HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-06-16, Page 4111E i4UCKNOW' a/KIM
The Week In Patlianient
..By .3
FR/DAV--,/ regret to reOrt, that
today: was -Pet artOthet• day in. the
•'House of ConanonS. SOmninquirieS Of
• a political bins, a 1341 to safeguard
the rights of Andians in ,the,eyent
Minerals' being discovered on 'the. res-
ay:Mien:6'4nd -seine phases of the
• frn-
ai:atages of the Transport Act were
• What took IV; the day* time. Avery
• posing answer was made by: the Mhk•
• utter. of .Justice to the leader of the
Oppo.sition, who inquired; apropos Of
• • the • activities. of his ancient enemy,
_Hon. James Gardiner, hi Saskatchew,
•an, whether the Seat of Government
. had been transferred to. Saskatchew-
an? 'Hop. • Ernest I.apoiote , replied,
that the only Govermnttransferr.ed.
to Raskaf.cheWan so far as he knew,
Was the Alberta'. Government whica
had announced 'the official • lists.- of
candidates for Saskatchewan • from
Ednithiton.• Samething. new indeed!
ltEQNDAY,-Today _the last, hope
for national Osten): of social insur-
ance died when the :Prime , Minister
made a definite statement to the
effect that lacking the consent, of the
• provinces, nothing along that line
. could be- done t:present. Several of
the , provinces. refined to .. bit;'• 'coerced
and they .are not exPeCted to change
. their 'minds this year.. This was one
of the interesting. points of today's
• .BSiOfl..' '
Isi_the Course of the •day the Bill
-authorizing 'the $30,000,000 lean to-
... mumeiladities for . se1f qt 'dating pro-
', jeete waspassed with a minor anieed-,
•ment 'Or two, • Cleating -up of,
some points previously; missed.:
The Public Wefts! vote for beget-
• iffint Ottawa alio went through With
• some criticism of the • aloof ..attitude
Of Ottaa itself to the beautification.
edema. Some-,•parlizimentariens do
• • not consider Ottawa is . giving suffic,
kat co-operation ; or; showing enough
appreciation of its good. fortune.
• The unemployed single men •are
• still The.
the Public buildings
Vancouver. Their , demand is for,
and -the; offer- takthe
•• govermitent as regards transportation• .
and work' ;as soon is possible, ls
• 1Ming .politely, ignored: There is noth-
• mg new',•to report in thismatter. - •
. get very • tired 'of
• reading In the Press 'that .245 mern•-
' berg of, parliament ;are wasting their
• time down here' & doing nothing for
the. country: A ..great amOunt of
legislation has •• been ena¼te d
•, this s esai on. Not., of maj-
oiqmportaance it is true, but matters'
thlitt -pertain the- everyday Jiving
• of thouiands• of our citizens.. Every
MAW:144Aright140:4),_,,ko,„,....n. theAj*.
introduced:,and Manr-yx s=trra speak
More thanOnea,"4:We'ilia,4-3.414'' Say,
half a, (14ent...Peoirlt'alktknit.,,here at
Ottawa Ind_ :seeming.' ISgialiSt.., fen- fer
tho rest .oflhe country; ..t,tiece same
PeePle'lvho are e9MPlaming anw,i
vv4pid. be the first .• -p .erk that the
conetry Was run by a clique. In this
conoection I might. Say that the Com-
mittee 'sitting on the investigation
intp the Civil Service, Act has been
sitting twice, a Oily in order to cora-
the -evidence. - Mils • is a very
strenuoas Committee and with:. the
:constant sittings. the Members are
getting tired and tempers are frayed.
