HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-07-07, Page 3:sw.1E
,._.P4•11Y vu!‘;KS.
i.unt4rtt As)) 1.)KillrItt?
,s.*tilt.tuipnyt, •
, . ,
nod vustoiners Is, the: reagon.",fer •
1111/ Ifig de11140:0 or l'on NOtelt
etticks.,, .tilattOttrd
horn. $0.90; owlets, li.14.00.,•coelt,0". •
els. 81,504 wharro,(1, IgeW
Halfipshire Ueda $7,,y4., pullets
49,04; coekorc 87;.91. Ten. ilaYS.
pultets- ; par,
red; 4tOelco, 04.95. Weelc 'old....
Lel-thorns 4.2.0A -G1 tiatred..;"Kcielc.
• 816.15: Xlso tn day uld„(0,3 weelc,
jd In itl.t.4reetlS and. seX.'
" Add -
10 old ./c, g.• (v'eelt•
Weok. Oa lee. 1..a1'ge, KOS qnalitY•
front 25. oufiec • eggs, .add
. c0e1:4;e1s, le, DUIIi,ts 30,
' 51,11uhOokS. order: Top Not.*
• Qbick11.e4,4•_:A..v4.1son,:st,,,,,onetob.,
7c-4c:4)o: .; • • • • •
11° ‘y,iNT,'Qf1.1•CE,'S,IN•A
•ry.'lve eati,supply them. DaY OldOr,
started hi day. old. 146' three WNW/
Barre.d' ltocri, White Hoek,
New l'hinapshit'e iteda '11114 \Vkite •
1A"gliorns IflI.xed, put:et:rand coek-
.vi \V.,rfte tor price list. 'r- ii..
'die l'hieft Hatcheries 1.1inited, Vox,
..hserghs. Ontario.. • •
DE11 • ,11:01,111-
• .01-11.0,K.S.
briiodeis NOW ;mean real profits"
Pall,and %\' 11)101-. 'Order your,
Br((i. Chiel(s,,today, .pronipt diliv-
• erY on almost all breed. llrity
Ilateher,'y, RM. John Street
Itamiitun, 'Ontario. ,
• •
oc,44, • •Get 91' the pro4
tits to.: be made from eggs nek.t
• 10511' kind - Order Bray
eliielcs, today. l.rompt shipznent
'almost n11. breedo. Bray
. ,1,30 John: Street No:1.th,, hionilton,
-••• Ontario. - •
,JLAS'I? •V LAU; :.1.M.'S '1.1.1,1 A y PIILL1.1T.:•is•
' • 1:0.60,4• 'tliontln-,1i,' 116', 1(11
.1• .111.i 141 . Opt .1(nd.
/-1.i•a3'•-• • utiets.---ilito
Ill'uOtK•rs II t new,. Proznpt
two,.1;r1iS, diery, 130 Jain
. . .
• (*Ark e(•,..s.;orth, ham Oh; 0111.:11710,
. , •
bELiVERY ON. • cli/o.D.„
tioverimient approved .cilicks.
SC:did:ad QualitY. Legliorns
:Barred Rocks' or•New"fiatrao,iiti,re
3teds: S7.95, i te Also ..
"atid. •
starte(p'ebiehs. Prices on
0)) (1(111. ' linden Electric • >Cluk-
' hatchery OnterIO•
85c EXTElt-
• ,:hinate'S bedbugs --cotilc.roacIpes
utt.44-`eriatetze, Dern°. goth
'ic-1oc k18 the nio(1). worm., At
. Eaton, Tamblyn and' et 11-:.
, leading' stores ,ut. •Derlit:
•„duets. 'rorotitil'. • ' .
. foundation stock,' ,priecs ;reason-
: able. %%'rite Abner -
ville. Ontario. • - • '
• '
VUltNIT Vitt:
. . •
• • , 0
478. YOnge St., Toronto
,ElVerY artiele• Marked doWn" tor
-quick Sale:. „Ave flijor,•
• space regardless. Lif 'Cost. .A real op-
portunity to buY, good. Feconditioned
. furniture. at a: fraction ot act ual.
, value. .,LiSteil are 4 -few of lbe,o4t- •••
St(itidtiik; valtles ,pieked • aVraodum
, •• iron/ our enormous stoek.: . •
. slihulAi;S• . •
• CQVeri Ir.,bafi' 'reveroibie•
orim. 3 piece suite,
tta:brown iepp
. onslitons.CA , ...•• ••• • •
ag Oda :oli.eaterfieidO4' Assorted,
covers... Marshallspring.
CushietiO.• • • .• • • .
$24• 95 Piece skiiie.Ljood., renD •.,
. .
`fs'y oprilis re- • .•
tersible cushions.. ' •
19,0 gn '3 piece:•Suite Ve7,.
