HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-06-30, Page 71 4, " 7‘. • ,v • . . • .. • Pr, ay School Lesson • J081./A: A CHOICE OF LOYAL- TIES Nulubers 27: 15-23;• , :Joshua 1:: 1=9,;.24; 1-31. ' printed Text----JO4h. 1; 2-6; 10,21•• • • ; GOLDEN TEXT • Aif'ne Me and my house, we will' „ ie*:ire Jehovah.. Josh. 24: 15; THE LESSON. IN: ITS 'SETTING • liyed. from 1537 •13.c.,--1427-434; Jordan; River is • • thattwisting, rapid4body Of Water : , Aividing eastern•!and. western. Pal-. estittei flowing from the g,eal'of;,, 'Galilee to the Dead • Sea in :the south; Shecbern Was located in, E.Pbraim'bet.Wedn 016unte+Thal and ' Gerizintonthe hghway hetween.„ Judaea and Galilee; Timnath-ser; ah was five ladles, southwest of Shecheni and seven „UnTes north or Shiloh. . •• . 'Joshua *(appears in. the ',Old ,Tes- • , iame,nt narrative conSiderably- be- fore the events recorded in the first passage assigned in our 'lee.' • • eon: Thus in Exod. 17:,.9-.14, we, find him' assigned by Moses tile ...laalf„ • of choosing men to g•O out and fight with Arnalek, a .conflict in which Joshua was victor1oUS; , in •Exod. 24: 13, , Joshua is . called ' the "minister", of, Moss, Meaning ". ; , . hoper... •' T40 Ikleiv Leadcr •At the, •conjinand , of the Lord • Mises took Joshua, the eon , of , Nun, in WhOM dwelt the Iloly , Spirit; and,. setting.' him ',before 'Elettiar, the priest, and, before all : • the cengreatioh.,:she upon him' and gave' him '• .charge,.. the: words :of..whic•h' are i•ecorded• ' • in 'Dent. '31.: 7;8: • ' ' • . .. • • Iminediately :Upon the •death of .•• .Moses, God:.finally con'firrna.previ7 .PUs. promises to JoSinia,-*-ind leads. him into the. . great. task immed-' • iafely before him With a gloriously' encouraging and strengthening, • ineSagg• ' 2. Moses myServant •ia dead;'• •tvw .thereftlic .orise, go ,OVer this • Jordan. The:Major part of,.I'ales- , , • tine and. the ..g.o`ot :proportion of .events; in sacred. histofy: are, lo - eater!, on the western side of' the . qordan, River; -the tei•ritory• on „ihe eastern side. is; for the Most ' .Part,quite barren, and ;today V.ei'y • • 'sparsely. populated.2, Thou, an.I all• „ ' • this PeoPle,unto:Ithe :fland 'I/03'dt ' •1 do :give to them,' even tO: • children of Israel. •Valcotine •,:r; re-'. terred to,T, as, a gift . of ::God nearly • two:hundred. tirdes. in.the Old Tes- tament, beginning as far back ea the twelfth of thebook of now passed•since that.parly prom- ise, and /God is now about to bring to f 41 fiiimen t the hones.. of the children of Israel for a:permanent home, • ' 3. Every place that the sole Of . 'your foot shall tread upen, to yqt have. I given itt :as I spelte" nnte' ..Moses, iCt"..Pelit. 11:- 24-I...101l, ,...Land of Prookiarr .:.*FrOm the wilderness: this : 'Wilderness -is what is known as the • .Y(ilderne..as.oi Arab or the deSet't of Arabia,: iodated! to the 'south. And this Lebanon. This refettito the great mountain range known as the Lebanon ..1‘denntains far, ,north • in Syria. Ever' Amte the 'great river, the river Euphrates. ,The'nearer'Of the tiF9 great riVers. of Mesopotamia, about • 1,780 miles long, 'mentioned' as one of the rivers of the Garden of Eden (Gen: 2:14).All the land:of:the And unto the great sea toward the