HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-06-02, Page 6.•
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rnoiltorY on the
,44 the Weelc's News :"--• ; By.Elizabeth Eidy.
91' QUITE READY -Despite repeat -
Vat. "scares". in Europe the past
w weeke it is declared by pplitical.
ervers, who should ;know, and by
twapaper foreign correspondents' who
'014 1teil the. inside story,. that Ger-,
the. country 'i...psenting the :big:
seat threat. to internationat peace, is
*tot Ye( ready,to.engtige in • a ` large-
: stale war. 'The •rearmemet pregram.
of the Reich is fr from., hen* gem:
pleted, peint,..„•ent; the'. general
Staff of the ermy'are 'against pecipi
lath:1g aponflict ai this time, Then;
• toe, Gerinanya domestic .econeMY. has
not been; satisfactorily organized -it.
tannin, b. nntil the country is able to
produce or impOrt enough feed to sup-.
, ply its people time of war until it
can 'pocure enough raw Thaterials to
satisfy ehe needs of inhistry.,
The drought.' spring has redn
dermanra cop output to 'a figure
away helper overage. Under Such eir-
Pumistances it is highly improbable
,that Hiter will, deliberately ' set
Match .to the • European powder -keg
• 'within the next shOrt
•• 'Later, Who can can ?
• " CRISES WILL REGCIP,--; Diplomatic
quarters in every democatio country
of Europe are eonvineed "that even
though Germany did not march on
Czecheatc4.nkia !est wek-end or the,
• one before She will continue to purine
her alms .1,..vhihtinlude the carving
012a thoroughfare east to. the- grain
fields of the Ukrain) by a continuous
7-,-Serie-of:dip1oniet1c and`-propagndis-
tie shockttcks" until both France
Ind 'Czechoslovakia ar ,for set!
dement :alongGerman lines., .
• For that reason it isbel the world
fight And declares he *111. crry,the
sister PreVnce?
Though not willing to come Mit WIth
the:direprediction that Saekateliewan
hi Being 0:0 be anetliOr Alherta, we
shafl net he at all surPrieed to " See the
election result in a big win for Social.
-Credit; 'or perhaps the C.O.Fi PrtY..
The people et .kieekatelieWan :to a
great extetfeel'that„tei have been
:left in* the ;lurch' by Eastern Canada:
The past si;rtieven yare:hayebee.
unceasing nightinare for -.vast num!
of peop'..i In the dried -MA 'areas
They cannot face a• repetition' of the,
sa(n e*peren de -Which- would be sitie
to :come with the Vary text Year of
peer Oono-1g their dspetation, they
to something entirely •noi for
hope and help,
Yon knowlhat women of .Quelec have.
t. et? ,••
nO vote in Previncial elections? In -
other :Words, half:the Pewits of viliat
Province .have no say in matter's po-
'Meal, no representation in the' Legis-
lative Aasenihly. But throughout the
Teat of. Canada '-where wemen ere en.
dewed with greeter privilege, the facts
of the' Quebec sitfiation are frequently
f-igotten. . • • '
Whyhaven't the women of Quebec
• '
The British War Minister On Visit to Fran*
• Leslie ,Hore-13elisha; British Minister. of War, .inspects the 'guard
Le 13ourgt airdrome, near 'Paris, following a visit to. Rome. •
of honor upon his arrival by Plane at
eneva ureau Says
a vote, we inquire? For the reason
, •
that uP to now they have ilot asked for "' Main Avenues of.m-
it hard enough. When the., Canadian vance 'Already Elankedi States
Alliance for WoMenstVote in Quebec ,• Director •Ilrnld. Antler; of
aP.:ear,A month liefore the Bovfell ternahnnal Labour 'Bureaux and
Commission; the Counsel for the Com .*' Edifice Built iy• Present • Genr
attsaton_exiwessed_hta. view thus : 11__eralinlinderiinedily Inferno!
suggeet when'YOu. Persuade alnaior- neuct.
