HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-06-30, Page 5•• •
THI.IESDAY, JUNE, Wall, .190
ceum Theatre
Show Watts at 8p. except
Sat. Sat., oight two, 131101‘s
745 ad 9.45 n• in.
Thursd y, riday, Saturday
one 30, July 1, 2
Forty-five fathers 'adopted lane
' Wither:a, and then *tinily re: ,
gretted it. , • •
, Alse' • "DEVILLED HAM"
. Miniday, .Tuesday., • Wednesday'
My 4: 5 '
. 1 6
* .41 '•
"Radio Cuty Revek"
,4 variety show, including songs
dancing and fun, starring Most::
of the , big names • in, radio"EDGAR KENNEDY 0.
' 34; wed Mri2Normart Treleaven Or
To' ronto, spent the week -end with,
their • mother, ars. •Robert Treleaven.
Mr. and Mrs. David Wliyard and
daughter -Flossy a Winnipeg spent
the weelc-end with 'Mrs,, Nt B. Why-
ard, :returning kon.dak,
14SSI'S. Wm. Alton and 'Allan 'Oleg -
horn teachers at Toronto, made a call
Meadai evening, with the' former's
brother, • Mr, sChas.-Alton. They re-,
turned to Toronto the same' evening
-,for duties the next c16:Y. • ' •
Mt. and Mrs. W. ,J,•1.1eWis and fam-
ily Elirrivecr Saturday :from Roland,.
Man.; to visit. the lady'ssister, ,Mrs.
F6W1er, the'Uth coneesSion'of
Ashfield. '
Mre• R. E. Willis and, M174 and.
Roht;, McMillan.* Son •POhhie ,nf
Detroit, Were' Wee1c:-en4 visitora :with
Mrs. B. J;'Crawford.
:c• 'Mrs. Minnjc JoneS. had -as' guests
hist ,week her brothcr, Mr. Harry
Mar.Sh -of, Royal ;Oak, Mich.. and on
SUnday Mr. an•d. Mrs.: Harold' River
and faniily -of GoOefi'clw •
• Mr, and 1VIrs, Ed, 'Millionand the:
latter'father,';'Mks, 4cg1ey. of Ben-.
. miller,: were: visitors on, Sunday with
'mr- en.d, Mts. Isiukton Reach. •,•
Mr. Thee. Rivett. Conveyed:, Mr.'
Gee Adams and farnily of Port Al.
,bert one day the first -of the week .sto
visit Mrs, Adams,. •Wh.d ,isrecovering.
froinalengthy; illness at London.
. ,
David s. Figgins and ' daughters
Agnes and Jean of Toronto, attended
the funeral .on Thursday:of. Mi,•PaVid
Glenn. •The..girl's."ar.e 'renia.h?ing...twe
weeks, their grandinether,,,• Mrs,
• Glenn,. who during that tit -iv -and. by.
medical order is .in lied.,Tliot, ill, but
• . , • ...• : •for a much, needed lest.. .
Winnifred McOlore, kN., after la •Veir,
day. visit at 'Kirkland Lake, N.
ri.o, Started on .the: homeward trip
Monday, visiting their; .sister, Mrs.
arta' Mrs. ':JOhr! MCClinehey :of
•_41.113urn ' were, Sunday visitors . with
Alfred Hefford;„ Toronto,' and "behat
:the*. dmigbtCri, Mrs:, .0 Q.• Rebinson
week withand Mr .
Charlie jefierson...•L1iuii itii, Ch is 1....kur.nilt, a
Iittle daughter; Makgaret ',fey, of the
inid Sam• Swan and 'family:
Of Ripley. and- Mr,4bavid Luck-
Niveri$,•.z.were visitors
Sinitlay With' -,
1lan4,Boy's perforin ' •"
.At: Sehool
The . etbool S. 8,
sponsored by.the Heine School Club
was a .Very • enjoyabla- eating ,for all
•wlic.. attended, Friday, 7..jinie
when', the. parents ',:gathered • 'abolit
.3`r. 1%, TheY. Were taken. into the 'elaSS
rooms -where the . work of -the children
was, on'dispi.ay. Races.: Of all '.kinde•
,y,.ere- run with .for all, peal;
Mit ,perarribles .anti‘ an :orange '.•.was•
Mr.' Ches.; Doughty. of Mentreat
spent. last Weekwith Geo. Wallace
, and Mrs,. Cunhinghani-: .
