HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-06-09, Page 5°
SdATURDAY, NIGHT Ta'VO SHOWS' •:7.46 and 9 45;`; p;m..
YOU'LL GOsAsiouvEu*aro J0'11
$ION, ADULTS ; 35c; ` ,HILDREN 20c.
Tues., 'Wed •:
June, 1•
"Yf ou're. On!y Youn . Once"
. g:
'< � _�,. •.:'. AI_ ';'ter: •.. w•' -
COLORED ; CARTOON ' and. •;A $DY4.
• CLYDE �Dv M ,
• 'Several from ' Dungannon attended.
• g n
the .funeral' on ; Tuesday of ' the late
Stephen Stothers of . Goderich, : who
passed 'away at 'the ageof•86 years.
Those. attending were mostly consins,
of, the . deceased and were nemely:
• Miritrs..Thos..Stot eere, Jas. Davidson,
Mr.and'Mi Root, Davidson, Mr
Thos.:' Wiggins, Mrs. ' Rebecca ' Cald-
well. arid: Mrs. 'Wm.' Stothers, - Mrs.
' Stephen •Stothers. and min- Will . Sato:
Both Mr. Stephen Stothers and -Mr.
Wm: Baile '
of Goderich :who recently:
died at about the .same • age. were pie-
neer•tfariners • 0 south of : Dungannon
an ill : s
........ _.d. �! ... be mis e_d, by old :friends..
Frienda tovisit recently .with.Mr.
and Mrs. Ed..Scruton were Mr. Frank
Heard of'Clinton ••Misses Betty Thom -
,:•. u
:.a, s, D.o et n da• McMan s and -,Jkan 'xCyle
of :Goderieb..
number. of:citizensavaied the
'selves . of . the • opportunity' of ' seeing
that wonderful :motion'P icture "The
Life 'of 'Christ" at Lucknow on Sister-.
day night and :`which : was . given also,
at Goderich Sunday evening. . •
We•, extend sympathy, to. Mrs'• Bert
Bradford in the loss . of her.: father,
•Mr.,•,, 'ThosShields„ Saltford Mr.
Shields,a native of the Nile,.. will, be.
• missedany old friends and ac-'
• quaintances in, the_ village and`• vicin•-.
' Rev.' T. It and Mrs. • • Turner an&
• :faMily'-have returned after attending
' the 'London Conference held at ':Chat-
ham. Mr. Turner hire• been pastor of
• the United Church for the past three
.years and at Conference was', appoin-
ted to' 'beep charge: at ,Lambeth near.
London. and Rev. and Mrs. Edgar; dill
'froi`n Ravenswood are coining to
' gannon.
Friends will' be pleased to know
• • Mrs 'Wm. Bagley of Leamington, ,who
'underwent an operation three, weeks,
ago is 'recovering ,nicely.
Miaa Verna`' Anderson spent , the
week -end With her grandmother Mrs;
J Irwin and. aunt, Mra. O{eo. Lawlor,
Auburn. 1 , ' .
• Mrs, . Wm.,' Bray, returned to her•
home "after a 10 -day visit with 'reh=
tives at-"Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs.:R. Uurninreturned
home after &.pleasant visit with Mr...
•Durnin's,,three brothera & :families at
„Greet y Falls, • Montana. They returned
,.little sooner. owing ,.the serious
illness, of Mrs. Durnin'e' father, Mr,:
Crawford` at Port Albert • We are
glad to report, his. -condition is quite
a ,jorii Proved lately.; '
°.'-Mr• and_ -:Mrs:. Robt. wDe ell. and:.
granddaughter. Jean Scott of Win
barn were visitoi;s on Sunday With Mr,
rid Mrs: Bich: Park. • ' '.
wHI■ EcIfIvrIeH
Mr. and Mrs. ,Win. Rone of Tees.,
water spent a day last weelt,''With her
daughter' Mrs. Jaines.. McInnes. .•
Mr. and Mrs:, Richard McWhinney'
of Dungannon visited . recently with,
Mr., and Mrs. Albert 'Patterson.