itY Of the Women of Quebec, that they ' • • • . •
should have the •vote, and thy: ask • ••• ; ,
TTIT;IlieWill"get it 7:**GlINE y2k-=Hardld-ilutlet--.Eirector-
,, must expect "1.periodevetern otthe _ ' ' • of •the. Iiiterziatienal Labor Oflide,laat
aame critia . through Which, R. Is Pass- itiDNAF!PING.4 IL-Hnglnd, that week warned that • war ;blocking
-ing-nti =always -pro 1 e e s ay. ep - -ptogreir rahltthreitte
Falls• Tkt0NO.-QhtArlo 104.19.41 4882:1
eiatfOU spoltesPlen °*hat ,011-
taio'Sfaling birthrate Is being View
eil 'with soine.miegiving. •
If, the last eight ireatk,:steadf1,def
-One in:the Percentag*Piees is net
ne_hel ' t • " e -the
athilit that the :situation will be one
hich may well occasion alarin.
, 'Genetat eonomic.. conditions , and
high edict Of livingare the mini fee
,they eay, coetriliutingl to.
•,stady decline. In :birth. rate,
fromi 21.8 Per :1:006. pOptilition in 1930
to 169 in 1936.
tion in north-western Czechoslovakia Lindbergh fled as to a. refuge frOm, to precipitate •es"total collapse'
doea not get out of hand and .Precipi-
tate a war after. Front now on, it
• Is predicted, we'll be lucky if we have
breathing-spaer • • •
SAS KIV1:-.611 r A -',""s ELECTION -On
June 8, the people of Saskatchewan go
to the polls in one of the most import-
ant elections in the history Ot that po
viuce. .A11 the•majOr forces of inte-
the kidnae threats and .publieity, hor-
'rola of the United' States, pas' experi-
enced Wrst Osnatch" modern
„times. :And whom' shOuld the miscre-
ants" .chmise to make off with . but
Lord Nuffield, the "Ford of England,"
mrltimillionaire motor manufacturer
and philanthrdpist.
, . The plot, 'however, was niPped.,,, in
the -bud list _week, .when a friend, in
gration and disintegration at Work in the net room -of Lord Nuifield's.of- has raised Should another general
• In :his"nnitaV .report the British
chief of the labor btrean, a League
of Nations orgentiation, reported • fa
vorably on baic :econoMic condition's,
but declared: "War is already;irivad-
in the social field."
" has -already blockedsomeof 'the
main aVenfies advande," Mr. Butler
reported; •"and may keen begin t� sap'
the Social edifice which thiageteration
Canada at this tints, are :converging up fide ,at DXford,.beard'a scuffle, Phoned,
Saskatehewan'panhe:seen Attemp- for, the police, had the two kidnappers
ting ° 0 lite a.".neW:•"deittiiiy. „ '' : i '..eetpie:two minutes.,:
Will1Seekate WAi,•.SpcIaI reditIt is thought thatsome time Is like?
. :: Premier Aberhtt tit:Albria;: SaCred 11'. to elapse before aithiber,kiCinati?!.4
War break ent, aliatal.eollaPse prOc-.:
tteallY certain." • .• •
the. Labor,
Office,. Will lie' Stimittedto •Inter-
natienal Labor VOnference here .this
Phief,,haajnnipeit thick cif ',the i atteMpred in Efigland
oris econcile
• 9 ••
s ities
Power Is Becorrung Gready
Enhanced—Better Understand- Find Early:Men.
ingh.Between •the Bntts4 and Dined on 'Sloths
Gandhi Has Recently Been Felt •
Mahattna C; Gandhi today IS a big-
, ger :figure In India. than OTer:, After,"
• A long period -,of :;self-linpOied sllence
and' inactiVity,,' he his' Steged. a dra? .
melte • emnehattc.', which , plates
, one, mOre In the world's
The little. Hnd* who haa'led India's -
foward,rfationaliin ;- recently
Scored a series .0f notable • stteeSsea:
" They have culminated' in • a Virtual.
• agreement between Hinditind Mohana-
medan communities' of. India on. most
theirontstaeding, difierences.1' ' •
• Rernoves Barrier To Unity, -- 11..
