HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-06-09, Page 1$2.06 Ak4YEAR--,-IN ADVANOF....'50 EX:t,RA, SA. 1.UCItNQW, ONT. SDAY, JUNE 9th, i938 • . mecial, in lanchnow. Apply at Sentinel Office. •, FOR SALE—Good t- safe at bargain • Plice.—W.. 3. Little. FOR SALE -,Number of good Planets . and Le, wide selection ot, _bouseliold , ,furniture: I. J, Moore, eaknow? FOR; SALE—Large pressure tan and '`eleetTje• Motor. John A. MacDO111 • aid ' I FOR SALE or 'RENT—Residence in Luelcnow. • Apply to Mrs. Malcolm, „ 112. Holyrood. FOR. SALE—A purebred shorthorn bull, 4 yrs. old. Apply to John Barr, Holyrood, , R. R. 3. • FOR orgag is good con- dition, aeltable for a school'. Cheap for immediate sale. Apply at Sentinel Office.: FOR SALE—.Va)uable viflage PrePe • erty consisting of frame house barn I ' and. lots. ,Possession. july lat. Apply to Mrs. T. E. Stnith Goderich. ' 'REFRIGERATOR—NORGE 'th , , :wi a ten year warranty, brand new, limited nuniber only, $169.95. For further ,particulars write Heintzman • and Co. ,242 Dundas Street, London. No (obligation. •. • • • SALESMEN, , • If you are not earning $OO a day, •• You 'cannot afford to. miseeeeleieeelp 'portunitY! ;Over, top men make from $18;00.M-$5°-War-Mre6raillirq abiliti_withsdbitribution of 200 guar- anteed products. Cash -Sales. Free gifts. Liberal commission! RIGHT . NOW best time tasted this business. FAMILEX CO.. 510 St Clement, Free' particulars without. obligation, Montreal.: • _. BABY CHICKS. • , ENGAGE ENT AN*NOUNcED Mt. Alex. MacKenzie, 4th Con. Kinloss; announces the ' engagement of his only daughter, Sadie .Kathleen, to Mr'. Robert Farrisheleloffat, son oe Mr. and Mrs. .Foster G. •Moffat, Kee. lees Township, the inarriege ' to take place the later Part of June. " • ' 4GRADIJATEp• LAST: 'WEEK ,Miss Florence • Gwendolyn- Me - quinine daughter of Mr,. John St. Helens, Was one of elven graduates Of 'Stratford General Heti.- pita]; to receive her diploma ,•and pin at graduation : exercises last Wednes- day. With. highest rnerksin paediat- rics (Ohilde noising) Miss and ,Miss e Geraldine, Reid of Shel- burne Were, tied for the award denot- ed by a member Of the'rnedical staff: ,RAIN mo,NpAY.:' -During the night,. Monday, about aninch and a half Of ram fell, ehief. ly during a• cloadleutst, that. wa§ ac. porpOnied 13y a wind and a .eevere., 'ectrical Storm that broke about eleven O'elOck. . • , . • • -Fields were flooded and. rive).* Were running fell :following theetsereentA .dowepper, that combined wieh'a.high ,oriner Resident. Meets. Death In Accident Mae Paterson, Son Of '144; Or. • Paterson And 'Brother Of F. M. • Paterson, Meets' Peatli As Car • Hurtles Down. ,Egkliiiinlimerit Into •, . Found •;Deys Later • . • •• Mr.- F. M. Paterson reeeived ;Woe& a, few days 'ago' IV the death of. his .brother, Mac Paterson and sem of,the lAte. •Dr. D Paterson : Mr. Petersen, 52 ,Years of Age, was a resident of 'Pott, Alberni, B. C., having ;left Lueknome smile Ahirfy-two • years ago. • Mr. Petersen' disappeared on May 17th; while returning by Motor from a• business' trip ahout fifty miles from .his horee'. For nine days no trace , of him could be found, until the 26th. of May; When his • wrecked car was found in a deep Pool in a river; That evening his bode was found farther down 'stream. • 7. • He was travelling in rnounteinoue ..country and the police theory . is that a bid bless/out' in a front tire threw his r from the narrow • road- to hurtle. down -4-7-steefiL:erobankinent the elver below. ' • . ' Mr; Paterson is survived by his wi- dow and alareily of three: A yoning- ..er„..iister,...Mre.e.itenniee.Prioreaf,Port- Albernie. pared • away ' a. short • time :Livability:oft satisfaction guaranteed. ' 90% Pill- Cock - Mixed lets afels --Whitee-14g-horrts " 2C: . ,Barred. Rocks kle'. 