HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-06-02, Page 6.• • • r • • r • • • r •••• • r • • • •41, .7; t10 p.or. '14,t7.,23,41:131141,11,117',1',•ttlz,•;q1. 11!";• • te 00,1, • • • • • : • ; • • 4a..' • 4,011 • , • • . , t- , • . rnoiltorY on the ,44 the Weelc's News :"--• ; By.Elizabeth Eidy. 91' QUITE READY -Despite repeat - Vat. "scares". in Europe the past w weeke it is declared by pplitical. ervers, who should ;know, and by twapaper foreign correspondents' who '014 1teil the. inside story,. that Ger-, the. country 'i...psenting the :big: seat threat. to internationat peace, is *tot Ye( ready,to.engtige in • a ` large- : stale war. 'The •rearmemet pregram. of the Reich is fr from., hen* gem: pleted, peint,..„•ent; the'. general Staff of the ermy'are 'against pecipi lath:1g aponflict ai this time, Then; • toe, Gerinanya domestic .econeMY. has not been; satisfactorily organized -it. tannin, b. nntil the country is able to produce or impOrt enough feed to sup-. , ply its people time of war until it can 'pocure enough raw Thaterials to satisfy ehe needs of inhistry., The drought.' spring has redn :ced dermanra cop output to 'a figure away helper overage. Under Such eir- Pumistances it is highly improbable ,that Hiter will, deliberately ' set Match .to the • European powder -keg • 'within the next shOrt •• 'Later, Who can can ? • " CRISES WILL REGCIP,--; Diplomatic quarters in every democatio country of Europe are eonvineed "that even though Germany did not march on Czecheatc4.nkia !est wek-end or the, • one before She will continue to purine her alms .1,..vhihtinlude the carving 012a thoroughfare east to. the- grain fields of the Ukrain) by a continuous 7-,-Serie-of:dip1oniet1c and`-propagndis- tie shockttcks" until both France Ind 'Czechoslovakia ar ,for set! • dement :alongGerman lines., . • For that reason it isbel the world fight And declares he *111. crry,the sister PreVnce? Though not willing to come Mit WIth the:direprediction that Saekateliewan hi Being 0:0 be anetliOr Alherta, we shafl net he at all surPrieed to " See the election result in a big win for Social. -Credit; 'or perhaps the C.O.Fi PrtY.. The people et .kieekatelieWan :to a great extetfeel'that„tei have been :left in* the ;lurch' by Eastern Canada: The past si;rtieven yare:hayebee. unceasing nightinare for -.vast num! of peop'..i In the dried -MA 'areas They cannot face a• repetition' of the, sa(n e*peren de -Which- would be sitie to :come with the Vary text Year of peer Oono-1g their dspetation, they to something entirely •noi for hope and help, *WI:IERE WOMEN CAN'T VOTE -Bid Yon knowlhat women of .Quelec have. t. et? ,•• nO vote in Previncial elections? In - other :Words, half:the Pewits of viliat Province .have no say in matter's po- 'Meal, no representation in the' Legis- lative Aasenihly. But throughout the Teat of. Canada '-where wemen ere en. dewed with greeter privilege, the facts of the' Quebec sitfiation are frequently f-igotten. . • • ' Whyhaven't the women of Quebec • ' • • The British War Minister On Visit to Fran* • Leslie ,Hore-13elisha; British Minister. of War, .inspects the 'guard Le 13ourgt airdrome, near 'Paris, following a visit to. Rome. • of honor upon his arrival by Plane at • • eneva ureau Says • a vote, we inquire? For the reason , • that uP to now they have ilot asked for "' Main Avenues of.m- it hard enough. When the., Canadian vance 'Already Elankedi States Alliance for WoMenstVote in Quebec ,• Director •Ilrnld. Antler; of aP.:ear,A month liefore the Bovfell ternahnnal Labour 'Bureaux and Commission; the Counsel for the Com .