HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-06-30, Page 3l;,
•, •
. • .•
IIAI1V cmciis
rgil1t4'Alt.1.' AND ....Milt:limy:
.t.,„..„„. • for July, 1...eghorns learted •
•• :Rocks, New Hainashire ItedS ;7.95,
alsoli.DitY Old: Millets- and CO.iter,-
els, and started chicics. Write Top
. Notch ChiciteriCS, 10 Wilson Street, i
Guelph, Ontario.
• .
at a "Ow Price...Day olds Steadierel
- 1„afghorns.$6.95, Ilarred Itogits,,NeW
,It'eds. ;7,05, White:
.1toCits. $8.05, Also day old Pullets
A • t, and Cockereland. started Chlcics..
prices:on Etee',
,trie, Hatchery Limited, lIade.n,..On-
your„ chicks item Tweddle.• With '-
. • our, large, -capacityj We: can give
'.you pronipt 'ddlivery on clay. old
., cockerels, pallets or mixdd
'AIio started-chicks.and,older 4u1-
• letn. :Our lo%v prices.10.Jaly will
please' yeti: Twedde t:hiek Hatch-
eries Liinited.'Fergus, Ontario: •
hyouders N,0%V mean 'real profits
next felleand winter. Order your
Ilray chicks today.
ery on almost all .breedS. pray
.Hatchery,•130 John Street ,North,'
1-lamilton• Ontario. "
• over. Vet „your share of the ro-.
• lite:. tPbe made frOnt eggs neXt •
e fall and Winter,•Order 13r1y chicks'
' today. Prompt ,shipment• on al'-
. lindst all breeds. BraY Hatchery,
. 130 John Atreet North, Hamilton,
,Ontarisi.. • • '
.• LAST. YEAlt, J. M.'s, BRAY •POI-er
lets laying -at months, laid 664
• .all fall and winter, Get early and
heavy-layintr itray pullets into
you, brooders•right,•no‘v
•rrelivry efiray trat(her)‘, tin John
Street' :Nitrth, 1-11rmilton, Ontario. •
•a NI) cf)i.,1.1Fit;Tinutif4
act for. You, tri hely seizure .or loot- ,
Jection problern arly,where" in the
'"world.. (Jur „restifts• Are tit me4
o 7a lid sa trisfiretoi:y., "Rosei 1111,1
. • • ,
Qt.fitlifEC MINK: 11 -L
' ()rives, "rvasnn--
„ele. %Viltd Kihgs-
• vine,. Ontario.. '
.... •
run strrvit 0 •
.478 Yojide•St.,.TOrnnto
• .tirticle marked doWn for
quick”: -sale. •%Ve •• he ve .1l1)4)1",
'space regardless' or A,rrial op,
Portanity'le bay good. J"eriendititined
-:turnitare ii.t a'frqcticin of its'aettnit .
.Value. ,LiSted tire a.feiv'of the' oui-.
. standing victims picIted'.7.at,.: random
• • 4.rom oat -enormous stock. . :•
• ciiiewnviiietemii epetel.tes••
brown repp• ..
cover, 'Marshall re,versite.f• e;
.cashions. ..• . •
gd.Oig," Odd ohesterfields. assdeted.
"r''..•••"`"" covers.' Marshall; ,spring;
$.2 95
4 pi6ce • suite'. gooe .,reee
• ."Ree. • • • cover Alarshall Spning ,te-,
'versible ' • ,• . •
$29 503. piece ,suite in blue' Ve- •
ring- caSitiluoriis
, .._reversible
AR9..gn , 6. Suites., assorted 'velour
V"'"'.4."" and rePp
reversible ' . • '
$37 SO. 1.1eautiful 'Inontrir •suites,
, "duel ..aralnUt .a'nd.
wine Shades.' , , . ' •
'tAK nil 4 -rebailt.suites;-ae* Coi- •
4"-•••••,•.••' ers, .in broWn..%.ruse. and
green 'reppS,' reversible. ..111arshall !
cushions. ..
tAti inn -5.. brand . new Saftei In
••Y"'s,•••••‘/'•Nortett.. .reppeir ..Marahell
sPring'; reversible•,•cushiOns..,.soine;
ifhpiir We'd& friintS, • ' • . ." '
111.:1) R0031.'..01.1111$117.0t,g
t 4
• ••• ,
$39.os-5....pieces 'in rich wflnut.
