HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-06-23, Page 8• e It A heal. ;410S BREAD` THAT :HAS REAL TASTE.' D IS',: :•.RE....... - Plate Appetiang :Fl!►wor, Caood• ... #me ... That,, Makes It ''The. , :Better Bread,Insist On Reid's: Bread The Get Bea • t, ' • • ' ' REID, YOUR OUR W END, SPECIALS' • OrangeTo e" Cakes,' Delight. A. D . 0 -t , Eat; Jelly' Rolls,; Butter, „Rab..., h - Y. And berg •Talrts- .., .. littiffinsp' Raisin, Apple. And Lesion,es; BUTTON'S At , utcer -Shop S . B :a ON SATUR DAY.AN ALARM CLOCK WILL BE. SET- TO RING 3 TIMESI-. r Once In The Morning Once In The. Afternoon Once In The Evening. . TO MAK- ING CUS MER . ' ,.. • PURCHASE IN A, PU E THE SHOP WHEN THE.. CLOCK RINGS WILL BE GIVEN; ONE POUND OF 'r 1 • nin ee• • orfs g. IAL i.70g. Y SPEC • �Z�' -Ibs ZS orteong, utton RVIC Change Of • Time Table EFFECTIVE' . JUNE ' ;25TH. ', LUCKNOW .,- for a •'%ndo • Ds all • ' Termitend n, y,,, except :Sundays & Holiday_s A bi. 6.45 P. M.. 2.55 Sun: .H olida s .ua: 4.00 NORTH TO • "KINCARDINE — daily , except ' Sundays ,and''' • Holidays, 3.50_.&_9.20` P.M.' To Southampton 'daily 3.50' 5 nda • and' , Y Holida s .,3.50' &:' u Y.... Viso 'P.M. FOR FURTHER :INFORMA-' TION SEE LOCAL ;AGENT SMITH, W S , :•' LUCKNOW FARMERS WILL BENEFIT BY SALES TAX EXEMPTION, Tax exemptions in ThOrsday's Ind - speech 'designed to • stimulate home construction will ,effect, the -average Canadian farmer more than ,anything else announced by Finance •Minister Dunning. The genetslexemption .of'building materials from the eight .per cent Sales . tax will haVe a direct effect on the colt of construction, mainen„= anc e and` repair' of farm buildings, The aggregates of 'the eight per. r' Paint, tae and cent tax on lambs, pan , g... a and other bedding. inaterials. sold to farm- ers has run into tens •of thousands of 'i 'dollars ° Effective'Saturday* this.. a ht .,g� per"centtax .was off. • , Second:.in interest.for the. . farmer. is':the exemption, 'from` sales ,'taxx• on harness, harness parts and materials used in their manufacture.. theof viewthousands From paint.of sds t u n of Canadians in 'average circumstan les, brightest' spot. in Finance Min- ister Dunning's entire, financial state- ment in the Commons is the exempt- ion from the eight per cent sales tax of the principal products: used in the building, indus trY,, ItHowever,' i s : -the'. 19 �. budgetre . notable that it .does. not,alter the economic status of the man on the street to any eat degree, Jack Canuck .will continue to. pay. the current price, for. his food, his drink, his luxuries and his necessities.of life. THINK OP. TOTS SPEEDERS TOLD, Hundred Children's Lives;, At,` Stake,• J. Blckell:Tells Drivers,' In Open' --Letter,To. Ontario= Motorists.. •J. . Bickel), Registrar of Motor. Vehicles has writtenan open .letter the ' driv to er ' who: speeds ;through our streets:" •"I'. saw you barely miss: a little boy On .a 'tricycle . this • afternoon,'!.'•he. writes, and „heard you. yeti: ,"Get the blink • out ; of the. way! Don't, you know :any better than to . ride in the, street?"' He •didn't answer:,•becange. he hasn't ,learned ,to talk verywell. yet. So I'm going to answer for. him. ' "No; the little 'boy idoesn't,'know any better : than to ride his tricycle in :the' street. He his 'been warned not to, but little boys don't,' always: heed •warnings:. Some 'adults don't either, especially the traffic Warnings.: for instance : thel` �_.► oze_ rmrting-:the.