HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-06-16, Page 51-71, TarRsniky. nn4I Ivry, toss.. tem, Theatre w INGHAM ow mivto at iiivint eve14, gat..---LSat., alight tWo ahows MG and 945 II* rat' radef. EridaY SattirdaT ,. )1111i 16, 17, 1L, viRoiNIA Baixi3 MELNYN DOIJGLAS • • In t " Le1,0111 Returns" The ,SterY, Of'.ARefonned o gentleinan Cirook; Who Re - _turns . To •His Old,-Hibits, And ., 'Providea,,*.A. Evening •Ent.ertainment, ' Abo • . "it;tEON• =Rol. ecoksoy" and, Monday: TneadaY. °WedneadaY. • • • . line 20,21;, 2/. ...Double' Bill:. GENE UTRY (THE SINGING COWHOYS. In • • • • "GET ALONG LITTLE ,DOGIES" . POLLY MORAN • . ALISON SKIPWORTH • 1.*.• * * * * WO_LYASe. _Maid; . gene Autry Again Retrns To . The -Lyceum :With His, AetiOn • Anit'Senga., And Story Of The ' Old 'Weit. On: The Same ;Bill" Is A Comedy 'Picture Featur- „ink Two Emmons CinnOiennes. a *stem's Rev. Cahn Todd; Son of Ilev. Thos. odd, pastor 'of,the °United Chnrch; .SimCoe, and a /Omer Walkerton .: • boy, has, accepted s call.te the Luck - .now 'United, church, and will coni- nience his pastorate there on July 1st. This young 'clerie `graduated into the ministry from *Whist College; Tor, .., onto,' in 1986, and in .hei4 called to So, important; a ch tuge as .Lucknow Within two yetis 'pow entry into the altered Calling, is a tribute to this scpiri Of the house. of Tedd, no less •,than four Of the sena of the, late Mr. and Mrs. Archibald. Todd herehaving become pulpiteers; and -soine of whom O ;are PreaChing the word in .big urban churchea.-Wilkerton- Herald -Times.. ”Mr awl s, JaTaea Bird of 'Bu- ses, Mr, Saul Dnrliin Of 1,4ekaOW and Mr. John-CarnPhell ef Belfast • visited. on SundaY•Yith 'Mr and Mrs. Ber- man 1hilhip. 0 0, :" • O Mr. Mrs. Hiram .Uoifitt, 'Keith and Penal& et Itnien,,Spent the Week 'and with her. mother; Mrs, lUchard Jahasian, . - Miss Kathleen Graham Of .1Cinlena Spent the weekend with with Was, Jean Anderson- •• O The. W,M.S, Will Nita their regular' meeting .on ,TheTsoay. afterneen at the honae o Mrs.. Will: Andrew. Mr- and Mrs Godfrey Hall" Pent Week with frieOds.iii;B,rantfold.• While there . they . AlpoVisited ',friends in Guelph, 'Waterloo' end.' gilehenor..: They. retaThed •hdine• en '.friday;•• comPanied by Miss MarY, ' Mrs: Ernest Blake ° spent ,Priday in , , Mr. and.„Mrs. S. j..Kilpatrick Spent the week -end with Mr. ,and .Mrs. Pal - Mer, Kilpatriek, of ,Toronto. 0• , United Clinith . , ..VerY :enjoyable time, was. spent by.tWenty-hve Members Of. the ;United ."Church W. M. S. When they :Motored , out to Mia:, A E. McKlin'S . cottage at Xintail The President: Mrs. RatihWell ....presided...A 'report Of the Presbyterial at 'Walkerton, Wasgiven .by Mrs. Alton,.. Mrs,.(HeV.). and„,Mrs, N. E. Bushefl gave .short. talks. Mkt.. Moved *. vote of thanks° to Mrs. Tieher .for her .vioTie influ- ence.in the Mitaiansity society.for' the peat tit'Yeare sie it was ilaucli.'appre... • .Ciated. A Very Pleasant hour 'was tipent' the lake .befere'liineh Was. ,terired the .hoeteSSI at the ietit*ge. A.' Vote of. thanks was to the -einliersLwhp-so-kindlY-7-loaned-thei cars. • As this . was „the occ*sion of. the tiventiethl,Minivertitry'Of Mr. and Mrs. jcKiins *Adding' do, the Members Of WitlrforeaCh a 'tong And hitOPY wedded . • • CON. . , • BUtittOn at Toronto , "beet , her Mr..Herbert O thiektnti. ' ' ' Miss Isabel MaLeed retnriied.heine after Spending feie Weeks with her aunt; Mrs.:Allan ttitnin, • .