HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-06-02, Page 7• , •It • . Ns -FINEST CO iE sk yourloc d'aler. Learn how to save dollars by filling your fuel bin. with "Canada's finest Coke" NOW. • PET A DANDY HAMCO, • ...COKE SHOVEL at a fraction of teenier cOst. Seeyour dealer. • Ask him, too, about the neve =. 'RAMC°, ALITON1ATIC,' DRAT CONTROL ' and HADICO :HOT;WATER HEATER'• HAMILTON BPRODUCT COKE OVENS,' LIMITED 'HAmILTON, CANADA . •.;•,• YOUR LOCAL DEALER'S NAME .• Appears elie*hereLia.....thie- • • pEiriOr • •ssentia 4 Spe,cid Dciks ,ocit Feeding The Anhnal Body Cannot D 41-040414 ...Pc,Peri*efliff Show i Alt fattb,...'eeltne„le.nee'd •434.1t in the.' :daily diet just the same as: hunian_be. Inge'do; Their 7eraviii.g.for it Is not :an .nelllired tastei: but Is based allOtt real need. of the btidSalt leOne of the easel4tifti .infilerftle, 444 At. sup - .plies two and 'ch1orli*-4which the animal lioace. can- not do- without, buplyhteh are net pup nataralOtig •Sailicientquantities. In grain and PalitM''..age... : •Bilmulates. Appetite. The firat:''.;lid -1114St apparent effect saltisthat it inereaset‘ animal ap- petite. .4''',.1)10f411. the tego..mgee -When „ feed laStes, better,: ani- mals .eat: more of it, and-nialte (aster, dfi•O'aPe0 .#.4111Ps' Every pound 'of ,food consumed above 'bare subsistence,. re- Wireglenteis used for. growth Or ,pro- duction of saleable farm products. Salt helpe. digestien. Not only do Xell-Salted aninlais have. good appe- tites,• but they are able to 'utilize, the extra food Intake fully, beeatite ef the stimulating action of salt oa digestion. • What 'Happens Without .' It ' The ,late Dr. S. M. Babcock carried out an exPerlinent to find 'answer to this :question In 1905: Twenty healthy ,cows were "taken and divided into, two grOUPS Of. ten •each. Beth we're placed on. the same liheral)diet. but .onegrouP iee'eived no salt. The: salt-. -fed group : reinalned strOag. and heal-' thy throtighdlit .the• test;„ which lasted lees than a; Year. In 3•Or 3 weelci the, no -salt groan , showed abnornial salt hunger, but their" 'general health:Was not 'spriouSIY,affeeled 1.111 som months later Every animal. in his group sooner '0 'later ' Suffered a ,Cornplete shreakdcityn, -marked' by logs of appe- tite, hiatreleeif eyes, rough coat, and • raplcl•-• decline in body:-wdrght:ttiWTnilk Thee: cow's, einekly Tegajne& . as -a their diet.' This experiment has sinke' been, repeated. many Aimee, , but always withthe:Same result.. At The Eztai,4itic'n, Thc fourteen flaYn :Of the .Canadian. o National Exhibitien this' Year, have :been ./14Pled as , • Friday August gOth! Min ere pax, r Patur44Y,'Attguf.4'47.0.. Warriors' Day; Monday, August, .49th, Children's•Day; Tuesday, ;August '.3.1411; ,Aliteinotlre Day; 'Wedneadayt, August 31st, Food ,Products and Verehantfi', PaY,;'• Thgril-• ,day.;. SepteinbOrr.ISt, Wernell'fi and Day; PrIda.)!;EOptelPher -410, Preis Day; 'Saturday, September Manu- facturers', Athletic 'aid Floral Dayi' 'MondaY: September' th..:LibOr Tuesday; Sptember'004 'B?*.Jtiall Em- pire We'dIies.da3f.''Septeinher. 