*' Edifice Built iy• Present • Genr attsaton_exiwessed_hta. view thus : 11__eralinlinderiinedily Inferno! suggeet when'YOu. Persuade alnaior- neuct. itY Of the Women of Quebec, that they ' • • • . • should have the •vote, and thy: ask • ••• ; , TTIT;IlieWill"get it 7:**GlINE y2k-=Hardld-ilutlet--.Eirector- ,, must expect "1.periodevetern otthe _ ' ' • of •the. Iiiterziatienal Labor Oflide,laat .. aame critia . through Which, R. Is Pass- itiDNAF!PING.4 IL-Hnglnd, that week warned that • war ;blocking -ing-nti =always -pro 1 e e s ay. ep - -ptogreir rahltthreitte Ontario'sRate.o Falls• Tkt0NO.-QhtArlo 104.19.41 4882:1 eiatfOU spoltesPlen °*hat ,011- taio'Sfaling birthrate Is being View eil 'with soine.miegiving. • If, the last eight ireatk,:steadf1,def -One in:the Percentag*Piees is net ne_hel ' t • " e -the athilit that the :situation will be one hich may well occasion alarin. , 'Genetat eonomic.. conditions , and high edict Of livingare the mini fee ,they eay, coetriliutingl to. •,stady decline. In :birth. rate, fromi 21.8 Per :1:006. pOptilition in 1930 to 169 in 1936. tion in north-western Czechoslovakia Lindbergh fled as to a. refuge frOm, to precipitate •es"total collapse' doea not get out of hand and .Precipi- tate a war after. Front now on, it • Is predicted, we'll be lucky if we have breathing-spaer • • • SAS KIV1:-.611 r A -',""s ELECTION -On June 8, the people of Saskatchewan go to the polls in one of the most import- ant elections in the history Ot that po viuce. .A11 the•majOr forces of inte- the kidnae threats and .publieity, hor- 'rola of the United' States, pas' experi- enced Wrst Osnatch" modern „times. :And whom' shOuld the miscre- ants" .chmise to make off with . but Lord Nuffield, the "Ford of England," mrltimillionaire motor manufacturer and philanthrdpist. , . The plot, 'however, was niPped.,,, in the -bud list _week, .when a friend, in , gration and disintegration at Work in the net room -of Lord Nuifield's.of- has raised Should another general • In :his"nnitaV .report the British chief of the labor btrean, a League of Nations orgentiation, reported • fa vorably on baic :econoMic condition's, but declared: "War is already;irivad- in the social field." " has -already blockedsomeof 'the main aVenfies advande," Mr. Butler reported; •"and may keen begin t� sap' the Social edifice which thiageteration Canada at this tints, are :converging up fide ,at DXford,.beard'a scuffle, Phoned, Saskatehewan'panhe:seen Attemp- for, the police, had the two kidnappers ting ° 0 lite a.".neW:•"deittiiiy. „ '' : i '..eetpie:two minutes.,: Will1Seekate WAi,•.SpcIaI reditIt is thought thatsome time Is like? . :: Premier Aberhtt tit:Albria;: SaCred 11'. to elapse before aithiber,kiCinati?!.4 • War break ent, aliatal.eollaPse prOc-.: tteallY certain." • .• • the. Labor, Office,. Will lie' Stimittedto •Inter- natienal Labor VOnference here .this Phief,,haajnnipeit thick cif ',the i atteMpred in Efigland oris econcile • 9 •• s ities Power Is Becorrung Gready Enhanced—Better Understand- Find Early:Men. ingh.Between •the Bntts4 and Dined on 'Sloths Gandhi Has Recently Been Felt • Mahattna C; Gandhi today IS a big- , ger :figure In India. than OTer:, After," • A long period -,of :;self-linpOied sllence and' inactiVity,,' he his' Steged. a dra? . melte • emnehattc.', which , plates , one, mOre In the world's The little. Hnd* who haa'led India's - foward,rfationaliin ;- recently