HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-06-16, Page 1a, ' 1240 A, ILPEA*--1 ADVANCE -54o EXTRA TO Ir. S., A. F'Olt S44E-9-Plece Dining Toom' Suite, 0004 as new Sen.% .tinel Office. c4a FOR SALE --1986 elle*. Mas.. ter Coach. Apply at 'Saiiertest 'Gar- age; Luaciio*. FOR 'SAL• E or RENT -Re' sideliCe' LincknoW. Apply, to Mrs. , Malcolm, ' R.4 HolYroodr1 , purebred shorthorn hut -4 yra.,eld., Apply to John aarr, HO/YrPod,, R I 3" FOR SALE -Valuable vlilage prop- erty. Consisting of frame house,'barn and lots. Possestion July ist. Apply ' to Mrs. T.1 E: Smith, •Goderich. • "REFRIGERATOR -N, ORGE, with „a ten year warranty, brand . new, a • limited number only, $1,69.95.. For , further particulars write Heintznian • , and Co. 242 Dundas Street, London. • No obligation., .. TENDERS •. Far repairing and painting, inside , • and outside of S.. S.. No 11, East' Wavvanosh,.will be received to 1. p.m. June 34th. For. particulars appl- FraniS Thompson, R. R 5 Wingham. AGENTS! . If ' you are, ambitions, active, and ' interested in, establishing your own profitable business with sale of over 2010 ,guaranteed household products• ' "ACT NOW! Safe and solid plan for alert. person.Quick Sales,Steady cash., No obligationjn se.ding for. full de • '• -,of -'offer. PAMIILEX.'CO., 570 St Clemeilt.'Molatrca BABY, CHICKS • . Livability. & satjsfacthavgrurirct:k.: 'Mixed lets erels • White Leghor'n1 '13c 2c Barred Jocks 8c 10c ' 7c • N. Ham§. Reds, 12e 6c . After June 18th, one. cent less than •above prices. Pullets front one to six. - teen weeks old at 'right • prices. DUNCAN KENNEDY. WINGHAM. • ONTT'PHONE 38. • NOTICE . RE ,GREENHILL• CEMETERY • . . „ , WHEREAS it is the desire of the . Board of Management to Maintain •,the cemetery inas beautiful condition • as possible, and whereas this can only be accomplished : .if: each and every Int is. kent. Pinnerk.-elit--and-itrimmed- '-be it therefore resolvedthat the: ,caretaker cut all -jots, 'piths and 'parkways, and he is the, only one al- lowed to do this and he is hereby au- thorized to collect the proper fee' fOr cutting said '-lots fronf .all lot Owners Other than-. those -on perpetual up- keep.. Fee, Single lot $1:00; Double lot $1.50. • Hanging baskets, tripods, ,or , other obstructions; not alibied in the cem- The caretaker shall 'sell all lots and collect the price for prune at time of • Sidney • Whitby, 'Havelock the official caretaker. : • ' GREENHILL CEMETERY CO,. ° LIMITED W. B. Anderson, 'Pres.; Wm. Multi% Sec'ye , , p.k0AmottNT' DANCE L Dance at Paramount Hall Friday; June 17th, MacKenzie's ..Orchestra, Gent's' 25c, Ladies '16c. , • . • tkipt 'SOCIAL, •14:, 'Lawn Social Will .be held. 'on Crewe Church lawn, on Friday, June •l7th. The,plaY 'entitled 4.4 :Ow Fa- shioned Mother", Will ,be presented by ' Crewe ,,Young People. • WEBSTER, PICNIC • ,The mintier Webster ?knit'is to be 'held at Bayfield on Saturday June 18. 1938.,All relatives are asked to try and attend.' Dinner and supper both served. • •• THE PALACE GARDENS, For- • mosa, lovelier and more modern than 'ever, are now ready for fareily re- unions', and picnics.Reductions given on small groups or picnics. The tight -Place for a 'good celebration.