HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-06-23, Page 4'PAGE' Week hi Parliament . Py • • • W. R. TO.MLIeeSON, ,• , tonight the estimates of the Depart ment of Indian Affairs," were , lender ' discussion. • The Budget which is to come down Thursday 'is awaitedwith interest and considerable curios TUESDAY -One of -the, most in- teresting reports Of the session was tabled today by Non. Ernest Lapointe. Minister of Justice. Mist Agnus Mac, phail, who was instrumental• in get- ting this Royal COmmiiiilion, on pen- itentiaries started said the report was 'magnificent" it is expected that at least one recenemendatien Will be implemented by legislation this Session. This is that the inanege- ment".of penitentiaries will be trans- Ierred to a Commission of three mem- bers. The highlights of this report are; 1. Appoiptinepe.of a 3einan.cern- piiiion' to administer the penal-see:A:ern 2. Centralization of the penal system under the. Dominion. 3. Retirement of many prison efficials. 4. More facilit ies, for recreation for '• prisoners. 5. Revision of the whole system of Alis- on education, s. Prisoners should ea ee more opportunities for lecithing. and shaving. 7. CorpOtal Punishment should be reserved ,. for, mutiny, in- citement thereto, and assault.. 8. In- sane prisoners should be segregated in asylums. 9. Women should be kept tabled-oe Thursday by Mr. Beate:nen, in . reformatories near their homes. 'PRIDAYee-Todeer was, without donbtthe liveliest clay • of the whole session. Mr. Bennett started. ;it . by briegiegup, once „more, allegations In regard to the relief work at King - /Wee and 'the conditions of -employ- ment. He toqk very high moral ground . Indeed in deprecating this -Sad con- dition • of public affairs., The Pelme Minister *hese epatience e has worn; , thin during many similar' vague attacks during the% session, jumped into the' fray this, time and in e very vigteroes speech denounced what e had been exposed in a correspondence . Member for a MenitobeeconetitueneYi The Bill to enlarge the ;grounds which constituency was; affected by the matter mentioned. The trouble centred rebout se: yew compromising ' letter written by Mayor Ralph Webb Of Winnipeg, who is also an , ardent ' Tory, in .regard to work connected with the • Trans -Canada e Highway which he urged, Mr. • Bennett, then -Prime Minister, to ,•hegin; pointing out that that by the time the Work ,Was eriedfetbelieeffieicieded-witle-the-elec-•- ' tiorteWould be over. If the work Was Promised, said Mr. Webb, three eon. ' atituencies. in. Manitoba would be in the hit. The ProMisedoutlay was in the neighheiheed of $1,300,000. When One ecnisideis the' high ground takop by Mr. Bennett in regard. to money prentiried by the present goveeninent during. the recent election campaign in Saskatchewan, this would indeed; ice* to he a reversal of form. -There- wasemuch-.evashnit-of -dirty linen: and the discussion Was far from Natueally. not Much ere, treas was made with thalealeor Es- timates. It was announced that if all tees well, the Budget will be.de- Iiieied next Thursdey, the latest date in forty-one Years. • • _MONDAYeeeCoMetarative • 'tiled. today 'after Friday's .stoeMY cross-fire between Mr, , Bennett, Mr:, King ' and Mr. ,iliagera,on alleged,'pot, iticil ane electoral ecorruption. ' . After a recorded vote, 'Mr.' Stevens for divorce, which passed the Senate by e majority of 4, received Short shrift in the Commons tonight. Rev. Dan. Mciver, M. P. MOVED THE Slle MONTH'S 'hoist and a vote being taken, it was hoitited to the tune Of 102 10 53. 'The Feline Minister was for the Bill and Mr. Bennett was against it is ,was also Hon. J. L. Ilsley, Minister of National, Revenue. TheeDieiiiieneWitee'ruit. '.`on' Party eines. ' TITS WatNe SENTPTX! County (Conehteed from Page le about 8 frilleA! (4) : The East here Road from Lion's' Heed southerle to, connect with' the Centre read nerth of Wiareon, about 21 thile.,, I, oun- ljudTgehi.