The Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-06-16, Page 3•t Hire's your opportunity to get, Firestone Tires at bargain prices, for , effective today, Firestone Standard* Sentinel. and Truck Tires and Tubes are greatly reduced in Price. These new low Price* are 'subject to change ' without notice ori.talge advantage of themto equip Your car today with safe* - new Firestone Tires ',a n d save money. See your -local Firestone Dealer now. A 70 r $!OIN r• esroitist: .11a(S. '•LAsOWAs STANDARD TmES, as LOw s9.30 Tires for Ever 111.110, •. No Matter What you yin I elford for tires, first go to ..your local Firestone -1,Dealer. H. .has Fliesttine •, ',Tires in every price Claes to snit your purse. Every tire bears pea Firestone name and. guarantee 'e ---your assurance of long mileage, • - extras -safety and dependable, care- free rvice. See the steal -.,•Zt Firestone • Dealer today. rtiettOlit HI,G14.SPEED TIRES, 'SS tow at $1 1 G75 , 4•777'7"77 vertising •is.(*Drrof :wANTOD LIGHTNING -BOB 'AdENT: wANThtt To eat PhillinS Lightning Brotec- Aive System. 13.,'1 hfflips Company Limited;;Oaborre Avenue, TOrontO, • "Baisir' ottivi‘s FOIL/LT.1RX ANIS 1,0„ULTItY• , 19:Q.DIPMENT ' • LosT8 .1e11 T r4 . 01) • Os. • Ne* ,• Hampshire' ),chicka.'' Weighed tip to .'•' 2•9: pounds at 8 weeltit.. For real production this , Fall ,titid Winter. 'buy ,hardy; fest- • , growing. Bray chicksi"Write for • ,, prices. Bray Hatchery. .120 .John St., North; Hamilton Ontario. .A FEW 'EXTRA EGGS'..PErt inakea the difference' between a • real profit and' a res. BUY' BraY chicks today and .get those ,extra, ,eggs next Fall when pricgs, are, . •'bigliest$ Write for details/ Bray: Hatchery; 130. John St..: North. ,Itarpilton, Ontario. , • • ItAIS.E4MOliE •LikARS ed pnIfet chleka end take advant- age. of, .the 'firm prices 'predicted „Aar ,eggs ..next .ire.11, and Winter. Bray pullet chicks are 'available in almost ' every beeed: '.,Write for prices. Bray Hatchery,, 13,0 John"- . • St. North, .1-latniltom Ontario. • . , . C,HICICSi" FROM BLOOD - Jested breeders at 4-'1ow. ,prIce, Legherns .$6.50, pullets $13•95,,. cockerels 95e Barred, Reeks, ,New, 1-Tampshire • -Reds $7,96, .putleV,s • • /89.95„cocic,erels $7195. Started,Leg-, , horn pullets 10' day old $16.95, 2 • Week•old $1745._•Large Egg Qual- ity 'hatched , from 25 ;ounce _eggs, add „lc. :41..00 deposit with cider, balance' C.O.D. Top 'Notch Chick- . eries. 16 •Wi1son St..'eluelph; Ont. ' Ett.TY TWEDDLE 1110 E6a entei;s • fctr .Juti.e. These 0.1tielcs are barn *With a, head 'start and cost' no more • for .1tme than ardiriaiy , 'chickens. 'E‘veddie Chick 'Hatch- . cries Limited; Box 10, Fergus, On,' C3.13s. %vv.,' BRAY NE1,V I-IAMPSHIRE .and.Baried Rock pullets laying tit • 6 Months, hit 549 •eggs daily at. 7 ' rnOiiths. For real egg production, • • get'13ray. chicks NOW: Write. for: .• prices: BraY Hatchery; 130 ..lehn St, North, Hamilton, Ontario., FAST-GROWING 1111A -e CHICKS. O. writes: "I, have, 4,515 Of the. nest; healthit, . arid -faStest,-,, • • ." Orowing chicks 1.11ave' ever own- ed.'f Write for your..T3rai4 chfcitS` tOday. 