7th, AgiiieniturlstS" .Day; • Thursday, Sep- tembez' 8th, Transportatiotiaaad Com- Jfleicial Tra'vellere' Day; '.Friday, sep, tenther.:Oth, ,Live ,Stock Review Day; 'SatUrday,.,PePteiriher .1..Oth; t lassifie ver isin AGENTS • WANTED ' • • MAN' • OR WOMAN FOR : CUPI D CON* . centrated •Flavors. , Fifty varieties.. Long pi•olits. Crain} route salesman • extra. .Acme Direct Sales : 615‘ Yonge. Toronto. '. • "...1,10HTNING 'ROD • AGENT' WANTED, To seit.Phillips LightningProteetive • System. • It Phillips Company_Limit, „ • edr.OshOrne •A venue,1 Toronto. • ATIT . , ,IF '11)11, 1,1 TO DRAW, SICErCH Olt ..Pli I ti t e• -for-Ta I e n test - Fee). 1;ive uge and Occupation. •Box, '• .52. 73 Adelaide St. .W.;, Toronto. . • . , BABY. .11 U.1,14TItYANI). P.OtS . T" • 'WHAT KEN DEAeoNr-MAN2,%. • . ••ger of Glonburo Ptirms.. Of' Unionville, • • and' Soo of Colonel Dencon. the Weil • 'known shorthora,13t•eeder. bays about Tweddle,ehicks. in our No. 3 Chico:, logue. •.Freei,eopy'on. request., TWed-,• 'dle Chlek Hatchery Limited, Fergtis,' Ontarici. • ••••-• ••.' BRAY, ..CHICKS, SEVENTY •-• TWO . . • • ,1 hottis on -train, .. arrive at New Perth, •-,15rince.Edward lsland.'all ajive. 13py- er well pleased. :pat sturdy.. Bray• •'clitcksuriclet. your„ brooders.. Write .for 'Information, today. Utak •IlatCli- ery, 130.'John'.St..North Hamilton. , ....Ontario. • • • • . GOVERNMEN,T. 'MARKET REPORTS . forecaststrbitg egg market next 1'u11 and Whiter.: Take, full advantage..of • the p.rofitsto be. made, ,With Bray. Started. pullets. They, •lay •'Write for full particularfoday.13rar ,• .Hatchth•y; 130 John St. North: Ham - •Ontario.' • • .•:' • . • J:D'a:• DRAY 'NEW HAMPSHIRE PUL- ' lets laid.' at monthslast year. At. .6 months averaged 65' eggs daily, . per himdted birds,• Buy:early-inatur- • ing,•heiv.y-laying Bray chicks NOW!, •VVrite • for prices:. Dray .11aecherYt 130 John St. North, Hamilton, Ontario ' SALE DV LEGHORN. OLDER: PULLETS 2 weeks old ;$20.40. 3 week old, $24.90, 4-5 -week:. Old, $29.90. Also Day Old Leghorn,, New -Hampshire Reds $6.95.. ,. Barred nadirs. $7.95: Lat•ge ity 14 per chick more. 'laden Elec- tric Chick Hatche.ty, Limited; Bedew:. ORICKg ONIO CENT EACH FOR TEN EXTRA,'with every hundred ordered Teri Days in •lidvatice of delivery. 'prices lower May 24th and June 18th, Write for list. Ttent,Eleetric Hatch- . ery, BoX 533W, Trenton: MIL • • " JOIINSON'S'''Fii;PEnfoitr citick.f4' '11AV,E BEEN REDUCED IN -PRTCE. We ,Specia !fie in two b.reedtt,'bred to ,All • bteedera are lay Bart4d Rocks and Barron Strain • bleed ..tested•,and. from R.O.P. Mates. .,17n)Sy the .very, best type of breeders -are and eggi'pet. weigh betWeen • 25and 30: oz. Per doz. ,,Ptiee Barred' • Becht,. 9 cents:: Leghorris: 8 eenta .Cach,”100.% safe'artiVal gUn.ranteed. j: D. Jeliesoh, rergUS. Ontatlo: •• , SALE' •CF DAY or...ry ciiioxs-,-.4,t6- her•nb IF,, Pullets $1890. New Hahn)- : shire iliediAlarreci Itockti 714,•, PUlleta •••• $995. Latge 'egg•adhlity, 1. cent more., Milleti 2 celita ,Inete.• ••TOP' Notth Chickerfes 16,•Wi1sonIStteet, GtielPh: • Ont. ,•Looks ttElltitinti P.ItIcARA ALL '13IO' 4 CRICKS BACKED' tY .' guarantee that :tve honestly believe has tfettei• before been • Offered.' Chick • 'btlYeta. Our catalogue tells you why. ig' 4 chicks have extta, Vitality and Ility to IttY mete and largereggs beettuse they are" backed by a clefirlite breeditig•progratri. •Breeders Govern - 'meat Inspected, IlcirOdAeSted.! • inintediate deliverY1, Leghorn, Stand iirdtk • $6.95 PPIte.ta„.._115.900.,,,Ilarred Itock-:Strintlards,! $9.95f• Pullets $13:50.