HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-06-09, Page 7"77!
;1. •
8 1
ay from the heat and crowded hgh-
out where there % health, iOluxotiort,
With a Peterborough you'll enjoy .;
,deal yocatIon at low 'cut- tilts yeat..:...
un' Ioj 'yiws to ccratzt Peterborough Si.r7
of Constiuction o.sures you better value-
•WittTE FO:ft:f.REt.
• chnohloy,-iov,,bOoN'Ilomili ow- ,
boolih, miitoiboalts;Wido loose.
of mitdelo with Oices that satisfy.
satvdartton "tf,'"
PETER -goal]
El 0 Al' S
rete'rbprepgli .canoe 'Co., 268 Water St., '.Petert.??reugh, pnt,
ver using
. • . •
• concentrated '101.avere• Piftv'var-'
ketiesf 1,011: ['roots. Ortinii,,
o i•oute saiefirnan extra. Acrric-pli•eet
Salee sts Youge, Teronto.
• .To; Protec-
•. tire Skatem: • 13. phiiiins Company
united; Osborne Avenue, Toronto,,
". 11Ally CHICKS•
• P4,7ULTItY POUL.T.Itlf,
Litt Ill 1111M7111! • '
• JO HNSINV'S VP174It 10 It Vitt Clti
• ,IiNG41tRTh-
speciatize in two breeds bred
to day Barred Itons, and ,13arroo';
'•kitrain Lbghordis. Alt hred-,
• erd are blood.' tested' tottl, froth R.
• 0,P. ,rnafed: the very hest',
•'type oc 14beclea's are used •nrid,
. oggs,skt...'‘weigh.,..between 25 and 30
, oz. per dthl; Priq",e _Barred Trockt4, 9• "
, gents; Let2;hdrds,,-? 1 cents' '• each.'
• 7.00.exi- site arriVal guaranteed. J..
Johnson, •Ei'?..rgUs', Ontario.
, .
A§lly ..,TWE101)11...E • E •TRA
sd diticka •are
. • oyer size,. 0.11.',Inttchc from -25 'to'
30 ounce. eggs. , Get o r low;pric,es:,
• ,tor June:. Tw ddlo hick -Hatch-
. tries. Ltd.; .11Ox". ; 'Fergus, Ont. '•
' ,barns_. • 10 mod noel 'ew
liarnsishire • Red's! 27.3r4
Quality. tWc more. .'01der
• 'i.
„atcy Linti,ted; -Box.59, .ltaden,
QUALITY .Q14.1CR:8 • FROM i411460.-
. 'teared. Breeders-Leghorns 02(4..
Cockerets,95c; 130r- '
, rt4d Rock, •New Hampshire Reda .•
735k P4lIto.44 $9.95, eoekerels.,7'46.
• Large Egg, 'nuttlity • belched; from .
.ounce eggs, Leghovn
jwl1ets 2o.- Sta1.4ed. Chicks 10-dak
old Mid 3e, 2 week Old ttcy 3 Wdek.
old 9e. ,TOP Notch-ChiekrrieS, 16
• ',1VilsOn bt;•;• Guelph, •Oht:erio..
(!tillCIKS .
()Nr.i." 077T, OF. 1.540 '
Bray , . 1-TainpShire
•Wrighed 'On to '241 pounds at 8
..ml'ent42: • For• real produCtiOn this
• ' :and:Winter,. huy hnrdy, •fastr:.
icfroyHtnr, in-6,•>-..cilh,1.cs. t<C, for'
. prices., Bray" •Hatchery, 130..Tohn
Nort•h, Hahriltbn, Ontatrio:. •
l'PEW '1;).XT.13•*,‘,. Edds
'makes- 'llte difference 'between a
real profit•n.nd,n fcitt. 73uy 73nay•.•
e,hicks 'today and- get- tnose,extra'1-
.•, egg's next :Fall when: priCes, are '
' highest. Wnite for 3etni1 ..731•ay' ,
.7i4itehery. ' .130 John ; • !;ortit, '
`• ft'ori , ; Litt 1.n. , •
,dd pullet 'ehicich and 'bike ocivnilt- •
' age •Of ,t7lefirm prices.•pradjeted
• for eggs' next Fall arid Winter,
, Br:iy• Ptillot ehicks tire aliallnble..in
• almost • every- 'breed. ' write • for
Pvices.' Bray HatelievY,' 130 John
• St. North, Hamilton, OntariO.