* Mit* K*•:Saelgratr.e and.atin Detroit; viSited recently With: Mil. T. 'Unbitten.' . ' Mr. iiiid4tri: Mekinnon 'end fain- atieht'H Sunda Y With friends :Mita ileiniltati ,of totoafo. he,iiialt- '4 int Witii.14r, and Mrs. Gilbert "*. • ton, She Wee bY her SOO retiltited to..tite dit)q' $'•A .1-I &LENS 'Misses Sadie MacCharles end:Isobel Miller and M. and MiS: W. A. Miller and -Allan were .visitors on Thursday with Miss Laurine Miller and other friends at Stratford. • Mr, and Mrs. Dave Todd and Mr. and •Mrs,. George Stuart Were week- end visitora Witti Mr, and Mrs, J. MeIntOsh at Vineland.. • Mrs. R., Mrs. 'Gordon, Mr. and' Mrs., T. J. .Salkeld and •family, Mr. And Mrs. W. I, Miller and Gor- don Mrs: Tom Tedd and Anne tin'd Mrs. •,attended the an nual. Salkeld...pienie at Stratford, On Euplieinif Rintoul, 'Whose "mar.. riage to Mr Ralph Cameron.of Ash.: fiSid; 'took'.place. on gatiirday, was the guest of ,honor at 'a' miscellaneous shower by the,girls of .the /1,andicrat Club and Other friends at the home of her Sister, Mrs. Evart McPherson On WednesdaY'eVening. :Miss Milton] to whoin the affair .was a compete Surprise Made 'a,. fitting. reply: of thanks.fOrthe lovely gifts after which dancing was enjoyed., ' • I •Mr. end, MrS.,,,,,Lorne_Woodalatten.-,, cd'the "Helni".4ellTliOrt Itt.kineardine'. OnSaturday.• — ' • ....Plan. to _attend 'the'. Garden Party .given by the United. 'Church on Friday evening.: Thn, play "Dollars IF bages" be presented '6Y:the Whitechurch Y. P. U. S-0.;•-lierlsert-Mid Albert Taylor, Were at ,GOderich on Satur- day for the Harrison 'picnic. • , ' K. Miller wasat Moine to friends On Thesday. evening ..on the oceasion of. her 82nd birthday: Earlier in :the evening; ',Mk° •Miller:enjnYed her' annualtalk by telephone withhei sqa Stuart of Hanna, :Alberta: • CALLED TO: LUCKNOW , . , • • • • . . • ' ti'EAVrkt 4g.trifq*OF O INCciiivAtilAN.M,4eicAi. , assoontrionmoli.ire • 0015PRO*Ncig; COmr04114* "1,1, iti.kp.A- OBITUARY , MRS.' oEORGE E. SMITH ' , A very large concourse of people, relatives, neighbors arid friepda, paid a final tribute Or, ' respect to Mrs, Alice Smyth,,when her funeral 0 was held from. her late home in West We-. wariPsiCon Friday,' afternoon. , O .The deceased, who had been in fail- ing health .for seine, time, \Was the youngest of. three daughters Of the late Mr. and, Mrs. Matthew Thompson and: was .born 0 in Listowel, 04 years 'ago in March .' After the: death.of her father, shenuoVed to Dungannon with her Mother. and two sisters atid.re,, sided there nail, her. 11:ixtriiage.' to George 'dward. Sinith, 34. Years ago last February, whew She went to live on the farm 'Which has been her home ever,' since:9f It quiet, pleasant dis- position, She was• muCh beloved by all Who knew her.' . „ ' 'Surviving are two sons, Clayton, and Gordon :and one daughter; Doris.'Her husband Predeceased her SeVenyears' ago and her mother six ,years age. •The funeral serViceS et -the • house and grave were,conducted by her pes-, tor, Itev. T. R. Turner and Reit. C. -Kuine'tSeafortlrreformer .pastor. During the ierviee, Mts. (Itev.) Turn, er sangvery effeetiVely . "The .010 ittigged Cross'. : ANAEMIA- ' 11.