HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-06-30, Page 2oe4.,
laslahrY On -the
THAT SALES TAX:. • The, 1938
)31.1480 just brought • down in the •••1
Beeee by Finance Minister -Duti•-
.•ntIM Pleased a lot o pee*, menu-
ifaCturers of builders' supplies par-
ticularly. But others, who . had
hoped to see that 6 per eent.'Eales
tax reduced Were ,not so Pleased.,
The sales tax, nicknamed "nuie-
• singe tax," originated' in the teens
of this century as a Wal‘• tax. In
the, ,hooril Years,. Of the twenties '
it .dropped to 1 per cent, then fol-
•. lowing the depression, it %made
' three 'ellecesOie julT436 6.11 it get
• up to /3 per Cent. Now the shun -
tion has reached the. Point Where"
26' per Cent, of all revenue
od by the ..Dominion Government
• comes from the sales tax.
,•Every man, woman and .child in
• this country IS affected by the tax
because it ups the price of all the
,property , and , merchandise, Ace,
that we buy -everything except
Itt$:` tItIthst." Week's Pfews:.• • • ByIZebetit Ee
diPleMatie representatives are
-puahlog like anything now to have
.the Anglo -Italian agreement of
.April 16th brought into. action it
once in spite of .the feet that the
war in Spain is nowhere near A a
cOnclusion. (withdrawn'. of Italian
"volunteers" from Spain at the
end of the, „war was one of the
terms of the treaty). Reason for
the haste, on the part, of Italy:
Mussolini is bard -pressed, for".'etieh,
wants -to ' borrow . some from Eng-
land; -drought _pretty, well ruined
Italian crops' this year so Italy ,
will ha4eto buy grain from Rus-
, Mussolini •wants real- ,
• „foiTsnre ',"yetegnitien,_niade of the
'• new Italian Empire (meaning sov-,
ereignty over Abyssinia). •
• .RURAL HYDRO: Extension of,
Hydro service- in naval areas • tot
two, services per mile, inetead: of
three; is 'beginning to show defitil
itel results throughout Ontario:
More ?farmers are installing, .the
service and enjoying the benefits
of 'electric ,light now that the Old
, "guarantee" contraCte, '"(under
'which if two farmers. Wanted to.
have hydro 'service •5they' had to
, sign al third Centract-and pay a
charge of $1 per month) have
- been cancelled. ,
Soon we .-won't •have. to -go AC, •
the city to see the bright.s lights
. when everrfarm hOme in .
Ontario is electrified.
sit14.401.1. in France? Very L591111'
ill -ex, We 7assure you, as usual. But
here are the highlight's: Premier
Daladier's "Radical Socialist" (not,
radical' at ,all) goyepnient which:
came into power in. April has
gained a free hand t� rale the re-
rotthite by 'decree until 11,Olienlher?
has, Adjourned Parliament and
silenced. all effective opposition
for theF.tiine :being...; -
;While Making the utmost
inatie efforts to stave ofita. Euro-
pean conflict;. the government is:
nevertheless organizing France
on a. Wer -time heels; ready for '
• France's Mohilizatron, orders..
are -printed and ready for use if
necessary, in every commune of
the republic. The Maginot line of
defense along the eastern borders
is thought to :be . impregnable
againstinvasion (But not so the
Spanish boder -there is cause for
worry about that,. with German
and Italian armies on. the other
.side of those mountains).
France's ally., Czechoslovakia?.
Pledged to go to her aid, it It es-
timated ,it *would take fourteen '
'days for Preach, armies to find
themselves If. a I position inside
• Czechoslovakia where they could
• repel,' any invader . . It has
leaked out Within 'the past week
that the plan: to invade Czecho- •
• Slovakia most favored ' by the Ger- ,
't Man Military Staff schedules
swift, 'overpowering series of
taeks. on the Czech front crush all '
oPpesition,- end everything before „
fourteen days are up. '- • .1
IR1S11.1 .ELECTIONS: Primer
, Minister Eanion de Valera �f I
".went to town on :the issue of his
• new .,sweeping agreements with
.Engfand, won the June elections
. ,(second : in Eirewithin: a year) • •
•with an Overwhelming majority.