13ritYs' Ha telierY, 130 John.. St. North; Hanillton, Ontario. , .'" • . . . MOR:18 EGGS NEXT. PALL ANm,. whiter, when pricesarehigh, pat Bray sexed Chicks 1 yoin4 brood- ers NOW.' Write for information and prices today. Dray Hatehere, ' 130 John St. North, Harrititon, On- , " ,1 iiA1141WF'S • .Asto „COLt:EcTI,ON,S WE HAVE ,TAE rACItATIt8 To act foe you in any seizure:or col- , . leetion problem anywhere 1 tile • • world. . our reaUlts ale Inimedi ' ate and Satisfactory, • ItOtia and ".Company, ,102 'Richmond' St. W..: •Toronto, • • • F11,3IS Aril) tutINTS •itoms DEVELOPOD, PUINTILD. 1. free. enlargement, 25. 'rte -prints, ' 40 for 12..e. Phote-Oraft, 183 Kih• g East, TOron to. ' • petropolitan RaCing AssOciatien -DignoiN p 161:0 .23 Races Daily- " 2.30 red' Orikeit Geo •1Iayea PeCietipity • • 1,.‘,447x.. LYONS" ••• TRADE-IN STORE „ 47S ON.GB Si.. TOltoNTO "BARGAINS GALORE.. • . . - ...Every ii.it.cfp • :recondi ti on edand sold, Under a! deft- . nito muney back ;guarantee Of satis;., chesterfleld,sidte, , lour,cover, reversible Me.r4- Shall spring cushions. • ", 24.95 Beautiful :t moue, eheeter- -Tow: suite,-.-Tvelcute. cover 'figuredreversible. Marshall cuShiona Agii net Modete 3. piece cheaterflelds Suitv new ,hard wearing .repp . cover. . Marshall •:•reversible - cunhiOns. 45.0(1 aCh 4tettfelct: bed suite, three , •• , tifecea ,,(Kroe,hter) •velonr.., • •cover, .reVersibla Marshall cushion. : 24 95 i,ii!i1•041, room Suite, • buffet,' extension- tehie'and•• • 0 lea.ther,Slip seaechaira. t•• , 00 • 49.EIght pleee'dinette,sulte, in . • • -Wainirt refeetory table and g leather, seat ..Kcjitv'Ee'atitirilL 9' 'Piece. 'dining uu rboat euite;:•bliffet. hiu :cabinet 'extension 'table and 0 leath- er .,1' . ' • • '" liarge'7Engli§h oak dining '79.gos • . • . %room .stilte, buffet.• cabinet. , 0/tension 'table end'6 slip seat cheirs. • witycane patiels..„ , SKIfirt..Be.allt(411 SOlid walnut diet, ingi,„'spern suite., buffet. 6 blue 'leather- seat cha irs. • . . eliliw'cabineti. extension table and -AC.fifil elope bed robni- suite. -NY Yu: set% chiffonier. full • Size , tied and, saglese spring In tvaltinC,fin- , , 59n Beautiful walnut bed room • • ‘' • shite., ehiffi>nier,. vanity ! with 1:renetitill Inirror;,.fit 'size, bed'. antisagless spring. • !Icon '0.faCe.beceroom Ijit..dres.t ser; Chiffonier. full'size•bed ;and segless spring. „ --:". 14 ag Sine rt k i tehew cab! nets. With ••r`s•Y .porcela in tops.:- " Radios'. $10,00:' DresSers.::,s4.1 Chif- • s'iNis. Gig StOves 54.9; Sew:. ' ing• Meehines. 1i24:70: rif4ds, $12.50; • ,Stirings. $12,(H)t. N'ew' Mnttresse% • $3.11:it Chime. Ctibinets;nt0.00. s. Write for free illustrated, eattt .logue• 'showing hundreds of other , ,outStrinding values in, netv and „re... ronditioned.:furnittire entt,free Sifts • with .perehases, •-1 • • ' LYONS' TRADE-IN DEPT.., 478 Yonge• St., Toronto --„ THANSFOrtNi'al. ' • tions, Braids: eurls.! and ,1111:4Ypes of finest'quality Hair Goods. "I,Vrtte. ;for 'illustrated catalogue. 8Pecial 'attention ,to renal r work, Ter'ontO Htunan • Hair. Supply' Co, 5.28 ' .rjathtlrst, Toropto. ; •,errsceurix,ANHOCe GEM ' PENCER, CAN ada's, own. The unit' that' makes ortilharY Jehees too extienslye to . MOM • A single Strand of ire atid,a,simpie portable genc.Poneer kccUe all stock where: theY heiongg Ask for .eiretthie tied natne of the, 'OEM_ agent narest you. Cooler, Dirtifted„ Preston, Ont, • ettel,)ICAL• INT'';ANTILE P.MALYS1S CRIPPLES ree0Ver ,the 'Use Of their linibs •titi- der our nets' treatment. Mre give the faniOns, foot treatment for • tired,' aching feet, Iis.r.'relzer re.; • • sporida..instantlY to or troatinent. , „Don't suffer, COtiaillt, us regard- , Sim 'your ease,' Adahae. Health Clink. 