"r"'`"..."'„ lour, reversible Ll'ilarshall'
opring,cushicins: •• '• • • ' ' •
$325n 1, out es, ttseorted veiont•
andreffp coves, "4.11411
Yreversible•ctishrOns.'•• ---41
1.17. ‘wiful mohair Suites.
""irw-* . ,.iarge •reVeisibl
• shall .eihillintie..•••in bine, ,Ivainut and•''
. , • •• •
$ 45.fin.4 rcbulIt suites., new
in bkriett.rust' and
j:opps,. •'Mz'Lrshall• -
$49.06 biVnif.neW, :0/1:(:is n• no-
. , sorted repps,. Mar,shall
...reversible, cushions. Some
• ShOw woad fronts, • ,
pieces. in.,-„elc.w
ir alnot,
$""w. •dresSer,
• full', size .. ,bed, ,,,sagless' spring. 'and
..brand• felt niattveis.• • •
gn OreSser 1I1)(1 bed In WainUt
'1,'•`!•64,%0 finish, Con)1)lete .vritli Sag -
less spring and 'new niattress...
/Alarm. eleautifiil '4 itilt)ce..,
T.•.w.•••••••!, dresser, fall Size hed; van- /.
• 113' and chiffonier ahd 'rich 2 tone
'Walnut finish. • •• "
ggcb.nn Modern shite
*r!'"f •-•%wort mirror. dresSer.•, full size
• ,bed.,, .ehiftoitier,say,^less , spring and
now felt intatreSs. ; •' , •,' '- •
, $69.00 so 1)0 tfi'"-(tafk 'walnut
, finish. .dresser. ' vanity,
• chifronier, lied,. spring' and nia.ttress
• cit sanuile stii(e,(new,)'
•111..4'"‘". valfily,, with ‘"e.i(et0in
• ror, chiffonier, and full panel hed.
00.(3), • • • ' • '
cn r.foo I 5 ''cli'alvers,, With.
• ,tr.-,•u••• • .mieror'poelis..'
meta as New chiffrofies. cOlonfal
'w•••" design, .5. draweirS. in' War- .
tint shade., • • • 4 •
$5.9g, fArge • !ssoetpip•rq • '
••• dre•“tert •
$1.95 assfotto,
$15,•50 .70.,%....);,tirlIrdbes;,, wit h three •
• enrror •tronts and tower •
drOWer, • '
$89,00 'Ile/trn
u:II' walnut • oillie,
•floor satuple.„ large Chif-
fonier, 'full, paiiel bed and ciresqe
.,,•With• round',V.,enotiOti ottimitatio
tot; ..
tqt.hn I Only Vatiity..large •
•V‘w••/•lou plate mirror, Oriental will. ,•
' nut, reg, is.on, ,
$59.00 New la V31111$,,
sf;(,, bed, end ehitten,
lor Itt,io o .tOno Wttlitint Paish, •
11IN'IN(7, Itiori‘t"ii til'l'tt
t9A.Qq, Solid" ealk„.(lining rofiin •
suite, leaflet, estoosion
tabre. t10' f; her ..ksnt eh:firs, , ,
spr t kg, An t000e soitd.'„,litiffet, china
eXiension table,
and; 6. Irothor sort .thairt in .rielt
walnut finish., • • • '„ , •
$67• 00 noyiltsa• oak
suite; li,q(fet,
('3b10 -
et, e51ol:00n fable :Mil ll'leatlier teat •
rhatro" • , , •
solid suite
$109. d wbutte): ohlot1 eahifiet; •x-
tOOSiOlI 11111,'
atiil 6 eiviirs iipli.01StOr. •
• ed lo bltie reg, S'.•;•:;11.116 1'3 1)10,
Ef14' ter111.4. NC••
lity thortitigitlY rew
ootuutfoniod • And soid, under_
OW( tfitineff Intek giltrantre
fectiO11.• ' '
478 Votige Si, l'oront.t.
4'7A111,34 NACHIN•VRY TOR. 0414E.
22 x 36 AND le, x Zu
• tractors;IG 35,,„
arid 2,) ltamely tritetorS;i. also
•13,fackS1))iesel i-lpower ljnit „
cOlOPielP • 14.1Ice tleviN • Over - 20
trucks n all sizea and. makes, -
Write 'to ay for prices:' #-tanna's
,Internatt nar ,
•tarlo. • '
Plim$ AND Piti)Jr*
beautiful enlargements Jilc. '3
regular prInts.,and one „en-.
' 2.5e: "
teed. -.York llioto "Service', A331,4
King East, Toronto. • - .
lined ,▪ inethod of writing six,'LlingaN
faster (pot "Sliortlian,d)..
leac,rnCd. -.6 Short, 4e1f,7te50hable
leSSonsi .Thostimalide value: tu
teacheis, liwyers, students, Others:
Solid only two dollars' for eornpiti..;
course to Business C011ege.
