HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-06-30, Page 4a 'the V :eek in Parliament By. W R. `TOUMUINSON,;�'it, P. FRIDAY --The: heat 'and humidity seemed -to .have an 'influence on the tempo_'of the'..Hbuse. today. :The going was `heavy but eiore'• or. less placid. There is a lot to be; done,,yet.'if the session -ie •to" conclude in a:; fortnight, as la.predicted now+'This will be pos sibla bewever,: if the norinal _discussion on prospective" legislation is limited, • as it::a likely to be. if ,the extreme, • heat• keeps; uh." It aiming ;` to tiko the:' starch out of the f ghting tpoltician8.. Ii,portant,! matters 'to .be discussed. are:the l udget;. thee. "Flection Act, amendments to the Criminal Code, legislation to reorganize 'penitentiary; ,ednlinstration,-- the Judges A.ct.• and numerous other ,statutes;,begun, but, not completed. The Senate Railway, .Committee.) Will get , down to brass; tacks; next week; Railway labor will be heard on Tuesday,and Sir Edward Beatty again on Wednesday, which it'll end the eV,, idence to be received. The Committee' wild then .deliberate in camera. There ten en Liberals. and ten "Conservat Ives on the Committee .and. although one never can ; tell •. What conclusions willbe reached by any -Committee,. I. think` there, a is:. no possibility of a unanimous recommendation in=fayour' •of Unification and• there;'is no doubt that a divided report: :lacks• force.' Howevere it has beenshown that radical and .extensive economies are ` possible .without unification and it is expected' recommendations to effect • these Will be brought • down. oectlWing, the Poet Office and the Art MilMittated -10 a' riot% pa .$1,111148Y, 3,44 'the topic Of todnY's debate in the lilaCe in his best bib, and tucher---,was 'to have, opened, the Hutiget Debate on behalf, ef the ',Conservatives. instead, he had. tO •SeVe, his fire far tamoirow • iminediately after prayers, Mr, House„to thieuss "4 Metter of Urgent said. it Was rather ironic that this riot should. have taken' place on the daY,'' that - the Prime. Minister wet in Niagara Falls .4`celebrating 'grand!. father's rebellien,". but that the min afteetion toi. their Opinions are divided in this, regard,: Personally, I.:feel. the, only: thing:ifor .Which: 'the viVernment Might be blamed, is for ` the delaY in eVicting these men #0M 'the ptiblie buildings,. There it no douht that the whole' affair is the Tesult .Of COMMunittie propaganda as it has • been, ProVed Oat manY cif OP, Alen, • worlting 4:4 winter, with deferred pay still coming fe them. pt geurse, in any matter c)f thia kind, there are. a. num. ee ,have said Many thees, if -People wae te Rut their hand tt, the work, that 'offers • 440;—na4nY times Witness Pruee County whose sturdy indeliendenee has *ado it One of these all too few cOunties who heve 'cost, and are cetting.the'eouctry large prtwtically nething :for relief. , In a' population of •;over %48,000 we have. only 48 heads' of families—who are employable --on the bate begin, with the donterVative. Lawson, moved an Aniendnient -re-, 'vetting' the absence Of tax reduction in the Budget:. IVieeru.s. to me that in the dear dead days beYond the ConservatiVe• poliey was one of had-reVersed their P011oWing•Nr,,, LeWstni came C., C. F... M. ColdtVell, who tient aWei back, to 1919 to'legr9t the diS- regarded', (se he SP) Pledges Of the Liberal, PertY et that time; namelY, to loWer tariffs, PertictlierlY on 'the necessities of, life. and the tmplements of, production, Why gp back almo$t 'about? NeXt in line Wei john Black-. more,. Social