-• , . Philip OberrneYer,''prup., DANCE AND FLOOR SHOW'. ,CKNX Hillbillies' Will present a half hour floor stow and provide,' music for a dance in the Towt, Hall, Luck - now on Thursday, June ipth, upper • auspices' df Luckriow Joint Club. Ad- mission 25c and 1.5e. ,../,,,p11UPIELD GARREN PARTY A Blake's Hall on 'Friday evening, • June' 24th, supper 6 to 8 o'clock. The Play "Whittling" will be'Presinted by Blyth 'Dramatic Club. Admission - Adults, 65c; 'Children 8, to 12 .years, • g;t: itLEsrs GARDEN PARTY • St: Helens United Churchgar en party will be •held On '"the :church • grounds z ,this Friday, lune I 1.1th. Supper from 6 to '8, o'clock. , White, chureh Y. P.'S. will present theit. play, "Cabbages or Dollars." All tinder- - cover if weather is Unfavorable. • Admission 40e and Oet MAILING. •LIST CORtECIED , This week We use A revised iiiailing list. All 1311,1)pribqk, Who have ' renewed their subscriptionS, or, Whe have be- comenew siibscribers;c1nring recent Weeks , Are Asked to take Particular notice, of the .label date . to see if •proper credit ..has been given. • T subscribers who ar in arrear or .-whose rpnevi/A1 is due, .preinpt: attention to: this' Matter be mnct appreciated. . • • , PRESENTATION MADE- , MR AND. MRS: JOHN LITTLE Sponsored by Lucknow 14 a, Social evening was held in the.,Orange Halt, on "MendaY, evening, When On be- • half of L; 0 L, a presentation -Was made Mr and -(,Mrs. John' Little of. Luckn,owt,, ' In making ,t1le surprise pres,entatiop Bert Ward called Mr and Mrs. Little to the, front, -*ten .John McQuilhn read a •shorf.address and Mr. Ward -presented Mr. Little with a pipe • and Mrs. Little with a bath towel! Both expreSsed their 'Sincere appreciation ot the .thouglitfulness• and kindneSs of 14'. 0 L,• • • -•• • Card playing and dancing'. were en.' :40Yed during the evening With music provided by .Dertald ,Mccharlds and Eldon Henderson. • .. :„--Baigasinein-Nten'smatid'I'BOrS-Vb7itte clothingf. pants,. shirts:, smocks, socks, etc., THE ARKET :STORE.- •. • • • • .• Latigside Farmer Has Heels.Crushed In Fall Wallace ;Cann, Brother Of Mrs. Har-. • olp,,;•,, Johnston Of:Lucknow, Had Heels Crushed In Landing On Rock Pile• • 1V74ilace,•'COn., :3Tc'ug Liingside dis- trict fanner,. received' teiiinis- and dis- tressinginjuriet to his feet during shingling bee at the' farm' of Jack Johnson last' Wednesday.' • When he was Up d'clistanee of SOMe ten feet; a laticlet, Slipped and Wallace. .1411113.04 11 on roelepile: beneath hint, tte. youri man had the ,heels •crrishecl in, as We as boned' broken in each anlde 'He was 'taken to Winghami Hospi- tal and from there to London due to the extreme nature Of the injuries,. SWelling. prevented the broken • feet being put in a cast until the end, ;of the week, The injuries will .disable Mr. Conn for a.. lengtty period.", MA 0/s1:S HELD 'ICH URCH - PARADE TO ST. PETERS Old Light Lodge, A.F. & A,11/.; an - anal church parade, was held, to St, Peter's:Anglican' Church on Sunday Morning. Local,' members' and Visitors attending the service .ntliblierect ;up-' wards to 'tixtY. Rev: A. A. Maloney rector of the church 'delivered a time - lir sermon. The choir reridered an an them with Rexford Ostrander presid- ing at the ergan. • • Car And Buggy In Aiddent At C.N.R. Crossing e Gordon Lyons 'Thrown From BtiggY , Sunday Evening. In SidedWipe With Car 'Driven By Raynard Aekert • A 'ear and 'a. buggy Were•inVelved in an aecident 'at'.the'C:N. R. crotsiiii en, the Gravel Read north of the vil- lage on Sunday 'evening. , .Thd.: hotse and buggy With Gorda UYon.s and Join Pritchard' the occu- pante? and a. car driven by. Rayndid Ackeremere both' proceeding' towatd •Lueknow. The acejdent occurred north et, the crossing When `•the Vehieles. sideswiped along the right hand side of:the buggy., .. , , Iri the impact. Gordon Lyons .was tossed Otto the horse • and then to the gtotin striking the wheel of the bug- gy.