10c ' ie. Nee'#emp. Reds ....e..-eeec 12o 6c• After June :18th, One cent leie. than - above priees:.-Pielletiefroin one to six- teen weeks old at right' prices: • -DUNCAN KENNEDY. WINGHAM). • ONT., 'PHONE 38. • .. --eee NOTKE '.1tE oititENRILL • CEMETERY WHEREAS it is the desire of the , Board, of Management to Maintain the „cemetery jiLeas•_jepaueiful condition as .possible, and whereas this. can only be aecemplished., if , each and every • lot is kept properly cut anCeriznined +ler it therefore.. resolved that the eeatetaker ;net all, lots, paths : and parkivata; and he is the only One: al- lowed to db this •and he .is hereby ae- thaeized to collect the, proper fee for . cutting said lots frome. all lot °Wires • other than those on perpetual :uP-: ----keepe--Feeee-Sizigleelot--$1:00reDouele e let: $1;00. • . • • • Hanging baskets, tripods, or Oth obstructions, not allowed in the cem- etery. • • • . • • The caretaker eluill 'Sell all lots and collect the ;price for seine at; time of purchase. , • Sidne§. Whitby; Havelock eSt., is the official caretaker, • GREENHILL CEMETERY CO., ' ' • LIMITED • . • W Anderson .Pres., Wni. , Murtha, ' se.O. e , ,DANCE' At Langside''' Friday June 10th, sponsored by the C. 'O. F. General. Adniission 25e. . LAWN SOCIAL ,„ • • `A Lawn Social will be'•held on Crewe Church lawn, on Friday, June • l'ith. The play :entitled "An Old Fa- shioned Mother",, will be presented by • Crewe Young People. ' „ • • ., DANCE AND FLOOR SHOW ' ,CKNX-Hillbilliea will present'a half , , hour floor show and •provide innsic for a 'dance in the Town Hall, Luck- ,iove,:on Thursday, June 16th, under auspices �f Liicknoie Joint Club. 'Ad- mission 26e and 15e, ' • ears. I • POST OFFICE PROGRESSES 111 epite of "catchy" Weather,. cee- struction,Werk at the Poet Office -pi-o- gresses. satisfactorily. With the foun- dation, basement : floor; • and centre iron franieWork completed,the first floor was laid the 'end of the _ Week, and .work : eiLetepting-thee.:friinee:--is pew going ahead. , Of lumber: and brick: are o11. the ground, and last week .seorne done on the lot Which 'exe tends ,back a ' considerable distance _behind the 'buildixii_aed, which even: tnellyewill ;be beautified with gresse shrubs .811d flowers. s • • , • ' Scheel Board Opposed To.:tSlot,..Machines Locally 'Receneee That: Council Cancel: License On • Such ' MechinesCouneil Seise teine Assessment Appeals Cont • seder- Renting :Town Hall T01411 .4Co. For Weekly Performance Village Council held thel.r.eegular une •ineetieg On Tuesday might — a five . hour' sessifm. at .whiCh County Treasurer .Allan .Nelioneatteniled:•to 'discuss matters oftee arrears. Sitting as w Court ' of 'Revision, Council received tiesessment2' appeals on , the properties of Mrs. Elizabetb Congrani, Leila Hoffman, A. E. Bus- well and Mrs. Frances Spence; Assessments were sustained, in ei:tele case, . Adjeitinents were: made in: the bue- "'Mies eese§sments,of, W. I. 'Little and. Wellington ' Henderson; to he for the portion of the year ° in whith. they operated. , The following cpninitinication was e received: "The School' Beard is stron- gly opposed to the Operating of slot machines in the ,yilihge'. and reetieete.: thif the Council lie& their authority to ',cancel theliceriee"• of sitch ina.