• dresser. chiffonier.,
fuli siZe. bed, sagless 'spring and
• brand new' felt mattress.. • ' -
$19.50 DreSSer" and bed in
. finish, complete' with seg..:
•• *Piing and new mattress;
$4900 .Weirutiful.•,4 • piede 5011 e.
„ dresser, f'ull Size bed van-.
• .ity and -chiffonier and :rich •V tone
vainut r I •
Q.nn•I‘Ibtretir suite WIth:Veneti.....
".`"an Mirror,' dreiser, size •
'bed, ,etri-fferri-in:771ygie-s. eel:tying and
new. felt' mattress.: '
• $69 00 t suite In.rirtric Wattint
'r`f" " finish. dresser: Vahlty,
• chiffonier. bed; ;spring and 'Mattress. '
eornplete. . • • • "
ta7.gn, •loor,,s," tipre.,sulte (new
"• eanitse 'with Venetian.iiiir.,
rote thiannier. 'and fall panel •bed •
„(1.only). .4 ,
I 48.5(.1 Chiffoniers,'5 .dra woes, with
•, ". mha
lreok• c,ks.. .;
,11.4.95 ,c1riffrahes..c.olonial'
"'"' • •• deiitgn: drawers..n. wal-
.,• nut Shade: '
$5.95 IN" .,r1' •bc,,flIC'fittzsor'tlinent,'
$1,95 6 1.0s.11 assorte'd
q.ch New war'iltobes,,with large
fronts and 'dwell •
0(1 fleaatifui tValatit 'ef.t,i4ce!
•- floor sampie, la re • chi f-„,„
. fon ie r, tali panel 1144.1 and' ciresSei•
WI t h rcIrind:Vonetinit 'adjastitble Mir-
, . ,
• ror. . .1
' $3500 1 + )",,OY 'yen Ity.: rge re'tufd
" ' pin te Mirror, ()mental%Val,
11,111: ' •
$59,00 -':e.ete•ime-i..rif suite.'vanity,
fell Aize bed. 111111 chifton'
•.. ice Jr. frvo tont. Walnut finish.
• ItiNiNG 110031 yr irtNITuftul.'
.$,A-aeg .5011d, ingg•lere.otn
teether' seat chairs"; , -•
egg.n.n 9,piece sitite. baffet, 111100•
ereeee•ee•-• e•ebleet, extetisiOn.: •Wife;
• and 1/...itIlet'• sent chairs in. Melt.
• *mate emelt. ••. . ' ' • ••
iron t u I flg1inh. 6110
•" suite, htiffet;
et, ex t.,,tisiott Mc and e icit titer sent
elinirs, • • ' •
$109 CO IA rt:0,t•Otid Atatto,
• bur (Ot, enbiriet, ex
• •
tensioti.table and 6 elvtire unlloV‘4ti.,1%.
bd 10 bine Mohair. reg. $25,0.00 value.
terms, '.()nen evenings.. ,..Fiv-
4eY' pieee thotettgilly' cleaned and re -
Conditioned and.r'sold' Under a post -
tire tnottry bark genrante of sn'tis-
- tattier',
'••"'''. LYONS
473 Yonge St., Toronto,
111A (1414$1.):4
'• We; ,. 'Tot*: e tee • TRANSPORNIA..
• •teode, Brews, (roe's, 'Ind 11 .tyPeS
01- fint qualitY 'Hair Hoed's. Write
• 'for illtiStreited ceMlogue, • Special
attention le repair Wort:. "'Potent°
flair Supele -C'tee„ 628
. • tie thuesteet oree to,
, . .
Good.news. fpr farmers..and dairy,
' men. Lang' fi :Mineral eAteela 'aftY-
„, thing obtainable for Swollen
fiVr, garleIet, ;
wotim, or.$eratches on horses' feet.
ltesUlts quick and complete, 'saves. .
, worry andeXpeniee.-AVrite, for free
Information.' La rig's Mineral Rem-
edies, 046. Hobson 'Street,' Vancea.....
gilts; . sired.- by the four ,etiMee'e
Grand, Champion Walker "Fartlis
Don, out ' of Torekite:.
dams, bred.to Veer/can Prince to
farrow- . early -In. Se p.te,M ber. Also
yothig•er 'males 80(1 female'.. ,Shade •
mi Pa rms. Box 7.• Eden, Ont.' I. '•
• (1148,) ttliEumemieee AND ST()..
actOpowder,."The ("real ElImina-
• tor,- Contains' ten of Natetre'Sen-
- greenents. .rtencloving.‘ the 'emcee.