There is no 'doubt that 'all is: not Well
within the Service and the Report •ta
be presented will likely' be a long-,ene
mid :Will I expect :captain Man)!
uable suggestione, although I am' not
allaWed to anticipaate. it. L *mentiOn
this to show that the tithe of Menitters
is ',occupied 'with .other dutie,S • than
rnerelY sitting ni the House
Final '
„ .
approval ' was • men" today
that the 13111 regarding', the status
the: Board of Railway. '
loners and their Pawera of contiel;
over railways, water' and air trans-
portation: There has-,lieen much dis-
cussion on the Clause regarding
agreed. chargee. While this arrange -
Anent with individual :shippers has
peen in use for some time on English
railwayd, this is the first time it has
been ititreclnee& in Canada. •
.The most ;amusing thing that has
happened, for smile time •••was the
:petition tabled by Mr: Pouliot on be-
ilalf of a settlement of farmers in the
• Parish of Estcourt in the State o
Maine who wish to be annexedto Can,
Thi parish 4$ cut tiff from Maine by
a belt, of forest- fifty Miles wide and
its entire life is linked with Temis-
conta. That •Uncle ••Sam will ' present
thie to Canada ' is • more than im-
probable, arid, the idea,. raised quite a
laugh in the:Chamber.' • •
WEDNESDAY—One of the major
enactinents of the Session,: .naniely
the Housing •13ill was brought down
today. Thissubject is regarded as °he
of Outstanding insportanCe•both for ',its
paYchological well as its econothie•
impOrtanee. By the ; asaistanee thus
• ffer d by'the-govern-Meat it is ex
pected that the man with- the snuili
sayings will be encouraged. to put
them into 'owning :a home and the
effecti mental and • metal, is :expected
(0 be 'of 'the•greatest ant to recovery
Economically it .is expected to _be an
aid, to thenonetruction, incluatry which'
has never 'caught up.: stnce the de-
preasion, -The • Bill also •provides for
relief On the ,taxation ot•these smell
'houses;something which hi3retofore
has, been , a millstone &viand •the
necks Of small property .owners.'Serne
• iofthe higlilights of the Bill are, ' •
1: $100,000,000 available for the new
housing construption, of ..which $45;
• -000,000-ore-Dominion-Government-
Tunds.'. 2.;-.GOVernmeut would: Irian
g1;04:10,006 to private home builders,
owners putting,,up an era- amount
and lending institutions about $45,
000,000. • 3. ,Loans aggregatin* 430.
000,000...wOuld.:be, made , to municipal
housing ,authorities and ilimited. div -
Went companies for the construction
of lbw -cost; low -renting - houses': 4.
Government payment of. anunicinal
tniteS. on new .houses for •three'.years
• on , a graduated staIe There was very
adverse enticistio from the
Opposition.. Mr. Thinning , ale° • an-.,
Eve,q04 in. the coulanOt,X
s all those evening
e tsederoreinabv.iteythd-toe
Q. Pluh in the
Paramount IfaI1 on 'Tuesday' evening.
June 21, 4 good program is being pre.
pared. Ladies please. ,•bring
wiches. :•
• •
Rev. Thos. Ford ef Strathray 'spent
It day last week at the ',mule of NS
sister,. Mrs: M. Hogan..."
J-Ohit Ritchie and his, inother,
visited With Les. Ritchie's. on Sunday.
,• Mr.. and 'Mrs: Jake Minter ePent
Sunday afternoon With Mr, and Mrs.
RUMPhrey of Warvanosh. .
.24. and Mrs : Geo. Topp and, Robby .
(it London, 'Were guests ,of Mr., and
Mrs, O.: E. McDonagh hio Sunday,:
Mr:, and Mrs. Jas. Johnston of Lue-
knOw • visited Will Hunter's' Sunday
afternoon, •• .
Messrs. P. McNay and jas: Murray
Spent anafternoon last week with
Mr. Chas. 'Murchison. •'.
Rev.. Mr. pa3tton and,Mrs, l'attOn
spent Monday; evening ith Mr. and
:Mrs. ' Albert Helm.
Mr. and Mrs. Jatl Bird of ..Brusiels
arid Mr. and Mrs, Herinan
spent, Sunday:evening: with Jake Him-
lifisses Della., and , Margaret Gil-
more of Kitchener 'spent the, week -end
with thieir parents. '• ••
Last SaurdaY 'afternoon the Helm
families of this district accompanied
. .
by their .relatiyes. held their annual
picnie.'at 'Kincardine beach.
nouneed today that kn spite Of. the
fact that ;the Trade Agreements with
13. .S,•.: would nOt be: ceinpleted; .he
,would' present his Batiget next week.