*nive Yeara age, liver conic” be. boughtfor only a few cents, and Was used to.feed the. cat orthe. clegTedaY,, So Maur People are eating liVer that. the price has adianced nntil is only the.indulged*web gets an eccas.. briar, taste.3'' • •- • , It was., no. longer ago, ,than 1920 When it y'gai observed, that' ,patienta 'suffering from: perniii6us anaemia .were- much improved when they Used halfpoUnd Of.liver 'each clay. • 'Anaemia is general terin Which nitins' that the blood iadeficient„in aninitity: qnality. There are asv..• eral 'kinds' of anaenlia,.'seeli as, that which .follows upon * haemorrhage,, or the anaeznia which Usually devel- Ops as part of stitch chronic diseases as tuberculpsis,• cancer, malaria and lead 'poisoning. , Then there are the anaemias which occur because • of the failure of the 'crgans • Which inannfecture. the red. blood cells, We cannot live without ,oxygeri, and if there are not enough red hlood cells, -or 'if there isa lack f the m haeo-glObin. which should be in those'icelli to Carry, oxygen, then the bOdy tissues are starved .pf the, oXYgen WhiCh , they`, need. . :,The red 'Cells are, manufactured by O the red marrow: at,,the ends of the long inines, ribs,. and .:',vert0hrae. ' per- nichius anaemia was,,,,until recent . Tiliya-ye:-fatal.:The red cells.' Were so rapidly destroyed that the Mine. Marrow. could not, meet the demand; this, inthe:end, meant death as the bleed Could, net ,Cerif ,enough Oxygen to all the tisanes to Maintain , • . • Interment was in Dungannon cem- etery. with the following Pallbearers: It. j, Durnin, Richard Park, .Bert Me- Cavemand BroWn Smith. , The Oriductor 'tette- through the car collecting' faret. • • He's, only five' year§ Old, reMarked rtiother when the ,at her hey: .• ' ', When the 'eotiduCtor reached far end of the ear, it occurred to the .youngster ,that ah ,inipOrtant 'bit of information, hod been Overlooked: ' Mother s. thitty-ejie,. lio Shunted., MA' (getting * shave): "Bather; will Yon, "PleaSe ,give ,rne a 'Otis of . .0,00 0,"." Harbert "Whit iS the 'Matter? Something, in your throat?" . Man: Waiit to see if inY :Liver. ,coutains-v-soniething .which brings hack the., blood of ,pernicious anaemia patients to normal:and so eyes theui back their health, No long - el is the 'victim ,of Pernicious anaemia deemed .to die.;: health. end_b_strength • • Trustees:And .Ratepayers' , Meeting.11041'In Paisley T!Taw PregtaTa Of Ptodies Outlined -7 EOPter •Moffat, Repasts./ Better Peel- ing .TOWard TavOemp. haal llaartt The School Trustees and Ratepay-. ere for Bruce. County • gathered at Paisley On Pride)r and held their 'en- ConVention. There was a good attendance and 'a large number of whom wereladies, 01 0 McFaciyen, Tiverton, the President exPlained that the Bruce County ,Edneatisinal Association: ander *hose auspbes', the '-.Convention- Was held. Was the monthpiece of the PeePle Of, the County in that through, that Organization and the 'Ontario ,Trtist- Fes , and ".Ratepayers ',Asaociation,the 'people :made •their reqneits of /the Department 1of, Edhcation, a n d through them the Department -made known the changes ' cOnteraplated in courses 'of Study and Grants. O After the iePort of the Secretary. Treasurer and the appointment of ominittees, M J.. IC Game inspector for :Bruc,e,grey Inspectorate , gave a .very comprehensive address on the New. Program Of Studies Phinting odt that there has been a demand for a mere, fractical educatienfor rural pupils. Inthe past our 'Schools. have educated the pupils: away Vent he /antis and domestic'occupation rather, than :educate them to :make better .citizens on the Farina: lie said some objected to the New Course, in that, the: Children' do what' they like, but he said it, was rather that they like at they do. Instead of hard ,Arith- etie for the younger ,classes the difficult 'probleme were bft. until the 'Child: Was able -Jo . comprehend' *hitt was being u'iangbt. 