• $7,95';' Pullets Elf:90', •• .Veghotrretieherel8•$1:50., Heavy cock- erels '•$6,00., • Pretnittnitt $2,00 more, Write •for• Speelel prides On Started Chielci,. Millets. all ages, Capons, and tatalogne, , ICitehenett. Ilttb'ch•i 1083 E:Ing St. ,P.;,•Kitchettert • BOAT'S, ' and 'aedWOrthy`;, write' for . eattilegtie, also list of used Inboard 1/66A8 'alid,'OUthearci Pater-! •• ibOtoUgh Cane° Co. Lintitedi 268! Vater St., Paterberetighi Ont. • '; CLOTHING' FOR SALE• FREE,HATS, SHOES,' SHIRTS, ;TIES, ••. etc., With' clothing, purchase. ' Write for •free • illustrated 'catalogue of, Clothing bargains, Dept. ',N. Yboge Street Clothing, ExChange, 502 .Yonge Street, Toronto.'• • FILMS ANDPRINT'S' • lintiortante Of Sett Licka The: .following• Statements: are the. advice of•praCtICal. 'expert's „In•Iie 'steak raising:-- • !`DemeStic..aniipals should ,have fie access to salt at ell times"; In addl- Uofl to .Salt fed ,Mixed in rations, 9un- Plethentary salt licks should"alWaye'be , • provided. • 'Feed domestic ,anintale their, mini- mum. salt,reanireinents as loose -Silk mIXedintheir rations, but. keep .SaTt -1,10-LLs DEVELOPED; 'pRINTED.'' 1 tree. enlargement, 2.5d,.Re-prints, li) 0 for 2.5c, . Photo Craft 183 King *East • Toronto. • Fon•sato_ , . YORKSHIlt ES -AT THE .• HEAD 010 Shadeland 'Farros herd the (Trand. ,Champion, •Sire of . "Sainsbury Tro- phy" and .."Best 'Market' Pen" at Royal Winter- Nair, Sows Include •.Fitst.,,,and Second winners Toronto — and First, Guelph. Y_On.ng_males,....with. "Advanced Registry" backing. For Sale„Shadeland Farms. /3oi:7,,Eden. Elgin Co.• • • FtiltNIT1111161 ...----7-7.,-.-.4-TAD.'N'4 ! '' ,Drastic Reduetions in .Our Trade. ' ' • .. ' . In ?epartmeht ... . ' • , .. . „Every • articl in the store; Marked' down tor quick . cleirrance. We must have. floor ,space ',. regardless of cost. Every,•piece is reconditioned,-guaran-, teed absolutely clean and sold under a deflinitemoneyback guarantee of:satis- 6 piece bed room' suite,. walnut 'finish, 'dressed: vanity, chiffrobe.,bed cca.nn. 'spring ind'.new mattress •. ..4"•'''' ,'"• Large 'dresser, steel. bed, ,sag, ..$21 50 less Spring, new Mattress ' • . 3 piece suite, new Modern, floor•san 'pie, dresser, bed and Chiffon-.. ' • $67.00 4, piece suite,' dresser,- chiffonier, full size . bed and ...,S.,ag I .3•3•s. S391.00 •spring r- ''' . ' .... ..-- -- 8. Piece solid 'oak; dining' remit •suite, buffet, table and 6 • leather ' ,4towein• seat chairs.I Perfect ' • . W. "-z•.••••!. 15" Buffeta,in oak and walnutitA'ag finish,'frcini, each ' ' ,•frz•••••••. 1, only; ' 9 piece' •Malcolm Sulte,'In burl walnut,letrge buffet, china cabinet, ex - ;Completely reconditioned. • . • conditio. l ,. • ' " • ' • , . extension table, .chins. Cabinet and .6 2 only.. Piece chesterfield 'suites, up, cleaned .. piece red leather chester. • I Only•Krocitter, Chesterfield , bed holstered itic..FrenCh jacquard suite, 3' pieces, .Thororhly leather seat chairs, in perfect, • $850. ,COmpletely refinished. • • • blue mohair.. Cost new over 125 00 Beautiful 9 Pleee walnut' .aulte. butet, e field 0,... tension table Sc•6 chairs uphollssst0826:ir9e:10.()9051101' -; $49.00 .suite: Perfect condition.