HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-06-30, Page 1---•••••
12.00 A YEAR fl Apv44§10-450c EXTRA 1' TO. U, 8. 4.
• OIEL ANTEI:474 0 r • general
• household' `00ties; 'Apply t-0 John A.
Murdoch, Lacknow, •
FOR SALE-, 2846 "White"
'Threshing &Vanier With cutter;
40.4).94:1. Apply at Sentinel- 'Office -
ho i duties for, ;summer and talk
Menthe, Apply at Sentinel. Office. -
1 JR: SALEe.-4.. McCormick Mower,
- Wit two extra knives in...41;COndition
.11cheap for cash.APPlY,-, to Mre.
Jan' McLeod; Con 2, Kinloss.
FOR SALE -McCormick „Deering
' Threshing -Machine with feeder,. ele-
vator and Chaff bloWer; DICCOrinielc
. Deering .tractor, 1040; Triteter Plow,
,3 -furrow; set of ,double
'good tepid!: Team of Celts, rising 3;
6 geef Ring :Heiferte-priced to Sell.
Apply to Melvin
Luck -
now . 'Phone Ripley 10-r-6. •
Livability & satisfaction guaranteed.'
90% Pul- Lock-
, , • , Mixed 'eta:eras
White Leghorns 13e- 2c
•.Barred Rocks 8c 10c 7c
' N. Hemp. Reds 12c • 6c
After June 18th, one cent less than
above prices,. Pullets from one to six-
teen weeksfold at right prices. •
,ONT. ''PHONE 38 • '
• ff you are not "earning $3:00 a day,
•you cannot afford 4 to miss this 'op-
portunity! Over 800 men make from
$18.00 to 160.00 weekly according to
ability with distributipn of 200 guar-
anteed Products. Cash Saes. Free
• gifts. Liberal Commission! RIGHT.
• NOW*best time to start this business.
kAMILEX CO. 570 St Clement;
Free particulars without obligation,
• Montreal,
' Juvenile doubleheader., in Lucknow
on Friday July 1st. 3 P.• M.. Wingham
and Lucknow, -6 P. M...Dungaimon
and , LucknOw. AdznissiOn to kith
'gams 16e.- The WI will appreciate
Your support ' • • '
• Dance at paramOune. Hall Friday,
July 1st. MecKenlie's orchestra., Gerifs
26c: Ladies 15e.
The School Board announces a
public meeting, of interest to all citi-
zens to he held in the Council Cham-
ber, Town,Hall.'eu Tuesday eVening.
July 6th, at Et p.m., it which they re-
quest your attendance. '
IL> McIntosh, Chairman,
Donald. Henderson, Seel
Mr. H. IL Hannam, i secretary of the
. United Farmers of Ontario, Will ad-
dress rt meeting of the Lucknow Joint
Club in the ',Orange Hall, Lucknow,
Wednesday next, July 6th at 8 o'clock
In an article last week, regarding
the Provincial Governments new
ereein delivery ,regulations, we were
in error in stating that Silverwoode
buying stations at Dungannon and
, Ripley. had been closed. Such is not
the 'Case. These station. cotinue to
, operate as formerly, , with the exe
„ception of being restricted from serv-
ing as buying or collecting- stations
• for cream only.
• The regular monthly meeting of the
Evening Auxiliary. was held at the
home of Miss Eva Greer, with thir-
teen present.. The usual opening' exer-
' ages were followed by the r,eading of
thescripture,by Hazel Webster. Mus,
ical numbers included a vocal solo by
• Margaret Rae and an, inetruMental
' by Mrs. Norman Wilson. The ,topic
from the atudy book was given by
•'Mrs. Roy ”Illack and a report of the
• Prepliyteriatgiven by Eva Greer, who
•• was the Auxiliary delegate. Mrs.
• Young , gave a very interesting; read -
after which the meeting' was
hrougilt to a cloae•with the'repeating
of the Mizpah benediction. ;
Christian Fellowahip Club'. for all
Yining peoPle over fourteen years *ill
Meet .0;00' FridaY evening at eight
o'clock throughout the, 'Slimmer inonths
in. The Lticknowl Bible Institute rooms:
Pleate hiriag year Bibles :And 'Invite,
a friend. Frayer meeting 'at 1.45.
