HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-07-07, Page 1,
12.90 A.YEABL7. 1*OVANCE•4590 .EXTRA.TO 1.1
RENT -furnished residence
Hi Leckie:ale with mederneeliveniencee,
APIAY at Sentinel oftiO, -
If you are ambitious, active, and
...interested in establishing yourown
profitable ,buSiness with sale of over
200 guaranteed- .household Products'',
ACT .NOW! Safe and solid „Plan for
elere'persOn.,Quick Sales -Steady cash.
Mc; 9111 igation in • sending. few'full de-
tails', of offer.FAMIILEX, °PO. 570'
, „
°St Clement, Montreal.
, Re. Calcium Chloride .
• .• Azle citizenof. the village desiring
calcium chloride for dust laying pure
poses, please notify' Councillor HerbMeQuilljn ,
by Saturday next, Jute, 9th.
. Cosi of calcium put on, is 41.50 per
beg,coverffig an area 66 ft. by 20 ft,;
cost to be assumed • by property ow-
ners, desiring same,
J.,. Agnew, Clerk:
Dance Paramount • this Friday,
Ju1y.i.Stb.`;'4'elliCartney's •orchestra.
Gents *25e. 'Ladies 15e
e The annual church parade of West\
Bruce County L. 0. L. will be held to
• the, United Church., Lucknew Sunday
,Jule 10th' at 11 o'clock.„ Membetasineet
• at the Lodge room. at. 10.30, All
•1 L. -0. B. A. lodges', are invited to
7 4 LISTEN --The; biggest bargain -ever
offered. in the town of Lecknote-Buy
,a $21.00 quiff -and' you will'get a,$6:00
Pair of pants.FREE; $24.00 suit, 0.00
pants FREE: ' • Temple Clarke.
New Cretons, Draperies, Certan.,
Nets, *Serine Lace- ' Sr Net. Curtains.
CARR -In: the Township of west..
Wawanoshi, on Monday, Sully eth,
Elizabeth Ann Johnston, relict of the
late Win. Henry Carr, aged 76 years.
.The funeral service will be held . in
'Erskine Presbyterian Church Dun-
gannon, on Thursday, at 2.30 o'clock
with interment in Dungannon Ceme-
tery. ••
Successful . At Normal .
Successful Normal' students include;
Misses Dorothy • Nixon, Luckneee;
Mary .MacDonald, Huron; Catherine
'MacKenzie, Ashfield; 'Christina 'Bell,
Ripley; evhci attended' Stratford Nen,
Mal and Merlon MacDonald of 1,uck
now who teakthe course at Toronto.
I---75 to '100%; II -66 te 74%;
III -80 to 85%; C-50' to 88%
Proi:-Proidsional standing means
that unless the first two eicamintitienS
itre satisfactory; students cannot take
the final examinatien... '
Stinientsiwhose names $10 itot an
Pear in :this report Must ?el:Wet the
.year's Work. . ', • ,
Form III &Salta in! 'Latin 8; 'French
The following students of Form III
have Obteined the standing indicated
I-FIrst class honors, 75-100%.
1I -Second class" honors, 66-14%
III -Third class ,honors,
C -Credit, .50-59%.
CAndrew Ellen-Lat. Au. C. Lai.
omp. C.' .
Finlayson, " Anna -Fr. Au. C; Fr.
Conn). C." • •
Jamieson, Isabel -Fr. ' Au. ?rev.;
'Fr. Comp. C. . •• "-- ,
.,alebeccCormoil!ied; tr(a.rjAditta;t.irA. inep,;.'
L L 0
MacDonald, HeIen-Lat. Au. Ct
Lek Comp.. e;.• Fr. 'Au. Ili: Vt: COMP',
MecCereger, 406K -ere.. ,Atie C;
C. , • .
•'CiicIntimili,Robert,-,Lat. An. 0;
Lat. COnIP; C. . • • •.,
MacKenzie, John: K.-Lat. . Au. C;
Lat. 'Comp. -Ir. Au., Ili,: ',WI
MaeKiiinote, Ain et
Lat.. comp. C.,
MacLean, killinneeLat, Au. Ce; Lit,
• ,Comp.; Prov.Fee AC. C; F. Coffin;
Penrose, Ad, et Litt,
COMP.," Peotee
Salkeld, MargaretL-Lat.',I, Aul. III;
Let: Celine 'it; re. Au, FiiCOMp,
Stewart, ,13essle-4eat; AU: II; eLat.