-s • 'ed: Pe o f automobiles. ilb' ea, • "I'm going to:: tell you something about that little boy. He; has' a mother and father who have worked hard and Made many sacrifices to make him healthy and happy. The supreme pur pose for their, lives is to; have „their littleboy' grow up: to be a useful matt. "Now :'stop a minute and think. If you "'should kill -s-,child how• Would: you feel facing its parents? What excuse could you give; them for hay- ing robbed them of their dearest poss- ession? More important: What excuse could . you offer Him Whose Kingdom. is made up of:,little.ch ldrenT: "Children my hasty friend, were here long before •you or your auto- mobile were ever thought of.. All. the "' ON TR 1I1 P TO EUROPE, In':th abMr,: R. C.• Hays salsenc ,�e of y : " K C. and : Mrs..iia on a tri to. s . ,Y P Europe, hi ffice 'here willbe i n• .„charge of his ` cousin "Mr. H. Glenn HaYsoSeaforth. Mr. Glenn HaYsr is a son of the late James . Hays, .who for s�me years was a resident of God- ericb. He _has 'successfullyconcluded his law course at Osgoode Hall and intends to practise, his profession °in -.his home town of Seaforth. a - i 1 t' S Sar automobiles: onearth are not worth the life of one little boy:' We , . don:, know what that little'rhoY may some Y da°- - - be.."But"'tiv'e---'dkno o w w hatou are e and,. ,rt suni Port ant. We could, get along without you, but we . can't spare a single little boy on, this street. .. just take . So it easier, my friend, and quite a -bit, more carefully. There, 'are about 100 children's livesat-: stak . , -for'' that . is, about . the ; number • of oun sters:' .w Y g hd lost theiri 'live s • n; Ontario: last year under just such circumstances as the incident between you and the'little bo onthe tri' " • Y cycle. Zion. Friends .:Present mt. & Mrs. Wm., Hunter •(ZIQN' NE1'S) Following their return from a wed- ding trip to, Toronto, Niagara Falls and other southern points, Mi "and, ;Mrs- Will Hinter were te'nder, a. connnUnity reception in theO 8e, all, on Wednesday evenin last whe W _- y � ..gin betwetn eighty and ninety.. of their friend - assembl • to extend their 1. s.... ,ed ._,. f.. icitations. r °• Ro v„w,.J. Patton took the chair r for the rendering of a short' • mixed. pro am.,.a during. the atours :of 'which the .address, was read "b'. Mr. ;Jno. ' •R'itchie and, the. presents,., ion of chesterfield and ..'end. ' tables. made by` Messrs. •And Ritchie Jacob Hunter and Charlie 'Anderson.' To. Mr. and Mrs Wm. Bunter, Dear Friends,— - Your recent marriage has provided us with this welcome opportunity of coming here tonight to extend. our heartiest wishes for your happiness. It affords us great pleasure and satia- faction, to know that you will still be in our, community and we feel Jertain, that • your help Wand ,good influence Will_ centime • in o u r .church ,_a n d community activities. By your devo- tion to these duties you, have” earned this sincere'wish of every one present, May your feet tread the path of long deli •$ ht i a your Mayyour eyes_ see 'beauty, may your , souls see light, May your.•lips know a'smile ,and your . hearts a . song, • And love go with you, your : whole li f e Asok o four ppxeci a a' a t en�,x lion :and' esteem, please accept this gift. 4, Signed on behalf of the community, Andrew' 'Ritchie, Jake Hunter, ' Chas. 'Anderson,' ' ,John; Ritchie.,, The groom few' well chosen ,words responded, acknowledging' the, kindness and : thoughtfulness of the donors, and thanking them for the •same: .'e , 'Lunch followed, after which a short 'time was spent in dancing, ,music be.