• ' :Mrs. Jo. Cliamtiey, ,returtied
, „home after a week's visit h
ham -friends.. • ' „
Mr. W. L, 'Craig Was a •Lonclen
:•• °Vet the: week -end.:
• afQm ;Armstrong,,of London
.visited daring the week -end with, his,
lather Mr.: WM:. Armstrong,
'and his
brother Mr.. Mark rArnistraig..and '
. .
..Ahe Y. P. S. met on. Fiday evening.
,. with 'lean :Itobinatin ..preSiding,,. the
.tOpid. was Ikivet by Ruth. Thompson.
in July Meeting of.'ithe St. Ang-
*Stine. W. held on Wocl• 6th presented to everybodYes
Prent, and
at the .horne of 1V.Irs.1' dhanineY:, 'Eis ..onb"Avide:4w'hice littic fellow
"Children's Day''', program by t.he ' wasjust like Christnfae": Some
..,:fehildren...lce -cream and -CpOkieS will. elderThe.a.-d4.t.hpughtpIe...teimierature•
be served;;MeMbers1Who ake not •Y19.0- Davidson new&
itist recently erganized surprised the
audience lay theikpiogresP,. Theit
nurnbers given were in a slow, but
sure manner: Those who Were preSent
'and per.447mecl were J. O. Alton, trom-
'bone;. Prank Eedy, baritone and ROSS
Eedy, Coronet. Master ',Tack' ‘Pd:4y.'i
years old, :gave a solo with hisclar-
inet. TheY.411. Showed efficiency for the
time they ha,Ye had for learning. Mr:
Victor Erripgton, h School trustee,
spoke a few words and. WS. Tamer
who had 1A.04 Pre§4111,1t of the Club
the departure of tlfe fertile"'
pieSiderit,, Mrs. Dr. A. Vekes was, read
an addres by Mrs. Trn. tevvart,
With Words Of anPreciation forthe
benefit of her Jeadetship in that time
and expressing regret of. her :removal
frdrn Dungannon`and.:aleo Mr. Turn-
Whe' Was one of the 'school Ar114-
tees, Two little girls were present"
With be'iMnets 'of floWers, One being
also,sent to Mrs. Vokes . at Blyth.
Mrs: gave a fitting reply.
A IovelY -"Mich Of Sandwiches, .calce
and lemonade' was. passed around at
the doge' of the afternoon, all feeling
as they: went horne,`that much co-op-
eration of the teachers 'parents 'and
children had been in evidence.
The death Of Miss Etta Maize oc-
etrked. very sudderilY 011 Sunday last,
When alie Suffered 'a; -weak. spell and
.soon passed away. sHei.• death came
as a second shock that day to friends
and relatives, as her brother-in-law;
Mr, Jas. Crawford, has passed, away
only S, few hours before. Miss Maize
was in her 85th. year, and had resided
in the. .village • with her brother,the.
late Jas: Maize lOt the past tiventy
years; until ...hii..d..ea,th...thtee Years ago.
She: has ,Siiied been tenderly eared: gor
by ler niece, Mrs. Robt..Durnin: :She
was"one of Oree girls and a boy,horn
to the late Jas. Maize and her Mother
who ..was; fOrmeily'.Maty Ann Wig-
gins, and her 'birth place was near
sisters, who have :also
predeceased her, Were 'I'ig-
y• - . , .
erts and Mrs.. Jas.. .Crawford. : , Miss
Maize was of a 'quiet kindly nature
and had -many 44:ling• qualities. :She.
wasa very faithful ..,xnemb.er of ..st;
P41:11's and was a
regular' attendant, ;.•when 'her health
permitted. :A .prirate"ervice Parson.
_ ;was held
at :pauF4- Tuesday, at
2.:O p.m., With iaterment, in Dungan-
non taMete'r,i,: • : • . '
• Little •Barbara' Wilson two-year-
old daughter. of .Mr. and 'Mrs. Jas.