:Ili, Ontario. 1 hs tabi ished. 41.•
•)•:S!ft.itlk. "..
VORKsl11.1tES F(Itt,
•.8tiita sited ,the four times,
Gra ChamPloril %Want er Perms
.• out of Toronto, . Winning •
dams, bred. to• Peerless Prince to
farrow early Ili. September.- '
'Younger :Miles and, females, Shade- '
land Farms, FIQX 7, Ed(,n: Ont.'
(11&S,) i .Nt IrsT03.1-
• act!. powder. "The Oreat glimina--
tor.," Contain's ten of•
• „gredientsi. ftenuhe lving t , cause ,
• and . eliminating • • Fthenmatiorn,
Stolnaoh troubles,,.Arthritis, Neu-,
Orinstipation. $2.80'.• '
85.t." .DrUggists. , Agents LY- ••
:naps L'aniifed
• ,
' -wAST1141A,
•Get hum the parukystim
ea used hY Aalhfila whet) YIN jhbai.e
th efrat.lve Dimes of; "One, blinu.te
Asthnui Helier." Jiist, 11 fewi..w.hiffo
relaxes the' brunet:MI tubesi- reneve$
.the • .difficult• ,lireathing•. :and ,tha t
dreadful -
Inade'el•fective OrepaPatiOn ling given •
blesset. relief 'fru asthma "sti,fferers
for 0iT'thirtY-flve years. 1•Talce
vantage- cif thIS ,generous offer -
pend• ton-euts, stamps .or toin, and
receive a..twerity:fhie cerft 'Package '
/prepaid," florid antilJuly lith, 1.938;
only; Ma nu fa eturing
(Wermist. • 1:etrolea. thitario,o • •
F.N1...:11011/.;51ENT 'WITH EY;
CrY 25e order., Roll film. developed
11Ild eight pnints 23c. Reprints .3c.
years. bni(ht-
ling- soidio, 29. Riciimond. Street •
;Rost. Throntu.• ' 0. '
. .
..,..suited? Hundreds to, ehljOse fi•OM.
• ome with. Means: Ala nY 13 rrner
daughteris- and widows With, pro-
perty. Part-le/liars, IIIC. Ociaiden-•
tial. • QanailianClub. 1211, ,•Ccirreopondonce
Calgary, AlJ.'•
."l0r31S S0LV1. •
. freni your handscriting, and. sign.`a
"ture. ' Write. us hi coafideuee.'Sepd':-:
25 e!eilts'.•toclay.'. „Kingsley Docu;,'
/ /bents; , 221 St,Sacrament 'Street,
1d '
.Optren-1; •
• • rseepve,r .the 'use of• their. limbs 0:1-
, dor. our new., treain
t,ent. •AVe'give
the. fa.rn'ous foot , .for
tired aching ,.feet. Hay. Feyer:' re-
5119Pds. instantly -to, our t realnicnt.
ho,n,t• suffer. Consult no regard- •
in(r, ,raoe. Adanas .Health
Clinic, 1, mile west 'Erindale
•13undas llighwaY; • •
',remedy. 'Te.s.
timonials„ • Guaranteed. Ade'ice
ee , 'MIX 1,', Winnipeg.
311'111)1OA1--1.11V13: STOC!i:
Log'5 'Mineral • excells. • anything
obtainable .for,Swolleii Udder,. Ga
get, Bleeding. Tea t Ringworm, or
"...Scratches on .1tor!=o;..! feet.: Results '
. Welt". and (,(0m)l0te. saves wor•rr
and expense. Sent by mall. Free •
' foOnti Son l.ui 'Mineral
Benikidies. 916 Robson'Street, Von -
000 Von,
hat, S.cienc.e
The Cause' of 8iPeP
Co neiusi ye. ,Preof that Slecir is
caused by changes in the nervous
• system instead Of in the blood' was
.reported at Moscow, laSt,
week by Soviet • scientists ' who
have been . studying , the strange
case of; Siamese twihs who have ,
one body buttwo head's.' Although
there. is only, kstnop bloodstreoni,
one tt.vin, sleeps while, the °thee is
• The twin girls. til'e being_ stid-
• AO An,: the clinic of Profes"Sor-
:piker,anir4 'whoI'U•ported to the
gtiStitnte: of ',.EXPeriniental •
' .Nedlcine.
Air Injection Rel:eves PAirt •
Injection of air into muSeles 16;
relieve' chrenie paio •, ,vaS demon-
strated in .the sCientifie ,eXhibits
',of:the ,Amertean' Medical ASsocia-
tion convention at San Francisco.'
