HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-06-09, Page 31119,1,•!, - . 1,7 1,7-749.7 09,•••••••••••-••••••,•-• -777.9•••• • • • LESSON Xl • 'ow Facings the Supreme Test of Ser • .vice -Ma 14 32-46 Golden Text:-HNot •iyhat I will, bu what thou , wilt. Mark 14„:36. . THE LESSON IN ITS SETTIN • 'Time. Illvening of ThlirSdaY April 6,..:A.;)). 30... • . . Carden of 0411 s'eMine at , the base Of the "wester *,slepe: of the Mount of . Olives, : agony A of , Christ iir,-Gett• i seranne.ls •recorded in Matt 06-46;' and in 40,46 BetWeen verses 25. and 32. Of oti • chaPter must be inserted all th • teaching • Of Christ. • recorded i • John 15, '16 and 17. These won • •,derful •diScourSes- were . given o '1 day night •ef.•Passion Week • ' 32. Andthey come unto. „. place'. The literal translation o • the Greek„ is the margin tells.1„1"e, would 'read "an •encloSed piece o ,grotin(1." 1Whieb was named (loth, „ seniane. The word "Gethsemane" Means Oil:Press; 'which •would jnaptv :that this garden Was Ideated •in an grove Ili the 'midst C.f which• • •was a• presS .for' obtaining ..>olivc- • / oil: It. was on tie oastern side of tb,C brecikt'':E..idroli; at the base of: •, the MOunt. Of, :Olives As Jhn re-- ird us, it had "been a .fatorite. resort of Jesus. . • ,'The Lbrdnow leaves eight of the, disciplgs on the ,outer edge-Of:4' • the gardert,...Wiiile. take al what , iS known US • the, innermost' circle of the • apft,siktnilia •Asroup';Withj him . neeper ,ip 0 le, garc en i.self. ;,•; • , ••• : • Bearing Alone • , • • , , ••••• Peteand Jellies and Jon. 'These' %are the ones twiharn:the Lorduok • ,..-withbirri • an an. :the :mOtirOin waSo.tratisfigared.. •And! 7 .be greatly amazed. The , word ' bore • translated amazed"' Means'to be thei•Oughly.••• • • ▪ alailined„. iap'even to be "terrified, ,••• And sore 1,roublect.1 The yerio. :in- dicates a'clistress which 'follows 'a svei!'ht Of lhe . • swOrld's sui was 'here he:ligi borne • . " .„ ... .. .., . . by,,him alone. ...i '. ' • ' l " , . . ., • , ,34,•.,,And'he saith unto' then, •My 'stout 1 is exeee,ding's SorrpWfn ' ,even ' -.-nnto ':-death: - abideA; ' ire heiertird ••Watch. :Thi* Phirasela:als.o found• . •., in NIattliewqs...'acconnt. Thuword • • here translated :`‘Ox•ceediag sor- -,---TH";rowful.",•• r n nn s''.-, -.surround 'ici •- \kitli-:- grief.: or . s rrow••ion ..eVery h'•=zill: We 1-,ie).a1C.,.. e.f • "the , • 6.1.1is'enlane agony," enc.:in LukeTs account Pt'. •'. Christ's eXp' 'rience in 'CletliSeinane. " . We' haiie :ti e ".iery di...,3015 ' word: .. 4,4 irt , (1111 Or'22?.'-`4-4 ro-filft- ) frWlira . eta ,Worcl..„. ony",-come$:.: •• ..35.. 'A:70 lie -went fo:riard 4.1it-: . ..: ..tle.",, 0.144 Lord Lord 'in seeking solitude . on .thelast night of • hia"life on „earth-. jrnmcdjately: preceding ; his ertic.ifixibil first de•parteil'froni•the , noisy, c19Wded City with his eleven- • . cliaciPtesTt gio7out to"•!a-..iitiiet• gal':-, •: den spot 'n '''a lovely hilisicle; new-• ;tobe• absolutely iitpTig. with God,: , •. • he separates himselffroM'• even .. ibis inner' group of three, . ' And • . fell to the' greeind.• To fall on the , • iou .(.1 is an inch a ion .of 4. utter. ; preat'ratiOn'A before! ' God. ' And .:,!rayed. '-'While .• the, LVictl alwaYs ' ".Wals in communion With God iand„ Wei•ey.ilefinite ':'t.inieS ih' ' his. He; • •undoulitedly,".defiaite , , times .ia.• evert, day ' of hia . life when )1e . ; Prayed to. God, i.e., When he sposke, •:. • to •'-hini definitely • abotit. spec,i& , .riceds.