HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-06-09, Page 4PAU:POUR
ugoor swronsi
A .
from . LucKsOvi,..
Frh "S4tii 1„7,1t1 T; Oshawa,
Brockville, 4ing8Presetot
Morri_sh4rt. CaVawad. L4aucaY, -Paterhordr. PenetaiR. tmllinieWood,
Meaferd, Barrie, • Orillia, Midland, Qravenhurst, Eracebridget, Hants -
vine CallandOr, NI:MO) Bay, • Sedbury. Geraldton, Beardinere
Also to Brandon', Chatham, -
/one 10' 1 0 1 010110 pnrhani, Goderich, Kaln=.
ilton, Kincardine Kitchener, London,' St', Catherines, Sarnia,
Southampton, Stratford. •WO9dstOck.
• See handbilla fOk'COMpleta list of destinations. •
For fares return WARS train: Information tickets,: ete,„ consu
• nearest Agent.- " T1'64B
,, 1937 DODGE COACH, ONLY..; op mots, .
4, loop tioppE SEDAN DELuxp, watt, NEW • • .
,l, 1936. ticoppz .coAcil. LIKE NEW.
1,1935 cliEV. mAsfrEa, COACH,- 26,000 MILES
;1, 1930:PONTIAC SEDAN" • - •
1, 1930 'WHIPPET' SEDAN'
/..; 1929 ,WHIrPET co.Not
‘1; .1920 DURANT, SEDAN
- 1, loza copy. COACH.. REAL GOOD
'WM:WE .69!'
• •
• GODEItICH, ,comr.
. .
Motion To, Hive Minutes
Pubhshed 00-$0, ,Sicendfr
.Ashftplii„ *ay*`,26tht
Aslifield-council inet n aboVe dat,e
°mn 11 leo' rflsg,tPar7:8tee 411::11:41174:aillPIT
Several Bond ,.Company sent bids,
sale but none, 'was aeceRtel.
On the rexPel.mat elle:refl. for
Melted hi .Jjrnst,on and Fraypetba
./c6;111,ntaliaerits,,r4foorir Jenli.44hd:1Tre,ath
.12 nrer. decided. 'that. 44 Pr Sell at, anY
Utfor 90 hr .me,reer-carrit4
• ,
Ir. ,Potts of ' tucl,. -1•1914fill9P-. Boad
Machinery •Qonipany , aoderiek
`dressed council' Tegarding a 'power
grader; No.. action • at; present
• Wrii, Stothere of Dungantion offered
t�: /•iiy, „thefive 'idiares. by the
Twpin. the -Driving 'Pnik, „Left for
next Plieeting; ,
' • Joe Kerr:, gravel contractor, asked
t� -be' allowed fourteen. days leave 44,
absence twin, the *ravelling'*anted
on motion of ,Anderson and Joinsten.
BY -14W number 6, was duly passed
Motion..,of Johnston and Culbert.:
The Weekla Parliament
R. T4041,1NSON;
Pavid '.4aciarSaa o Carlow,
:01r0311e, week -end a Mtbome .bee.
C4:1•1°47;4.*: th4 14;44"t fla!Utre'.7$7..oall4Z
440, 'heekangaged tettalt foY the.
cotalag.' '.YeaP- "Saike101..34601.7
sei4ing thls Took lit her innne.
ftitchio,!PTAa.' she. ,is to be un,.*
each OW, aftc;i0g..,tailag Cont4W4'
to 1,:!ed t,er the. PaBt.„ at; .weeks.
