HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-06-16, Page 7r• • : •i..ESSOef, . •. . • g 44,IF,FgRINP: 44FIVAN.T •' • • • alark..,19.1 Golden Teat Fer,the S.�npf Man: . also, ,canne'net to be .minietered, • PntOt bat to Minister;, and, t� alaie • his ilfe,.:a.Traneeni fer iretty," Mark. 10;.•44,, Tf•fg• LE$8014. TM ITS: 'SETTING , 'Tine F!day, April 7, 44):, ce aeruettleime:',' • • And they bring 1m unto.the Ulace.., Golgotha,. .which, • teroretedThe'..pleee of Golgotha fmpy keep'S aSitall,!" • Marklitinseli exit:Leine far, iise: This, prObattlY•e,givert,'such a , :name becattee it had ,':a skallaike: eontour.The site Cermet be identie, led with .certainty.. There are. only. pleeeef.' thnt dee be „serstoeply •ceppidered ici.alay" as. the • eite et . CalverY,- onele the plot ever whtch . charele.,of the Halya.8ePillOres. rieW' staude,...and the .other.'ls •the skall-shaPedknoll abOve•Seremiah's • ' grotto, Outside the Present nertb wall, ,of.:3erusalent. • ,The.Oritelfielon• • • . "And they offered him winethat- Wag Mingled v.tith'ankrrii, out he ;re-• .' caved 'ft This wee- .a... drink ...inercifelly,: offeredto: those about,. be ' crucified,. to 'produce Stupefac- ' ',tion (Le., JeSue ft , tended' to go thrbugli,, the -final deal•,.with mind.,perfectly-elear.=.=.: "And they ,crucify ,brible.;:thoagh net eertain,,that,: our . Lor.d, was nailed teetbe. cress While • • It lay epee.: the. grnuedl, and that. it :Was.,thee"lifted into its pdaition • Is represented he the 'great :picture, • . pi, •RfilienTlitt0/11M)1.4„Cathedial: • . The .cress . of 'Jeans ',lifted his 'feet •trio..inore; than, a yard; ' above.'the • grOund, .ftir :the .slitirt stalk. of lia-S-e • ' BOP wai,eble:to.; reachl.eetis'. Mouth. The 'agony.of .grudifixion .needs ••deseriptien, part his garniente.... :among :=1ots ',•,apen • thern,'-wh.ateach'sliealdte'ke.." ' nd: it' was' the third:hoer:au:id . they ' crucified Ilirn Mark' is '3,tlie,";' ceie Who gi'ves' the hoar ' of , .Christ'S•°erticifixien.. The' Jeivisleiday: - • :hegan tit six,..:neloek. in the' .rtiorn-; •ing,.• end ,the:reforetheathird Wolild be: ttbout ..eine.e'elock -Moeniug. •.'•• •'• -"And: the stiperecription 'ef•-hist addusation 'Was' ,writte'n THE KING OF, THE satiation ,on '; the • Laird's-. cia)ss-Lwas • • ',Written' by . Pilate tin Aro:nate. tina=-= in 'tact aifficial`:: so' torbetki-.,'.1:iiilit 6 'VI;n. . . := Jewe' :It :was just tals:. th.at. the. ' Jews refL.Sed to reeognize; panielY;:' Jesus Was, their king. . • .And with him they :erticify two. . robbere;. 'oh hiOlglit,hapn, end ' • :one, on hie left;':These- fe-o, mea were not °Illy irobb'ers,: bet, as • ; • • tells Its, they, Men ,WhoSe.inielneep.it'..la ‘. „evil.. Thug, Was the airediettimi •'of • Isaiah nearly' s,even:leadred,.Yeare.. ...- before 'Otte brought to "pess..'7.hoUglt . :Mark doesnet it. ill „wlinalo ,.• .knew the story Our Lorne ,cruce• . • fixion as: 'given 'in.'. the'other Tenieinber-thet,. :while at 7 • the, beginning of this • day. both of. • the.lhieves rafte4 upontheLat•d Je- sus,' later:on the'eemeday one of' thembelieved in him :and' thereby.