Scored a series .0f notable • stteeSsea: " They have culminated' in • a Virtual. • agreement between Hinditind Mohana- medan communities' of. India on. most theirontstaeding, difierences.1' ' • • Rernoves Barrier To Unity, -- 11.. Thus: "nip -of the last barriers. tO eal political unity • 30,;000,00 '.. people haA been removed and:Gadhi's: positiOn has been ,strengtliened. .:: • Fresh.from tomeof the Northwesti: Frontier .prevIneWhere a year ago; he • • Would have .heenaeretd,• the apostle Of ..peae and. Pasive resIstatce. now ' exerciss,: j-• dictoriai. ptiWer * ' oieelhe Congress'PartY • ,Once an iniplacable opponent of Brftou, who 'jthled him seven now- is their Champlen, • • Thlis is dee. largely toGreat Bitain's' • reeent., Coneiliatery plicy, Thebetter undebtanlijg betteeen, • the 13eltiish end Gandhi has introduced lt tiefitapi?' rt- of miltup.t -eeithilenCe and throughout. Ind . ' ,•' , ,•' , • , Peace prevails The 'country nver has been so peaceful.' pollee who In the 'pat atiP!' pressed nationalist's agitator, ,arid id •Prisons' with eeinonstraterie. noti: stand idle at Street Coners. "Because of British concessions to Elie; Many lnfiuentlal Indians believe • ' :that India' Will hatiie an' autonomous ..jovernMent. within a few years. ' • -''Gandhi new is poneeetrating oiaob- 4kining modifications of India's cnsti- -; tution to perinitIndians to control, de- - de- ,. . fnce; •finance. end - freign MinitriesWhich the TIG1411thifil- 7 Eli have retaind, . • Deistite reports that he Wasuffer- , ins fr4in hteakilowri In health, 'Gond- •• • ",,toOked, better And more . heerful' ' i'lgerotne than at . any time in re . lnt -ars. e showed his' old time ft etaigy aitd-gOod hitmor.:"They've , . . no dyiu,g. several Uties, but I've Jed them,".;44adhi tialtly4;' hOPedto five long enugh:to see indas; pominiu, ' • , lee, • , • . . . • *.• `" Calif�rnians i5,000 Years- Ago Importance____ ••• • -• • • s,n,o IS the trail. 'o.the early Californians •WhO feas,te 011 Pieisteei, tete ;ground „sloths flfteet or twenty .tousend;Yarsigq,. -• • It probahlY vatn't cailttunny 'Ca; orna.. hen,,bccauile .glaciers 'stt:tch edas far south as thebigherSan Bar?, nardirio Mountain's:, • That's ;hOuth. of. Les.Aitgelea... • • 4 ' • The .tieWY d'ibovered ancient danip t..round of -the 1Pielatoce1ie man found' by C. C. Peat of' Berkey, •cafii:,-,liaa ihaeotegiiitel gog, „ • • .* Curater i„IVI. R. -Harrington- of the Southwest lefaseuM,. Les; Atgelea,:ia: making TeadY for a iseeend',Vielt to acs some extensive tileging in OAS an- cient- ealcaP site in Clear 'Lake- Park,, • Lakeconnty!'Northern %California.' '; • _••• He fingered an `Oheldien• hand "110. and 'spine 'Obsidian ' scrapers. , ' "We eantjust When these crude. tools." Were Used; : it must have 'been quite a Snell • before the .time' of the 'Poison' inatt..and'that''Wee15,990 yeari ago," explalned Herrington, an :,:au- thority .on southwest exploration. -,The-cede :teraperg .ane hand axe were ''tuna at' a depth ef :eght feet in:excavating et the ancient CeinPaite. 