Wilson, was suddenly taken ill on Sun-
day , last With 4 .-convulsien, While
:stay,ing•-at 'the •hoine Of Mr. and ,Mrs.
tan•nitr. She. is at her home on
the fifirgondesaitirtofWest WaWanosii.
where she recovering Tron,::
ble: never.comes• eingle; trize; as ,
Was the third of a:series of shocks to
the family that day: :Mr.. Jits,,Ii
ford, 'grandfather of Mii.:Wilson;:
assed away in-Goderieoarital that
day; Wilson was nursing.
Iso. Nis§ Maize, her great aunt pass,
ng away: while visiting with friend
t Port Albert,
Published _every .Thursday morning
' at Lucknow, Ontario.
Mrs, A'. D. MacKenzie ,-,-.Provietot
Caniphell TheMpson-Publisher
Congr tulations to Mr. and Mrs. A,
-Moffatt on the arrival of:a baby son
in their home. •,• ' ,
• elnenthlY meeting of Ow: Wen1;:
en ;Miesionary .Society of the' United
beingChurch is being ,held • Wednesday at
thelioine oft(Mra.. Griffith, North
Line, " '•
Aliases Gertrude *Hewitt
are -visitingson Con. 9. •
. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston' (nee Miss
Maud `.-Ramsliaw) fekinetlY of Con.
5 accompanied by their daughter and
S011 and, Miss Roote, all of Roelcwood,
enjoyed a pleasant visit on Sunday at
the -old Ramshaw, homestead on Con.
Friends of MI'S; H. Arnold 'regret
to learn that she isnot nO.Well'ef late.
Mr, and Mks. 'Arinetreng, are
(enjoying their, vacation this week. ,
Messrs. . ,Moore and :Gordon
McBurney, paperhangers,' and dec-
orators; have had sa busy season They
•have recently papered the entire in-
terior and painted the :exterior Of
John BuSlielPs residence on Con. 5.
A large crowd attended 'Decoration
Services in Kincardine last Sunday,(Intided las
:Marriage on Saturday by: Revs, -.1.-•
;), Miss Mary„7Bannernian ,an'd, '
age; -Wm, Sfetieer, were united in
Mott; at. the TJ4ted Choral .
and Mr,i.s Week)
Miss Irene Bannerman, ,••
and Groomsrnan;lioSts of friends join,
:in Congratulations to the young coup.
le wilitt will make their home on the
Id -Sleasor hOmeetead:' On , highway;
N '9 • •
Mrs. Geo. HOdgins North Line,
left on Wednesday ' Of 44:week,: to
visit. in Vancouver, •• She. Was
licconvanied by Mrs.' W.•,..L• Blackwell
Hipped and daugh-
ter. :Audrey, .South .Line enjoyed a
motor trip to. Kirkland.Lake, 'where
they Visited , their ,son Ross -and Imet
lotsof 'Old friends. 9
. .
,Leaoiee. Fair, Betty •Alexander,,,,,Kid
Howard Peter are line, forofif'.:
gratulationa:' on having passed their
Entrance on the :marks ,Pbtainect.s on
„their. years .work.' Those' trying the,
Entrance Examinations Oe.* Boyle
School are, Beth,: :Slesseri., Wilbert
Hodgins, , and Owen Moore. •:
'Mrs.: McLean, Sr., of kinipugh, .is'
the;knest Of 'Mrs.. and.
Chester Blackwell, North Line
took 'atriP'to. Kirkland ;Lake recently.
pointed president of the Club, an. A
esses ate requested to bring cookies.
Hostesses: Mis. D. Chaniney, 41 • nouneeI tbe program which consis- r1
Bert Thompson, Mrs. jas. Purden and ted o c_oluses, y .t.he ..school, li
Thompson.. • : solos' .4'm the winners at- the, Music
Mr., Robert .OhananeY: is eularging. Festival at Godericli,, who were Etta-
, his barn by the addition -Of a Straw: belle Webster and .Lynn:•"Turner Mr. -
Shed • Egid' 'ha,c1. Ine' on S'aturday Murray Of Paisley, who is :training at
, •
• afternoon to raise: the timbers at 'present the',Boys' Band,,,was theie to.
which. over 100 neighbors and friends "give seleetions . with hiS aq011.-
• .
assisted. Mr. .Elmer 'Tarn and :son dian and description of the pieces
• , . . „ ,
O of
Winghain are the framer's'. ; rendered: •the Boys': nAfid mineb was
Mt. . and . Mta Geo; Swan, of
• '. '
ipley yieited with their„.grandaugh,
Mie. Havey Mole On •Sunday:
. . , ,„
Snecial Prices on Curtains, ICurtain
Material's 'Cleana ' Draperies , Etc.
ac rilig MARKET STORE..