• and eliminating • Ithehmatisme •
, Stomach troubles. Arthritis, Neu,
rids, Constipation, etc. $1.50. $3.60;
$5;00. All Druggists. Agent's Ly
• -'
1111463 ,Limited Montreal.
silrIPEl4th,tS" ,
'Gct,quIck relief from the paroXYsins
• caused by Asthma When you inhale
1 Ii effeetiVe remelt of 'line Minute
• Asthma ,Rellef." Just a few whiffs
relaXes the bronchial- tubes, relieves
the', difficult breathing -and that
. dreadful gasping. ThIS scientifically
made effective preparation' hasgiven
blessed relief , to asthma 'sufferers
for over thirty -nee years. Take '
vantage. of this generoUs offer--,
send ten gents, stamos or coin. 1.thil
.rOceiVO. El tWentY.41Ve •cent Package
prepaid. Good anti' July 1,5th, 1938,
'only, Macnolli'd,• lwanutheturing.
otentist. Petrolet..". Ontario.
NFU) 1114
Glete"te 'TB ' 4.7.:ENCER, '. CAN-
ada's oi. $1. • The limit that • mttkes. '
•ordifrary .fentreet ta,o,,expensive to
,A einigle strand' of wire
aftd•tt.sinipie poierable.fleM. Fencer
ke,eps'All sttiek Where they bel'Ongf ,
sk .for'cli•cunir and name df the:v.
GE$1e , g.nearesry 1111 Gro'h's
•Codler; Linlitg.d. Ileston..Ont:
•111101'411; ' .1111A -T„ F•Olt !.411.11.0
, •
• ":28-1.700T -hp rrob: . BOAT WITH. 4
ft lintsetakiver.„ alectrie
„ . • . ,
•sterti fig :74. `I .41 rvrenee motor.. Top
and side curtains installed. %Vatild,
make a splendid surpply-boat.,.tip0-
.01/t1 pripe for iturriddiate:sale... The '
Petlerleorougli Canoe Co. 268 %Vater
StOtlt, .t.'eterboecnigh. Ont. , •.•
ter Kee' Np we PAPER FROPI•1:1C-.,
'.ey, and. Job plane for sale in. thriv- •
ing Ontario toaktf. ,Excellent job
• priinting,basiness, coMplete equip -
Meet:, in splendid •ccinditIceit.., Re -
(101 res $1,(.00•.eafsb. balance o.,ny
terms to resPonseihle,purchnser. 9.
•E. Ilrown. 114 Moore ./04.e..." T911.7
0 -el i at.A1`,11
.'ery 25e. order. Roll Ytim deVeloped.
•and 'eight erents.2h. Reprintsqc.,
'•Festabliedied. over 36 Years, Bright -
ling Studio. 29: itirbtliond Street •
'East.. Toronto. • • • .
Imexpensively.' • Home
Testimonials. duarnnteed. Advice ,
free. Write Sox L•Winnip'eg.. .
•.11.11AR1Y-W(/111.D YOU, mARRY IF
• Sailed? Hundreds to choose freer:
Some. with means.. Many farmers"
daukhteis and .widows .With pro -
Particulars; 10c. Confiden-
tial. Canadian. • Corresikinde,rie6
•1 ChM. Box .128. faigary;.Alta.
from your l handwriting and .SIgne-,'
•'25 cents 'today. Kingsley Docu- •
• merit's; 221 St: Saerament Srre'et.,
... •
I Ne'AeeelLg 1'A1A1.YS.1.1.4CRIPI'LES
.re.cover the use of •their limbs un-'
.• der our new. tresitment, AVe give
• ,. the , farnons foot treatment for
; tired adhing feet. 'Hay. Fever,
poiid instantly to 0111' treatrnent.
.Don't suffer, .Consult us 'regard-
' • ing your ease. .. Adamic Health
'Clink', .1 mile weit,of..Eritidale on.'
Dandas . ' •
• SA'lLH$11$AN IWANTED .;; • '
• . .•
130,niespNTAT1yE WANTED, TO
• sell mining, .stoek in the Male:rile
area. Generous commissions. Par-'
.tleulars, 407 Central puilding, To.
ronto. '„ .
,aims Charcoal -
Cures Illnesses
. •
Montreal Savant Injected Char-
' coal In Distilled Water Into
Patientslat.Cared 300
• '. s
• A Montreal. (Neter, .whin "de-
.cleres he, has cured n dozen clif-
tercet,diseases in More Onto 300
patients by iejeeting "powdered
charcoel int,6 their veins, is being
swenipede with ,ioquieies frem • all
over, the centineptef6hOWhig. pub-
heat:hitt of :his method ill
States' medical journal: The', doe -
toy is Eugene Saint jecetiee. Pro-
fessor of the .1-Nett:ley of Medieine •
at the Uniiersity et Montreal.
