HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-06-02, Page 5,••'. • �. TEIRSDA,Y,; JUNE 2ND,, 1938. , !INGHAM''.SHOW START ; e : SAT 8, p.m, EXCEPT IZAX SATURDAY,—NIGHM-TWO- Bo ■ F une HEART-WARMING S WILLIE WINKIE'a WAS r HRILLII . ALSO MICKEY MOUSE" and 'NEWS", T�, HERE • WILL BE NOL ADVANCE: , IN AD • • ADMISSION PRICES FOR, THIS' PICTURE �NR' . ttlw. ►R� t Vv MoM's -MEN ` NE 505 'SIG'PI*- Aay`Na�gt\8• 1Q.µ o MP`s t '.4'. c? r='_ Tues., 1H. Richard Dix • • In e n�n.e 6 J•oan:.P,err;y I s D ..... twin g .61 RICAAIRD DIX _ plPys th aart° of a :law .. , D yet in ,thissfast moving story concerning' reckless driving. �•ttt;tt" e' I>< T ,ee_ � o . • • • TRE' LUCKNOW SE 1Tfl 14 ,'K'INLOSS COUNCIL; MINUTES ICONSIDER PROPOSITION TO 'PURCEASE' 'PHONE LINE` The officials, of :the South Bryce Rural 'Telephone Companyy Ltd. were into a proposition to, purchase a rural telephone line:',"betwee.• that village and, Lucknow.,' Messrs. Malcolm and Ackert,' of Holyrood; asked the local at Holyroo�„i;. on- Wednesday, • looking company to Inspect the line in cruet ion..-- MilamaY `Gazette. 'Council met oni Monday May 25th All inembers present' The minutes of the', last meeting were read and ap-, proved. Irwin Graham .that` we pay $30;00 on acc. funeral .expenses, France.,•-` McIntosh -McKenzie that ,we' pay,•s on acct,•: attendance Jaynes France raham: ;McIntosh,that_ a changelbe made in Patrolnien of four years . or over. ° Irwin -Graham -that we adjourn to, have the Court of Revision theAsse s s en Roll " n m t 'Roll, and that 'thea Reeve be chairman, ' A' ,number "of appeals -were inthe hand! n of ' the ,Clerk . 'andwere ,dealt; with as' follows: Wesl'ey Tiffin, :As- m sessent.,Stands; Mrs.. Mary MacLeod Reduced $100 • on buildings; Elwood Moore, Reduced. $100 on .land;. Jolin .Colwell;.• 10 acres:• bush:' exemption; Charles ;"XIodgine, • Richard Guest, .T. M. Stewart, Melvin 'Husk and', A E. Thompson' had 'one 'deg; struck ,from .0..1.1. - • Irwin-Maclntosh that the Court,' of. • ' Revision be no* :closed, and that the, • Roll 'as now revised be :taken; as : a 'Basis of taxation': for the year 1938. • Council 'returned for •generalbus Mess: ; 1VIaeKenzie=Graham •' that t the Assessor- • havin S g 'completed his Roll he be; now paid balance' of salary also .75c ,postage. thatthe sheet) Mclntosh-Irwin' • ee - , P claim I of. Robert; Moffat: for. $25:00: be 'paidr and Mark Johnston: be paid $2.20 Ins': fees; McKenzie -Graham, that the re- quisition of Ernest Ackert for a re- pair;on the -Ackert Municipal Dr-ain •be forwarded to •:the `` Engineers asking for immediate a tion • Graham• -Irwin, that we•do now'"ad- Ijoun,,to meet again on Monday,; the' 20th day of June;'at the usual time •and place, , i, 'Cheques Issue dlar Peo le '—• Galy. ,pipe -Litt cKenzie , Drain. •$18,14; ,*Luckno Sentinel, Printing - acc� $62.03;--J..R.. Hyro--at