• shines." • BRIDAL *IIRATR RINGS • SineeeitY; beauty, , perfection . Are • qualities that, will find -true expres- sion in diamond rings that are per- fect. Get 4:that ring ;at W , Ae. SCHMID'S jeweller/ Steed in Luck - now, Or. Schmid's sell genuine Bridal Wreath 'rings, that ' Are guaranteed Perfect. And, /et, :eche.: pay no' • Min*. Joie such quality at 'SchmidN. •CoisVe' see the Mani lovely • „,,stYles avairnhhi " PLAY g$:101tEii, • While the attereliiiied waS. riot tliO§e, Peesent:-theroughly on: :joyed tho .mpstest) play, "'Singing • • MarineS" • piniented by the Kneit Ohureh •Choir o Teeliwater, n ,the •ToWri elellehete;On Priday,tiight.4he • piny, which Wag,. 'Sponsored, by. the •• .L..0: B. A. of LeektiOne eetie4Itideiethe direction Of '1,Ird; if. Xing' of Teeg. ' , •' ••A aaho followed with pro- vided by Mr.NOrtatiti Wilson, Dr. itta Mrs. Door' A. lvfaeltae, Of Abide' Little *Old Won itendetion, Aettihi 4.titioglit6mtitykisobei, ,ihetsod,thd .gathonig. • Council decided to: instruct the op - crater of the cone licensed Machine' in the , village to rigidly enforce the re- gulations, ;prohibiting ' minors using the machine, and -which must not, be operated on Sande/s. A request -`by Jack McKendrick to improve the roadway leading to his residence' was -referred to. the Road and, Bridge Conineittee. , Relief accounts presented end ease: /totalled • $48.25; of which one ac- count: of. $36.73 was from the 'Town of ";.todericb. 'Of the $11.52 balance, $0.09 is elfarged', to the. Town of carditie. • „ • " AUDIENCE IMPRESSED • BY RELIGIOUS • PICTURE Manyeteok.adveetege of the oppor- tunity to •viele the motion .pictures of the Life' of Christ, presented, in :the United Church oneSatueidey eye/ling, :Which:was 'sponsored by the National 13iireee for Religious and Educational NOT otsmormo .,RoLittAY - • , :So far ati we can learn, on Wednes- day, local merchants do /net 'Plan to observe. Thmi, cl,#y, 'June 9th, as A pub- lic holiday, o her than the regular cob - reliance, ofthe -wieklY halt -holiday; which falls on thiOlaY. ' • * - June 6th,I, maxis the':. hittlidaY • r.of. King GeOrge" VI; Which. in ,reality is .on December 14th. but falling so' close to Christmas, as • it' does the June date was set, and -Will be observed lo: eallY by the Publie school, the bank and the Poet., "offiee: ' ROVING REPORTER IN TOWN, •, Thepublicity given the Chin family' , since the return Of their three .sons. from china, brought W. 'G. Trestain, the riving reporter • and camera man of the London Fred Tress, to 'Luck - now on 'Tuesday, .nent• on taking a "shot" of this family whose Picture appeared in ' last week's Sentinel. Unable to .get a group Picture, Mr.e. Treetain get the leen of. a eouple of The Sentinel negatives, which , •he 'plans' to "touch _UP!! :- and reproduce for the Free Press. Appoint .,.A(0000.,714.ipon011. • Primary Room Teo00i.: SW -tee& 'igies,j4, Mardi(' Who Is eranuated 'After :Long Period • Of *Ciente Service As Teacher • -Of • POSt Rooni •.• I Mies Marion MeeDeugall. �f Lucke mow,weS appointed primary reCun tea - :cher' of: tlfe, teickneW_ Public School from a ,list Of Seven, applicants 011 Tuesday ,night; filling • the • vacereeY caused by the 'resignation; Of Miss I. Murdie, who is superanuated at the close of this term after twenty-seven years of efficient' service' as 'teacher of the firet, room.• • . , ' Mies Muedie has , been a most. cap - Able teacher and the many children` who have . passed through her room, cation. • • a valeable and thorough basic .edu- -Miss MacDougall has had several have proceeded to higher -grades with years teaching experience and this WEDDING BEt4LS The large audiehee was deeply im- pressed :by this ieligiotis spectacle patterned r after --thd•---:-diarnatie- •41,7ers' lone of the -"Passion play" . given per iodically; in Europe at Friehurg and Oberarnneergate The film, produced in Europe,' The Holy Land and Egypt was Set to ,.special- organ, „okaliestrel apechoral music