1 Mile VeSt Of Erindale,on Dundas Highway, ' E.COM.A, SKIN.AILMETS, SORES, qlckiy, healed by I)erraisoothe, the elettn.„tehite, antlaeptic Inent. Saninle mailed .free direct. '25.centa it alt druggists. Twenti- eth Content Iletnedies, 87,1ngharn Ave., Toronto. • toittiToOrtAi,a1v• ENtlaitUBMENT FREE WITH- EV- ery 056 order. Roll filin tlevelonect' wna Afght tfrInte 25e. Repnintn 3. Ustiibirshed over 26 Year& Bright - Studio, 29 nidhaleact. .Street Hatt, Toronto... WOK SHELF By ELIZABETH gm:0Y. , PORTRAIT OF 4iY,I1.41,440• By .r.raaOr Bt7ett rfo.mg There is Pe. *0010., Nort00, .on (the, map of England, nor any one village in the orchard -laden , • Sten of Worcestershire With Whieli rniiy,it•be identified, ',But because the social' structure of .all. these villages was. established: Centuries ago, and haa';.developerr'," during this period, types Of, personalchar- ,neter ;various as ,sweetbrier And .0gil1yf1owen but -drawing..• each its own strengthlahd'cejor.from s'oil• and sun it is • possible in drawing this portrait. of • Monk's , • NOrten,:o noininally imaginary, to describe:- a village the inhabitantS,• or tl,venty such might recognize. They Live in the Vilfage ,‘ • There are the discontented; the • inkeeper because •he Cannot eon - 'the nentry that the ancient t oak • tree doddering: on the --green before his deer: should. not be clearedfroni thq•noth of, Progress ; the-daughterS at 'grange who , have been ."Presepted" And 'are ,so. argclotis to know nobody but:the . right people :that they ,searOisrl know anybody at all; the. captain Whoee'. tragedy! that he survived his , only ;exciiSe for liYing; the , schoolmistress, shr"e"Wdly h onto o us . and self-contained in a niche, • titiA social .structure too Small' for if comparnonship, but More cern; Pletely alive than anyone in the„ • 'equirritinity;: the man who adopted the ,village a :lifetime' age' snmnier visitor and made himself a householder and 'n historian:pa-. rientp. as White. ,of .`Selbo:u'rne,"' There ,is. the Village at work, at ' •'church, ‘' at play. There are -eWri sights. and sounds arid above. 011 it i-stzjellb,nOt bnly of gardens' and thetr-Turroundings. or s:v!'teet:::. miss and .forest. and 'inoWn and the good hieath of ,new 'bread., : and the qittla air of fallen fruit, " but subtler .scents such as the nut- , ty odor or flour' on bake -hop fibers,• the ,reek' of Singeing. hifrif '• at -the Smith's, .or theclean tang , of :,.woods, by: which . noses alone : make out the 'wbeelWrightre-' from.. the carpenter's. It is a toiet, busy ' ' book. •good for retreat from the , newspapers and 'the telephone: • • iortraEt: of a Village, by.Feaneis Brett Vetting.. With WOodeutw by Joan Hasiall. • 198 OW Toronto:. McClelland iv Stewart. $2.75. • • Junior •(at dinner witb, a Attest • present) -,--'"Say Dad, this is •roast beef, isn't it?", , 'Daddy '',Of course, Son' Viraat Of, `that?" , -Junior --r "Oh, nothing 'special, • entY.,this morning1 heard you tell : mother yoti •Were•goitig to bring an , • . . . • nruttonhead home, for dinner." PERSONAL' ARE 31'00 EtUliTERED7, RELIEF; . comfort, .positive support with our : advanced method. N'o: elastie nr itheer-etraps or stee1.1Write Smith . Manufactering. Co., Dept. 219 P.res, • ton. Ont. • • - _ EVERY MARHIE'D CODP1;10,--AND - "those contemplati hie maritage 'should read -,"Sex and youth,'.104 • pages, postpaid 25. • Otir 12 page • illotiteated catalogue of Sex books, ' drug •sundries, ete,„Iree upon re- quest. Suprertie Specialty. 