11!e. 0C�ur5e of Studies', comprised seven, subjects in the following order;=-Mealtli:' Natural 'Science, Soil Science, Arit11 - t. .7.1eTtihe' "CMetintsmicittAreeaPPOinted. last Year to investigate.' the •larger Unit ra school. Admintitration reported through its, Chairman, Bff, 'Foster' 'Moffat that, they had Several meet ings of the Committee and one Public Meeting,: _and_ while_mctionLwas, are his through the -taken-there was a 'decidedly better uSe 'Of liver Or liver extract. • , :The fame of liver spread, and Many people began to eat it on the g4081 principle that what is good for one ailment is geed for others, which is, Of couree, absurd• " Liver0(4-'6-Vet:V. in -the treatment of .all anaemias. The elilor psis; or '"green 'sickness". of. 'Young girls, a fOrm 01 anaemie, dbapPears improvedwzth habits of living, other • ; forms of, anaemia 'respond to iron therapy: In, all oases,a blood; exam- ination is 'required' to .determine What; form of anaemia is present; this must he known before proper ' treatment can be prescribed, ' VANAD,IAN 'PACIFIC ' RAILWAY STAFF' itotINpAtiort. .t4BRAtile 'Something new in groupeducation for adults is to be found in the newly, published siqf foundation. Library of the Canadian:Pacific Railway. The ten hooks comprising this °library., cover all: phases Of the company's operations in addition tO .encourag- ing, sturlY designed to make Canadian Pacific0 employees; better citizens..., The velurnes were arranged and ed- as.' held at the home of 'Mrs. 1. ait- •chio On Thursday last,Ivith a.splendid attendance. Miss Hilda Reid of Pine 'River Was feeling.. tOitiirorl.the, Township. Sehool Board: Mr NI, A, Campb0l, ISecretark Ontario Trutees and Ratepayers' , Asseciation , took •up a question per - Md and considerable informethintwas -gleaned Irons -the frank discussionof School 'problems. . The election °res./tilted:in the ' follow, ing: being., the executive,' committee •for the:iyear: Past Pres.,, J. W. 1%144, Fadyen,..Tiverton, Pres. John•A,•John.:: Stan; Allenfork VicePres. Robt. SOott Kincardine, Committee; Gee. 'McKay; TiVerton,','Wm: H. Abell, 'Walkerton, Gordon Aletander; Eden ,Grove, Robt Mciffat, LUCknotv.: ZION This community. was well, repre- sented at the annual 'gathering of the "Helm 'FarailY" on •Saturday at Lake- side Park,. Kincardine, when an en- joyable.day Was spent. ' Mr: and MTS. Ernest Gardner, Cecil and Marian, visited with Mr i and Mrs Jim Gardner,.Kingsbridge' Sunday afternoon, , ..• The Jute meeting , of the, W. 31,-,S. ited by John: Murray Gibbon, general . publicity agent a the 'PeinPanY••• Publication f the books followed the,' q ests. Of many •,employees ' fOr the week end guest of her lz ding guide and source of in- 'Miss Ellede Hunter. fo atiori On matters affecting.goed rs.