Not --Always Successful
.Pneuttonia,' inflatnniatien of
the gall- bladder, tensilitis; • child -
bed fever, rheumatism, shingleie-
cryeipelaS, -peritonitis . ;and bo4
are among the. in fectioria Di, Saint
Jacques believes . he can euro by
the injection • of charcoal. And,
strangely' Oben:1k he got the idea
pi': starting .'hi .'researelf ,after
reading reports -of :treatelents.,pt
animals ,I,ey similar :methods.
Dr. :Saint .Jacques' methotl,, in
the leriguage",of a •layinareis to
inject h per cent: solutionof
mat charcoal in distilled Water in-
to the. veirtg of ,petients.'1,.1118
exPbeiments have •sbowit her:Edise
ttitbing reactions, ttilliS0 head-
aches or shock, he says : The dee-
tor cites a large number of
easee, in detail in seVerale!of •his
puners, nild is eareitil to point out
:that the treatment was not etre.
teeefiM,in eveey ease,
. • ,
Issue No. 27-2
A -C 4
• DiDW 6riwN To wooD AND
(13)5 11.e.-iep..hine Lawrence)
Every woman with a smite, of
• hunter will ireeel in the delightfla
"ensseelnese" • of the three, sisters
in josephine .Lawrence's "PeW
Down to Wood and Stene." ..We
might add that every woman'.s
brother or husband (as the case
may be Who dips into this bOok
' will be. unable:to, euppless An uti-
dignified guffaw :to •seefeminine
foibles and, pervereities portrayed
• with •Setch maddeeinee. accuracy.
'" The sisters are reel 'people,
highly individual, interesting down
to the last idibsynceasY. Each of
the three cievoted her life utterly•
,to doing the thing She most wants*
• to dor and each; sees her life as
is their battle-crywhich re-echoes
through all their; conversation
with sickening:c.t131)4si.s.
Seneth devotes her lite to her
children (who vaulted to be inde-
pendent :of her ..roVe); 13roela
• solely responsible for her elle-
bantre success (a kind of succese,
he 'didn't want); and Gillian' lives
only for her job. .The *objects of•
1. their self-sacrifiee, are such that
' anyone attempting to op o• e. them
is atitornatically.,plaee in the Pit-•
Iremely difficult positt ie of attack..•
ing What are aCeePted s the fitest
things in life; ,
•' Haven't yolk:* own deZens.• of
:peeple.like them? .. that's WhY.:
the'..book's 'so 0 -well en•!, • •
' .Y"Bow.' limn. to ' VVeod, end
Stone ". by."-Toakihine,LaWrence--,
McClelland' k.iiii-stpwarc,
vivo. .
Fined tor Not Hunting
-Because, it. is alleged, they re-
fused to join' a ,deer hunt, two.
students, attt.the Government
Sehoot of erestry; rorest .,0f.
Dean, England, have ;been 'fined
0:00 each and given extra duties.
ar, Crust
s In Lyers
Like Onilns.
Scientist ' Will • Urre Man -Made
El:al:gnat:ea In New 'Englind
• To Tez.'t Theory; Will. Delve:
•20 MUCL
„BOSTON,e-In Order to teSt th
theory that the earth's crust on
sista Of' several leyers of different
kielle et rock'oveeleyifig each ether
net unlike. en onion, Dr. Louis. E. .
eeSlechterprofessor Of geophysics:
• in Massachusetts Instittite Of Tech-,
n�logy intende - using mateniade
ee,rtligitakee,epOWerfcil • ,quarry
' blasts•e--71p 'Neve England this sum-
• . • .
•These .1Im to -study
the earth's. crest' to deahs of More
than 20 miles, Observing Staffs will
.be stationed at. varying distances •
from 'several .large quarries with
lastrunients more . eensitiVe, than
these usually employed rn meastir-
,ing Quakes, 1)r. Stichter has -been
granted e5,35(1 fOr this work from
• the Penrose, l3equest of the Geolo-
gicalpogiety of America.
Core of Nickel and Iron• •:'
' Today, popular • Opinion among ;
• •geologists as to , the earth's wee; '
titre holds that :beneath en outer.
layer of sedimentary • roeke is a '
*granite -gneiss elle% itshell of peri-
dotite,..or basic ' rock, And: then, e
lore of picket •and hem, with,per-
haps a. transitional layer between
tae:•last two. ,To bolster or -deflate' •
this theory Is.olejeettve,No. 1.