Mrs. Jack 'Flanagan and Miss
Clrissy;•Inglis of Toronto, arevisiting
their -parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
There will 'e. no service in the
Presbyterian church
here on ;Sunday
owing to the anniversary in .the.' iJni-
ted. c•hurch, -m•orning and• evening. ;
Little Patsy• :McMillan, youngest
dabhter f
g o., Mr:....and .:Mrs: _John-M�-
]la is:• 'ck
n si '• 'Ilene o for
We e an' .early
+ecovery` .
Quite a number frem hereattended
Y -when -Bee. ,•daIa. ,
Boyle • of Blyth re ch . ed•
Y p a.
Mr.labs nd
a John, hn Littleo �.
f Ash-
field :visited recentl • : with 'Mr: and.
Mrs,Albert Patterson:
:MissHelen en M ntos
cI ha
f nco
V r
is spending ;a few weeks; with •,Tier
Mrs. Albert' Mc I 1 •
, �ixi lin:.and
other 'relatives 0
Messrs. Kennet ' Laidlaw, Bert
Cull; or
m e
Re so
Falconer i
Coner; Mrs.
Cecil; Falconer of this • community,
and • Miss' Y Ingersoll,
Murphy of I g 1
spent a fewdays last week` at De-•
troit: •
Mr, David •Glenn, 'ho was quite • ill
and reoved, o Goderich Hospital two
weemks' ago, ' s , showing rro • signs of
improvernent, and anxious friend's : are
waiting for.:a better change.
Mr's. Dan Beckle .of Toronto visitod
Mrs,. A. B. Pentland and other friends•
at the end ,Of, the: week. •,
Mr...Peter, Wotherspoon, a young
man :from Toronto, 'spoke' on "Temper:.
,anter'n. at the moral g worship at. the'
United ;ted Chinch. At t e -°venin
g service
Mr, Bert :Whyard, :delivered a• ry
•good'. address.. Mr.'. Wotherspoon also
assisted .with the readings: While: fere
he was the•guest'of Mr.• and"Mrs..Don-
aid Fowlers•:
The play "Eyes of Love” was, pre
seated' 1by .the. Blyth. Dramatic' Club
in the Parish half 'on Friday; night
Under the,• auspices of the Dungannon.
Agricultural' ;Society: Notwithstand-•.
ing that there•'weski .great, many'at-
tractions at nearby .paints; a • fairly
large' audience enjoyed•• the three=act
drarria; which :was 'welt enacted; the
different. roles being especially well
played. 'The „audience: was entertained
between acts, with a pleasing .solo'by
Mrs. • Philips of Blyth 'and Mrs. W.
Mills' also of Blyth "gave' a. splendid
and Mrs Rich; Gardner,: Luck..: reading: At thee end of'the, play, a
now, 'visited - Mrs. Harkley and• dab= dance, . followed, ,The "Craig orches-
gl ter, .Mra Fitzgerald on Sunday, the tray'. of SCAuggstine, : fu'rriished" the
" music.
latter Couple returning with themetill • � ;, ,
Tuesday., `
Miss tuella Black is visiting, with NO At Goderich•
Mer aunt `Mrs Marx,.. b tt: Steph.` • t t
rr S5;.,died. at . God
�... ► _ Ri a p_ s.n
The anniversary service of Erskine eipich' on•. Sunday;, a, few 'days after
Presbyterian •Chuirch' will be held on suffering a weak spell while work-
Sunday next at 3 p,m, and 7:30 pail. ing in Ills- g'a •den. torn at Dungannon,
and will' .lie In charge of Rev: Mi', ,fol•• lotty years lie Conducted a black.,
Wilson of Faisley. ;smith shop in. Goderich.
H i,N.RaQJI►
' 1}Zr. and. Mrs W. Eadie 'Doris; and
Lorne and: 'Miss By' a ."Culbert, spent
Sunday at;- Mr ^ Wm: McPherson's,•
Milverton.: • •
Mies Helen. Valad celebrated her
birthday, -having a few friends in' for
tea on Sunday evening.
lair;, Alvin ,Graham .spent; the week
end,at, his,, hen* at Tara::'
Mrs, and lairs Kohler, Jane'. and Bob
of Toronto spent. the week -end at Mr.