Thus: "nip -of the last barriers. tO eal
political unity • 30,;000,00
'.. people haA been removed and:Gadhi's:
positiOn has been ,strengtliened. .:: •
Fresh.from tomeof the Northwesti:
Frontier .prevIneWhere a year ago; he
• • Would have .heenaeretd,• the apostle
Of ..peae and. Pasive resIstatce. now
' exerciss,: j-• dictoriai. ptiWer
* ' oieelhe Congress'PartY
• ,Once an iniplacable opponent of
Brftou, who 'jthled him seven
now- is their Champlen, •
• Thlis is dee. largely toGreat Bitain's'
• reeent., Coneiliatery plicy, Thebetter
undebtanlijg betteeen, • the 13eltiish
end Gandhi has introduced lt tiefitapi?'
rt- of miltup.t -eeithilenCe and
throughout. Ind . ' ,•' , ,•'
, • ,
Peace prevails
The 'country nver has been so
peaceful.' pollee who In the 'pat atiP!'
pressed nationalist's agitator, ,arid
id •Prisons' with eeinonstraterie. noti:
stand idle at Street Coners.
"Because of British concessions to
Elie; Many lnfiuentlal Indians believe
• ' :that India' Will hatiie an' autonomous
..jovernMent. within a few years. ' •
-''Gandhi new is poneeetrating oiaob-
4kining modifications of India's cnsti-
-; tution to perinitIndians to control, de-
,. . fnce; •finance. end - freign
MinitriesWhich the TIG1411thifil-
7 Eli have retaind, . •
Deistite reports that he Wasuffer-
, ins fr4in hteakilowri In health, 'Gond-
• ",,toOked, better And more . heerful'
' i'lgerotne than at . any time in re
. lnt -ars. e showed his' old time
ft etaigy aitd-gOod hitmor.:"They've
, . .
no dyiu,g. several Uties, but I've
Jed them,".;44adhi tialtly4;'
hOPedto five
long enugh:to see indas; pominiu,
' • , lee, • ,
• . . .
• *.• `"
Calif�rnians i5,000 Years- Ago
Importance____ ••• • -•
• s,n,o IS the trail. 'o.the early
Californians •WhO feas,te 011 Pieisteei,
tete ;ground „sloths flfteet or twenty
.tousend;Yarsigq,. -•
• It probahlY vatn't cailttunny 'Ca;
orna.. hen,,bccauile .glaciers 'stt:tch
edas far south as thebigherSan Bar?,
nardirio Mountain's:, • That's ;hOuth. of.
Les.Aitgelea... • • 4 ' •
The .tieWY d'ibovered ancient danip
t..round of -the 1Pielatoce1ie man found'
by C. C. Peat of' Berkey, •cafii:,-,liaa
ihaeotegiiitel gog, „ • • .*
Curater i„IVI. R. -Harrington- of the
Southwest lefaseuM,. Les; Atgelea,:ia:
making TeadY for a iseeend',Vielt to
acs some extensive tileging in OAS an-
cient- ealcaP site in Clear 'Lake- Park,,
Lakeconnty!'Northern %California.'
'; • _•••
He fingered an `Oheldien• hand "110.
and 'spine 'Obsidian ' scrapers. , '
"We eantjust When these crude.
tools." Were Used; : it must have 'been
quite a Snell • before the .time' of the
'Poison' inatt..and'that''Wee15,990 yeari
ago," explalned Herrington, an :,:au-
thority .on southwest exploration.
-,The-cede :teraperg .ane hand axe
were ''tuna at' a depth ef :eght feet
in:excavating et the ancient CeinPaite.
The early Pleistocene.. man knew•
how to make Rte. ;WO' evidenced
by diseeery of aitifililaekened earth.
Just V;hathe lite hi something' for the
-oblogiiits: aryl :paleetitolOgiSts to
ttrephOut. It seem 'Otte tertein that
the giant sloth was On hfs.t11 of fare,
Elpewhere evideneee have ,„ been
kttild that the later Foliern :
Ont 13,00.B.C.,/thet hisen and mar&
Moth ,witli, enters and ' roasted. :Meat,
Mier . -ff--
Motint LaSisen was an Aetivis Arot
catio, very mueh s�, in the time o the
Pleletneene .man. The Sierra Nevada
rnge was ptllj ereWing and' there
were 'numeroits great- :darthenalte13,,
• .