\.1-le writ bruised and shaken pp and has bee ordered by hid dociot,•not to do any Work for an counle of weeks,. The young hoise i-cci-ccl a cet, Hug and leg and scraped side, but made no' effort to runaway after the acci- cleht. The two right wheels of ;the, buggy were demolished and the gear- ing and rear •-aXla broken. .. The ear in s-erving evidently' to try to riVold the. crash, Went into tbe, 'diteh., breaking or the railwaY'4ign and .• doing' .donsiderable fender and: windshield damage to thecar. ENGAGEMNT ANNOtTNCED' and ta. Jos H. Wall wish ,to announce t ''engagement' Of. their eitle$t -daughter Veran, Gince to Mr, Wilbert 'Peter' :SheWfdltr,of Kitieardine feriMerly et Meeitoba, The Militia -e to take plate the latter part June.. 'Council Agree To Rent Han TO Film' Co • If Mnnicipalities. Tertna' Aced.To,. Stirling Pilnis Ltd.-. Will' Engage, .„ The Town Hall For Presenting,MO ;Wm Pictures. ..." Stirling Films Ltd.) have .6eezr,•:in 'contact yvith flie Village Council, with i view to leasing thc Town Hall, to present a weekly,:rnetl'ori picture here; This Company plans to line uP about , one hundred towns that. are without theatres.TThese will be organ- ized into small, circuits with a• show weekly being presented in each,, town. Their buying power, .their representa- tive pOilitect.out; Will, enable theta to get high class, firat-run pictures. Council' agreed to lease the. Hall • • ., for a Wednesday night performance' each Week at a rental fee of $1.0.60, night; Council has drawn U An.agree, ment• governing 'the lease 'which is being iiibmitted to the•'Company; and if: it Meets with the 'CoMpany's ap• proval,,Lneknew will have a'show as 'soon. as the organization ,plans are, . , The contract is for a five year ,term,, but can be cancelled at any time atter one year by COUncil. A clause has al- so:. been added, making :the contract :subject to 'inunediate .cancelOtiori if Abe. Performahce affects JiceiiSkor'in-'• olii-iince.,*rifeTi'pr*Te-cibireS, any 'inspee- tork.demands or alterations, notfav-: orable to .:Council. • ' The Contract exCludes .any othei!, motion -ipictures . being presented in . the Hall, but in no .way ''.•affects' taw other tyPeof entertainment *locally s:poilsored. • ' The exhibitor pays' only for the nights they ,run • a •picture and to provide for contingenciessuch as strikes or; fire, 'delaying , delivery of Irns;havc a -clause protecting them against the contract being broken thotrld they fail to present a pietIrd for a period of nine:weeks., • ' • KITCHENER PIPERS TO JOIN , • LOCAL' BAND 'SATURDAY its weekly 'eppearanee this, 'Saiiirday; vi ill be augmented by:.niernbers of ,the• Kitchener Pipe gan43' who are. alWayS Well.received hereand astute the Sat- urda Y • night :crowd of se-mething extra : . in the dine of entertainthent: It, -is expectedthat a carload of the Kitch- ener boys . will make the ,trip here. • Recommendations :Granted in Middle'SChoOJ . Subject to the approval of the Dd- PartMent of..Edueatiem the,„ students of the UPpier School, listed belOw, lid'Ve teen reeoirmiencied on 'their.Year's. ''voi•lc•in the subjects nam- ed, having 'obtained, the 66% Jecjiiir7 edi' by the regillation.' i• • , ..66%,-721-7:2nd ,Horients:: 75(.70=1:00-1sL Class. Honours. Tipper 'School Recommendations Altint,•• Dorothy -Botany Zool- ogy. • . Ina-T,tigoneriretty II, • Islay ---..Eng, dormi,11. • roister, "Teanatin Celina: II. ';Maeponalci, 1Vlarian.7,=Eng:• . IV.faeGreger, Robert.-7--Zoelogy., II- MacI,eod,' "Leonarcl-Mod.' 