Hall,. $5.16;' !W. J. Da on act, James .France ••$30.00, oavlcr, on act. late James, Fran .00; Henderson and Fisher, ' Rea Hall • $4,35;,..,R.. Moffat„ Sheep $25.00; Mark Johnston•, Insp. $2.20; J. It , 'Lane,, ;Posta • e . s ':5.00 in - email . „ , , ary • i. , Treas. Of 'Ont.,! '. of Ont.' License all $3.00; R. Elliott,t Part Sal 15.00; •A» Mc-, 'Intosh, Part 'Sala 5.00;; A. Mac- Kenzie, Part. Sala 500 A....Grab= .'am; Part Salary ; W. J. Irwin, Par t Salary $15 os. • G. Gaunt, Part Salary,$25 0 R. Lane Part Salary°; . $50.00. • I le ,'M w Lane, ,icon, Dr. 11 France $10 Repair' at claim above u,+he a nsulin for H dry $ Salary tt - COMING "J.UN.E• 9•, 10, 11 ,SPECIAL at C o, ,Ali. Baba " C�oe's • T - . o Town ur Early' Flowering SALVIA, s• 1 iRBINGER . and STWARTENSIS go quickly._,Those _wantIn -- these- are ail lived to' secure them early. Orr. `' A Z INNIAS DARLL!1� r .LOWER ED, FANTASY and: POM, PON are -beautiful :for ` Beds 'or: o q uets. STEWART ;BRADS'. HENMILLER °NURSERI 'Phone ' Carlow , 235 • LONDON=WINGHAM ' MOT • , ORWAYS • $•:,. ',. EIt I R ' OML LUCKNOW NOW LEAVES—to ; Wingham, Tor- '. Onto - n ' » and London, ail d Y except t p Sundays and Holidays, 7.05 AM. s3', SUN. &H L • — O 1' On 4. .. 00 P.M. TO -Kincardine. . daily . y - except Sundays and s Holidays, y rad ays 4-2F Pan.• SU O H LOnI= Y P FOR FURTH ER •' INFORMA- TION NFOR A -TION SEE LOCAL AGENT •" • W.. SMLTF� LUC_N KNEW` AS FIELD •%NATIVE DROWNS. The death of Joseph Orlando Griffin, occurred in Chicago on: May' 3rd, by. drowning. Mr. Griffin was pilot• of the Martin.. Mullin of the Pioneer 'Steam- ship • Co. . of Cleveland, ' 0., • .and was shipkeeper fpr the same company dur- ing winters,:and `had been •'on ,.thea. Lakes.: since, 1901: Born -at Kingsbridge: ‘Ontario; on November, 5; 1883, ;son'' of Joseph C. • Gi:iffin, ; f oxmer,-:iB•eeve ;:of Ashfield township, and. Bridget Marr Lennon, .of Pickering , .Ontario; who .predeceased him in : 1925 and '1894 respectively. 'NO .INQUESr INTO S TURNBERRY FARMER'S 'DEATH: EdWard d rdBa'• lid, 46 -year; old' resident of the, eighth. concession bf Turnberr township was found,' hanging 'fro' -i `a beam n' ofthe barn on`hisfarm ori'Mon- day afternoon. Ile',was' found : by� his, sister : Jane, 'with whom 'he had • been Born in 'jl'urnberry'.township, he had lived. there. all hie life.. He was �a.bach- elor anad. roniinen -affairs; P t�local n . serving for two •'years in:' the township council:p Coroner. r R.C. Redmond, M D. • of Wingliam, was• called and said an. in- quest•would n'ot be necessary. • H' k ett s Y: P:•. U.' "The nree t e to o len ' ed b,,, 1 with the pi•esi- dentpresidingand singing .h after, vhicyer a.; -Mitch the Lord's prayer w ii Y a repeated ' d in'unison. uniso pn. Hyinri 255!.