, •
:DEvr.:(4)(or4:1,), • PitINI`1111), 1
•: free ettlargeMeitt, 25e. lt.e-PriniS:
111 ;for 2:16:, I 71 1)1 fi,' '182 -King
Alij.r IFS' AND Clor,i,t,:f7rftiNs,.
at for' You i1. any aelzuref by• e01-
• t izon problem 'anttvitere' in _ the
• .arld• Our resiilts ard'
, ate., and,. ss ROSS S nd
romonny, 102 niobniequi :St: • ,
rIn'tntnurtor•C I 110ATS;•TAT
reliable and s'etiwor'thy. 'Write•Vir
•eatalogde, also Bat of 'used in-
Ivon.ts anti outboard , trim ors,,,
'etrhbrongli Ca.noe:', Co. 1,11110 cd,
268 'Water Kt.; Peter1)br0u7h.1.0rit,.
, .
Vint ,42(1.1`,. .;* •
. . • .
kit mt.!: d'IATS.,S71-074S.,°S1711„I'l'S,'T114:4,
etc..., with elofhlirg. 01AI:chime. '44'ritb''
•ror ,rree iI1titiiijeiJ ciitototrtte., of
pnithing 'bit rgaing; ZDel)i• X,Yonto, '
,Sirebt (!lothing nx"4":"11(illgo• 504
;37cifte. SI re(.1, . • '
rill,ittS • AE) iNtINTS
tolItt 4•AI,V
't•itt,t tri•lArt
• Shodelatui Farirts 7to1'(1 I7Y4.1•rand
, "Sninsbtio" '1'ro-
• pify" n "1108( "itrirrirot l'en"ot
ltoyal AV in tor
Irirst 8t‘c'4:0(1 w.inruu•s: Tororito
• oral loirst 11111,1101. Y'ruitn4.' triples
11 'lib "r\ rivrinvPri, Rog p"` back-
ing. Vor 1,. S'ithirel:111(1 Frtrim.
Edon. 1'1gin (70:
' 14' MS, Torl'14S, TILIA!.-i1491fM,A-•
tions, Btoitls, roils; :ma All tYPOs
t lU0lit ,y= 71a W te
for 111ustt•ated catalogtie. SPecin.P
attention 10 1(,7)1111' `WO etc, TOrento
. ltmnatk, i• ,7(5,, '628
WAN,r 1)-4E!iiAi,lii,
W A NT Er 17.4.WO N' wiim TO :
roest f, nOtii 0; re fl
il'al4,11n,g. Write lya •
• • LisrAw`e: tnitario.'
VA It it Pr. V
• •,:bt*PleUlit•SI,Si- $l73tT-c5r6
„..• :Avis
"Ar'' forhu.torfo», 0412.
315rIc y,iout, 'f'tyrotittd,,
• Out, ,•
L Y,0 N.S •
. .
'.:41Very aracle thoroughly' ,i,:lbancd, •
rekonditioned and sold ,under
• idefl-
nite 'money. bark guarantee of, $a
rtitttion. ,•
, 4.95 La 17g -e , oeofertko, pmesiry
'cover, ' reversible , spring .
•cush!ons.' •
q;cig•oll plobo chesterfield suite;:y.ez.
••••1•"''‘',. lour co'ver;•••reverdikile Mar- -
shall spring, cua.lriond. • •, .•
,,••••• .titiVer
t gittrd,.reyer•sible. Mars,h4t11.eualtiOnS,, •
INIciaeril• 3 "ple•._e_b
,.,', • : • j. .new
trrI• ' eriver; !Matsh011, reversible.
cover,"reversihie 'Marshall, euslliOns,.
9&.Q5Rolid oak' dining robm:statte„'
" • ,Iluffet, elktebsion tablein
• 49.00 E ig'4....1)1e.c
sv.ilhe spat, ehams:. • .,. • :. •
dinetth suite sin, .•
, , • 11»ish, buffet..
.1.erotlity.• table :and 6 • ]en the'. at
•.•roomsmite, btiffet, 'cbirta,
eabin.et, stxtelisibn table and • 6,-leat11-.
• dr seat.jutirS, ' •
• 9.nn Large English g•
.7!•••:rOowt suite. huffet,'•ealdnet •
extdps.lon tablen.nd 6 slity'seat• irt;
•fru-. buffet,'
china cabinet, '0:tension LAIC. ane -
6 1)1 tke ,,i ea ther 'Seat .61thins. •
45.0o, 4' pieck:4 bed room eitte's
• • miter,. full. 'size •
,101 •8;!PuTs
.s9;00: 134aUtifti1 wainvit hed r'r:om „
• tit ehl fln
oie •, 1 •'• '
•With Ni,enetiail 19r'•
sizo bed:
as:ogle:4s string.