•. The air goes 'in through a hypo,'
dermic needle and lubricates the. •
spaces a.long ..whieh one bunch of
• latiscles slides' over another. The
Chinese:originated this air greaSe•
thousands of years: ago;\ but the
modern: diseoveries demOnstrated,
have resulted in finding Virtually
new . field in 'hinnah• anatomy
•and new explanations of causes of '
pain. • ,
Dangers of air :injection by Un
' Skilled,perions,."however, are Ver
Mustar'• cl Gas and . Bronchitis
Mustard gas,: thich eaUses one
of the most herrible deathi. , in
.„.modern warfare,as pictured as
a fir:realest aid to niedical science
in ;the cure -Of re,spiratbry dis.eases.
The ; paradoXiCal disclOsure as
made at • Philadelphia :before the •
International Hahnemannian 'As-
, s.ociation
ofToronto. • •
, The:idea of •the ,ketnedY . was•
born of •, the homeopathic philos-
ophy of .`,fcgiiri.t.,,•:like with
. In, it free ,state ; the gas 'causes
..septic • bronchopneUmonitt; But an
irlfinitesmal dese---one part 'of gasdiluted 111 .,
.3,690,00,0 parts ,of %vat-
et -has , relieved ailthents Of , the
reapiratery tract 111 1G eXperiinen-
tal :eases, Dr: McLaren 'said. '
He sold the dilution, was effe.4
^ ,
'tired: breathing:
, ...
:Atomic Nitragg:ii-;fii-Opper -Air ,
A' discevery thut atothic '. nitro -
get is 'one. Of the cenitittients of
the- uppen.atmointiere and identi-
' Was disclosed 4t Los Angeles,: lett .
. ,
fled. with ..light• in the night sky
. .
sr ar enin
You- needn't.' find. a ,
nesS" awaiting you when you eome '
juime again ,afterthe holidayS.
Just a case of -putting in a little
quiet preparation during the week.
".„before, ;you go. " •
The weeds ,which; giVen " the
chanc,C,.. grew. at 'anincredible
• rate as soon its your baCk, is turn-
rwon't get that: Chance it you
hop every, bare . inch Of every,
flower bed. • The laWn won't look
like 11,. hay -field if• the .inower is
kith ofer it :the ,feky last. thing,'
' the edges at the same time ,bcing
.frimmed •extra close.
' And the .border --cut. :off eeryt
shabby leaf, eVety, spent bloom,
every bloom that is. nearly spent, .
•.,every seed pOd, and itwill tvel7
• •
Come Yet! home with bloke •of
, co:or. • • . , • • •, •
' Clip nein Cie*
Be particularly ruthless with,
: earnntionS, tines and sweet peas.
' 'With these take off efery bloom ,
• Or nearly -opened bud that shOWS.
, That ;nieins some loVe4, parting=
gift bouquets for neighbors.
A ,viola and pansy tip: Tike •
your big Segsors and Clip to Planta
close .a$ tr sheen Horrible
they'll .look but a fortnight Will
see thein ,as gay as can be:
an you get g friend tti,p6p..111
and Watek, the lititiSe ,Plantai •
Welt here's the 'illterna;..
' tive; stand' -thew,in the Scullery •
Sillk,, -put aphid large 'IR:TN • Of.
"Water among' them, lead 'strands
Of thick worsted frOrn, the .hOWIS
iflk') the soil in, the pots: The
'Sell mining stock „.in, •the.Malortic, ;
arezi: Gener0iiS'•eornmissieno...Par.-
• .tieulars 407 'VentraB'lluilding;':To-
• Nti:%1•S' .
1,11()PFitirli• WA:-TF11)•
'Du relmidtig, Onto( iN"eekly"News-.•
• PaPer:
tyfl)fl 10 e3w.-11' and 010:01H.:,
. ly payroet1ts fo r balabee, Mitst.
elude .good. job •bugine,ts flud ,
ne Ws paper growing
.Planta then' sinliOn up „their Stip,-
',plies throup,h theNtiOrded.. •
, .
'Anothek, . is to ' 'standthe
, plants.: in waShing. baths and' pack:
snaking -wet.' .`Saiediast all ..;ar build
' the: pots,-, ••; , .' • .• • .• '
' The latter scheme. is, good' with
. . ,
:greeriliests'e pinata. as' . Well. • ."!1.
1' OtAqiiApIT'.GEliANIprts
...who 7' ha -c' ' never grown
the: fragrant -leafed
have missed .o•ae :Of., the real. .
,.preitsurea of':gardening,,, Althongli
often bearing a fragrap6I.sitailar
.to • 'other • PlontS---,letnoti,':,:,apple,•'„
mInt:;•Ymtni.egthey have a charm!
..all their !Own. Our gratiiintothe'tS:
. th-eti), antl, although
they were, ,neglected fOr', h time,. ,
• Weare again learning to appre-
ciate them.. • '
The floWers of these geranittins,
Which are 'really pelargonitnus, are,
not as large an,d showy as 'those:,
,of •;the • ',common 'geranium. The •
.flowers of rnost of thent are White
. Or pale pink, • Often Veined a•deeP-.