Now Prime Minister de, Valera has
• what :he' has been 'wanting for
seven years. * .
sin '401 when de Valera's,-
. •group; the Fianna' Fail, became
the 'Government Party, ithad a '-
precarious majority;.: for the '• reit '
five years it has been dependent
,Unon a small Labor group to hold
'.office. Now for the -first time Mi.
de Valera will beindependenf.ef, •
all,einali groups,. and he is free to
pursue :his policy : of reconstruc-
tion and national defense.:
PIO Camouflage • Job
There seems to be moreto the', I
railroad ,problem than inst. 'fixing,'
a locoinotive, to look like ,sernel•
thing else. -Sherbrooke Record::
Cat Out Of The Bg
*lits -in •
.an unguarded moment, admitted.:
that there ,is a war on „ over in
Asia, "let the tat out of a cello:
phane ahag, so to, speak.-Strat-'
• lord Beacon -Herald.
.The -Real Pairiot
•The''''retil patriot is the man
who; ..without • fear or fever,' not
.only • disinterestedly,' Supporta What
he koii‘vii to ,be right in nubile
matters, but takes the trouble to
inform himself; to the very beet
of his ability, upon all question's
Of "While Moment. -Guelph
cui-y. •
Gas Masks are chic, according,
to latest 'reports. .London, society
'has, taken them up • and eVerybcdy,i
that 'really matters is, attending
gas -raid salons. •The. best-known
. leaders of the •haut Monde are
holding smell -soirees. • Vials of .
• liquid that smell like the real as
are passed arMand atui ' delicately
sniffed, 'masks are worn, and
Classes in raid -behaviour exclu-
sive, classes-arei held. You eart
almost, hear theecreame of toraiSe-
' mew. over here.--Quebee • 0,brOn?,'
'iele-Telegreph. • .t
• Not By Lazy Women • :
• ,A• woman's convention' has lilac -
ed itself on "recopt as favoring
• the ,Opointniertt of'Mere Wernea
ta the Senate Of Canada. 'With
all due respect for the ladies; we
.,think this is a 147,y ...wornan's Plea;
• Women,. if they ',Wont to get tato
public life, should be Willing to go
t into the arena, and tell for their
; • •
political honors,- and, by fighting
•elections, provetheirAg-
nes. Macphail and 1Virs. Black, we
• feel sure, would .not ask to be ex- :
Ciased from.. struggle and demand' :*
a place in the Senate that ean be
:wen by mere appointment, and .not•
, by hard Work.' Fort - William
Times -Journal. j .
Le SingMore.....
No, thif is no tirade againet;
radios and phonographs. It. .is an
.eppenl.*fer Mere -singing. Yes, andi
.ineidentally;.itlis a:plea for more :
whistling. Singing,,,atd whistling
• •driVe away the b1u devile. They
heal neighborly! quarrels .and pre -
Mote doniestit felicity''' The old
Methodist church won her Way' to
dor,iinance in the World and ;to a ,
special service at untold value by
her singing. When she degenerat-!.
ed to having her 'ehiging ' done by
she list ground. • No. nation .
'p -rent, or remains e-reat long,
iiallss her people are singers.
Denmark was '43.,ed hy her songs
and her religion. -Exeter Tiffies-
• The Deep )/Vistarivay..,Project
• Ilut, while nattrke invited this
project'. and it is obviously' right
thatit should ultimately be. car -
1 -0a out, the new treaty. will have
\ 'anything anything but an 'easy
peth;:in 'either country. In the
United States there' will, be ,contin-
ued 'oppesition from the States
tereated in , deieloping a • water•
route from Lake ItliChigan, to the "
Gulf Of 111e:ice, from the inter- •-•
ests that seek to protectthe tea-
k hetweee 8dt-fi1o-and Newt Yea'
by the Erie Canal; .and'.from "the •
power .corporatien1. and eitilcra.