ecdompaniinent, on sound equipment:It portrayed the Life of Christele6M-Bethiehent:to--the- glere' Of the icsurrection, in A rever- ent. devotional and, inepterive man. ner • HAND • OPENED • WEEKLY - • CONCERTS 'SATURDAY , Twelvestrong the Lecknow Pipe Band -Made; their initial appearance for the, tuinniee last' Saturday even- ing,and their hour's concert was en- joyed by A Viet throng which was :in town that, evening. • • ,Merchants generally • enjoyed . biley eight,: in spite pf early evening. rain and a tool' night Which no doubt cut down the, crowd. The "get it if you geese it" bologna contest at Sat: • • tori's..:attracteCno4ch interest and this • . shop eleetecr out 'their eritire, supple „ of some ;eighty pounds. - Iii regard to the damaged bridge - east of R. V. Douglas' residence, council Wails to get eitiinatei on the dist, bf,repairing this structure before action is taken. , .4,--teceet ',proposition freed a' riled Company t� relit the Town Hall for •11 Weekly show ititerested council, whd Instructed the Clerk ' to Writes the .C6itinatie • inftrining them to that effect, aObiiet, to e 'reviseee of their oontietet_ favorable to Council. , SOHN' MeekAg—At',Ouelph Oonerat Ilos. Oat, n Sandtwo 'May Oth; to iMr. TWOSUBSCRIBERS TO mItp: NOw, REQuittEti•.•00R Ittoito . , . . Under new regularn§' of the On- sion, orde twe consemers th the. Mile ar'e required) says the • Kincerdine News • • e „Pteeimielf ...it has ,been neeeesei4y, to .have, three. to the .enilie iant under the:new regulation of etwo,to,•gthemile they beedine• Actnal • ueere of. the ciirrent. " :This • reclnetion should, •spur',. the :efeart being Anide' to have hydra ex- tended's•Weetward• fienn • Luelcnow to Amberley also to Ziee, and other distriet Ashfield, • which have shewie a deaire to secure utility. ' tare) Hiedeo 'Electric Power :Cointais- - ,eerenier will take a special kindergar- ten ' 'summer ;course in preparation ler. commencing her duties in Septein- _bee,_ Other .rpemberd of the public and high school staff :have been re-engag- ed With smelt inereeses in the .pelar- eieeeefethreeepfe„theeptaff. On SaturdaY. inthe Ashfield Un- ited. tnurch.,. parsonage, . Aida Beryl Gardner, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs: W. T. Gaideet , Ashfield was united • in marriage to :William: „ George Hunter only son of el:F.:arid Mrs. Geo: Hunter of Ashfield, Rev.; We J. Patton office:trig: The) bride was :goWned izi .an ensemble of shell Pink triple sheer with blue hate blue acc- essories', and, carried pink -;:roses and lily of the .'alley. Miss' tile4 Hiinter, sieter of .2the'•,greOne was bridesioaid. Hareld. Gardner, brother of, the bride' was grooreinittiee Followingthecer- emony a reception:was. held. At the• home of the bride's Perents to immed- iate • relatives. The' ruple' left by Mot- or for •their evicidpageetti to Toronto, and •'Niagara Falls, the- bride travell- ing in a navy crepe dress with aecess. oris' to Match.. On their return they -wilieresidetnethe-greeties farnaLl2th Con. of Ashfield. " • s • . CLOKE:7-BARBER • In 1Vlimico on Saturday afternoon .a:t 3 cecleek, eMiss Loina Marjorie Barber,. daughter of Mr. and Mrse.eVe: J. Barber :of •Oranbeopli,' c.; be- came the:In:tee-of Mr. Atte dainerail Cloice of Hamilton, ,son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cloke leaMiltiene • The ceionion'Y' :Was; in :Wesley United Chercli, -with gee. • A. F.. Match elating, and the church organist play- ed :the 'wedding music.. Seeting. ilowets, and ferns decorated the ,church. • The bride., given in marriage :by her father, ware aegown Of: Alice bine marquisette net, a.scalloped shoulder - length veil over .Juliet 'cap of