• • 'i 'Beautiful 8. pleee• mohair :finite,. reveri- I We Ma rSh.al 1 cpshiotip,• Per. , t q7' 'foot cofidltidn. • ;kn ‘ir'".. •••,, L'ohly chestertiord bed with $230G . large wardrobe box, rust repo ., , , Te Boxes $4.95, Breakfast Suites' $01.95. DresSers* $5.95.. • Reds' 92.50, New . Mat- tresses $3.95,• Kitchen" Cabinets., $13.50, •Gas. Stoves $4.95, Chestet•field Suites ,$111.95, tluffets .84.95, Extension Tables 85.All50. goods 'care"fifily:imeit'ed ready for •immedtato shipment On receipt of.mon- ey order .tind field Under 'ft definite Morley -back, guarantee of satisfaction. Write for free illuitrated ,catalogue of new and .reccin.ditioned' furniture. - Lyoris TRADE-IN DEPT.'. , . . , 478 Urge, St,' Toronto • • . , %VIC% ,TOUPES;!• TRANSFORMATIONS,. Braids, Curigand all typos of finest quail tY:. Hair •GoOda: write...for illusT trated,.cittalPgtie...Special attention to . repair, Work. Toronto ,Ilunian Ixe.te • Supply 00..:128 Bathurst. Toronto. . „ .WANTED-WOMDN'WXO -WISH • TO ettrit ektri. money it Heine, refined :WOrkfree.,,traliting.,• .writii 'Boit 8, • Liatetteale' Ontarie: . • . • ,•LEARN TO FLY DUFFERIN PLYING SERVICE' . GETS, Yottr. Mende' on easy; terms. Class' InittnotOrs. NeW_Cubi. .Addrest Barker' Ffeld, TOrtintti; -011t., . betki 23.L.38, .'llitEDIGAL & S.) RHEUMATISM AND STOM- - -ach •Piow,cler,-"The Great. Eliminator;" Contains'ten, of Nature's ingredients. Fterooving the cause and eliminating Rheumatism, Stomach troubles, Arth-' ritis, Neuritis, Constipation, etc. $1.50, $3.00, $5.00. All Druggists. Agents Lymans Limited - Montreal. ECZEMA,SKIN__,ALLMENTS,--SOBE'S,-- • ,quickly healed by Dernfisootbe,, the clean, white, antiseptic ointment. Sample Mailed free' direct: 35 cents at all druggists. ,TWentleth Century Remedies, 87 Ingham.Ave, Toronto. -SeccESSD'uL..sctENtrric st0iiiACR . Remedy „healed ,many. obstinate • User, States: For years I Was,:troubled , with., gnawing. pain. beloW0 •.! It -caused -gas and bloating ; -I tried many remedies, •hut 'my orgy relief •was soda, •and that for sham time• only. After -meals. it didn't, bother • MO for 'few •hours; then if I • ate • something*: It , Stopped Owning agains.after some.. time. „The', pain bothered Inc Worse ,at. night. . After • laking,3 bottles Dr. MeL,eodIs•Stornit- chic 1 was free from pziirt. 1 kept .on, improving- and' have now been well for 4 Years, enjoying my meals witir7 out',rnedicine: Drug Stores or dir.ect. • Write' for free. information. Dr. Mc,: Leod's Stora.chic Co.,*191.‘Albanyi' To - roto. • • aerrnflaskg, POD sALE mATTREsSES--sPiti Na;BARGAINS - NOV Felt 'Mattresses. $3.50; New, Spring Mattresses, . $8.50. •From, factory to user. Veteran' ,Bedding,,893 Queen St; ....West. Toronto. ' ' • '- PERSONAL' ARE • roll 'RUPTURED? • RELI • comfort, .Positive support' with, our advanced method. No 'elastic or Un-. (ler-straps * or steel. Write Smith Manufacturing Co.. DepLk 219 !res. ton, ()nt.' ' QUIT TOBACCO: SNUFF, EASILY, .1N•i• expensively. Guaranteed. ' tree. IlciX .1, Winnipeg • • • , • • rftwroGnaistiv ENLARGEMENT FREE WITH EVERY 25e order.. 'Roll • filfri- developed and eight Prints 25c. 'Reprints 3c. Estab- lished ever 26 .years: • Brigh:tling . Studio.'29 RichmOnd Street East, To- , PROFESSIONAISr RESULTS COUNT., any illin 41eVe1ptied ,and,,printed prop- erly, Mail With 25e to' Professional Dept A, -London, Ont:•. Send yotir,;Own• fa. *•choice of . negative back'. with ' your • second filny„ for free Etchcraft • largernent. , • • • RAT EXTERDIINATOR Fillers ,• , As': paisengere, watehed,„ a. man: ,dived fully dressed from the , liner •Naniiribia into. the rough • Sea: 250 miles .off 'Adelaide, AuStraliei and rescized Miss Shirley Hail, aged 22• of Perth, wile had ,fallen from, •the . • 'deck. • . . ,. ownpOurs. End British Drought " - - - .. Was Worst Since 1.815; Lou . $240Pif.100 Per Day '• , r T.,c)NDc*.r. 7.