- reectived. eternelelife; • ". ../ Three Final Insults "And.they that, 'passed- by relied ' him.".: These were 'either .ecinn- -. „teY folk on their way to tire or • • • citizens Wheeebusteeee ealled•thent into the cettritry, .The word ..1thee "..traneleted tneetts,otdinir • :ily,• to "Speak renr,:ichfulty, th.- ; vile, ici''Caluinniate. • .bads, -end .saying, •Het then that. .destilOyeet• the .temple; and builiteet It. in'. thtee.•days; 30e, save •thyeelf, end '.eome down froai- the Cross:" -The .implicaticie. here is..Abat „if -Je- ' • ,..1311S spoke the teeth. in,liseerting hie aliilitY hell:A/the •tepiple ageinin, three.. days, be dertaiely ;Would be able. te'ptill his Inutile !tied feet free the trees, and: le -deliver hirn. SO lf irate' hiS ininelatiteat. ' : "-• .tiOn.: Of' t.he Chl.hirent,Of I,Sregl f�m• ' •.:4•And. at the , ninth hear ,JeStia • cried. with a leud Janie Saheehtliehi? arb.lelt • leterproed, y f.yett, 'any God, why• bast thou. foreekee. rae?".: Thie ery frein thecreati, alee'rea. • cerded h y iS the pely no: $1... „the, seven, woralkfrein,:ilie cross 'reeorded 40 ,Mare'a •GoppeL Oneof the,deeplest„ ;rifest; hit, 4 ierutable 'Mysteries of all th'e.'WOrd , ;of Gad,' ata4.readillg theee' Wor4P; • We" CanoMy how 't*i!, heads,. eitd. a,s' the ',Hely Split 40i:reveain,.,oUr•. beesittsAoree Of the terribtenteeitiag •' of. thiVerY. The peerest- ,we can f hope to eprne to. penetratiegjitis • raYster.7 'is to think of js11$'• as edv1,...„ ered ',with all the .worlde'siti. and • .eurse;..anal Whea God eew 'Jess .thus, be :turned ,away. • him. .Apo..even though -God turned •frena hifa. arid lefe 'WM,: he eriee. to. 'hint ‚arid holds fest torthip as bis God.• • Here the 'divine' p.erfeetien. ef Jesus . appears. . , • • • "And ionie Of them thatstood' by, • theY:Ireard be: • ealleth Elijah..? There Was , thing; in'the 'crY that recalled4o the Speetator$ ,the.; !tame of Elijah: • "And .one Tep,' and filling a • Sponge full oNapegaT but, it ori 'a • reed, and geve hini..to drink, saying coraeth ,tO: take .him down" ' This ,...verse ,cai,be understaedionlY. al ' we • ;reedit that the Word on 'the ' Crass (John 28)."vals,, 4'1' thirst:• !! See elso,'Matt: ; Conteeecienees. o'f. I -las Death . • Jesus %uttered; aloud voice,-,,, and gave uP :tli.e•-gliest,",, The •veerti ' translated: '.the word ;at- . ten translate'd' ""gPirit.!!. And the .yeil ..of, the temple ;was, • .rent 'in two froinrie tOP,te the' bet- toni.?' This veil is the ope that hung between'the hold .place and the holy. Of holiesdeeeribed in Exed.26 31 30.35, :Theveil in the teMPle: 'as in the ta bort-fade, sYrabolised the 'face• .. ' that,: :ciod...was • di7tinct1v soparated': 'front mien., and fotild. • :piteaclied by Meg eXcent tintahgli• a high-pia:eat. .NO 'Het:treat...F.1a all: the.. hundreds of 'yeare be: . exeept, the •.high PrieSte, eyer . • .• .. • .inennet :also the Chief piti es t in o itiag •liitn a melte. thrn- se,lves With i1i sCiabee , aid •irived etherS.; !fen:Self,' he Cannot.' save. ,aernaers of, the prtee'lly wee-. toerapY Were,seenlit dommitty 's pee and, elders' 'deriding. the 'sat-'. • .feree. It is Mit tree' that jestal•eatild net ealte himaalf he., cotild have ' done "se enaliY„ • lestaatly, • the .orititipOtence :of 'Coal, bet' he . neVer Knee ,:sitvdd tte . had he • . Saved , for, we 'aro saved • anly by his oaktib, *. 