the same , material; and carried' an, ola- taShioned' nosegay of sweet Sweetheart roes and -lily-of-theesiele ley. ,Miss Dorothy; Barber, sistere of the bride, :ane „Mir, .Einily. Hornell, 'bridesmaid, were ,gowned alike in blush pink , niaripileetee, pink net finger -til) • scalleped -veils clusters of blueefbeget,reeenote in their hair, and carried old*fashioned nosegays • of ,sweet peas, • Violet's, 'forget -Me -note ando.lilseof7theeeallee) ,Mr., Fred Coke; brOilier of, the bridegtoome Was best, man. The ushers were 'Mr David Hor- nell, Nornieri Hogg and Mr. Leo •'Whitney: A reception followed the ceeeni0eY. at. "Clovelle" the ,, :Heinen ,hoine,, lake Shere Read. Mrs: Ilatbee.wOre gown of hydrangea •.patterzie.d in shades of 'rine, 'a silk chiffole Pick - at of, the sarne, wine rteeeesorieg, And e...shouider corsage • of .pingtea.. Mrs. Cloke, mother of the bridegroom, •Wciee a gown a printedechiffen, patterned in shades of green, eMerald, green. taffeta' jacket Match, black rcese .satiee; arid ee. corsage :of s•Oeit , peas and Mrs. Ratty Hornell, , aatt . Mrs: N., L. Campbell, grandmother of the .bride, poured :tee, •• The coPPIO 144''ft on a Wedding trip to the 'Ojileeely Islande, the beide travelling. ,an imported English wool light Wee 'tailored stilt) nafY felt bat, trimmed in light blue; eettify and .white , white deseekle. gloves ehd blue lied White linen 'Shoes: In :the fell they Will taltf:i iin ARRANGING ,RADIO BROADCAST • efie Cameron .Gecldes has been: cene tiding a nninnber .of towns,' along tie Bluevre.ter Highway,. evitli" a view to interesting them in sponsoring ;e eefies..Of tdieriet adVertiseinents, ever CKLW, Windsor. Upwardstatere hike - :1[E!.r:Hovis and Sunsoy Bread Mo. EEli END. SPECIALS 'Cit4A.pd. PT,JF.F$ , „ DOUtHUT • C4ELA: :t1j1\th...., • LA.YER CAKES • • JAMTARTS MAist WALNUT TARTS .. • .. • CALL AT • 011ie STORE AND PROCURE 7 A. BREAD DINT . _ BOOK. LIMITED NUMBER. • ' • • LYMAN'S BAKER ord To The 'Thritty Farn:er MANY • OF ottR CUSTOMERS , HAVE ASKED . WHY: out 'PRICES ON SHINGLES ARE SG MUCH LOWER THAN THEY •CAN! ot,3TAIN ELSEWHERE THE THE' ANSWER. IS SIMPLE-1- ...-CRED,IT,-SELLING-IS--EXPENSIVE-,4-0,-As'H-SELL/INGIS`E,CONee-: MI CAL: BY, ELIMINATING ALL SLOW: ATI15:0413,- ,/,,,CCO:Ln4TS: mr** CAN SELL AT , APPROXIMATELY , • • HALF THE PROFIT W„E„...WOULD_NEEDelE......WEeSOLDeON-- TIME. THIS ENABLES LS TO SAVE YOU DOLLARS ON ON MTH FARM BUILDINGS: • Is a ood-Stewart Lumber • " • T, side towns are interested, in the_ piaci JACK TRAPLIN ' MIDGET CEAPAP, tIA AN GAIL SWEPT y. and with final details being worked SWAlF SATURDA ' i : e ted that th twi0e-a- jack ri'raPlin sca. -a Albert Traplin ' .out sepc e it -week-pregrent-willeshortlYegete'nendeee Yormeelyeetleicknoerrevoirtheeinedgete . • ' • *. fieldday championship Owen , „ • e : • ., Sailed Collegiate with 21 Points; Jack ", • • , • gained points in. the ft:flowing ee- , _ _ „ 'VISITOR' AT ,!MAI,i4COLM HOME eniS; 100 yard dash, -aide Half TO RETURN SOON TWCHINA ItUnning bread juinp 2nd; stand; ‘; - • •ing"..r.broad-4thie:Alinning .high, lit; • Mese F. E. Lintilhae Of Shanghai, and shot put, 1st. ••• „China, and a 'daughter:of 'Br. William - • ' Melcolin Of Chefpo, China, is a visitor .at present ae. the Melecolin" home at Kinlotigle ' 1 T. Lintilhae is employed in Chind With IMPeriel. ohmic:ale and acepine:e. ropied by his Wife, both of whom were :bore, in. Chide,. has been ein England, :in connection With. ehis, cOnepany's Week. -Mr. Lintilhac.ee now '•enroute •on his „return, to ChinA,,"and: foP, °Wed. shortly by his wife, in spite of the. War Which is e raging -and which LinOlhip expects will be a icing drewn. out struggle. plipstyr REV, RicliARtr " Members Of St. Paul's Anglian church, Itieley• Met recently fot, the pie:vote. of bidding,. farewell to their beloved:, teetor; the Hey, P. H. 4tiekard.. The (DO •which' Was 'donated by the ladies of the Guild; and for Which ; tickets lied been old. was won by Elniet Morgane•Conitennity sing. 