going doWn,,of the sun. This,. of Courie, refers to the, Med- iterranean Sea. Shall•be• your -bo - der. This huge territory was ' er fully,eccupled by the Israelit- ish people in all the hundreds- Of years that intervened between the Conquest 'under Joshua. and the, Captivity !under Nebuchadnezzar, eight. hundred • years later.' '5 'There shall not; any man' he able to stand .before thee all the days. of . thy Iife; as 1 was, with. MoSeS, so I will .144 -,With thee;,...f • will .not fajl theeTh. nor 'forsake strongandand, of .good • Pour- toP. thou shalt:causa.this peg-. pie to inherit•,the land Which •I'• sware unto , their fathers to give: .4',1nentight,say that J.oshun was to be strong froth, negatively and p,asitiv.ely: 74- he was ,to • he. strong:An resi4ing:terfiptation, and ic was • tohe. strong •ib !carrying!. .out the COO< which God gave ,him. Approximatelytwenty-flve years haNe pasS6o.sinee the.,41cath 'of /..•1)loses and the ',entrance of the . ;children: .of ' Israel ' into Palestine.' ...Joshua is nowan cad man 4116 .' :Years . of age • 14. ' News therefore fear Jeho- .vali,,. and-. s"i 'e himin sinceriiy ! and in truth ;' arrd-.putaway the reds .your.•. fathers. served • cyond the River,. 'and., in.. Egypt; arid serve :ye Jehovah. ' Put' away all the inleges of the 'dead' deities , of ..the • ancient. world,. who could rici•er give to then one tiny :par- • " ticle of all the grace and wealth ' that God had conferred • Upon V••• Genesis. Five hundrect years hake , them: • ' 500 RADIO LOG - 6 W - COW, E w Oa•F- 36); sz tc) x3it • us.* ouu • • 4' "loci 800•ci In inaugurating 'this c'olumn. ••"Air Wave News" theeditorial de- partment k the co operation of its . readere. to, write and ,teti Us what, int6reat's you •th. most in,:ra= ,cinntrienti.:An0' nelks. JkiStad - 'fireSS-'fladio• DOI.unik" Room 424, .73'. Actelai.de-.We'St; Toronto.' • • .•.Aulanes Gqssip 1• • °.: • uffy ,Gogwho plays . Abney of %UM ob.tt•Abber'7, tO. ,••••.spend iii Calualit ",,;,ing for trout , . . •• •:. Most of'tbe -Iiiiisfetil par..ta .of:pio , •grams from Our Canadian 'sl,atieits •tu'e easy 'totake but the effnits 'and . Patter' and COMedy ' are, ',Ital.(' . ; • • pluli•Matiiree Witit ,eliittior , len Preseott:rfrony.WJ% (7(9 kilo•-% efcles)-7-4 t� 5, is ono fir." , .ternoon's..most .enierititin log airin • • . The oldest attiire aoloi• on Odd' •, .C•ontinent, I,iIC1US Ifenderson'' t6,1)1, ' noodArs every 'riturstitty, 'night on • WOrt• l'Iteatre's +46.1cat, 'Stories."' • o 'yeti ltilow that: ivogi•itots • bliirttieas t: twice 47or instance Edward (1. ,Towit" first on tiro ilil itt. .ntuf ri-ot • ugalif.at 12.30 1,0 id , (% 14;6111,,. . applies 10 Ai' JOlsba's .8116W„'ars.0 r8.", day alid •1 This. ialrr brontr • • 'eaati lit tor Prichic . • TOO*-Cranadian,Bat.tIa.fliftlioratf.o.a.: ... leStre, and liogore, • ed fl ;Teri 'Truth), Ing,..,list% ••hlg all tforits:atie• Vitt • • long 'find 1roit WitvA 8111 Ionii, nig.) O. itbo rico '33o.o . too Week! y ' , nu 01 lic.st• :night,••chnin progrants: • Oopy • bos inane!' fre.eto 'in one Writing to (''ansdian. Itzittio..,CoipotatiOn, 62 • Fleet ,Street Tarp:111o: Do' Yeti:IQ:cow?. 119,W •SOI.INDS. Ar,i13',1!Ab$ .Iyhou 'yat 1te:6•11.