169 -YOnge, Toronto. ' • . QUIT:-TOHA,CCO, SNUFF,.,'EASILY, InexPenalvely. • • Nettie• ,reraeclY.. Testirimillals., Gbaranteed, Advice ' lieg.''Write Box 1, Winnipeg.i,: ' rifArtRY-WOULD.1'01.7.1%1ARRY IO!;• . •suited? ll'undredir"tochoose.' from:, Nleny farniers' delighters and' widows with pert. 'Particulars, 10c. .•(''oritiden,' Cenedlitte CotteSpontlence Club, is.teoc 128; Calgary, .44A4TIIIMA '.41'1i'FPITIFItsn Get.uniek roller ,from the.,paroxysina, esaltseti.h",tt Asthma. When' von, inhale •, the. effective-. :tomes. ot Pope minute . • Asthma Belief:" Jest 'a' few 'whiffs • : retakes; the bronchial tubes, retiev cs ,th dIlllciiIt breat hing. had that dreadful gasping. This •acientifiCany . mule etteetk-e p.reptiratten has 'given blessed reher to ' Otthrriii. sufferers ' •• for over..thirty-,:five years. Take • vantage of this. generous ofter- 5011(1 -ten centit,, Stamps •.or ebiti, and. receive .a; tWenty„tlitc..eent, package , preptt:id, flood nutil."Jfily lath, 1988. • onty•. Ma eitobie, Maitufaeturing :Chemist,' retrelea, ,Ontario. • Have You • a sAttyl. .If yodr labf s cross and Upset it , teething tine give Steedeigiest Powders --the famous Littlish kenattly that Rend* restdates the systeln„ dad allays feverish., ness. Steedman's have been, used by . Mothers the world over for mote than' ' 100 years. At rout druggist's. - FREE: Sample and iidokkt' "ItintS to 'tothers"•fic;Ilit 011 reetiest, VI'rite, John Steedman & Co., Dept, 19'; ' •'412 st, Gabriel Street; Montreal, 69N DA1)%1V, „ • r•o*vt ig Look .fitr the elorr64 Et syitilieliiiiebliede.atik Founde Success brings success. That. is.; the Stery behind Cress Lab�rator- Ies of Kitchener, Qa.taite, • When Mr., Cress Orst put his 'got% salve on the, market„ he' felt' that his nib -duct was, se eatisfact tory from every angle,„ that it mould, meet, twith general' vubAc aPPrOval• ' • • The fact that the4,4411dS,91.4rug • and genera1.. etor,es throughent> Canada now tell it regularly and that A goinplete line, of foqt reme- • dies Vies• added,. ell the formation of CressLalAnrathries in 1931, is proef :that the eriginator's' optim- ism, was Well fOupled. ''FarxrpnwGood Aniipodes Canadian Is Impr,esse4 by Effici- ent Organization in Dairyin , agriculture, • partieu, larly •the dairying' 'branch,: lacks the einciency achieved in the polies, 11. B. Cowan, one Of four Canadian delegates to the Empire prodUcers'• confer:eh& in Australia said on arriving horne in. Peter- horOugh„ Ont, , iTarrning conditions • in lioth.. AtiStralle and New ' Zeeland are se vastly different. f rem' our own that it is ahnost Impossible to make., A corriparlion that mlght.nothe Cowan said. don't think we.; have • much to learn, ' from • their wheat farmers. b'ut in many other respects it makes 'you?"' heait:t to realize how far We are :behind what they' have • cione and what, we should be* • ''Sorrie people here say ' we have ;"too..rnuCh 'organitatinil " he • On= -4-thrtrecir-',If-ylitTlvant to see control eriailizatiOns' you 'have to go •tooth these CoUntrieS:" 1 • PLUG SMOKING TOBACCO COLORFUL. WINDOW BOXES ,.