'Hitt, '14' . . . Botany 1; Zoology 1. . Russell; , Coyle _dem'''. :14. Botany ' :•• •, ' • • . ,TWantley; .11ilda--,Eng. Lit. 11-; Mod Hitt.: II; Geometry II. ' • Mfddle School Recarnmendationd . • • • . Caesar, Madeline., --Ft. Au. II. ';Cootc, • • Finlayson, Anna-TAne. gist: g. • Hamilton, •Heleit-peom.: • MacCrostie, ir. • MaeDobaldt Helen -Eng. Comp. 11; MacDoiiald, arjan-nc. Hist. 11: Geom. tri'Lat. Au. II;',Lat.. qemp,'IX;. "Pr. An. 11; Fr. Comp. II. MacGregor,"•Rebeit-LAnc. Hist: II; . • . , , Macintosh,‘ • Robert -Eng. . It; Chem:. 11. , MacKerizie, Jelin IC. ---Eng. •,doitip! II; Can: Ilistt tit. Chem. II. • " IVIrieLeod, • MOrrison, •'Meiviti-.7deoin., :II.: • • Pearitilan, Moitid--Anc. Geern. Ritchie, bOtid.rEng, Lit. tt;, can, Hist. Xi:; • • '•• • . , 80.11teld, Matgaret..-Erig., Lit. II; Can: ilist:'Ito • • 8tewak tcg, 14 trig,*tit,:ts• can, Hist. 1!; it Chem. • .•-•' • 'Lit, ti,; [list. 11; Alg. I; Owl% 1. .Twamidy,,Hitda dan,, t. litetgOi. ; • JONE. Kleso...;: UNITED FARM ypii.TNG PEOPLE'S • 0.,pis ORGANIZED IN KINLOSS About thirty young People gathered id tbe'hoind Of Mr. and MP'. Bed Mac- Pougall on Monday evening June 6, to consider the forming of •a•U. Fl Y. P. .0. Club. ' • . . , Bar:MY MacDougall ,snoke, tte aimsAri.d operation Of,. these junior ehibs. He pointed to the fine service rendered' by the:-,women?s club, the Itgiyahea 0. 'which has 'Op.'. elated stioceSifully for many years. On the other baud the young ; people bad no organization embracing all the youth of the -cominunitk. After fall..dipeussienlit was uriart- irnously decided to organize under the name K-2-4.-'6 T.J. 0. Club, the Tor' the second, fourth and sixth . con- bein! fo'r.Kiploss, the; 2-4-.6 being cetsions. • • , Officerelectedwere as follows: Pro.; Harold Campbell; Vice -Pres., Leona: White; r See'y..-4raset. Mac- Kinnon; :• ,Treas,-Yreda, MacDougall; Irograrn Conntittee-.:Don McIver -,(cenvener) Elizabeth Robinson, Kath- erine M Innes Merle Middleton' Mary Lavi s. speTto..,: Cornmittee-,•Roy McInnes (conVeridi.), . Bill • McKenzie, Lloyd MacDougall, ' Wilfrid White. •• Visiting Cominittee•-7Ruth MacKinnon Blanche MacI)Ougall, Marion Camp- E,ell. k •• . ' 'ELECTED IN .'SASKATCHEWAN • With 'the 'return kto:'poWer•,,,of the Liberal Government in Saskatchewan: last 'week Charles Agar, M.P.P • • I reelected in .the Hanley constituency with. a majority' of 708. ,mr‘ Agar is, a son ef the late James 'Agar of , • Bel- fast.. • WEDDING.BELLS •.,.. • itwout:Hcorwell On Saturday June 4th atj6 o'cl4ck Toronto, Miss A:einogRlio6gai-,h1 aPah:grchttr: of. Mr's. J. Colwell :;rind the late, Mr. taiweii,:•.beCarne th'i bride of: John ,Alexander Rintoul, eldest son of -Mi-. and -Mrs. Alex Rintoul ofLuck • Th bride given in marriage by her brother ,Mr.: Harold Colwell, looked ctarming in a White moire Idress Made mi'..Princess lines and, a 'corsage .Of •TalsiMan 'roses' and lily -of -the - valley. Sly wae attended, by her sister Miss Maime Colwell ;and the bride- groom by :Mr. Marsh Cowan. ' Following the ceremony a reception Was held at the herne•Of the bride's mether, after' Which Mr. and Mit: Rintoul left, on a 'wedding trip to Eastern points: • The happy couple , will reside An -Toronto. • • , 'Cameron.--Riritoul , On Saturday tmorning at nine o'clock in the Whitechurch Presby- terian ;Manse, the marriage took place of Euphernia Dunlop Rintoul, third daughter Of & Mrs. A. Rintoul of Wawanosh to .Ralph F'urdon ...Cameron, Younger, .Son of .Mr. and :Mrs. T. A. Carneton Ashfield,• , Rev.: • John lickllock officiating. .s • 2 • The bride was gowned in:a pewder, blue dress with adYY blue ,accessories. She was attended by Miss Jean Cant- eron sister of the groom, Will Rintoul brother of the bride was 'best man, ' Immediately "siftiet the eerembitY the ,couple left': by motor for their wedding to .the Manitoulin Islands' Ond points North., On ;their return . , they Will reside on the groom's fern, 10.th ;Pon. of Ashfield: LYON 47-1,1 A WK SHAW On Saturday, Jime lith, the Manse'', in LUCknow, Catharine Eliza-, tett 'Ilawkshaw, daughter Mr, and WIT1. 