• 'Ur,' god Bradford' of
qederieh; 'Mis4es, ,Elsie and Minnie
.8ne9l1 Of"Anbtirn :were gueat. of Ar!.
and Mre. Hoh.tirAnclrew on Sunday,
Mr 'DaVid. 'Andre*, of ..'Vermillun,,
'Altot.la; io .at :present * visitor with
nther Mrs,,,"I‘Okad Andrew, and,
bis • Otat.Fr, Xra...„'OPT406;1(irkiliad..10
lOrltioad, ' • •
i4.: Johzi}felrn has to. remain In
bed for a„ emige .of. Weeks, 'suffering
..846*OeraNvtii.,•h;:04:na:et,a4.1.,01C' angsraega,ntin74:!:, h9Pe
• , • . •
, Mr. enuf, Mrs., Jim. Gardner 'of
• With tbe
Cfo 0:r t ngGet,144444r,,. parents1Br 11;41. r P!.
Mrs, Jan .Bar, Key on4. Mre.,
gea1d of Dungannon . were 'itisitori
this weeic with ,Mrso Richard' Gardner.
W. G. Reed Of '11.spid '9444.
1Pont.MhiiilaY' With Mx; and Mra. Will
Gardner, •
• • ' •
, •
• MAFE.11,1140
.:FRIDAY„, -.The big1igbt. df today's
sitting, was the •arinonncement h7; tne
?eine Minister that after the yoato
of life, the Bank of :Canada:17 to 17;
,.ome a publiely owned institntion. At
present the .",GoVerrinient 'Awns 0.170"
of the stock but now propose to buy
tiutthe whole Works. 'rhe shareholders
will' be: paid- the. prevailing., market
price for their stock. The Leaderof
the nPosition has this session leaned
tewarda. Public ownerehiP and has
said in effect that when the bank was
set up the course taken WI'S' the only
justifiable one, but that had .he re-
mained In. office he . Would have
brought' about completo public own-
,. NOYed by Frairie that the minute • rshi..
of the 'meeting:in Lucknow, may 18,
also all meetings .be published in the
oderich' . and LueknoW papers,' the
• week following • the meetings.—Not
seconded.. ,• • .
The fo1i9Win* 'binwere, ordered
' paid • on motion of Johnston. and
Frayne 1 ----James E. Culbert, alance
eider", $5.00; pegage., ' $2.40, 37.40;
Lyle Gayner; boinity on killing stray
•' deg '$§,00; .I. A. MeDoiagh,, prenfium
on treasurer bond 06.08;„:tountY .01
Huron, hospital account, $1.56.05.•
, Council then adjourned on 'motion
•iv41:4!,) 'granted to yoneLlIgunri', '
of. lidri; Munn andithe. late 3. Munn,
-..-Itel---ailWO-fteininunit one a e n o Y, m grt, elase 1, w e
Iversity- Western •Ontario,. London, t,he degree of cioctor of medicine will of Reeve and, Mrs. Duncan Munn of
show • that degrees in honor Courses be conferred on John D. Munn, son' Ripley,
rm em era=
erever and wheriever it has been tried, rsohi-
..bition has failed . anyone who is ;sayable of
learning fromexperience must realize by now that
people cannot be made good by law.
Yet there is a constant flow of propaganda seek-
ing to prejudice the Public against the present
sensible system of government control.
lt is better to educate the individual in se
disciplifie and self-control - than to attempt im-
possible prohibitions. ,
Such education is the object of this series of ad-
vertisements. We sincerely commend it to those
genuinely -interested in thecauseof temperaUce:
T . T .....
."1 am:Certain that if 1 had beeril at *Ir., Vtiz;zi-
vAi'a.hail I should have • taken a little Lippe,
and; poPplbiy not a little .
, .
"none the *Oifte for. it, in 'heart Of .head. 1.01
very sire -that the working poOple. a 0.4 ,
country .1100 `Mit too 'manyhoUsta.hala
3ayniesp,-0a.1 cotild.not, fit my fancy of in
• actual deed derif4tie4hOnt ottitis oiniidien it
iS. itmocetitly Owed. Neiiheic$0 t Hee Why
shOnIct denyit to Myself??
. .
-• replyiiZg:to litter-1mM leit0 Zak; Objected
id references +drinking isi‘bie books.