; filloorri"nt, Grant in 1947 .
Mr. Butler *-Ibuild the. "boo.M.pr,the
30's": had reached its! "sUraMWlast
Suinmer un-
rest, International Niarare.evpr tariffs
and citotas,•.eXchenge •cotrol, efirren!'
• flnetuation; unbalanced . budgets
and the Wordarins race
”Iii.spite Of all things,"8 Said, "the
world scimehow.AUCceededlif .,getting
eck"to, thelevl,* 1929, :*hose febu!
fu's, prosperity had ',beeine distant
Mirage" ' , • . .1 . 2-•
Spirit . Of Weifake" ' •
.Hia.repprt--shOwed-1937 arbeldIndhs.-
trig "Production vise above' the- 1929'
tevel,,nifipleytiont. declined -steadily
from 1933. -to i;.1937 and World trade
volume .appreaghed-the,'1929
Partly, stininleted by ie-ainanient,
:13nt1in :thelatter heti Of: 197;111,1r.
Butler said,the econemi' tide tnrned;
yak stpeltinarketdectines end breeks,
in reW material priee.S. • He said the
major disturbance • Centred 'n the
*United States.- .•
141r. added :that, the. "outlook
would be by no Meina dieeenreging
:the Spirit 'ef internatlonai, warfare
could he banished frOin'eConeinie. end
Mrked. Decline In 1937-. •
• IiiSenasing production, the report
Z. 0. I ! !..• ' : 0
Insanity Cure
Shock Treatment Is Found Suc-
cessful in Many Cases of.
Demenda Praeiox
• DeMentia praecox, alorm.ot Wean-.
ity -which claimsno less than a quar-
ter Of a mllionvictim.in the United
States atone,..fias been- treated
suede,, doctors at Pittiburg, Pa, re,:
aulin 'ffidck- treatnient
At: the Sti Freficia. MosPital .52. cases
Since last June, and 19 Of these treat:
nients l'esultd. in discharge from the
.Misini Airliner•Found ' Wrecked
miles awaY; frOM its startinipeitit at.
Union Air. Terminal, ,I3erhank, a big
airllner crashed into •*a •menntainalcie
last Week, exploded end burned,: to
try fog for siXty bOure,-the wreckage
Weitatertilsofered.nd4he. charred
bodies carried that ineirntaine
by : stretcher , hearers.: ; . •
• ......TheY!re:Lookine ,AheS4
LONDON.e4rfug: :slump. When
the. rearialinient Prograin ends, the.
GOverlinient .7 already , is: ,mapping
and :•-road-building ,Program'' te : keep,
Warkers busy and trade moving. '
Miialary of11ealth; which muSt
aetetien effelt .Governinent ventures,
Ideal throughout
the- country tO, iePqt ):: liVe-year 'pre-
grantS .0k; contetepleted 'Work, and re
ise theneactYeer..3
"In 1937'wPrid induStriat prodection,
excluding the- rose • Clear
above :the' '199 leirer and although in
the. latex' Months a Marked clecline•Set
ln -the for . the..yar stop& at:
101.9-1.06 equallig :the 029 leVel.,
Canada' was liated •amng the cotth
tries renlYing favourably to an invita-'
tiOn to Participate e,•preliminary
meeting of aft international • public
works 'in accOrdance with a. uniform
PlAn/to he drawn up Iv the committee.
The hist session has beeh get for.
Fur Coat Industry
Grows In Caliacla
' Ifiressed and " dy�d r: undyed,
df furbearing animals Areash-
• ioned into We'arnig Apparelof:Vare,
ouS kinds by the liar.gods industry
of Canada. CoatS, 'capeso, scarves,
eollars,.cuffs , and !mufs are :•sOMe.