In anada, opposition ' be&
ex.pressed, to the project • it , the
' Altirititnea, in Quebec and in ;Sri&
ish Prettier 1100,-,
'hinn, of Ontario, has 'been, and
still is, opposed. There ire pittnr,
• friends ot the project in ,Ontatio,,
however and ',that Province end
the .Prairte.Prbvinces which would
ehletlY belieht„. haVelittle over
half ,the population .of Canada;
• If
P4t Cemetery
Located Near Aurora Is A13190M,
With fiesirers on the Graves
Canary,, Horse
Buriet1 There
Sweet 'peas,l'airPs! daffodils tincl
•••tVaPhttltS bleeillr" in gAPP4r• • Wood -
laud, Canada's only pet cemetery
Where $09 caskets' and .P1Sitl graves
marle„.the burial 'places of favorite.
animates. ; 7
A Soldler's. herse, lies in the
cemeterY, -axrd a canary ,NUOS, hetlY;
was sent. from WinniPeg, rests
a spreading ishade tree. But
dogs and eats OecnPy most of the
thegemeteri. was lald out- 11
Years 'age by Mr.. tied Mrs. Victor'
Bloclaiii; as a 'burial place for their
•"pete,'laut. gradually it has= beceniel
•••public „Place. As : Ito fame has
.spread the bodies Of. animals have'
been , sent to Aurora from... manyparts of the Deeallgen.
. -
anct.s MonkeY'',
• A' 1O -year-old 1boY brought, his
ciipie. Soon afterwards the collie's, •
friend Peter, a monkeY;'follewed,
Most of the owners ask only that
their pets be buried In simple
shrouds 'With plain headstones over
the grayeii: 'There are many
penslvo •caskets and. :memorials,
though, among the leng,. sett grass
and aiaying fiewers. • ' •'
'Pla,n evelop
ana Ian
C. IL C. MarinerEll,f0PrageS,
Writing Plays for Radio
• Drama to Interpret iCaatatla
•The great field Mr endeavor ppen,
to Canadian 'authors in the "drama
of ,Minneia,, a drama: to irrpret,
Canada. to Oalladlaes;" Major Gad.
stone •Mtirrity, geaeral manager of
the Canadian Broadtasting Copora....
tion'told delegates' -attending the
17th'atlettal 'convention or the Can-.
adtan Authors' Asadaiatiaa, In the
city at 'maatrpal.laat Tireeds..
The C. 13. C. was encouraging. pa-
paiiian writing ..and • asked that the
scripts he submitted, he said. • ',fir
we succeed in establishing, a Can-
adian • dramatic 'presentation, it will
ser3re„a double' purpose. ,.N�t only
Will the, position of ' the Canadian
anther be consolidated :but. broad;'
' •eaqtiag, will get'away', fronifimita-
. . .
tion of Other large network ideas:"
• Readings and spoke o essays it
• authentic and well-done are a very
Worth -while adverpsemeat. he bc,
, Boma.
What Constitutes Drama'
. •
',Canadian drama is not necessar-
ily the historical events, of, the time
of 'Jacques Cartier, Generat•Biock
and the Royal Canallian Mounted
' Police," he said, i'kf, You are Inter- „•
ested in 'writing fOr, radio, put your
• bistorY,bqoks back On the shelfand
write something perplexing, 'must
;lig or vitally -..real."
F, milers Win the. Beat Jobs Says
• gaPert
'TVS the people Who settle 'Who get
:the best lobs. That is the •dectere?
lion .,•Mr,- Herbert Treyell,:•grey?'
haired,,' kindly -eyed man- who
terVieWs. biadrPda 'of 'applipa4iii a'-
rweek fora hig Birmingham (gag?
lend) ImainestChou4e.„ . -
•Sinilers AtAnd;9; Muelt ...hetter '
chance than he
told inc.
• ''t'f see sot lnytmeir and7'womea..
Iii my little °taco .,0yer-y,.,44y„ss:.1,.
have done for years, that ; can tell
al once whether the applicants have .
. • . . .
got that 'something' that thedif-
ference between • suecess.' and fail-
ure, •
`.'And the. is:mile goes' a long way
towards that 'something'." . • t,,
Se keen smiling., ;It may get you
a raise or a better. jab:
• The standardization of fruit
and vegetables is being studied by
the Britiih ,agricultural depart-
•( Raging Yellow River Drowned Chinese and Japanese Both,
•:,1\ , q,n ,k.,,,:k1.;',7 \kti-MA
•N‘ '\s- • .7':‘, 1, c\1*.'
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--..,,, -,.... , t• 4' :,' 1 "' .":74.7,,,,%,......,
\'1 \
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' \ k
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s...., '',•.:,,',„.