• dildettlienieniis instilled by tile
,Lairv ihe inkrest
AreiviSg of certain
bell0 144(stanling 71eins 4 tempeixttice •
aspects of -Pro
• Another, interesting .statute fore-
cast is about judges. Those, in the Slip-
reme, Exchequer and County •Courts
ihna vper •otvoi nrceitailr es uaptr e7m5 ey ecaoruer courts
main. On the. Bench as long as they
can toddle. Some veterans :nave con-
tinued to function in the nineties.
Although by, reason of some tenstit-
utienal provision this cannot he alter-
ed; the new. legislation will: attempt
to allure thein into retirement 'at 76
by .providiag full pension at that age'
•so that 'ifthey, insist On staying it,
will be.only for 'the love .of work and
not of money. . •
Mr; and, ;00, No140.1
BoVour and Mr. and Nra, ihon 000-
'ginat motahal tO.ValianderonSatar-,
;day.. .
Ms. E L.11.014aahr spent ai dar
1114Pee „IvInV;W:.47.;713aet:elt;'a' 4111:4Qt"'"8:0.:4":•ir.
Arros#011g.,..f0110,8; • v..
Migo „Mary Afcbeaa
41.4 Graham motored t9" LendOn.
.on ,Sunday. •'• •
"w'ire-Berry to report - the ifineaa
to 8711tar'whollaet week Bs
brother care,.efwpy..no• ode.i: :the
, .The regular,' inenthlY anacting.of,. the
H.'.W.,-.14,4'araa held Ist‘-the home of
Mrs. Ernest Ackert. on Thursday
toon;' with .the" menthers .of the
•Teeswater Instituteas guests.. The
meeting .eperied With. the Ode and the
ilsrd.'naerliirear Mrs. r'g?rril°e1141htThP%hhoenbwue6li:
coned the ladies, The:in-Otto. was giv-
en by Mrs. Art Graham,;, Mrs. Arkell
presided, over theregram given by
the Teeswater , ladies whieh was as
follows.::i piano solo, , Mrs. Aiken;
,ree.clings; Mrs: Duffey and Mrs. Co-
vin; . solos, 'MTS. Wilkie and .1Miss
9hie; Scotch: .dance„ Mises ,Christie
and • McKenzie; Contest, , Mrs, Arkell;'
1st , prise, Mrs. ',Nicholson; . 2nd pri'ze,
May Boyle. :The president; MTS. Levi
;Eakenswiller, took charge of the. re-
maining • part: .Aoll call, ,Miss Hazel
PercY'Condticted a, diecussienon flew -
ere. Thos. Harris moveda Vete,
of thinks to; the. hostess. Lindh Was
Served by the ladies.
A number from here 'attended the
Wall7 en
..Wednesday. '• .‘ • . '
'Mrs, Clair
M intik Richards y of. :Vancenver, spent
acoifietvwend,a7 .:Week h' Anne •
' The rest,,of.the day was givaiiover
• to. Health estimates. A , number of
an the need' /Or an .iiPpropriation te.
co hWts, lirVeirteicel---boelaredigeaftitr
The Sayeepstake bill was again treed
Monday—The .most interesting item
'today was ,the • bill introduced by Rt.
Hon. Ernest Lapointe, Minister of
Justice, to amend the criminal code
•in respect of the following, matters.
• 1.,Prehibition.,of the publication of
evidence. in diiorce cases. .. 2. Prohib-
ition of publication in any judicial
•matter relating: te medical or, physi-
ological Aletailscalculated to injure
'public, morals.. 2. Making, the sitting;
of a mine Or seinple,thereof,:a spec-
ific 'Criminal ,offence. t Making it , a
criminal offenee to part with a nat-
aralization certificate known to b&
intended for illegal use. .5.. Increase in
penalties for motorists leaving scene
oriecident: 6, Cancellation of drivers'
licences for.,eriminal offence to, be
effective' in all Canada instead, of
only in .province cancellatien.