$ebg , P.' M. therp., ,Cf)Mt.
W, 0
The Happy 'Censins,.Cencert 00M-
enYo of six vereatile artists will pee -
sent an entertainment in Lucknow to-
night (Thursday) 'ender auspices of
the Lucknow Pipe Band; ...
' The program, originally planned to
be held in the ,Community Hall, will
bta presented in the Town Hall at 8:15
g.. • • ,
This Concere,Conipany is in con-
staiii demand' and. froln every hind
come reports,that this is a ikograin
that is well worth hearing.,
The •Cerepany includes,. H. L.
chel, , character 'sketches; Barry ,Wei-
chel ist Pass comedian piano accer-
dian, soloist, ventriloquist and pian-
ist; C. P. Ruppel, 2nd bass; Murray
Ruppel, pianist, cornet and xylophone
Soloist; Norm:, Ruppel, comedian ,and
2nd 'Weer; '.0„: W. weichei, 'gold ,'med-
alist, 1.st tenor adn violinist. '
• MeQUILLIN-In West Wawanosh,
on Wednesday, June 15t1i,..fo Mr. and
Mrs. Wilfred MeQuillin a son. '
REV., 5.• T. TUCKER.
Concluded Six -Year -PaStetate- -Here
Sunday That Marked His _
, •
tirement After Forty years re The
• 'Pelpit--Left On Tuesday :To'Spend
Month At Wasega Beach., '
Farewell services conducted inthe
United •Church on Sunday, concluded
Rev S T..Tuckerts six: -year pastPrate
here; and as well marked' his retire •
merit from active 'Ministry.afterfotte
years' in the pulpit The occasion thus..
bore anadditional touch of sol row
a minister and his congregation bade
At .the Morning service Rev. Tricker'
conducted his 'last cOintrianion service
.here AS pestor, and spoke intimately
to his congregation ,expeesSing ap
of the co-operation and
harmony that has existed daring :his
:pastorate. ,
In the eveningsto;* large congreg-
'atien, Withjnoany in attendance from
eeighberhood. Churches, ReV:1`taeker
-sPoke.of.the harmony .end fellowship
that existed among the pastors in the
community- Mr Tneker 'stated that
few small communities have deVeloPed
the degree of fellowship that existed
in Luckeenv. Whichhe expected would
continue, and whieli was it" pleasant
memOrY, which be 'Would always
.. • • .
• He' •expressed appreciatien':of the
kindness Of the Lucknow Presbyter-
ian Church in Withdrawing their 4, -
ening service, and :called , Rev. C. H.
MacDonald to the pulpit to assiSt. him
in conducting the service.
,Rev. tucker in commencing his ser-
mon saidhe had been puzzled, as to
was to speak reniiiiiscently, but rather
he had decided to take as the thente
of his Sera -ion, '"Convictions Of Jestie,"
Which were :principles around which
Mr.Tucker worked out his ministry.
•These convictions of 'Jesus, Of real-
ity by faith, the Fatherhood of God,
the love Of God, the sin:melee person-
ality of 'God and that inimortality is
,the ultimate . goal of believers, were
fundamental •convictions that:
ended ;the Devine nature of Jesus.
and shaped his life; his 'Ministry and
the Goapel.:These are convictions that
Jeans wants to function in ceir lives.
said Mr. Tucker as he eloied with
this adnionition'"Life is worthWhile
Only as we lissecieee,:'OurCelves with
that greater cause, -that greater life -
the 'Kingdom Of God.
Among the sha•rges *here, Rev. •
Tucker has preached during the..initi-
istrY are Lucknow, Dorchester, Des;
eronte, Odessa, Beaverton Millbrook
and Greenwood. ;
Mr. :and Mrs, Tacker left' on Tues-
day for Waiiige, Beech where they
will spend the month ,Of July and will
then visit, With their son at'Milioed,
before taking UP residence at Totonte.
Prior to their departure Mr. and
Mrs.. Tucker were made several .pres-
entations by organizations of, the
church, Rev. Tucker received n'ehest-
erfield chair from the Y. P. S. and
floor lainp and end *table tram the
Sunday .Sehbol: exeentiee, as Well at
a Venetian znirret 'front the' Libtark
Board. Mee,. Tucker received a mak:
atinerack from Mrs, 'Fisher's ' Group
and a 40V -et serving ; trey fieitn'the
three groups of 06:Women's ASsee-
• •
Tucker's 'successor is the tteV,
R. Car; Todd who .Will be' inducted
this evening (Thursday) and Will.torn,
itietice his. ifeW eties on Sunday.