F ' ' r
. Comp. 11.
Vwtter;10Z 11; Fr.
e 61ii ‘'',11 Pr, Ani .00MP, 11. • ,
pearleaan'e Mkt - &Miller sale RETIRING TEACHER :
starts Friday ifierning, 'with a. .heet ...., ._.. .
at .big values 7 'offered in new,. and, K icl,::)GN IZtv,
seasonable merchandise. Redd the ad 1 k .r. .•-' ' ,
on INWO 8' • • Miee Isabel Murdie, Teacher
., .
.., .. In Lucknone Public Sehool. For. 27
-BOWLI NG - NEWS: , . . . ,,
Yearse Publicly Presented . ley
' • 1, • •„, • • , e • e
.With weather ,prevailing and
greens en.: excellerieeehape, the Luck -
now Lad. Bowlers etagece,,v,ery.. SUP-
ce55fUnr theie- annual rinks, tourna-
ment on Tuesday, with fifteen rink -
entered. . • . .
• Prizes •all vent to out -a -t
Finks as follows; 1st, ,Mrs. Rome's
rink, Walkerton; 2nd, Mra. , Harri-
son's rink, • Wingham; 3rd, Mrs.
rink, Cargill; '.4th, Mrs'. ,Mc-
Allister's rink, Dundalk; 5th ii!I's.
MiteConnell's rink,- 'Walkerton. •
Presbyterian W. M. S.
The Presbyterian W. M. S.' held a
special meeting in the basement re-
cenely."' Rev. C. ,H. MacDonald .acted
as chairman and 'cenducted the open-
ing devotional ex,ercises. A• short
play "HOw the Story flf,.eW",',wa
given by a, number of adios, 'Mrs.
M. ,Henderson, Moe. G.. Fisher, Mr.
.W.. Reid, Mrs. W., Huston, Mrs. J.
Little, , Mrs. W. Yeun, • Mrs. Jewitt
and Mrs. H. Aitchison. The. meeieal,
number s included violin:duets by Dr, ,
Little and Dr. Fonder; -vocal poles by
Mee. Pe Stewart :and Mrs: itchi- •
son:'•tA loading :was. iieen by • Mrs.
Young and .vocal duets by Mr. Mac-
Gillivray • an Mr. II. Aitchison.Th
effering. was taken and the Meeting
closed with a hyMei, and ;pre
WAS ij.A.k.stE.N4R .
„, One of ;the .303, paeeerigees 'nn
board the liner '"Aseania",., when it
1,,,•reerided in the St. LaWrence'' River;
was Miss Margaret MacDiarmid;•for.:
merly Of Lucknow and Sister; of
Mrs. ,Waeter MacKenzie; Kinloss.':'
• Passengers were taken. from the
. liner :to, Quebec ,Wheee 'test theth
re-ernharked on their ; O4arteetteYagee,
to, the, Old Lfilide. Miss MacDiernild's
destination is Glasgow, , where she
Mill -be 'a euinMee yisiter°Wifh friends,
ehe has made en" two preeimis Ole
.Country visits. "!. • 1.
Miss MaeDiarniid ,will he cooling
:quite: to .snete *"thrills" for , on
her first crossing the beet strieek an
iceberg in the Straits •of Tile:
and delayeti' for 48 'beer!. in a
"dense fog 'While repairsewere made:•
.; The -Ascepia's, punched.