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. ,
Invaders can be stepped by shell and bullet, Well directed and in sufficient quantity, but China has
never: been able to curb the Yellow river -that is why the greet .waterway, at, once..ibleseing and a' curse, is
tailed "China's sorrow." The Yellow river again in re__Vale-41.1d-already.hak clainie4.an_estirnated.150,000
. vic-
tims over hundreds or square Miles of Henan province. Scenes like the ABOVE, once, more are the rule
as refugees flee the raging Waters. Here you see a railroad rendered useless by the flood. The river Playe
. no favorites; either, for it is reported that thousands of invading Japanese troops were among its Victims.
Ontario's War
011 Ragweed
Plant is Responsible for 80 Per
Cent: of :Hai. Feyer.-,Yous.
Can 'Help Eradicate Itt.
-'. TORONTO. In an effort to
eradicate ragweed; the 'pellet' from
:the flowers of : Which . is believed -
to be responsible for 80 per cent.
of Ontririo'shey fever, a :joint
letter has been sent out by the
,;Derairtment of Health; Education
and 'Agriculture of the Provincial
Government to municiPal, *Clerks
urging that war he Waged On this
'Spread Iiiereases,:
I. ,kh bears
3. Kirby,
Minister Of Health; ttr. L. J.
Simpson;-; Minister of Education,
:-and P. M. Dewan, Minister or Ag -
That, ma es, the project one of na-
tional importance: If half the
country benefited ..directly, the
rest of the country Would assailed- .
fir 'benefit indirectly. -• Winnipeg
Free Press. .7
Why: China Mt* Be Helped -
'Germany has annexed Mitt* '
.; From the Baltie, to the Adriatic
they now cry in 'frenzied Mission
: "Heil, Hitler!" Whet next! :n.
pue6 is now the' head of an em-
pire And he dreams visions Of the •
.•glOrY of ancient AdMe, •Spain will,
eoon be n complete 'Fascist State:
'All that is lacking now is a Jap-
anese Victory in China. That Would'
he the 'signal for real action by •
the ,dictators.,. Fortunately, China .
by her own - determined efforts.
'ha S prevented the fulfilment of
that :Art se fen Par from ,being
-crushed and beaten, China' s pirit
'-iaprns More luminously' than ever.
'Ilir will to Win remains as strong;
as it ever was and she will Main.'
tain the reaislittice.and-make any
further sacrifice required by her.
.return Chita ;asks; and the
,deitoereeite mustgive her, .OverY
assistance to contintie..th. sang-
gle ninth victory has been „acKev.
ed. The defeat of China
surest way to put the Clock back
fifty i years and to efiettre .,the
titinn on' humanity of the greatest'
liortori it lute endured stride the
idaWli of time.-41ong Kong Press. a
rieulture, reads in part:
- "The several interested ;depart-
ments of Government have during
the, last .few years been reminded'
of the increase it the spread of
' ragweed. This plant is apparently
'found with increestng frequency
in n11 parts Of Southern
• Three, Per cent. Suffer
"While• hay fever: is not consid-
ered to be a .serious .fOrni. of 'ill-
ness, it is extremely disturbing to
those who are affected by, it. and
its complications are frequently
serious enough.' It is estimated
that somewhere in the neighbor-.
hood of .3 per cent. of the popula-
tion are susceptible,. to various'
manifestations of allergy, . 'with,
, hay 'fever due to ragweed as the ,
most important single item.
plant can -be -easily --iden-
tified, and as it is listed among
the noxious weeds, suitable ar-
rangements should be madeto en,
,Sure its destruction in all Com-
munities, both rural and 'urban;
before; the 'plant begins to flower
in late; June or early July. The.
second growth of, the cut :stalk
should ;be againi cut down late in
. August 'or:early September." .
Accident TOII
Outranks VVar
US. 1037 Fataliiies,More Than
Double Number Killkd At
The.,D. 8. National Safety Gotineii
antatineed' last Week that accidents
claimed '00,000' lives, in 1937 - a,
• tetalfitore than twice as greit,ns
•the nuMber Of American 'Eyes loet,
in the World War.