- s time .inateael, Of IPPointing Pet- . • elect valuators, as had alweys. been the 'policy adopted .in the pest, the council at the January session appoin- ted a special Equalization Committee composed of three ruraland two 'ur; ban Reeves, David McDonald of Cul- Bruce C91,* gaueatioleel Associe- , row; (Chairman); S. M. EY/oAt tion $10400- Cheele5e • (FiscTetary); :Alex McTavish , TobeeenerY Fifth 'Clue Sabo/ $150. Of Greenock; Ben Logan Of Heron and Gordon White of Lion's Heade (The ,dommittee, 'drove through 'filost of the municipalities in the PoleneY, • 'end• scrutinized the *Pric of the local as- sessors, comparing one eon' with ano- ther, and with ,the • befermetion, thus obtained equalized the assessment of the various iminicipailies to the best Of their judgement. " ' When the report was presented to :the .Council ,it was on the whole 'eery well eiceived, only three or. four Reeves taking the objection that their municipalities had been enduly rais- ed. 'Under the Assessment . Act • ;the total enleent of the County Equalized Assessment must not be lower' than the total amount of. the Ural assess- ments made by the. assessors, and this caused an increase in the County assessment of $676.284.Cei This in- crease was (Welded among the; mun- icipalities, those which the Committee .considerecl too to.,. under iee former The thiparkittee for the. present de- cided not to .reecerimend .the Shote Road frays Conceeeion 8; Huron Town- ship, -northerly to Concession 1,- Rin- cardine,.Township, or the road in Wiaeton from Berford Street west along the TownsitiP lines,'Concession 21' and 22 to Gould extension, which .Reeve Hupterat. this session had asked them to assume. WEDNESDAY -The • meat' inter- esting' Ifeaturee of e tiodafe session were . first, the slashing attack on Canada Packers by Hon. ;IL H. Stev- ens, ,the, Recenstruction ,,Leader am. •Paity in toto,. and -secOnd,the an- nouncenfak ,alitifough onteidee the Meese; �f two Alberta -statutes re- garding the securities tax. and ,the Home Owner!? Act. .In regard to the, former, 'Mr. :Steven,' Claims! Mr. Stan- Teillie:tea-Tii-Oritlie7Piiieliefil, is bilk: ing monkeys of the farmers in regard to the etipliet of inmate THURSDAYe-.-Todeyes'. 'highlight was of course the Budget -long 'de- leeed on: account of the hope that .the Trade letereeMente. with. U. S. ,Would be coMpleted. As this, was found .to be impossible, elreleinningethi3., after- noon made ..hii Budget speech with al-, nmat„,,po tari! changes. One chane, however will mean a great deal to *huildint industry in Canada, th;., chief poifltg of impoitanee .111. my 'es - Was unsuccessful in obtaining a coPY tiinaeiorie are ea followi; 1. Ile' in- . , • . • . • . of t letter written bra member of the ciectee, in,major itaxation. 2. NO chin - National Harbour Board in regard to ges • in tariffs. -for .the .first tune in eat* to • be ' charged for handling' '20p years. 3. 8: No change in . owlet tax .,grainln theelevators: at eleebee..,apply to tfres Consideration of 'ehe doveriunent's and tubes used in the orginalf Housing Programme was beguii an melte Of „meter ears etc. t NO change -ACeordiOg to ,the report of County Engineer Stephenson, which was read in his absence by, Reeve, Munn, the • open winter of last year .was Vete. hard on roads, .whith necessitated the digging Out of the places that broke UI) and filling themwith coarse grave( In putting onretread in.thefuture it is proposed to -put on a gravel base and maintain it carefully so as to prevent "it picking- in holes. As 're-. teead coats about' one' quarter the amoune, of concrete, Peefeet results under heavy traffic bah:only' he obtain- ed' by .proper inaieteriance. In order, •totake proper care of the: County Road Machinery ane. equip- ment, which could net ,be replaced for. $50,000:00 even at eeeorict hand prices, the -Committee early:in the year pur- chased Owe storey brick building on 'the . Main Street, •Weleertoe, for $1300.00 'and have fitted it up for the housing ' and repair of the machinery at; a total ' cest including the purchase mice ote$4000loc).:.