, •
Don't' drive when•you can't see or -be
seen. You need two headlighti correctly'
focussed,nnd a tail light,if your car is to
he visible to other :drivers. You heed
clean headlights, delivering full
• •nation if you are to see the roadway
dearly at night. Have yoUr lights checked ,
frequently -to be Certain that you fulfill •
these OnnimunfrequireMents for safety
'.after dark,
Motor VelliCles' Branch., '
Haying is in full , swing and; with,
g9oil'AveAther•the farmers will be Verr
busy for awhi,
No nnemployrnent th
this part of the country. ,.„ I; ,
ne'v„. Keyes, 'formerly of ',Wiarton,"
had charge of the service in the PreS-••
,hyterian church on Sunday. , , ' ...'
The Presbyterian W. M. S. Ina: at
the home -of Mts. Fred MacGregor on
,WedlieSdaY b`fir§t wiel.f:-7-•::: :
Miss 'Mary, MacLean , has as her
guests. Messrs. :John and ' Charles
MacLean .,O,f,'; Midlothian, Ill.; Dimalti
and Miss! Mary atherine MacLean
and .her 'friends; *Ilse Donna qesse .of
Evanston, Ill.
*ma. ' Margaret Mackenzie • spent,
the. '.,virAeh-end . with her aunts in De-
' The Presbyterian .Sunday School
are holding their .picnic On Thursday
.., nient:. a ' 13 n ar-
this 'week at.:Kintail cami
Asoftball toUraa,..
at MacKeszie'S ball field. ith favori-
ranged, for' Friday 'aftern , ' July 1st
hie weather, -.this, should be a 'good
'place to spend the holiday.
. .
In a 'pretty euirunek. wedding at -
13th Vie 'United •ChurCh•laniSOriage With
the'.:Ref.1., S. Mott, effielatines, at 11
o'cleeft, Saturday ' morUhig, ,...tune" , IS..
Irate Mariel; daughter of: • George:
:Bannerman and the late Mrs. Ban,-
nermall of RifiloSs, 'becne' the 'bride
Of: Willieni. SleeSer; ' nen Of :Mr. '.' and
Mrs, Albert Slesser of 13ervie.
....Per' the. ceremony,'00,4tide *Ore 6
. rgOWli Of Dird sheer dtelae and Carried
: d bridal'botiquet of !flied :and delphin-
fuel. She, -Ws attended' by her slater,.
Mise,*ary Rainiethian, EX, -who was
attired in tartinoiee . blue,. sheer etepe.
anct eattyitig ',Ii. bouquet of yello*
roseS, Mr:. William CattiPbell :ot K10:•:.
less, was grtitniinitatii. •,, • :,• ' . ' '
Following the' eereiii4Oy ' a recep-s•
tion 'Was held at. •the home of the
bride's .siater,.' Mrs', Jame S 'Carr, . of
Whighani. Mr. :and tMrs. iesset'later r
left by Moto fOr tient ern -Ontario',
the bride 'ttaVelling in a' coattinie Of
.ntiVY.' erepe . with White, acedidoties.
On . their ,retntn, they will veside:, lat
Beryiel,'. . .
. \''.'
Miss May Blackwell of Huron, • is
at present assisting Mrs. Gordon
,Kirkland. *
Mr. and M.rs. Henry Gardner',
and Mrs. Rich. Gardner visited with
Wingham friends on Sunday.
„. Mr, John Bitchie has been laid up
„for a few days from having a very
lead. tooth ..eXtritated, '
.Next Sunday evening, Rev. W. J.
Patton will preach,' his fareWell
mon at Zion. • .
• Lantern slides Of yieWe' on n trip
across -Canada; were :given by Rev:
Patton and son Toni on 'Monde.y ev-
ening.and were greatly enjoyed by all
A gdpd.otoWd :turned out to the'
Sunday sCh00.1 Picnic ,ori. Saturday,
disa-stthe end of th d
" of'fa! Y
Was a knelt of her cousin,. Mibe Irl -
ma Hackett over the week -end.