When it sideswiped a rock ledge. The
passengers •weteerepioved, and with
Punlps working, to "keep down the in-
cineitig water, Wait of rineving the
cargo,' cornmenced; lighten :the ves-
sel With, 'view to 'towing it e 150
miles to Quebec : for r repairs. The
cargo -included $1,500,oeo _gold
shipment. •
, t
"Sehool. Eoaid. With Lovely Silver
• ; •
,Seree e On Tuesday Evening
,Miss„ Isobel .Murdie, 'Who ""tetired,
this year from the teaching profes-
sion aftee thirty-nine years of effic-
ient 'and exemplare sereice had the
appreciation of that :service publicly
recognized, :on •Tuesday night, when
the .School Board in - the presence of a
number of friends presented °,MiSs
Murdie with a beautiful silver -tea
Of the thirty-nine • years of her
teaching. career, Miss Murdie has for
twenty seven •eOnsecutiee ", years'
taught the primary•Ydoin in the..Iuck-
rP)TwhePtIml3eliectinSgeowoal; presided over 1..n';'"
Dr. W. V. Johnston. He with other
members ,of . the Beard, • Re. C. 11.
MacDonald, Hugle_e_MneretOshe and
Rohert, Rae, all ,speke most highly
of IVIiss Miirdie'e 'efficient, faithful
and thorough pursnanceof her citifies
that reflected 'heneihre upon :herself
and her profeesiore'TheYeseeke high-
ly, of the splendid influence Mies Mere
die : had had onthe several - hundied
children • 'who passed,- ,through h
room: with the fOundation..ivell LS
for their higher education. .
Tbe presentation was made by, Mr
Madniosh, 'Present chairman of the
Boardiefelletwieg an address read. be
he secretaiy, Donahlegendeesen.
With, niueh. feeling,: Miss e Murdie
made a .thost'..fitting reply, diec,10/
beie.deservingnese of ahything
ike this, as she had „simply' cardee
ut her 'duties, to her beet, ability and
InayS retained 'an interest in and
eve for the- little' *ries • she taught.' Alter the presentation,' Miss F. E.
acLean, principal , of • the Hign
chool apd an associate teacher ...of
iss ;Murdie ler Many' years,.. Paid
urthee sincere tribute toher life 'aee
ofkr..T0 have tau -ht, really taught,
s MissMurdie didefar•s9 niany, years
eid to haVe retained ' her poise and
measure of health; was an. echieve-,
ent •which Mies MaeLeae. stressed'
All these eonnilienentary, but .sira
re 'remeeke, along evith the : presen-
tion„, Mede 11 not On .eesy matter;
r "MisS•Mierdie to retain :her ,e one,
eine, hue •
again before the ,rneet-
g dispersed, .,e.itIkexpeessed her deep
preeiation of all the kindnesses. •
The address was as iOnCWS:
:•,A Meeting of 'the. ratepayers of the
West POitiOn of Huron Township of
those interested in the remaining in-
debtedness of the Ontario Meet Shore
Railway was held in 'Bethel Orangi3
. . .
,ball on June 24 inthe evening to bon -
Sider the futere finances: A .motion
sponsored by Charles Ernmerton .and
Robert lieCosh autheeized• the town-
ship council to borrow enopee. for a•
period of .eiVe''Years to cover the re-
, ,
maining, indebtedness. OWiteg to the
sound credit of the „township :debent-
ures were offered as lOw ae, three and'
one -eight Percent on a five: year
period. '•
Its holiday tete and for the :next
;two months, in Particular there will
be niariy•perponaleitems of efeiters ,to
and ,fro : in this coininiiinty,. We ask
yeur co-operation in letting us' know
when you here°. Vi5itokSt *hen' Solt.
, .
•gii On a visit. •
, ,
Adults as'Well as the y'people
are cordially, feinted to the 'Christian
FOlowehilfeCiub this Friday evening
to hear. Mr. Ashby from , Africa, tell
of his experiences in preaching -the
Gospel among the African' /tribes:
Song serVice ,atee pan, sharp. Cothe
and being Your friends.