; 'Figure by Oapsled, Time
Twelvc ,
supetesensiliVe portable' .
SeleMographS; specially designed•by
Dr. ,Sliehter• for, pie project, whi
•'placed ; at regular .interials
100 miles or *re of the' blasting
-a ground movement as :slight as,a
hundeed-thousandth of an iech:,. In .
'general, 'researehet'is determine. reek:
• structure Within thee*.eafth's crust •
• 'meeSering• the three elapsedbee.
tevoen'cletonation g‘ndthefeCording
pf: the shock by the eeismegraph:
Of :14;6.60 Austrians registered,
wi'h the.police of Englaed, 11 50.0
are women-.
• eep You Infotoled en
is oing
This paper will bee -in riext Week a tieW leatnre'
ihe !atest theories and.. dieoVeris in the fealm of sciensee .
niedicine •
, •
ealth Secon ary Schools.
How Are Canadian Teen Age Boys And Girls To Keep Fit?
BY W. co. E. •Donaldson, BS A,
EI.Faed., -Parkdee Collegiate, •
. • Toronto , •
The Natienei...fttnese ,cempaign::
Inaugurated Cr
d in ire'at• eareee._
in 1937 by 'the radio broadcast Of •
Premier' Chambeelaie was the ail- •
m.inatien 0f 'a serieseof .national and
international events whose..inffeece
, is now 'beginning :to be felt In Can
ad The purpoee .Of the British
campaign is to raise' the standard
of health And. hanpinees of the n' I"
honby means •Of recreative physi-
cal education'suitable to all ages •
and eoeditiens. .Mihitotis• e dolts
'have been eoted fpr gyiehesiums: •
7Ple3ing.reelds,* and equipineet,' Te
adriiiiiietee 'these tenda, the CpunkrY,
has be divided,.inte twenty-thre
• areas, eaeli With its loepi bt'g'aniz'-
tion In
Londen-there is the Can- .
tial Council qf Becreative Physial.
'Training which.' 00 01 • tile
.Work•Ot tkeliDeal grotips proVid-
ing, adViCO and training Sehobis for
Nadel's. VoluntarYieffort \ss ith gos-.
erninent euPPort is the keynote of
the carepaigu. ' •
'11OW . melt. iniftt.enCe 511Y., •Olie
eountry has had on t•he rest of the e
Is .difecult to!ascertaiti but
let .one can deny that ;eipeng the ,
iketiers 'sta d Gerineey,
liARNr.ss AND eculAtts, •
• ii.lietkrly!,here., 'ConSalt your tie.al?
• 681 Ithl'elleSs Shop abottt 'Stared Ilete
,Wo. sfl ouregoedaL;
only, Alirougti. our
Leather Godds' dealer. The goods
Ate, right, and so are our pritee.:
Maittifiet7itire in One factories.
BeineeS;111135 ellar% Sweat
pada, Horse ;Blankets, ain,1 ,Leather
Treve1litig.Xciede,',11181St 'On Stacie.
'Brand Trade Marked Goods, ,and
getnsatiStO6tieh.• ,4iade4 only
• Sattel 'TrieS.Fortipatiy Linitted
' 60.1.:kiab;St, TOrorite,
WRITE 00,tt dAitAtoOtrt
vahieeand Denmark: Each of 'these
• cpuntries lias raised the standard ..,
of nhYsieelhealth to e point iinsur; ,
passed in, the ItIstOry of medern
timel,:and.each has an organization
• necaliar Joself. , • .
,..,Cerraany 'kat he most complete
:and rnost highly •centralized ,eyetem .
ties are 'Controlled and direCted by
•-• the NetionalMinietry 'of Edudation.
„Onedivisieh iS Clelieted'..entirely to „
the .phYsicer education of bees' and,
.•ii1s and the training of,the teach -
(IS of the, pleinentary and.second
'ary•eabools a's We'll AS of ;the cote •
leges and.lIIllsOiSities
.; N•efibnal. Parte'Aeadeiny •
•... The Gee,riren-XationalSpprti 4oa:
deinsee Wider %the.' iiiiinediete ‘ditece
tiedof theMInJbtei ot hdUcation,
tl:te Magnitieent. 1acititieS.1,
1.00 qh are part of the' itejelisspbtd,-
'fl&C1 th.e..ki$ ot tlie 901-1t).-.Q.4ymple •
,C'ottrcS hi.1:90;:"41nd'ptevit1e5 tor sh,
.'n'etivh.ies outside. the 'scho'oiS; 11.ere- •
eare given , 'free "
, courses '.for, the voluntary leadera.