•i i•umhling or...Crashing e•klijosions 01 a tadm pi �gi 101 011 •liave, no doubt. • Wondered how theY'... Were. nisd.•Tifii"ph':ige of eddie work IS one of..givat interesi.. ljei:e.'s. the .1 w•down. on; the sotfnii:businss, :•' 'TilundeiH-Hy beating:a woo1i iselt, on, an .ol,ovtrietilly ehare:- roOle.tifIg picitup, 'a v,NT,y Tenliic. thunder • :crash is " f• ta,197-1S "infitatoti by . :birdseed 0r4.0 ie4o1lng disc, fed by n h u (pi • • • • • ' -massage•.a 'Ci,c1Ic vibrator.. •.' Horsee eatiS sidooed iii . gra vet; ve$ arc. dried11005 shak- en in .11'serech, 11 alt goes io 11141 1011 t•tni t n bl&hce 3 our • ;NU. enrS.! • ' • Net.4.50ediol tvents' LIWt 1•411•08t .04 ntAlr441g .ti (1.41MUIlan 1;r°Zith'ilSt C'tn'7 plirAt.ion 'is A new mobilo broadcast- ing Aconisii1Ou 9f the Cor - 1M;141100"3::•;; -,..p01.1,11 nopapt• . T,.flowumit, .iiroctor, •••T.bo!1.10:11'. W11,1,.1.1 was, thinionstraled 1,w54 tci• cost eh 'Ontaria WO';'," H,8 „v.itittt 48 ,,Vow .oiltoitto '40 MI6 n' Nat 110 gda tm • 1114g"tfil 41114.0' veriety eif itnVehtl!'..progrivtitibeit. 11 1#.00; it' \V ' ile 4 el C. i nqinT hint In, 'foretithoint• exvhaliges and 'VIII be •,'.l-0.411•0'ai1e ha a Anehlta :ad:y(111,1s- 1I1) CAtiatitt 1111.140,4.• • • • Discovers 'Polio Cure? ••••-4.• pi. j;g4gerie Saint -Jacques, of Montreal, who, has attracted world- wide, attention to himself because of his successful experimentations with intravenous intectiOns.of ani- mal charcoal Since 1933, haegiven • new hope to mankind, in (leen:tr- .:Mg that he believed animal •Char- coal injected in the , spine , May ' prove n positive cure for infantile • paralysis. • • • When you -see ''"Robin you're going to SRQ some rentark7 • ' able 'archery;. it .will look as if Errol ,Flynn' is a wizard - with the , bow and arrow. Hu the. Man be- hind the hew; was .really Howard • Hill, and y.o,u. will be able to., see him in a lUnT of his oWm.befOre- long-one:oft;•those ," Pete Smith • shorts. Hill' will go William. Tell Op; better .by :lining up , fifteen Every Man's Choice , 15. And if :it seem. evil, 'unto you to4rve Jehovah4' choose YOU this • day .Whein ,ye wiU iserve; '..'.,w1:iether the gods which your fath, • ers served ' that Were beyond' the .River, or the gods ,of, the. Atrierl, ites, in Whose lend 'ye dwell.' A .choice not only must bemade by :Men b•ut ar•ehOice is made by ev.; •.'ery, Maw All • human. life .'de7 Manda :a. • Obd..: The. Men inoit' loudin their. declaration - today that there ia-rin God and will not. have 'God . are Worshipping :a' poct. all the time. Human life is: so • 'constructed that it cannot 'live *Mout an object, of devotion, '''.'sornethiog that . appeals ...to: desire ,and to-which-all'elife-is-TesPonsive.-t- ' But RS for me and •MY bonen, we Joshua' s' achievements, a man of hii•Unquestioned'eharapter, .a man to 'Whirin millions ' of Israelites' had, ' looked- for: guidanceand leader, ship,. that Man has an enormous influence over others, and now he '.14,gairig;t0- throw that influeneek:', '.with :all the newer he possesses,. ,into his pleading with the. people 'lei' 'Israel t� :follow, the only true and living 'Ged.' 16. And the 'people ,answered and said, Far be it from us that . • we should.. forsake Jehovah; to • serve other. gods; 17. T'or Jeho- vah 0., e It is that: rang '7 us and our 