-J eAuley of Ripley visited citizenship,'auckas Canadian his . recentlY withher clangliter; Mrs. geography, end:ecoxioniiCS..:The name Frank Ritchie'anct Mr Ritchie "Foundation Library" has .been aptly • Mr, and. Mrs Wellington Nikon of ktliosen because it ni hoped', that read, Luclirio*.were visitors on •Sintlity with irig•Of the hooks wilt encourage COmP: Mr. and .Mrs. Itich. Gardner:, any emPloYees to further .stndy';..te • Ashfield Ladies' Aid, Garden .Party aid whith a • liSt'of other. books on 'will Blake's.Church Friday, inti1it4ubjects has' been Printed in June 24th, , • . SRMAR',bit.CIPIGW, AFAXPENT PASS*, .41041( Hobert MathieSen,, fomerly Of toe - know, Passed, away in- C.7.04ariell 4.gam. .pital, gaturday, 4%07. an. 'Magas soma :oar Y'aara; Mr. Vathielma,..arbo *.faa. in WO' 620..4 year was a gen' Of the late:004e. MathieSen Of Pock,' nnw who for- 44. yearS Was guiserin- 444eAt the .Presbyterian c)mrch "$040_a3t And. tOrty rare an elder, ' ' ' '.Robert ')datliieSeri to.. conduc- tor, was wett-known'in. railway ir- cld in., Oederich, and as a Mein/het of the Brotherhood of, PillWay: Tratn- 'niea and, of ° the. • '000 . Of-. RaiOnly poaciagtora 840 the )-14.• married in -...PeterbOrongh thirtY4otir Years': age ilFc.Ni404 Celia ttipfnro of Good,orhar4; UaliburtOno4Onty, otryivo,,Nitittl three sons.. - • : The funeral .was .held in • .:3"o4erich on '10110aY front hiS,-reSidence • The service was cendeeted byEev. . W. P. Lane, 'pastor' of North street .United church •-.Of .Which Mr. Mathiessin •was' 4 member: Interment was :in Mint: - land cemetery. ' the beck 'of' each vo ume. Mr. Jack Gardner is confined to In dealing with the-distr4bution- ed--this--week-witlr-torigestion-of-thr problem the Company's Educational lungs. We hope or a speedy redovery .6oinmittee wisely decided that M The Webster re -union will be held addition 0 to presenting information this Sattirday at Jowett's drove; Bay- on a wide variety of SetioUs S,ubiScts. field., • • - . • the cost muat be low tO appeal to 'Mr. E0aVid Andre* of:Vermillion, the f lareest number ' Of '.' employees Altaw who 'has:, spent,;the past week possible. Sir Edward Beetty,', G. B. E., renewing oldassociations; sicoMpari, K. 0,., LL, i).;. 'chairman and presid: ied by M. Geo..lIunter,inotored • to , mit, made the cheapness pOstible by Guelph' on Wednesder.latt: . . ruling' that the coniPaa3i' illoold lib' sOrb re than hall th cost Of the. nipe books. , Only two .of .the book dei Pec- ifiCally With the tailWay, ita,probitale and ,its history. These, hooka, are. 'Canadian Paciffie Facts. & Figures, "Faactora in Railway. and Steam - Ship Operation:" Other; books'in the Volume are, ."Spking iti 'Pnblie," "Coreincincience- And tatestaenship," O 'Abictiendiy of Correct English," .Fiteil ch. ,telVraugliY'"The Pon.911.)..cli. ' • tanada-,' to Eeonornies," °The History ot Cahada throngh Ofoginphy" and. •qConAtia • 4 PEIRPil GROVE' Miss Minnie' and'Jack Fair spent Sunday at London:. ' , ,Mids Margaret •Rebellion visited with ' Mrs.. BlackWell over' the Week, ., • , • end,- ' • - Mr: and 'Mrs. job- Fisher Spent Monf day at Mr.. James Niblick% ' Mr; - Will Stott and Mr., and.4,00; MiltOn-Willsh-spent as ovening-at Jack .Neibites. recently, L. • .Mr.and :Mrs. IStnie `taken: and sont. ',John iitidCarman, sent lett Stinday tit .1,46k Einersen't • ° ' , • r WHITECHIACH , • Lsst Thursday the, Kennedy re -un- ion Was held. at Waterlog' Park With ,ainiost .70 relatites Present from