Teachers of Lucknow School Present.
M,i„aS 1. Murdie With :Silver Tray
Wc°011.int 'of...Long & Efficient
Service' as Primary Room Teacher.
'Qn- Friday afternoon June 24th the
teachers of .the-LuckneW '"High and
Public Sehoels. met at the hoineyof
'Miss : F. E. McLean; local•iligh School'
and Presented Miss Isobel
Murdie, who. 'ii retiring from the
teaching profession,' with a silver tray.
Miss McLean spoke highly of Miss
Murdie's'.,faithful and efficient work
and the presentation.' was made by
Miss K. MacDonald, Principal of the
Public 'School. "
A strawberry, growing wild in the
field north of . the Furniture' factory
.savouill, • was found by John A.,Mur-
doCh on Friday, Which inessured 4 in-
ches in circumference. There are Sonie
wild berries in this field, but Whether
or not this grew on a stray' tame 'plant
couldn't be ..determined. If it , was
a, wild berry, we'd like to find a patch
of them.
Ontario mayors in conference With.
Hen k Eric Cross Minister of Welfare
and :Municipal - Affairs, were officially
notified that ' relief costs for ,the •bal-
ance ;Of the year will be shared on
a basis of 45 per cent foi theProvince,
30 per pent for the municipalities. and
25 :Per eeet far,tlievbontiniOn GeV!
eminent. '
Mrs; Aylmer Ackert Of HolirOod
Returned :As President •For Her
Sixth Term---Lucknow, Branch Ex-
tended Invitation To Meet Here
Next Year. '
With repreSentatiVes. present from
the eight branches, the annual meet-
ing or South hrece. District Women's
Institute was held ' at Behriore on,
Thursday ..' Mrs. 'Aylmer Ackert, Who
Wes,re-eledted 'president for her Sixth.
term,presided over the convention.
' the, delegates were • welcomed by
Rev. W. J. Rainer of Wroxeter,, with
Mrs; Kirby of Teeswater replying.
Mrs. Hayes of Georgetown Wei:the
provincial speaker, ,end ,outlined the
work of Home Emit:maids.. Mrs. Croz-
ier, of Walkerton the • Federal repres-
entative also spoke. . ' •
. An invitation was extended by the
Lucknow Branch, to ,,hold the. next
district animal: meeting. in Lucknow.
Officers elected •were, Mrs. Alymer
Ackert, 11'. pies;. Mrs. Kirstine, Brant;
1st. Vice; Mrs. Archie Patterson:
Luekrtow, '2nd Vice. Mrs RaYmon
Teeswater, Sec'Y-Treas.; Mrs.-
ier, Federal representative; Mrs. J. F.
Armstrong and Mrs. G. A. Reid; Tees.
water, auditors;
MrS.'Teinple Clarke, was •appointed
delegate to attend the Area Convent-
ion to ,be held in Listowel in the Fell:
.Survived By Her Iinsband, Perni-
erly Of Lucknow Who Was Employ-
- In • Wm : Connell's • Dry Goods
'Store. .
Funeral services for the late Sass!)
ICiltiri, beketed..wife Of W. Bower
were held' :from ' Victoria United
Church, Mehta, Manitoba on Friday,
June 3rd: , • .
and • Mr's; , Bower were former
resident.S of Lucknow Where Mt.
Bower was einfleYpdin the late WM.
'Coiinell's- dry goods store. Ani „and
Mre:„Bower were marriedin Lucknow
in 1803:end ten, Years later tioeed to
Melita, Man.; where they have 'since
resided.: Mts. Boyer Was born /near
Clinton., She was in her 74th Year and,
had suffered A lengthy period ' of in-.
different health before her death. She
is the last:surviving iliembei of A fain-
ily Live sisters and two brothers. She,
is sueViyed VY: her husband.
Mrs. Bewee will be i.eitembere(1 in
Matefor her devotion to the work
of the church aitd nt5 kindred organ-
izations to_Which, she devoted ninth
of the'. time spent ontside her horne.