1.1 The early Pleistocene.. man knew• how to make Rte. ;WO' evidenced by diseeery of aitifililaekened earth. Just V;hathe lite hi something' for the -oblogiiits: aryl :paleetitolOgiSts to ttrephOut. It seem 'Otte tertein that the giant sloth was On hfs.t11 of fare, Elpewhere evideneee have ,„ been kttild that the later Foliern : Ont 13,00.B.C.,/thet hisen and mar& Moth ,witli, enters and ' roasted. :Meat, Mier . -ff-- Motint LaSisen was an Aetivis Arot catio, very mueh s�, in the time o the Pleletneene .man. The Sierra Nevada rnge was ptllj ereWing and' there were 'numeroits great- :darthenalte13,, • . ; filloorri"nt, Grant in 1947 . Mr. Butler *-Ibuild the. "boo.M.pr,the 30's": had reached its! "sUraMWlast Suinmer un- rest, International Niarare.evpr tariffs and citotas,•.eXchenge •cotrol, efirren!' • flnetuation; unbalanced . budgets and the Wordarins race - ”Iii.spite Of all things,"8 Said, "the world scimehow.AUCceededlif .,getting eck"to, thelevl,* 1929, :*hose febu! fu's, prosperity had ',beeine distant Mirage" ' , • . .1 . 2-• Spirit . Of Weifake" ' • .Hia.repprt--shOwed-1937 arbeldIndhs.- trig "Production vise above' the- 1929' tevel,,nifipleytiont. declined -steadily from 1933. -to i;.1937 and World trade volume .appreaghed-the,'1929 Partly, stininleted by ie-ainanient, :13nt1in :thelatter heti Of: 197;111,1r. Butler said,the econemi' tide tnrned; yak stpeltinarketdectines end breeks, in reW material priee.S. • He said the major disturbance • Centred 'n the *United States.- .• 141r. added :that, the. "outlook would be by no Meina dieeenreging :the Spirit 'ef internatlonai, warfare could he banished frOin'eConeinie. end Mrked. Decline In 1937-. • • IiiSenasing production, the report Z. 0. I ! !..• ' : 0 InstihuiHeIps Insanity Cure Shock Treatment Is Found Suc- cessful in Many Cases of. Demenda Praeiox • DeMentia praecox, alorm.ot Wean-. ity -which claimsno less than a quar- ter Of a mllionvictim.in the United States atone,..fias been- treated suede,, doctors at Pittiburg, Pa, re,: 7port-Ofter-nianymenthst-work7with-in4 aulin 'ffidck- treatnient At: the Sti Freficia. MosPital .52. cases torLttliving„..deatlit....hete:_been4,,treeted. Since last June, and 19 Of these treat: nients l'esultd. in discharge from the .Misini Airliner•Found ' Wrecked -LOS 'ANGELES, CAL : Thirty miles awaY; frOM its startinipeitit at. Union Air. Terminal, ,I3erhank, a big airllner crashed into •*a •menntainalcie last Week, exploded end burned,: to deatli-:-;1e--t.nine'-ticeupent,S--ethreeded try fog for siXty bOure,-the wreckage Weitatertilsofered.nd4he. charred bodies carried that ineirntaine by : stretcher , hearers.: ; . • • ......TheY!re:Lookine ,AheS4 LONDON.e4rfug: :slump. When the. rearialinient Prograin ends, the. GOverlinient .7 already , is: ,mapping - a and :•-road-building ,Program'' te : keep, Warkers busy and trade moving. ' Miialary of11ealth; which muSt aetetien effelt .Governinent ventures, Ideal throughout the- country tO, iePqt ):: liVe-year 'pre- grantS .0k; contetepleted 'Work, and re ise theneactYeer..3 "In 1937'wPrid induStriat prodection, excluding the- rose • Clear above :the' '199 leirer and although in the. latex' Months a Marked clecline•Set ln -the for . the..yar stop& at: 101.9-1.06 equallig :the 029 leVel., Canada' was liated •amng the cotth tries renlYing favourably to an invita-' tiOn to Participate e,•preliminary meeting of aft international • public works 'in accOrdance with a. uniform PlAn/to he drawn up Iv the committee. The hist session has beeh get for. Fur Coat Industry • Grows In Caliacla ' Ifiressed and " dy�d r: undyed, df furbearing animals Areash- • ioned into We'arnig Apparelof:Vare, ouS kinds by the liar.gods industry of Canada. CoatS, 'capeso, scarves, eollars,.cuffs , and !mufs are :•sOMe. 