Guelph, Puelinch, ,'Morriston, Galt,' Goderich, Teeswater, Wingham, Whitechurch, Lucknow and, Miss. Hel- en McIntosh of Vancouver, oB c. It was a nice day and all enjoyed thein - selves. , . • 'Mr.: and :MO. Eli, ;Jacques' visited Mit Week" with their • nephew, Mr. Leonard Taylor of- Goderieh. ' Last Wednesdaythorninc„.. bile, Mr. Wallace Conn Was working on a ladder 'et,the lett, the ladder alipPed and he .landing, on MS....feet, Crushing his heel bone badly He Was 'taken to London hospital &had 'a seil-• ions. operation oi thein hint Friday.; We hope , for in .earirreeavery. 'Congratulations to Mi .Alfred. 'Pat-- terson,Who Wone second prize. of .$6.? for Judging. 'beef Cattle' also another prize Of a nice book atthe judging; comPetition-tit' 'Clinton last Friday. 4--This'coninaunity-Was---shocked--when theY. heard Of the death7of . Mr. 'James Whim, Sr.,. last Thursday tvas killed almost ..instantly . in his lunther Mill here. He was superintendent of ,the 'Sunday ,School of the Presbyter- iin Church for years. - Don't 'forget the annivertary. ser- vices inthe Presbyterian ,church IA a.m. an,W7.80 p.m. SnndaY, When ROV:D. MacKay, of London will preach Mra. Catherine, Egglestone is Visit- ing her .daughter Mrs. Bea Reid. of .Listowel.; : .0 • Miss Flora Coulter is teaching at S. .S. ,.No 9, ,Kinloss . school in the absence of Mr.' Thos. Wilson.. ;•• Miss Jean Coulter Of \Syron Saniter- Min •nursing 'staff.Of London; is home for le17 holidays. , . . MARRIED -On Saturday at the . Manse, when Rev, 1 Pollock united in Marriage, kiss spipliemit,'. third. dint, ghter Of Mr. and :Mrs..Alex Ristoul to Mr, Ralph:, Cinnerori, 'Sun. of °Mr. and . Ab.: Cameron' of Ashfield.. ongratulati�tis ,OThe United Cburch had .'very"sucT. cessful anniversary. SerViCeS' On Stint day,. when Rev. Mr: Wiley of • Beril , preached • The 'choir r'endered special music Mrs. Robert Phillips; :Of 'Goderich spent. the week -end 'with at*s, Vit. R.' Farrier, „ " .11i.'ThOs. ,had:' the' tielephOne installed •last week 43-r-22 • t. Mr. Alex Inglis, spent the week -end 'who is1sick in the h�sital, tehxerei;ngallio Sit Mr:' and 'Mrs. ,Thoe Inglis spent.the week -end at Guelph with ,friends. Mr and Mrs .John Kennedy :and Miss Olive Kennedy aperitlast Tues- • „ _ Oa', Virg its. :agin.'...the:Iaw • The Best 'war Hunt Cutt.00$00s..,r..10..To. The,;,:ttickno*:.$enti.nek.. IT. WOULDN'T' DO TO TAKE A dim TO GO OUT FOR STOMERS. custcogps REQUIRES A . CLEVER,. HOT SOldk BUS11119S8 MEN ARE BLIND IN THEIR SEAP.Ca. FOR la9EE oust/4E4s THEY ARE VIAND; FACT THAT ADVERTISING: GOOD:BUSINm. rNvEsnaiENTAN SPACE IN',00 THE COLUMNS OF THE LUCKNOW .SENTINEL IS INVESTMEN. T.WHICH WILL RETURN. QUICKLY AN " MANY TIME', OVER: IN .AN , INCREASED ' SALES. ',VOL,UME. " , • , -FORM THE HABIT OF KEEPING THE NEWS OF YOUR BUSINESS BEFORE 'ITIE PTJBLIC THROUGH THE ' LUCKNOW SENTINEL. OUR. READERS ARE QUICK TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF SHOFPING OPPORTUNI- TIES: YOUR BUSINESS WILL INCREASE,AND4MORE ' TRADING WILL BE DONE AT HOME BY THE SHOP. PERS. ' • rr IS 'MORE CONVENIENT.:TO TRADE AT .HOMB' •• 'READERS THE HOME -TOWN 'PAPERPATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS. YOU. DON'T.NEED A LICENSE TO. ADVER• 'TISE. JUST:PHONE. US: WE'LL ''BE GLAD' To jump You SOLVE YOUR ADVERTISING PROBLEMS, ' , The.:-Iticknlik ,Sentinel 'PHONE' .3% • LIVET W.:41.. S. • . regtilar meeting (*yet' held in the chiziehs. on Fri: - day;', 'Jane 1.0th,',1938:, There were ;..p nerithers..