*As sung and business • discus ed:Gordons Go 'Johns ton e took the ' ' chair with• the following prog•rani the seri~tut les- son, •Marl; $' .30-3 ' . Bii ., , $ �i:as•readby, Berri=, aline Alton; Vera„Little' gave' topic"Soul.,,. . the on change , an instrp-' merits] composed' by 'Bach, • was'. given by;; Violet,: Twamley, a Bible's' wasiv ,Story. ,gi en b r renal=e.:MacD Y, . anal' and• an interesting talk. was'given 'by Fred Anderson' on a' description of the West, ' farming " and climate. The. Meeting' closed ,with ' .,. hymn 205 'and thea Mizpah benediction. ry,$1 $15.00 00; Th 0;J Highway, Cheques J. F. Dawson, Pay List_32•' $1s.95.� ►n •Bushell,_ Pay_.: List -:•33-$2470; Alex 'Percy, Pay List., 34, $17:70; Road "NO: 19r Pay List 35'..$19 00; J. H.. Rosa' Pay List 36.',$25:80,•! .Roy,Mclnnis, :Pay List 37. $29.95; James Burns, Pay List 38 $5.25; . San Nesbitt, :Pay' List .3J- -$11.20;---Orvill Tiffin, Pay'List 40 $20.00; George;Lockhart; Pa Lis • , Y. t41• $21.20;• Wesley Thompson, Pay List 42 $7.00; - Dan. McKinnon PayList 43'1$ , x, .54.2,0 _ Alex, : .MacLeod;•- -Pa :—List. 44 $10..'50;:- Road 'Ni,. 1 '"Pa ,;.IY . $14:15, y ist 45 • A H -. FI ., Miss • Sadie ;Johnston, R. N' of• Win a gh in spent., last•. week at.., her hors here .. ie Miss Catherine 'MacKenzie, ,,*ho: who has' been attendingthe •Stratfor o - d N r mad School':is 'home. , Dr. Arnold • as a recent visitor with 'hi father„. Toronto • s tither;,• Mr.. John' Cowan `Sr Rev. Robert ert Ma' cConn .- ell: occupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian terian, Churc Y .h on ��Sunday: ` • Rev: J. K. 'and'. M' ' d• cGilli ' may,' }ient the week -end in .Guelph.' 3'h Presb't The err a . Y W. M. S. n met las t week at the. -home' of. Miss ` 'Mayme Johnston The executors •• r of 'the o the 'estate`o the Of, ••late James Johnston` held a .ver .•'sue-' Y •c ssfu 1 a uctio' n Sale e .of • stock, � farm ock• :and implements last:Thursday. A ver' Y Jar ' ge :;crowd was in 'attendance and the • Prices! e r liz p . ea ed were,'very •satis7. factory., • a'' • �Iiow r d -R Robb's friends - ;awill •be. pleased. to •kMc n he � ,.r s recovering' emg•M 'nicely fr O a''A Y m attack c k of neumonia p ,• • pia Mr..; and 'Mrs.' Rober "• c t• S t . P .t and • :pia daughter of Windsor, `visited Mi Kenneth MacLennai v S' tt 1 er a. the .week- .� St end. . r a r . Kenne'� th MacLennan ennan •and ' fam- il J. y have moved li'ack' to.their own -. . house :after s endin Ch the ' Mr • spending' � winter: hi sty • ,,-,r,t.;,n• JOINT CLUB. SOCIAL.. At, the social: evening on Thursday, in the 'Orange Hall, the `Joint Club ,meipbers and; their 'families had ; an enjoyable: time. The:programme- con- sisted of: Recitation -Margaret Nieh- Tolson;: ;Reoding—Mrs. ` Robt..".Reid;,. Musical-: ,Selections -Chas. Anderson;' Duet- 14irs, Robt. Reid, and Mrs. Jas. Webster; and a reading. ,by Charles MacDonaugh.,After'lunch was,'served• the 'Harris .orchestra supplied music; for the dance that followed • ST. HELENS;'' • Mrs