Recognition •cif 'spiritual healing. by
exeMptian from obligstion , :to tall
'medical attendant except 'vases
'where - proVincial ' statutes • override
thie:: 8. Setting .n wider ' definition
for "cominon gaming -houses.", 9: De-
facing ofcoinagei•Whetlier teridered.or
not, a .
. •
• Mr:,arid Mrs.' Douglai Gibsen and
Lottie White Of Toronte, Vialted
over the week4nd with'Irfr: and Mrs,
Ernest 13Iake and Mrs. •Richird join;
,ston. They retiirned Teronto '
ipiiedbY again
a couple of weeks.
. .
•,:Rev. W. J. Patton and Mr. Ernest
. attended Conference in. Chat-
ham. last week; We Understand ,Rev..
.Mr. Patton. Will he stationed at Oil
City, for •thd .coming year: Our ,new.
Minister for the Ashfield Circuit , will
be Rev. James Wilkins of Comber.
The famous, or infamous
2LaW'? Quebee -was Under -fire today
by a.nurnber of coninione WhO.clainsed
among other things, that •said law
destroyed' the fundamental right's of
British subject; in Quebec, to free-
dora of speech,the • press and the
assembly; that t was. :a menace to,
democratic institutions and national
unity. The Minister of justice Objected
to. 'any., discussion (4 . this question
• whieh is under federal consideration
and with whichhe had to deal•
In the Senate,. 'Senator MacRae
Made a Motion in regard to divorce:
His idea is that Parlianient should go
out of the business altogether. This,
he thinks would actas a deterrent .on
the whole Matter. It Would mean that
the' province r *onld have ,to • handle
this question th-emselvee. .
' TUESDAY—Although.. not Alibied,
indeed,, even ,mentioned. irk ' the
House, the draft of the •St. :Lawrence
Waterways Treaty, as -proposed by
Secretary mull is subject of 'engross-
ing. interest' today' in the Corridors
and 'lobbies. Apparehtly, the 'United
States is ready,,te 40 ahead with this
schem-e-*Ifielz has a tn,"6.:fola-pu-6O-Sei
the • firet", cheap • transportation for
the Mid -'Vet and secOnd, aij oPpos-
ition POwer with which to counter the
power trusts sin:tidying New • .York
and gripping the 'entire country: How-
ever.there. is • 'nothing to • suggeati
hurried action en the part of Canada
and considering Premier Hepburn,N
attitude:the outlook is not too,. good:
Today Mr."' Dunning' , explained . the
proposed loans , to municipalities
width are for Such purposes, as sewers
electrical:, Projects, 'waterworks,' ete.,
Which Will ho self-liquidating, Ili
order that the Outenomous rights Of
the provinces' ma Y be safeguarded,
it ie provided that special. sessions. Of
the provincial' legislatures May • be
called as their consent .will be necesit
/try before money Can be borroWed.
The loans will be proportionate to
the Population cdnipared to the cotin-
'try aS a whole but hole a malt cool-
munity May borrow up to -!200,000
l'egardlest -of the rifle. '
WEDNESDAY--4oday ,waa sporit
on. postal e tuna es. Stome criticism
of the aif man, Was heard. but the.
• diatuSsion eentred-largely about the
usual aid yearly doMplaihtS. One ol.
these was, that the C. P: ft -Ota Mete
by.„*hout $600;000 for carrying the
mails'then ddea the C. N. R.1This is
easily • eXplained by the fact that the.
C. l'.- IL has 4nails.cariying 'connection's
with both Atlantic and Nellie Steam-
ship serViees and itleo.'Servea h more
popolous rotite, Then there Was , the
annual kick about tbeIrriderpaid rain].