•er pink. 41'1e:wed clOsely,..they, are
• ,
:ode 'pretty: 'DUO it is for their •
'foliage that those, eeraninnig
grOWn.- The .1e:rites Of the differ-
ent species vat?' greatly in, form,
Site and .texture, . but all laVe
s.pity• flitittane6 When'. rubbed,
Joseph M. HaPlan,, 11S40.?
elate Professor of physics at the •
'University of California, :and diS-
•.tinguished 'for. hi diSee-Veties in,
epnnee.tion with the .4-urora Berea,:
lis, found prOof of existence -.'•of
atonic. nitrogen in A study of ul-:
t1(4417his betlajol%rat
htboarYhdhle. predPeed
tew sPeetrunt line in, the tl/tra
violet, reeion of exactly the
oretically predicted wave length
for Otornic nitrogen. This Eng
hacf been observed in the spectra
ofthe night sky. Aurera ffoi'ealis
and of .Cornets. .
• Thus atoMic nitrogen.. waS,add-.
ed. to the -known cOmponents of
the upper atmosphere .r,-hich ar0.
cex);.g.e,i,i; oz;one; I • ?:att• .c)gen
ce.rae h:Bn' pi:, a ,oth:.
'ttooctykeenhaesrgaflsgaarinis:roulssoidwe,- ,.the"
Col. Charles A „Lindbergh. :built
Department ef Sursery of Colum-.'
eiaa r t as D
ve tEtYjil Odiesgeeti, beefs- :
cians and. Surgeons, reports. -
The • breathing of the Lindberg,h
It Is a
, simplified Version of the huirl'an
breathing ,,sYsfern; .13pdie$ take in'
oxygen throug:h the lungs. In the
. lining of 't -he , kings the Oxygen is
taken up into the blood, wherc .it
IS combined with- other stibstinees
. to form hemoglobin; 'meoycyanin -
and "Other :pigments •whieh •celok
the hloOd stream." ,The blood ,ves.'.
. • sels carry theSe, substances through
" the body until 'they reach -the, tis-
sues, where the oxygen is laken
out and used. '
• In " the mechanical •hehrt, the:
Jung function' of • the beds
breathing is eliminated, the heart
being .fed oxygen which had al-
,ready;'been: dissolved; .
• •
;•You cgfinot ae outstakiiing,',
PCI tnanea slic.ceSt .‘ today ' that is
. • ,
not the :direct. result , of the , mule
natui-e, 10 man to iit'ult a big. load
over a. long, long tlyII
• Gitide, "These rock formationS.
,• were,
Piled 'ttp here .hy, the -,.ita•cier.s.,
But ;where
are 'il1eg1aclers-'1"
(4.1.11e •••7- The gone gone baelc'
Madam. 10 gel.. mOi(e'rocks.
rainboicyls the lo'veiytoken
•:When, a b@i-iit•of litt•Iii•is 'broken; '
And, I. have 'Seenlike- heantF, sta.rt, ,
Pi•orn the lii.ealting,orthe'llearG
, • ,---,Xdelaide 40ye'
i •
The rrson a• .bad: egg, floats in
water it that gases have fbrtned ;
side It. ,Owing to: decomposition,
:And theseMake it 'lighter than a
good egg, which ctintains white, and.
• ,S-01-1:•only, as these are heavier than
water. '
Important. Customer want .
. • .
two .strictly fresh eggspoached
medium stftt, 011 bpttered toastnet
tot) broWM coffee
plenty -of patteurized guernseit,
' in 'it. and two. dbughiattS'.
-that ,are not all holes.7'
WaitresS ‘T.e.s. 'sir. Would you
like O. order an's- speciat design on
• the 'dishes?" • '
Eight Foreign
Countries To
, Eight foreign .cOuntries- desire"
.14-3: show, their wares: at the, Cana,
..dian,National Exhjbitl011 this 'ear
and six of them, Finland; Ital-.
,Cze0110:-$levak13, Gertnany; Poland '
and:, The Netherlands. have .
';• gaged 'space', which is a new rec-
ord .for foreign , representation,'
Dr: Guerra, Portngal's censtil in
„ •
Canada,' expects the approval of
his, .gofernthent •within - the next
few YdaYs. Cal J. • Pririti of this
.consill for NOrwa3,., also aft-
Itlied' on behalf of his eountrY, but
hick of, ,space and other _consider.; •
, atiOns will prevent the 'Nerselnen
showing." The
ion is ci.otvded• almost to eapA,city."