.,3•9: 4eee bed ro.o.0 suite,
l'"•••F ser, ehlf.fnll
oier '.fu
Mrvgloss spring.. • ''*
• • ikog SMart •k I i-,n.bindis. with ' •
• ••••:•`.,'110' • 'sli,diPe• porOe1i in to.1;5:•
ItndloR, •tk10.90: r1.1-eSS'ers. .1114.031• C.11)•Fr'',"
fonrers, 9V7...1):7; ryas Attai•-es...$4.9•Serc-
• ing 74:felvines„. $12.ri0; , Beds, $17.-n0r•
•• Sprf.ags.•• 22.00f. New • ivraitire'ses,
China. Cabinets, :1210.00. . „
• Write' for free illusti•it Ica :etttn,,,
Tngpo showirig Irtindreds of. retber
onTsthoding• valud's •In Tle.W lind 10,
•enridifin'red ',furniture' n tnj fre.c,4t.t,fts
wlth u . • •
47, Ylitige St, Toronto
91VB110 A
& 711-77•77MATISM 'A 'D
• sTbitinelt Powder, ",The Or'ent El ro-
• r
biato',". contains ten of, Naturefa
litgredients- Iremovfog the. cause
• nnd dim Ina ling It bon inn Cigriy,
SThinnatt. troubjcs., Arthritis; Neuri-
A. .c1c. $1.50, s3.00;
ss.no. All t)rtiggist's. 4.getit5. Lyr
mans Limited,. Montreal.
• 1,44-%761A; SKIN A 1147EN:Ps,` sof/ E's,
• (7 ielily..heal 041 •1),.‘, • 1,1p yin sooth ir)r
(loan, wiikte, •Intesei),tre
ment, .1n4ed 111.01: (14rpet..
33-vonts„at alt.drugirists.
doh. t.'enturv
'pol'onto„, :
•Al f vrti; I7y1 7,1* .11E11
r•ritot'ort, posit ivp attliottri- ratli our
'• *MVO 1144011 11101 hod. 'N.n -it Oi
ps: .t)i• 441 o(.1.* Wif t Sin it it
Al•:i (not tirittg :1'19 'Pres..,'
tp 11\S1 !45;
.• I nos notruvel:(-. Fthnt roolody,
"riostitutmitt.ls, (luarailleedl Advice.
• 'free iirt•ite
34V147,IN, 51\ 11771141) AN:75, •
• ino4 , -,0007.e0r07atin
ild•Nnuth,* 7.04
-pH gri..t, •Our 12, tinge,.
:,..,11.10,iii1-tt tea" `ciaitiogua•atse b70k.5,
drprz froo• 10011 re7
•116081, • Suprorno Spoein 75, 109.
•.Y.rrilue, Toronto.
1,11(01.41(:11 A ,
• tectit4„ .
Secondary Schooh
How' Are Canadian Teen Age Boys And,' Girls To Keep Fit?
421tfon.al Fitness Campaign Spon-
aored, by he pntario Secondary
. Schools T,e4cherp' Federation.
• One of the triott evidentfacts
today is that any. nation which
,wishes' to survivand to take its
PrOPer' Placc. in world' affairs, must
• seriously.' and systernaticallY Plan.
to make: its etitigens as fit, as pes-
' sible, phys'ia)ly, • mentally,,. mor:
ally and spoirittfally. These are
.complementary fitnesses; interde- •
pendent, and any 'nation, falling.
Short in one of these must sooner
• or later'Ineet disasIter. .o..! .
Now in the adolescent ybars
. spent in canadas .ecorldarY•
•'citoois'nothirke, delle, Sys-
tematicaliy. and: persistently; to en-•
' sure that these the eitigerts to,'
morrow, Shall enter mantiood and,
' womanhood as perfectly fit as pos-
sible! After making a ltikewarm
• attempt to supetviSe and check
the health'in-elementary 'schools,
this is dropped at' the very age
• when- some of the most aerious,and •
fatal diseases. d•eveipP.'