Ward. Shickluna has returned.' to. , her honie at .Port Colborne, after I. spending a few days with her mother ; Mrs; Jas... Gaunt. - Mrs. Alex Leitch, Mr; and Mrs. Jim Bowden and • son, Jimmy . of Detroit. and,:Mrs. Gillies of Whitechurch were visitors on Saturday with .and'" Mrs:•. E: J. Thom. The meeting of the ,? P. U.. was, held on Sunday "evening with 'Isobel Miller, in the chair, The .scripture les-' son`was'read by Mrs. E. W. Rice, and: Dick Weatherhead. read; an: article on "The Passover": The topic "Why a r world . of color" ;pr`epared by , Mrs, :; Stuart was read, by. Isobel' Miller and Rev.,' Wright- led in! thee discus-' Messrs. Peter and D. C'., McDonald ,were recent visitors with,: friends at''; !Morriston., They were'. accompanied !to, Guelph; by Mr? ;anis 'Mrs-.�''George MacDonald, Miss, Irene Lynch, of- Hamilton was a visitor •with , friends .here•- On her DU!NGA,I NON turn she'was accompanied by•her mother,:4Mrs,' Wm: MacDonald,'' who . or f fi Ic d d . In PoorAHealth Y pent. the week he S el We are sorry. to'know that Mrs. Adelaide, Staley, daughter of, Mrs.. Win Thompson is in very poor health and under the:doetor's care.; We are. sincerely sorry,for one so',sorely ,af= flitted, having no sight, speech or hearing; as 'well as other- ailments; We may be truly'thankful"if we ailments, good health ,•, - Miss Ruby Dennis' and Mr: Fr ds re Rev.. H.:M. Wright is attending the meeting of .the London Conference • at; Chatham this 'week. Dr. ..Tom. 'Leask .of Moosejaw, . a son of the late Rev. Robt. and Mrs., Leask, called on friends here recently. Rev.Leask was pastor of the Pres byterian church here for twenty-; three years and it is • 'Dr. LeaSk's first visit -Were since -they left nearly. 45 years ed Dr. Geo.ragoge. and , Mrs. ' McGregor,. their ,daughter Miss Donna and friend cif Chicago,• were week -end' guests of Mr. :and Mrs. George 'Stuart.. Mr. and .Mrs.. 'Earl McPherson of. Orangeville arespending their - we'd- in tripwith. their '' . g cousins ,Mr.Wm. And Mims Quillinand other relatives. ' I :Mr. And Mrs:. Harry Durnin . of Seaforth; were .recent visitors with • re ' lativess here. • "Mr. andMrs.• Torrence Anderson and: daughter; Josephine, Miss Grace:';. McIntosh ° and -..Mr .:.Jimmy Godhold 'of;i: on o-,' ' elc id�g-"nests df Gtr: . and Mrs.J. D. '.Anderson. A meeting of, the 'Farmers' Club'j will be- held in ,the hall .On•a Monday evening next. ," Saint' of Wingham,' visited' frien around Dungannon= on Sunday. '': Mrs.• ; J. R. McNabb of Lucknow, e joyed.a•, couple of days around t 24thMis.B of` M.ayCrawithwfordher..:'s stet -in -la .J.. Mr. John Canteloh--o_f Manitoba, 'visiting his nieco,, Mrs.' Burton. Eoac Miss Jean • Stothers land ; friend Misses Con., and Ethel Burst of To onto enjoyed the week -end with t fni'rrier's` fat}ier�1V1i7-Thos, Stethe. and at• their 'cottage at'. Port Alber and Mrs_,' Eldon:.Johnston, : Ra Mrs='-► ey Den ri Kuelah; ,visited friends'at Wingha` on Monday'~ BORN.'