'fathers tip out :'of 'the . land of Egypt, from the house of bondage, and that did those great% signi in our 'sight, anci'prOservedk us, in, all the way wherein we Went,rand amengall the peoples through ' the . midst of Whorl we ;. posed; .18. "and Jehovah drovd out from hefcirp :ns all thelpeO- ples; -even the, Ainerites, that dwelt in the: land'; ' therefore we :alio will serve Jehovah; for he is our God.: :19. And Joshua said . unto the - paoriie, ye Cannot Serve Jeho'velu fOr he is a holy God jeal- ous. God; he Will not forgive, yoUr .transgression ,nor Your 20. If Ye .forsake jeboVah, atid serve foreign gods; then he Will ,turn' and do you evil, and cOnSuine,Yon, "after that he hath done you geod.`,- .Joshna. realiies that these peo- , ple'•..not fully ..apPreliend the profound significances and cOnsoouenees of wliat they are • saying. Joshua does not that Gocr will not •forgivef sin When 'sin is confessed and Mit but he does declare that, he will not: continue to bldss blii peo- ple; ancl blot' out their ini,quitieS, or bear ,;theni away, if they • eon - thine in, theii; sin and forsake the, IfOrd their God,',, 2:1'. And the peOple 'said unto ' 'Mir; but: We will 'serve.- klehovaltr They repeifed preVioue-: ly•',ekpres'Secl • confidence in their OWIi ahilitiY to serve the Lord and ' 'OheY• his law,: tirid.: by" their public, protestation :bare witiidie 'against themselves it they 'eVer broke thcir engageitiefit, FolloWing this lostUrt set u7i n, stone on this Very, spot, WWI) kir. all, the gkrieritione to follow WOuld*, be n i'enitifildr to Israel' ot what; , takon illace that „ • 1 in • • pretty girls with apples on their heeds and shooting the apples- off, Remember " th0 days when ite, studio woutfl, ever admit that .any, aetorlad 'a double for .any •• stlint? They. used to Make Q01.101as Fairbanks have one orne- tinies, ''whe.11 the stunt was too datt,.. gerotia:---and 1.10'd Manage to do' it .1w1ten the , cameras : wei en't grinding, .it to, how t h a t he D. • Fairbanks • wasn't .afraid., • Speaking of Flynn -recently he, w!orried Warner Brothers no tle. Hp bought a neW•yaeht, and ntlAtOed' to, go on 'h six Months"' trip in search of adventure. . '-eXecutiVes objeeted, They flrally gave him three weeks off. • Ile had , to go to Miami to get • the yacht; he was to sail it through the canal, , and fly to Ilbllywood to work in "'Slater Act": Off he went, and olf,• he Stayed. He spent , four weeks ,in Miami, ',A ,studio repre- • sentative went 'after him, ,,and . went back "without' him. -So jef-, frey, Lynn, whose face' isn't e*- actly .familiar on the screen as yet, was given the lead in "Sister Act," with everybody . cheering for him, and now the studio's. de- lighted with his work. °It may be 'another of those cases Where a... star walks out and a new "star 'walk's right In. ••• , • • • If jeffre,#. Lynn does climb to • stardom he can -thank I3ette Davis for giving hinea start. While al:Pi peering in a road company of New, York ,stage :sticeess he was giver :a screen test by., Metre." ',N,pthiog came of it so 'far as Met- •ro was concerned, hut • Alias Dais •Saw,7••ithe,,test and wante4i-lynni,for '- .a role in "jezebel." He clidn't „get it -hut Wartier Brothers liked, • the test and gave the young mari . a tontract.