THUltSDAY31,-,Thia,...afterncion _was,
spent in dealing with Labour estinr•
ates, einPloyMent.agencies etc. There
was the usual eomplaints fropo the
Opposition that jobs Were obtainable
•only through ,the endorsation ' of, some,
Libe'rai henchmen.. This charge is, of
course, Aid as Adam and is brought
tip with every;' parliament and. every.
Party, When the Circumstances are
examined there' iSn't' much to go on..
The end of.. this lenghty. session
seema , at; last to be in. sight.. It is. ex-
Pected.: • the . Budget 3 :will em e
doWn .eaTly .the "meek
and :it 2 will • not inelude ,the
Trade Agreements Whick.are certainly
changes inthe tariff and' not much
to debate; as the Budget will, not
likely Contain' many.oententious feat:
,CootiatulatIons to Mr. and Mrs-
Lyans who -were married on
Batur1aY*1140. • •
. .
Mrs. Bert MeeLeart"..aras to Lfinden.
Atka.' Nellie France who has been
in poor. health for some_ UMW, OCVOS:'
taken to Kincardine Hospital,.
, Miss ,•tlearlor. MCParlail of Wing -
ham spent the week;:einlat hey home,
here. .
Mrs Ann, Pinnell of .Bratitford is
• .
visitingat the home Of Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. "Pinnell. ,
, Miss:ice C011ineof Kincardine and
Miss' Pearl Henderson. of •Lticlinow;
vere visitors, during the week at -Mrs.
MeLeaa's,, • ••.
• *Ts:: Tom Etidgins ii•notitis well as
her, many friends woad liketo see'her
•Miss, ',Kathleeo. Graham spent
week -end !with Miss -Jean Andersen
at Mafeking: -
A ,nuMber from here 'attended. the
Church lea at Mrs. 'Aylmer Aeltert's,
Holyroodk on Tuesday. • •
Sympathyeitended the family
of the late Mr, Ilugh Ross who pass:.
'away on Thursday. A large num-
• her :offriends attended the faneral On
Monday afternoon. •
Miss Pearl Henderson Oddressed, the
ladies of the W. A. and W. Id: S.- on
Thineday' afternoon.
There will be a District ' Orange
Parade :and .' service ih. the 'Anglican
Church On • SundayJut* 26th, at 3
o'clock. •, •'
• Mrs. Lintilhac of Shanghai', China,.
is visiting at Mr. Thes.
1,Mises Bienthe McDougall, • Anne
:Colwell arid ••,Winnifred.• Ackert were
recent visitor's' at W::BOYle'.0,' .
• . . . • ,
.13.1),R144 -To .Mr. and' Mrs..Sani
jUne '70, a See.
• bli le *f 'Vat
Mr Fra e ar s o n ouver
C.:'speiit a few;days- last week ./...ris-
iting relatives and friends here.
PrinCipal, F. S.: MaecKanzi.e of
treat who ' had beeil 'attending the
General Assembly of the Presbyter-
ian church in Toronto carne up to visit
his Mothet,- N. MacKenzie and
Some of our young people were in• ,
Whitechnreh. On ',MbedaY evening et-
. ten.d*mga Young People's meeting
God ,bless Saskatchewan! Te Socialthere-
Crdit menace.has been, defeated., and • The Ashfield beef ring starts this
it would'
evails after seemall , that,' ctimmon sene3 Neek with 'Mr., itionly -MacKenzie as
prin the West. Appar- . '
ently the -people are not yet ready ',Jeuleuel. • •• '
for -any drastic change in the money 1. mt. s. Stirling of Hayfield' called
we Use in transacting bosiness. It is on friends here one day .recently • •
difficult 'to eitplain why . the Conser-'1,'
Miss Catherine MacKenzie been
in that prayiuce. • • engaged to teach'in' Carlow school'
(2.paLtissff Af;Jur.esonus
Corp') •
• eirotrr Dr Luxe 'Models •
. Dem $892: Delivered at fai-.