- Great Britain's worst; drought'Since 181.5the year of Water- loo -appeared ,definitely broken last week as rein fell generally for' thO first' time in Many weeks, 1 • 'The Ministry of Agriculture, unable to estimate 'damage ta -crops aAct, loss to!larmos from drought : and -early,'„ morning frosts, said it believed growth, • lland.heen.retarded rather:than aline:ea; ' iout, but private estimates have' placed, . the loss as high; as 1.50Q,;000 (2,560;4 699)a day for several vve4lfs)... • • . , Lender' newspaper corespondents'. ., survey's have indicated . datna'ge ' Etsr'' • heavy. 4 Soli drifting was reNited :in Yorkshire where thousands at !•-sheen . are said to have died. rotate, crops in 'Many*districts.are rt fried and nrleelli: .have trel.iled in serge Markets. Izadoilif •has e;:perienced • a• shortage ,of frost:, Vegetables andprices have shbt up.' , Harvest TO Be' Later . • Every student at Police• College, gngland's „training school at Hendon .for polieemen, tosts. the Govern 'trent 12,110 a Yearin addition to 1,O95I for pay and allovvance. Jack Miner With a Pair of Blue Giese • Jack 'Miner, the Canadian naturalist; about to liberate a pair of Blue Geese he has caught 'arid -tagged to study their migration route. Blue Geese. are not conirnon in Jack Miner's vicinity so jack Miner was anxious to catch this pair' to tag them and find out their migration route. The species . Ahat.....visits-Jack-Miner-is Grose. • ,FWENDS A friend is like an old sort grown 'Sweeter -With the years, A friend is one Who shares our joys and wipes away our tears;' 'A friend will look for goodness in • everything we do, , A friend is one who knows our, faqlts, • yet finds our Virtues too; ,• A. friend will share a cruSt of bread, or help to lift a load -- Happy Itre we who ,find a fe*, good , friends 'along the road. • .• , There is bound!to be trageilY :in the: life. of: the man wligi Won't recognize his limitations.. • Mrs. Ailtene "It's 'simplY..ridieu.: 1cMs calling these caShiera, in, banks Tellers'. They •won't tell you any- thing. Wb, only yesterdayI asked' one how Mitch money. myh'usbaiitl had on deposit there, and, Would, YOu ,be- lieve•it,,he just laughed' a; me!" A lot. of.feltows would. saie metier if their families would leethem, ' A Western, farmer steptied at the. batili.to pee if he.could get a loan tin' his farm. • • • ' Btinker --- "It nil -ht be ariianged. will di.ive out with yen. and appraise Partner (ncetieing •tt htige clend 'df dust ,tip the road) • "You Von't need •to bother, here colne,s oW." • :•••, It ntight be disheartening tO '•knoW ALL KNOwN DISEASES CAN BE CAR,. ried •by rats, Safeguardyour home and stock by using Ratopak--1-lartri,' less to Inimans, domestic animals; poultry. Itatopait is guaranteed to kill all rodents, etc: If yottr, dealer, • eafinot supply' you send 3,5c In 'coin fer post -pati] oftlmlY1 Dealers write for • ParticUlars. National Sales •„Agency, '57 moor West. .,Toronto. • • 'Tun .NIOWESi! GAInp sENswrit)Di. . . BE THE FIRsT. IN YOUR -.COMA-MN- ity, to run. the Kentticky. Der,by, 'for your friends' 'arifuStmerit. _Eadh game an • acttral-, -Send 25c. In Coln for eight ' eonipiate races. , •Agent $ ;Write' for particulars,• Nation- al SaleS Agerck, Blom- IlIdg.