• The program of -work for, the eea- apir.ieienuch-theesame-aa last -year- and includes eorepletingethe Atread On, the Elera',Road to .PaisleY, and also chtt- ing, the hills and Preparing. as niuch of the road as. possible from Paisley to Southampton to receive a bard sur- face in the eollowiegetwo years'. Re- garding bridge Work the Committee has .planned ?buildieg .et .forty. foot arch and extending a 'concrete culvert south of Ripley, , and :'completing the fill at the Petepella bridge in•'Albe- -merle:and-1 a:;5U4ble::..43pening, fee Os water. The dust Willhe laid with. chloride on ' the .roads' ' treated, last year. Considerable surfeice treatment has been chine On ebiteunino,esroads, and that;.seeteore'north,of ,Chesley has .still to be 'Completed. High- ways et Toronto has not gieelefa:n; • eke yet the Depart , hret of 'High- in- timatiOn atii.tO its volley in regaed, to assuming the TareeCeesley .road as a Provincial Highwaye The Minister of Highways acknowledged the, receipt of the copy of the resolution passed . • 'at the .January session favoring this road, but made no .promise that thee request would be granted. '• County Buildings At the-Jaiivary'-sesSion Council au, • thorized the •Property .Conimittee to get.plans for the tefurnishmg, and .decorating: of- the Council Chamber and estimates of the ,cost of tlie,Isame ' and report to :Colleen . at the Junes ses- sion. In order to make ehanges. that would be in keeping with the ..hiteat designs and :up-to4laee. the Cenunit- tee consisting of Reeves :Jeffery; Win- ter and Slean made a tour of insPee- tion•of :County buildings at Goderich, Owen Sound; Orangeville, Hamilton. Guelph, Toronto, I Tororito; London .and . fere. In, -their report to Council they presented plans ahdspecifications of the eropoeee,lhanges and the estima- ted cost Which* was . about , '$1600.00. After S. full discussion . of ;the ;.matter1 Grants The following grants were made: Bruce Coupty Hospital, Walkerton, 23500-4" • 1Cineardine4 General lloaldt.41 $3000. Lion's Heed, Red Cross Hospital, $800,00. • Chedrenei Welfare,Society ,$2500. . • • • • , . ' . 4." 1- RROWING FARMERS NEgpisGmougy to finance improvementswhich- good business judgment ..jerOvee,. are invited to consult with our. neatest 'branch ,.manager. The Bank Of Montreal le ‘nises the need farmers to keep. their. properties froth' becOrning 'run., down and their equip; cog. ment from becoming OsPletc• lorrawii to keep your farm in good working condition, should be profitabk; is a am- structive use of credit ' Our local branch managers are familiar with the needs of farmers in each locality. They welcome. 'applica.: -tions for loans hrrihi onostatfre Purpose. '41 ESTAiii15,1111.13, 1517 ... "a bank ty here 'small atiotinct are welrotios"' eiteelleitR et, .111ePelt1 EN C E S eitV I 120 Years' oprratioti • eucktio* Branch: PittSTo Manager, , , , ' 97th Field,. Battery; Walker- ton $100.00. • 98th Field liatteeyiR. C. A., Port .. ,Eigiu . • ." , tihrarieet' $§.oa te each rural sehoollibrary having 10t) volumes or , . , , „ over. ;10...00* to each' 'public library having 300i0 1500 Volumei and 630.00 . .