;who seeve wit•hatit„emy lit•the 1ot 31
. 4Ylaurestie. clubs •througliettt the
"eeountry.,•• The latest deVelopment et'..,
'Oita neMional nla.le is the beilding',
of s g. pool 1i
pt .ceVtftiti
. .
• • The teo`st speetacniat, reintif of '•
the GCI 10 .plan' Were the stagitig'
of the 0,fylltpIe Gaines nlid the Sun,
' eeSS: of the •.(lertnati athletes ,in '
19301, Nil lees evident to every .vie-
ItOW.evori: abtanlaht and 14.
• ; gepveing ,vitality of the Whole ea -
ion. This' is due in ilO „SOM.' rhea- •
'sure to 'the net•Sotial inteeest of '
Releliftlehrer Atli:et 1I1tler, 'whose
expressed !itiealele-HeThei'e ettouhl,
be. eo day he which. a ..boy should
hot haye at least One .hour's- cot -
poral training both Ali. the incoming
;and 'afternoon; in ganieS ancl gym-.
‘`nasticS*14----fit should be,remembered
that ttillh'e artiVitfe,.; Mentioned' are •
etlireeted bsr flit Ministee of lecitica,,
at quite .npart frOm the
Mttletiel tabor 'CcYrtts find letilitary.
.* • '
(t� be •ooptIotteo:Nedt -'c'reek)
SEED- Seed-_poroAd7uwe,u-rolin,.ir ,4.,,,k,A,.e,uhs;ruisNaGyer
• prtiCeSs to MOSt PlantS., paracelerly
those of ,emaneatature. The wise
garde,n•er thet•efere.makes it a regu-
• lar. Prac..tie „to' reakive ail flower-
.stents,.aS soon a hroomsbegins to
fade. 'Thite Eavesthe strength. or
• the plants. and ensures the perpet-
uity,.otietill hardy kinds., Even 'Many.
annual flowers • respend,.faverahly:e...
to this Allotment bySending te'rth
additional flowerstems. "e'
• . • Planttng Pond „I -Mgt: - Mid'JuzeIs the •
tilt ceal°t:(11).,olae.1;1?lPePI:
dr watei.1i1ies in t
They, are tropical ..plaltr that de- "
Mancr;Weeter ' that: itark 'warmed' pp. •
Most gardeners find'ie rather diffi-
eo. carry •the 'PlOfifs over the
Winter,: but coheiciering their beau-
ty it is ,worth, while to Obtain, new
• pnolalat:o'iletvaeirttin' gwyeaei rirPortotohl
they will grow quickly and give ..a.
display. that lasts , for •eeveral.,
menthe; bay bleereing ',and, night ,
blooming kinds win previdefieWer's
at all hours.' •
Aphids and Piot Lice
The best,knOwn of.all seeking in.
seets are the aphid's Or:VI-ant' lice.
'They gather. in !great numbers on
the-telidkiFalmota :and ruin them in
a• shert time, SinCe they multiply
at.e..stremeticloue rate, they mest bg
Icept.' ill Cheek by rePeafed. applick •
'.1.1ong of the contact spray: Keeft
awe's% frem, • openwttionIS'and , take
ppeciel care not to tahale the •„fine.
Spray, Nonepoisonees con-
tact spray S• 4re '4156 available, , They',
.ueuallycontainpyrethrum extrect
or roterrodeas.an active principal•,
the latter being 'dertved from the •
rgetS, of derris and Cube:: '
.',To." hit each insect with the e0ray
Means thorough." application of a
'fine drifting Mist • -appiled trine
„above tiewell s froth, bolow,, Not:,
ineny.• henrs•• after the insect: has
been tottehed by the spray it- will.
be at, be eed Of its neferioue work '
becauSe of suffocation ,or paralysis.,
The spray that dries me tbe filants
does' not show: -Yet it ;..'fa a..5 a re-.
jr' 1381 tor Several day's, . •
rrequent. appheati,ons of (paling
sidp.hur from. ethe time delphinium
leaveshow M sPring. Wilt give con:
he '. c
rolOrf'.ildeW, dis,ease..and the
mite, that tiny sticking ipSect that
distortse tipsand, aeses thele
'Vigor, Vitality, vimand punclit,
The coUrage, to • act pn a suddene
The nerve to tackle the hareleat
Witlifaeet,iintIzt, Climb and "Janda
c '
And g• heartthat never.fOgeta io
ii'z,that e • mi.. •.' . .