11,et. the Christ; the Ritig-of •rati/ now 4conte • doW•rt froin the that we LIMY See endifelleVe;, ,..And they, that Were :eruelfied With 't reprottehed hitn, • • F ts. ' • • e ogr 'Cry - Witeri the .sixth" hoer, WAS 'tome, .the" waa alarlitiess tvr tbe • *het lond nt . the einth This dal.141Pia IS alahMentietted by. tietthow Ott 40 and.by Luk e t23",t 44)',. itdarltliess. that began tit high neon' ned three lidera later, „ t three o'cick.fn• tke•itfortiooft,. 86 - fithiotis.0eriOd alittithtetratAnlitild a the feilohir,, • eatered.thre.itgli the :veil that•litieg . , before t eat y, of h CI 1.T .rend- , • ; ieg this .Veit wascertainly an act''.. t:ed.'veil, was. •titemeedousty. laalVe, and said•to.lieve beee',abont. ' ferty feet' in :beit4ht.• In ibe"reeding , et the :veil..,We .,hav.e.Gial.Tevealed • to Men as be never has been:befOre.. . .eoW kneel. God. threegh *the' . I je,ses': ChilSt.-and eSpecially • t, love of God in .the fact :that • ejlirist •died far us., ' • 4Ancl. wimp :,the. eentintiOp, ivho- stood • hy ovee. against hipti saw that ' belsogave, up:: the ghost, :he said, . • TriilY' thi rnn.),vas the '..8on of 'God,'; This ,centariontelt hirneelito • be ii. the: preienge 'pi a great mys- tery, and realized' that' Jeans Was • ;kin wit.b.cliVinity.. MUSiC lifted As Our Unifier Canadian • Monte . COuld . .toraWn•., Together By ;.Music .Declares.Emilint Glasgow s'..* Musician • =, I.Ingh • lIoberteon, -.edjudietitor; 'of • 'inusiCat leativ,e1S th,renglithi: Canada, eid. direetor of, the famotie Orpheus 'Chola!, 'told inernbere' of the Association of, Canedian Clubs eft! Mantreal teat, week that meeic Was' ' the hest :unifier' that.,panada could „ have -for all'ameation of tOlor, fe- ligionee natienality sank when peo- • ple .joined together for aniisie. , : The . entilleat;. Glasgow • musician 'seid be had. heaed 40,000. Children . aingnig On Ilia Prepen trip . to Can - • 1)tutH 'Rod ••'Fil-soi1/44, , 'ada,itt of there entreated alth the 'one tholight to thrt heantiftil thing ' the 'children of teday ,e're the :Canakilaits of te.triterrOW licl AS" they idelted ta'tlie'eduatiett „anti entighteninent of thesteliildrelf at) they.cOUIA look for an anpgiliteri,'„ od patiadain the ftititre‘,. Atti; cl• Ait n", DONALD' S A TOLL -COL LECTOR Tig".95"- to,1' Nicknamed "Donald!' by children: and drivers, this pet duck in Dulvideet Park, .London, England, collects toll, fromall n3oterist8 . • passing through thepark-Donald waits until a car' stops beeide the , •„Ialte where he Bees, waddles across and waits .for tasty •elatriblie , Pbotograph„ above shelve Donald greeting. a rpotaielt, and •Saying, tin quack quaeksa-"Please,'pretty please, what wilfeee give tee..teday?” ' - L , . (11147dm Y Otter Life • HIBBERT: .(Psydheloalia...end„ Handwritinfi gapeet-): IP' it: possible to fereteli: •the fh- haPertenCe.,:ef this,' especialty. • ttire frOte. :4aitdivriti.9&? 11.1ta • 'le a eeeetiaa that le,fi•Otreptiy, esk- 1..ipfOrtailittelYaWe ceeeet "fat'ftlii.ea feera, .handwriting. 1 W1P.h. we could, sometimeet ' ;• What? :thee, handWritlag • veal? ft' ,the .0a4leter .9t There: are, cg coaree, - • many. tillage. We knew ,ahatit: Our „friendfi, • aotateintancee .and: peopie with Whorr we conie, ineepatact,' put there.. are ther, deeper traitsthat dott't, eatne... an t•eaday. ..the 'au, e,, ,feee;, Tbese.'