• •
European eoimttiei have heeonte
fully awake to the inviting
rocal Market. Offered by Canada.,,
• ....1o0i.;ldnat Companies Show
- The -- Itailan exhibit i not un-
der the ofilefal• SPOnsership 4,6e
Aftissolini CoVernnlent •btrt tether
- 11
rider the ,anspiceS tieCtnint. Guido
olonna. di Paliano, toilit vice-
nsul of, Italy in Toronto. •
COnsur;Getieritl ,Tan PaWlida ,o`f '
Oland, ha$ potifiesI.General--Van
ger Need A. Hughes of he Bs-
hition.that not Ie” than 75 POI -
11 finis Will, have In. the
ternational The
landa will be. represented by
fay companio,
**yea tormented with the itchiest tattifit:iiii • a,
, 'eanns.tashegathktesfootiettiptions,o0otht.r , 1
Wu ittictioui?„ F54 quick Ind 410p7 rend,i
s I. ,,,I
rile coaling, gatiseptic. liuula D. D. D. I it
Preseelptiono Its tenth Ori ilootht tilt irri.
tited. IOU. CleitZ tpreigektt Ind -initialess , In
dries tat% Storni tot most Intense itaion i (,,,
ttiktatitii. it, 33e .ttial txittk, ta drag StOtt4.' I • .
liketi.,*401 Ilioiity bitcl, , 21 ' 1 ill
By John', Rohcfe
• Here's'. an ,Englishmystery wi,h
:plentY of - speed. and ' more than'',
.the tsua1 amount' of suspense: It ,
• keeps you reading' right up CO the.
laSt;pa,ge to find out 'hist'
1"riestley,, the ;I'sp.ientific sleuth.'
unravels .the baffling how's ' and
•; Inspector .Jimmy Waghorii 'and
.Superintendent Hansjet always
take Dr. Priestleytheir hardest
problems., and he .never' fails to -
solve them witha series of.; bril-
liant thought waves. 'He's A :
. eral education in how to dedlict, ,
In feet; if •• Dr. Priestley .isn't -;a:. •
genuinegreatthinker, we don't
know Where you'd findone.
:Here Dr. Priestley ocenpies .
self with the singularend of Rob -
0111 F.rarishatn, found dead in the
croakroont visiting:Liar. Cynil;
ThernboroUg.h,' pf . Adderminster.
•:It's' a blunt instrument- case, . and
for a tittle •things look black for
Dr. Thorribprough, ..whose wife
(niece ;of, the deceased)! sole
, legatee under the Will. Or could
the killer be -4.1fie Prin.ce,v a Ipcal,
pest afflicted With: claustrophobia? -
Dr,. Priestley hits his stride when
a second murder °cents, lending
new: interest to the- proceedings
and stimulating .' the detective's'
higher mental centres to a really'
prodigious .; degree. The man is
Uncanny. :
, ,
•The •Man!s, Uncanny'
Following'are jitst'a lew. of. the
ANt.,Alfie Prince's old
overcoat near Weaver's Bridge.?
Alfie hypnotized, too? What
about the plastieini, joint 'in, the '
briek'wall?' Where is .the
nd what
: %pray 0Diancjs 1 gIgain4. spi r. °W"-V1n at 11::ccirclueel'a. Bobitstgeal
•to. lunch, or is'it a forgery? Did:
Coates, the ellauffenr,'see anybody
in the carriageway just before the• :
first kilier, or didn't- .11e:? ".
Weapons," by: John
-Rhode ,
belland & Stewart '
Health .-Secondary .Schools.
How Are Canadian Teen Age Boys And Girls To Keep Fla.
Planned Fitness in Other Couritries
. .(RY .Donaldon,
• • P-:
S. 132 ,ParkWood
. .s
.',Collegiate; Toronto...). ,
HOW ' much ..iiiflpetice,. any one :
cOnntry, has had on the, rest of
' the'; World.' in the matter of the
••• Phyaical ;training .of youth is' ditn-
• cult' to .ascertain.butit e.„Onelcan
deriY;:-that.' mating; . the lende,rs,‘,
:stand Germany, • CechosIbyhp.-..ia
and ',Denmark.. ..Eoch .'Of these.
countries has •raised , the Standard:.
of::phsicai health to a Ineint
suipaSaedi the 'hiStoz•y Of .4,ined.
ern , and each• has Om or-
ganizatioe 'Peculiar to l.ttelf,, •
•' Czechoslovakia
CzeChoslqVakia . has, np central
• Control • but several voluntary or- •
ganizations,:'. Tbe, largest and most •
truly national the. Sokol
pastic AssoCiation • cele- '
bliirerthe• -tenth, "Stet" in 1 ti3.5.,,'"
At present the adnli inembershin
IS eight-lintdred „thciusand, 'Cern-
pris.ing• :thirteen hundred units
which oW.n •their oWn gYtnnasitlits
. had. atliletie:. fields. To. ;maintain
he high, sta 003 id ,phYsichl
•:ness •x.vhieli has been. ,the ideal
sinee foundationof the. "So=.1
• Irt:1;": t 10 .6,1g,Se°2.p.f'-et\j,x7fernt'sri.h.-fttlis6reryenit'irs-
Must partieinate in the weekly
gy•mnastic..prograin.. •
Sexennial' Sle:t
The...national : festival or. •Slet,'
held. •efery six :years ,ili •• the
• tat 'city. Praha:, formerly 'Prague,
is Probably the thest colorful,
••••spiring; and.' Stoil7stirring, ekbibt,
tion that anyone could Se& At the •-•.