To Tench °Near Seaforth '
Miss Bessie Carbetheti has beef'
'engaged as teacher near .86aforth,
in her father's' old home community
and where '.'theeer will. take „up residence
in the fall. Bessie's' new duties Will
take her to- the school ivtiere
Isobel Murdietaught for.'fehr 'years
at"the .itart et her toechhig '6004
ear Miss' Murdie:-' ' •
For many years it has tbeen your
to `have under Your
re our , little, children 1 When , they
et adventured forth from the slid-
. of: their homes. Their earlieCt
pressions of the outside' world hieve
en 'greatly influenced by the lat-
mosphere' ofethe room. over which you
They have not only learned .'the
rinleneetseefee"Readingeettreitiee and
Arithmetic', but they have also learn-,
ed much about honeer, truth and
W'e as citizens of Lucknow:, realiz
. •
418 you rhave .had a deep and
lasting • influence upon the students
of Our school 'these many years, :hp: -
predate Mere than :we can eXpyress
to -night, that in: the. week coniiiiittee
to you, Yon have laid. well an d ,truly
the fonneetione •ti:Pen which the sup-,
eritructere of their, adideMic 'Verk
has been. raised, arid' we • also realize
that it is enpossible to measnre ,or
tonnpate Mhat, you have done in as-
sisting to leer the foutidations'ribi Char -
Upon :which alone: a truly suc-
cessful life can. be built.1' •
. We ask you tp accept this gift as a
'slight token' of our eppeeeiatiOn et
our servide •bristietiegly rendered..
McIritesh,eWilliam 'McKenzie,
W. V. Johnston, ' Geo. ,II. Douglas;
MacDonald, ltobeit' Bee T. W.
Igucknow, Stay, 5thi 1838-
• • „
AsfeW: ineinbers Of the 'Pipe ,Batid
motored to Pert Eigh3 and‘Southainp-
'ten On. Sunday, where resident's and
spterner visitors. at those townS en-
joyed their Seettish tuneeeee
At "SoiltheMpt th 'Pi '
• - e Pipers were
taken kltitt en 'Capt., iVrethesereeettig, to
,gsreeti. and pipe in; sone of the. ilifeet
of. yachts 'which doekeir at
that' harbour en Sunday. That even-
ing they assisted the port'. tigin,
brass bend: 'in Presenting W,eekiy
Sunday night band concert at thAt
Lel ee'd 't, • ' '
which terminated lest week; ' resori.
The„ July meetingeof the Business
Clun will'be .held :on' Itanclay
evenink'et 8 ee'ereela
. •
On Friday,
July 1:988; at•*;•th..e.
Pre.shirterian Marise,,eLuckriowe :With
Rev. 11, -,Medectriald, .effieiatin8";
Margaret "Itethlede, yeungestedirugh-
:ter of the late: Daniel and Mrs.
Geddes of LAckeitk*, becarhe the bride
of i Mr. ,Roy„Lightfeet of Port Elgin,
elder son of Mrs. Lightfoot and the
late :Mr. George ,•Lightfoat of. Ailsa
, •
On Wednesday,:July -6th, at the
Church of Saint John the Evangelist,
London', Kathleen- 'Wyatt : Beard,
daughter of mr..and Mrs. Charles H.
Beard, London, ice Mr. ,Statiley
dos Burns,, To&tetti,.• son of Mr. and
'Mrs, Thomas•H. Burns LucknoW. •
Mr. and Mrs. Sam OW Hovered. At
HappY Gathering Friday That
'Marked ,Their Thirtieth Wedding
At their -reeidenteenireAthfield: on
Friday, Mr:, and Mrs.' "Sarrittel *Reid
celebrated:, the "thirtietb" anniv,eksary
of theirerearriege,.. which took place
July :lee; 1908. The house was decor-
with pink and white streamers
.and bouquet s of 'surnnier flowers: The
table was centred with a"three7stokey
bride's - cake.: with pink 'candles. *
Ant:long:the thirty-five gheSee •Pre-
seet were those from Detroit, "Godee-
tele Auburn and ..Lingeide.- The ev-
ening . was enjoyably sPent with a
program Of Music • readings speech-
es, etc: Mr. McIntosh acted ably
,as ehairinane Winnifted •Far -
der 'eendueted some interestine':"cone
eeets; whiCh.rnade lets of fun. As the
bridal chorus was played be, Mrs. W.
ite "Farriere:Mreratilt::Itieee.:Itetd '18"ok
their 'Place beside a Well loaded table'.