. ere revealed 'Unerringly In' handWriting. ' •• . • Haridwritieg", ackeea3 Stet). at ,re •yealityg•the .showa the. litddee potentialities and , talent,' that eften'lle. 1ermentrthi4 a. nersba. Many perss)a are work: ing in 4'.'blintt a1leye,7, ,:are, ateel • iSing hut• aithe Of their .PasSihtle • ties merely' be-ailee. of • a lack ofe ataawle'dge'oe'their o*if, powers. • handwriting.: erialysia As_ ()Jaen, • the first step towards a better Po- • Sitiori and greater earning powers. •pVery readele„,will appreeiate .•the . ' ,Cerole' Lombard and Clark Gable really,.ought to • 0 -trite the •dresse, Inking busiii•eas, They'co-operated, ',on a ,sports' 'jacket whieh, eAllee Marble; the 'United Statea', Nunibee: . One tennisplaker, wil1 Weer .When "she Steps:but 'on 'the . ecentisof ' Wimbledon,- England, to ;battle far , • . Carole.:desig:„.d the 'jacket,. .(she •1$ 'Ailee..Marble's -best 'friend) arida:. .Clai•k• had bie tailor make. it. 'It's'• knoekout. ''Ancl Alice, tali,' blonde , 'end. 'pretty, Weal, it, • ; • ...Remember • `:Dewp ...Patrol," 4n which*Richard Bartheitness•started,,. • and Douglas- Fairl)aeltae:'Jra.-after" •-.1ileading ;and' fightipg, fpr tbe rine, : laYer the --dond le:ict so ablV.that be stole the picture, and .'TivoVed may 'be sure that she 'is nervou,S. " Tbennictophone,L;shipiali ecaree her into such a state cif nerves that the ,- pageS of her' eeript haVeto'be peat-, • ed on ;cardboard', to keep -ahem froni 1 Tattling.. "• •: •• ecottraged by lts success ire the. building tuP of: Ginger' Rogers' .•as a dramatic pier, RKO is• gaing•to th:e seine thing:With Ruby, -rt : Keeler-Ptiejlelicei- ,w.hp is MIs. Al • Jolsan in Plevate lifeaYoUlLsee tie •iiiet results orthe.p'ew carapaiga • • in '..!IVIotlier,.ClireY's Chickens"•And With FaY, Bainter and alph Mar; • gan also, in 'the, cast, the giriWill te...act or be litterly;•Swaniped, Bob' Ripley,.."'has: diseeVered. iri his • search far "Believe It pi. '1.-ots,'„' tha:t it 'is iliree, and .tivO4ltirds UnieS easyn fbr xnan to• become an emaZing. peeStin, as for e inalL.to He.:fiads-that • ing •Weinen.are jnst as: interesting -- as ,!nen, but:. rarer. Tite•only .reason • he 'can -gie,e is thet, they dont have' tis, ' 'Much . 'chance.. •to".,disttdguish „theinsee.'ea•esnie do. • . . . • . ••• Tit `d first 'thing any. .Of iT ktickv•,• ,' s ti,teotte• gditi• :g":, i z, i�ii ?oat :18,1-,;;".". ....against rade): pro:, . grams, which. are. awfufly•.:amuaing••• IP the abdierice the broadcasting' studio- but bi'etty ' thfflto those who. , just. tune th, arid what Is C:ann!•.ttoriies goiim. on. • the :Worat • offend - ere. After all, "dicols Sapposed to EddjeCanter be heard, not just'' •. ' And•I • '• Of , More • e,':listener, at ,home, .swore neverto buy the epoitsora3. prodect .because ' Was .sta.ainidying.' to ,hear • the:: hiter 'and 'net kiiow what was .s6 fuany: •: :ERROL FLYNN himself a gdod,kctor? Well; its's to • be' Made .again, :with Errol , Patric lanetelee, and Basil Rathbone • lit 'the ,leadir,iL, roles. , , .01andeete Colbert, - who: recently,. got ,,home from Sthat ,EuroPean va- catiom' likes ' 'Clothes — but lietento the, description of . the : ,...'d'rees regently cleSigped, for, her, by ' Trtivie:23anton, one .df •ntolledO!n's„ ace desigpers„It's IN frothy; it's of white Orgenza, aevereci With "a printed pattern: of. eherries blaek. The ,'skirt le 'shirred and fhll; , the neckinfe, is outlined by 'a laege. , forinee- ; fag the' sleetes. Sonnds :Any thing hat aiMple! „. ,Mee Bratt:,...'lles laid years on the • stage and years' iti the eici'vies, but'. Cohen yen hear her oft the radio Yon • �'n e Who, hb.grudgeil PppOritinitite. ler' the :ClilldreM Veae: no t •• ral..btit i‘tttait traltoll le tanip. 'Music'For. ;Her tottre,Bake , .. 'rho •prebegittion Of ettitttre, was " Very al•ifiletilt itt new Cetintelet be% . cettee the ,Whdie llfen new cOuit.,: •tries' WAS One of strivitim'but now • Cott:little§ • r,eabiled beck.• " geinted and that was ,a Weak, that lay to. the head , the 'CI:Mediae Chiba, . Canada ti egged Matte for • her soul's' eake-•fiti.d 'else for' ltei'• • liationalityts „sake:, . , the great,,brobleni of rade' asel-, ,• Inflation cattlie,triet liy itiuskr Mer• e ' ettedefalitillY than itt any .othez, ivtay •• to hOtitiiity tatild tenter 'Where nuc,•IltWa.S'atietherefOre ita unity. . jag Vaine: *at ineatehle. • , • ODDS AND.NDS 'Paramount. „may- exa &Ole and , . an air •thaw in the till Stan Laurer'ned his ittissian hride 'wedding :Ira.bk Blackeaves the stamps:, ' fronie. foreign ' 1etters,•1 , gives '• them to his friends Whichkeepe his Office filled with both 'friends', • aed,etamps Areepd Hollywood 'they are Calling "The.Adventerea: ,bf Mare6' 4tair. Deeds -Gees, • ' to China" Gale 'Page; known tO radio but pot, lb movie fans, .has .been maile a situ'. by Warner Bre • there.' ' • , . • Weekly Publishers . • ' ' these aleyecit feat cornpetitiOn, and,' • red07:411,.a.ena4ei;lrilet.' 4gi;e.r.4'lnaitiyol4.. i,43 e. Readed tiPoil? • There WAS,,it, time ,when meny' so -celled :graphologists • • were ;lathing more than elearietans, ' PreYirtge0 thegallible. There area 4180 . llnie whet!. .tee4Y• .Jeetiff+el 0.experte" we,r0 cinacke! Rut,youf de, not put any lese,faith, In yoer. ter todaY because *any 'Years: egh Akere4ere Medlaal '44..ackSi 4.0 • hi the, saine, Way; graPhalegY bas, itipeco4nlei:eoptansay4' 1s 'now Rev? YOE :di 0V Whit ,:ydur . . . • .: • .handwritieg. phOwe, about, our reel :eelf?' Weald,,yea llki b:ltnoW the truth abeat your. sweetheart, rela- tiveS or siriende,?, Or are "yea inter:, • gated nnding •tvliat talent you have? Send spe.elmene of the:writ- . trig' .Y9ti' Want atialyeed, erielbsing . lac for, EAcH specinien. EneloSe with. a, temp ed,. addreaSed envelope, te141•Iatliberti Room 421, 7-3 West • Adelaide St., Toroato,.Ont. „You letter' wilt be treated in Canfiderice, • • . • • • ..- • rants 0 oads Into e p 11 reas ES 7, 1)9'1:Union Mister 'of Resources educational, ageletilteral 'and. Musi- Gives Details of Aisistance 1Leal programs :have •been broadcast • . the Proy41es will be *given• .weekly ft'Oni,the....luliv‘;711.3.',:6t9-5.11!6:' - • -,--------- ,;.