. -=Thursday, May 26th, ?V Ir. and Mrs..Gordon; `Anderson; daughter; 'also- on the; Mame day; '. t Mr; • • and Mrs Warner ;McIntyre,• daughter. •Congratulations :Mrs B.' 'J. Crawford ;had, as' 'guest at the week end,, M'r.. and Mrs.'. R : E Willis and Mr`. arid Mrs.• Rissman an daughter „Genevieve of Detroit., The water vower ' c opping mil owned and. operated •: by` Mr. Georg Hodge, will "resume operations' next week, after extensive repairs.'At' th present ' time a nuntber of visitor are ~seeing: the :water wheel 'ands flume as it is not possible•: after water r turne Miss • Mary Jane Rpbli'• is keeping -house'for :-her. uncle,: Mr. Levi Mar wood. ,00d r Auburn, - :while Mrs,. Robb • . i visiting relative •in Winnipegi Visitors with Mrs. m. Sproule o , Sunday were : Mr. ;a d' .Mrs. Hecto King and daughter' Evelyn and Mr Wm. Fowler, Teeswater and ',Mrs Gregory and;daughter', Rhoda ; Elle of -Vancouver. n he w. h7 s, r- he rs rt: Ye. m'. t a 0 a+ s. a LANGSIDE' The ladies of the United W. M. `S,'• of 'Whitechurch 'held : a tea . at the home of Mrs: Ernie Casentore on ' L �,wlien_ . an aEeii= e 'dance •; of 19 cut blocks for two quilts: Mr: arid ' Mrs, Jghn;:' Richardson, e •Grace,. James and Bob' spent'Siam,- ,, day' in Guelph attending a family re - Onion. •l s Mr. ''an Mr r d s Ha of J hnso ' d With n Of.• Lucknow spent Sunday vliith.• Mr: and 11I s ''Wm.' Conn. Mr and Mrs; • Elmo Pritchard' of s W. Wawanosh a osh spent Sunday-�with_'Mr. and Mrs. Russel Moore. n, Mr, and Mrs. R.' Stuart; Velma -Er- r. 'leen and Donald, spent Sunday with. ▪ Mr.and Mrs. M. McNeil: • Mr., and Mrs. George Harkness and Ellen .Reba• spent_Sunday': with;_Mr._.and Mrs.: Earl Caslick of; Culross. . The play "Cabbages and :'Dollars",, was: well . attended, At. Whitechurch last Thursday'evening:, The' takes place. in a."restaurant• 'in the middle •est •a w t the. present time. Grandfather Parker,' the . inventor, :• played b ' Jim Falconer; Arda':Martin, y •tin, his, grand - :daughter; Doris aMcelenaghaii; Zinn~ Colored ;cook,. Mildred McClenaghan; Ezra . Jones, ,.'town boob, g ,Charlie Moore Sadie Jones, ' town newsreel Mrs. James, "Falconer;' Jim. Powell, . "Dol- lars Boy", . • Clarence .' Mcelenaghan; JackMason, ason;•more•'interested:rn 'cab- bages, ,Bert Cullimore; Daisy Burke: , s .- town belle , belle, •Agnes, :Gillespie;, 'Millie Collins; her ;elinin, Louise 'Martin; Chuck- Emery,Do i , thes. fiance, is ' race I rwi n McClenaghari; Sheriff of the 'eount aim et y' P t "ieee, Y .Extra. p a irl Dais g chums of Daisy's; Muriel Y u el Wa tt.' .Pauline ,.Inglis and ' Ted McClena Shan d. bo -f' g y trend. The a 1 ha ` s be p Y been ;engaged to go to, St. Helens ns 'a' n Ebenezer. eneaer: The play at Whitechurch netted the Y. P.' S. $32.00, which Shows the•hall was '.crowded. The"actors' each took:: their parts extra Well, which: reflects''great- praise for, their. leader, Mrs; E. Robb. .:L, OST-A•�li ac '•1' I k f' ,. , e t ".hand � baseb '' .'loved l all g Pease return to: Murvin'••Solo- neon: Mrs: David' Errington' on the 4th concession ;West, was' visited on Sun- day by Mr. Ed. Fitzpatrick and Miss Laura ••Fitzpatrick, R.N,;. Mrs.:.!Jack Skin and 'baby; y, .and, Mr. and: Mrs..