• • A brown Or green stained window . box overflowing with gai1y1 blooni ing ;flosverS. ie Withinthe range Of almost, every perion. ,,Lacic of the grOttn4 space does not Metter. Even • the lofty apartment dweller is. able ' to- Satisfy a gardening ,anibititni. Sii.ccesa is,easily obtainable provid- .0d: two or three Points•.a-re kepi in ;Mind. This sort of :gardening is . • intonsi ye ;with nny more', -.-illantatfrtif&-Siirfr'ritd.r.WaTiTer'77 dinarily,,would: be 'grown. This,‘ " 41;e4ns.--that ver' rich soil.ehould be , Used and. in !addition' .a fairly, fre; ' FeBdittg the Bit:4' it. jack 4:01(itit'a: „ Jack :Miner. gays "the • heiv 'or Mankind is more love and the right kind of .edhcation..'!' Photo shows •• jack Miner :with his grand- daughter, Wllhelmlna Eriklin , feeding bird life in ',leek '1Vliner's, Making friends is easy but We'd 'like to knOwThOW to keep them and. still .run'a ,news.parier. • • • ; , Mr. Wright , have •Yda, knowthati'm a self • Made man:" Friend; 'yes, ea I .have assizza.,: 'ed. But who inte'irupted koti?" Cutie, "Take 'back -yOui ring. It's Paste:" ''•• ; , , Eby kriend 'Teter keep' it, gir. ie. A paste on the hand is ;werth two in the eye:" • .." jeniar #ay, mother, if 'dad *OA to tile he F.; -'3,,t0 heas..n?" : Mother Juninrl Who`s been, putting such ridiculous Ideas Ino 'your heed ?"„ • • „ "SyrnpathY .Shouldt be ,,giVe'n the :Mali wile Conies:home dog til and finds, his Wifefeeling kittenish. t , •• Little Evelyn , "Daddy, when ..yett, ice i'ebW, ain't you a fraid ,.Paddy=t4,0f coursenet, Evelyn." pvelyn--.-".When you Sea '•a :big wenn, ain't,Yon afraid?" ' ''paddy*-,-, "NO, Of .courae pet." EVelya '"Wh,e.n you see "a,her- rible,'moustrous buinble bee, ain't you afraid?" ‘. Daddy -1.* "No, certainly not."' "Ain't yeti afraid when. At '01:tinders and lightnings?" .• Paddy no, you Slfly 4 Evelyn "Gee, Daddy; air& you ,O.fraid Of, nothing in this world ex', oentiOg • Mether • • , 'X tn9b1thl'Aeroas some faineus• tieeple at themit night show," a , critle Writee, He should haVe taken. . hie.'seat erHei • &liter' t� ; Slev• te 'a,sk for yOnr daughter'handl". 'Pether 'tell' when, ltVete YOU neat straelt,by•bet •" ' &titer ',411u4 „Wo've 'lot, qttarfeled 0 Mt.". ' It is less dangerous to slip With • the:foot than:with the tongue. . •,, BarPoz..7t• :"Dea't ,Yott. ' Start no . fight we me, nigger. Ali, was ,d0c0r.- ated in the SPa:nign Wer,"; • ••••._, itastiie:'H.. "Maybe •you Was,: but znah pinion it"s given yo' suoli• a swell head yo' ih bout ripe to be reclecoratId." .1 00.1T NOW • 0, weare 110 laurels 'round My lead. •'Igor sing my praises When 1 ear dead;; ' ' " „If you have net the -grace to give A. The .kincilY word ...While yet Youpeed not cnie to eulogize, And sound mrvirtues to the skies;, . Why pi -offer garlands, to, what -avail When' I have passed he.Vtind the • ••Pale? ' .roSe, today, ‘a... kindly smile, , More, pleasingfar than after while. • If.,yon,can loam-hf a 'prized book' and ayear later:Ask bith to, return ; it and Mitt retain' his ,friendship, miracle has been .performed. ' quent application of chemical. fer- tilizer ,dui'ing the seasonqleing.ex posed on: all sides to -drying, windh, • thcirotighwatering once a day of : the window bOxla.adviSed. " The hos. shbuld be is long As the: t, Window,- and should be arranged so DenMark's. SYstemitried' ° Firming !Lays Mis a at, The Fight Poor Danish agriCtilturo• and export are so well systematized it would be ,passible to trace a bad egg , that turned UP On the pritne min- ieter's breakfast! table in ,London, . hack•to,tbehen that laid it in Derr, .