„1 eithet.* of ,,his 1 oWn •(ye ,of . others. That,. if it were, riessible,-„, , • the hour 'Might pass"..itWay •frOin,••••. ' him: „Of.''...coui.se• the laird., Jeans. • • Means" bY ."the hour'''' the. 'litire' . . • Period , •beginniag •now withr his • agony in Gethsemane :and tei•inin-.. • . • ating with his :death on the crosS; the. entire. tiene: d his atiffering . 4.••••• 38. Watch' and pray; that ye en- te • not into teniPtation;: the Spirit eed 'Is 'Willing, bat -tlie•fle•Sh•is •spirit and tb.e. fiesk 3 9.k mite the two extremes • of e n nail:vet 'spirit" beingthe hi:ket Word used th,deseribe the iiitaal part of .rnan, ,our "flesh" .b ing uottd: to 'denote. everything t at belongs to the, lower nature : J sus.is net, pleading this as, an ; e 044 •for his dis,CiPles'. aleepful- •n ss; 'but, as.. a reason -:.why • thei• • "sI ould watch.and•pray4., The spirit • is eager, reedy to :atantl:I•bY,' 1116' • p en to death; as .you have just s own .in. your .protestations; but ti e flesh is .weak, the lower ha- t re -fears death and danger, and e poses you to temptation.' • Prayer Without Ceasing. 39. And again he went away, a d Prayed, *, Saying .the same ' .words. • 40, Andagain he came, , a d round thein,sleeping, for their. esiwere very 'heavy:, and they Ow not What to answer him! ur' Lord himself is the 'perfect • e ample of persistent prayer, of • p 'hying without ceasing, - • 41. And he.. cometh..the • third and saith. untojtbein,, Sleep ' and take your rest; It is •ertough. We do not quite now whether this mearra that they had, slept eneugh;.4 whether the lord lad prayed enough; probably :the . -refe-renee---is to the latter. • He . prayed • until he. got his , answer.: ',The' hour. is earrie. • • • , •Tbe. Betea al: . • • Behold the Sop „;,91 artarp•Is• be-% • . trayed , intothe- bands Of ' sinners:i, be. betrayed' intO' • the 'hands. of those Who. keen •the.laW. and pre-, • tenkt.t.V.'enforce righteousness; 'but is the very, oPpbsite for " ri(;htedus One tell° betrayed Tao • the- haritiS of •Icityless 'men; • . 42.; Arise, let- us; be going:. be-, hold, -he that, betrayeth.: me .1s, .at bald:, Now behold the &lions' . eoriClueror! Be merges from ',MO horrible -conflict • in Gethsemane ee1ed---:bn6-fir-irditytanti-7 soh]: His whole bearing'breathes ' Seir/pessessiOn," , „ rnanlines, and sublime- eemposnie, • '•.;• • , atraightWay,, 'while he et spake, cometh.: Judah,. one of q : the twelve, and tude with Swords and staies.,•frtinf the chief priest's, -and i 'the.." -scribes,• and the, elder. • The, position, Of. , ;Judas in this,,,Verse.WouId seem to -• indicate that he, was the leader,,f'..! this crowd. • ' : ,The'Arrest • , 4-1. 'Now -11e-Tthatthel=a.Yetl fr.hrl: had- given. theni a token, saying, /. • . Whomseevei: I • Omit' :ides that is .• alwaya one with •hini: • "Yet t .ere safely:, • In the confusion • there was the posSibility of escape, and • there was a desire.:To 'inalte:•every' g sate: is •sign was tho,or- dinary •forin of, .salute._l_ . 45. .4 And wen 'he' W'a• cOinet • • straightway he 'came to Mtn, and • saith, ‘Rabbi; end kissed hint. • 0. • And they laid bands on him, •tOok hint • ' • Largest' Cdrune Is Dead Claimed to be the',Ia,rgeSt dog,hi the world, ,Ypetib, a :St. 'Bernard; . has been killed by kindness. " ' Was "hived 'ote, death" at a Dayton,'„. Ohio, ..dog „shOw' where • he was Petted ao nitich•thet. he 'died in his master's ear on.' the, way hoMe..af-, t • th o = • Yottib, measnred' 7.; 't".