• Jas. Bell and family of ' Winghani *Members of 'the Junior ,and d Senior institute .planning to to are lamm� � attendthe p g district annual held in Blyth On • Fri- day, „ 'BO RN=Mo s• • • rad Ma . 30 h'. to Mr. Y poi h; Mrs: Gordon S. Kidd• :nee Marg, g. r - a t R an' a Winhm e son: ' Y ) a Con g , ratulati' g ons. The Senior Branchof e , the Dun' an- .. g non Institu to Met home Of C.:; W. Alton' recentlyand"thefollow- ing o Iow- in o fficer. ° were s re . 'in g e stilled 'for they' coming •I•nstitute •. year: President, Mrs. o Lorne Ivers; ,s 1st Vice Pres.; ,s, 'Mrs. Burto a • Burton' Roc 2nd Roach; Vice e Pres.,Mrd.' Wm: Stewart; m.' .S rt, 'Sec y. -Tress.; •Mrs: J. Richardson. • Directors, s, M.rs: ' ' R,. Do nal''.14frs.'� T. Park•. Mrs., R • ' . A. cKenzie•; ,district; McDonald;Mrs.'•- Hist Mr Mrs: Wilbur Brown; assistant Hist, IMrs. R..A. McKenzie; Audi- ors, Mrs. Alton; .a Mrs. Davidson;• ending ': committee Peace Mrs, 'nk. Jones;' Child Welfare Mrs. J. Ryan; ' Historical Research, ,Mrs. as. Congram; :Relief : and . Commun- activities, Mrs. 'Alton, .Education, s. Davidson;. "Program tom., Mrs., Mrs.!. Duncan MacLennan's. home. I Mr Bargains in Men's' •arid Boys .Work 'Mr lbur Brown 'Convener, , nvener rs. eo.' ,.. M G Clothing. Shirts; Overalls, Pants, Soxx Etc, THE.•MARKET 'STORE, 11.0 Wi Rutledge, Mrs. R: A.:MeKenzie and, s'• B. •Bradford; Flower Com., 'Mrs • dge' and'. Mrs. Tom Park:. • Jitney, .Winners; i,” ' • 'Winners at the . Lady: Bowlers'Jit- ney , on Tuesday' were, • Mrs. V Solomon; Mrs.' Hoffman, and Mrs.' Robt. Fisher • Is TEM .. t Pi.. TO N S. {i f =.i » PE ,FIAT. • • r , • MEX$' BROADCLOTH. SHIRT a S --f used collars in Sizes- 14 -.16 neat, pst $1 00 �,.t .•• ,+',• n $1.00: "'. 'FORSYTH SHIRT f Sr— orfused coltara 'i white, ' •. ., . n. te, „......,,;.$2.00. :BOYS' •SHIRTS --Shirts' • at• fit ^ • • gpod quality broadcloth. Sizes' MEN'S' 'WORK • r^ , W SHIRTS=good heavy . quality tai!ter' •. rnnnv l.na:oo , . lYl, lull 'BOYS' $HIR :S -covert cloth' ' , . , spleadid shirt' fa - ,r. school 12-14, ,T9'c SPORT SHIRTS' FOR BOYS m1:• e t• p� ___On eci: al �P ces Fridayand Saturday day lune 3 & 4 ON MET --. S WORK SHOES -SHOES -ME - �I S MENNONITE LEATHER.: WO 'SHOES,:. 'tri o coi�nte utside : r -un. eathero rano saio!le...a iiriibberk_h. eels ' Reg,: $3.45.: Special for Frida y an �' Satur d da HI- t TE ;SHOES.. n M "Jy'.leatliersole smart .ore ord fo h 25 '.heel; -- Fr' rt a young man, Reg. price ida : ari Y d Saturda : • Y e.i al p 98 : f• ALSO• MEN'S WHITE SHOES AST $2.89, 3 well `ani eel CUR/ILL'S: :CORN, E.,1/$. Miss Ella Cowan Of Hemlock City supplied in No :1Q. school on Widnes - day, ::and Thursday of.7ast week, while Mr.