„•Toronto: • . . . . , • Pin':Worms Why let yelq Children stiffer When tm ()kik NeW England' 'remedy 'la available, .Send,two -dollars.toe: CONNECTICUT 'REMEDY do. Rooil 42, TI AdelaId St. West 4 torento • what yoihildren really -think .of yoU, Old-fashioned Girl 'lay life have been kiiiies'ter,a, itian :like you . ; • , • ••. . Modern Young Man -"Well, prepare 'to lose 'the' sairiligii pi, ItEAp IT Olt NOTI • :' . .. . Tuherctlicisisla Mereasineat a ,diSi flithing rate .among niediCal etudenta andt de Stun.. nurses in. Seine parte' . . • i Of , 'the , World. •• ' ,• , ....,_ : . ' .... .,.. The dean Of a college"Wite investt, gating a;'Cliarge'Made by edine of the girls that the young men Who lived..in the fraternity hotiso,'neit', door foi- get. to loWer their '*Intlomfeludes., tile'Aeith'Iooked out Of the sOrtifitY ivfitiievr, arid skid: •: ' . ; • ' Dean --, iliqiY 'I ean't ate Into any 1• Of the fraternity .house 'Windows?” " 'Mild ichertiO ..,,, 40hi,yes yee cant. Alt yen have t;o do' is to get eit, a cliattl'o ' 1 ''..;,,,., • , •s Do, a _e s Un nodnerColvaal ter A Great Deal of It Has To Be 'Got At By Boring ,FrOrn Below , -GLACE BAY, N.S.-r-:Dominion Coal: Company drillers had to drive ; their. diamond tipped shaft S upward to dis-, cover A seata of:coal. :tylifel1 is :being, tested , by the eOMpany. ',Ehe• -deposit, %six feetthick, is said to .be of 'excel-. .lent qbality. Unable to here fi•onv above into the :satin:al:file areas of 'this southern Cape Breton paining section; drillers •probe,1. upwards. frdni the underlying 'Phaien- seal* on which Dominion No,1B, the rpm.' uns Metropolitan 'lec;citte. 1 ..• .44seociat,wo: • , UFFERIN....PAR June 16 to 23 aces , Farmers bereft.;ef teed supplies and lacking pastUres haye bee,n :forced. to ( Sell liyestOck at heavy losses. Seed- • ing has been delayed over Wide areas . where: the ground is baked so hard as to. make •ploughing imposaibie, The Alinistfy of .Agrieulture' said& ; however It behe ed crops might Still. be raised on the dried land, although:: the harvest, would be later than nor-, mat , • ,Flower gardeners reported • nightly ground frosts killed many, shrubs .ancl orchardiats said blossoming trees were: nipped and crops would be light. ' r • °unties' Set Up -",Cfinie Index" Fred Oipen •President ,-aye cret • .1131SEESPZi, company, most., ,tnodern works.., ',Their 1rllls struck' the rich Herber. Seatii, More ••••tlitut 400 ...feet . , • above - their heads. .A great, :part of Cane ,Sretoe'P opal reaPlirCeS lie' in. .submarine areas,.. seine' Or, fife mining operations being: carried :ou for miLes out under the eett. , ' 'Borincy,n Tunnel Coal from the Harbor.' Seatn„.inine, to be reopened. soon after 15' years of idleness, will be • taken: downward throngli, a .conereteittinnel.inte...No„ 2 .mine and will be raiSectiel.the Sin:free .over the NO.12 bankhead.' The Harbor Mtne knOWn.,as...Colliery have no -cintlet of , ita own For three years :mining -Men Worked :to,•:hOre 'the tunnel ,bretween!No. 2 and :No: 9. , Nos the :company 'proposes Similar 'twinel from the Harbor Seam to No; 1B.:Coiliery. it it planned to use.....e1eet1iez..loCciinotives-4a4be-tain-. nels instead of horses for hauling ccial- lSclen boxes Drilling within the mines Is only part Of the coinpaiiy's development W�rkhfSeardh Of 'ne,ik, Ceal dePoSita.