• . Wry. Oshawa. Ont. Govern-
• - 'mew nix. 'freight and license
extra. Convenient terms w.
.the General llflotors Ins&
• “aatat Pfau. '
13; Z./
BE MODER1q, 4-to-rlitte oti values when Ion aecide on your new
ear. Billy the onlyloW-Priiied car with allthese modern features!
. . . Buy the oni_y lou -priced car that combines 415-hiirsepower
;• Performance With Hydraulic Brake safety! . Buy the pnly
'priced car that gives you Valve‘in-Head Engine economy with the
comfort of AB -Steel, ARSilent Bodies by Fisher! . . Buy the new.
CHEVROLET, FOR 1938-:-ahd you, too, will soon be telling all
a' -
••• . •
your friendsi -Buy a Chevrolet—betieljt by its •
modern completeness --and pocket your 61111.
ings orlikst cost, On running costs, on -upkeep!”
hay if6ashly Pormatts:;i ifi. &twat
claw; tAstormso Plan
enzie, Dun ann
*on An
De Lime
, - SPeciaBY 'Written for.
. .
• tottor:Placolit.Which.•To Live And -Work.
'A Series of Letters frail •Diatingulaliad Canadians on• Vit4l•
Problems Affecting' the future Welfare or, Canada •
eeitly NeWsPapers, Asaociation
Leaden, Canada,
Marcia 14..19*
Dear "Mr. Editor:
a, heliever • in the, exceptional
power Of the weekly press to guide
public thought ; cannot but "Com- .
Mend,Yeur OPeejal, effort to SiSeihible
constructive vleive • concerning,' the
great ,piiblic issues Of ...Canada.. Tito
dare not Client My owe views" as .of
any worth, . Yet 1 venture, th' auhinit
one ter twe of them if frir no Other
reasolis than that you 646:requested
them and that I hold , them 'very
• seems to me that the Many •in -
term'. issues that.:Confront tis .ftow
are: really only so Many phiMes of
one .great issue; • especially a great
moral issue. Most of our -troubles,
appear to he 'due, to the inability Of
Canadians as a greup t� see national
nothing less than a 'refusal to
conditions, 'as ,they are. : This is
'nothing less than ti' refusal to face
facts, a ' shortcoming- the right name
of which is a very Unlovely
, .
tellectual dishonesty. ,HOWeier sanely
we Conduct out, private, life and our
Private • livia• and, our 'Private hind-
• neas..welare in the. habit • of .1183in:fling
an attitude01 wiehful-thinking in 're-
gard, t,t) our publiC..ProbleMs. We' net,
as, .thlutlf7thiPleiiiiiint :problems will.
solve themselves:if we only Close our:
eyes to their .existence !Ong enough,
We seem to assume' that by • Merody
Wishing things to .be "otherwise we
can itaproyo( thein or reinove7 them.
:In ;the ntearktiMecthe plain fletris:
that oiir PrOblema sire steadilj *rowingt whisertillie:' debts 'Inountiat
railway deficits 'naming, their abso.