,gifts, and after opening there,
Mrs., Reid mane:a. suitable, reply.
Then the •gathering sang, "Per .11`bey
Are Joll Good Fellows." A dainty
lunch, was then served and the guests
deParteci, wishing Mr., and Mrs. Reid
marry _Mote ,years of Wedded life'
Kinloss Township eCouncil To Pa,v
$.5.00 ; Bounti For Killing Dogs..
Found in The Actual killing Or
Worrying Of Sheep -Sheep Claims
Paid At Jame Meeting Totalled
, •Cenricie reet.on.
ineinbeis presept. Minutese-ofe-Me
meeting.read.' and approved., • Shee
:claims of, Richard Guest, •Reher
'Moffat. and Angus McIntosh ,•with
Inspection cif the Same annitiriting to
$9810.0,, •were. paid. It was moved be
McIntosh tied •Gralieni that •,thiadoUut
eil pay'.a tisienty of $5.00 to any per -
Sari eheotingeA 'deg or degs. found ire
the actual killing or worrying sheep.
A eoMeliinieatien.fenin the Manager
.pf the hell' Telephone Co. let Witigliam
Was ,ordered• filed, •• •
•:The • audit of the ,Celleetcirs Roll
AOS‘ accepted; •and the auditors paid.
The etillectOi. Was .paid his saltily and
'postage. The renewal. • Of the. ,HOad
Insurance was left in the hands of
the j4e4!v Alio clerk. .COuneil then ad-
jout'iitd to meet
again: on Monday, the
25th day .of'..JUiy .at :the tiatial'iline.
one plate, .•
Ridlitiici*011.0§t, sheep ClaimL,818,40;
Dan • MacDonabi, Insp. Fees -..$2.4;
ROA.. Mottati,.,,,Sheep 'Claim -$G0.00;
Angus 1V1a4IntOsii, Sheep eleitinee
$17.00; Mark ,JohnstOn; Insp.
$2,60; ; Thos., Gaunt, Postage 'eteee-
$3.15; J. R. Lane, 0110 CeA,,:Pensien
A fq)...--;•-s2.00';', A. E. Care:,
aking to Aate-4t0:68;Vern. J. Henry,
Audit fees -44.00i Levi•Vekenswiller,
Aulit, fees -:$4.00; •D E. Statters,.
olledttirs Salary ete..,-?-$:110;25,
IlighWaY Che4ue5 '•: .
Robert MoritgeinerY P.L. 46; $14,50;
it014, Theee, 1'. L. 47, $80.00; Rads
Nos.. 1 and 5., P. L. 48". 818:15; eeorge
eekhert, P. L. 49, $56.40;, Alex Mike
eod, P. L. 50, $40.25;. Baissell
, L. 51, $7,00;. Hari* La -is, P. L. .52;
6145; Dati.:Metnteye, P. L. 56, teI9,
Wesley Thompson, P, L. 54; 1$/.66;
rankfloliiision„ P, 1. 55, $4.40; Iti55
Phrvis, P. L. 50, :0,60; Pinion
L. 51, $6.40. •
Lane, dark,.
1.NOucTioN, WAS
Bruce Jireshytery clergy -Inducted
Eeere R. C. Todd Into UnitectiCheireh
On .Therseay ,Last Before Large
• Congregation
• • 'Beforo'. it large ,eongregatlea, feat
Thi.itsday .ei>ening, clergymen. • of
'Bruce Presbytery,. conducted a:. Ino,§1;
irepregsiee .eeremony inducting",•Rev,
R. 'Colin Todd as minister •Ief Leek-
nowe'United Church .euceeedipe Rev.
The Tucker.
Was:Under the direction
If Rev, .J. C. Nicholson of Pine River
,e -ho conducted the 'actuel Ceremony
of induction. The address U., the new
minister was delivered by Rev.