•'• They're• admittingnow- that the clever 'Miss .Davis was, right when she refused to :play in • "Cornet Over Broadway," saying ` that the. • . • •1. BETTE DAVIS • . . . story and. dialogue Nvereif,t ..up to rateli,' One newspaper man calI ed it "a very' badly written story full of inane •Jinimy.Gagney•has bought three . , tractors .for•his farm at Martha's ,_ , 'Vineyard, tnd woOld, rather 1.'a1k, ; crops . than . movie's" any day:. - They're nsniart farnily, thocie Cag-• neys.; his sister, took honors; at :Huntercollege the:other day; 1.-htlike--Sorne irowrs-'broatIcnbtorsr, Boake Carterwritea•,,Iiis.own• stuff-.•., • • his Wife, Whdt!used to • be soiiety. editor of .a Philadelphia ne*sp.t- , . Per.: ,• 'ODDS AND 1:NDSi 'Judging by recent denionatrationa, it look's :•as if television ‘Yould be in its iii ' fancy for a long time to comp. 'Helen Hayes is 'willing to ,returil': to the Mcivies if Somebody can 'find 11 her a story as•ioQ4' RA "Farewell ' te Arms" •.:0Farewel1,7 etc., has recentlybeen* re-ftrlited, be- cause of the. mix-up in interna- tional Affairs, and will be re- issued . . . If "Worneri Against ' the WorIc1"-connes your way ypu'll See Alice Moore, daughter •of7Alice • Joyce, in a leading role , . The novel, "Sixteen Hands'," has. been bought for the ecreen for BOb •'" 13urns; it's •a story about a mule • . . . He'll do "Arkansas, Traveler" t(;0 APS1hewent• to court the - other day to ask that the records . he made in 1933 and 1934 be kept out Of circulation, on the iroUnd; that they injure his.reputation as a 'creative artist ." In 1934 he,,, made ,$1500; itt 1937, $400,000 • . , Nothing like getting • a good, breek,':'-'and. 'deserving it - , .00 ...1703z..'7rocycle._ ' • .,A. 44 - Year - old Melbourne ex- ' Serviceman, ' Alfred Wilkinson, hs •• just ridden 578 miles from •. Mel- • bourne to .Sydney on -a child!s • ' • Pointless sort of thing to ;do', you think? Not . at all. He did it , . in 9 days, 23 hotirs,„125 minutea--. , call it 10 days for the sake of working Out the feet that be:searr7. ed *62.50 a day by his feat: , The tricycle was eb 'ordin'ary stock niedel, 2 ft. 6 ins: high, the . only alteration being,..the fitting , of a special saddle and 'a longer saddle pm. One of the conditiona was that while -he was riding'bis feet 'should never touch the .gTotind: Germany. iS. expected to spend • 44,500,000,000 on rearmament. thiSVear. : • SaieMeinenta'- Of Rebellion movement is On Foot to Pre. serve Hhitoric Blockhouse In Alberta -Figured. in Riel Re- • hellion, '1885. • • • Crumbling in .places, Port' Eth- : -ier bloc4lionse stands today as one of Alberta's' few ineinentes of the Biel Rebellion of 1885. •• 1, Efforts to have the'', structure preserved byi the 'Historic MO• S and ,Monuments Board of Canada have been made ,to Judge F.' W• . flowaY"of Ne.iY, 'Westminster, the • Ward's western mendjer, by ser - vie '..clubs --of • Edv-Orfton and Wetaskiwiti, Alta, • ,Ftve miles: north of Wetaski- win and about35 miles south of Edmonton, the Old bli:le4holiAe. stands only a few yards from the main highway linking CalgarY and Edmonton and, less than 100. yds. from the Calgary -Edmonton , line of the Canadian Pacific railwai. The fort's `foundation' is 'Op - Ping now,. with