Mail carriers, They. are cerfainly net
1 Mr. Richard TWaniley spent San-..
daYnt •the home of Mr. ;and Mrs. I,
M. Kilpatricic., ••
" ' • :
' Mr... and . WE. Thos.- 'Anderson and
Gordon .spent Sunday afternoon With
friends in Seaforth. •'
Dr.. Simpson of Kintail was eitp'ec7
ted to visit Or school TuesdaY
ing to innOculate the fhildren for
4 „ .
• • . .
Mrs Isaiah opottloic of .1.row,
bridge, spent last week with Mr. and
S. J. Kilpatrick.
It might be' of interest ti Some in
this, comnannity to knew !that' Rev,
Oanipbelt Taiener and liii.-Tovener
I3lenheini are planning on as .trip.
to the •Old,Country thia_sammer. •
' A. _ • . •
pur,ite indoe cPart of incoming VW-
ernments-r-ene Just .as much as an-
•ather—and Pa party. is in a position
to denounce another on this ecaMt•
Nevertheless the view woe expressed
chat this is bad businees..and opposed
the efficient functioning of the
?ostal service.
• • •
SACK :i4QQA J..1.11VENifor.S:'
liaffy Barrie Seta VP, ,Btrikee* e.
•cord. of .19 'While: .14iicklini
- Wive: Two . sad., iooloso To •Olye
WOO!' 10.,Of Theli
sliffOred.;. set,
'back On Eridzi.Y• when 014 classy Ripley
ada,,:hatitled ',Oeni a: lg't 2-.0ePat• it
was .Ripley's first peek Of Organized
baseball fer several. Benisons" and the
showing. of their. Idd team gaie. them
Plenty to entinise about, • '
Huffy Harris, 'part side hurler for
the Huron Bob boys, was the big gun
of the battle however, , and ran, up an
imposing etriice CPO record of nineteen
.Victims, all9Wing but three hite Ilis
lack of Control aCeounted .for nine
walks. .
.•The Minister Of Resources today
announced . the tentative. allocatiOns
of the $1,300,000 sukilementary vOte.
TheY are es f011owis; 'Neva: Scotia;
$25,000;,' Quebec,;. 3250,000; Ontario,
$250.;000; 'Manitoba, $225,000.;
.chewan; 4125,000; 'Alberta, 1350,000;
8. C., 3240,000; tha.NOrthwest
Territories and the Yukon, 393,000:
. TIMItSDAY--Without a dissenting
'riiote, but after a sharp:attack by ,the
•;:onservatives, for delay in 'lama -
acing Unemployment t‘meacarec.‘.149a.
"Charles Ilunnin*'s bill anthorising
lew-iiiterest:,loans td. 'municipalities
for self-liqoidatint projeCts ;passed
the ,second<reading .today,. 'I'he loons
be: at 20/0.- It bi-.. expected theee
projectS *ill not only pay ter them-
JetVes, 'as eXplainned before,. but will
else in the ineantirne provide *large
amount of eniploInient while:, the
works nrider construction. Thia
discussion. to.Ok uP Most of 'the niter-
, The evening •Session.,was ocCupied
• with the estimates of the National
*venue , Department- and involVed
.r.triticisrii of the method of 4dminist-
bring the "chimping duties!! dauSes.
gr. Ilsle*, Minister, of National Rey-
' :nue, earthasiten something _We are
very Prone to forget, nainely, that ,this
•Department is . ColleCting agency
and not something to Proteet` indiost-
fl., This letter is for Parliament to
see to. , • -1 '
the, Senate they are 'beccaming
.110re deeply involved than ever inthe
ItaltinY Prehlent It is.. evident they!
Should ‘haVe got going . in" JentutrY
instead Of May. 'rhe C. P. R. pres-
ident und officiabi have been for days
giVing the details of.their seheine for
unification, and it. was `satoPesed the
end was in sight: Far front it! Sen-
ator bandit/1*nd -no* wishes Sir
Edward Beatty te"give Mere detail -
financial stateraent, to show exactly
whet *Cold he the reilionsibility of
the publie treasury toward's' listificat
ion—should it take place. Whit *Mid
be getting for mit Money?, When
all this is over; the Senate COnnitittee
have 'still to ..delibetate On thematter
and let us know ,what ,they think Of
• .