In late years, when failing health'
Was visitedupon her,shecontinned to
inalotaia )11 cheerful outlook titian
ifte and eifieyed the ;fteetteet, 'Waite
of eld , trietida *head aconaintaneeo
dated lack to her earliest days in
the Melita
Mis R K Miller, of St Helens, who
recently observed her eighty-second
birthday; , Mes. Miller . continues ee-
markably..alert and active and each
'day, finds -her regularly serving 'cus-
toMeerfrom morn till, night at the
MilIei.Store at St Helens.: ,
• • Cut Courtesy of Signal -Star.
tt-euiet. :wedding was, Solemnized at
Nile Manse on Wednesday; June 22nd.
1938, with the Rey: D. W. Pomeroy
officiating, when,Mildred E,, .daughter
Of Mr; and Mrs. Archie Johnston and
Albert. N.i son Of Mr. and Mrs., Wm.
N. .Brown, all of Ashfield, were uni-
ted. in 'inarriage. They were attended
by Mts. T. J. Drennan and Wm. A.
, . . .
'Brown. •
. The 'manse in Whitechurch was the
Scene of, a ,quiet but pretty -wedding;,
on Wednesday June .22nd. at .eine
o'Clock,,I, when Sadie Kathleen, only
daughter of Mr. Alex MacKenzie and
the late .Mrs. MacKenzie, of I-angside
becione the ,brid4,at Robert Farieli
younger son of Mr. and Mrs.
MoffatalsoOf Langside: • ,
The bride Wore a gown of deity
Pirik:tripple sheer 'over flowered teff?
eta with white accessories and °carried
a bouquet of, Killarney. 'roses and
Gypsophila. Miss :Mary McConnell
was Pridesinaid ,and wore a gown of
flowered Crepe with White accesSeties.
and Carried a bouquet .of., Rosedale
'Bill MacKenzie was groonis-
Mani iinmediatelY after the ceremony
the haPPY, Couple 'left on a :trip to
Timmins: and Saulte Ste Marie
• ,
• ,
On Wednesday, • June 22, in Fair*.
laWn.tnited 'church; Anna May
chie, :daughter of Mrs. Robert Ritchie
of Grand Valley, beeeint the bride of
Eldon Chester. Agar, win of Mr, and
Mrs. . Alex Agar .of Lucknow. TCV.
"IIT"-'131aii-eff-Harnilton officiated and
Helen' paidey played • 014:,'We'dding'
music.: Peonies and "rosei, decorated
the Church. •
The bride, given in -:marriage ;by
'Mr. B.:Wallace Blair, was attired. in
Pink triplesheer with Matching lac -
let and a Shoulder length -pink tulle
veil held in place by gardenias. She
carricd a bouquet of 18 iircliffe eoses.
Mrs. 0. Tillett, the Matron of honor,
and the bridesniaid, Zella Miller Of
Grand•Valley, Were gowned alike in
turquoise Mee- taffeta; with turquoise
blue ;veils held. in Place by wreaths of
flewers'. ,TheYcarried bouquets . of
Token roses and blue cornflowers. W.
..P. , Agar, brother of the grown, was
the ,best man. The Ushers were Don
White and Chas. Tillett.'
• At e' reception held at the *fele of
Mit. 13. W. Blair,the bride's mother
received wearing. navy •blue Marquis-
ette with white eecessiniee .and a cor-
sage of 'yellow roses. The groom's
mother, goweed.in beige flowered tri-
ple sheer with a corsage Of Talisman
reset,' also received. •
The couple left on: n trip to the Unz,
ted States: Par travelling, the Pride
donned e Pink triple sheer.drestWith
powder blue ,coat and white acces-
sories. On ,thein4etorn 'they, will re-
side- inroronto.-
. •
Rev. T. H. Ackert, minister•Of Cal,
&Ionia • United Church for 6 years,
preacheilarewelf sermons to capaeity
congregations at beth Services Sunday
prior to his leaving for a new charge
at Monkton, Presentations Were znOdO
to Rev. and 'Mrs. Ackert by vial*
departinents of the elthich and 'Coin.
nulhity orgarOatione in Caledonia
where they mademany friends duritjg
their successful Pattorate there,
Jack Hall (X Hillsburg, Bays Grocery
Euginess And ,Premises Of D. ;
Mcdharlea-.Takes Possession Mon-
. day.