: 'Injuries -from; accidents. disabled
0,00000 persens during the year-
least one member of every fourth
' family. : • •• '
Cost .$8;600,660,Citio'
, The '•ritteutabie costs 0! alt nett -
ran to a,coo,000poo. which,
the, eitunell said, was enOttglr to
State. buildings:
. Meter. 'Vehicle accidents during
.1:117. caused. 39,660 deaths, I360,000
'Personal injuries And an teoneiiiic.
• loss of l,700000flQ0., The tratlit'
fatalities repreemited a four
C1it increase OVer
•1' colds Englancl
' Ordinary ° $ cost
4116,d00,000 in :the.,, lost twelve •
inonticS, inAnSt*: work, treatment '
and 'txpentes:
omeitic Pig
Is Slandered
We often. (say someone is, 4.ta
dirty but little .do we realize
that We are slandering the poor
pig. This little animal, is natural-
ly clean and will not .willow or,
sleep in filth unless nothing better
is available. Pigs are among the
cleanest,Of all .farni animals' if
allowed to be so. Most pigs are •
'"pigs" because their owners force
them to live and bathe in dirtyr
places. 'Neither is the pig More
lazy ,than .other a,nlinSIS, if . al-
iewed his freedpm:
police of •England. ninnbei. 9,000
men and 11,000 women.. • '
cl4ades. Vast Network Is One
. Of Outstanding Develop-
ments of ,Present Century—
Cavalcade of Four
Tourists A Year.
Canada's vast network of high?
terY: Jn addlgett t�. pTcti.ddiag ,ar-
teries .of travel for more thaii a mill,
lion motor cars of Canadiafl regis'
trationOitese aloWio also •cairy.
a great CaYetcatle Of 'Mere than four'
mlllin tourist automobiles a year
from •other lands. The surtaccd
ceeds 99,300 ,miles, • while unsurfac-
ed Nadi totalled more than 311,000
•,• Early ,Travel* by Water :
1» the early dayS, of settlement
roads , were analliary to wOer
..routes 48,0enttes ettransportation, '
They were. used during the sum-
mer season When portages were ne-
cessary to, avoid obsteciee in river.
one lake travel, and in,'Winter when .
10e 'prevented navigation. With the,.
spread of settlement and the .de -
mend,' for means of: connaimication
hetween. centre:Sof. population,
overlandrat-gee., became necessary
and tad toostructu4 got 'tinder
*ay in the pioneer.stages otthe
velopmentot country., .
Road. building In, Canada receiv-
.,ed additional'. stimulation with ' the
;advent of the automobile, which re-
• Volationizeci the .mode of travel ot
.the nattgit: This 'gave, birth to the
'Meter tourist industry, Which, has
beett.an incentive to goierning
scenie highways Within' 'their juris-
dictions. • Today Canada's highway
systems Iink MOdern. eitieS.with re- :
gions or almost prituevel.
nees,,,and.:Serve a land 1;il6pa-eti by
at: indulgent Wature'irith on ••unri
ailed' Wealth Of traieraltraetiOna.'''
parks, .Acenic VVonder's •
'Front east JO WeSt4, there is the
scenic beauty of the Maritinies, the
: oldworid. charm ,of Quebeeit. the Ow'
fario lake:7egions,,the wotld famed
Niagara, the Great Lakes the parilands.' of. the .prairieS,' :and ,the,
. grandeur :oethe -mighty Rocky 'and
Selkirk mountains to mention :only
some of the 'more outstanding while
countless' lakes, river. and 'forests
. • • .
prciVide racilities for fishing, hunt
pig and .aunitner and winter sports,
Among Canada's ,greatest attrae.-
tions forjravellers by highway or
other' means., are the ,;•National
Parks , comprising twenty separate
units witha total at of ntiOut
12,625, square • -Miles: Within''' the
National' Parks are • almost 600
miles of all-weather motoi hlgh.
ways and More than 200 , miles ef
secondary sonic and historic aaso- .•
Mations.; ' •••1-
Are Sent Poinin
head-hunters drew :minimum sen;'
tences lest Week *for'loppiog • off .
the heads of twe•Christian ouths
. The court. as lenient because
:the 'bead -hunters Were nneducat-.'
ed, lived, in wild, COUritry, and be7
.longedto-inon-Christian tribe. .