George Moore of Walkerton; and the
Congregation was; adereSsen be Rev.
nietr.i.nJis.0.37.1t.aine.r Of -Belin.orei: Assisting-
• Walkerton and :fetired.from active
in the service was Rey. J. H. Ilarnell
In addressing,Mr. Todd Rev.'Moore
emphasized' that, today we need men
in the pulpit. who Are not afraid to
speak, but who must sfieak for 'God.
Stressing the.. impoSsibility. for a
ininister 01 please all in •any ecingre-
ention, Mr. :Moore' pointed out that
their first duty was to God, lather
'Ireu to try and tickle the fancy - of
all membeies .of a congregation.
The minieterial is in seine-
waes a lonely. one, he. continued. His
work sets him apart and to make-in-
tlinete.- friends is to give the enpeare
ance of making 'fish of one and .flesh
if :another", ;
Mr. Moore wished 'Mr. Todd a hap-
py and moeteprofitable eriinesery"„in
ehielt-peateeSibie'be'fot assured he
veal& go far. . " • •
Rev: Rainer in addressing the cen-
regation, • emphasize( the fact they
S&.picked s. young man to succeed
older'' in years end More
eperienced and beseeched the' eon'.
rogation to be sempathetic; ley -
ng ape not to expect the•imPoSsible
f theirynitilster or Mrs. Todd; Whom
e Wee' suee 'would' be only 'too' Wile
ng to "do her .•share in the varioes.
horch organizations. •
'Rev. Nicholson invited Rev. C. IL
lacDoriald and Rev.. M. Young to
lie pulpit before the ,service : conclud-
d; with the' closing Prayer . being
iven.hy.the newly inducted miniattre
Mies Margaret* Rae". gang solo
eying the service,. at the • conclusion
f which ,Rev. arid Mrs. Todd Were
eroducee, to the 'etingrogation •by -
r..' S. C. Rathwell and Mrs. Thomas
A..: social . hour. , was 'spent after -
when refreshments were Served and
With Rev..' Nicholson as • chairman,
Rev: Moore,Rev. 114C,Donaila and
Rev.- Young, Were calledon and each
spoke In a *manner thatmade the
hour a pleasant one. Mr. Rae •• also
spoke briefle in. welcoming Mr. and
Mrs.' Todd and in paying tribute: to.
the fernier spastor, Rev. S. T. Tucker.
vEgy. poOnx.y ATTENDED
The concei•t:by the, Happy Cousins
Cencert: Co.; presented in the, Town
Hall on: Thursday, night, was one of
ttie finest and post entertaining :of
its 'kind •ever presented here, but was
etten* " bv. only a Mere ."handful"
o' peoPle, with receipts faltieg .far
ehoit 01 :paying. expellees.
.,1I0N•011";' PIONEERS
• .
y 7"elOrty-eigh't descendante of Williirn
11 Gdecton end Alexander' Campbell 'net-
t 'recently at 'a two -Flay gathering at
WhitbY , an , Termite' to , honor ethe
. .
memory elf .ti
her pioned. •ancestoie.
The .o,ceassion marked the centennary
of the settling of theee people • at
Whitbe",ahd Pickering. e• •
Tee :late Dr. Gordon' of Iitickrie4
eees.a member of this clan.,The4eoeden
honie'stead 'ivas.sitUated tin land\new
Oecupied• .the huildeige of the Ont-'
arie' . •
Among. these in , attendance *wer
•Mr. and . MeS. Huntley Gordon .and
Mrs,.F. A. O'Brien, .brother and deter,
of Mrs. Heroin Allinof, town who was
unable to attend, •
• A great -great grandson... of both
�vs and Sunsoy Bread
' -CHEL,§1A-. EtN§
cRopouATE ,c,AKE8
-JELLY noLts
biERRY .duP: CAKES'. •
• .
. -
Clade Vil to Grade • , „
• .., The names'in, each group are anal).-
ged hi alphabet order
(1) .Preirieted. On year's
McKim, Carmen me-.