Miss Lois 'Freeman ofteeburn is
visiting this Weeic. With Mi. and 'Mr.
Wm. Hunter, Jr.,. •
, Mr, Alex McCarron and Miss, Au-
dreyFoster of .$eaforth; Mrs. Ken-
neth Sherwood .and son Jackie: of.
Johnsenbarg, P. A., were -guest6.. 'en
Sunday With Mr: and 'Mrs. Will Gard-
ner. : *
Mr, •and Mrs. George Gilchrist of
Paisley and Mr. and Mks. Chain-tett:et
the West, visited on Saturday with
..i • .: •
Mr. and Mrs. John Craig Mr.
Dawgtri ,Craig andl.„ Mies Janet Craig
Visited On' Sunday 'With Mr. and Mrs.
Wes. Lett of Clinton. '
Mr.:Jeritlee and daughter Mies jen:
Agrtee, ,Courtney of Toronto, 3riSiteO
on Sunday with Mips Chrissie Inglis.
MisthJeair Baker and Masterirei—ity
Baker of TOronto:;.lare.spending this
Week ?With Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Inglis.
: The . Y. P. S. of ;the Presbyterian
Church ,had their monthly 'social on
Monday ' evening at, the'litinie Of Mr:
and Mrs: John Craig, with it gOcid at -
tendance present'.. Mr. Fred Ne-wman
Was hairrnan. ElYnni 70, scripture
reading by Miss Velma '„Scatt,. Medita-
tion period by Mt. Johnson ,Conn
titled, "God's •-Corrunon, Day . Life",
„ . ,
prayer .by Mrs. B. • Mowbray,' : hymn
57,", address • by Rev. on
"The Benedietien";hymn qoq and:
Rev. J5 Pollockpronounced the bene.:
'M'diction: The bride, and groom, MriJaad
rs. Ralf& Cameron were then called
to the front /and ,Alliss ',Grace ,itichar,d,'
son reed' the: following :address :' and
Mt. Gordon•. Meilee' Presented • thein
'.t:•‘rith. a. nice upholstered chair., •
• .1We, the members, of Chalmers Pres-
byterian church have gathered here to
•night: to express our appreciation of
your -services for otit'ehurch. We belie
that. you will continue to .he active in
:the ,work of our LOrd,in,,your cominnit-
lty and May your .conduct be a, .
eauipie for, these around you. We
present ' You:. Witha small token 'aS...a
gesture Of:gooclWill and may .you have
the beet ,of: 'geed health, prosperity
and,a long and jianpy. wedded life.
.... • •
'bSigned, Rhys Pollock,
Gordon McGee, Grace Richardson..
• '
• The and groom made 'fitting.
replies and ,thanked thern•for the nice
gift.; after Which progressive
..nOle• was . played, the winners. being
ladies, Misses ,Murdine Simpson .and
Ardyss Brown; •Genta,•,,Mr..Cecil. Pal-
coaerand las. R. Wilson, after .which
innCh.,•was served andall had ‘an.:en.L,
Aable.evening. .
Mr; George Fisher made' a trip to
Windsor on Monday, returning home.
with 4 new truck.. •:
; Torrio'.. of Stratford:: and Di,:
Campbell of were in oni'entri
inanity Friday, testing„Cpttle for T. B.
teats. : '
'oilor Datil M w. ari
DAN McdOWAN, antho-i- andnatur.
salist who delivii
ghts stors to Banff
Springs Hotel . with lectures on the ,
wonders of the Canadian 'Rockies, has
been made a Fellow Of. the Zoblogical
Society; e The honor:was conferred' on '
hini after he delivered an illustrated
lecture 'before the society at Regent
Park odlii laet visit to Engiand:•'"Mv
jehis a perfect one for apiiny Scott'.
he often says. , can sell sedecill try
keep OM" •
SUN LIff UF CAV111,-1-
111111011111111. MI11111111011'
FAm iii,JULT !IN
1.1010OfFITM °WSW
;.N.Tri and Mrs. Bid Batty and familir •
of 'Detroit are guests • of Mk: and Mrs.,' •
j''''°.' -1:194.gi'il' ... ...`I. • . ..:.. :: I.,•
- Oongratalatienp, ).r.,3; Mr.. -and 'Ars, '
wilboi,7.1iodkion l', 4wlioge Marriage' ' '
took place. rebel -10Y,, ''.''. ..• - ' 1.' •
' Mr. andMrs. pert.' MacLean and
Balfour spent a, day last week at bon.