„. te.eaeli Public libeary .having over 1500 volumes. • . To the our District • Women's in- stitutes itt the Count* $25..60 each. To the Atrictiltisral RePreSentitive to.. defray the.. mcpefifies of young. PO0P)0 representing the County at ter -Counter and PrOiinciet, .conipeti- tens., $15090; • ' To the Massey Scholarship fund to- ward- paying .the opentes of .4 first .Year student at the ()Marie Agrici4- tilial,'Collegi; Guelph; •150. To the North • and: South, Brie Plowmen's Associations, each 000,00. .' To each .11OrtigUltural:Recietir Equalization having to share the .in$ an annual ah°°4 $20.00. • *rReepaerti•leiril:ioietws-7theihciesenitnyeraesaLes:init;rehnet'..1.ClaUtniraeaultSS' woceiietiataidne tthue.thCePlettAgri, standingnow rrat i. between urban 293l5,32e9nd°,..r and f.$°11610° .700 ;: 11T:rise; ‘$$121.9.5".0iNi Lion's filteVthat a IS ninm to 80 34%': • • $.147.06;4K.ientrilihrie..$1$1.1217.01.111..iuPpike*, The ieheduie below ;ShoWS the for- $146.00; .:1:413.,11:s..3bsfilgueuziiteirs; :ileci:gdp',..741nlezi;g77t4.1'tiihi le:eyo:tel.:e,:eiieil !,Iey $$ !0. I%v: ort Elgin t .$:62505:6'. Cli;0_?2T:rafil Equalization: • Wiart_on ,$eee:00.; .Total $2004.00. ' • , ch,• Tnth:4'1-to- Bei/ ink retiOlution. was Pia0ed , On the minutes reapeetin ix the.. elentli so f94tMajorhamp tJoi • That 'this County council in Atiti7. sion asseMhled, deBire to 014eti. on Ve- tere an expression 'of Our deele SerroW on the death of our late colleague, Maier J. G. Tolmiee. reeve Of South- ampton, whose presence end gelding hend:we all eadly mise at this safpisa, . . • , Major Tolnaie Wasa menof out- standing ability' and high OttainIneoto ,and during his long , period' of:lin:bile service as a, memberof rthe tine); for nine years' and reeve of -0Secirtetohremntepdt.olinii fctoru.tiele:e7it.hereatnrteiu4141,. 404yd ua Elea uhe bneslielfishve4( ItOhti it! .14 tti 011,1e teresto of hie. fe11Owilnen;410 'Wet' -0, safe. coenuellOr' and,thecneiribers' mid officials of the Connty, peewit- had alwaya • the fullest conlidonee in ' his !nature judgement in platters pertain- ing to _municipel procedure and. his Place.' will. be hard to fill. His death ie a greatlose to the County of. Iiireee and his iperneey will long be cherished bythose whom he so faithfully serv- ed. ,`• the Conunieteeleras'iMehoeized to pro- ceed with . the changes recommended, the 'tette . Cost not to exceed $1600.00, and the Week: to be ccimpleted'bee.the R9irmber.session. In discussion of (the matter more than One Reisie express - 'ed his.. opinion that, •ad the County Council, had from year year: to year been 'The' accounts of the various Inge' spendingineriee, to Make the. offices of and Continuation ' Scheele: Passed it the 'County Officials' More fonifOrtahle this session amounted : 3,270,59 as: and:,tili.tto.-date'•and had ,neglected :,the followo, High • Schools, egie.y.- pouscii' Chamber, the time had new 48491; Kincareitie., $4, 19.1 Luck - Come When :way Should, consider. ihele new $833.0O;: Port Elgin $2,251.03; own pomfolte and that fOr, thisyear-Walkerton .$4,786;46:. ' Wiartop the; imProvernents to the; Council Chamber must have ehe. right 'of Wei, over, all °thee week , inr connection with iinprovink the County buildings or the Offices of any of the'effieictis. . • , County Equalization One Of the ietejor miestiehe to come before ;the :COuneil for eonsideretion was the erceTalieation of ethe assess- ment, which' is always 'n,contentioue 'subject as if fixes 'ehe share of the County takes. which ecielt of the 31 meicinalities, Most pay.. The last ehnitlization WAS. made' the 'Work being done three rural and three Urban valuators; 'and on. that Occasion the issue \was .sie.,etuch it dispute that eeveree Of the tittinicipal- ities entered and the mettee *was 6nally 'settled, 'by the County „ itt irideirie tax 'rates,' but the gift tax is raised. 5.. Eight per cent Attlee tae temaine but exemptione ere neade itt r al majcie eiateriai used in 'house coristruction:' 8efieral Other eidnipt-' 451.5: Lindsay $170.87 St. Edrntinds bills' are made to benefit fakiteiteelid;$20.60; Satigeett $1;002.86; Mildratty • $545,86, 1926 County '4937 Local • 1938119=U! " '-Hqualization Albeinarle .. 