'of the itnins mantitaetured bub -the
principal of .01,..ia_the_f_11:r.
cording to statistics now niade nitail;•
abl, the fur 'cOta MAde in Canada
for -Vtnen If" 1946 totalled 9o;662:
TMS IS the largeet hurnber*OVer re
:corded by the industry. Prnetitally
the Whole,rdarnarid \for ' fur goods In
Canada is met by the' hen* indileitY,
and likewise nearlg all of the goods
manuacured, in the DOMiniOn are:
1 Made for holne use, the impdit and
export trades in ManufActured fur
genda being Pt reletiVely lite I Ina-
' pottaitiee. .
If -�.c1rivei• ;Ili' stung by. aWasP
and, lets go • lit; Steering •Whel as1
,a reisult Of the Pain, he. will be: held
respansible for any damage rned'
by ac,ident,, according to a decision
Of, the Cour
lt4nt. . .
before :cmpletion of the
treatments. ' •
- The/patient, -chosen at random, .re-
present O 'fairly accurate cross-section
of these admitted, to: a' mental
Fifty doses of insulin over a two,
Months'. Period; are adminietered to
patients. It is, admielstered every'
morning Spi days a week, beginning
With eMali doses and' increasieg un-
til the Point of tolerance is reached.
At, this, joint restless ratip,, dizzi.,
ness, or even -unconeeloneess
reaCeci. • •
Some paiets, go into .deep comas,
andegand writhe at ankleand Wrist
reetraintrit InVakii18 out Into Profuse
perspiration. Only a' desperate at!
tempt to rescue patient from a fete
worse than death pould justifythe se-
verity Of the treatment.
1 •
The Answers
HOOtehold .Helpes Taught In
• GOvernment-,Shonls.klave To
;Reply SatiSf4iCturfiy to :clues-
Pe you kow' how Us clean piano.
keys? How to make le good pastry?
The dfferent. Methods of Poffeemak.
ing? The silverware, outlery, dishes
and crystal necessary to set a table
for, •breakfalit, formai luncheon end
dinner? , „
These arelust a few Of the qealifice:
tions taught young women at the Otte:
wa Home Service Training Centre,
where theporilinionProvineial youth
Training program has shown remark-
able aehievements in turning out, cap-
able' hireseholdassistants, since its
organisition.in Januar. •'
Determine Girls' Ahillty • .
Five Written examinations are giv-
en the • gir's during their 12 -Weeks
, Two questions . on deport-
mene -two.' on linAdry and household
duties .and- two et copking are set by
the'. members of the household -Staff
failing tO obtain. the %requird. pass
mark Of 70 axe :gven'ral reviewsby
Ike .01rig.„,,,passing,1With highest marks
belOe• Secondary
:'hese .tests. determine theeh:1111y Of
of thee° hormone . preparatons h ve
been :obtained in the, laboratory and,'•
• finder field cenditiens. • ,
The control of plant. bormona.prsf,
-parations new ,comea.under -the Per.:
tilizers Act which means' that the pnb....
lic Is Safeguarded againsi'extravagant
• and Miseadingclefs:as .regarding them.
Plant Hormones
Open New Field'
Their Use In the Promotion cf
Root Development on Cuttings
The nee of plant hcircnone maerials!'
foe the, pv ;notion of root developmentr,.
en cuttings and -other thing's le One of
the latest 'sciences:to be deVeloped in
bThelnoigell„nu letre:4yla Ifni eatli e"11 sd ft
'ties of- hormones, 'are thoroughly ex-
plored, : • 4 k,
• • Pine Flepults Obtained ,
There are now in the market, s0v-:
eral hormone, preparations Which if '
ittiie-tiioCn33C (-7slhnogu 1 dt gin! qt40C0tdUr
The homone- substances in these vol. • •
Paiationa are: Inole-hytYrie • OW; •
naiffithai-latYTip,; indole-acetle ,acid , • .:
and papthal-acetic aid. These-• ehetai, •
cal substances made •byi, litheratory
prodess have the effect in -promoting
root develpPment when. used in Mip-•
ate amoun* ' over -dose Will de:
Press. tOoting" rather than aid it,Ana
thisPialtes it neessarY to ese` at ..a „ • .
rate Of .onlY a few parts per Million,
The nianufacturers'' instrutions • em•• ' •
phasitie and gilre Ole details ...
this. • ,
Some. very -fine results frbin the. use
Prairie Sections
People in Foriper 'Dried -Out Area
•• Travel Miles to Greet Dis-, • •
her preliininarjeo graduate: 7eertifieate
for. Information of ,her -future employ-
er. • • c . • • ' •
Pod 1H'n'fit
e ; in G o • .