. . .
• Miss Beatrice TreleaVen,, who
:spent t e. past ree weeks with
friends .at' Nile, retUrned hOnie Satut
Mre.. Watt and Cecelia- visited re -
Overpaid but the thief , troilble ;here
is that if One 'man gives' up his ,job
there are ten iilling-to take his niece
for the sameor'IOse—trioneYi
.2ently with :friends at • ',
• The W, .14. S.. vras, held at Mrs. bre-
iierfa ..on Thursday Afterneon with, o
good -attendance, Mrs: Raymond Fin7
nigan had charge of -a .gOed.pro.gram
that wan; ' •
Mr.. and Mrs. Jack' .Curran and,
z'hildien spent Sunday and
Airs. Herb Citron, Mafeking. •
bika. Earl. McWhinney of Echo Bay
•is ,iiiending seine, time at her uncle's,
Dive MeWhitiney.
;• kr. and MO. Clifford Hackett' and
heirs Belfast, spentSunday' even-
ing_ with their cousin's, ' Mr. and Mrs.
Witlfred Drennan. ", "
Messrs. 'George and' Gordon Rin -
mous Of Sarnia, spent a s` Pleasant
.week4nd .with their biother. Lorne
and. Mrs. Emmons.
Mr,, Wilfred .Drelinan .attended the
''Conference., Which was'
held at Chathoin. He was a guest
•with. his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon
Twainley, While in the city•.,.":.
'Mrs. Geo. Freeman, ot . Leebura,
spent Saturday 'with her, ,danghter,
Mrs: Leine Emmons.
On-, the other hand, the 'Ioucknew
heys blew- np in the 4th and 8th inn-
ingS, Committing. * flock, of. errors,
mostly' due to lack of experience, that
gave Ripley ten ef the .twelve rnna.
. .
Johnnie Carter on • the mound 'for ,
ii-,44.0,tA4stradikYingag out
seven and •walicing :four: He stopped.
pne Of Harris', shoOte' hetieen . the
hp,POrt .eracked again, hi the 8thr
,e:do.j..,044nledkeercroohorlak,:ige, aan.. pdt1Wrh,
retired the' 'side :Withent a hit,. hut not ;
' A • •
hits., elle it,double with' .43alit" Aitch -
ison getting. the other one.' Cook ,had.
• three good catches tO his credit in left.
Luchnovi ' ja.
D.. F. .Finlaiyson,:e 0 0.. 8 2 :.
'0 , 1 '1.•
Wyltie„ 6
j. :barter, p.„ 1 0 3: ...1„
zed.' 0 • 0 i•
Ceok, it; 0;;:'7c.:',f,..2 :6. „.•
-.17'Webster, Est. • • 6 4
1 .4 0.2
•g. rf., V 0 '1 0 '
G. §tewerd, 3rd. ; 0- 0 .2 0 .
R. ,McKiiii„ ,O o- o
,a., Keli4osh, 0 ,O;
O.T. Dahmer 1st., . 0 O. 2 20
6eSWittek tax rote, *ill te UP' a
year, for 0: fete,
Mr. and Mrs. George White • of
MitheSon near Lcake viiited
with. his Sister, Mrs. David Little on
. •
Mr, and'Mrs. Lorne Fairish and
family visited with Mr. and Mrs. El-
mer Faryieli of • Gerrie recently.
Mr. Keith., johnsten had a tonsil
operation in GOderialCpeneral..,Hos-
Pital on Saturday.
, Mr. and, Mrs. John. Parrish visited
with ' and' Mrs Lloyd Robb of,
tAinkertown (hiring the week -end,
M Id 'Hid
• lases e a an a ane o
Orillia .visited during the week -end*
With Mr. and Mra. George Lone: • ;
Iasi ins Campbell of ,Liieknow„
spent .Sunday with her: parents. . •
Miss taurilie Martin spent the,week
end at her 'home.'