• . The .20 Latin American countries: are 'estimated tO'''have now over. 130,- 000,000 porilatfOri. • Ulster will preserve its windniiI1s, with 'Machinery intact, and throw th�m open to Visitors. ' EPEE 'TENDER' ilEgiTARLEg• . • More 'tender vegetables -ere .beans; tentato. plants, .squash,.eucumbers• and • inelona.. They w'll' net Tstart to aro* until the tveather .and soil ,really. be- •wartn, In order get.4 long and ateady'sup1y of• green beans, Make • at -least thrt.: plantings at,intervals of ten daYs, and use -Several .varieties. To ,do. the Same 'thing-witlf,toirtatoes one may use a few well started, platits' for, the; firat crop.,..and hurry these , dicing with fertilizer.; and possibly 'with mulch papei All gartien 'foriatoce .a17 ways should be staked. • These.' Warni 'weather' VegetableS do ' Pre -•••••-••'Ch open 'soil and' any Itterabeta of the ineian' fainilit,, that it :sCuasli, e.actimber, citren, etc.,' take : sPeeial. delight' in hot, sandy soil,. though It mpst be made rich,. il'ong With the vegetables niMitioned, Ogle kaaY'set' Out egg -plants,'" Well::started 'Penner:a aml. the first lilanting,fif•eelery.: The latter must have very *rich soil '.and"., water fitlrini the dry weather:. There 18 . Still :PlentY7.,er time to Make , second,' and, third eetvings of nearly afl Standapi Vegetables eueh is beep, carreta, cern ete. ' • , •• •,PERTILIZE., Gardener? Will'filid the jutliCioue, use o'f ,COnittereitiffertiliier a iori, tiabie 'aide 'in :hastering 'greWtli.- For: I.' -and flower gardens, too,'.where the iititf•Of ordinary Matitire :Might:be offerit'LVe,Lotteurlest-Cheittlear tert1117' bet is' to "be -Preferred. ltfut this.zoit .Of thing billet; be need •earefullYixr 14 line" tti totter the teiiigeAt 13' .apt to Lont witb, igetAblea, the fer- tiliZer it raked: 111 feid get* the i°'� "aettitilly touching the :tender ffidta..or*-6,.:oe ' trite aP,pliea- the g,•.oWitig- seaten .1!)UEIU 11 rog0t i e 41Phg 'ENEMIES., atdett. .euettilei are diVidoil.ltitti.4tWO. grotto 'those OW r !A hOleS 111,t11p Zoliagie and those that suck out he juices, For the firstnarn-. ed, poison is .usna-- pplied, while the rucaers: ay.?. attacked t:ith spray Which- penetrate4. Ofte-- when beth are Present 'a sulphur and arsen- ate:gives the best results, 'The dam,' age ,from the biting insects' Is quite apparent but the poSetice , of the other kincl is on y shown at In st by A lirittineor Withering of the fol. r Following Scotian& Yard Plan— Every Detail of Criminals' Characteristics Recorded Therein • , k"crime lader" has .beqn establish - in ' the criminal Investigation l3ranch of, the Royal Canadian Mount- ed- Police headquarters at Ottawa.' The' system used follows'-eloselythat 'OM- ployed :by the Metropolitan New Scotland •Yard, London, England, and is based upon the ‘"Modus.:Oper System" of crime' detection. •' Criminals; Jike other people,' have, definite jndivjduaj characteristics, there is a tendency altiorg_tbenit$' do the same thing over an&dver...again„:11r.: the sante sort of way. " • Neyv Crimes By 'Old Offen'dere • The efinle index- takes, notice °COG- ery detail of these,Icharacteristics peculiarities of nietheds,. and reeorde' , , _them anch..7.9,....manner_ati-ite melte' :then), alxnost instantly available ..for corparison With the • salient; feature*: A. of new cases