The ,reling of the Philippine:
,Co.urt''. of. Appeal's , epheld, the trial
.•cenrt. Each of the .Ealingai was.
sentenced TOTV..-"-tO 1"--r years in
mison an( to indernnify , he _hews
victirns r' •2.
if#0.1140004000•W$C.00,00O0.1.O 40.0.fria00O00000
. , . .
. ,
v•24•:••:•.4.4•C;•:444.4404•004.44,-,:**00. 04,•,),:!••:•0•:!Ot•P`:'°•:•:":***:-X.C•444.604'
the Ontario alcoholic Pietute,"
Palgn to testriet , The .
Little calleid for' a Vigorous t -am-
, speaker charged that campaign
funds...from brewers to politicians,
as well as the, Uglier profits in the
Provincial sueget, reeisioneilife.
itlBV.;.dEOriGE A, LITE,.: .
Addressitig'-a .•Tenikrati‘6e ttallY
in Trinity United Church, TOrentO,.
last Week;•,ReV. Dr, Otorge, A..iLit
tle, a e.ti-knowit ',Official, Of the',
Milted Clinrcit ot. Canada *heti
picture appeitra at the' heed Of. this
Olunth Inaugurated .a Po:White-
wide. *eainpaign againet the besi
oge itiotos` ot Ontario.
tist,„ Little thargeil that both Lib,
erala anti •Conserritt iVe$1.; .Ont -it to
had. been qpittsite,fis putty,- in the
hands of the. Moderation heagne.
'The. ModeratiOn• League, he said,
'ohtid mere '10616'i:co With 1446'',00V-
erititient than all, th churelies:"
,terroing leer t"the. danger Spout in
for the .eontinnaiice of. b.everage
8:. :Cligneisrd:Oiei.s.Y;VEtaigsedanced
that Litmer, Commissior.,Lr .•E. •
...9dette-"planti beveraf..;,e,.. rohins',"
•. hear Piotestint C.htirces and' •
'ilvOide.piittieg them "near a Itoinan
tiiiirch or near' the. hothe
Of 4:Rotrian oatholie Prio.§ "Ay'e".•
nc'ed not -hone," Dr,. •L'ittle-
qtlint.the traditions of Englisii
testMitfini Will be familiarlb anma
'et Vreaeli-L'atiacilitti,
traelieti:".; ; • •
A' gi,,iqkt. ?;tir Waa treated in the
Getario press..by „Or, Little's, state-
. Meets thit, fly.: by vititte ;Of the ,t'on-
troverstat"lestiee raised,tAside.fritt
the liqtitn questiett, 'whether ette is
•au :advocate:, of teinnetlince or,
olle deplores the (them -foliate 'refer-
ettee 'al. -tan of ye,etteli extractiOtt'•'
whieli is likely t •,,,aratise feelings' of,
"(ttitagot any:, ellea
add tice44 all the "Innate". 'inward§
• national,solidarity Sheri it muster.
. • If. . • •
arthquake Is
Big Surprise:
To Grent Britain —. Scientists
Say Latest' Occurrence Is.
Most Unuaual In
British isles
-Tara to, scirittiStS axiiresfiga •Strr,.
tettioeed• or the parth-
quake wtucli'raolcasl, Preae. Bri.ta.f.a
last' wasi4 tked, Platme4 three
: in Belgium, says, the *mt.
.had. always balle
,. , ,
aaa4aiade," Jalld P.14Tc.-
tor of the Meteoreingical Service..gr
•• Canada, gleeltiretit, . Mr, • Vatterfiell..
.COntdnot recall having hearst'er.44.?,,'
t hveira: n:eica..13qpnc,,ault40e. ;ll,:' eGbrietrt !.,w4vr.41ttahl9n;'
forecaster for TerOate,• eOlataed•
that the Meteer9lOg1ca1•gerVice no
longer 4ss..4.8.0iStaograPit in Toren
to ' 'It was 0044004' to 'the De
'partment Of- Mines and Resources .
Mere than a year ago,",he cleclar-
ed, "So We Would have no record •
of. the quake ltere,„ It Most nu -
'usual for England to experience an,. "'•
earthopite,". ,
• , . •ont of the •Zone .
Dr ; Miliinaii,.-,leetnrer' In
• astronomy it the University of To-
ronto' said the lirltish •Isles had .