-: Duncan McKay was trying Uni- versity exams in Stratford Mrs. • ;Eninieline 'Sherwood visited with Mi•:: and Mrs. James Drennan one day, 'recently: ▪ n`U. Mrs. John Little visited 'with. friends , at Whitechurch during •thy-°.tyeek-end Mr. and Mrs, Ab. ' Hel" ?M? Mr:' and; Mrs:. Wm. Helm and famil visited Sunday g, . 'on ':with Mr. Geor a Die' s: nen and family,' ;: n' Mr: EldonAu • Austin, youngest son - of Mr. '.anti -Mrs: -Frank Austin; who -has spent a number., of weeks' in Goderich Hospital is able . to be at' e his :•.aunt s i• n' Goderi ch. KIN LO. UG H And M dMr'. s. .Karl..` ;Boyle spent,- a day' •last, week with London . fri rends; Mrs. i• A Bek. c1 a. es h s returned' home after spending"the•pas p , t two', nrn,bnths' inTo ' Font o. •M r ...Dobson, son I. P. S. visited this.. scho.o'`las'` 1 t Wednesday. Y- • Mrs . Orl � . and. � '' Rich ' aid' ' s an . . d baby Ge rge, also 'Mrs. Clair •.M aD of 'VancouverMacDougal ` visited on` r' • ; .•Friday at W.' .Moyle s. • 'Mrs. F. A...,Bl',. Blackwell '' ,d word of the death of •Mrs. J' as .E nsl: ..o 1 f Chapleau:: Mr . s . V. Percyand.'Alvin ' .: of Detroit vise td e a few a w' .w days with relatives here 'Mrs. McGee and Margaret return ed to Toronto, after spending. . p ng. the past month: with Mrs. M. McLean. • Mr. and Mrs: t' E.wood Barbour a family, • were Sunday visitors at M r. I. Purnell's: AE & PORTEOUS SOUS '1V1�AFEKING' -Eldon-., Twamley and ••- family of Chatham were recent' ..visi-• Visi- tors with' Mr. and Mrs. , George. Twarii- le Mrs. 'Geor Tw y!George amley, .;Sr,; turned to the "t ci with 31them. Y .Mr and Mrs..Harvey 'Webb and •• two children, Lois and. Ruth, e t spent Sunda afte , P y noon at, the' nom of ' e. Mr. and Mrs.:': Thos. Anderson vii' Recent is tor" � s with Mr. and•Mrs. Horton':' '. HenryY were, • Mr. and Mrs:: Peter' Harriston • and babe of Porters' .Hi1 Hill, Mr:,: J. `C. � and' Mr. Bailie Sto- .,: '."thersof Lo • and n 'Miss s D v o-. Dove Mir:: e ton of Lucknow. .• 'Mr, . and • •: Mrs. Palm er Kilpatrick tic ' k of • P. S Toronto, an "Miss Olive, Kilpatrick d p trick ;of', Atwood, o d, spent the week -end with Mr. ' and Mrs. S. J Kilpatrick: " M. Miss, Pearl, ,Thom 1 son ret- urne101' returned her nom ' e last week,• after;having •as* • sisted se • d 1VIrs.. Thos. s Anderson f' I for theL • Past' month.. , P , • Mr and Mrs. Samuel Cook,� gravel 8'r ve 1. : road,. moved •lastoweek to 'their - w ne I honie -in Lucknow: The best 'Wishes the islres of. • the neighborhood go with them: .Mrs. J. A. Finlay of'` Y Toronto spent ' •+ last week with her sister, Mrs: S. J. Kitatrick p , .Bring -ornethi n r : TOY: arke ore • tic novv,