Ernest 'Ackert's. ' ' °' . -
Mr and Mrs. • , slie `Harris, Marie,
,Leona,, Jurie,. LOnerd and Beverley
of Strethroy,,,spent the week -end': at
Mr. Thos. Harris'....
Mrs; A1mer Ackert :entertained:, the
W A,. ons Tuesday. ;
• Mr Gordon Statters Of, Oakville,
,$•pnt; the, ' week end = at ,:the •Statter's,
• •
Mr.. and Mrs. John Jamieson . ,of
Paramount, Miss Greta 'Campbell • of
Lucknow, Mr:;and Mrs. C. E. Wilson
and Kenneth of Saskatoon; Messrs.
Lorne Culbert • and Reggie Broom
were Sunday visitors. at Mr. Thos..
,Who- Caused , Ontario's
Accident Toll.'Lasa- Year?
'Department p ment Figures.Revesl"That 98%.
Of20,90?, Drivers Involved In ..Ac
cidents Last Year Had Clean Driv
ing Records:, -Death. Toll In -Ontario
Was 766 Lives. ` •
• Last year in Ontario, according; to
the accident records of e•'Depart
Ment. of Highways, 766''thpeople :lost•
heir lives •and 12;692' were injured in
motor vehicle ' accidents on. the streets
and,' highways -•.of, this. pretence..._
These figures, ° ares faets=they' do,
not. lie. They cannot . be,:jeg -ed,; ha3�
statisticians to maize the picture any
better or any worse. But -these figures
are more than teeth. They' are people
,Thirty-nine of'ose kl3e .were happy
llittle: children:' of four, years or less.
One hundred 'and eighteen. were eld-
erly people, of 66' or more. All, of them
were folks you knew or folks: like
diose who: live- next door ; or down the
street,' er in the next: !sleek.' They were
children: and-parentsswro` were • loved
dearly -people`, on whom the "sun rose
and: set" for someone.
You Can juggle these figures • until
Doonisday,, and • you' • .wi11 still : get
exactly the same -answer. 'And -loss of
life and • limb' was completely :useless:
Those: children;' did not die to advance
the cause • of science-that„otiier; little
children •might. live. Those` grown-ups
did . not :' die to ' rotect. • their homes.
P. me
and country froma foreign invader_
that their children.:and gennerations
to, come'` might'lrve inCpeace d.anse-
curity:; There was no reason in the.
:wdrldfor 'them• to die as they did. •
Here .is : what the:. Ontarioa trident.
gures �=fo ..4937:tell ru
s 'and 'there`
`can'`be no' denying •. thei `truth
That • most: drivers:'involved in all•
accidents~ had five •.years': ;or ' more
experience ' .behind •the
P :.. wheel:.
That s , most of
t ' these .•drivers were
betweeiar the ages of '25 • and 40 not:
yogng.:enough to be :called , "whipper-.
snappers" or "flaming 'youth" ' and:
not old enough to :•be .called . "dod-
derers".or "old fogies."
That Most ri
d vers were in. in. normal
physical andmental. condition=not
in•: a' drunken stupor;' not ,asleep at the
wheel,, 'not in the throes' of an'epi.
eptic fit: •:••
: That most cars were. going straight
-not defying death by •trying'kto pass'
other 'ears on curves or hills.
That most cars were in good mech..
anical . `'condition, . With't four-wheel
brakes andballoon tires, and most of
thein *eke' paseriger 'cars=riot• old
'.`jallopies"'that •sho'uld be in the junk-
yard, nor" •huge `'transliert • trucks• that
we may sometimes think • take, more
than•=their, fair share: of the highway.
That in inost,cases the weather was
clear, it was : daylight, the road was'
paved and in good condition ,• and the
surface, was dry—pe chance to blame,
the rain 'or 'fog, the" ,dark, . a bunipy
road or- icy pavement. •' •
And that 984` of• the 20,907,drive -s
volved in `accidents had clean., dile.