1IaWk.SI:11}W ,of Holyreod Was. united in mar17,1ege to Mr. Wm, James •Lyons, Son of Mr. and Mrs. 'James T. Lyons of West WiWanosh, Rev. C. it MacDonald officiating. The btide was geWlied in navy blue lace and net overtatin with accessories to, Match arid 'Carried a'bouquet of Rose- dale' roses and fern. Mrs.. McPherson, sister Of the bride., was 'bridesmaid, .and Mr, Gordon'' Lyons;.brother of the. greeni, acted ,as groomsman. ':Alter the eererripny,, eariple, left by mo - ter for their honynreen, to Tarn and other parts, ••, • ,A quiet wcdding was, teteriarrized at the Presbyl riait'kanse in I,ucktiOW 'en''Wedriesday June 1St,When Willitirit Itiviti 'son of Mrs., Amelia' trwin. and Sarah Jean Nicholson, • 'Ili% Angus lOelielantt sef BelfASti ere, united In. Mat -liege. Mr. itha Mrs. tchie Nichotton Witnetse4 the - cot., telly; Rev. C.• offie-• (51 A 01 11. MacDoflaI(j V/hitechurch Sawyer Met Distressing- Death In ,Mill Terrible &AY Injuries -!nflicted 'BY Circular Saw Cause Death Of James : Wilson, Veteran, Saw; Mill Operator, • Andllighly Esteemed' Resident ',Of NVIdtectitirck • • • 7. ' . Terribly injured 'when a' large cir- cular sew gduged deeply into his body •Jeines.Wilson of Whiteelinrch' Met rihnOst initant death' last ThUradaY afternoon. Mt. Wilson, 65 years .of age, is a I:veteran :operator of, a shingle; barrel head and savi mill. haTppheenesdPeemdakWeistIldewiahiiics1,1 utnhil4ing.edistic is thought however, that in removing bark and chips from thc mouth -of •the sawdust chute:: at the ,= saw, he Was caught and drawn into its flying teeth The 'saw penetrated deep.into hi. body 'under ,his • tight atm. As if by some super humeri efforthe: threw himself from the blade and collapsed, dying instantly; ' ' Lawrence :Henderson, an employee and eye witness of the tragedy, shout - e(1 to James Wilson, son of the owner, to shut, off the power. Medical aid was Pummoned from: Winghame,.but life was extinct. - Mr. Wilson had not, been in the. besrof health, and it'vkas possible he sUffere(Va •'Week. spelt, but circyna: -stinee-Pindieated-tbat-ratheirte-Was: caught and drawn into the :SaVV.. , Highly esteemed in his neighbor- hood, - the, disaster not- alone shocked his -- fainily, but 'a Wide circle • 'of: friends.. For many years, Mr, .Wilson Was siiperiOen,dent of the Presby- terian Church : Sunday Sebeel.• '=The, funeral serv ce :Washel d .on Saturday, conducted by .1tel.7John Pollock with: iriterrnent..in'Winghani •cerneterY„ .Mr Wilson was Well 'knoWn over a Wide area, as ' his mill supplied ; a largeoutput of headingusedb-a'-; rels. In addition, he 'operated u.Shin.,' 'gle. and :planing mill. .He built the present Milli more than 25 :years :ego' and ,preViend to that, he had operated a' shingle • Mill i Culrost TOwnShip.: He was An extensive land owner,. op- eiating 'several: hundred acted ''• • . Mr. Wilton •was torn on the second coireessien of dejrotd and _Married: Maty Sinipsou ot.Culresd Be leaves his wife, two sons, James and Thomas ,and tv,ie, daughters, Merle and Agnes Both daughters ai e registered•MirseS He also leaves four -sisters, ,Frances, of Wingham, (Jean) Mrs Powell of