym and Ein,
.einve6hill.nItctsloaiatgiliveeokf Lo.ndqn, .spent ° an
with Mr. '•arid Mrs.,
. •
Mt.. and Mrs. ' Verne IlUntee of
Lirekn'ote Visited Mr: and Mrs. A.
Helm Siinday eVening: ' • •
• , Mr. ,end °Mrs, -Mike Ilegan etiter:
teined a feat. Of "Mr..'llee...an'e friends
,who had •"stlent the winter inOfiths,
with him in Florida, On Wednesday
of InSt Week, Mt. and MrS.13oltoe,
Mr. and llfra, Stewert. Mr. and • Mrs.
Deinen, Mrs, Snell: 'Miss, Hodgerth.
rind Mi'. and LIcinthrope. Of Eke-
teic, ' • .
' Mrs. 13 GibSon of Detreit, who haa
been Vi8ititig'Ashfieltr friends ret.utn,,
ed, home Oli Tuesiley.
Mr. and • Mrs Tom Helm of .Port.
Elgin. nildkr. Thos. .Itelin of Tiverton
and Joseph, Helin of ,I;ucknow„,• Called
on feiende here last week, .
, Mt, and Me§, 4tio, Oib8M1
Nr ef Chnton,aceOinpailied- by hi:4
mother, who 'visite& with them .for.'
the past Week, speflt
Mies, SuSie and Geo. ,Gibson;
Mr. W. .L. °HendersOn of 'Teeswaker
and IVIr• and kid," j'eter. Megailla4gb.
and „ family of Kincardine returned
last ee.i.c, 'from 4 Maar trip to Sault,
. Mr; and Mrs. 8. W. Lord and Bobbie!
Ste.. Marie, V. S. A.
of 14race Alberta have returned horne ,
after spending the past mentlt NtrifIr
Mrs. J. Graham and Frank aild. Mrs. i
If G. Sherriff -
, Mr, aud lYira. P. J. _Naylor of Tor:. t
'onto were -Week-end • visitors ' here.
alley,' ;Were • ice.Oriipariie4 by *Jack .
Nay10, Mrs. ,N. L. Campbell and Miss
Lorna ....cninpRoll,"•;wha,' remained for
a' holida,.....- -• • ,, .‘ ',:,'. , • ' • : I
Mrs. A. C,...iBareete,and ,sdhe Victor
and •1;91,itird hipe returned. to -Leaden,. ,
after /bending a couple of weeks with I
the fotriter!s parents; Mr. and gtS; .
WM. ,Arms:trong Sr. •' • •: ` . .. • I
Rev. P. H. „Riekere Of, Port Rowed
, is ,Spencling..a _few .daye, in tow'''. ,lie I
came ,"up; tti--asaidt• in the prey, Simple i.
Simon; to . be presented at. Port 'Albert i
garden party. this . week. . — .
'Mrs. Iteynolda: of
Toronto .w6.e. tieek4rut •:v.isittieS..: of
,fintl NirS, Philhip Stewart, and on
their ..retern .Were ..accompanied by;
Lloyd and Allan .8,teWart;,!
. Mr. land: Mre;,. Golden: 'Of De-
troit, :and -ivirs. 'SherWood ;Snyder of
Dayton Ohio, spent the 'Week...end:with;
1*. `•!Ox MaeDiarMid: Who acComptin, I
ied then here after an. extencietrViiie.
In theStates.Miss • •
V.`elina Vandewater. of 'Wen.
"ineton,. was a WOekTettd vigitor' With
her • aunt and Me., end. Mks..
leaving on
for Londoii 11:f:raj cl t Monday e
,e'4alii...marn.d,u'itlotbse.r:Et4.4.4.;1Sonitarist7d Child
Snider ;of Detroit, Were the guests .' of •
Mr.; and 'Mrs: Kenneth Cemeran over
Oie„ Week -end. _Mrs. Snider will re-:
main ler a 'few weeks vacation,
Misses Mary MacLean and, Dona
Hesse and Donald, Charlie. and 'John°
• ,
MacLean of > Chicago are summer vis-
itors,. in Ashfield. at Donald MacLeans,
Itad with Mrs. ellek:MacKerizie and
Miss Mary MacKenzie, north of the
the ' .9.11bilMs i ricrne sdsa 3', rile nv e. noifn gth e: a -nvillageumbertn°eItl
..• ,,,... . , ,
in the Fire' Hall; mainly to. disease
the situation Which has arisen due to•
, .... .
the closing' of creamery' buYing stat-
ions, 'throughout the country, which
has Ilno.ticeably :affected , merchanclis-
ei;gn-trOefsg. ci.eds, especially in the smaller
This government' nleastire, which
redently Came into effect; compels the'
producer, 'af. cream. to -either 'deliver
the Same.. the creantery, to the
railway express company; or to One or
other2of the, various ,trucks;.,which go
PP :and :down the Country reeds: .