,40-infri,..Bud Ore. , -Stanley: Pi•est; Loiiie
Reid, Helen Salkeld, MarjoieScilemon
Doi -is • Wylds. . • e • ,
(I1*) eBy..exeMipetion-Jean Bushell, •
Res (iammie, Rosa' Henderson,
Purvis,'1%forn14" Ritchie. • '
,Recominended--Ressell • •ArM,,
Strong; Donald. MacKenzie,' .Derethe
Paterson, Lloyd _Stewart,'
•' K. MacDonald.
Grade VI to Grade YU'
' On Yeats Work -Reg. Ferguson
Ronald' -Johnston, Bill Chin, Lorrain
Ferguson, Jeare, ARM, 'Verna Deetiner
Shoirele: ivr,l3.1ne
arieri...eter! .. ',reap • Webster,
• By,: Examination -Mabel MacDon-
ald, Kenneth. Webster; Esther Patton,
:Jack Wilson, •Malinnee,
Katherine' 'lege•ew, Warren Wyld5.
leeenele Johnston, Bill Button. .'•
On ..deeount of iUness, absent for
exathinations,enut pronioted,:..ortaitn
,MatCartney.. . ,
M. MacCallum.
Having taken over' the. grocery
blindness of Mr. ,H. J.- Mc -
Charles, I Aiinuld-rnppreciate a
continuance of: the., 'patronage
this store has enjoyed
OUR morro, IS-7"iroUr 'order
is not coniplete: until:46e ens -
• . . •
' LITCti/40W • 'RECEIVES .$2030.78,*
e • , •
'• Checks' 'totalling $39,494.42.1. have;
,V to' Grade, VI
On 171.eaels Wei -k -Jack 'Treleaven,
• .
Shirley Culbert, Jim: Ferguson, Mae
Webster, Doris,Teyher, Roberta:Phil-
lips, 'Mary Mac,QuAig.
By Examinatione--Lois Henderson;
Donna MeCaetney, '1Jessie Reid,. Ale
lan Jelipseen, Ruth Winterstein, Al-
nia Solomon, Poahtl,,,:!;0'rin:eleaveri,•,GeOrge
lavior, Bill J.
Taken on ,trial Helen ,Gammie,
Roy 'Havens,
• '
Grade IV to Grade V
• .
On Year's iWeek-Patsy
Albert Chin.;I
By ExaMinatioe-Joe Agnew; 'Gor-
dee Mullineequale; Winnie MacDon-
ald, Billie Allin, Allen Stuart, ,•RoY',,
Bannister, Ellen'. Armstrong, ' Lloyd
'H. G.,•$heitiff.
*Grade III ;te Grade; IV
• • .
On Year's Work -Mary Louise Per-
teous,' Mary Lorraine" Johnstone,
George , Chin,. •Donalda Nicholson;
Rey Aitchison, „
• ' By, Examinatione--Honorse- Carrie
Milne. • .Helen
1VIacCreight, •Richard; Turner'Elaine
Irwin. Taken On -trialIvan Render,.
son, Murray Henderson,
• Grade Hilo 'Grade 111 '
. .
On Year's :Werk -Margaret Tre-
leaven, Jean TaYlert. Wilfred telaee,-
Laineence Selkeln, Ruth Panther,
Gwendolyn Steivart, Beryle Selomon„
,ip;e1.1hoev.eysaciaueitlonagtehsisitleednutcoaftioCilliilhei ceeAte,. asetpaanl..tiR, IJ�an mehelQi ur.airge,leal;'eetttny jjoaaenk
ada, was alee Preeent. ••'
:Etiinlitation-Pass-Billie :MO;
y •
g. th16' teeehers who are, work-
on elieir Course .or taking
eummee recnieSes, we are tikvare 'of the
loWinge G. S. "MaeIrityre• and John,
Artiti at 1-tainilton,
and Beet .ThempeOyi at London, and
Doug Clarke at Kingston. Doug,. Mlle,
'teaches' :at' POWessen, spente the, lat-
ter, part: of the • 'week. here ..!..hefote
leaving foe Queens. C
The special attraction the Lyeatthorized -
'8PPCiA LAT Lirctunt
fe6d Soli.'