„ 'ins:, . ft•orif the tin oi his nose to th,C-end Of his 'tail, 'Weighing, nearly- 252 • pcinntis; and Steed' •ft. 1 in.. hIgh...• • at ,the •Shotilder:, His head. Was • and ariguish; 3V2 inChes froin ear to ear.. ! , •• •••• . The Bitter: Cop 30.' Arid he said; .Alkba',, Father. ..:The. word abbe is. the 'Akan:aid Word meaning„ "father," an both , words. were Often ,.uSed • freelY, fn. ; •.:prayers s id' Pod. : All, things': are • peSsible,• Unto,. thee i ' remove this up frotn. hie, This ',petition . of. ' *Christ WAN ht .a, command. Jesus ...,:aid not ask. aOthing • that •,,,,,,onlil. '.. in the ,slightest way 'c'Ontradiset • i•••'F.4),,thor's will. Ha daps este that , ••,,, •:. the 'cup. be taken from WM iflPoS- •..• 'sible, On the, other hand,!:he•does •;:tret 'Waht the cup,tO.be taken hWay., - •(-•if (lot] Wills it otherWise,..• Whet ': %Jesus ' prayed to he delivered frO110)11, in •CotliSeiratie.f WziA 'hot death as a : saerifice. Volujitatily ::ofecred for . thtt,i,arvatiOn. of raehleind; host this' 156sitilile.e1enicait„ in his death:as a .. taer.1-ficei' the Itiding-„of the Fath- - el''S taCe,.and the withdraWine of his Father's hand from •hirn," HOW' . bcit'hot what l will,:but What 'thou . Wilt: • it ts the htltiimroitli of ,lestl . that here speaks, Tile' agplly. in• • .60thm,)ilauc, .0,Y,1117-`al,w-tiy.§; .h.ear an •..*leinent et' in),"story for tiSibteause,' • !Of the' -Mystery in the', union of •. Christ's WO , na titres, ,' . • ' • ..• 3.7i..A.nd_ife_tontetl1,„Eindzilti`chI3th .them ele.6pltgy.and 'Falb:Unto Pet- ij, • . it',. Shinnix Elleepost .thitti?.i'etildest ••tiinti net ,VateTt't.011 0 'Marl • • • as Once a King • t• • rown • Prince Michael is hOW, heir to the 'tiiroile l'hc helnedelled.• youthwill be .• in October , ••• uchess .1. Guest at a Nursery 'tea • The Duchess of Gloucester opened a newgarden estate at Somers Town built by the St. Pancras House .Improvement Society to replace slum dwellings.. The estate consists of 230 flats and the Bishop of -Oxford • blessed the last twg. blocks Of flats Which completed the estate. The Duchess Visited the nursery school for mfeermtY!)peihioldfrethneatiifth;erytey of ,one of the. new block', and the Picture shoWs ,her receiving tea from 'a tiny . • • 'B; ViRGINIk',DALE , 'Andrea j.,eecli. has been stepping :right along since she: did. so well • :in a 13311101 role Dost . She • \vela on to (10 Well in "Gold- WYn Follies," working,now in the . pictin•e "Letter. Of intrOduction,"'' , _ PlAYM;.DrigW..1-oel McCrea 111 a picture:Called; so fali r.,1''Yont . Takes, A Fling." , •Vhich all goes to. show that'atie , Tlxe piewre business being abit slow ,at the moment, picture 'Stars are doingquite a. hit Of: vacationing Miriam. •HOPkins acid her ins-. -.band). Anatole Lit-Yakr-t.he7direatorr - are at her 410A:riling little house in • New York. FredriuMarch expected. to have to cut his New York vaca.-. . Short,.' -and theregeti7word. that-',.. • stay On: indefinitely. , Ivta- -Yna.`44?•,4:141.44.*04i. areeinoam.the toasts .pf •Neiv:'York, • ,„Beany...,floodman. ecent1v gave Sliis second concert in Boaten,:,lie. • • fere Et, packed' ,house;;. as in .Carne- Nall,r, in New. York, .the first things anybody kite* Ille"Yeuager,: i.set in the:••provid was eat in the aisles beginning to "shag." 