, Donald ;T:'11/cChnties.;,Populgr
Luc -
know grocer, has sold .his Steek; ,fix-
tures and premities °to'. Mr. Jack Hall
of Hillsburg, whohas been, in the gra: '
eery, coefectioeetY'and bake business
in thet. Village, neer Orangeville, for, s.
number of years:, ,
Mr. ,and Mrs. Hail are expected to
arrive 'beep todey, (Thursday) to take
jon7ueei eh4aitisi hd ne. ne wC e ,4;9n id4 e7sr, 4H.1 4a 101 yl ;It tie x7.
Mr. and Mrs. Hall have a family of
three ,children,, two sons, Harvey, a
young min, Lloyd, age '12, and an 18 -
year -old daughter, Eileen.,
The business deal. was transacted
quietly. a short time 'ago, and it was
only this week that news of the trans-
action „became • general; coining as e
surprise to many of,', Mr. 'AleCharles
fellow business , 'Mei' on the main
Street,. '
.Writing offinal examinations *eon-
eluded on Wednesday, when ,school
closed, for the„,:anidsuirinfer, Yee:igen*
Nyeidh contjnues Until., the fall term
re -opens on Teeeday ,September ,6th.
For a.rennher who were promoted
or received the required standings on
their Year's work, holidays mmented
few days earlier. ,s •
. AcoMparativeliesmall *said six-
teen Wrote Entrance to High *heel:
examinations at this centre' on Mon-
day, Tuesday and Wednesday. Eight
Of this class were Lucknow students,
and the ,btilers from zieighbaring*rtir-
al schools. • '
6400,000 Principal Due. On Bends Of
‘DefMict :West SnOre, Railway
$60,0,Q00. In Interest Has Been Paid '
„Tor Lakeshore Municipalities .
In Pest Thirty Years
. The due date for; redeMPtiOn of the .
bonds of the defunct 'Weft Shore .Rail-
irty,:amennting to $400,000 is•tomor-
row, -Jely 1st. This principal ssnmis
shared by fear ', municipalities along
the .Bluewater Highway as fellow's
•Goderich $160,000; Ashfield Town- 1.
ship ; 6125,000; Huron .Township, 175,-
000; and Kincardine town, $5000,0. .
Over and above this $600,000 t
terest• charges have been paid during
the past thirty years running the coat' 1
Of this never completed railway to a
million defiers. t
Goderich has a sinking fund smile- a
elem. to iedeem the bonds in full, but
the :municipality is asking the trust e
coMpafie..fer,a complete ' accounting
and ...$010y.,1100
• RAisiN 'PIES •
TRY OUR'. • •
,Rey. D.. Gilmour,, A„' L. Th.;
rector of St John's Anglican Chureh,
Thameiford has been apeleizited regtora
of Canoe Davis Memorial Church,
Sarnia and Will assume his new duties
,on July I,5th. Rev. Gilmour was curate
here ,during the rectorship , of Rev.
J, 'Geoghegan. .
To Be •Ileld In The Town Hall Next
Friday ; •Nigitt July, 8th -Unique
Evening Promisee, Tp:.Provide In
• leresting Entertainment • '
The Lucknow and Community' Jun-
ior Bend 'organized lint two
'months ago, will Present their ,first
public handcencert in the Town Hall
next iFriday night, July 8th, at .8
,;...-The ...band includes. some fifteen,
early teen age boys from: Lucknow;
who are
mptlikginagnnrInand P i Yrun7ed;
ent leadership Of Tom Murray;
:The pregram • will include 'a .roun-
ber of selectieits by the band as well
Tat eeroel,*inunmabieiors be sseoin4i!ollf 4thbe3well;
known Canedgin artists. •
, 'seema elniestArieredibie that in
two shot .Months these boys cen pre-
sent a Musical program of this natere,
but the public is assured of an inter-
esting performance and. One that will
create; i'commUnity interest and pride
n this youthful band organization.