The centre Is esPoneibler.for..the.
tare and training pi.thegirls dfiring
their sojourn there. -TheY .are plated
'in•geod homes et the end of the train-
iiirand after' three Months". actual
vice inutsideihe centre P. -.report is:
made and,. If eatifactorj,' each giri iS
• presented •with,a greduation pin., •
:., • ••••
• •
quaint village, of :Vet Mrie, trading ,
centre fr a .wie ' south-western
$askatchewen area populated ' chiefly I
by people of: trench origin., ' • '
Lord Tweedsmuir -visited the
lage and was -greeted enthusiastical-
ly by Many residents, neluding abbut '
1,000 school .children. The visitors
represented, an area of aboilt.', 6 - • .
square mike, Some of them travelling
as much as 100 miles4. . . ' •,' • ,
One :thing • to :Cher. About ,
• Apbearing, on a .special platform •
: ' , .• ord. Tvyeedsmuir • •was introduced •
• , • •, ,
by . George l• Spence, director of •
. , .
. . . . .
• •
• Path , to COast BloCked
• BABCELONA.The"Spnisli rebels
ter Several days have •been attacking
oxi A Wde but -somewhat -Intermittent
trent Weitevard Teruel ;in an firid
int attempt' to Teach -tine road between
Terul and Sgynto in a roundabout
w1.1.: Thesituation: has dangerous
possibilities, for should . te rebels
reach the road -to Sagunto; they wopld
have taken the dretateide toward cnt•
thig a patliwaY. to thesea, by Another -
route; that would pace them abou
thirteen miles- froth; Valencia; provid-
ed they 1ever reached Sagunto, which
is still many milieaway. .
. -0-
• .
ma, apparently interested in' nothing.
• Where Our. interest Liei.
• ' maid :2problemit Ahonld,
SolVed when We 'come to knew. .Of.
mitt" abdut Met:bode of 'governmentail,
we know • abont themotieri:•74irandon.
Snate Passes,
akbare 'Majority of
fourkthe : :Senate , last, Week carried,
third readingof, the bilt finensored by
Hen,, Lendrum ltilcMeany .Win7
nipeg), tobreadeh thagrofinds •fer. d-
VOTee1.in . Canada. ' The vote. was'
to 29.• .
ineaSpre goeSIO therliUse
• J
of . Cominefs,'Where Its tonrae is un?"
certain. ::As a' p.tititete bill it: ie. sub-
ject ,t�- the; restrictions of .titne '
new govern stich measures rt this
stage .of the 'Session. :
More 'Cabinet ChangeiAslieci
--LONDON.Peinier' NeVille
bdrlain's reec.nstrucion of the Cabinet
ith Sir itingeioy weed replacing
ount S Wi n ton at the' Air Atlinistr;Ond
Maleolni; Maedonald Lord. Hart.
lechs pest ,at • the dniellial dated,' his •
totsatisfied all On -lents Of the 'Con-
aervative Party.. Thee a keeling,
that the chr,eges MP:Merely ePedient,
;limited, and that Certain Cabinet'
Pests eouldte better filled.: •
• . ,
-affot Dok!'rLlisted-
'As 134 Eusiness
The "hot' deg", cerneS under the
heading of big businese Where ,Cn-
de and New Zealand are ,Oncrncl.
• J. W. Collins, retiring ITew" Zca
land, trade commissioner to Canada,
lastweek at Toronto at a com-
plimentary luncheon that Canada is
New Zealandis beat mistelner /or hot
dog oning, ptitehaging -Mora than
$16,t100.10orth last stem...