'An ush- er sharriell forward: to stop thern,•• "whereup,on "a conservatiVe middleaged....gentlaniaii4t • usher. Seems he'd' decided Itsi learn . • . . -Ithe •'shag?' and thought that was . _ ,good a 'plaCe as: any to begin.:. -.1tares-alg,h' en sh-e-71 efused to go : , . .onas' just•One More, Contract' play , . er'; She she Wasn't getting • • Andrea Lieciii anYWhere,YOu'll.remember,,and get out 01 Iter'....centraet,''anct.oll .41 IY.; sodd had saidshe was!'erazY,, as. •she llad just • One Performeace• to: her,credit,:at that thne, ' , And :then "Stage' :Dear". and:•••• . • . , •• all the opportenity.in the Wsaddl...'•. . . • . ' The,"LOne Ranger" Craze is now growing every day. The actor who 1.1',S the' '111.1noer" ' 11 tiie sc een . , ;Seriiii:May•-•!'ge -alit cf.-a ersOnal.,- ap- pearance toui. Natiimal,BreadgitSt-• lag.'cOmPliaY has arranged for, the ; • transeription. eights Of ' the 'redid progiain fOr. the •South, Canada ahd, ,A•tistralia • -.it• res nt it' heard • P e, • , on a 42 -station Ljtup three thongs a week... •Therec taik. Of ,a.•'-(Vcus , ..stent, anti Of; a ccOloon stkp for the newspapers. And the country wfii . ,be' flooded. With hooka,. Cowboy sults • and chetving ginn;-: and 'sweaters,, • and all,the tither. •me'rc.handise that caithe nscatia, profitable'. tie,uPs.' • elfarlie .(chaplaint'S „ . try, Wrathy. Cuin,mingoret has heeti• given aontraet. • by • Warner Bro- . '.'t•Iiii•••i;• aud 011 11 ,See 1ii fli st in, • " rtnidway," • ' eau ,eMitintio" W,1411 11 is 1reeiit rmilo silottSers for ten • YodeS if' he want 108, mild ..th-6 ageacj, vod .Wolfid like MM. ro 31Jl3 au: • a..gioo• • toolt.tor that length of Chile, wit:WM.0 Us; nal Yearto. year op, ilea's.' Pregee ehiiliact still has 8 ' iriontlis.' TO 11311. 311. Ot ,tjt llie noifywsoo- collo gonO 111.Pg C.rssby, m"thoair, .1311,1g baS ' '30111,1110 1131181 .tes,s 01'1fld Alum% n0. sik.n4 o'ffihn IshirfirPopnlatily,. • 1 ODDS AND.,END:;,.Pani Muni - Seorne to be pli-set..t* do "The Life W1011 Fran,k Lloyd! 'Civets. .'fIf ' with. Ronald 'Oolllia:14.„Pr auk's OWn ' datighter,•Aline; will plaY '''Colette" , Sde•Penaer's new plettire;,1".G0* ,Chael:Yourself,•"-.W.hiS 'hest one Walt Disney divided$50,- 000 , Ong, the....peoptelni.'lleittedi ' • him Make. i/ShoW, "White". Max ..Daer is coaching 11 bert Taylor for ‘`Kneek.',Ont" The • objection ••:tei,', ' Shirley Temple's Making personal 'appearances tuck,been that "slie.**aa too yogi* 'le appear .'!behind the footlights . But 1Mary .lPleltfOrd . began when She - was five; and It • didn't seen -tt Kneeler fit4, "POO. Men and ..a: Prayer" • See ..,11.icard Greene, reeently ed froin giigippt who, itis said, will be grooMed :•for • stardom • Now it announced : that ! Maude • . Adams' Movie tests Were •:.so,sne- . cessful that slie not appear • ' "The ! Young Heart" but in • g -j • , , • a *eduction:, giving'. More. scope -to 'her talents. . . • . cairpfeeeForn4ce, Needs -No Stoking . . ,Ver ,laded furnace '• stokers, ,• science •offera• today a..perinatient vaeation:. • • • ••• Deteiis' of 'a• coal ing plant that operates for a Year , withatit stoking, damper settingst!•, or ash removing' .Were disclosedf ,last week by the Mello'h •Instittite of Industrial- Research. , _• This ,.vacation •from furnace • tending: was exhlained by E. •T. .8blim Jr., industrial fellew at the • ' institute,. Who aided -in the 'dei,•617 • opulent of the unit, ,. "Carefreeheatiag," he said,. qis. anthracite coal,. usually Of buck - what P ilk Obtainec.