Credit, 'feeder, who' saYe this Hudget is a "rich man's BUdget." and, offere no. hope of. monetarY re.7. form' which, he declares is .the wonder what the SoCial Credit party in Alberta ,have dene' te'flirther that end' It Would appear to me that the state of that 13rovinee "Confusion The COnsdivative and the b; 10•:. amendments' amodnted to: .0 :vota them to. move and the vote will allow ,what, the House at large.' tikinka• • A rather interesting Rill was intro- • • large ies an • • Inch ''ear had its Oelali'ne. 1. Gaiplini"7-today',s New; 4:reproved Blue Sunoco'. Trull). gasOline advertising! Fads brings you the.se in the: 'Moat: . . COnipletk.. the Most daring teats eVer devise4 for' any gasoline.' p. ToOK drivers' of 'neat cet, • reports Were 'eniamarized'' Direateriee, Ltd. THESE •TES'TS? Clerks, ''hou:sewives. And doctors, • 'otli t`et,1714ettati'ves,,,,r61,ta the segs, pad: these ,i.:4- ties . ' a:ter' havi,ng .0.rai„iiea.` Ott'. the .:::.:01617greoz::::isli.",:rb.::::::;:i7:pita:i:itt..177:64770.1,4::::::::::ett:n.,, ,..:1. 7....•:,..„,"...:. -ii-,-. '7711° -...,tt.:71:1,4.1,0.:10:1:,t,,,:i..,::::,,,..,:0,1peir,...„.....iiii.,,,,,.,14ii.:ti.a., i. lirie.'! They came from all walks' of practiCally all makei of Cara. ,HOW WERE THESE TESTS. KADE? The gasoline's they had been' using • 'were drained froin the tanks of their :ova and replaced by this' "mystery motor filer (the blue coloring had been 'omitted). Then:they wen! out . were colleCted and tabulated. ;; WHAT DID. THEY PROVE'? .86% cif these 'exPerienced isie repOrted .that. this 'mystery fuel"- gave a better performance . than the gasolines .they had' been using ia .tOtal of 301. including .13 prem.iiin.i priced fuels). The' cis'4;)- frni'oroved :Blue SunoCO 'we are price...T.41S: BEYOND ANY QUESTION, ' THE NEw Do is thes6 moterrilts to.s it in 'Pair .0m.121 This 'new sells 'at' regular gas, • 414 nunnber• isr•antl• Mies,' Prominent in ex -service 'circles: The breed:intent of.thla pal ,vtet; in Parliament t e0i h ici:v vni en0 r nge benne hCTi: fver bn e9 r 09r :IP eo rs s ths‘ .v1('-aWy PAD. oNnitiSi tOt eAeY- "c pTchi eu eSde ntaht:i r!. ts ti todaY with the evidence of Sir iluitiOn Of ,the Railway 'Unification 'Plan 'hY indePendent experts- He says l't,`111)70t-Chm. ilk;;RW.itshh,:threehp°1eodePrit w„oluCidantftedk:• ing Otitstemling .the Way of ...coin, tilohweeveiertine: heat 'makes ,argunienf Minister of Finance collaps owing no &MIA to the, .stres.s Of 'wOrk for manY weeks; and the heat. Happily, and arguers langutd, the lobby the it is understood Mr. Dunn, ing's condition, is not at all serions. The only evidence' of heat in :the de. textile' inquiry shows to have been concealing h.uge profits. end thus 7 evading taxation The Minister {of National Revenue promises to fix much more interest, ..shown , in what was going.on at the. Yankee Stadinin in New,' York then 4n the 'debate in the House of Commons, butn it; didn't take long to!j'ettle: that little matter, kiTHURSDAYAfter One pf the shortest Blidget debates On• record, the Governinent was victorious tonight with the ,pudget„ Only one I.dberal ,Member tliPped and .voted against the Governnient, The. Censervative antendittentilegretting the :failure Of -the Budgetto• lower taXation:Pwas amendirientregretting ..the }failure tO the „budget to accord with the pro: visions 'of the 1919 ..tiberal platform, iras. defeated 100 .to 23. The Alain motion was then Called and the'OP• position parties united -in- voting,. againtt "hut ',the reselt Was 136 to 53 in favour so the government waS 'once " more strongly upheld. It is re:: gretted that. the Finance Minitter Will not like' :return to the Houtf. .this session. Would like here to say . that •trying to send out literature I thought ivould he interesting to various groups ape individuals and if anyone ha:; been missed. or wOuld like anything appreciate it if I were inforinea..Of this 'when I will gladly do' my hest to &imply' with all requests'. The 'paramount .Commiinity Picnic Was. held at Point Clark last Saturday 'afteraoen. 