• . Ready -to ,
•:'TeachPrP it-I:Secondary ChOOls''
' kiiow that untold tirne ad;molleYi
. .You WW1 'Make. speeches!'
tOld' by a eltaP, •.rceently heard. ,
.Hewas to addreis:4t!',Irteeting.•.in.a•
small.town one, roglite,and 61;11\111g
•' iittle ate,futici mar liaCing' •
• liP..01dAPViTn. in frOpt .t;f: the, hall..
you'the. guy. that's 'Teing.:to speak
..,tonightffle • '; • • ••
I'm thd
man'that's. :geing int-Ulf:cc
' , We •tion't bellev.e that the ,
' ers ,of' tinge' three - classif
tistmentS said ' just 'Vvhat they
Invent: • • ' e•
Sooung• Man to
•• look after Korse'of /the Metho'-:
iljst persunsion,"
''"I,OST-A cameo. broocrrePre- :
senting Vefins and .Adonis.'whilst,-;
Park :On ,Stinday •
Morning 'Iast..",
' :Woman in', the.
'far -West. •to'' waSli,-if'on and Milli.'
• twO cows," '
;We a re-,begi Ira big ..to, have prore';
'TOSpect EfOr :age neW lhat vtre
-he 'how Marty.' '811.0101e.tS .cbri*av-.•
.able.. to. this.:one • -elder•,-.:Porsons
experienced.. tf ,
Appai entiy. it makes a differ -o:._
: ence. wheth-er". orie stands : 01 sits
,Customer.,--.--:"Pye.'brought ,t;hat.•
-V60..know I:. sit ,a Jot,•
Tailor -'Yes, andt hope you've
,brought the .bill tObe reccipteil.
You, knO* I ' e stood it,' let.!':'.
Reiter 'LOok0rer Your 'BOolscase
• !'i . give,. , humble :And:. hearty
thanks.for:the.Safe r'eturn of this
,b06k,. which having,.endtired:•:' the s'
perils of my• friend's, bookease and -
the bookenseS, of :My frierid'aL,L
:friends; noW rettii.7i. to me in lea-
so`nably. good' COnditidn.
".' giye, lii1bj and hearty
thankA that zny•frielnd did.tret see •
fttb give this :book' to hisinfant:.
a plaything,'" her use' it as' an .
• ashtray 1..0 his •hurning cigar, nor •
• as 'a ..teeth.ing-ring„for his ptippy. •',
. • "When t lent.,this
book I'deei-
ed it. lost. Tvas'reSignealte th*
• 'bitterries,.. Of, the long parting, I
.never,,,thotight to look upon its
pages again': • , ; •
.v • 'But .no.ws'th4t, boOk• is cone • -'..
Ir.ec, 30;i,euelgt1
. • .1%117.
'ifatted. merbece..and lot.us )bInc1
veilurne,•andratit it.'en the M•relf,:
10f:honor; Ver this, my hook' Was
'lent,. and is, returned:, again.
',f,Presently14 therefore, I may 1.61
tUrrysonie o,f the bool:s •that
telt :have br
ofowed.:,, . . .
. ‘••
.1,;N:1 -,A f Z7;11:-Z7.1F; \1 lo 11 11 ‘7..i..2.`•17 1' .*.' . ', ' •., ....
, eIT 250 Older. 17o11 11,110 (16.000),il -
:Ind l'ight 7)111)78'2.5.e. it (lir' ti I s ito,
.11.gtobli5h1d ovur 271 'yea r ..18ri.0l8t-
- ling' 8itidio. .29 ltic110mItti, 8) reel
Toro n t 0,
tot' 1417 It.04mi.s lii.A1140 • • •
B0011. PRICES l'A I r) •P,11,17
• nviva librnrY'or.
ttfi.os :71140 4:rotod.. soot iroorox.J.
tnn e rithintity atid„kintl-subjeets,
• art rite, Widtet-71.T.,„ 1-101, •
VON! 1 St/111.011 .'roronto, 'Ont.
3111I4(141,LA1 I:101;s
1411E4:T1i J1'14 NC E it,
nth's' own. The unit 'that 03017043
•ordinary fences too exPehsive• to .
A single strand or Wird
1f11.(1 rihnnle portable (ton Fe7tcer--
keep:4 oll stoOk NtIttitrO they belong(
Asli for ('17008)1', (711(1 nn me of , the
' rant iigent neatest .you, Groh'S
Cooltr, Limited, I'reston, Ont. '
lOrtr7irf, alF. t itrArts,
, tog koni0 with. eittrie's en each
card, ‘ve feel- sure 'that liekt to •
'beilfg. at the track yott Will de.:
riven -test enioyniont frit& thts..lit4
Oe gniti.& fOt. 8
fiOnitinte' ,•:eftfrio. Iwo. • Demers
wi'lter for Nat Natiblial
Sales' AgoticY, Mum, Toron-
• 1.
ativo,-:-`PVcith, we're, pretty .
tough in. these stranger.