lute hrnit, government expenses
. -
creaaing through the demands of Our -
Selves, the people, who blindly ask
t� he• Or1lle4:133" eUr own niriney, •
.•-•41knot.her .t9rin ot thiS •self-inflicted
blindnetis is Playing. the old game of
".`paatiing the: buck". ' Canada •. is a
• demeci‘acy. and, therefere„ We, the
peep* are,, fundamentally the goy-
eniment. Our representatives do, the
chores of government for us but we
Ire, pnaible forth kind of pe,
P13 'itheY are onti the way in which
theYr 'do; their chores. Inpractice,
however,"we lay the blame of hid or
indifferent goverimient, upon theta
and arrogate to ourselves credit for
any' bits of ' good government, We
are: also in, the habit Of 'endeavoring
to Make influences originatingout-
nide::thee. country theseapegoat 'for
many of our own eine. •
• I be1ieve that the weekly press. can
do Coined& •••no better'service 'thaw,
evee'at the 'risk if becoming borer
sOine .throughrepetition, by constae-
• tif irendliding Canadians that most
Of their, natienal troubles'are Of their
owe inalthig aed hence,* their own
curing; that the ,day of reckoning is
absolutely , that :if we
face the- facts in our public business
we do ..in our private business
there is Yettime- to solve a large
nunther ef our prohleina ad tO
Thice 6e." even aVoid, the
'calamity. Many; ethei ' nations tie=
eereiY profess to- 'admire Canadians
for their ciennion ••Senie. Let i*:en-
deaVer • to shoW. •ourselves , genuinely
:woith • af' the praise: '
• Sincerelyyours,
• W. SgpiOvoort
.,,Prealdent' and Vietchericellet
,University of Western Ontario,
Loudon, Canida.
By "I.
•. (In this series of fireside anti, Un-
less' names are given in full,t Common
(hristian'inames. or minarets are used
anonyinoesly.7‘They do • not refer to
particular •• end .any: Ali -
in name or character is purely
unintentionai•The yietys expressed
are those of the writer and may net,
necessarily; be shared by the • editor.
13, K.) . • ••''' •
Jock Well, it'sbeen a 1�v�1'.'day,
Jim. ' •
4iMt Tea,: A Wittily day. • • _
Jack:. Wasn't it: raining ,fOr•
this inerning and dell .i.and driihTniett
,e.t.-the eternal...Mt 1.• •• I •:
• ?ha: Mal• Yeu caught me. off guard.
,E.Magine .iny. agreeing with you, When.
you said it Wes:aline,
agree With rennitki on. the Weather-.
just a habit. We re ,used • to
ing :weather thatso long aS we Say
'ioinething Seem' , to Matter
:Mud,. Well, let's diecaaa. the Weather.
for to-nightLucknow has all kande
:of 'weather •se there ,shouldn't he, any'
tack •
•• • Jack There's prObahly more. fool-
ishness talked abOut the weather than
*Omen's: qnsOlidated.' •schools.
ithssia; .trixeS: and the •,right thinepiant . to
poitta..tiou/3as:113;oeuoriebi,nriedgh...t. sp'ou
people, a ;fel anyway', display an
eeriniee• 'en the stihject weather
tNlsi , amonite,:'..stond
around Luck -
now on ',Sattirtlity *00Mo:icing”. *OM
the .poPeorn. Stage !Mtn' you have to
hear some old chap stilt..4'Did You ever
use 'a •Irtrie,, and 3jear
: . . ,
'ee such changeable Weather! 1"fieVer
did: see .the like." Or .'"The winters
tiree't like they inied to: be Weather
Certainly -ie • Changing.' 'Why; 'iolien:1
Was a Most • Of• what ie de.
false di:exaggerated. It's. 'just Ocr
habit of 'making thilige appear wOrse
thiin they a oi,..trying to. It We tato
'a.' 'tro'uble we: needn't Make 'false
stateMents .ahout Our Weather, ' Mr,
Greet;; takeli very , 'careful' weather
readings: TheY • ere available in, gov-.
etement -etiithitice-ours 'for the ask.:
ing. ;ltd. We„htior .Sucktepotts of 'le*
.terripeeritoteS: hi winter and high ones
in eittrinter.froni. Tem, Dick and Harry,
that we Inclined to Obit( that
iniist house theintoinetete should
s'eionpeit or, if a'ecurat4„ should'
read More .carefillly. Weather ia *ea:
the, Snd has been for Many a yea?