' • '
vr.aret, '
And the Reit of the Week . •
, "Vhy nor have all 'holidays On., on-
daYs?":isalist* the,' ()Wen • .Sound- Sun -
Times, eat think Of a better.ene
than that. IiirhY.," not have all, Mon-
daysItelidaysl--Zhathatn Newl..,
. , •
P.ledges Cantle Cheap
affirms that "Germany Will
ttareh with Italy : to the end ...end: that.
the Italian' 4reatier will ale,Yqlie'
VIplate..A sftnilar froatier,Pledge Wes.
also Mice -made from: Berlin with re-.
'gar& tia.:Belgiiin and by Muso11ni in.
positor.., . , /- -••
• • ,
Drink MOre Milk -.' •
Hoper; de the 'Doniinion:
Department •of. Agriotilttire, • Says Ca
nadians at; •a whole :drink : ton' little,
milk: He has -presented to ithe Cana-
dian Counclt Oh' , Nutrition :atatitities
-showing t3ttif all drank- as inhiCh
fam Mee ,. Rh' conifertible incomes
:the increased ilemandWouldeqti the
Prefinttion of more than .200,000: dairy
coiks.:..bairk•fariners will Applatid his
,plea for .the use .Of titore'
stoi ‘vihig-Staridard: : • " • ' '
What -Makes An .Accidttt
A. ithdy. Of newspaer, .repOtts' -.Of.
death, ,and deatrUction 'on' the'
highWayi coriVirsee any ;reader
that very,: very -few of them • were -un!
veldable. , driver is. moving ;Jo'
w1ftly' that het fela to .take . aefiree.
into the ditch; .6, driver with.
his -attention h$ed on nothething eiSe
dcieSsi't notice the :raility tracks and,
oralth Late a..train; et4lilver eeme*
to the er,est- of a bill Oer, the centeline .trnd 'ineetri • hed•On a car . going
about its businesti: n:the cPposite
reetien=the Ping atorY of the eli-cnin?,
staneee. that briitig. aceldents -In- their,
train; is Pain fifiTY7 Olta
When They Retire „
It it IntereStingtO see howdifferent
peopje take their retiresneht front' 46'
tiVe Work. Oneinan retently i•tired
fretn:railitoild Work is taking life Whtin
the teat Of a boy -and IS eajoying eVery.
m,fnute doing things: that have en tetig.
hten denied him beceese Of his
' ;HOW differebtly• folk spendthe tel.
sure 'of their.,eVittld0, Settle. Settle.
doWn• t Itente In h kind Of Mental :00-•
Oreept to he, comfortable.Seme leek.
about to ' See' if •''.10e.-in't..teine coni:
Inunity:werti they Can got 10.0 that
sit back, find. fLult,and,' growl., ; , •
To which lasS do Yen eXpeeto-,tie-'
long 'tided:you retire ftoin.your regfilar
Becord., •' 1. , •
.• • Why Nat Finish the JOhf...
With, .the DorniniOn Government at
work .ef, the last. ap mu1es or: British
Colinibia's gap :in the trans-Cninte
highway, there remains. •only .Sonae-,
thing. over. 2,00 miles tp be .completed
in Oritatie..before wO'Can travel the
4,09 'MBA 'actess Canada by inoter.
car. Ad,the.fact that -the latter rOute
lies through ,,.the .eitremely:-diffienit`
territory around 'Lake toperlorSlioald
hot .deter us fongettliig on with. the
Jahr,: when you consider:What:can- be
acto,mplished. both (luting andAfter:Itet,
cemptetion, ' ,-•
"•Theiifiinds of single nienwho weuld
benefit 'fromhealthy outdoor. cons•tru-
tion work 'n'ut- Still accePt'lelief. Dbea
thi feet not suggest an OppOrtanity.
for..earnet • Ce-operatipin'betereen the
Government Of Qatari°. and -Qttaivato•
Work:rathet t4i4vdireet
rellef?Getiadialf Easiness. •
perators,: Who spoke of the • gover=
ncirTgeneraPs Personal interest it the..
welfare Of the; people of the former„
eyes what . was being done :towards
the rehabilitation of the eiaminuit
The gOvernor;general said the; one • .
age of fhb. peeile.. 'Helveeglad the ' , '..•
cropprospect was much better this
'• • •. • • • .