. •
• Young Qteaker-=`!Martha, dost
thou:love me?" `,
Martha -"Why, . Seth, ,;:sst‘e. are
'commanded to leve one, another.",
'Young Qttakei"Alis 'Martha,
,but dost thou feel What the .Werld
calls lose?" • r• ..1
•,, .emeeehe__"I hardly know Tat
to tell, thee Seth.. I ,Ifave,trie ;to
:bestow Mylose • upon all, ',but
have:rsometimes thought, that per..
haps thou westgetting mere; than
thy..share." ' " :
Don't think a. Mart iS,a fool just
because he le not eduehted. Seine
of the .srdarteatnieti We everektreW
...atie eft their' shoe and
•Soeke, to ceunt tip totwenty. •
•tro Make flattery iffentrVe:eyou
Must, be • somewhat 'insincere; 'fer
example; tell • e homely girl that
she's ptetty
. • „. " • •
PriOenGovernor.---"Last night,
MY' safe was ;opened' and plun-
dered.. It was one of you-2.corrg-
victs. If I.. catch' the min, out he
goes:" •••'
s: •
•Young Thing="The.'doctor told
me such a funny thing."
Mother -"Whet did he' sey?"
.Young rrhing-"He told me r
had Ciinght cielci, And •tco' ccme
straight:Ito:Meiget dressed and go
t� beck" . '
. '
The ;bus'ipr Mail is the 'Mere
lloafersehe seerasli•tp aettrac4) • • '
TWO letikiness.' men were telking'
'41Sent -their 7eintiloyeeSi „ .
. :••-; First -2 --"Well, old. Johnson has
.grown grey-haired in my service." •
• „• SeeopeliI've got, a girl with,
Inc who has grOWn!yellow, ,broWn-
and.red-hatred n.myservice."
•If we tion't.eliitipithe onieelVes
the world will do it for ue."'
Madge --;"Don't you sailers have.
a special ship Whereyou .get Your
haft' gut? A sort of floating; bare
•her shop?"', '
theite 'ere no seell.. •
ships in our 'fleet.'"'
,,'Made_7-mThen what are these.
cilippotet ships .haee heard se
much about?'" , •
' •
This ehip has gone.. Once had.
TOPayfteha:Price. of letting
Wielting,ta,harbor what was.dear
eFrom storm and Undertow.
But the assurance of my heart
Tpld me ,that safety always ;lay •
:In ;wiliinglt;ess to _smile ..and .part,
•GiVing so' much away:
. .:•1 -From SPizet:
Bith Pressure
with .6401 of its tentacle
octopus ehn. ,exert a, Pressu
about 20 poundst� the '•
e of
Here is ,,the greatest tire
newt of the year. .. . A new -
Firestone Sandard Tire With .
everything ' idu nced
safety, mileage, dependable,
carefree service --all at a re-
markably low price. You
will want to see the pew
design , of the., ' Firestone
. Standard Tire and its smart
,:new appearance ,to fully ,
appreciate all its • extra fea-
tures. Take 'advantage of
this • opportunity to save
money. Drive in to your
nearest Firestone Dealer and
have him put these 'large- •
sized, rugged,: long -wearing
Firestone Standards on your' -
As Boolurtzki:
Eastleigh Pubhc [Jilt -Park bi4e.-ct;
To Custoni .=•-• Will lottsc.:f
Markers to Patrona'''
• ...1Uneeforth.
Something 114§•:go.ne'.wrong,
the bookmark.
If was Once atilIlleetrigue•thieg-
but it gratctiat-or_smieetteiti r1g,.
etweett the pages of vorse end
prose,, those who ,knew the. edod
„piCi,dayS Would always be:Pre' ared
to touching...reminder.
iekiet erchetb,leorf„,...W9Qmrer o'f iedi
Aging Power atJcmst. There Wtle
tirflese7too 'Where stich novelties bt4.4..
the skeleton of a dereas
'ClOeVor. osiiDeci bit. et.seaeed
might be " discovered, • But that
was another. generetion
1,Jeed to 50,11
. ,
•Today • there ate ellsot -nf
substitutes, to ignere. the•.abornine ,
atien of turning the page' corner,
which'shows' just Where' we are: '
, beienets
the odes- ef the great, f"D,Thrty
strange thiegsare found; but.they
are colorless and ,,Menial,
And from • England, where they
should knew better,eemes the te-
'port from Eastleigh that the East-
'ieigh' public lipeary hag„decided to
issue free bookmarks tel. its ltar-
-.'rowergaf ter the • 'borough „ourit it: -
issued an appea1 *king read el s
refraiivfrOM using rashers, bf•
bee'en and ;kippers as heekrnarke.