natefifilY "'...tecerded ' and Charted',
There Are exeestles of heat as ih the
sithuner01 1926 and eXtreMes, 4 cold
aueh as killed tso. Many' apple trees
but )ift0St OE the thyle our weather is
Pett_ mutli .1 ik , -the eVeraga.'• for
.t114;1;ltaYeltAnd*!°.4tii. the •
are proPhetietil
The ..other '"dasi When apealcifig to
deoioe, he teineilcatioitt giteit. Well
haVeca,:lete 8piloto.'41el tit* muo,
- •-±-•
kat up at Cargill says we'll have
we shall; hut George shouldn't be tee
sure. lie shOhld realize that wetithe,
prophecies ate 99,9% ,rithbish ever
If, accidentally, theysornetinies'in
the mark. '
In Whet about northern lights
Many people claim it means
of,sitekther. '
Jitn,t' 1, think, I ten give somethin..
on that I got in touch with the • Met
eeteligical• Service in TorontOb‘ that
connection to satisfy myself„ 1 Aviv:
vised that is far' as science 'hie
been 'able' to learn; the noriheri
nights, in themselves, haVe no •effec!.
on weather. But they are usually vis
ibleardy-at-periedi-of high air Pres
sure and' on cleat' add nights. Wee
thee usually varies in a s,ort of rhy-
thm, from high to low pressure, ,fren
cleat told weather to .warmer Wee*
er With rain or snow. So, while north
ark lights are not a sure sign. of
change of weather they may indieatt.
e probability; , • •
Jim. Would you ,say, then; that •out-
side of the government Weather foie
casts 'the ordinary Person .has 'no
of telling whatweather he may . ex
Jack: NO,' hot at all. Many people
especially •,Older people, who aye Car,f.i.
.ftil'Oh:seri/043 can foretell weather re
.,• , • •
markahly well. The appearance of th,
• sky, the feel ;of the air,' the action •
Of certain Animals or birda„ dew,' te
1.1nele' Bob's ilieuinatiala are all • Yal•
uable indicators of what we may ex:
pectin the next twierity.-four,houts
Jhn There appear to be sonie foOL
ish nOtiOnsahMit the notion, too. lorht
MOWS: bring 'fiat.as a plate, to -nigh t
•' •
'Dry tienorroiv Or e in,oeai s awa,
north tonight. Colder, , 'suppose°
Imagine •thet! moon ranning: back: ant'.
forth h thesky and turning ol;et'oc
A' cLeir ' *fit-d'd 1.‘
camona y. n r-vv,ou
it be indicating the eteatheriii
uow�r Tokio"ot Tinibucteo•T • '
Jack: Anothet ' understandable
perfectlY unreliable weather sign: 1,
the 'nut staring habits of simirrelS„
the ,height of Mitehrtit 'Muses, • the
heaViness Of -fur on .artitnata. All these
:dipolar to, b�of no Value in dterniin.
Mg Whether 'o. not a hard, Winter, i•
ahead.`: . • •
, .. •
•JUA: It Would appear; then, that
allyerie Who would prophecy the wea-
ther would de weftr to. Check up on bit:
Stock !lee Of Signs.
Mi od Man at the moviei
•drOPPed something and the 1ad3i neitt
to him; Caked: what he'd '1s. •
lest a caramel," said the Old
ma*, much to the lady's siirprise.
"A• CaritrimP', she asked. You meen
to asY Stotero;: all that itnie
about' a caramel?" .
a43,!'the reels; tee hie
teeth's, in. it."• •
AY, JUNE 10111,'
JUVENILES' E E 40E4101• :
• cailed un ecca,nnt.Pf darkness- at
the end of the eighth inning; finelc,
now and Gedeirich juvenile ; fixture,
'played here, on Tuesday night stead'
at a 4-4 ti0.• ' '• _
John • barter and Blinn -afield Were
opposing pitchers with barter haying •
the -edge,,, but more, .erratie -supPert.:
Goderieh took 'a two run lead in the
Second and. added noti.ier in the .4th. ,
Lucknew Scored in die 5th and went:
into the lead with three Mere runs in
the sixth, LlOid WYlds' single scor-
ing Carterandbook after Finlayson
had scored on a :Passed ball. •Goder-
ieh tied it up in the 7thand the 8th '
was scoreless ior hoth. teams. . '
• LucknowAttchison, ss; Dahmer,
rf; Finlayson, c; Carter, p; COok,'2n4;
Solomon, if. Riehaids cf. NiTylds
,Stewird, 1st.' • "
Goderich—McNtill, 34;. • 001Man;
lf; Turner, 2nd; Bloonilleld, p;'Wet-
brook. ! es; Johnston, Ili, MacDonald
ef; Smith; lst;:Bissett, c. • , •
. •
Clinton Juveniles avenged the de-
feat; handed them an 4ucknow, when •
they •tuned theCIables in Chub:in last
' thele heels *. a:score of 15 'to 5.