All proceeds over and above " hall
:ent.and advertising expenses will be
tarlied over to the kcal parents'eqin-
mitt:ft, to assist in the financing of
he band
The adniission is 25e for adults and
5e for public :school children. The
members of the Band will be selling
iekets shortlyand the public are
Aced to encourage the boys by tiny -
ng a ticket and attending their hand
Of the whole transaction, before they
decide what -action to take. .'
• Other Municipalities are not so -foe-
tunate in being .prepared to retire the
debt Ashfierdis considering the iss"-
eini of a short term debenture to en-
able them to redeemtheir shieein
fall, • ' •
Mr ; John' MeQuillin-of-LucknoW;
Ontene,•ennounces the .engagement Of
his daughter, ,Dotothy Elizabeth, to
Mr. Irvin Ross McCabe; of Windsor;
Ontario, son of Mr and Mrs. Bexter
McCabe, :Of Greenfield, .Nova Scotia,
the wedding to take place in.
Dh!neY Set Presented To
And Mrs. 'Wm..: Lyons At Surprise
Gathering In Orange...Hall. On
Thursday Everting.
• . • ' •
•Friends in his honie , neighborhood
in West, Waea,easii arranged a pleas-
ant event, on thurSday.. •evening to
honor Mr: and Mrs. WM., I.Yoes re-
, • • •
cent newlYwede,,", '
• During the lcourse of it .tocial'everir
jeg of dancing in the Orenge. HalL
• Lucknow, • Mr; and Mrs. Lyons , were
presented with e hanelsetne,'97-piece
dinner set and a linee.tableelethJ
The presentation was made by
Eldon Miller. with Teti Gaunt rend-
ing the following .address.
•• Lucknow, June 23, 1938.
Mt. and Mrs. WM. Lyons,
Dear Bill and 'Elizabeth,:
We nee, hapPy...te gather: here 'w-
eight to Mark the occasion ;of Yent
recent marritige. by Spending: a social
0/ening togethere '
We take this oPpetuniti to present
You With these gifts as an expression
of CotigratitilatiOns With whieh go our
verybest:wishes for years of happi.
11688 Sed, ,ptoSperity.. • : •
AtooMpanehig'' the address:: was
0 list Of the many friends;,in
neighborhood' where he was highly re-
garded," *110 Made :the presentiition
possible,' Mr, and Mrs. tyons are
making their home On Concession 10;
: At the weekly mixed Ofl Moflt.
ay evening,winners of the. lathe?'
prizes were, Miss
Henderson, Mrs. D. Huston,
and Mrs. R. Button. ; Then Men's Pri-
• zes were Won, by. Wellington; McCoy,:
W. Miller, Win. MacPherson and
-Sohn MacPherson.
• At the , ladies' jitney ,on Tuesday
afternoon, prize :i'winners were, Mrs.:,
Hornell, Mts. 0, Agnew, Mrs. T.
Claike and. Mrs' D Huston ' • ,;
• .twelVe• rinks" Were entered; in .the
ladies' tournament at Wingham on
TeesdaY., The leiekeaw rink .compos-
ed :of Mts.. A. Solomon, )
SChmicl; 'Mrs, C. Steward and Mrs.
W. Henderson, slcip,Lwon fourth prize
First Went to Ales. lluzby'e rink of
Walkerton: 2nirto Mrs; D. Rae's rink.
f Winglani and third to Mrs • E
Intitiston'a rink of Winglieni.
POST oFricE.
• Construction lie& at the ' Post
()nice has. reached a Point: where
bricklayers are now beep'. AS this
work progresses,, the passee-by is able,
to'gefn an idea of t1e4004elitithee of
the eoinpleted building. '
Welk.up on the front Of the !Mild.
Ing, 1ll be a panel' of Marble enpeat-
&lee, mounted with u large gildeit let‘
ters "Lucknow Post °dice, 'Abovii
this again will be a cleettlaf Imhof, in-
set, in Which will be on electric clock.