'of the itnins mantitaetured bub -the principal of .01,..ia_the_f_11:r. cording to statistics now niade nitail;• abl, the fur 'cOta MAde in Canada for -Vtnen If" 1946 totalled 9o;662: TMS IS the largeet hurnber*OVer re :corded by the industry. Prnetitally the Whole,rdarnarid \for ' fur goods In Canada is met by the' hen* indileitY, and likewise nearlg all of the goods manuacured, in the DOMiniOn are: 1 Made for holne use, the impdit and export trades in ManufActured fur genda being Pt reletiVely lite I Ina- ' pottaitiee. . If -�.c1rivei• ;Ili' stung by. aWasP and, lets go • lit; Steering •Whel as1 ,a reisult Of the Pain, he. will be: held respansible for any damage rned' by ac,ident,, according to a decision Of, the Cour lt4nt. . . :j3htthe5eaS:;avte b:eie°11iefteGr4to Stal:Y;e;riidei::lei18 are::rs:ii:rg1etent: ndoe,ptwaer0ifrtnthe before :cmpletion of the treatments. ' • - The/patient, -chosen at random, .re- present O 'fairly accurate cross-section of these admitted, to: a' mental .• Fifty doses of insulin over a two, Months'. Period; are adminietered to patients. It is, admielstered every' morning Spi days a week, beginning With eMali doses and' increasieg un- til the Point of tolerance is reached. At, this, joint restless ratip,, dizzi., ness, or even -unconeeloneess reaCeci. • • Some paiets, go into .deep comas, andegand writhe at ankleand Wrist reetraintrit InVakii18 out Into Profuse perspiration. Only a' desperate at! tempt to rescue patient from a fete worse than death pould justifythe se- verity Of the treatment. They Mug KIICOW 1 • The Answers HOOtehold .Helpes Taught In • GOvernment-,Shonls.klave To ;Reply SatiSf4iCturfiy to :clues- . Pe you kow' how Us clean piano. keys? How to make le good pastry? The dfferent. Methods of Poffeemak. ing? The silverware, outlery, dishes and crystal necessary to set a table for, •breakfalit, formai luncheon end dinner? , „ These arelust a few Of the qealifice: tions taught young women at the Otte: wa Home Service Training Centre, where theporilinionProvineial youth Training program has shown remark- able aehievements in turning out, cap- able' hireseholdassistants, since its organisition.in Januar. •' Determine Girls' Ahillty • . Five Written examinations are giv- en the • gir's during their 12 -Weeks , Two questions . on deport- mene -two.' on linAdry and household duties .and- two et copking are set by the'. members of the household -Staff -for---eijeb,--‘examinatien.—t-T-rainees".t. failing tO obtain. the %requird. pass mark Of 70 axe :gven'ral reviewsby Ike .01rig.„,,,passing,1With highest marks belOe• Secondary :'hese .tests. determine theeh:1111y Of • of thee° hormone . preparatons h ve been :obtained in the, laboratory and,'• • finder field cenditiens. • , The control of plant. bormona.prsf, -parations new ,comea.under -the Per.: tilizers Act which means' that the pnb.... lic Is Safeguarded againsi'extravagant • and Miseadingclefs:as .regarding them. Plant Hormones Open New Field' Their Use In the Promotion cf Root Development on Cuttings The nee of plant hcircnone maerials!' foe the, pv ;notion of root developmentr,. en cuttings and -other thing's le One of the latest 'sciences:to be deVeloped in bThelnoigell„nu letre:4yla Ifni eatli e"11 sd ft the' 'ties of- hormones, 'are thoroughly ex- plored, : • 4 k, • • Pine Flepults Obtained , There are now in the market, s0v-: eral hormone, preparations Which if ' ittiie-tiioCn33C (-7slhnogu 1 dt gin! qt40C0tdUr The homone- substances in these vol. • • Paiationa are: Inole-hytYrie • OW; • naiffithai-latYTip,; indole-acetle ,acid , • .: and papthal-acetic aid. These-• ehetai, • cal substances made •byi, litheratory prodess have the effect in -promoting root develpPment when. used in Mip-• ate amoun* ' over -dose Will de: Press. tOoting" rather than aid it,Ana thisPialtes it neessarY to ese` at ..a „ • . rate Of .onlY a few parts per Million, The nianufacturers'' instrutions • em•• ' • phasitie and gilre Ole details ... ilsregardilig this. • , Some. very -fine results frbin the. use Prairie Sections People in Foriper 'Dried -Out Area •• Travel Miles to Greet Dis-, • • be'gir-P'en her preliininarjeo graduate: 7eertifieate for. Information of ,her -future employ- er. • • c . • • ' • Pod 1H'n'fit e ; in G o • . The centre Is esPoneibler.for..the. tare and training pi.thegirls dfiring their sojourn there. -TheY .are plated 'in•geod homes et the end of the train- iiirand after' three Months". actual vice inutsideihe centre P. -.report is: made and,. If eatifactorj,' each giri iS • presented •with,a greduation pin., • • Vastor • • :., • •••• • • • quaint village, of :Vet Mrie, trading , centre fr a .wie ' south-western $askatchewen area populated ' chiefly I by people of: trench origin., ' • ' Lord Tweedsmuir -visited the vil- lage and was -greeted enthusiastical- ly by Many residents, neluding abbut ' 1,000 school .children. The visitors represented, an area of aboilt.', 6 - • . square mike, Some of them travelling as much as 100 miles4. . . ' •,' • , One :thing • to :Cher. About , • Apbearing, on a .special platform • : ' , .• ord. Tvyeedsmuir • •was introduced • • , • •, , by . George l• Spence, director of • ..Prairie2;L,Fastrie_Behtthilitation.,..;Act• • C‘NADA. . , . 01/le . . . . . THE WORLD • • • Path , to COast BloCked • BABCELONA.The"Spnisli rebels ter Several days have •been attacking oxi A Wde but -somewhat -Intermittent trent Weitevard Teruel ;in an firid int attempt' to Teach -tine road between Terul and Sgynto in a roundabout w1.1.: Thesituation: has dangerous possibilities, for should . te rebels reach the road -to Sagunto; they wopld have taken the dretateide toward cnt• thig a patliwaY. to thesea, by Another - route; that would pace them abou thirteen miles- froth; Valencia; provid- ed they 1ever reached Sagunto, which is still many milieaway. . . -0- a • . CANADA ma, apparently interested in' nothing. • Where Our. interest Liei. • ' maid :2problemit Ahonld, SolVed when We 'come to knew. .Of. mitt" abdut Met:bode of 'governmentail, we know • abont themotieri:•74irandon. Snate Passes, akbare 'Majority of fourkthe : :Senate , last, Week carried, third readingof, the bilt finensored by Hen,, Lendrum ltilcMeany .Win7 nipeg), tobreadeh thagrofinds •fer. d- VOTee1.in . Canada. ' The vote. was' to 29.• . ineaSpre goeSIO therliUse • J of . Cominefs,'Where Its tonrae is un?" certain. ::As a' p.tititete bill it: ie. sub- ject ,t�- the; restrictions of .titne ' new govern stich measures rt this stage .of the 'Session. : More 'Cabinet ChangeiAslieci --LONDON.Peinier' NeVille Chani- bdrlain's reec.nstrucion of the Cabinet ith Sir itingeioy weed replacing ount S Wi n ton at the' Air Atlinistr;Ond Maleolni; Maedonald Lord. Hart. lechs pest ,at • the dniellial dated,' his • totsatisfied all On -lents Of the 'Con- aervative Party.. Thee a keeling, that the chr,eges MP:Merely ePedient, ;limited, and that Certain Cabinet' Pests eouldte better filled.: • • . , -affot Dok!'rLlisted- 'As 134 Eusiness The "hot' deg", cerneS under the heading of big businese Where ,Cn- de and New Zealand are ,Oncrncl. • J. W. Collins, retiring ITew" Zca land, trade commissioner to Canada, lastweek at Toronto at a