- Us.ng • enesy va . • . wheat, ot•-rice size, .which • , veyed from coal bin to • the fire •,.thrQukh a, small •conveyor tube, COinpletelit Antetnatic• . the igthraeite• it burned the ash falls V.,gifavity °Vet Hie . edge_of the 'tit:ince nto a dust Atorage pit, • ,Veneath' the , whiCh.,,As large• enough to provide for several niMiths' to .a . Year's 91).6.1.ation.. '1130 0111)10 toui, is ntrolled by 3e0111. thernler- Stat. ata is toinpletely antornatic iti 4dration." • 3- • The size of the ash 'pit •;virlos With the 'heating': unit: 1-1.6WO:cte1i , eliarts shOW"tlittl' ' burningliseven .tons of eoid (141,1tit ,,a 'Winter need..a pit approMi.. 'mately ,five , feet • :deer and tout' • feet WIde• . ' • - - L'IP,ot"tirosr. 'w,ho ahl- wan t the ta'k • Of OloVeling• but the • Med Year,.. et, specially- deitoto) • may bo •plakod hi the pit to• yet3ive th d tt.g110, It reineVed.. • tlittotrab 13 fro* ornen.Blamed ° For Depression . • . TIOronici;Profesior Urges Thins. • To Wear More, Stop ' •fterdi.tcnig •' Big Ben Revered By Whole Nation Old London's Famous Bell Is A Household Name-Weighi •Thlileen Tuns Everybody who visits old Lon- don fr,Rm distant places -feels' that he has missed something if he re- ttirns home Without hearing "Big Ben," the bell of the deck rn the • teWer. of the parliament buildings at WeStmirister, says the Toronto." 'Star Weekly. :In British countries and in )71any other lands' Big Ben" is a- household name. The special broadeasts by tlie 1Cine have been. - featured by the sound Of the toll- ing,- of Big. •Ileh aythich has been • chrried•hy ,rneaps*of redi& to the ends -• Of, the earth'? ' • • - Seven • Pet..High, -Big Bentolls alit the heurs of the chisr• and ,night. ' It ' weighs,. more than thirteen tens and stands more than seven feet high. It was • ' made in •Whiteehapel and its re- moval to Westminster was made ' a 'great occasion. Sixteen horses were used to draw' it on a truck through the streets of themetro-,, polis. 'Multitudes of. people ga.th= eredfrOrri near and far to see it ga by tirinounted , by a Union Jack, , Wound Twice a Week Four quarter-hour. bells are is- , sedated with Big. Ben. Together' ,$42603:00c ' andthe"tbh°;, • cTI clock cost and clock faces,' .$60,000. For Many years the clbelc Was .wound .hyll hand, ,a: Procedure ,reqpiring, ' five. hours. Now two men climb • into the tower :twice a •week •wind it by hioto7 in half an hour. ' When Jhc:•:•14L-4eLecl•Pa---xePRirs-, • shortiy.,after it was installed a' • 2;grenp: Of rnernbera't. Of parliament • • er..1 alue Of S age Are Bev ,qaled in Testa • • --"'" In many districts the value of • . silage is being .qUestioried, es- pecially 'Where corn 'cannot be, grown with any measure of stic- • cess: The results ' of an, experi- ment conducted at the .Dominion Experimental Sfation at kapnit, • leasing, 9ntario, ;threw 'consider- able light Q.11 the. subject.. For fiye, '• winters .t,WC, *greaps of dews each • ,ranging from Avet0 nine ,animals, :Were fed. rations wl3jeh wer`a, bah., •• ancedind whielv.eUpplied.as near - as possible the same nutrients to 'each •group. One ration ed 'silage While the other did.not,' :this being the Only difference in • the. feeds used. No 'roots were , fed. The result's when averaged the Ate, years show the :pro- .• ductieh per cow per 'day 'to be: Cows fed silage, .23.4 pounds of - ' milk and .92 pounds of , Jbutter • ••• fat;cows -net, fed, silage, 23,2 • .pounds of m1k and. 93 pounds or butter fat:•. .