by,' Jen 6* 430111;.' tci, Mit, • and .Mro,t, ,lliieeitere' ..t..a/s6tuttolgi,8:6:14'6tVridiwl°111
Ashileid ItinnA,,
Repairs to the ttaiiiittect bridg4
' dare) MOtidaY, August t$t, a.• civid „
emeeler ' holiday in the. Village;
4 bor. Ili ',fhb .iie:ighborliod,4 of $25.00; .
lin, Veliria' Stanley; .• Bettyl Marie
Griffin Seek Per'ster, McCart-
ney; McCeeight; Eileen Purvis.
JOY Johnsone George Stanley, :tRuby
Bappieter. • Reeeminentlede- Deranda
Honour Ton'imy.':Altdhison, At -
donna Grade leheston,:,,ileitin Grahame:Helen
Webeteie Clifford PaSs=--
Mary Chin, 'Pandey 'Champion,
eek, Williebeite. Gentle, Dente
eitonald; Mergeret Maloney, Mary
uteloeh. Marion NiehOteene: Recoil -
Stanley,: Floyd •Milne,
been forwarded by • Huron • Couty.
Treasurer AI H, Erskine to eelleg-
ites, high schools , and continuation
schools to pay, for the education *of
minis from eutside. their, respective
school districts.' Included in the list
is Luoknow school Whieh receives ' •
$2,036.76.' .
Mr.. and Mrs. Will Alton and*Doug-
las of Toronto and formerly ;of this
community, are spending the sum-
mer' fourteen miles from Huntsville ,
where Mr. Alton and A. Cleghern •
Are -proprietors of Clear 'Lake Ledge e
on, No. 11, Highway, leading ' to Cal-,
lender and North Bair,
With a heavy hay 'crop this sea-
son, many farMers have purchased
new hay loaders, setting a new high
Peak for such 'sales in many seasons.
Jack Kilpatrick, local Massey -Harris
agent; sold, seventeen loaders this
spring and yanked fourth: among all •
agents in Ontario in sales of this im-
Arrears - Reich New High Coun-
Decides Action Is Only
• Course
Hydra' arrears, that have niaented
eo a ,new peek. Of eeete.$700., give
Council • some concern on 'Tuesday
night,' "when, it' was .concluded that
"cut-Off"l'aceion was the only couese
left in cases ef delinquents more thane:
'four menthe in arrears, . . • ,
As the first step to reduce these are •
'rears; notices will .be ,sent , out, at- • ''
lowiegeconstiniers One week ' in. Which
to reduce their arrears :to at least •
,feur, menthe' and failing this, cutting ,
off the •ctirkeet will be proceeded with
Citizens desiripg, caleiUni -.chloride
are being netifiedeto, submit 'their re--
bclyb !rSeathieunrtsda 5.t!o•The
laying compound, to be borne by,. the
Councillore9stof Mthis
ty ownee, s fe-50 a ling, which
treats an area 66 feet by 20 feet: •-
• :A letter was received:,. 'from.. the
Stirling. Films Ltd.; advismg. Council
that due to the extreine, Weather And ;
its effect On the theatre • business, the, •
Company had not reached a decision
as: to What time to state, .
A decienee was ekeectee in the 'near
foture and in the meantime' the •,Come
none' pointednut the, did not wish. '
to restrict the rental of 016 hall for
any purposes. •
Relief acceunte, presented 'totalled
soine $58,00, of whieh,1$32.65 :is
charged to another nlunicipaljtv.
The Bell Telephone Co.. asked that
ae. By -Law be •passed granting hem
permission to • do tree' treeitning elect
anY neeessoy extension of
Their' agreement is t8 begone into
The Reeve was to. de, •
; ' '•., r 0
011111 Thcati-c, 11'0.1'W/1(10y I
Tuesday and Wednesday is "The PireL
fiy,4:' starring Jeanette , cPoiteld„
portraying the ,AdVtlittieE,
isli damper dniting ttie NaPeleohic in-
vasion of• „
• ,
," Muedic.
, before actien hthken.