241,45,8 • 290,960 .' • 253640 • Arren 936;700 ,918,643 966,500 , .• ..4,791,295 •'.'1,66e,535.e , 1;799,800 Brant - 2 582 601. .• 2467 761 - 670520 :r Bruce • 1,942;044 1,871 235. 2,061,470 derkiek • • 2;431,644 2,286,207 , 2;440,180 Ouleose • • 1;943,022 • 1,736,710e' • :1,968,910 Eastnor• :1518,e87' 469,515. .526.,980, Elderslie 1e$62,51.8,::, 1,945,503 • 1;832,480' 1. 1,884,80 1,183,526 1,095,SiU Miran .• • ....:.... e.: • -4- • 2,327,298e. • 2;252;990 e ,'2.382,800 kiecardine 4,2,08/1,069, 4,e32;300 ••• 2;103,180 • Undess' '-e•••••••• 1,501,444 •• 1,453;325. • '• 1,014,480 Lindsay. ' ' , . 60,478 108,647:. Edmunds , „ 4%190.. • 103.075. 02.404 • Saugeen, 10.58,1.36. '1,1.37,24Q Hepworth .........• e Lions Ileadeee Mildmay ------..--e------r----• leucknce./-,..-• Taisle§ .....:.;_:..,.....-:.--, Port Elgin ,-.........e.e.e.,..eree-e-,:-.--- • Ripley Tara - ' ' ' ' e.----• 203,968. Tara,Teeswater e....., -----.:.-....---e---. ..-.:..-.---:,--- ., . 27855:913745 Tchiveestietoyri _...h.___.,_..."..„.,.... - - .................._ ..........„ 107,869 1 Kineardine. --e--------------•• 761,01,0 P 1,159,068 Southampton ..:.-.-..ere---•••••••••••e-e- 480,902 , 'i- 692,891 'Walkerton ..........2P: -------e----' • • 790,306 1,031,800. ' Wiarton :,..........:...„,______:. • 564,233 676,988 $iA23,03‘. „. . ' 40;306 --.221.154 : ;209,898. '. , 64,816 • 425;(j .A.49 ' $23;705;475.: , ' "9ei9e1 r 12,350e -111;570, 83,86 411;528 ' -_333;480e 950,902 939;000 311;375 , • ,210;500;:, .61-8;021 :406;1e.0 ,185,150,185,240:e • g50,1.66' 208,090 :201i240: ' . 80;44e. • 18;580 .81,04s-. • 71800 77.407o 4$7,900 833;910:: e15,090. . his sorrowing family . we Weeld express per deepest. sympathy; and joih. With them in moureing. the cutt- ing 9ff of .4 life of use ees .and of a loving father.; and' at. a :copy of this resolution . be. si ned by the' War, orwatded te Mrs. s, :iine also .pub- es. ofethe Councii, , • .4.es ' .$5,609,861 , • I $28,639,030 $29,315,234 $29,315,320 • ,Education Under, recent • amendments to, the High and Coneinitatipzi • School .A* the .f east of the education et County, that pupils residing' in 'the Townshipsoutside the ' limits of any High .or Continuation School section; payable be the 'municipalities in which the, Pupils, reside. Under ,the former Apes the payable out Of 'the general funds of the, County and Was included in the County rates., i80.17. ' . Continuation Scheele:. Allenford, $834.72; Hepworth $813.46; Lion's Head $934.25; Paisley, $1,895.43; !tip- ,ey $2,069. 28; Southampton' $181,30; Tara .$1,003.38; TeesWater $3,602.70; leverton. $1,098.29. •• Schools m adjoining Counties den: and Cleric .and MAJOeY lished in the 'Caireed Notes: Mr:. Peter D. Lieseiner, reeve of efildmaY,ewas appointed one of th 'three representatives of the. County behiteitliii`theeBeetetof the Children' , . . Welfare Society, he taking the plece of . the late Major J. C. Tolmie. Bruce County Connell , joined_ ,tee Association otitural of Ontario:which is putting ern a steeple fight#gainst, the rneeencent to: abolish County.- Councils, and Reeves, young of Tara auct Halbfieiech of Alheniaile were appointed.' delegates to • attetel the :COneention'tO be held by the 'Ae,, Sociation..this summer. Council ; declined to join'. ifeW etepe ()elation that is being forted' Co 'unite all . the County ' pOuncils. in •Westere 'Ontario in one organization, as it, was feli. that ethis, was 'only adding . one 'mete fol the inanei Associations al- ready existing' in the Municipal field; Bruce' County iS,alreadY a member Of theeOntaiio Good Roads. •Asseeiatieie theCounty C ncil Section of. the thi_ 'tali° Educational. Association,The Ontario Municipal Association and the Association of Niereeieale ties. ; , - •, . • - Accounts ' fpr ,the meinienence of indigent patients -at various ' hospitals in Ontario ,' amounting to $a,,i3avia