• ing-supplied`'bdy the', Craig orchestra of St. Augustine Mr;: David. Andrew left on Thursday on the return trip to his home. in Ver million Alta:; .Congratulations are'. extended to Mr.. and Mrs. GordonKirklan on the birth of a ' son.. iMr, and. Mrs Ernest • Gardner, • .Cecil and Marion, visited .lith Mr. and 'Mrs. Sara ibso Laurier, . Su S Gr n. of Lau re un- . day. A number ,from here 'attended. th. Webster: picnic. at Bayfield on 'Satur-, day. Mr. David: Anderson of ...Dunlop spent the :week -end at his home here. Mr:: E 1 t�da and Mrs. G eo. Hunterand: Miss�is.ted Laurier and -PineRiver friends on Sunday. The S. S. , and. Communitypicnic ... will be 'field' 'n the 'beach' at the end of the Boundary on 'Saturday P. M. Sat y . Everyone • welcome.. Mr. and Mrs Joe Freeman' and children of Leebuin, visited with Zion friends ;;Sunday.. Mrs:` Will Gardner accompanied them home :for .4 short visit. A somewhat belated softball' league cue ha ; been farm'' s ed ofAshfield teams; comprising.' ;Zion; CQurr><e s Corners, Kingsbri dge and Pert: Albert lbert •and a schod •. drawn d wn upc Zion plays at:Cur- rier's on. . Thursday eve,andPort Albert ,provde the first home ,game here on Tuesday next. ' Y I•ro It isos' •, P P ed to hold: a `�tourila- ment of .the four :teams at Kin tail oil Ju 1st.• Y • Ou res }'r and Port Albert met on I Monday eve, :when •Curries' were Win- ners ,,by •a slight. margin - ' • .r TSR MORROW .:S$NT] . j i WHITECHURCH • Mr;: and Mrs Dustan Beecroft;;and family spent.Sunday with her parents Mr, -:and Mrs. Andrew Kirk, at 'Sea - forth, • who.' celebrated 'their , golden }wedding'on: Sunday,• •Mrs Annetta • Knight,' of, Linwood spent the. week -end with her brother., Mr. ,,George Fisher ,and -Mrs.; Fisher. teri •- The Presb y an el><urch had very sa n successful',anniversary Y : services last, Sunday, when Rev. D mcK#3r.of Lon- don preached The choir rendered" special anthems also a, solo 'duet and quartette, :.'M....r.:..•and ;Mrs, Duncn". Kenned y , Win ham Mr,.and rsHenry , rch- • borne . of Goderich• end Mr, and rs Lorne 'Durnin and little son, John Div dr of ' St. Helens' s ent,Sunday with'their .mothe.rMrs..Davd pKen'.. Mr. Wallace, Conn return9d. home from I.ondon hospital ,last .week.: He will be laidup for, some. " Mr. John' Patterson, Miss Agnes, Patterson and. Mrs. -Henry Patterson Metered to Stratford 'on Saturday. •Mrs. , Patterson remained to spend a few weeks with her daughter, Miss 'Catherine ;Patterson. • Quite ,a number from this commun- ity attended` the Brick Church anni" erveary, services, . when ' Rev. James, ,Scobia of Westminister, a' ,former :ininister preaoa<ed:" Dr. and Mrs. Simpson of 'Kintai. visited on Sunda with their son' Mr. Y • Arthur ' Simpson.. . ,Mr. 'and Mrs Rone . of : Teeswater: visited on, Sunday with her daughter, Mrs.', James. McInnes and Mr:. McInnes. Mr. James -Weir of London' sP ent the week -end with his mother ; Mrs. Fred Davidson. Mr: Wm: Scott" and ":Miss"Marvell Scott, of Kinlough 'visited on Sunday with ' Mr..and Mrs. ,Albert Patterson. Miss • Bertha McKay ..of Stratford spent the week.' -end with, her ,parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hecto Mc K a } #t y and'other relatives. •or' riso M ' has . •made s garage in part . of the Kew. `'Block, where he is ! livi and . ng does. repair: work. - '.Mrs. R-e y Patten of ,L can, 'spent the week.nd with, her mother Mrs. t. Fox. LOCAL and:GENERAL Mrs. Hale and daughter, Mrs.,' Taylor of Chicago, were visitors with: the farmer's sister, Mrs Mary Moore,. Mr :and Mrs.. Robert Whitely . of Chicago 'are, 'visitors with Mr. " and. "Mrs `w; J. Pttle., Mr, andMrs. unea •. M . p n MacMillan of , St. James Manitoba visited with herbrother, Mr. • Alex Gellan. HOLY NAME RALLY On. Sunday " afternoon more than. ;even hundred menof: the Holy Name' Society, includin ' , a large' ' ,..g. grepresent. ation_from.':Goderieli gather •-:e > g. et St. Jose = h s church 8 Joseph's, , mgsbridge; ' to. re- new., e=;new; their :,vows at the annual•' rally, which wae! addressed by Rev. .Father Basil Doyle, of Toronto.Wingham, St. • Augustine, .,Brussels ,, aLucknow ' d n Kingsbridge , also .wererepresented',' at t rally.' ' The hue; . arade was led theY g P, by .pipers of the. Lucknow, band. At the 'service, Rev. lFather. 