a -lpossibility ,,the Whole structure. may tumble jab ' a ravine 'running alongside it. Some Of the'hewir. logs in its walls are rotting and the near -cyclone which swept,. through Alberta May 12 ripped, some . Planks' off the roof ' • •: • But most • of.the lege; in: It are • still sound. Especially :Well pre; , serVed is the floor: between' the first and second stokeYs. ' _ . in the logs and trench- es, some of thein still marked in the surrounding ground, show a large force Was -tatiened, there back in 1885. I_ a ' , HORIZONTAL • I,,•5 Dariccr • :pictured here, • 10 HtigIc "11 ln.' • . ..12:Hint: to.a , • Mystery . • 0 • 13 Exclamation. ' 15'To cate „fOr: . l7Flock. ,18 Melodic• , paasage. • 20.Exiit• S:* 21 To. hive • , cxcesively 22 teast Of • • burden:. • 23 Fortified' work 26 Dress •bottom, 28 hi1ore :costly 30 Dress,arnt: - •, 3.1'Distintive theory. , • 32"ifog. • • : 3 -9444 -perforin. - , .41 Monkey. - • surprise. •:. 3 , .: • 44 Stalk, • 15 pdpt3"Sits„. :47•Nenter • Pronauri:1 ..4agistriktc:. '50•Shed as bloOd.• 52 Well-bred ' 54•Notice of a : • '„uture Marriage • . 56 Stir': • 57 OS,' (91.) . , ................. • his dancing !. 11.z:finer. • ED.Now 'Jae.starS • in motion , • • '• s. • %VERTICAL • . 2, Vexes. 3 Always. ' •4'One whO dailies (pl.) 5 ,Tucigmente• d'IVI4jaal. note. 7 Punished With • antlers, • willow. •• 5 9 Vocal • composition. 12 He danced • ,Professiorially • since -7. •14 Sickles. -4:0 He is famous " for his. „19 Usefulness. 23..InVasian by • ' lice 24 To abdicate.. 25 Measure of , area: , 27 Golf devices. 293.1416. 32 Treeless plains. 33 Springing gait. , 26 Low caste in ; :India. • 38 Thing 40 PusSY. )7' I 42 Helper. r 44 Pispatehedh, 46 Coin slit. • 49 Aerifornf ' 5553-L6dt:1:st 57 Before Christ 9 r • 14 19 46 47 .. ' .11* .,.:W1lkIL:',7...)111.411E 001EMOOlfltwATER, I USC1.0 0 5,' ripe, red strawberrie and ,erisp',•gokieri-b‘roWn' "-Shredded Wheat topped Off withafgenerotis serving of milk ' . or cream Nature's perfect.. flavor•,offerings, delicious,light, ; Wholesome.: ..- . a Complete Meal for:the hOttest•days. • .. , . . THE CANADIAN SHREDDED, WHEAT COMPANY, LTD. • ‘ . NIasara Fa,111,F ••• Canada •• ' ••••••*•••%,„ • ••• • Monsoon • Ei.reres....c*n No , Further AtEPPIPt4.•Likely • During Present Year The Kalil/II-long (Bengal). con.; respendent of the 'Landon. Daily' • ' Mail reported•:-.1ast week .that the British 1938 expedition attempt- ing • to scale Mnunt-'verestJjad been fords.cl 10 retite. to the Eh' 16 recuperate. , All seven, members are see, it ,' was said, ;but the majority are weak from the after-effects .of in- : fIneaaa, •- Reached 23,000 -Foot GPO : "..The expedition; headed W. Tilinen, did not Penetrate - far • - beyond the •IslOrth eol;;•the 23,000, - --foot. 'jumping-off""'point • for the climb to the peak, the patch said. . early i southwest monsoon, ,responsible for the failure of preVious attempts, !lived across the face of the mountain . Making further climbing " imposs- ible. It was not believed that an- other attempt would be made this year. Plan Canadian Art Exhibition In t.ondisis Enghind,-' This Griilery•fe Exhibit Work of Century' . • An exhibition entitled "A 'Cen- tury;of Canadian Art,' represent- ing • Canada's ,achievempnts, in painting'anfl