Stratford,• (Mary) •Mr. (Dr.) Scott of Detroit, Hannah of Mich., and one brother, Dr. Thomas Viledri of all.of'•whein were, present • for the• funeral": -• ' Is le Lack .01 Interest Or ;Was It Forgotten? Second Regular 'meeting Of Business Men's Club "Adjourns" When Only • Five Members 'Attended •1 The second regular' Monthly meet- iiig of 'Organized ,Businesi, Men's • Club ',"adjourned". on Monday flight, after a half het* of waiting during Which but five ',members Put .an appearance. . r The rrionthlYmeeting:9f this Club is the', second' Monday of each month. This week's.afeeting was not arineim-. ,Cdcl, and there. is the ,possibility that- ,it-was'•oVerlooked 'by, Many of the . • . members. If it were not a caseaf for- getfulness, be only One ether reason ---,village, Merchants are. pot interested .in tho successor • opeia- tion of this Club. • • , If .they are not interested; theriit cart be assumed ther feel:the, Orgicut ization is valueless, or that' they pre- fer to sit hack and "lei .0601te, do it": In our ;opinion this association is one thit. 'merits the:co-operation of every' nietchant and .With, such coop- eration and aectiVitY, ,its possibilities are altruist unlimited. The,Clarfsmenfs diet id an ercaniple of what ceiribined enthusiasm, ideas:alid eiTort -can ec- ornplish, and WO .ee .no reason why', an "active Businesi. Men's Attoelatien conid Yint'iuject a siinilar Stimulus in the ,business life of tind,,cominunity. • ,- The 'next.. regular, mdeting is the --seeond,Monday in August; The atten- dance.,it this meeting' will no 'doubt determine.whethetthe ClubIs likoly to funetitrii and tUeoed, 01- fade into oblivion' after a short lived 'eXitterice,' *08, mccAttitpt :DIES. 'Dorothy: SinalidOrio .beloved .Nyite ot Meltand66Me6krre.4 vasSed Hovis and Sunsoy Bread EKEND:SPECIALS ! t,440(tp. 4341c.sD0UGHNurJs, CHELSEA 01.g!* PUFFS..JAM ARTS ' igAPLE:f7WAISibil.'TAR,T,8 CALL AT OUR STORE AND PROCURE A BREAD DIET BOOR.- LIMITED NUMBER. • "19:44,Y7S'AN .BAKER 200,000 B Shingles Arriving Next Week 7 Special Prices Direct a 00 Stewart Lunlber . . . _ 11.0)4,00C1 .Sed Rein Fiae StubbornBlaze Brctiriguished,At Resi- dence Of JaMes:.Valad' But Not Without • Considerable Dainage. • • Fite of undetermined origin that broke out in mid afternoon, -,last Thursdayat the home Of lames Val - ad, a m • ile east Of tiolyroog, gave vet.' . , • , unteer• fire fighters a stiff battle be, fore•bringing it Under control. The .fact, that, there ,was, 'a 'gang of Mee: working nearby and that there Was a good water supply it the house,' resulted- In saving the •hetne: Although More than once 'he Workers felt, that their efforts :wouf€1 be use - The fire eVidpntly started In theat- tie.af the lieme, and :Worked down in to the walls' and .partitions making it the more 'ffiffieult .to :battle. The fire Was, first digeovered by a member �f the faxnily, who noticed, smoke seep- Jng through the ceiling in the living roOm'S:Considerable .damage Was 'done to the home :before the .blaze Was ex- tinguished. 'Wnmen's Institute Hoar; • Talk On local Industries Mrs..T larke Presented With Boa - (Met As Mark ‘Of Appreciation Of Services -Short Cou6e To. Be Held '-• -In September .Presided eve.r by the president,. W B 'Anderson, 'the June meeting 01 the Women's Institute was held in the, Pow Hall oii rridaY with an :attenJ • dance of tortY4WO ineinb.ersand ken ' With Meetings' being held in • the hall, the ladies decided to ptirehate necessary ...dishes and utensils. The. August meeting will •take ' the ..ferni ,ofpeiscit6m o'bec'ihnenli.ds,omn as; the home of