'• never been considered in the earthciaake One. "Chief earthquake gen-
, tree "- he • said .fieein to be on the
paci11.0 coaati ht:•North.Anterlei and
Asia: .1cannot recall ,-iseVere tre-.
. .
'tor In Nert•hera. urrope.!!
- • -pr. c. A. •Chant, Directerni the.;
• Detilap. Observatory at. Richmond,:
Hill, declared ,England hed. ' heett••• •
notably. free from earthquakes.. ;
."The tritish•Islea," -he Saiiii,..fien7
,ioy thesame immunity. frodv,eartli-:'
. quakes. " as Oiaterie:. ,There, have • •
been few tremor's' wortb„re.Cortling
in England for the 'Peet 106 :years.''... •
, . ,
Eskimos Have
Perfect Tee
PeBn4esiCbnCondIn ition'id Bofoc. 1E.:016s.em..ThPielyS
Live. On. Hard .Meats.., •
At a conference of dentists in .
'MoOtreal ,the ether day,. a Pro-
fesior of that science at Columbia
• University who had worked:for '15**
years' in the -Labrador 'and Alaska
:regions : stated that . the 'Eskimos
have the. most perfect ': teeth in'
.• the world,' :says the St. Thothas•Ii..-.
Times4Ouinal: It is .a rare thing ,
to find an 'Eskimo who 'has not
• the, fill] number of '32; and their_
.dental condition is due to the fact .
that they chiefly subsist on hard
inente. • If an. Eskimo develops
teeth- trouble it is inveriahly.'due
to aseptiation too ;such with white
Men and 'acquiring A. liking.,for
the White Men's soft foode,-includ-
inghreaci and sugar.
; NO Toothpaste ‘Needed
Eskimos de not need tooth-
pastes. And accenting to observa-
i,they don Some say
bj, explorers
tidnereer eabaths.nd
:the Eskimos 'never id* into the
• :water unless chance tips Over. their
• :kyaks. Mr. Steffinten, who knows
the Eskiinoi better than anyone::
else, asserts they 'AO go' in the
..water for a .sivint: *Be that as it
may, they never go in the water' .,..
for the *avowed purpose Of having
T. •
, .The water :where they.
Iivc is invariably: toe 'cold. They
i• are a. very healthy; race,, however,
eo' long as they adhere to their
oWn .ways ot living, arid in these.
two re$pects---no teeth ;cleaning
' and no bathingthey:ge contrary:
to .cherished_printintes
nien'a hygiene: The only Eskimos
with poor teeth' are found among:
old' Wonfet. 'whose Molars . have
been 'Worn down by ' Maty„•:years
• of Cliewine-leather. to „make it
pliable.. , '• . • . •
There Is a lesson.: in this for
' parents. I Oive your ehildran. Wen-
, of hard, chewy foods and ,dis-
coprage, then: from taking ' toe
..much•..,:fetur that tan' be 'swallowed
easily and 'front eating too Minh*.
starchy and sugary articles of diet.
Visit TO Dentist
Soon A Pleasure
• Nov Anaesthetjc Will Wort.'
• Wonders -The Perfect Ana-
• .geSia *Described at CoMreiti...
'• • .
Dentists. ,gathered for the and,
: 'twat conVentitni, of the NOrtheaet-
. ern Dental Soeiety :at 8wampscint,•;
Mass„,. last Week, '!heardot„anrieS-.
thasitt which might permit rentOVal '
of. a Patieh4 teeth„ and teniaeo-..
Merit With false *teeth in $0
tites. and analgesia witi4h• one
'dentistsaid wonla tiiake •Osite to
liie ,
t,111s. typoof, nnae3tliesjawas
deserlbc0a quick, Sate and easily
COntrolled 011(1 Without, itt effects,_ •
iibiivt :Or. 1610i and
ratisini no illness afterwatdt-•
••• .Administerea As Vapor • ,
Tibort of Pitelditirg
announced that virtually. kriett;
'ed • 'athalgesia, ittlretinistered'•ei
wthild (leaden. herVe..ertili
in a, toritli".heing filled. Ile do.:
"rAbOil 1he vapor ea Stiritileting ,
Auld not. affecting : eonselokisne6s.
• ;."