AVere-eassed.eateelteeeeeeigee and ol this amount about $6,000.:00 was fel • Regents who are inmates at the Sana- toria '4or' Consumptives 'At ,Muskoka: Weston, 'London; Harnilton and Free - pert. The Hepburn Government at tbe Inat: session passed legislation. where- by the province will _assume the eget. of all T. B. patients after .a data to be , fixed by Orderen-in but. so far the date has not been proilaimed Inethe meantime the municipalities' continue :te, assuine this inereaeing Resolutions Council approved of the following resolutioes; - keesollitien fionithe County ,be 'Wellington Depart- mentrequesiting.the' ceiti.hof roads inaY, !,a.;.1%; r.0006c:;1147eted tltitt con- sidered bus. and transport routes and diet these be, kepticere. by, the :. De- partment:foie winter travel, as the eictrit.revenue from the .,gasoline tax. woUld largely : Offset the cost at this, 'work. • • •• , . (.2). resolution from the County of ••Neefelk. requeeeing .tee repeal .of the regulations which. require ,inunici- valities,:. to. pay the costs • Of prepar- ing Proveriel •Voters' Liebe. . • . .(3) , eeeereepletien.front..the County of, Huteiti requesting the Department of of ellighWeee be *pay ;at least a' 75% eub.sidee on COW' and Township brid- ges and culverts because the heavy ioschi, they have AO ceerye . (4) • lleSoliitiona,'fienellie .Ontario •Asseciatioe of `, rural mnilleipalitles .againeethe 'abelition Of. County comic- Cliffoid $358.31;. Clinton $41.91; Feed' ells; favor of :a teduetien of the With `$134.28e Hanover' $1,780.e41. burden :of taxation agninst reel estate 'Winghant $81.81. in favor of the.,Previrite bearing at 'I'he. total amount 'Of' the ahoe•fic- leant 1)0./0 the, -cost Of ,edUtatintio,in •cOunts $e3,,e10:59,.. payable 1.3y" tlie favor of a decrease .the gat :..tak Townshipe. which the pupils reside. and .in favor of of a of Motet .Vce and the Village of Mildmay Which le 'beelee'e-eVeniee h'elag returned. to, the 'the only urban 'tentee Atte the CemPtY' neunieipalities where it eseightlitet, 'Which has not a High Ooatitatatiari (5) A ieciolution hratight forward 8thooll. The atattuatt ,t4tyable are an the goifeetuuerit.to Pasa, by the' Legislative dawaoitte6 aii4tak Iegislation tiifli:,1;t0O72. ;A.-Ibieythe:r$12e.i47$.15.11,446; Arnabel ; Wherebe ritunielecilities. May tee mail an.10;: Bruce $2,5r3:.21:6C4r. d.h;ntlogler.i.on the amount of bui 397-e2; Culross,,$91095; Eideeelle, $2,430.82;. ateen, tee eeree of a tqrn4verAitx or lie, Kite' 'epse so as to drive revenue from 'tech' tardine. $'6;01g4g; kiniOss' .$10•16/1,6ei..n3 proportion -to theeinotnit dr.btaiis.done by mail as Compared with Hid. business Of the 1660 trier Tiltill$PO4 Altai 201P; $984 velue In. sport -ea.; sioelele• heiteer lucknow, on „July let, 'With tiekete ht dime, eihnitting • You to Pete gamete, ' The ..,19.eal kids ,itee.out _these ticki5,f1Pn'oWi. 'EnCOtirage'ihem by buy - Ing Ono- • eVieugharn apd I) nigannen are .the., Viaiting with seven: hieing :94"iCni48k, • lij'ee:‘9tletliiii‘141;.t.' t4ee and ftve •The Luknow lads can greatly int- , Peeve theiretendint in the lehiShe, by taking both ones of this twin bill, and will be battling todo e • • * •• ;010ti FilelaYseres double; in the • 7th inning, on Monday drove in the tying and • winning . runs that 'give , goderich a 6- 5. decision over Hee- • • ' • * * * « Elliott Carruthers, turned a Clev mound performance last week for ,Teeswatere. were they downed the Kerateliiie eine., 11 teel...Elliott ;ley.only f•hits Ulid struck out Roy Lightfot of the former nOvi, l'ork tnrned, :lent for the first • • '- eine eleitie the pere Elgin ifiqei, !apt'. playing oeecehe Port lost , ..he kaine tO:Itifecardine 3 to 2. • • • The insurance against ;liability for accidents; on tends :vv'eS 'again placed with Lloyds' of London teeeegb its agents, A. R. Wilson Co. Of Torono at h premium of $496.00e as coinpar- ed with ,e,preiniuM lea year of ,$6001:. 