0 ,A:,li Martin of. St. Au • � stin `, was celeb- rant gu e,. c eh rant as. the' benediction of the Blessed Sacrament,' was'', pronounced Rev. Father Paquette; of.. Wingham, was' deacon; Rev. Father C. F. Nagle; of •Goderich, was subdeacon, With Rev. Father Fallon, of ` Goderich, in'. the sanctuary. Rev..Father Quigley, of St: 'Joseph's church, was host to those present ,at' the. conclusion of the service the oc- casio 'being he„ twenty-fifth anniv=? ersarYof his ordination.. -oderich Si -nal-Sta g. i • Con.at `io gr ulati ns are, extended to ; our :teacher, Miss: Ada Webster, in. having -alt her• entrance pupils'obtain • their certificate' of entrance . to High School 'on their year's :work .We are pleased to': note that Mr. :Jack, Gardner is about again after his. recent indisposition. Withh t e, advent of het dry weath- er, a number have' commenced hay- ing. With the heat wavethe, first .of the week, haying operations .commenced on many fari;is with a bumper. crop in prospcbt. Mr:.` and Mr. � s Gordon ' . Moore and .famil mil . ' Rock oo spent „ unda the. hom', of his mother Mrs. Mary Moore. •o e•... Mrs., Wm. MacKenzie left for Tor onto' last Friday morning, to ' attend the tome. Makers? Picnic at Center Island, on Saturday afternoon .Mrs." Edward McQuillin leftthe past week for Toronto on an extended stayher daughter, with with ghte , Mrs.: Harold:. •� Dawson and Mr. -Dawson. • Mrs. ..James•Bale and daughter Mrs:: john Taylor, of Chicago Illinois mot- ored ' over and are enjoying a , weeks •vacation:with. the formers'sister Mrs., Mary Moore,• Ludgard St. THE GIFT SHOP has is • a speer 1 .isplay' of needle -point embroidery 'If ' all ..,desi ns, ictures • g , 'pictures, •hand • bags, cushions, chair' and foot stool covers. Don't 'rasa' seeing:, this fine work. EVA _GREER, TIIVRSDAY,; 3TJ E 23RD;; 1938i1>!0' Mr: and Mrs. H:: G. Fensham, Miss tsobel Fensham, Miss. Edith Smith and Mr.. Jack Fensham ''of Toronto -and Mr;- --Edwin--Smith of -Listowel were week -end visitors with Mr. ;and Mrs..'Jaines Smith. Mas: : Walter .Murdoch' from tlie' West, and mother of Murray Murdoch visited fora few days in `town, hav- ing accompanied Mr. and:: Mee. Csurt- eron MacDonald -'u' on their return' P r °from .Toronto:: i'Von Pork Rolls In.the. Saturday` night .;draw ,at. utton's Butcher shop winners'of pork rolls were Mrs.,E. W. Rice,. St Helens; Vliss,,;Isobel Hamilton; Iucknovw'and Donald MacPherson,' :Holyrood ' Mr. and Mrs. Wm Cox, ;, Mrs. ' J. Cox Sr.. and' Rev. G. B. Cox of New. York city.•:attended:-the graduation of; $ Miss Mary Cox; at McDonald" Institute , Gue1 h -- on •Frida J 17th. •Rev. p , y ane . . ,Mr Cox was accompanied .by. ,Mims Mary: Cox to New York for a month's. vacation. • 'Prom Chicago comes the ••announce- nient that Mr. William 11. Mackenzie, son of : Mr: and Mrs.. Wm. MacKenzie, Lin:know, • Ontario, has recently com pleted his sophomore yearin the. Chi- cago College of Osteopathy Mr. MacKenzie is a ;member of; Atlas Club fraternity. Graduates : At • Peterbor - Mr. & Mrs. E. J. Thom and Kathleen Miss 'jean Thom of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Thompson'. and,: Donald and Stuart Collyer. spent the first of the week at Norwood, and on Monday evening attended the: graduation ex ercises of ,Nichols; Hospital, ,Peterbor, ou h held'i the gn Collegiate llegiate Institute when .'Miss' llelen Thom o e'4 of A _this ggraduatinggclas$"...-to. rceive -her- nan ,i1.•.. pa d d oma.. • `• P 11tr: rs and . . Wimin.:L:so rSdA d'bbb, o.4B Brice Albertiss ar-•'a M cCallu anda m g retH.GSherri•.spenttheweek. in'• Nia- gara,; Welland and. ,Dorchester- ' t On , ,their wayfrom' .Welland hey visite r the Government Beforeatry Station, , at St. Williams.Hereone ca . n see a i sample'of . every' kind of tree hi.,'the • • • BATHING =TR NK -S. for Bos.' Blue •Black, Maroon; Wool' tr» nks'..: With . support'' BOYS' 'LOTTO SHORTS with; beleav ,rill fast colors,9.98 c. 