--t-- grentalebroadcesthig thaLlarge set; • = ' tione,of:KentnelcY ledired . the, faCilf,' ' .... prove ' Transpokttion—,-.up. • tairicf to, get $:2.5000, .. ' • .. f 'pea .or receiving broadcasts,: gsPe-;-- , . daily .in the ereanteirls. A :system ". .f, Resources ,Minieter ,Crerar , last : Of radio listening dentreS Was eetab-'•,.. lu.,iiealietdec..eiTvItipeilisneitv:, roetit:dpeiq'o;6•ItrieedNr; , .:. week announced tentative alit:tee. tion. of the '41000,9.00, Vete included,' iiairisasitifilistepotislintepa:ipolenrsoiniTieninnteota44•Yiliineistit.giiroM:errt:eavssi..nt. go. 2 r- and pacceetet hem under the -Com: .: .' :/e:-,11,,,'-'-;int,lee,-:.Lase':e,btr; ad imr eaertkeerds.. s 1;.''eTelasiss. ' „.' The propoied allottnents• follow: , • i... To'Vieuntiin'd, in`Itils•x:a4isgfto°411n;d'early in' the' °IP' Pr- : Mining Sections Nova :Scotia; .$2;600'; ,(aliebee, ;250,- 060.; Ontario,. $,250,000;' Manitoba,' $22.,§,000; Saskatchewan, ($125;000 f ' Alberta, 've0,000; 24(lik100 Ortbaves Terrifinfei7-attiE •'the • .Agreemerit.Veitti Prciiiieces •Initiat al in 'the natal 'year 1936, the:. essistenee ,seherne was • uri- dertai.:en to reduce :,transVo'riationi..:. cOets. info Mining properties. W".--; athe.gciverninent rhotight. such tests 'nele likely 10 retarplevelopment •a' departinental statement Said,. • In . that yeer agreements were Made with ,the arevinces. conderried • whereby stile .wdrk .was carried net. • under'. the direction' of the provire .• gaTiteeelf.t.a itlr: at two:thirds 'othe total the "tinder - standing th. • exp.endijuree in each Case would be • •.doetrib' ted by the and: one thiid.b,V, 'the prciiitices: f Allprojects. carried .Out 'were re- ' ,eoramended- by the .irrivinces and. Were subject tO the -final 'approval . • . of the poininion.. All, work under. t,ekew.in. Yukon and tite:Northwest, • 'Territories 'was-done:4)Y. the 'federal goevnetiv rnmito eintri..e. e tis year,sanieiaptgilce,:. • ni ..stgtement Said. •• •• , • 100 iPeoducina Areas Aided ln the, asistanee.selieme work is being .given' mataly td persons teke • • en fiaint relief reps; or:classified •ae . • ,needy UnerhOthyed. During the. , Pasttwo yearS „the Joint, lirOgranit ...hes been.: of Material aol in. expend-, xpg,'•the tonnage (tea daily ip gold and other metetInrgieal • through -oat Canada,. •. ' • ,Upwaitas. of, 100 ..produeing dr •'shon,tte.lie;:".prOclueing, . gold • illipea ; • haee ,been givem linprove& read ea..: ,elettinee eseeethil..th profitable OP,' • 'prat ion,t u3 besides,. actiVe develop'. • Mott has been., elle enrage&in Ineny premishig flilnOi il areas ' hithertp.'" • devOid of suitable traitiportatioe • ' •' • SayTM HiftElii,litios' • tilio".0pojaSest •PrOfer it To. Mountain . •• Ijeclares C01..BoveY.. of Mem. Gab Return, from , zszt to •.Arkanias", .• . There no' • KeinticIty. end, Arkatises •uteantairt-.. eera pref.,cav, sytubilony ; orche'stra, • tions au& opera.' They diseititte terlY. the brand 'of .eavege atecOrd • which is tleseribeti as niquiltalif . 11101e This'is the' Verdict of. Coi. Wiltrid BhVey of' aleGill tleivetsity, whit. reo= lireeeeted. the Cenudiaii BroadeaSt- '‘Ing 'Corebration 'at t.he recent ioutal ' teble Colifer Once'ott rediei held. pu. . der. Ole, .,attePiCes' Pf : the' Natiobal EXtetiSion,Ateeitietlen et Ifet §brings, Arhansas. • The 0`etikeetne1 �t ektetiskiii• bead • Was'inuen . •At the annual convention of the Caeadian 'Weekly Newsnaper Association. in Teionto (Ontario- , Qnabed . rr, A,J. Pebble', Maneging =dftor et the • itethial-Newe, Sinith's* Falls, .0)46itd breardent of the ot, gnnizittion tot the ,cinting yeap .1. A, Do Investigate Bofore Buying Lletlior.l,s of opei•ationotthe • ronte 'Stock gkChangee which, , he is it "much nifsunders.tood in-- 'StitutiOp" : were eutlined'•by Noi•-•• man C.Itegebart; exchange presi- dent,' to :Kineitrdiaebtsinesslret at their •speing baequet:. • ' '‘1 have littilitaitymnat,Ity' with, anyone, who buys stock ,without in- • vestigating," lie „deelerech. ,...majority of people' Will, ,bity. Stock • on e tip .and •very rarely in.'