last Slet. in 1932; the • boys frOin
'six to :fourteen years of 'age. were ,
• represented b,y oi picked '000 of
fifteen'tlionsahd. The girls of the
same..ages .performed in eqqally
"large numbers, The adolescent
youth, fourteen .to.eig'hteett
. ,filaie/Ted In, Se:'enteett thollSan,d
boys and ,SeVenteen `thousand
7 girls., The a t,8kis fill ,o -o e the
huge, stadium -1with tWetity• thous- .
and Men and a 'Similar group of
•iromeki. These numbers indicate
the scope , Of the. Sokol •
,tion,. The naiiie, Sokol, ,
Meant tho emblem ,Of the A.soeira-
tion, a 'devide derived from :afal-
Coif feather,lilttelf, inapiiing„
SOkoI Slogan.
, The idunis Of the • bo. ol e
represented , their slogan's
Which *611', translated :froni the ,
Ciechcialcivaltion • langtioge lege
'inoth • Of ihelr but edo,
show'why, ttie. Sokol ttirstrong'
est VOIttfittkit.tiind
OPIUlt,Otit! A8ObeilitiOt1 in ;the
,Sbnie of these slogans aY02,
sauna sYnilid in A sound
';:oNn?. , pe'rlon' 1:00,1itti or• glo;;-
' Surmount .y01., obstacles if
ViitI ean, tweak theni .down you
hut never give in. ". :"
• . . . • - _
..D,einnark--i-Niels••tulzh:, I
the,--attentiOn of `the' wqr
• - .•
1Vhile -there' is ;he' national f,e
ha's, been :effectively . focussed o
".Dernitark throng• -,11 the, persOrial t
of Niels, Bukh. tour: ,6roup
,the. World. in 109,.. -the •niinieron
eXhibitidris,-. in • many cotin rie
'sine.e., the Outstanding acclairp re
egifed at the .01ympic Games. in
, :lna.6; and his tour -through Poland
in . 1937 "have made his noble and
, the noine of Deninark Synonyth-
• ons with physical fitnesa and , per,
• ,
fection Of forin: •No •country has
. had greater influence . cur-.
rent -practice .in ,Canada than ,has
. Denmailt. •The • Maritin es,: On-
tario,. and • British Coliiinhia"' are:
oll ,,Danish , 'methods . for
'girls, boys,' and adulti..
The Future
prcived .
urai &ft�oJj
Natio/1'41 ImPortanse oflit:4vid•
big Better Facilities fi Str4s.,
ed at .Women's histitule
The notional importance of:pro-
viding 'better 'facilities for rural
• education Was. Stressed by prof,
H. D, ,$Qt.tthaTn, of McGill .T.Tniver, •
sity, in an address last Week at.
. Ste, Anne de Bellevue; Quebec, to • ,
the annual • ecinVention of , the
Women's Institute Of the oPrcivinee„
of ,Quebec. The education
-rural -chile-46614 -tivr-tentl te•sen:-,
Prate him from, .the ctirninnnitY,-.
but rather help:him An, find life in•
thecount:-' better.' worth,
Canada with - agile ltUre ; as the '
• ferundation • of •her national e-con-
'0/fly 'needs on the farms persons
who fitid Pleasure in t'Igir ,noegn.:
Patioi and 'have a ser:se Of' :digfir
in •farm life'.
' To kie)p AgriciAtore
‘f.If agriculture i$ .to .functi911
properly, it. implies a rural popn-
lotion ,contented, highlY intelli-
gent, „prosperous and cultured,"
the lecturer said,
Speakirig oa `;"Ncw DeVelOP-
'merits in Rural. Education;".
lessor Southam noted experimenta
being Made with larger local Unita, •
' of administr tion. The l'inclination
• was to get away from the sthalk,
school . with pupils_and one
. .
-poorly-paid-leacher.' :The Speaker
mentioned serne advantages of.
Consolidated seheolsbetter.huild-
• ings With better .equiPment; more , •
classification and 'grading of pu- '•
pita; -broader companionship .for.
country Children; more :O.Pportun-•,.