Of a Iikenalture. Identifications are trade, 116f:only on', t t,he'Orinle •tYpe SPecialtY,: but by the" • eh ra.cti . er s c li1uTIIIer or:plan' ti cam- paign followed id the .commiaSion the. offence, lands by.' this Means it. la: Often Possible' trace• • to old', O1Tender3 and soritetinies,seirer,': al et -inlet,. perhaps committed in die.; ferent provinces, ..are one individual; , , • • ' " '1 • "Different pollee • forces throughout :Canada have :been coninianicated. with. :tcr hay e theni, contrilintela c Curate ..data, to the central'indet .at Ottawa. ' Lit- - eratuile has been prepared 'Outlining' •principles, and theories of operation' e the crimeindex,: and the response to far has been encouraging. In feet, • • eral. chiefs ' of -police have deeided. to Meter similar sYetenia In thelr owi' departments to cope ivtth,fe.esalieendi-, . • • *. Possess Perfect Teeth iage. For sucking, pests: chief of then' , are the aphids dr Plant' lice, • spray with whaleoll seep, a quarLer: Potind of soap to a:gallon and .a, half Of wa- ter; : nicetfne Sulphate -or !"Black Leaf 46", or any repellent...settirCd . . frent a reliable seed store.;;Whsen fun- gus 'attacks the plants, the foliage' us- ually...tarns .yellow or. brown, or White spots Mite' mildeW Cover the leaves., .Fungus is twist': • thinmon 1 n *atm; Murky,. ,weather, Spraying whir .Bord- etilix Mixture; Or :dusting. with' SpeCial- l'y fitiely greUnd'salplitir • BLUEBBLI, DER TWINE —AT— • Manufacturer's • Prices •• Finest- Quality ••• 600 and '650 foot grade, Large or &nail 13a118.. Prices on Pure, Manilla . Rope and Wire Cable, See iyour Ciub, Secretary, • eratzve Manager; or *elite Tfie UNITED FARMERS' CO-OPERATIVE Limited •-• •Cdr. Tike and Georg4 Sts. ' • TORONTO# ONTARIO . . . There'Not An Ache In. Sight For . Any One of the 100 They Have . •••.,.- , • - ., • .. .. • ....-..- • • . • • 'There 'isn't A single.adhe• in Sight for ..any One 0? the '00 teeth. tucked ' away: neatly and laperfect formation in :the.' ..tnetitht,df; the -five Dianne girls up', at Callander, :according to Dr:.A..p.. Ma,' • Sen„ Dean .ot the Faculty of OPiitiStry, 'ViiiversitY of q'OrontO.: - ' .j..,•.. rVidence, that: their teeth are 'Well' • • formed •efin he '. Seen. •iii tiyci ',Sets Of . eaSta; one taken ;fit threeyeari and the other tis o1 months tater.tviiieh, were. . an view at the facility's exhibit at the ' • ' , eotiVentien Of the 'Otitiktio ,Dental Ai-. . S'ociatien, .. ,• ! - , ' • , -Suggestion they haVe.noUtlie allgiitt: , . eat need' to fear cav"-ities in, tit:6.116st .., future isgiven' in ' fepOl•ta ' on -tvio.! tests, the haeillus acidelphus- test; and,., tilie[atie •fei. 'staith digestIOM.: •:•. . 'F'otilia-letre"•Die'qo' i'eared Pehti,igaso&l,etitsed-tb ',on)ayge' On: 7 the. tests, for, Whilo,dentists:.claittied... theY, Were Pet entirely new nevi- de- . VeloptnelltS., . were expected shortly. :frarn,fiirthei O.' ' erintental 'Week. \ . It Wee-Pe:lilted .Otit that the 'forma.. • ....,, . ion of the tirehe ' :on the'latet sei‘f tii of Casts, void nlOre I ' iforin than inthe, firsL Trained eyes;:it wa$ OXPlailled, could' See :there:Were *certain faults iit the 'itritet•Ute-c,of, two. of ''.'.11.M. ' inotitha, . Month breathing orthiiiiili't iiliekilig.,,ntify have beeit factors, „With, ' i.'q the S'eurf heWeVer,„thette tanill had: ' dliappeared tect'kelyi, ..' . • , !, '; ;.. 4,