Hanging tin that tree mashie is
-teatheptleek Joe. We got sore .1i0 ,
him lest. week T'firl 'hung him,
8tranget,-"Why • don't You ettt
hipi d wn And bury :him,?" • -
Native4-"I3uryhiLn? Gosh, no t •
DO: you think ".4 '‘'ant: to bury him
alive ; .
A censor is a 'man •who knows
more than. be thinks other people
ought to knoW. •
THEY'RE, OFF! ! • The 'ino?it thrit.• •
garne ever, to reach' catinda.,
'Each game /111 actual excli,ing
Hier. $015,1 25a in oein toe samoe
• order orovite foi' fotI. rarticula re..
Agents 1174nted in 011 eoMmunitieri,
sAle's: Agency, 57 1100,r,
$1',. W., Tor on t o•, • o •
, .
s.stte N. 24-.-'
ia,waSted beCante pupilt,are under
par and not fit.. to take full advant-
age' of,their Opportunities., It is
.,useless to change and enrif, curricula, and to add, cultUral ,...threets
to be nresente4,t0 those who are
• not in conditien to, enjoy them.
Many pap/ls have decayedteeth,
defective eyesight, are undernotir,.
ished, and are quite notieeably nett
• well, but thero is no school nurse
tolools after them, and no medical
or dental rrtan to insPefe.
'Tbis'doea not fileari, that.- Cana-
• diens are all' weaklings,'but it does
Mean th4t:4, large, Percentage in
•• this fr•f0tinatfivel a.ge Seconda-rY •
SchoOls, are -tinder icintv not nearly
, at their best. Statisticsjo be quot-
ed. in later. articles".:nrove
There are OVer one hundred and
• twenfrehousabd of these boys And
girls in the Secondary Schools of
'Ontario, They are the 'on'es
•eennted: PPori-, to be the leaderti of-
.tc the next three decades, -Cianada's•.
futureis in their hands. 'Are.tbey
their parents or the 'state go•,..,
satisfied that .anYrt
• thing. short Of their maximum fit.7
ness'is sufficient for them to play
• their part toenable their country
•to full its destiny?: ••
Assemble Prehistoric
Monster's Skeleton
• A4' A nAry featitre of, its disPlaY,
in the' P.ducatienal PaVition at the
Canadian NatiQnaJ Exhibition, t'hiS
year the UniVersity' of Toronto
will, ass.ebible the skeleton of a
• dinosaur. 'The PlehiStoric monster
is now At, the Royal, 'cintarid Mu-
,. Iseum. L. S. 'Russell ',of ithe
Museum cb-operateWith'uni-`
yersity authorities, • . o' .
Lltunlop; '-bireeter of 'tile'
'•,sion,• who ha Cliarge of the,11 of
'Tt'' display •at' ,the
'Plana a displaY of „small live ani.,
rna1sfr-t:theDea1-t1entof Biol-
. ..,
' • .•
More Derna18
Made n Eyes
TodaYrThanuEver Before In the
d's History Widesp e" d
Eye-Strain,R, eeults.
Mann. hthaes PVabsatnqgueadr,theirs.°4yaSCe:ft4dri-v'
ing•things and, his eyes have been
• taking m,ueh, of the ensuin,g
ishruent, A '
WaS, ParCof the Message of
Judd,, of Detroit, wh
appealed:. to the end:leis Of the
• Pht,nrie:OPiernelrical Association
• meeting in .TOrbittoov.reeentiY1 40
help solve the problem qf adjust-
ing nature* to new conditionS-. '
'Present.. 'aceentuated circurn-
stances have ' evolved with ra' sPeed,
, that formerly -tpek • penturies,'",
' .said the Detroit 'specialist, 'fAs
reStilt, there -is a; need tor. more '•
lielp.todaY than at any other time
, in human hiatorfy. This is mani-
' fested by a greater dernand for
ocular .attention. ' " '
In his , opening • remarks, , pr.