'A -Pleasant time was sPent. in games' and races for yhting and old alike. and a bountiful lunch WaS Mr..and krs. 'George Fisher, Vivian, Billie and ,Gordon frOm ,NS'.1iitechurdh were. teceixt visitors • with and '106 Irik-11—ii-tAn. the , neit • game. Soon afterward ...they. mark relied inch °.a laugh that :the went..out and heat their OpPonenti in started it winning streak that broiight theni hack intO the. thick ,Of the poT.i:, by -Word with Toronto teams" eVer„ of profeional hasehall. '.'You' can't you Can't' Ictie leni either, Dan ,Howley*.s' present Maple Leafi,' recent roar.trip , that shoved' them a. big ntivantage borne games ibbola..be: able ti) Make Op the ground. kat in, lane kt.aging'` *inning fl:SeW—fjte. and ell thteu.gh anly. will be n•06.4. Rochester, Not• igd .34Cntreal . wilt visit Maple 'UT! rzt4,. fit t4st order, during the n.}.}4;t tofeeki, Satstday, night twilight 4 owl 1.$ figkilid,4 Irk :the to, defeat -they suffered., The • •„,134,s 'ir.ii.ere playing •,headsAip the field and Were . batting welli on the thofing Of -the two' tearns;'43L, Aeried the "victory, . the last of the eight decided the iStaie. tinpiresE.ISoltimOn 'and J. Angus, Two games of nauch importance 'to' • the. •LucknoW ; lads playoff :chances Will be played here this' Friday 'after,. .providing the onpOsition ,and a twin sivi 1.,riT::h ih: d u eohheaa.thd, ranaeuif:angieamnennot:',.•0 victory,As what the locals' are aiming games. Yon can get lour tickett front . any of the playerS. , Last Wednesday night 'Dungannon' Dungannon fans , were. on,'the' Verge, ,„.1 of rioting dtie to decisions of the •• These juvenile ganies are. by no • Mean:s. tame affairs, Dungannon and:. Ripley: had a. stormy . haftle in • the -1 1.1ii•pri:, village recently When Riptey had to be Called with Dungannon. Lhckhow .256 In the 'fiuron-pertitleague, Oorden IrWiii is slugging the, horsehide, lor a aVerage-of--:47,6; and leads the ent in their.miest :or the yenns batt-:' nig • trophy.. *Clark , Finlayson in 4th: ' place With an average of %2S61. ' * on Friday the, teams played' 4, 1=-1: due te the Strategy et-1*th we' • aro to.d: The 'score stoOd: tied ,at the • end of the 6th. Godellich scored -4 runs • As they inighte-they-couldn't---get to retire the Side: This , Went 'on the, game, was , called 9n: aCcount darkness, with • the, score„ reverting 'to the tixtit Gordon .Miller ,St.• Helens is play:. ing With Blyth thiS year •ancl, pulled ' roh ,Finlayson of what' had 'the earl marks of a,:dirchit clout. „Irarcild Greer and Harold -Ritchie are signed up With Kin:ktigh in the ' ball. league. Tfiey formed th battery for Kin- ' ioutigh. on 'Friday, when they 'nosed •,1; ;out the Pine, RiVer team' by 9 'te 7 score; it.hi„**ottOay •Geet7 oh 'the That maktO it tv(fo, 'straight to.. in-. lough ' after dreptiing their, opening team by it seore,Of 33, to, '3 or there - SHOULD Alio :MAPLE LEAPS A 'few yee.i8.40, an aggregation pr dejected' players *eating the Uniform lost! 1,6 ,ita'ilsoeutive Amid tlithi thestOtoteecled:, to shed their The .4tet iedietveirteeen et the. ;t4'.4 •