. • VeSfigate, r.r they did,. it would' • greatly benefit the chitatrY.7 • He..warned against 'considering • Penny stock s as'an investnientned .pointed out they were only ,Tragedy Strikes 'Church iiitrlgited by the liniversity cir itoh; ' tiltkY'S meetitahl radio," listenho Center. sistlit; Thti iTti1yerfl' �t lientucky ba a; for years , rocogniaed• the redid eaaktekeelleht rttiuifl far the ,,stinitilatten 'of.edtit;ittitirtal.# ettlintal, and recreational' aetietttes,' burIng the'pvit „seasoh.IG • •• Four Men/ plunge$t to their iteaths as they rode• art elevatov down the..800-fobt, shaft of the- ' flonie that eroWn$ 'llrother Andre's $106,000 shrjneo St; j'eseph• ()ratan; The.,m,en' felt ' to.their deaths-wheh•ri beton f SU pa- ' Porting! the twist,' shifted, pltleg- ing the reiinearly 6) feet. The' • black line, 'AtiOVIII, Slitivee where 'the elevator fell to -the ph6ovs.,, bife:tho vidt.i.ftw , blunted ihrough flooi.' of, the hoist and itgairt through the 1;ieoad,- ezt'ilooring 'Of the` church. as (Heated by the bralcen ians- toOgiidary C.. Ircihesu*n. • Po 1:13/11*ge najrY Creatures 0 G.0,0 Size, ''ITA1.141SQN xfur og,"pritisht Gelembia—the 1ionaei the cighphgct, iegeticlarY •leke-dweiling, Water'snalte„ and 44 . terrifying geltmatee'deasin, tie 00' eerpeat—paid homage twit- week te as, • Sa.scitattch, the, hair. ettee. • • eetitueted 2,9000frotti tribes in the'ProViace. arid:Washingten Stele. • :converged oe. a„.,aetj y deeerated titan villagehere, 'brining grates•= „ '•• 4ne native mass end Costenaea: Was .SeSaua,teit.,Iiidiatt ijayi and 119 • • 'place fee skePtlefte• •, Yen either take the. itiquateh: Or leave then) alone: There, iS *Mid- die,-egurse,- „• •,. • ,leeek. . ' Many Indians .take. them, ateaiglit. • To hear.'tefl, the Sesquatch were' .great,legenderY . creatures i . that neintein their. reputation with an occasional ,.eresent-day $Woep • frOM the .mouateine,t9; peek inewin-, dows et meek down a lone tries'- : I Others, Indian Agent J. W, 13Urns • explained; •talcea Milder tieat,:. '. "Despite .their great size—about lievett feet lit ireight7-the Sas- . • quatch were -finite and harmless," • Burns. said the Indiena believe. • • • Perhaps primitive Race • 4,'T1iey 'were believed to be, coVer- ed with a gro.wth Of hair and olive = caves:and holloat ' 'trees.. The legend probably earae ,doWn from the ,'actual - existence- Otesonie..primi- tlye rede I believe ill it m self • Blast May Last For 30,000 Y -ears_ When A •Star tar Acltouaeds It Shoots °Oat G4s'that,Surrounds It... . *hen:a etar.: explodeet, the, blast. ipayleet for• tiiirtY, thousandyears; • aecording••to-pr..Freil 'WhIPPle, lot Harvard Observ,atory, „who basee.. •his caleelatiOne.,on 'radial Velocir s' . observed, in %planetary, nckulae by • Dr.' ay.., W. Campbell and, Dr, .d.,' 13:, of. Liek :Observatory., Plan- • eta4-nebtilas :consist. of . a _star. 1:!. . 