. ' .
, .
!Fur farming in Canada, cery.in
/ilea to •Cirpand,, The •re.enues.,ef
• the fur :;fairns•.,of the Domin'en
showed an increase. Of 'IP per.
Cent. in 1936,..the latestyear fcr
'which returnspre ,ieeifahle,
indugfry. Whieh begrin in Pi ince.; '
Edwercl Island tWoeSeeet • er. more
years ago,, has now sprecd over
the Whole Peneinien. In the. last
twenty• Years. the growth. has
..,,phenometrai. The nuinber of foe
farois in Canada .In. 1011r, eve.S •eti'Y '
429, 'Witt le in 19,3,0 it had i leen t
8440.,.' The Silver .fOx
aieStay of theindustry but the
miek is .b0cening: of einc,i•geeitv'e
importance. • ...In 'the pellet! -Since
1919, when the ,ectIllee.tion -ef
tematie etatisties,fbrethe indeetty
began, the iiieniber• of silver fOxes,
. on Canadian fur terms has risen
from .T,I81 to 151,696. The, Mane,' .
liete.:gf 'Mit* on the 'farm§ •iii• 19217
wee. Oily bet •by 1930 it ha'd .
, risen to 44,031.' •Fur farms !now,
P170Vide abOnt 4C per •cent, of the ,"
total value Of ',the raw fur ,prodne,'
;otion -01-Canada. '
Farmers Neea
Purest See
Miniatet of , Agriculture Says.
-It's Essential—Hopes to See
FairItit Every Cairnty. '
-1;%leedfor'a more 'general •prodeice;
'tiesof registerect'seed•,in. Ontario
, W'as stressed in a reia0it hy.,ontarlo
directors to the .Oanaclian;"..,•eed • .
• eref,...ekesociatietneaditual meet,
.i.kg;;St , Guelph, last Week"A mor geiiezal :,
,erodection •pt
' -registered' seed 'adross .0otario• 'ie ' •
'IMPera•tive If theeirictesti.y la going
tnettain, the proportions We ,shiettid
etm' et," declared Mei:" Stewart.
. • . .
. Weitern OlitariO•qixece,or; in hi re
• ' More Gro;dvers Needed: •••
: "EverY effort should be put forth
make. the"bnel'itese Of .g-trewing • .
• the highest PoeSihle.quality':of, Sped'
its.,truest form ' More generel:,
gore grOwers •are,. deeded; partite-.
l'arly.'.. in Northerd.. Central and .
Weetern Opt:trio.", ' ; •,• ',' • •-•
If fartners• Were.; ae • peetiettlar itt
the 'seleetipn of.their seeegrain Is
thes'. are..:in the .seletion. of herd-
sn es•th.crO, would •be an "11me,c11-'...
ate.; 1t11pro'. elitOti in crop PrOduC-
Han, on .Ontario
, Niinfster of Agriculture, , told the .
111101 1110 • 'There ,hat beecn. tde;
much' haphazard' nrodivetion -of eer--
ertI.,reeps in the past". . .
Alrri r 0 r 'Yhg Best
Objeelfire,sitUeld be the beit,
4,1 ops tittd toile highest
lives to Cit. A vC g.t.,OCk man. deemed:a'
'the host le 4erd •fennclaiion.'eafict '
• shoulil domind, 113 e'quallY., high.
•rjahlit-y; hi 'tire „toned:IV:op' st6e1t" et
the grain lie steers111,0011 131 tI1ni0i ," , •
sere .leseent•
to'tho ad '17111 30:9
. gli eutsu.itn
retg,gistirToeSd 'A
tioat seiceicwre shOwnginPr
iitrest in er6pconiotiting and
oic1Plitifg plan s.rePoreotly
It 's -%s t1i tu' 0Ik thetlmhr
• nuntto ee1*te‘ tu leest
getting "this ,goeci..•Steed : Yotr, woe
•tillee!"..te.,tht.; lI 131. '. 1711 .bt4 AU.
11110"j: thti, rlo 64
Yrztl; i*11.414101;A11t'td10114•
1tE. etnevy tetiete and wo. lttpd
DeN.I.ve'rl,t;tleaoPi'emili;1‘.0.11tatiVentriar: t,tir ht