Oon., - .". . • A . :' . '... •.,.; '..
A- large number attended the Or-
ange, service in the Anglican: church
laet 'Sunday.' Tlie Oldest Orangeman
present was Mr, .13Obt.; McConnell.,
Sr.. of I3ervie?
Miss Muriel 1Viefailan • V Kincardine- is spending a . few days at her
,CongratulationS to Misses. Norma
i3nre:•''Jeans,ThomPton , and 'Marion
Walsh, who ,were successful in naes-
ing their entrance on their Year's'
work. .
Mr.' and xs M Johnston of Lis-
towel,,, were gunday visitors with: Mr.
and' Mrs y. A: Graham.. •
'Friends front her attended the fun-
eral of the,. late jack Moulton last
Mis itIel Percy ant Mr Harold
Percy were $anday .visitors with, Mr.
and Mrs Hairy Jewitt nt Thedford.
, Mrs'. F..p.piiiele of Pialserton Vent.
a few,days With Mre:
and Other friends here. ,
Mi aid Mrs. Gee. Perey and family
of Glamis mere .§naday visitors With
Mts. Jane Percy.' ' , -
A number from her attended, -the
Sliewfelt 7 Wall reception on' Widnes!
day evening. * •
The Girls' W.., A. of the ,Anglican
.Church were, entertained, by the Giris
Missionary Society Of the Presbyter-
ian Church at. the ' home of Misses
Nellie and. Margaret: Malcolm. on Sat-
urday afternoon. • ' • .
• Mr: and. 'Mrs. John Emerson,' 12th'
Con:, . spent 'SUnday. at . gr.' -Albert
Thompson's. . 1 • •
Mr. Lloyd Ackeit spent the week,.
eneat Mk. Kanter Ackert's Kinear-
Mrs mer Ae -ert, Mrs. Hower
Harris,' Mrs., Levi: Eckertsiviller, Mis-
Mae Boyle and Hazel Percy at-
tended the District: ArnMal. of ,stlie
I.' at. Behnere on Thursday.
. 'Mr: and 'Mrs.- Roe Gaberty 'of Chi-
cago ale visiting *iss 5 Purvis this
4 '
Messrs. Alvin Grahatii;',James Park,
sMetle Johnston: and Bill Tiffin spent
" Sunday r. and ...SMirask.4R.
e'llard tlliott and
• .,
.fainny -Were Sundey, visitors at Mr.
Wesley: Whytock's; Teeswa,ter.' .
Mises ,Eileen and Donalde ;Yakut
Weeerecent visitors, at .Mr. N.
gen'S • RiVersdale. • "
Mr..GeOtge Robb and son Alvin of
*Mt. Ferest,'•were recent visitors' at
Mr.-, Richard .Elliotts., They were acs
conipanied home:. by Mrs:. Cor ett,
who was visitingher daughter, , re,'
Elliott, the 'past •week. ,
Mr: and Mrs: Garden Janneson'Isa.
belle and Stuirt, speut Sunday. with
Mrs. Eva Carruthers; 9th eon.
1Vlis5 Lillian' Carruthers was
CesSful in passing her, entrance:exams'
on her year's work. ;Cengratulations.
large intinber froin here attend-
ed thi Ashfield La -n Sciai` which
Was 'held at Make's Friday
evening: • ' • ,
' rMr. JiM Gibson is visiting his sis,
ter, Mrs:. McConnell.'
"...Mr. Alvin Kerr et, Nile yiaited ;With
Mr. and:Mra. T. M. Dutnin:on Sandav
MiSs lrlina Hackett spent Sunday
with her cousin Beatrice Treleaven.
Mrs. Lottie Clifford „Bi*iittoixi.
is st-th6:hciino:of her. sister, Agnes
and Mt.' John Malloek. We lid& for
an iniproVetnent. Soon: " .
• Miss Frances 'Grozier•returned twine
Monday after spending the past Week
With her grandparents, Mr: and Mrs:
Campbell, -
Mr. and. Mts. Matt, ;Shackleton and
Mt., and Mit, •CtaY of Gtiderich
visited friends nt Woodstock :dnring
the'Wee .