'Mg, wes enjeyed, ettet' which Mr. Riekerd was lite§ehted with JP"' !ncf- , beautiful deskCulbert - -.Tergo ;fitting' tepIer oT deer read by 'Mrs. Jeeeph Seat einie thanks was givee by Mr: • Rickard, who expressed hie regret. At leasing this parish, 'wbere it had been his pleitete to Work: The Hey. A. A, Malone WAS "iibt) Pl'eSett And‘ ad- • 84,0,, ATTEN1? :DISTRICT -FAIRS • MEETING AT ,OwEN SOUND • Grey and &licedistrict of the, On- tario Fall...Fairs Aeeociatipn, Met at• Owen- Sound, with over too, delegate§ present. Mr. S. E Robertson, Preie; dent: of the local society, and: Miss Ethel 'Martin, associate . lady director, attended the sessions. • •• • ' Zee Martin, assistant lady director for the dieteiet,:preeided for the Ind- ies' meeting; which was addressed by .Miss Flora 'Dernin. • •• Mr.. J. A. Carroll, superintendent of, fairs , was Present and -eddreased the feint meeting thet concluded the day's proceedings. .„ .., A shielde, donated by District ;Dir- ector Alex 13, ,McKagne".of Teeewater for attendance,. was awarded t� Mild.' may on the basis of ,number e of dele- gates and distance travelled. e The fall meeting Will be held in Teeswateie - • ' • , Meas1es AC:Kincardine • Five •homes lfl Kincardine have. been recently qtiarahtined because of Meas les; It is belieeed. that 'imeeported cesee ere 'responsible .for the spread Ofthe ailmeht which is. Ofg iuld type: • $crk091.. TO cLoSg 'Sixth Contession school house where Miss Bessie Oarnochite is , the teacher, *ill be deed it the eed, tie the ,durrent terni, we understand. The Fourth 'Concession' hehnor having been previdtele 'Closed, leaves the Second Coneerion 'and Holyrood Sehools as the only two :rural teheoisliti the flee Mike' noith of the :village, and elOeiet rate of feerning to :the few thilciten Who , have' attended -the other, two residence; at SO Robinson' St,, 8410.0; ' , Among the guiiitg present - were the following from tmektrt4; tU'e. IL t't Thonnieehe 600 of the bride; Mile: thoMee Watson, •Miss geleri •ithotrip- ob, ituhert Theieliten and Mrs. L. C. Thoinpson,: Cad Of Thiiiiitie • , We wish to ibenic the ineny friends 'and 'tw1g:hi:1'01'i ,ekir ;their .,:kinkine'ad end 'sage fOr. the • ft OtOil. tributes' ii the tinie ti• eat' hekotttisifisht;- . ASSO t; end • . , ee.. . MaiKENZiE-pn the ,Furth Con cession Kinloss ; on Tuesday) June 7th, 1938,.Alexaeder MacKenzie, in his 87th year Interment in . leinloss cein- etery: William Holmes Was 96 Yeirs, Old Sunday Fernley Litt:knew •Peodtice Mer•Chaet : Now Of Pore Arthur, One Of Few. Remaining, Fenian • Raid , Veterans— So.-lied With Hertni Militia in 1866 And Was., Deeoratede By Federal . . Government. Willieni Sneye' Holnies, former 'grain apple and.brociime dealer of Lueknove celebrated his 96th birthday on Sun- day in Pert Arthur, •lit the home of :his §on -in-law,:, W. C. ' Coulter, ,:with whern he" lives. Mr. ,Halines last bus- iness •associatiori in Lacknoev, ' was ,when he conducted a•Produee, business in: Finlayson Bros!' store! . • "Be teeeperate. in All Your ,hebite,e. is : his longivity.' advice; and :forget worry and ..care.. Keep,, imo.oving.yoni mind and have faith in God and your ,fellows." ,.. ' . • • ' i '''',', Mee.Holmes is elle of the last sur- ivers oel the Finian Raids. In •a Otte ure in the Pert. Arthur News le:te: . i., , . Ch'e:gee'. i;siowwearing his raea:i roc;:oa!a;rsuitahis.sgrvie. iei:6d.vii.tle,uro,count: . 