,.'4y:foe Special studies such -as rnu-
sic. art` ,,handierafts; and:a train -1
ed and 'qualified° teaching .sta.fE.•
•.• •
: •
ties' Cogs -
Produce Shellac
puree of Useful Cornmodity,ls
A Stiange One -- Tiny
1netLi in India- '
shellac used on artieies xvfiich
Te- seeni in eery h6ine; but :net one
person in • a thousand could: noble
the.lsource of this' usefulCominOd- •
ity; Sliella-ef is the 0erooat or out
side shell of the claccifer lac,ea,"-'.' 'a
tiny • beetle whieh fiteS, i ladia;„
. About 150.006. shell's...go' to ,make' •
poand" of shellac., ,
Originally the 11helIs were. made
into a. red!'dye, .but now scientiSts.,
• 'hove made a cheaper synthetie dye,'
ecilially•kopth. They have tried also ,
to ,make Synthetic shellae;. but, so,.
far.• all their efforts have ;teen ia
n .
, .:76006000 Yearly4
y Shellac bas a: thousand uses. It
d ' is" Used for S14itg cloth, ,felf.,:hats,,...; •:'''
rmillineryz..inaterialart p1ai Ing 'cards. •
§. , • Piaster and paper.: It is used :ai a
..,..' 'Boor and fort:Attire protective, ' ig '
.I coated on , mirror • backs, tennis
raeket , Strings, :tinfoil, .gold leaf
. . , ., •
lubber• and leother. 71.411Olelftn 'has
shella.c. in it and se has shoe:.polish,
.'" lithberanh ink and cold ton enOni, •
els, and' the wireless and .electriCaL
industries use thousands of gallons.' .
The uies about. 70,000.006 lbs.: :
. , .
• assesS the preeise",value of
the , p,rogram$ in • Gerinany, C50d10.
slovakia • and 'Dentriark on the -
health anid physical fittiesi of the
respectivenationS”WaS. not found:
.posSible by the British committee
' .60 .phYsical 'educatiOn.• but there
Was -no doubt ,aS to their' general '
valte. three' cotintries'.
phYsic,a1 fitnesS 00 , a national
scale...hhs been., both the ideal and •,
the.. praCtiee for vet half .a. ceri, •
tury. Great•Britain has -had a na-
tional .S.eneine 6 crating 'for 'less
than two Years.
1-loW long, is Ontario, hnw long' 1..
is, Canada gqing. to alb*, riay to
force our., youth to grope in the .
acaniedic fog of. books. and.,exunr, •
inatiOns 'in our schools ?lieii
,vjfl 'national fitness replace the •
.:growing: prolessionalisin • Of •' ah-.
•• letieS for a tilts?' • The, Physieol
fitness of the •Ikonth and adult
across the •'3inic is:. a challenge' .
to. everY ,denjoeratie ..Canadiam.
emulate,' then to equal and •
,inSpiration xvhich is, so ' freely .
finally perhaps to :return Some of
the Ieftered t
.ST1 FFN E55
rtoitt` Minged'ip well
. ' bbed in abort sett you
right,- 'Bathe the sore 'pan
. • with %want: write beta:** you'
111)1. '
J Vag% tesait limber up i,
rafting Bone
Stops Backache
ayo Clinic Develops Surgely
,That • Takes Splints of a Per -
sores -Shin Bone.and Makes.
Them Into a New Backbone.
Surger.V. that; takes..slilbhone 664 .
make8, it into h neW backbone to:
• WaS,Denciried,' to the„
American lea l' SiOcia don .
Tho sitrgery .18,,5O7tething.neWin,
;bone 'grafting , deteloned at:. the.,
.11i1lyo cirlic. RoChester," MilIn. 11
takeS:Splinta :of, n •,peusoife• •shin- .„
bons 'dud 'Mtes .thein tolaS-7.a. bridge ..:
six itieltes•lengthWise. pi the' acting,
part dt hi‘ back: ,
TwoStrips of Shin -
;• 'WO .s:rips of
parallel. 'like the string pieees,..Of an
eaginee,r,ing :tridge, efiipsof bgne,,,
, 'dropped . upon the Vertebrae' #!iing.
$144 .thottle. "4:1d4:it bOnet;Serves'as.,
e.;11111i.;11 t t' e the.'"'.1;10-1)one'.
t 6 groty fast 16 the vertebrae 'Of the,
basistioae..Thie,,natitral: bridge then,
Jnduces fur hep- .6606 growth, .
trial itT two. ott.,t htte,yea.r.S.1.,i1ie
'istrticture itriniger .than the:bright.
'a".111JetmbAn'Di:t.'S.pleaea Vertebrae
. cures: the,helt-e. The, oauste. Of
hdekb60e treables.,' it ,tvils„eit..... „4 •
lila Own` ky. Dr. di. Myetdog. or
w1:10 „ilovetur;eil.,
the Otterapott+, is a sltg1it..di$0.1.otl •
Ment., •tif 'vertebrae.; tsnally,
10%,•••$:"v1•rt'ebt.te.rartg r.est El ;he
Traille' Pincers. of PAS•is
hist ruvted t bt.i..aS •koculy the
'alert .fer, auto:horts ''loll au or 1.3 ,•tt
rtrt.!,lor• Untril0t