A large oreid. attended: the tea giv,
en .1)Y. /6C ,44.14 Ac4ei•t at her heille eh
. Mine' Elliebeth, Melver, of Viarter
was hen* over the -Week -Ade
Mr. and krt. Dan' 'McDonald .are
beth With the ;flu., '
number Of the riling people mot
St the home' of Mr, IL: Mciletigall's to
• ,
erganite, a club for young people,
.40' 2 ' 3 24 8
Ripley • , eh r" It Ph a
3.' 1 -0,-27 i
G., Pollock, i : 2 0
J: Bowers, 2nd'._..._...S 1 1. ; 2
11. I -Jerrie, it.. 2 1 .
IL Coyne, 3rd: 0 -1 0 ,
;Mat, Bell,. 2 3 18 1)
K. 1VieCash,.if. 2' 1 0 0
K. Finlayson, 0. 1. 6 6.:
• '0 6 0
, 35.12 .:7 21; •4
Score .By Innings .
LucknOw. O. 0 0 0 0.11 0
:Ripley 0 1.0 4 0 .1 0 6, x4-12..
, .
;• After tying Wingham.,in their first
'Start,. bungailion. inveniles dropped
a .610: 4 .decision.to Clinton on Mon-..
day evening. "HappyiA
cine were ,the opposing inoundemen,.
cand. after. Clinton steak advantage :et'
gall's deplit,, by scoring font, in
:he first he settled dewn'and kept tlin
•;nine 'well in hand. • '
_Dungannon' lineup ---I. Eedy, is;
,F, Eedy„-c; 'It Culbert; lst;- Bob Craig,
3rd; Hall p• Parkes ,2nd- Irwin .1f;
Weir; rf. curie cf. '
Clinton battery,'
• • R. H.. R.
; •
Clinton 4. 0 o ' 1' (1---6 6 4
Dringantionr0'. 6 .1 11 (1.:-4 '2' 8
ThoryinlYke 'and ,Ste;;,,art.
, The High School ',softball team
dropped a..,14 to 10, decisiOn to the J
Town.. team in their' weekly engage-' .
inent .last Thursday: on - Ole ,ischool
.cliainond. The Winners Piled up eleven.*
'Anis iti the 'first three..innings anci
four roils Scored in the AO two
ings by the Sehool nine fell short Of
,ToWLMe,l. JolinsterierVilli9Ltt..Weh•.
)verhatqing the lead.
jitek•'Fisher; R -by tfitiyson,.
Harold, Greer;,Bliood- Selomon,
111 'Dinik, Aitchison, .Tack Cook, 1141.
Shoo!—Donald Finlayson, "Bud"
• * ,
Thompson, 4iit Jewitt, Jack MacDont,
Morrison, " Donald VioXinilOn;', Hugh
• ,• ,
McCrostie i -
dordon at its hest: "'in
11d Ritchie ,Bob MaCKenzie • Johnnie
Zurich 2 to '4 hits, to register a shut.
out With Ooderich. *inning
3Jerieh, Friday'when he Alnited
:' That reliable , old right .arni
ottly anited ;eight arid didn't issue •
• *Mrs. Dan Martin. And her brother
4r, Omer Woods of St Helena 'aPeat,
-Sunday at Mr. R. g. 'Martin's.
hiz death of A; IVIOKenzie oc-
ctitted en ` Tuesday morning , his
home on .the Fourth Coil. After suit
erieg*tioni the affeets of stroke..
Palinerstori• 'Will have, a • unit mid Mr, Mel)sOltali thO 1
ef pdatinastors Was also, tilsehaaed. Lisowol its% hiereate,„"' •weelt,enfi inutte. *alike • °
This has alWays been elle Of the fav,