Judd trced tile evolution of the
human eye from lithe lowest animal
life andits reactien to light. lie-
• Suggested the. possibility of the in,-
• `Seet ,eye'ev-olky.,ing from lower
fornis of life. ,k
.Must Constantly Be Adapted:'
"Much ofthee diseqinfort of. o
today can he traccd to nature's,
• efforts to adapt mari tonew con-
-•ditions, preceding generations •
• man was' AO much more, agrarian
than he is today: Today hp has
• largely moved !fromthe Adds
where his Visual fur.feticins' swept
across the- wide,. open •SpaCes.
"Today, "7•5 per cent. of:mar-Vs
is Spent looking' at, objects
• and coneen,trating on them within
„1.,._tn eye radtut 'of 2barichesL,
i-f7.l.771.CP:. of !lb s: are
"spent in offices, . factorjeS ,f -Or
. • .
a result; nian and:his kind
is experiencing A .discomfort dtio
forced adaptation to a ricil
...environment and to new oecupa-
..• tiens,", be said.'
Golden - Jubilee
• 'Moulton college: ope of the. °Idea prik-ate ballegosfor iiric in
The Dominion will..,CeleVate• its 50711 anniveeiar, .fron,
N June lth to •
14th: .I.33itellSiVe Plans havo been Made, in order that this anniyek- •
sal,y' will be fittingly celebrated It is expected that this. anniverSary
Will bring together form r ' u f all
• .
; e p 0, rom. a over. the ,,Dorninimn• •
• '
Bird Messengers
Aid Missionarie,s
• Verse of Scripture Is Attached '
: To each 13,,ird, that Leaves
• Jack Miner's Sanctuary
,On Its47Vay North •.,
(by' '66NNtRY) .
, Yea, a lief. year feathered
.siotiat.itt leave. tht Jack , Miner
Bird Sanctuary to,'Spread- the Word,.
of "God throughout the; ,North
AineriCan ;Continent.. Their, Med,. '
iuni is , th'e Verse . 01' '
• 5vii46,11; •e71,4,1, 111dilit 'tag; lit'i!leid•by
bapaed, b'h.d..beaPS;
'."Who is thirnan re.7 •
ligious fanatise.?" Might be the:lay,
re.,IWtron to :ibis
13ift .11 ti W 01141: wyoti,g,
' naturalret 111 sirnply do,
best tO as the none trio*
rotiy .Path' which. htinitin
ariet hav to ,tread,: TO tile
11121iS-.8hd Est(i111OS resident iti,,the
far sirmile bit of 8Crip„.
Ore. 'brought, them, from the
is . nothing :less,, than the direct
word. of God, ' • ,
This. ;itipreniotti inelbod •ot•
lind7Oit Bey' district hare
*7'1eii the natUvalist that
'co. the aftittide• toward'
• Chrietionitk''0014 lightened their.
task. .Thbireal pieturet ape
sent to :the
yino's,..: 'to trade ,-tiq
diensin exchange, forthe metal,.
bA0d.S frons birds•:, The 'tags
are mailed, to Kingsyille, to aisiSt
in•traefri,Vnigrafion routes,. ' • .
Assizs Migriaiitiii"Stueet. ,
Tlit19 the • methixebf pro-.,
pakating Christianity 0-K.1i:a only •
led to• missionary progresi,
has:alse 'Speeded tip.,tho „stUdy .of
bird . migration,. through .eOrtta^cts •
formed the northlands; •
'it is. his greatest missionary en-
r.16vvor, the naturalhffiS dotivinced:
The a tiyes are, VOW,: tojtish 't�.
1110 nlissionaiiy. When • 7P baI7.(1d
bird is brought down and ask 'him •c;
to interpret ''what :God sal& tilts •
time.W, And. more Often ,than''not;,
that; 'el'sf "i'1'i741.1r0 '18 11004:A9
thetext in the.,.cotifing :Sabba,tli •
never realliknow
the thrill of "rolling.
your -Own!! until you do an
roll. Yes,,sir,, you can "bank" op.
Ogden's with solely. ,It's got per-.
fect taste appeal.- ii:s cooler,
Milder, more fragrant every time;
, Pilot yourself to pleasure l -Try an
Ogden's rol land don'tforget to use-
the best papers,- like.,9-Vegue
of It Chantecler.1!
Pipe- •
. Cut
Fut re .
Held bit .Czechs
President • Renes of ciechoslo.
vakiais Rsited.Arnong World's:-,
Best Diplpinits.%,
•of .07,Oclicialovikia-gpea;'•
' flashing -across the: NtapciOnd's of 'an'
, angry' sky a dOzen titnes'*day.