• , f;i. Helier, Danish 'consul,'" general for canticle and New-. foUndland, in Tot:Otto on. a, tour. •of Canadian and -northern United States ,eities with his Wife and son, ''Svend .-kage Holler, made the above Statement lest „ , :Government rprttrols Agriculture • "Because rienmark,.is such a, small' country -leas than lone, twentieth the size of Ontariot4• is easy for the government, tq„orii. • gantz.e and control agriculture.mt .industrY,": he stated., Each 'Of -the billion and •a .quarter eggs Shin% pedto England ,last year was in- dividually lamp. tested and stamp - 'ed, he said.' :;, • - •'. ."The same system applies to .hirtter'• and bacon eXports:;If., sample of bacon i found by in- spectors' t� be below standard the is traced, and advised on propercare and: feeding of the •.: pigs. Such rigid control is Only possible' in a 'small country s.ucli as ours with a hoinogeneous group , • :,of well-edttcated citizens. t I doubt if you could -find- one in 1,000. able to read or: write,",he declared. ' . • • that the top of it is almost flush with the window -sill. If bigher,„ the foliage Of the plants. Will shank' fill tlIrmoat Of,,the window. Therehinst ' be holes, in the •bsttOntr,oxisig" 7trithrwcaria-irs'ci aVyer' of gravel tinders, brokenerockery or similar - •;material for..the'Snine:eiprpese,•.:The: Which. should' be 'at •,l'east eight inches deep and from eight to .ten• ineites• wide, at the , top, ,should befilled within: half an inch.ef the top with .very rich Soil. , , • A'iong the treat trailing Nastur- tiums, German Ivy, Lobelia, Alye- aunt 4114 sirnilarPiants.., are 04; in'. With.Tetitnias.„ Ageratunts .,Begon- las,, Ferns, :Geraniums-. and::.tither plants. Specially repoutinended fpr .• this ,PUrpose. 'farther_ ba.alc.'8helter • "froui 'the' sun for. a. day or two, also ehotild be ProVided'until.the plants get. established. ' • tItt.CREti OAFtpEnit r. . In the .liftehen garden it. is advia, .• ."able. of':cOurse,-to,keep a plentiful' • ' atIPPIY �f ealad =material like,leaf • -', and headlettdee,. onions. and..pos- sibly eelerY.. The,,,latter,'Iss'eet out in the garden' as. started plants .after all danger ef..froetlie, • , over, , For, :fall 'storage pianting , tekes: Place in June •••: EARTHWORMS AND -LAWN*. .,,Barthwoirns often heconte Bonn-, • • . :--nterOus inlents that their 'debtrizo7 • tion',1e,.essentiel. Gnehelf"enuee ot bichloride of mercury • addeci.,.•..to zthree or four galln1tW of :water does :.•make' an effeetiVe, reinedy. This ' teriel..is,aPpiled: with: the 'sprinkling can -; allowing about a .0110.0. each scittere.yerd of surface. Another ef- fective remedy',edpsists of two .cup- fuls Of unsliked,,Iitee added to two gailoiis of t!atar:: This quantity will treat a square ,Yard. DANDRUFF and Fat Hair, use Mid- ard's its y.sis ypu' would say hale tome...O10 this 4 times a week and the result will bet; Clean Head and Glossy Hair . MIN"KING DF PAIN" A R LINIMENT MER CO TAOES 't•• W•••• •••et, Write for FREE Catalogue _ CEDAR STRIP CONSTRUCTION 1 ofittf t