-preSent. The meeting wa opened . -b-Y. the *Opening' cer- emony. • • • and hymn 488 in. the •Ilyin••• nary 'Wes. sung, .folkitired by' 'the Lord's PraYer ,unison.. The; yell' call was taken- by Secretary; Mrs, Brooks, who also read the 'minutei of •ourlatt Meeting': which were ,approved.: The' hnsiness period followed...The' Pre* idezit.presided. *701e itTprt ..the 'Meeting, Mrs. ,Jeinee,MeTayisli. Who *as', convener :for 'June ..Meeting. meet- ing. , 2.06 .Was ,snng.: The took charge, f. rest..of,the Devotienal, ,* ' 8s.,2nd psalm' was read :Mrs. :Elmer. Osborne:. We were.thenlavered°With Et le.mperance, Dialogue, .Iton1Ston.! being leader,': Mrs.. J, ' taking Mrs,. piirt, Mrs,. McGuire. acting as Mrs.' Mrs. 0,7. 'McLeod!: as . C. Our Study ''Book.' was well taken by Mrs. Gilhert:Barkwell... We. were then 'favored by Lt..' Splendid, .,SOldi by • Miss •Iteta Waldo, enjoyed by :eVeryOne. We were; all glad tehave Mrs; Mac- Kenzie With us and listened to a..Very. iiitetesting.-talk Rip the Convention at TOrontO:', Hynin 184 was axing andoiir meeting vas :brought to a close ..by S. McGuire leading'in Prayer. The Mile.' meeting '.Wits' in •-•Charge of Mrs:, James 'McTavish 'and her. • Cretin:. The next. meeting' will :be in °charge of Mrs. J..Roulatonand her . • , , grenP.' :*., , • • O :Misses 'Marie. and Donalda Me- .pharles ,and friend.s of .Torento-viSited at their home Mr. D. MeCharles here oVer, the week -end. We were 0; learn that :anr teacher Mr, CiitforeWyl s. as een re-engaged' as,. teacher. for S.S. 11 He. has returned. home after: spendz Mg the .Week -end in Toronto : , . ,• day With Mr.' and °M.rs. Toynbee Lamb of "Goderich. • • •• Mr, and lirs. George 'Fisher and family of Lobo, moved On Tilesday of -thiS-to'-the-fat farm -40e late, WM. .1, • Fisher': . Mr. Jade „Flanigan' Treritori, Pent the Week -end with,:M3 Plana- gap, at ttie tionle of Mr.', and Mrs: ThoniaS Inglis, , • • , • ".• • • • , PARAMOUN , gt, and Mis. John janilesen; Mrs, Howard Harris •frein Ilplyrodd . and 'Mr.: and Mrs. Ernia•WilsOn and- Mat- ter', keariettt., from SaSkatoon 'pent last Week -end With relatives at Paw, 1‘110, . • and 11tis; Arthur 0000k and Ciinieron 'Were recent: visitor's 'with and Mrs'. Ad. MacDonald at Pine• - -0 0• Mr. Oolilie• '"at.artin had the honor' ei „winning first plaie in judging St .the *tide County -11016teiii • Breeders' Pield-DaY..lield at Reid's; Ceiners'laSt TiletdaY'attd elan 0 -it the .614 roiditi, • • " t•th .„udging , airy tett e ruee, GotiiitY judging teinPaitiOli held; at Pott lgun last Wi'dries,444 •,, • • ' BOUriDARY lip EST The Club meeting:Will% 'be...held:1n thp. Peramohnt .Hall on Tuesday evi• ening„ Jiine 21st. prOgrani'.cOin:, .GOt. AdOiroCaniPbell ayt4 Goldie Martin, Plus- handa .and visitors...tire ot.elcOtne. Mrs. Richarda :had A; Very success- ful meeting,en .TtiesdaY, thine O ..Mr. Ben, Stanley has; greatly' bin - proved .in, health:, after 'spending, a eouPle of 'Weelis in Winghem • llespital Mr,' janies Webster isat present inider'the'doetor's are. We..liope for ,sp,e,edy recoVery,. ,0 0,: • Miss tionahla •Nicholson ',is' ill With\ prieuitionia.: • ; O kr„ Prank' MOCharles ,froin :Cover is visiting Parainthint friends. 