,, • This :little, rePribliche ast„
i..2atandof,„.deind.eratty in Gentral..and.". •
, pastern Ein.ope-•-•ii a'grave danger
spot 4:poteritial..though
c,atis'e;of 'war.., ' '• • , o" •
' Attlee Are.''Doubt,ful.
• ...We' alse hear inuCh Of Nazi -Ch1et-
ttin Hitler
and his rePorted designs
' 'on his, small.. neighbor;; we learn -
that his brother 'dictat.er 'and ally,
Signor MussolinI,, h ,bestoWed;
h1essisgs- onthe, Gernian 'program .
:or .estausion; ,tiritain,,,chkraPiOn of
swell • nationt. and, 'deinoCracy,
. „ ,
.':inalteS 'it 'clear 'shecannot help.,
ests are, inVelted; • e•ten.. France,
• godniother. ocif 'CzechOsiolral4a, 'IS
Unai1e.1 to: protect.. the 'young, nation- ;
...eircepting in. case, of direct 'attack
• All:these things .are, heating in.. -
1 our ears''but of ,the „ene Irian who '
Upon his Shoulders .inthie
;,sis Perhap,ta greater responsibility'
' than alrthe rest' We hoar scarce a •
word; Eduard Benet; • go-.founde'r
• and.opr4iriellt..of.-CZ;echosleValtia..-
•-,He Must Make Decision
He is.the.:„Solometi•Wlieninat
eide whether' his:. country shall stir -
render Hi IndePeridente without a
-..fight, i .Whetherif shall send that ,
• drack arm' into the:field. 'Be is•
the: Pav14. UrliO,:i8•facilig Goliath all
but aloneL-kor the days
;iVe securit-y are done and -he Can',"
:get nco•help, froth Geneva. , .
Benes gOia," so, Indi. go 'the:
of his: equipment for •tliis
task? 'Ile has , a. ,brilliant„. Welt:
•'trained raind:,: He is a fighting:: •
man of .,Peade: He is so, clever as
a `diplontatlity that he is credited .,
_w(th heirig one.'of
nfig.otiatoes his.day., •6
anana. Charrilion
. ,
Erpe8t Tikina.bit, o tatinee,stOh), ,
chanmion at
, •
-*sport 'of -banana eatirrgWir
',large' crowd,including'to p
.oilieers,as witneSses, he dispose(
ei 12 eighr-inch intnanaii. in ,65.
seconds,. and --,was Still hungt.,-
Add en :cqual amount of
erentii, .cikreer oil, to
Miriarcrs, evict .appls, the
mixture once d4i1v...A
.ple treatment which wild,
2e ' 'Clear u'p your skiIii
. •
'The Sai.Vatiom Army , :Froth'
Jacklows Point; -Lake Ssc,oe
*he'te arinually hunilreds of, untlet-PrIvileged ChIlarlA Are
1Cneficiat hffitidayPeried undert trained. stiperNiaion.
. Redr.eat1011 and' lisfructi�n Arnid Plea'sant Surroundings -
Please -sendyour cheque to: , • .
tommIssroNER CEO L CARPENTER 1.0..ACiltit1St
`' • TORONTO , •
'REmEmBERTh. sAINATfON''Xitm. ,YClibtA
••'S •
Turkeys -Capital
Twenty Years Ago, 1,918! An.
gora Wks Just An Over.
, ...Angora, the capital of illurky,••
• was -ii 1918 an overgrown. village&.
perched on the Steep' and rugged' :
01,1ni' hoilrlesidoPr.:1Tssgf
• 87 .
desert; withotit any sort of vegeta-
--' tion but With plenty of.malairiOue,,'
i7dfimee .01:1;‘,,a`T.tlieie.r.esuTc.,'paisyPhoi\Vs abtee;n;:
• key . problem of: niedein Angorn*
• 411ticiiiig (Nes' nearly '
of 'Stront 20,000, .living'
Most primitive. conditions, Was. the
puojeus:of the new: caPital, . • •
• .,Poietilatitin of •435,000'•
.tOtiay, twenty 'years later, 'says
Writer -lin the Times •of',14,67ndOn,. •
A13n5g,eoroao.haAs upgO ladtAiorrn, :!),"fc:o
• oaAiiing7t
about, 75,000,000.' 'French francs',
is 1n:inking, filtered, water. te the "
town and irrigating the Couritry
• ,Side by genereus canals;'d:Wide,
...payed,. tree -planted Pouleyerds
' form a spinal basis to ah :adequate
modern:- road . system. panics,
:apartment houses,' private •cilArell-.
ings,' cinemas, and shops line the .