. "r
So, besides ' worr in about g the,•
t-an'd-run and unk
the dren' drivers;
must worry about ourselves *hen
get ,l�ehirid' the' wheel of a car and
art out :forts pleasant•journey:.on the
ghway, or, even -if `'we' are jest driv
g; dower to"•tile corner tor . a pound*
teaor loaf of: bread. •
For..it is, we "•that' 'rea ._
g t armth
n'vrmal, eareful drivers: who have
'never done anything' .,more •seribwl•
than : dieting someone's... fender' or
scraping his buiiper, "who •are 'likely'
to' be respelisiblet•for the most of the'
deaths and ageidents in:1038' ori Ont-
ario's • streets and highways.
Rev O. A Crswan;.. who �,hi1s:::. rayls
istered 'at Port Begin fbr'•nine years;,
and- 1x a "few weeks age; conducted
'the -niothing.'se"rVice in the' .Claire'
, d
Ch geh here, has accepted • a call to
1{iii' svulth. ,
Mr John McQuilhn . Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Mc., urllrii and• Mr, Frank .Mc-:'.
Quell 1 attended. the, Graduation ex
ercises Of' the • Stratford general Hoa-
'pital• ori. Wednesday, when Mies Flor-
,enee McQuillin' was :a, member of the
'graduating class. Florence, is , to be
congratulated .en *receiving the award,
for the Highest marks .in paediatrics.
A• spree did meeting •of the W:ornenre
Institute *as held in the.• Community'
Hall on; -Thursday afternoon, when.
.many members 'of both- the 'Lucknow
and St.' Augustine- Institutes were
guests., Mrs, W A. Miller, president
•of the local Institute presided over.
the interesting: program, whi6h in7
chided a • report of the `Girls'', Confer
erice held at Guelph,, 'prepered•; by. the
delegates, Vera : 'Taylor and Freda
Rintoul, the . latter . report being pre-
sented by Annie Watson; a reading
by ;little. Miss Gwendolyn Finnigan of
St. Augustine;, . solos by Mrs.: Horace
Aitchison and MI's.. Philip Stewart;' a
reading. , byrs: Archie;- Paterson; a
piano duet by Mrs.. W. Fowler and
:Mrs Norman .Wilson and a 'splendid
talk on "What h would like to •pos-
ses's at -00”; by Mrs. It.. •L: Treleaven;
allLu k'
of c. now: At' the "conclusion, a
contest was enjoyed and ,a.social hour
spent over the tea
Mrs. E. J. Thom, Mrs. E. W, Rice
Mrs. W. Miller, Misses Mildred
'McQuilhn and Vera. Taylor, , Mrs.
Lorne• Woods,.. Mrs D.: Todd, Mrs; D..
C. McDonald, Mrs 'George Stuart
and Mrs. 'Cranston attended the an-
nual • meeting of the West. Huron 'Wo-
Men's Institute at Blyth on Friday.
Mr Neely Todd et; Stratford was
a ;week -end, visitor at his. horse 'bere.:
Mrs R.: "K Miller; `Mrs. `W: "E,:'Gor='
don; Mr. and• Mrs. W.' I. Miller; Mr
4tiixl -Ml's "T. J: ""SKlke r-rir s 'tom
Todd and,. Anne,)and: DI"rs W
iille> andAllaifwere at Goderich n,
Saturday,; • "when many relatives a d
friends gathered 'at• the:.•home of Mr_
J. W, Salkeldto; do horror to'aiirii ion
the occasion of his 80th "birthday
Plans are being- made for the• an-
neal", United, Church Garden .Party. on
Friday,' June 17th, ,when the White-
church •young ::people -..will -:-• 'rp..esent
their play ?'Dollars ,or 'Cabages".
Owing: to the anniversary services,
in: 'Whitechurch. :United Church on
Sunday, .°there: will he no;-se'rviceak in
.the church here.with theexce' tion'o
P f
Sunday: school 'which . will meet,' at
,,The Meeting 'of the . Y.: P.• U. : was
'held on; Sunday ' evening ''with, Isobel
Miller; :the president, in
the ch air.