• • •' One -Third As ECcppoSivo •!Differenes Such as these are: , . , too ••small to mean anything •frinn, • a pra.ctical. standpoint, .: 'especially as flie cows, not fed.' silage ap- peared to Inaintain their, health, cOndition, and weighty .if anything,: „ .a.little. ketterthan those receiving it. This exPeriment. ,shows that. Silage ls tioff,, an essential 'in the .. Intik Coves ration. ' When • the rations were . ap- praised on a.;" basis' of 'cost, .it,'"WaS 'foiirid that Silage could: not be Valued at more than one-third the value of hay Without raising the 76-61-Corth•e ratan. In other woil .if hay costs $12,00 a 'ton' id' pro-' 'Take it:from Prof; Nernien.'W.' • DeWitt, of •Victoria to,oneOf the main reasens,:fdr, the • clOPreielon. Was. !becaasewomen - , •Wahted.to,weigh less nnd wear less, . te'skiet tot a"Serriee Club ...in an addresa. .that .eirery dine. •:a soman•reduee. a.,peand; threw aii. way. a petticoat or cut ••a other- meli h skirt length: she clepressed.the niOrker in food -and "-7. • • 7-77.77:7-7 • "There. are in Ameriaa same, 2.01,-' 000,00 weinea have. reducing • in pied," he said. ,"lf path of thesia NVolueu,AOssens her -,-food eonsamp- tien•twe pounds a there is a direet„leas,iir'food .sale " of :52;000,-- •,' 000 ;pdtinda; "Along tiiis-pd6e we • Mast , place.-the-reductien: the • .• , ..• amount Of clothing,wOrn by Women 'With; en amazing rediretiOn in the tOtalyerdeg:e • • y,,cinien.'si. Wear. • goods - ••• NO ...wonder We lied' e• -•,.de •pressioa.". • ▪ t reriftris - at a . serious, inconvenience to which 7the „Ileuae had been Sub.- • jected for the,s,benefit , of People, li-ving in •:the •county of Middle-, • Sex. They,"prbposed that it should • not be permitted to- fell again.' ;SuCh is the:reverence' With ,which _Big Ben is regarclef„ today, „almost as ,a prized institution, that the . • ne9Ple=.might •sweep out of office., governmerit that proposed to • silence the great bell: 'Supersti..., • tioui persdnsi, Mightfeet that ;•such ' a development would be an Cornett: •'• ".of "doom to the. empire. •, • It is clairnedthat' niankind and " probably- .Wornartkind , will be en- tirely bald by the 'year. 2500 due to our custinn• Of cutting. the hair. , h . Thereis onlY one scaly backed ant-eaterrih captivity called the .• . African F',angolin, and it 18, In the' Symbolof its Country's Spiritand Strength, .9 , , • , Symbolfying the spirit ' of his .country, this Czech infantryinan la goting :ready 1...o toss a nine -second hand grenade, during manoeuvre* . , .. ,of the arniy at Eger. , , . • CHARACTER FROM HANtlyourisq • •• More ecrets From My, Mailbag! Ar. a 13*. LAWRENCE HIBBERT• . ': (Graphologist and ,PsYchologist) • •i‘irs,!•?•I''.erple.N.ed" Writes. "I am in my early thirties' and .liare„ been ' worried tor seine:time beeauSe thy ,laisband •Js neglectful., Ile, ds eool • towards .ine anci Tin Stire 110 longth• ‘ • fovea lie; liocently met 31 widow erwho, thfultSli lot 1)1 me .and I am afraid 1 have leconic very attached to MAL. 1 aniwondering," ant glad that. you sent, inens of• all•threc', handwvitingat'lle- Ware tit year.widower .frieuth, YOu sitY . you do , Hot khOW, 7 @I ti ch.! alrtruf Hifi; 11114 jitclitne„„koin his writing :111'41:1„.,gierliat you .t.to nort (.)1'.• You 'Woittd not lo. know ban a11"3•• tongerV,Iie t•tfo,t to bo • •,Your hlishand's writing•sugfiests that he is". ‘•voreying abost tome: `thing: 'perhaila ite; Is, ,w!?!.:rryilig -41)d:it YOU '0141 1011f oetkil.m... straightfai,Wai•d: Sert Ut• titan', NOW ' ' 0 V ItIvIltihg sit oWs t he t you'lLitte' ' mt likthgfor' in:Welty; 'gaiety and lite.. ..tien, cuith,iki. to' 4.10.