'Militia .in 1806:and ;wee decorated by the •Federal Government: • 1, don't approve Of the Mode of living today", he said wheri'4ilted, his opinion of modern .tunes. "People ;live. too n1101, in lexery, So' Much so that they iliorteriteeie oWn lives and cause great serrow and Miieery by over:- inOillgen'ee." Ile claims that alcohol, tobacco and oniura 810 the, greatest cV.ih.,,of mankind, ,, Of Irish 'decent, he Wii; born ini the Villege of Holmeeville, Ont., May 29, '1843. Ile toeSived his early „edueation theie, and .later attended the tendon ConinierCial School. ' • ' . • : In 1871 Mr, llol•nies went to New Vol,: ,v,,here he eStahliSheit, a groin, fruit enef produce bueiteie. Returning to Canada' in 1875; be. Married Miss Alicia feflor of 1 :ondorl and settled in Lueknone Mre, liolines died in 1011. Surviving of, Mr. liohnes' ,fainilY are i daughter, Mits_itene,,Ifolineg,. 87 McVicar Street. and One 'sone II. .V: Ileitee§; oe GoO•ie, ; Ont;:• Gatitiel lielmes; o,f 'Creital City, Man., ;it, a brethet1.1i 'Igo had another (laugh. iter and .561'the tilts . gig, St,' C. Coulter Of Dort Arthur Atia tbo late Willitiei 11:Ottiiee of Detroit, • , , :Hail stones, clnineee obe as large as marblek Whipped by ;.a gale, of some •five minutee 'duration' seVetiteie'" comparatively narrow swath 'through: the TOwnships. of Ashfield and •West "Wiewanosh tibent six -thirty Saturday afternoon:. The: Crewe district Ashfield felt • • tlie'' f4ry of the • short • lived storm whieh sweeirea:stwarcl and struck tulle -tens and at least two miles or • . . • , more southward. ' At St Helens, the viiInd-driven hail • rattled windows and fell -in quantities' sufficient to be 'scooped up by hand. • •, On the line south of St.' Helens, one .farmer, .reports that leaves were 'cat fioin the trees, by the hail and "twist-' ere' and 'fell .aairitewere autuniii. So heavy was the hail that it , swirled , • around, giving a fog like effect that cut down visibility tees short distance The, opinion ewes however that no serious damage was One to Crone,. by the fnrious but short lived storm. Fanners a shore distance aprth, of '2 St ,Helens experienced nothing mord than a heavy rain. ' e • REV. RICKARD. ORDAINED • • With all the solemnity and beauty of ' the •:Anglican ordination service, BishoP Seeger On Sunday ordained ' fiVe • priests' and two deacons at the •.; • Church • 'Jou the Evangelist, North London e Relatives Of the cand- idates ectupied special peen' arid. the thtirch as filled t capacity -ler the . TheerviceS commenced at 8 o'clock • 111 the reoreing with Holy Cemnitirdon. Rev. C.. W. Forenian, :rector of the church,: was celebrant The Candidates ; forthepriesthood and diaconate ree Ceived Holy Communion With :theiie• inireediate fanithes Then the ordination .seteiee".Starte - 11; o'Clock Ilishop. Seaget was assisted • by 'yen. .Atchilaaccin; Doherty :Who presented the.. eandiattte,§' fore ordinate*, The Ordiriation serinon. was- prettehed .tiartley of Kincardine. . . .• • • ney; P H Rickard' recently of Lue15..... •ii3O„. Was one the.liVe teised tetheee..- Prieetheixi. ' to liai been.' ahuetuted" I'dk;thr at ,Port.RoWari, 4'4i:stigs lineinanor the t elt Telephone in this seneit, so.iffeted.' .bitdht • gii§hed/ aikle 1ne tif, irsrnding tteee near St; . en Monday iio1nthg Mi'Orehern'.had toased his ' nx tiwtis, a ti heirVy litifb. wag. about 'to: fall. AnaLio "tablet enteer thAsiviey;•-•=. struck 1;6,atikle agilt tli� .res�k. sharp eite.,'In 'split hit 'shoe ,epa zn leeted aened teat: hear the 'Ankle joiet, tiuc1 to teleitim* ' where the *blind *ea tt`eatedi 'And' "which ritinited, 'Several stitehea• and Ciampt, • . • es.