Wilfred Ramage read.. the scripture
lesson and the. topic "The Place and
value:at in•'one' lif ",, Wes
•,� s e as
taken 'Uy Cuyler Re/liege.:
Mr. and Mrs. !Arnold'Barbour, ' Miss.
Dorothy Barbour' arid,Ilobb �.h' '
y P iliips;
`Mr.. and Mrs `Clarence Barb"
our of
Fergus and Mr.. and 14Irs. Wn#r •Do -
gherty and•.Gwendolyn of Guelph were
recent visitors with Mrs 'R:: J. Woods.
Miss' Dorothy' Barber is. remaining for
the Week.
•Mr. and Mrs. HarveY.'Anderson' of
Ashfield were recent visitors with Mr.
and Mrs.' Harvey Webb.
Mr. Jack McDonald of :Leamington
wasa visitor with.. friends here. +.
'.The Twelfth annual ,Huron Count
Live Stock Judging .'Competition' will
:be held in 'the `Clinton district : • on'
Friday, rune, 30th., All boys in the
County twenty-six' years, sof age and
under are 'eligible to• compete' and the
prize ,list is divided ,both, Junior. and
Senior section, All contestants must
register at the '. Agricultural office,:
Clinton; between '8:0.0 A. M, arid' 8.30"
A. • M.on the morning of the . Compet-
ition; ,
• Contestants will be ' required ' . to
judge' ten ,classes ;of • live .stock' and
oral • reasons will be given on five
classes.A 'total `off $30,00' in cash
along with two silver .trophies' and
ten book prizes will be ,awarded, and
the judges.`,will be `supplied by the
Department of Agriculture.
Mr; and Mrs. Will Helm arid -child -
ten visited friends in •Clinton •on Sun-•
Mr. Lloyd Hunter ; •and • sister
Mrs: Jno,•:McKinnon and Jean of Tiv-.
erton, spent Sunday pith ;their.. par-
Mr, any-..
d Mrs.• A. Wilson of Luck-
neMw r,,were,unvisitors
'and Mrs Rob' Ritchie.
Jos. Helm ofw,spent• .
.few days last week with hi's son'RAbt:'`
'and .' ` ' Mrs. Ritchie •
Mr. arid Mrs. Geo. Same
eat _ ia1. " tof Ripley
'spent' a d y last week with friends; in
:this': i darty.
Mr. Thos, Helm of Tivertdn accom-
panied. by•h{s' son Be0rt :and Mrs., helm
and children were guests' of Mr.. and
::Mrs A:• Helrn
. Mr,' Ed, Maette zie.
� e and• >1t#ss Em1
'ma • MCDonagh •:of ;Lbiidon.' 'visited
*Hit, Mr and: Mrs; 'C:' E. afeti tray' h
'ove'r the week. end'. g
TRmlinson .Expects ,Report. To
Be Submited Will Contain. Several ;.
Important . ChanSes--Civil' Service:;
Salaries Are Approximately , $77,,
The Special Comniitte on the Ci`i'
Service Act,, of which I am:` a member,,
•rias ' been ' .sitting f or 'three months,:
The ealaries paid the Ci=vil' Service of
Canada are approximately $71,000,000'
per year,. and ,naturally, we have been
delving into the difficulties arising';'
out ofa
app intmenis made by '.the •
Civil 'Service. Commission; Although
our . ,Chairman, -Mr., 'Jean Francois
Pouliot, is .tempestuous at:'times;->he
has allowed :the Committee 'tot thor
oughly investigate ,the -'workings, of
the Commission
Y The; submissions 'made have been
varied and 'nuinerous, and I think
when the Report is submitted it will
contain- many important 'changea for
the benefit of , the peopfe of Canada
generally,, and especially for the
young men and women who desire
to enter the, Service. ..