• Many. of the farmers .of the district
do nOt,-takg kindly to the new regtil-
ation, 'which" they consider' to be inore
dr" less of .a lhardship, :rather than
.a convenience. :alanY ef the Producers:
who, had: Oecasion to come :to tOWn
with their 'cream, *quid naturally
transact. business there. The termer
received any adeommodation he de-
sired, any •daY, the• week, while at
present the ci•eem. • trucks call, but
twice a :vveek in the ditijetitY of cases:
•If the main idea' iiite..secure fresh-
er.'creenr. ;and a: better.,quality but -
tett, he -explanation under ihe,,Present
systoin appears to be Veld. Of, eccept-,
ance. by nion goock Citizen: ,
The busineSS of the 7village, would
be pleased to work . co-operetlen
with the fartnees; :with a vieW to liet-•°
tering eoridttioni, if A•protest
Will' be. anacie . to., :the goVern,meet
through • the .eillege council. which is'
al$o in ,eegOrd with their view.. -Ripley
Mi ss Anne Cols Presented Willi
' Water Set By let,h. Conceseion
Pepila • As 'School' Closes .
Pepile. of ,CoeceSsiori Ten, Kinlee$
sheool planned e' delightful surprise
for miss their teacher,. .Anne. Cotwell
as Sehool, clesed,last week, when they
, . ,
took advantage ,of a school Week to
present ' their teacher .. with d lovely
*liter :
• The, follot,ting, 'address was read:••
Dear MisS. Colwell! • •
' Having ; learned that You aiee'elvini
up, Out School, We feel. that,we, could
not let you go without" showing our
riPprecititiOn of what you have
for us. We have : always found You..
1$,ind.. and ' fait and Very` 'considerate.
We trust and lit:a3" that you will. etv,
jeY good: health and .happiness in the
years to Center AS a alight token .0t
Our esteein, w LiSli you td accent
this; gilt, and hend that every tit
you use it,you ,Will.have fond nfetivi.
• .
Real Buy
• Good
Overall 8: 'oz.. ..
The .1pecial Pike Of
. , .
.SINCE, 1871
"When You Ask . A i Friend::
. Dinner. See Ti It lIlo
, Thinner": •
The basis of hospitality is geed ,
food.' We offer you , the highest
quality • in , Breads, -Cakes,
Pastries, Eth. •
* Chocolate 8c Pineapple %tame? ,
Muffins; Cookies; Lemop. But- :
tete &; Strawberry, Tarts; Rolls
laA4 Chelsea '•Bitita; Raisin,
Apple, Rasberey 8; Lemon Pies
Suckers and .Horehound
Ice Cream and Soft Drinks
, •
'PHONE, 68 •
U. .S. S. No. 12 .East ,And. Weet
•WaWanosh ,
Honours 75% (4; Pass 60%: -
...Grade 7 to Snell, 83. 1," Ada
Dote, 81.3.; Lois' Webster, 79, Roze11.
Phillips; 76..3;. Harold 'Taylor, 64.2.
Grade 6 tO Merie,
. ,
• !Grade 5 to • 6 -Ruth . Irwin, '79.e;•
Ketakth Barbour; 75:4; Isobel
lips, 51.4', . ' • • • ''"
Grade 4 to 5,--Deirine Irwin • 84,5;.
Eva Dew,. 82.3, : •
Grade. 3 to 13arbour', '66';
.John Jiiinieton, 44,9. '
' Grade 2 to . Dow, 712;
6,Lide: I ,to Irwin/7;
Earl Jamieson, 74, tioris Taylor, 71
Latiretta Mcl3urne3,..teacher. ;
.: S. S.' No: te, Ashfield.
A -Virst Class Honours;;,11-=.-.tSecond
Class Hentairs; 0,-.L.Pase Standing;
F -Failure•
Grade VII. to grade•IV111(--.Waren
Zinn -A; • Evolyn Little -A.
Grade V'I'TetreesVatrAtIs:teiiiii,u;r:;itceatri,-
irie Sinnett--13; 'Rena
Grade V to grade VI -,,-Clarke Zinn , •
..-r-A; Elaine Little-t,R; Elwood 'Miller
-C; Jack Farrish-O. • -
Grade IV to V-Patrieirt •Sinnett..."
• A; Harry Caipplielle,
• Grade it to il,r-George
Wilfred .Ausutin-C.' ' •
Wilfred ,Ansiia4C._ •
Beverley ;SohnStoti."-B•1 No. on r.l1-22
• "Minoan' A. Maekay, teacher,
•Priee Of :good old 8, S, Nd
H.'Signea .on: 'behalf, .,o17 the
• • 'Veicit„ urid Jen & tut