com- plimentary luncheon that Canada is New Zealandis beat mistelner /or hot dog oning, ptitehaging -Mora than $16,t100.10orth last stem... ' • ' vr.aret, ' • And the Reit of the Week . • , "Vhy nor have all 'holidays On., on- daYs?":isalist* the,' ()Wen • .Sound- Sun - Times, eat think Of a better.ene than that. IiirhY.," not have all, Mon- daysItelidaysl--Zhathatn Newl.., . , • P.ledges Cantle Cheap affirms that "Germany Will ttareh with Italy : to the end ...end: that. the Italian' 4reatier will ale,Yqlie' VIplate..A sftnilar froatier,Pledge Wes. also Mice -made from: Berlin with re-. 'gar& tia.:Belgiiin and by Muso11ni in. Ex- positor.., . , /- -•• • • , Drink MOre Milk -.' • Hoper; de the 'Doniinion: Department •of. Agriotilttire, • Says Ca nadians at; •a whole :drink : ton' little, milk: He has -presented to ithe Cana- dian Counclt Oh' , Nutrition :atatitities -showing t3ttif all drank- as inhiCh fam Mee ,. Rh' conifertible incomes :the increased ilemandWouldeqti the Prefinttion of more than .200,000: dairy coiks.:..bairk•fariners will Applatid his ,plea for .the use .Of titore' stoi ‘vihig-Staridard: : • " • ' ' What -Makes An .Accidttt A. ithdy. Of newspaer, .repOtts' -.Of. death, ,and deatrUction 'on' the' highWayi coriVirsee any ;reader that very,: very -few of them • were -un! veldable. , driver is. moving ;Jo' w1ftly' that het fela to .take . aefiree. into the ditch; .6, driver with. his -attention h$ed on nothething eiSe dcieSsi't notice the :raility tracks and, oralth Late a..train; et4lilver eeme* to the er,est- of a bill Oer, the centeline .trnd 'ineetri • hed•On a car . going about its businesti: n:the cPposite reetien=the Ping atorY of the eli-cnin?, staneee. that briitig. aceldents -In- their, train; is Pain fifiTY7 Olta ,•' When They Retire „ It it IntereStingtO see howdifferent peopje take their retiresneht front' 46' tiVe Work. Oneinan retently i•tired fretn:railitoild Work is taking life Whtin the teat Of a boy -and IS eajoying eVery. m,fnute doing things: that have en tetig. hten denied him beceese Of his ' ;HOW differebtly• folk spendthe tel. sure 'of their.,eVittld0, Settle. Settle. doWn• t Itente In h kind Of Mental :00-• Oreept to he, comfortable.Seme leek. about to ' See' if •''.10e.-in't..teine coni: Inunity:werti they Can got 10.0 that sit back, find. fLult,and,' growl., ; , • To which lasS do Yen eXpeeto-,tie-' long 'tided:you retire ftoin.your regfilar occutiatiOn;er''preesSiOn?Kifheifer Becord., •' 1. , • .• • Why Nat Finish the JOhf... With, .the DorniniOn Government at work .ef, the last. ap mu1es or: British Colinibia's gap :in the trans-Cninte highway, there remains. •only .Sonae-, thing. over. 2,00 miles tp be .completed in Oritatie..before wO'Can travel the 4,09 'MBA 'actess Canada by inoter. car. Ad,the.fact that -the latter rOute lies through ,,.the .eitremely:-diffienit` territory around 'Lake toperlorSlioald hot .deter us fongettliig on with. the Jahr,: when you consider:What:can- be acto,mplished. both (luting andAfter:Itet, cemptetion, ' ,-• "•Theiifiinds of single nienwho weuld benefit 'fromhealthy outdoor. cons•tru- tion work 'n'ut- Still accePt'lelief. Dbea thi feet not suggest an OppOrtanity. for..earnet • Ce-operatipin'betereen the Government Of Qatari°. and -Qttaivato• Work:rathet t4i4vdireet rellef?Getiadialf Easiness. • •;.. • perators,: Who spoke of the • gover= ncirTgeneraPs Personal interest it the.. welfare Of the; people of the former„ excellency -cayTe4:;-.11110:e•?