. . .
Mr. and 1\1'• jack, Curran and chil-
dren were gt.1641, of Mr. and • Mrs.
.Harry flackottw. Belfast, on Sunday: -
MISS neatiTei-trelailVeft Attended
•tbe, 8. S. picnic ett Zionyorr.gsturday„friain • fora ,fotV days,'"
apptr+yui pAPER P RoDucr 5
Styles for every bus.••esl,
Various colors and design5
Samples. suggestions and
prices without obligations
The Sefl.tine
. The 'Zone Meeting of 'the, U."1":','W,
C.. was held on Thursday at the home ,
of :MiS: H. tayis; :with • a good, atten-
dance of :members :and Visitors: The
Meeting opened with singing'tbe "OP-.
Iening Song"; followed • by -repeating:,
the'Lord's Prayer in unison. .the ••,
absence. of the secretary, . Mins Mar-
ion Campbell, read thle..,minutes ' of ."
last Meeting.. The roll call was a photo
of your .mother or grandmother. ' Mrs;
13er,, After the business was dealt with .•
a splendid program followed which
included :an ,inatruniental, by, .Miss,..
r4(14Aine ;and. Fern MeGaffia; Pioneer
Problems, by Miss Mary- McLeiitt
reading by: Mills 'Marion CamPhelk a',
duet by Mrs. 13: McKinnon rand' Miss ,
Jessie Hatay., A• paper "A **Ober's.
prphleni Today"; .prepared, by Mrs.-
ArChie MacTntYre, .was "read by -Mrs.
Douglas Graham- a duet by 'Lanrine
and Fern MaeGuffin; violin selections
by Dr. Little;• a recitation by Miss
'MaryldeLeodand.cioshig remarks by
:Mrs. Aligns Graham. ''The ainging. of .-
the National Anthem': brought the
meeting -to 'a 'close. Refreshments
were served and a' pleasant timo'
spent. ,The July Meeting is.- to be held
at, the home of Mrs'. W. P.I'MacDon-
aid. Roll call "What I ole my court.
try"... • ' •
Neighbors and friend* of Mr. and
ception in tthire?iiijsratliteellXead11.°1,,Lebnielcila ,
on Thursday evening in honor of their
Mr. and Mrs.''Lyons were, . presented
with a 97 -piece set of dishes;* table
cloth.mr.t?Ildetti.15,rdziishpda.ii7ija%' , home
Stratford for the 'week -end. -
'The meeting, of the . Y. P. U. was •
held on Sunday evening', with a good
•atternince. Iona; Swan read the scrip:.
titre. lesson and Mrs. E. M..' nice read '
of the "Life of Thomas Clialiners,"
The topic " A night .:With the Stars"
was ,taken bY.Rev.11.. M. Wright. It..
wes•• decided to hold a baii. ope
Friday evening, when a11 the young
people of the community are invited.'
Mr. 'Louis Weatherlfeadis a•Visitor
With',Mr. Malcolm Weatherhead and
family at pott.'-tiope,'Michigin.' - -
'Miss M. C. ,Rutherford,IVIISs Ethel
'Robertson,: Mrs. W. E. Gordon,
spent - Satiirday in London.
,.. The July ' meeting of the 'WoMen's
Institute Will be held irt.the :Conniniu-, •
ify }tap Thnrsday afternoon, jury
7th at 2.30, Roll call "Suggestions for
a Picnic. ;The report of the District
annual•theeting witi he 41,Ven and also '
a demonstration by the Girls' Hand-
,Club, Mrs. Allaii Diirniii. and
Miss. Wiry are the pregrain
tee and, the hostesses Will, be Mts. E.
.T.-ThoM-,:•Miss' Annie, Watson,' Misr
Josephine Gaunt. '
Only three pupils tried their thi:
trane.e.. ekaiiiiriatieiik, 'at this' centre,
with Mk.. Graham..1,1,hkuey.tb..'e*:vres'id;
Miss M. C. kiiii014Ofd;:•Miee
hel D'oririy and, their,iiiitite,.
Mete, Anne' Tad WereVisitore'Tues-
day with Rev. R. W. M:id Mrs; Craw.
at Melsiiiins, Miss kuthertord...sylii.O.,