:It 'Must have been back in the.Old
:Caledonian days when thousands con-
gregated in Lucknow' to witness fate
of strenght and endurance, that un...
fading history was being Made in the '
fir -famed Caribou. Methinks there
too; in those gold -rush days, 'could he
found hundreds of Dinney'e and Roses
-silently and strenuously clinging to
perilous rock and. feeling there way
on hands and knees Over sliding shale
under grub packs that -made them,
curse groan. Their's was net an am-
bition :to '"play the, grandstand." but
a burning: desire to ,find and 'as .
seme modern economist might teem
it -7w 'beceme disgustingly_ rich:
To -day a gravel. highway replaces,
what was then the Caribou Trail. For
over two hundred' miles from New
Westminster northward, the pass foll-
ows the Fraser river. ° In the hector .
mainland for nearly half that distance -
it winds through' that fertile Valley,
internationally renowned for its pro- ,
deictive and . climatic , advantage*
Swiftly the *alley, iumows; mountains.' •
become more ruiged:, the river deete.
ens and no ' one ean mistake it:. it'a '• s,
the Fraser Canyon.' Every. mile:ahead
takes altitude while the river •below.
runs narrower and. faster.
It is through this perilous canyon'
that one can 'hardly conceive of mei
on foot, laden'. with bean Pocks and
without road or trail daring to go
ahead. Bet .fine gold his. been panned ,
en the lower Fraser and its mother
loadznust he found., And so, on and
farther •on they battled, Until :flee
;hundred miles . into the hinterland
brought Many:, of them to the pot :of.
gold . at the. rainbow's end. It was
William's Creek. on'which . the taivri .
of Batkervillet was birilt later.' Had it
not been discovered until this.Moderit .
age with radio and all other Scientific '
gadgets , for :accelerating news, it ..
it would probable have created suffic-
tent interest to divert from, such trivr
ial things as the Dionne efaintupes Or.
the ‘Windsor Simpsons,, •
Can yeti' visualize eight millions of
Oilers in geld being recovered. by a, :
small community, in a, single year? .
One ,can hardly stretch the 'imagin-
ation to fully appreciate the enthus-
easel that 'Meet have prevailed. Little
money was in circulation. .-A." geld -
scales appeared in every place of bus-
iness. and the precious metal probably
Performed the true function for which
it Was intended as a medium of "ex-
ehange: • , ,
Foodstuffs Werelgerierelly quoted -at
onedollar, per pOubd while the ever, •
age wage paid was :an ounce of gold
per day :per -men. in the .little .grave.
yard •outside the town, Several hun- •
dreds of- young' men were buried as a
result of an epedemic of mountain
fever. I, sin told. I am &bee inclined
to think it was scurvy, for bacon and
flonr Seemed to' have:heen •practically '
the Sete ration. '• .
.„ I am not informed In when the flest
Womaii came into the Country but not
many' years alter the strike, a con-
tingent. of German girls 'iourned: all
the way. from (TrisCo.” A large dam*
'hell was.‘, built and the scarcity of ;
weineli was capitalized on: One dollar
per dente eight' times. around' the
floor Witethe maidens charge and.
Stories' ere told of how some roman- ,
taiesyinoguineg.kRiiesm. eq.*, 71,141 Offer hisi
of fifty ounces of nuggets or so for
• As I travelled ' the Barkerville trail
for .the first time My attention, was
drawn to a sharp teen le the Toad. To
'continue straight' ahead would mean
a' Plunge of seven or eight •hnedeed
feet into the :Devil's Canyon. '"This.
is .Lover's Leap" I was told. It. seem-,
ed that the ' Barkereille stage, from
Ashcroft (280 Miles) carried a beaut-
iful yeting, woman . passenger.' The
driver ,proedlyLplaced her in the high
seat beelide him .much to the, envy of
the other inen passengers. 'Afee, num-
erode' entreaties : to Marry hiMhad
failed, andas they approached this
dangerous jog in the road,a threat
seemed his only hone of winning her.
'Promise to marry' me or I'll drive •
the works into the Canyon." he roar-
ed. "Go,. right ahead," she replied
Calmly. I'd tentimes rather die with
you than trikto live with you; and to
this day this 1rornantic Spot is known
as Lover' i Leap: : •
But through the country 'heti and
theref-fragments stilt rethain of one
of the world's most SetiSationstr gold
rushes. The old, Riehfield. courthbuse
is still there 'beside where two whitest
and a Siwash were hung in the tree''
outside. The hoosi Still hangs on dial):
Wall. On the lower Williatii`e Cteek-
LittleVflhlyor Slough Creek eke "Pe
seen the ..,itintiants of, huge power
plant Wherethousands and evan
• (Continued on Page 8
•• •