• The-1,ueknow lads showed iniprove-.
inent at bet but haveto tightenup on .
their ),ftelding whieb chiefly spelled.
their, downfall • On Thursday, as the
Clintonians tee& advantage of their
miscue § to pile up: thirteen Of their.
rhos in ' the; -Arai Our: frames. •
LueknoW•-•••.-D...Finlaysen, •c;' J. IC.
McKenzie, COcilc,11,, 2nd; Carter,,: •
,2nd, ';3rd; .Webster, 16t;, Wyldsi
Aitchison, se; Richards,.:cf; Solonion,
; 1SteWard
• • V
Theknohr 001,„041:1-,•:
Clinton 460 20w-,15
7777,7 • .
By a 21 to 9 Store.- theo:ToWn team
tuned: . backthe School niae last
Thursday afternoon- in their Weekly
softball encounter,'" giving . the TOwn,
tea/1i 'the edge in, the 'Win :and 'Wet ,
column; to. date. , ..1
'I`OWn7-11.' E4 Solomon, E.
Greer, ,J Fisher,' A.,“Teileeven,
• ThemPson, C. Theinp-.
• Seheolid. Morrison; B Jewitt, D:
McKinnon,. IL McGregor, ,II., • ta
s�n H McCrostae,. J. MacLeod,
McD,ennan. '
•IImpire-Fred Wainwright,
• Relieving Worthy in the ...second
imiing with the bases loaded, Gordon
took the mound f�r. Gaderich
on Tuesday and • tweed hick' a ,serious
Mitchell threat He Went the remain -r
• •
der of the route: and chalked up his
second ' shutout of the season, a 1-0,
Win for Goderich... '
'* * •
• Hugh .Cuinrning is doing the catch -
lag for Winghant Hurons this 'season,
and doing aline fhb of it. In the
game . last week , When WhighaM
defeated Teeswater, 7-4; Hugh batted
in .5th' position and -smashed out • a
' inle.,
• Kincardine Hockey Club iast week -
submitted its financial statement` for
the peat ,seostin. Receipts, were
$98.0.0§. including' a previtms year bal-
ance , and dance receipte of $121•3/.
The GOclerich=Kincattline playoff - in
.LucknoW netted 'the Kincardine dab
'S127:66 and they ended the season
with a credit balance of $160.03.
' (By j. O'Brien, Goderich)
One night last January while anew.;
whirled :outside and the temperature -
ranged arouid, the zeto nitirk,, two
Each one' was guarding his own net as •
if his life depended' on :his 'keeping
that` thank of black rather ell* hie
fort. Early this Week- these Ohm tWO
men, formed a Goderich battery' that .
held a visiting 'Blyth basebali. eine to
three ,hits. Poi Youthfili "Bud" Wor-
thy, • Goderich ,gttalie for Part. Of the
last hockey seaSon; it, was: his first. ,
pitching' Vietory. iti Orgitnizedhaseball.
Fhe man who coached him 'along with.;
his experienee, behled the plate; .Was:•‘."
lark Finlaysn, who does the
minding for' Lucknow during the
ter months. ,Pleying the same postion
AS' fOea 'cliiiklog the Whiter mid team -
Mates as a 'winning battery ' in the'
summer Is totilething, at least .unique,
if not unParnlieled in local sports,