'YS AN lace at hack .., !.98c ^ ' B RNAC E BILL..I''_..,T d ba. , .... ,'. WHbOPEEPANTS, Laster heir rvback realbuy for helidaY• Wear. ', . ,. ti . ,, . 98c.. e..,ar� at GIRLS' 8i .LADIES' BATHING, SUITS . .. ;, ....,. ;$1.50 & Up. • RE 'f head' ear Ver : o 'u • GAY � PRINTED COTTON. SQU..A S orgear; .._ .. Y.. P•. P lar' for boating . t . , ; . , , , : 25c & i• =fie • oths• e i ' :lane ' a t .: . RAVI+:L " T LBRS SA LE . Cl _ F , , . Y. p _ •. ,. ter :36 x 36 25c: e -*RAYON. CLOTHS�ne :checks' 54 .. 6J . .:.....: `', tt - :C E ER eci E •: ItUN. N -S al '19c:. a leton • world. "One: of the. most-iinportant and besutillul places •for 'naturalists to be found in Canada. 'Thousands :of those little pine,. spruce . and evergreen trees and shrubs are given free to any who desire them W. M. S. Meeting ' es The W. M. S ••of the•Lucknow. Pres- byterian res- Y b terian: 'Church is holding a special meeting on; Monday evening; June 27, at 8 o'clock, in the 'basement of the Church. A geed :prograin consisting. of; a play ' • "How theStory Grew' readings, and musical. numbers );is be- ing prepared. Everybody • • welcome: Sily twin ollection ••� w . e c CREWE Mr.' and and 'Mrs. Ronald; Storms Were Mr. '�. week -end ':guests with theirparents at' Barrister'. Th la ' Zocial which ' is was'•held' at wn: s ,,. Crewe Church on Friday evening was a decided success. The •play,, "An Old Fashioned Mother' was; well pre sented by -Crewel' Young People. Pro - Feeds ,.amounted ro-ceeds.amounted to $75.00. Mrs• Isaac Gawley of Fergus ' •'is the. guest ;of Miss Agnes ;•Malloch , while renewing . old 'acquaintances.. Mr.'a.n Mrs: Sam Sherwood tend d, the Connty Council picnic, Which. was..,held i .•Goderre on-S,..at u' r - ilyWere guests 'of kr. and Mrs. itday.Rev T. and Mrs. Turner and fan} feed Drennan ;Sunday_ evening. Mr. Colin Crozier was home front` Lieuiy for the week -end, Mr. an ` Mrs:eo. Freeman - Lee d G of burn visited their daughter Mrs: "'Em-; mons on '.Monday. '• Mr. and Mrs. • Ewart Taylor and. Ewart Y family . of : sicknow spent Sii'nday: with ' Dungannon and Crewe friends on Sunday: Messrs. Harold > and Cecil: • 'Blake spent :last , Week: with their sister,. Mrs: Stanley Fines and ,Mr. Fines of Toronto: "Maggie". said,`Angus ; to his-. wife;: "here's a wee ticket for.: tonight's •con- juring show, and when he comes to. that part, where he takes' a teaspoon,; tut o' flour and ne a -e and makes. ,egg 1 -`•oml ttes 'atc --ve'r r" ~20 --w h a cla`se: e have • You a '•nice ,collection of. books, but. yen should' have :more. shelves." ' ' t know; nobody seems,'to lend: me shelves' . Mrs r le��' . Wab r . Have you P •.shut. u ' everything in the house for the night, Elmer? ' Elmer: I've shut uphin_ ever tY g. that, can be shut , up,• my dear.. • ,rr HOT': WEATHER: ,� ' •I G,• S .�t�S• SILK UNDERWEAR SOCKIES. FINE SHIRTS ' •. •SUMMER'. AP C S Light '`I'Veiight, FELT ;HATS SPORT PANTS BATHING • G • TIP TOP , titl:-DETO ,.A. 'MEASURE SUITS � ' • ` S an Cleaning and Preunl HOFFi:AN'S MEN'S WEAR 04D ooh G ND A EA R!N SHOES FOR THE FAMILY iA" ood. - investment, •in:��summer ' comfort and service.' Brown or black ,Rsuedie:.lea t h er_wit -:"a-le h ether -insole:';: • crepee rubber b er so e. . For ,women. and chit dreii See these' Cam P, us Shoes before you buy your 'summer. footwear. • RathweII- and Reed' Elmira is s.. have ,. to v e .hi. a new'high school ata • �. l a .total cis 'of t $90,00.0 'With $83,600 a ss ' e ess d•".E lm'ra too Elmira, , this r emaander:, to: ; PA id bY the provincial cial- cover"nment. .Or zine, alanee f qtr Coit oleum � Lin lei us O` Abe To Buy tags, Curtains, Draperies fS Household Cottons 7;. ucki'Lo •