Mrs: •Jont Jessie . ton AO.; Mis Wni .Douglas r 'Were..ant pointed,a-coMiniftee to make arrange-. Short•Course 111 Septernber, 'cOnd cted by an instrtie- 'tor, ' front 'tge' Department.:'Irristitte 'asked to have :watei,fotintain cleaned and water pressure increased, : • 1VIrs. Clarke rend aportion from the Institute 'hand ;book and Mrs. It,- L. Treleaven had eharge'cf,the motto,; inetnbers heard. interesting talks on loeal industries, SilyerwOodai Crearnery,'''bsit,. Mrs. 3. -d.:.McNah; tie - leaven's Fleur Miss •Mildred Treleavee. and, Taylor's, patteurizing plant hY.Mi., TaYler. Mrs. JoYnt sang a 8016. azid. Mrs. W, MacLeod derail with gardening tints, • SeafOrtlih.cin 1Wednesday, in lier 6th Mrs. Temple• Clarke was PreAtilted- year, The funeral Will take place With ti,benicitiefi of .gladibliut ,by, Mrs. from her late redideftee in .Peaforthi W. Or Andrew in approciatiOn of hop 17niidot.10.,t4ilectbitIrth, 14.1tak11)t ,4,860,..tok'evitittko,:. siteit r,Vi.iteolitoti8i;t tlilvtts:e1'nwsoi t:tpry, x , ' T Mtertnent t11 be Made. hosupSon. 6 • WINS NINTH 'CUP • , At;thd:tinnual..field, day of the.O.P..! 13..'it ".Brantford, . Miss 'Gwendolyn Ackert,,,. "daughter of 7 MO.:. Elmer Ackert of 'llelytood, Wen the Senior girls championship,- and received, her ninth cui.fot.„athletic' sueeetsea• dur- ing the eleven years that she his at- tended this sehoel., She wen thecup this Year: with.a total' of 2:3' points, against pine points scored, ,by the: runner-up H• . ' GWendolYn's term 'closed, at, Brant, . ford on Monday, from where she went to Toronto, where she will take a• nine weeks' Nernard Course for the blind:•';'• . . . ,•• GIRL 'FRIENDS STAGE .SHOWER FOR GRACE MCLEOD.' • A pleasant social function was, ejd at the home of Miss Mary McConnell on Monday evening, when a'number. of girl friends gathered honor Miss Grace MacLeod with a . pre, nuptial kitchen shower. Mite MacLeod 're- ceived many- useful and lovely' gifts,. in enjoyable 'program' added to .t1i0 , interest of the evening.: HER' HEART'S DESIttE ' A genuine Bridal 'Wreath engage- ' ,Ment 'ring. 'front. W. 'A, kgmig.'s ' Jewelleryl Stote u LucknoW ,is the heartri desire of any girl With'a hope 'chest, So if your Planning to give her that ring ,some day soon, ' make your choice; her'choice,.Give her a Igen:trine,. :Briday Wreath ring, dnd youqi:-get;it ' at 'Sehmid's•• 'because' of the :Wide as- soitment, :big values and low prices. ' okiTg INTERVENES AS• PARMER HOPES: FOR CROP With Conditions encouraging for a first ,good ,crop several, teaser's; ' Robert Carson, husband of :Belle Howe of Straunavoni Sask., catried'on. his spring work, without- complaining of an attack of apPentlieitis.-14 rup- tured appendix; finally brought , about - his collapse and he Was rushed to the . hospital, ;where he Underwent an op- eration in ,a vain effort to save his Popular; in his eonirriunity,' inerch..! • anis ,and neighbors who were his friend's,. banded together to carry ,ofi' the work he so valiantly tried to conr- plete-the sewing af-a, hundred acres of Wheat. " 'll'irDRANT HARDON Fti1TDERS •1 .v 1 The hydrant in 'front of ,MCICim's, Drug Store has been =a source,, of grief to number of , motoriSis who - have damaged 'fenders by ,irunning Maloneyagjlsth fireplug. most ; recent 'A. mishap on Monday.evening, when he punched a large hole through one of the fen- ders on his new ear. • • '' Being parked near the hYdratit, Mr. Maloney was about to pUll away in tho when - hee cistruaek(.1atZlIV4Itittisoriet &lin ,Pshunt.'n; Which dented unusual and bed dam. Azle• to, the fender. .