.I might mention that one criticism-
that has been levelled' at the Work
ings of. this Act is 'that it "seems to be
centred ; in and about Ottawa, and::
that positions P shave not been advert-.
ised ' througout the Dorn#pion, • espee
'ially in the rural parts of the country,
sufficiently.' for the young people to '
know when the positions are open,
so that they might have an,opportun-
ity of writing the examinations '
There is also the 'question.. as . to
whether the ,merit: system has' been
carried out in the past . in filling all
positions. and in making' promotions.
There , iS, too, the question ai ''.to
'whether -,.small -positions;=. -in :wWhich
there is' no: promotion, and which do
not-,realiy,•require any•special know-;:
ledg,, should`come` .tinder the' Civil'.
Service . Act, or if they should be 'ex
empt:and filled by the member of the',
day. Apparently 'the. majority ,of dif-1
ficultieo arise out ; of these verysmall'
appointments, f
ntmen . I
. PP ts, which affect the ;count
're's ••
I will have more to ;report on this
aiubject when.: evidence is being stud-
ied by the •sub,Committee of which
I . am also a member: .
• .r
Friends •of Mrs. H. GrifSth,are'glad.I{
t� know :that. I'
. she is recovering. from _
:a.,.brief illness.' Gawley of Purple.
Grove is assisting. in the home
:Mr.. Fred "Bushell, ' •who, has • been
employed .in •To onto
P Y r is enjoyinga'
two viweeks holiday at':hrs: home -here.
Mr.' -',and 4
Mr, and Mrs:..W. _J. Barrett,
have ,Seen visitingthe •: latte
. h latter's' par,
ents Mr. and Mrs.. Noble Herri an,
left :on Thursday to ire f urn to ` their.
.,n, .Cala
f g rY
arid a is.'�J. 'Buchanna '
M n of St. �•�. •
Jaciibs,,were„week-end visitors' at the
Brown ".home. here.: • M.rs:: Brown
Mr: . re-
turned ito St. Jacobs with:them .for
home aa
visit. �'
Mr 'Paul McCall and son John of
Toronto, v
isited Mrs. .1: Sturgeon here •
duringthe week, the former reai-ing for a longer visit.
The ; ball game played,here on Fri=.,
da y evening,' between Bernie and Kin-
rf teams was ..n ' ..
ga Won by the K#ngarf,
.rb,Y :a' Telephone CALL
July August . Ser+tember ... 3 months;
3.iunporthnt valuable: months before this
farmer can work again.: Had the doctor'
treated his burned • arm' immediately: after .`1
.the. accident. trident, there: would ' hrlite 'been ao
infection .• . But there was . no telephone:..
to . call a7,doctor. This farmer has learned a
., lesson. He has a telephone'now '—• and has
thus! ,insured his home and
family against emer `caries.
fOR .
Routes and
Modern and od r Well -Kept
uu 111 J
i .
cash,to to iiz up
our hbusee wad•
Wins, ou:.can:. borro•
, y w the,
W.hat ;an`air"
oofor., ne '
8d cessary funds; under, the •
tune is•
presented c • ^,.
•p d o the passer- ' Honig Im •rove�eaC Pia '
we'll-conziitio.ned ;;,' available
it .way one of our
newly' painted; modernized. 0
P 5 0 branches.. We
.are co-op-
farm• buildings: "-They add.
erating heartily a
n : hamc; and ;
sacral i Lai: e5' _farm m lin .row '
. The .t
- P
erns •
to • farms:
.,•are. convenietit.. Ask for: our
you have. .
bapklec on' Home
• • P
Im rows • .,
:riot'. thebeady meat Loans.
"a bank.where .ma!! acrouair.are welcosit
odet8, Experienced BankingService'; ... the Ouay., o,
120 ,Years' Stuceuful Operation
• When you drive, too slowly ;your
attention wanders—so does your
car. When you're on a main •high
way f-- keep moving at 'a steady
pace. If for any :reason you must •:
drive exceptionally, slowly— keep.
well over to; the ' right so that
.normal traffic Can pass you easily,.
and without danger . or use the
Side roads leaving mainhighways
unobstructed. A slow, inattentive.
driver is often' just as
dangerousas a recklessly
•-. ej)Aeding driver. '
. ONTARIO. _ :.
Motor Vehiaee Brame,.