tqc.t,t4 ‘r. Et ttriANktryC, • PtC,.l . mAtE.R,W, • tPtsr'FR 4 A,:try.t.40,.. rift.ARLE re/km' waRk e, WI AltitRPRoor FINISH e twice as much FUN with a boat .1 And, 1110iPETERBOROUGF-1 • ov and your family w.11 014.0yS enio bn‘Oyaqi, to, liOriOuS waterwayS beyond Let a Petetboough fow.ly nvlboa,d -nal,e yew holiday rrepr h.:0144u' ni fk.Y. yea. and lot yea,4 to come New catalogue descr,be. t.,•ot fOr every py,se and pu,pn,e 'Woe -1.av PETEVatiO BOATS aUGH Wm bete Ft rv VT4,70 • tru,Lr P•GHT' Peterborough Canoe Coq 2$.8 Water t eterborough,- Ont., • 1,4 ,•7 7 A. r Canada's Visitors . SpenL$295,000,000: Here Last Year 18,2460,000 ..Tourists i Entered Dmunion Across American Border,, Canadian Travel Bureau Head peclares, •• .cotordination cf t4e, effOrti• of the . VAriotia,lourist :agencies across. 'country, private as .well as govern-. menial,: is the prtia6 paraese.ov.te .Canadiaa TraveI"Berman,-itat:;tlii7ed-: ..tor,'• Len.' Polani,told theRowell - COMMiselon at Ottawa iait• Week: •'. • It was no part of the tiurektee, policy' to attempt oVer-dentreliza• tion of ',Canadian, tourist develop. • • ment effort, Afr',:,'Detan, said. A heavy • share of the initiative had . ..oer4g4laenifzi7a9nl toil31lTyi,t4thiaelVttehrdY-Illtaut;ittite':eiPtiEitlthe ' •e41dr.:id. : ;'s Largest Exchange ;;.*Ba6h, year the bureau'held a.etm- fei-enee, of. all teurtst•ageadett•so its 7 general .program of , the ',following year would meet the., requirements of all as nearly as Possible; he said. The bureau ''a_dVertisezi..the',Attrac- tiona of Canada generally, sttpole- znenting the ,efforts of the Provinceiv:4;...'... Each ay 40.0=600 inquiries Were ret .ceiVed: serviced.generally aid then-, turned over to the, relevant ,prOvin7. tea:. for specidc • effort.. Last year the bureau reeetyo, 76;000: .eieo,4s,a5,00 ncls4o. far, thie!y;ear;:izas, red.eiV- • , Trate': across CanadianiAtiV: eriean boundary was .the World's. largest, With I3,200.#000 toUrlatsen-•: tering 'Canada and spending $295.- 000,000' last year, Mr.'• Dolga .said. Even so,. the opportunities for fur- ther ' development �f this :-travel , market Were great since it • time:fed -41n4icana 'spent OKI,: a ye -an travelling. • • , . propriation.innewapaper, and,niaga- sine advertising...1u the. .. United 'The. bureau Spent 'betWe.ee. 000 and 200,00O Ofe,, its $250,000' ap- • States. 1: Ocean *Flights About July •5 , 'Minister of Transport Howe Declares Tests for Atlantic Service to Be ResUrneci, Exppinyental flight's ol;er the lantic ip re.at'a i iansoceari 'passenger service 'will TmriautillS1p'PO;:ta', brit iunti s jteuilr ja°4 ; WeelL „ ; . . The flights, by 'Great. Britain's „ A.ieways atid" can Airways ,othe Lltited Stote, Were egun last year: Ciant,flYing •'boats spanned the ocean in bon - stop flights between:England and , Nowfoundinticif proceeding througli Oinada to the United States. No Passengers Yet , The plan is fer'the 'ocean vice to hook up evinivallY Canada's'projected transcontinen- . airrinp,' This surobie'r,'''Ifo.we said, be pase11ges will be fertled On the Atlantic trips; there, niai, be seine in tho 611. • • • . The aft tor glass making ran trts,(.1 hnOs, for i7f,000 years and;13. pi'obably oider`than 'that, coriditet„. Cd entirely'. by.,, the Power of the 'lttngs nci • manipulated by • ill A do ft 'skill :of -the inindierafts. ' inah, '