' . .•
• .
.• . NOttNoting Voters
. • the ',1 -louse 0! Lord recentlyan
alert* *SS Sepidededperning.the.
creasing- apathy of the 'eleterae-e-
esPeelally at Inunicipal eleetio.estand:
itWris suggested that the Government
lsoffli take eiefikaires 'stimulate
the interestof the publie in -the O'er:
Oat of: 'its .traditional rights" • What:
;nes:sures could the :GoVerninent take?
trn mke, Voting cOinpulsory Would bo•
aliegetion „th.: freederil 'Willtt the'
-Wt e isintencled to Safeguad; and to
iJtrike off ' the eV fatal • rap abSn tee
Votents' wutdStinpli hand over towcr
sib1y n ninoity of the diatont.;
in the general 'body of- the alettorate
may itself prodtie,if:Only tor:
Therels not a little "iron, ft le- trite,
in the.re-fleetion' -that the valuation Of
the vote Seetes (1.0'11111h as its 'die-
Ipibtitibh Is -etetided---Very much like 'iscesary. IloWeVer; absolute
an inflated Whileevery freecieni,-peaee And hapitleS-fetind
slgn of oieptaaiipdifferanda'etitiVeYS,in:tlfh':Ceted, makeSop for. wIlatovot• •
A ainItr. there seems no lieaSen to disU1deeat?te, there OQ" , • ' ,.
tiOli.'Lija1t,1%61.6g)1ibil end Iii • 1%6 J'apariese .(lbYeirlinent-- 'Is ea, •
Pesti .1:4Ond0h • • t '" ' • boaragiti g the
• ' .
Congo Explorers'
. Employ Trailers
Latest Expedition Into Jungle Car- •
ries Along An Comforts
, .
Of Civilization ' •
Pymies Of the , Belgian' Congo
will gawk just as white -eyed and
Pen-monthed at the latestexpedAa .•
tion into their jungles is,' their an- ' ..• ' •
ceitara did at the early white 'ex- 1"
plorts.. For this modern trek con= • •
sisti Of a stteanaLlined. safari Of up- • .
to-the-minnte ,stiper-trailers contain- • '
ing tho cerriforts of civilization.,
The traileis. are the rolling home
•-of , the trotd' anthOrexploter ', •
mender Attilio Gatti and •1:ijs wife; • ' '
the former: Ellen Waddill
field, Mo. Now en route from New
York withher husband fer ht' tenth , •
trip to the 13elgian Congo, Mrs. Gatti •:1:*
is. enthusiastic' about their new jun- •• •
, • •
Have Radro and telephone
trailers which cost $16,001)
aniece, are all -steel, air-condtioned •
and insulated, and powered by trite;
• r
tors. One.is complete with sitting
town, lavatory, dining table, bat,
and a kitchen With a revdIving steel . •
inthe centre from which Mrs. Gatti •
can reach her stove, sink or refrig-
erator. • The other „ trailer has fvisa ••
Single bedrooms with a tiled bath -
tooth containing a nornial size _tub ••
between tem. Mb. Gatti's bedroent •
., • •
has a vanity table;too! Both trailers .
are. 'etfluipped with radios and are
donnected by telephone.
•Pee', In the Jungle
Conithatidr Gatti has spent 13 •
years explorinthe junkie. Museums. • • , •" •
all over the 'world contain ejtantiple/l)fi,,,‘ ' • • ;
of his huntirig and scientific ploi..1111k
ess; the,Rbyl University n Fterence
having romps filled with 'Gatti
"disCoveries"; tinge the teat exPedi-
tiorilir Gatti has been.if-very
tiVe partner in his work.
' She will ofiloy the 'civilization"
tile trailers Contain,' titeugli,. , •
really a soft person'," the explained. •
"1 ean be hard, but not unless it'll - • • „. ..•
fear that detnockaby will cease to furic.1 • •
,, • •