• 1 11134 do. y 04 Mind if: 2.2t taeiOus? • • A:girl Of,.19.writeS: ear lit Iti've • . With ..Mah,'agO• 28, 'Who. Wants 118 tO, get Iiiarrieil. Ant„ I too : 11.1 eithet 01••*.your ' writings to -.make the • you, On the *eantrary I think yoTt- well milted; The age!,difference is hot ,an, ..inSuperable.r.bari,iest. you:ore goo ittot; iLoa:tlii .',onces are gatisfactory, fr5. and good lack, • • •, p0- Y9 yvisl{to keit; yy'whaf:i'�ur lia"riciwrithigqs!,e'al-s! of yotir• iMr ••. icier arid disposition'? 1-1av ydu sweetheart or friends aboutwhorn yOu Would like'to (earn mcre?.tend specimens of the.bandwritings yea --want 'filtalysed,-"'Effol:OSing t0e for' Stied -inlet', Std -with stamp. ed addressed .6SN'ieloPe to: L. HiL- bert, 421, 73 West, Adelaide l• torolite. Gritio, All :letters are terdhiential. • : • creasing- the 'cost of the,. ration, should not cOst.ziloe6 ton.' •:,- • •,•• t .• •Raises Production•Costs. , :DatEi gathered. Over a period' of, twelve years at this station shows that 'yVhen all items' are included, ....hair •has `cost $10,,65 A tento' pre- , duce: as agebiSt.,$6.,81.7.TOr.oat's and • peas :silage and; $4:96 a ton for sunflower 'silage. At these figures • , the us'e4 of , silage: will raise the Cost of milk. production In•kapns- • 'kasing cliserict and other district's,' where' conditions: are 'Somewhat -similar. • - • Make eitS' ose Sense of SmelI- , . -• . By - Use... of Zinc Sulphate-..:. 'Compound Was; Giveii.77t*H- Canadian Children Last Year In War 1./Pozi Polio . • OTTAWA -Rats ' given a; •fe*, drops of 'zinc selphate,seititiOri,.:. sithilar th the ineans, Usedin an: . • -Carlo Fast summer :tor, combat the . infantile; •Paralysis epidetriiclost their .seriSe • Of ;.smell, -the:Royal Society of. Canada was infernied ili a ;pager 'prepared VT Pr. Cnn' G. Srnih of'the • UniveisitY of To - lotto ' inatoMy department • and tabled, by Di. E.! Heine 'Craigie' • , of, the. ,Univeriity of :Toronto.' bio..' 1; logical 'department. . • ,` • The 'Sine. sulphate Was intro- - duce& into 'nasal, cavities of the 'rata ,and ••,destroyed :the .sensory •.• lining•of these cavities; • •••• Used In. Pfiealysis 4.Teeatment , 11 .Vvaa• found the damaged; lie-, • ing,. was, eventually :replaced by, a : layer :from which the .sensory cella, are absent and a' Pernmeent lp,as 'of the •olfattory. nerve :fibres.' aa4. , atrophy of .the.:regiona the ' brain where' the •ehd Was: biiinght • abOut, resulting, in sinelL • • Dr,. Smith's': experiments, .•Were '• eonfiped to rats and have net been applied specifically' to humans • •..pe'hding completion' of data for • ,treatinerit of infantile paralysis • tieing collected bbr the Ontario. De - pertinent of: Health, • ; • There 'was no Mention' in, ,t110. paper Of the 'gine sulphate treat, inent given thousands of Ontario children last sunnimi•. Chie • high inedloal .authoritY said infermally •••A large 'number 'of factors had to: be taken , int0. d;onsitleratieif) in es- tithatifig Whether; the . zine std. ,-- • Phate had the Seine. • el ffeet • :on them. ' • - Blind Eat By Braille • Probably the oiliy•restatitant ifl • the WOrld that 'Makes 'a' tpediAlty ' of Providing' meals itoi* thd, bilha lis 011 In Budupest. ' Tho idea •firsf started -when the , OWner of reStam-arit. had the .bright idom pf • priatiiie his mentt in 131 lulh' • . :Bather'than haVe the 'Whole' bill , Of fare •I'cad, te ?them, hhnct ctia .teiners prefer.te read, it for, therit4 This 0b 'the" only place .w110:e they,Ccaii do a flourishinbd.§inees., .014,1114 to the proprietoet drIgfilat it clijoyst g. , 'Great 11,1 31i3111 has nuire Inhise ,raeos.of than the of th jt together, and rait 100333' 18 poSsible of thetie Ittit b ro ade est, • ' • •