25..The. losses during the .paStetlieee yeire have been negligible -in 1935 they Wiii--$1.4596,ein 1tM6, e1e48 and in 1937. Only '$10.291Whieh. speaks well for ,,the splendid state ,of rePaii :in which Bruce County highways .arie kept the ' " ' ffi under . e superylsfon of e ilene , County Engineer, Mr. . .G..' E ,Stephentoe; ; 'and his imtrolmen akc ;the HiehWays. Committee. cotti:oaTiOtau°,6risehuf'61.16.1, hi.3 'es:du t.PatLemkei)tii. °tin' speeitileiterit..„of $1000.0G Oiler' tin& above theliniment to. which it is •en titled be...Stet:de' for the education County Pupils.' Having Lake Ileirot. on the 'West, ,the Indian Reserve of the North, and 'Port Elgin', Sehoey." Ili& Miles to the south,, South aniptere has very little 'territory t( draw from for the education Of out, eide pupils and its .statutory. grant under the now school regulations, is only $181..00: However, it Was: eel( by tOfineil that theY:shOuld not begin: a: policy of 'handing mit 'giants schools but cieeidd ciehere strictly ti the tering of ,;;the now ,school legisla tam, and h Motion to Make "the spec- ial grant Was ....defeated -by a vote of • e for to 19 against; , • As "the Provincial doverinteht hatT not 'Yet.'.40Pointed a crettiket 16it the:, new (jaunty 14rent in ;Amabel, and as It was point0 but that mitt e werc pestering on thesite of, tho itewI planted forest the &iiintY Clerk Was instructed to write the Depaititterie 'ef Londe and Pcieelite estitut titbit Att . 1. ,COS AIN.LOS, ,xioigary.b.win is vending a week vith friends in Detroit... • mMsieuannddaeal.rwsiteTclocnivire!i. reaoiedepn.meri.ise.iye,l, :‘ Mr. and Mrs. W J 11,1Via'anit fara- ,ly .1iipiteci on Sueday..wit,,frieridelti Vinghatt Me, Thosliehree• igrk, Mel liwin, polie2aud. Helen Visited on Thursday:, eitie Mi iteht. Hamilton? Whighare: John Maishall, Clinton is pten.eftehga few days with Mi an - vis9s.,. , Mr.. Jim; Stewart arrived home Sat- :p.*01w night; • after sailing for,. some ,•geksOn the S:"S:, George 'Releoltave • . , . boat with several others ebe- ing ' tied ap. itt Goderich. Mr,' Dick -.Riedecanie. lionie a couPle. ' weeks ago *116. he "John' Erric- s�n" tied up at Sarnin. Helen sjllidaughterwith,i' Allan McConnell is quite Pneunionia.• Mr: and Kis.. W. G. Reed and fam- ily • attended the anneal Webster re- Ufliofl Bayfield Inst;SatUrday. ..Mt. ahe. Mrs.' Rees' 1VieMillan ,and: Mary visited with Mrs.,' McKenzie,, eMr. Peter T. ,Carter attended the Royal Scariet Knights :in, Listowel Saturdaye evening.• , •• Donald on thcir • year's aoRi1ri nk:e.e.,:.:1. eLloydr • -Mr aridiVIrs. 'Art -Thompson eisitedee.e- with: Me: and Mie, Charles Thompson ; Mise Juno Morrison of Tiverton, • pcntthe week -end at her home:here.. Our Veaehcr.: Mr: John IX 'Rose„ has engaged to •teach fot another year. DijgGANNON. . (Intended Pei- Last Week), An accident oceurred lastMonday, which ,wps (Mite serious..to 'Me.' Wm. Item:than, at 'Ebenezer, when his teeth • Ind Wagen were Left to go through e." gate why •themselves, they ran away 1114,, as he gave eliaSe, to ,eatch?ithein, • I -he uiefol.eniate Man got miebe up. ef it all resulting in, a badly smashed 'et, hie beek, hurt and -other injuries.' ,He was teken. te";docleilOh. Hospital,: • end his Many friends :Wisleeben. queey recovery. tentien to this situation aiid ruttiest - Mg that the aPPointment be made ‘vitheut further delay. Me -Archie Ferguson, baying been ' appointed Governor of the Bruce • COUnty 'gaol, tonder,ol hs resignation qpceial County Constable for ON' f ofcirie the County By -Laws re ,IrS,tind „Peelers; which 'Position he had hel4I for many years at it', etil!iri 7 of $100.00 per yeiir. emmeif diti hot ail,. point aesticeessot to this position. tioyd-ts.rpe .of Oliphant; Ama- bel Township, was • appointed n Cattee, ty Constable, „