'A **tier 'from:here, attended. the Ilieederat '.Viehi pay at 'Lorne. Iteid's, Pine Hiver:.., •BREEDERS HELD ,FIELD DAt Brea. County Holstein Breeder'S 'fie14'dny was held' last Week .at Lorne Reids firm, , Martin,: of Paramount Proni.." irient Shorthorn ' -'breeder :showed rin apt kiieWledge. Of. .1ietstehis, whieh ave him first Place in the' ienier judging Competition. Other ',winners' in this +class' were Eldon' Lowry, itk 4 RiPleyi Roy 'Geddes'. Kincardine; H; 0, tunl�p E it.6: Kincardine and Sire Clarence Bridge, K; lt. 1 Kiiidardnie • -..,TURN,RERRY CORNERS.: Mrs Harry ';•CliaMpron ..returned to '11.0.7hpitie 212 LiieknoW 'after': spend- ing a -week's vacation With her friend , MO.' Geo. Lewey.• Jas.. Patterson cif Whitechurch and Edna: Stockley Of. Kincardine ited 'with hir;',•iind.,Igre. Itoht., Hend- erson on tondttie., last. ' Miss Mildred Phippen • returned home. ,with .Rev. • Jas.. .mplidi9r., to • •Londion ,on 'Saturday' last.' Rev.' Mc. Ginlay held a foueday revival i tha f.Oft. Mr. Joseph Collyer of Laid** Vitt • ited. hist week. for -a ,fe*dayail Wit. 'WMghan.i: friends. . : John Str.';Bliptist' .Gburch coney. , ation were entertained OA real treat ..when . FL 4, Le • Eianame of • Teronte oila'...1*t Musical family, 'Ronald One; , Gerald; '1St violun, Oswald, 2nd viohn; .ponaid, plani, and, Audrey, age 4' who jing, had 'Charge of ,the services... on "Ssindit*' last .Mr. La' Fla:nine: is knownas a converted gambler.: pita, cher..• • EFIVIE Mr 3 T. Arnold has teturned, home from: Paisley where she. visited •-• fora couple of Weeks. Mr. 'John :BIncEeliaie. of , Saska- toon renewed old acquaintances in this locality .while the gUest, of Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Hunter.. , Missea. Gertrude, and, Alice Hewitt viSited last week With friends on Con.' ' Rev. L. S. Mott preached a, temper.' Limesermon on Sunday ,last, and a . . special contribution. was, requested to help cart? on .this part,. Of the • work. : Mr, Wesley ',Hill of Simla, v,isite4. • •tur:few days With the *ore,: tarn." Mrs d.. McDonald, Mr. itrid Mrs M. 1qcbonaliii arid stain' son, at Pi. - River, were Sunday visitors :at, Mn Andre* 'Mcrioneld.s. '. O Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hunter 'Visited' . , in Sea1orth recently.; . The monthly Meeting Of theW. of St. John's Church Was hem iit Mrs. - J. 0: Hewitt's twine, Con, ,fi. ' • , • and 10*.s. J.. Bradley And.Burd, ette of Kincardine 'Spent' SundaY, With; Mr, and Mrs. E. McComb,. gouth Line ' Friends of Mrs. 11. Chndlimirne, Con. '6, regret.to learn of her heinj ; confined-to--her4reenr-ainthOpi-ali . , .may soon bele, ut , and • Around again' ' CHRISTIAN FELOWSHIP.- CLUB TO opEN THIS FRIDAYEVENING: O The,, Christian VelloWthiP' Club' for all' young peopleOver fourteen Years Of age...will' open itt the , tiite Roams this Iiiday 'evening, AtAtie, .at 8 o'clock, Mt yming, oopte Of u the', town and ,sintrounding Country are :Cordially invted to ,einie Mad' em joy thie,- hour' ••ehriatian different program, Aver, evening' Consisting, Of. doipet 0 singing, 'Isihte,,' competitions„ -.setirionettes, inernorize. • tibn of s4iiiturk tibie 'stuay, topiog 4p&ititinOtt4i1 eielecOOTI: will proVidi splendid -.4itiorttinity for .t*sining ' leaderthiP *hid* no yourne,Chtistien, Phseae tinneintei tobthtg ,yetir Bibles and invite,yout ,ftiends. ,ths "sting SertiCe. istskrt at ts':010itse'to bO,tnittnife:, :