sculpture during the • past '100 years, will be rheld at the Tate Gallery in London, 'England, .this . fall, it Was announced .last • week by Vincent &Ban 'High COMMissioner: The exhibits are to be selected ; in; pgilad4anct, will be: shown .at• the gallery for two Months frOnt' Oct. .14; after which they will ..., _probably be taken 10 soine of the larger Provincial'.art galleries"in Great 'Britain.. • ; .; • • " . Arrangements for the exhibition • have been made in close cO-,4ere- tion 'With the National • daller3.!...$t Ottawa and ,the High COmMission? • er s office ,in .London, The Duke •: Of lierii hag,' accepted An invitation t0. open the exhibition:, • . ' ;An • .advisory cormintiee% posed of .the presidoptS of the C.ins,c4an artists', ; .societies- has been :collaborating witli Ibe Na- tional Gallery in seleeting.. the ' • Worki•tO be shown. ' . ' • • • The Cori-Unit:tee of artiate, in- • chides Sir W,y1P Grier, president of the Y. Caahekadsionn; pA;eas di deeinnY 1,.Jt of the Canadian Group of Paints',- . • ers Elizabeth -Wyri Wood presi- dent of .,the ' Sculptors' %'Society, • and Peter Hawortb;':.PreSident of.. , the 'Canadian 'Society of • Painters . in • Water .-Colors, :Alag assisting - 'the -National Gatrery% are Clarcncc, Baldwin, culator of the T"ltora-aentili-)-7 Attie:Ranching . ‘. . Go* .1Vtphapiical omahtic Age • of -Genume • "Cowpunchers" Is • Only the Steer Hasn't • !C..4atige4 • -•Spt•ingfronnclupflute' in the 'south!, •• West cati14.deat11z-,:of-74.a .,,States •:this, year' .rinds a resurgent/ . iniluStry and a changed...one:- .• .....,Where:farniers rningle..itront itt • '.kans,as„ to the 1ig l3end coitniTy of i• TeXaS,. 'there:is less 1A1k Abotit iun .• "ling cent bunob aac1'ntor iboutfin*, ,:.nin•g.c,att1P, than -there.haS been foi'• ..the" la'st'lile years.. ..13iit it .is:not OnlY that fanners are turning..baek,. sWing,tO .Wheaf,. re:n*0:ring itaelf•lia.s changed. • It has • beconie 'big litisineSS;' in "Orgattization - . „ Attljough chuck wigani qtil! 011 front .v.alley to a11y as cow nien round np. the stnft," bat*of this is an prg'anisation tharreflecte. an: ••••. ilidustriai age': • Big ranehes.re,q;itire • . busineis no14. have then.. inthitors Mid equip their 'Offices With 111C401i.1 *bsins I1a0111.., hies. • ' ' • • • • More atite,mohnes ,tie :found .•• . . 011 it .riurch 411 411 ponies. •'EVcii ,tbe • cliiick ;wagon ig a truck,' Tho.111-10;.: the-.otintite,`renches. in „Texas , w hi ch 1.1.111. upward of' 300,000 • ares u•q•e' • sbOr:I.Wat'd radio et:MI:hinnies:don, Or . • t1.11.41116110a; . • .• , Cowboys College Graduates '• • In •rhe'Colorado 6tttle„countrYthe pilin..4 Iron has been i'enliited .8114 lpp81i itIll 11 811'USOS get:sd ;fat; (.t& 11514 .fensOs has: been V'educedel)ictriOiTlly charged- • .• . •Wi.res: • . • ',• •" !., ' "Phe,,ce4\1/1/4"100 luis,nrulei,p„onO Change: Oil- ninny vitriol:les. tkfrrr 1311t te he a ..colloke .gracluate, :Or at lOast'a StudOut at an •agri.cul- • ttil eat 'coljoe,, • • • • • . • . 'About, ttio •t1143-°4 In tYP lea fly p1vititte. stir4 ndovd1 to. hiS MOClante,a1 Ake' steel% • Ilia •'n1111101'; ht0e11.1 • obto.ged, tie $ttii poiSe • *It en tbundor the. Ile -Still sluiWS Ti1 biboa, ml110111. dielikeii the anvilot, tt •Doq. -t;