'the entre,of a vast: elaUd • This 'cloud is butsether shapee-have °beery- ' , ed ' lneludizig %the fling ,Nebula, 'which has la doughnut -shaped - The:. gas, ,which isincan1e8cent,1 cam‚from an explasien of theeeti; ; • trat...Star,'"Whien is Still in a high ' state ef. ineeindeseence.,. The geSes... gre moving ,outward,, several • miles a secoed. ,, When they attain • such. speeds .ihey are beyond• the... . •'gravitational pont:rot of the central • star, 'which is, losing :much,' of its , enhatence into itmee, ,if the 'sea shouido..e.:xplode ind fargi a plane tare: pebula, the n•-suryouriding gas; •,clOad Monte: reach an'any tintes the distance o! of the -outernitost planet.' New ,'platetery• eebelae'Oe.:forni ing,' and Old Ortee are fading aiVAY: • Since, about. two hundred planetary nebulae are knoiva, and their :aver.: s •ege life as .abaut 30,060: years,.; flew' one. phoilid appear about every • 250 yeaes;'Dr. Whipple said. TakeNotice Of Your Bad Ba'cilia4iti '.• • We're All. Subject to Odd Man-. -2.7.. neriOns Which '. Can Be• •14.3 vy.li l.e:'' 9..'i,.C..etiiertimelteity,,,t il, ,p..t, l'•,,i ta..k..,s, , en .an 'inventory of a-Cier; p0180 or .:beering—,yeer manner, of • atindirig, • . ' ...sitdirg.,;evalking..aed.adaingibefore .• '. . ethers.17 Have you ,anY. 'hint:411.01e' . . • „.. .. • matifierisme, that .ycar. Men t 'aware . :..of, stele as. •stalidingt 'with' etre' •ltip•••!''.: ,,4throwif.,: Mit.", er 1plaring • beak • -.ban d S a:, a the 'Me- W It gat eVer ytinitre::::. - • ., glApcittig, still, 01' of ,Standing „With'. ...ttii 66'..1fiel;t0.17...,,.,„ , ,..„a,,,,: ‘ , a.,1:1 ii.atid. s•pa i • ,'' .}faye,•you, the habit Of , tWiddlieg:• •• • your . fingiSiwhenev6r. you 'are.' be nt fore Ptit,' -or , of :. placing. ,your ' .! hands o .,.iir..fabe',alt the tinie,, or of,,StretChipg aadyawning,.no'sliato ter .Where yOti.aret .illeVe yeti :the ' • :habit of Woking 'YOUr teeth in pub,. • 'lieHpertictilarly tilenig•Alie •stiteet4 ' 'f Manteuring vein- ratite' hi tibia. 'tic?... : ' a' :, :141. ' : ,. :':, ;•:: • .„ Hey* you. the liebit of whispering tc),4ante 'dice pore* ' in ; a:..Sttialr, .•. 'grain) Cif Peeple. :' ; Or 'pfj . oking... I a a ailing., air. Malt leg fan of 'Seine.: ;one behiad,bit• bilek Ott of drune, ming' with the !bigot's, tapping With . . the ,feet, eleeit.leg the' theeat, •,attil '." • :.• other' ferin$,• o.fiestiesSeetal " Have ., Yoe''' the habit of always •frowtiingt•• • • gave .you tIt.6. -.1.:' habitl, thlitikis,• ere '. .Ye it aitie of thread agree e s : wile are'' alWaYS ..attylitg,' 41...bv)166 ,:seti=atith •.tot I veptildn't dathet;" ete.! ava .. , you 'the . habit'. of elapping ellier.• ; peeeite en, the back •ei•cry abut you ' feel so' ittelined`l br'of-terislog •Otli ' . er ,eeeple?'-. ..,,,, , . Oer haturea 'ailent MiterallY gett; , eteug,' .ot, , noble. We :temoinb• er. • Sligiiitt • little "distast'pftiT actions, ' ': :eta Seine•,•••beettiirte: ritellberierna .. alanit . Zeillecitie, .= 'otid, megot. . Vie • , tri.attY• ,goodauttlities: he itiaYltaVe*. . , 0 t ., , ,, . , 4 011,..iaili., • , : Turkeyie •a're''•heirig trAined ','Ilt..:' tn gl an tt :•, te'.., Iiie • '''sviii,leli 8 ogs", ,, i: . . .. ,