Streets', and :the largeSt Of. two •
theatrekkelda 1,000' people.
fanned toniVructiOn Unique.,
One of. -the most interesting Mi.;
, . •
.nicipal civil schemes to be seen in..
• any capital, 'cornPrising.. the, Main,
government buildings.and-rithst Of
-theembassies and diplorniitic
denceqhas been Planned at 4..cbilt•••
Plete • un'it;'' and stf.etchea up to-
. ward the,grOunds �f:the residenCe •
of ..
ea and. beyond ::this %new. CreationAli this p1di'ried cthittutio.-
'has ootrie, alliy-entheiftinent;701-te.,--,
4-;:the.strongett cOntrattt possible
; •
to the neWdother in...Anatolia: is to ,
:travel tile ,350'xiiiies .
, bul, across plains and 'valleys.
ered fn sitOW, .passing ' •thteugh
'A9'easan,t• villages :'Pd clay-buM. ,•
farms" of -the poorest and., '
then' to sep:: from the ; trairrinto
.Ithe 'elegant *Ei#11)g hall of An-
gola StatiOn$, and to &Id 'Outside
:.the *tiller) 'O:f slefidet.,;„ brass -00p -
ped columns arm* xf luFurionslY
Ao:e:a.ibdzo14rionsitiesi, the: Angora
top Swanning
the 'bees' meth:id
off_proPagating race,• and at:
onetime the -greater the .miniber
.Of. 'swarths, that, isstied 'from
apiary the.' .mere. 'suceessful• was
th.e • owner, considered'. as,
, 'keeper. NaturalsWarr.ning. and
-honey ,predgetiort, ..lieweyer; . are:.
not coloPatiblei. therefore, '• the:'•'
niodern.. beekeeper'. Seeks to sup-
press the, former, and thusin-
,SuppreSsion, howeVer, states.13,.. •
*. Gooderhatu, DominionAPiar;
natural AWarinitig 6CeUrs -far .
ttiofreqtientIy,especially in popt=4
,• ' •H.. •
'.Events', Leading Op.!'"
*-The events, leading up, to
.Syvarrning ;ire briefly as follows
Upon the.,""aPProacli of spring:the:.
;queen. of the c'elo,ny, reitines her.,
Work Of egg -laying. At firSt eggs
are feta ft't syorker'cell1s only, ,and
thegiAri diie course prod.qee work.•
et ;bees: , As '-the' :spring advances
and new • lie,cter;'• and pollen 'are :
[gathered ,fteiri the early fibiver.s„.
gifeater,rininber of 'eggs ,are laid
,daily....COnsequentlY. • as new hest '
emeige, the ,:eoictitY hecomet, •
stronger Stronger. '- Asit
..--,'•,-ereases in sfi•eligth,- de:tines or male. '
.r-beesJ.M.re .produced. . the, '
111 nest beeonies. denge.Sted• .
N3•ith bees, breed, and
new. cfneen cellstare 'started hi
• the queen., . Will ultimately
eggs:, The eggs initch in: ,
special food for ','appt•oxiiiiately.'•
.five'371(1'half i.13 -,"
First. And SOrondarjr 'Sw:ar.trS,
, , .
' ; Onthe sixth day, kepi, othe
hatching of the egg, t.he ';),iirvad
.;xre full,grown and tO.V0It5COtt
taining them 'a're„then. sealed •over,
this is. th'e time ,usuall'V, chosen ...by
the beei to. ,•sv,har,m. tIrs
• wfq. consrs:t be. tho, and
Ar large percentage .'of: the
bbes'of the volony and heoatHe of
't 'an I P DSZat t ot. ri:rary
Swarni, Ltift in the'Parent. hive
litre the' very: youog tiets; brood in
:all stages anil yobng queehs
in their 'cells! About eight days
after. the printati" 87.&,1-t1ni• ,reaVes
-the hive% the- filst qr yoUng • .
cint.'ens. •:ohl01'g'0,d f r6111
het; Cell provided -the` \veitJier
is stiitahle, is.'readV .tO,rlead ont A
svcon duly s5,111118
' '111k blOSS'IVe rfielVit elt)(14
1177 03lnk'o'7.p:' 75itAllift1lf;.;§"1114
In.,11.4 • in !whi'eVI
fbirez33ey're!4 57'7376 t1t s- 7i,1d9
,anit betas. ,