--eSir413;i1wcefitiinohtei;10,-wiiian., eyes what . was being done :towards the rehabilitation of the eiaminuit The gOvernor;general said the; one • . -thing--cheer-abopewisttheiour- age of fhb. peeile.. 'Helveeglad the ' , '..• cropprospect was much better this !, ••• '• • •. • • • . ' . .• • • . THE EMPIRE .• . NOttNoting Voters . • the ',1 -louse 0! Lord recentlyan alert* *SS Sepidededperning.the. creasing- apathy of the 'eleterae-e- esPeelally at Inunicipal eleetio.estand: itWris suggested that the Government lsoffli take eiefikaires 'stimulate the interestof the publie in -the O'er: Oat of: 'its .traditional rights" • What: ;nes:sures could the :GoVerninent take? trn mke, Voting cOinpulsory Would bo• aliegetion „th.: freederil 'Willtt the' -Wt e isintencled to Safeguad; and to iJtrike off ' the eV fatal • rap abSn tee Votents' wutdStinpli hand over towcr sib1y n ninoity of the diatont.; efited=dif-effeetliffieed.,'-Willehlrethy in the general 'body of- the alettorate may itself prodtie,if:Only tor: Therels not a little "iron, ft le- trite, in the.re-fleetion' -that the valuation Of the vote Seetes (1.0'11111h as its 'die- Ipibtitibh Is -etetided---Very much like 'iscesary. IloWeVer; absolute an inflated Whileevery freecieni,-peaee And hapitleS-fetind slgn of oieptaaiipdifferanda'etitiVeYS,in:tlfh':Ceted, makeSop for. wIlatovot• • A ainItr. there seems no lieaSen to disU1deeat?te, there OQ" , • ' ,. tiOli.'Lija1t,1%61.6g)1ibil end Iii • 1%6 J'apariese .(lbYeirlinent-- 'Is ea, • Pesti .1:4Ond0h • • t '" ' • boaragiti g the , • ' . Congo Explorers' ••• . Employ Trailers 10. Latest Expedition Into Jungle Car- • • ries Along An Comforts , . Of Civilization ' • • Pymies Of the , Belgian' Congo will gawk just as white -eyed and Pen-monthed at the latestexpedAa .• tion into their jungles is,' their an- ' ..• ' • ceitara did at the early white 'ex- 1" plorts.. For this modern trek con= • • sisti Of a stteanaLlined. safari Of up- • . to-the-minnte ,stiper-trailers contain- • ' ing tho cerriforts of civilization., The traileis. are the rolling home •-of , the trotd' anthOrexploter ', • mender Attilio Gatti and •1:ijs wife; • ' ' • the former: Ellen Waddill field, Mo. Now en route from New York withher husband fer ht' tenth , • trip to the 13elgian Congo, Mrs. Gatti •:1:* is. enthusiastic' about their new jun- •• • , • • Have Radro and telephone trailers which cost $16,001) aniece, are all -steel, air-condtioned • and insulated, and powered by trite; • r tors. One.is complete with sitting town, lavatory, dining table, bat, and a kitchen With a revdIving steel . • inthe centre from which Mrs. Gatti • can reach her stove, sink or refrig- erator. • The other „ trailer has fvisa •• Single bedrooms with a tiled bath - tooth containing a nornial size _tub •• between tem. Mb. Gatti's bedroent • ., • • has a vanity table;too! Both trailers . are. 'etfluipped with radios and are donnected by telephone. •Pee', In the Jungle • Conithatidr Gatti has spent 13 • years explorinthe junkie. Museums. • • , •" • all over the 'world contain ejtantiple/l)fi,,,‘ ' • • ; of his huntirig and scientific ploi..1111k i ess; the,Rbyl University n Fterence having romps filled with 'Gatti "disCoveries"; tinge the teat exPedi- tiorilir Gatti has been.if-very tiVe partner in his work. ' She will ofiloy the 'civilization" tile trailers Contain,' titeugli,. , • really a soft person'," the explained. • "1 ean be hard, but not unless it'll - • • „. ..• fear that detnockaby will cease to furic.1 • • • • ,, • • --;1„,.;;;C=7:= •