HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-06-02, Page 4C• ONAL :L,ANS t n j HIS BANK. is ,regularly makingpersonal g loads to salaried men: and omen ,w •r to., wage-earners,' .: to busine s s and< rofess'on alile:•and ` xecutiv` ........peep._. � .,._. es, The ms ii l r e the � e teraa s interest rate Moderate, and there is no servicegu. charg. The Manager at any -any office, of the Bank of Montreal al will . bea . lad" to�have• you call and discuss yotir fina1Y-. cial requirements with him. BANIi OF MONTREAL. • E$TABLISHEii 1817 a bank where small accounts are welcome" MIdern, Experienced Banking, Service Outcome 12"0' Years'' deceitful Operatioa RAPID ,dY PARAmoviti Congratulations dare extended to Mr Norval Richards, B.S.A., whose graduation took `place Last Tuesday at the Ontario AO..'ieultural College at Guelph, . Mr. and Mrs. D. MacMillan and son, Donald, .Misses: Marjorie• Hewitt,; Sibyl MacKenzie and Margaret ,.'Cott, freln Stratford, were recent visitors. -at the- home ••of- Mr . W R, 'Martin. Miss Gaeta Campbell from Luck nowwas a recent visitor `with lbs., John Jailfieson. ' .M • ' •Mr. and Mrs, . Lyle MacDiarmid! and. daughter of ,Jamestown, spent. the'• weak -end with. Mr... and. Grant :•MacDiarmid. On May20th,,_, Mr. and Mrs. ` Ho n w and 1arris 'and :rs T. Harris from Holyroad, Mr. and:•11lrs. Gordon J'am-' ieson Andfamily from Idck o wand Mr. and, Mr's. Ernie _Wilson and. Ken- . netlf.fro m, Sas k atoon,help. edtheir, mothe ,, rs, hn JamiesonCelebrate her. it hday,•.• .Miss Ethel Martin ' . a tended- .t e 'meeting, in Owen Sound' on Tuesd as Assistant District. Director ''of the Agricultural Fairs. •! Mrs: ' W.Agar leftrias twee • tor g1. or Washington' after .spending the .past few .months with her sister, Mrs. John Jamieson' PURPLE_ GR VE Mi. and Mrs Alex Percy of Kin - lough 'spent. 'Sunday at Mr. George Thompson's.. • Mr. Mrs... . and Will'f W 1= ��. . BELFAST' o a. • • ^• :�::,�. : • • � ' ••'• `lace also- ME. 'FrEilk Currie visited Mrs. D. K. Alto Mr.. an ` at' Mr. •Milton Walsh's• on Sunday.' , 'local' n, , d Mrs, y . . Mrs. Charles Collins attended' Two of our local lads., have;: been Bert : Alton,visit • 1a ...., ed on Sunday. even,, sailing the ; last ,few weeks. Harold : shower. for her niece at, Mr..McDon- 'Dee"- .. ,, ink at Mr. and',Mrs. Sam •Morrison S, '. • .• Doe • _Stewart ' leaving' Goderich o aids • last week. ,g. The. W. M. 8..was held•at.'th •h me . i the-;Prindock ,and Dick Reedaeavhi e o Mist Jean Long spent the; week - Mrs.: g. Mrs' s 1 _ endhorn • o G• b a theh of f er Vmt . h Mater i t. _ e s r. Po bTuesda � te Mis Coloo ai rt o rn n thee e John , Ii n e son ::_._..,� r :_._. ..- ;�__..,., � .. .:,;3.:_ ••..._.te , .. .Y, ,-.. � Ral h ]3.111.. Mi. and' Mrs. •Ross 1VIcMillan latnd� terno`on The ladies s eni'an en o able, 1' 'ladies?' .: •• •' •• • .• p Jy. Ma +visited Sunday • :The •Ladies, Aid. of • Pur le . Grove. .. Mary . Y with Mrs. Mc ,. afternoon.. quilting.; : ., . ... .. P - held . their MayMeeting � Kenzie and ;re : • . • . '6f: . • :'. . ' ; . , ... g of the home • Muss ,Wmni Miss• Kathleen Gibson spent .the " e, Lane, of• . Belgrave,•R,o,f., :Mr;r.• John Collins on. Wednesdic,; p s ent the week-end,at her home here.. of ;last. °week • wreak =end at"her home in A afield.` . Z' , . ;':' �" �:•�,:.-Po.11ock.:... --� .. p . .f , Several c i . . re a'rations••�are�bean `m e^� to ; few h Idren""`have been sick IJ, g'^ ad da Sat Lards Lake. atound..here ,.':the=,mos 'silo '..we e�,administer'; oxoid"to.'the .schooL'ann.•: �'. Lard; e-scoo,, age,. pr c iI rena ; � ,. ,. Belfast,' b June Ro j e reig ,• !We, hope;all will soon be...Well • Mr. 'M. an �. rs. Peter r d � s.''ar t Carter •visite ci with' Mr, an Mrs W d es. nest es t at Kinlou h. Sunday. gSachy.. • ii e as a preventative of ••.'diphtheria , Friends of Mr. Ro Alton n. are glad to'se hso- " e im l,, wen . and' able ' to be around again.:. " her ;',pat ruts,, Mr. and ' rs.. • Andrew Emers ° '' on for a few da' s. Mi; and Mrs: Jack Emers on "visite at_ 'Mr. ' V. Whitley's of 'Crewe recent- ly`.. e• Week Week in ParliamenBrt W: R TOMLIN O M, P. S N, • FRIDAY—,Che.. main' ; "excate{nent of today .wasi the .tabling of the Sup- le entar Esti "' ates to the tune of p Y. m.. m ,of ever -ill' , 100. ii?,,. loii do lags: •,'Tlie` Gov- e rnmen la �; _ to ° s' �rik bl ' t o at ._.... n, e a unpin lo m nt. byublie w p y a •.a P 1 work's rogramme; of overa40 million dollars,, he high, lights of•the Supplementary stimates are' as follows: 1. Work• roducing programme to aid unem ployment-$40,000,000. 2: .Grants 'in aid for direct relief, to province`s $17,500,000. 3. Public works expend- itures in provinces •$13,731,548. 4. Ag ricultural• • estimates—an additional '$6,742,059. ' " 5. Fisheries—additional. $$65c0, 000,:.-6, Tourist highways -.and roads- to 'mining centre's= $3,000,000.- 7. ;Assistance•to' airports -and. airport facilities -$1,300,000'. 8. Canadian National Railway 1 deficit for, current year—$42;000,000. . ' . MO DAY-Toda Two l' N .. Y , u d have .been a .dull. day were it not for the discuss= ion o the' labor trouble in Vancouver" On Saturday"in•'that city about 150.0 single unemployed men made a, dem- onstration.'by crowding= the''lobies . of -the- Georgia� Hotel, :• e e• --Po t Offic h tr- e s. and the.. Art Galley -strarichoice. y. ge The ;City•Council; bought them out of be hotel -With .$600). ;but at the .time. of writing they are' •still ,in the Post Off' •a n` .�.,.tee,�...nd...o lgyine,the-�art_collectaonw Mr.Ro`rs Rogers; Minister..:of Labor;stated he_. -wa. • . f ,l ly__ tir+hn provincial ,.nom. v go ei nment which undertakes: •,tg pro- "vide work for those from the Prey - ince ° and to: provide: trans the', for 4 outsiders` tothe point p the'. is quit P. y came from. 1 -le quit, ,definite in stating ':' . . THERE'S NO BETTER WAY to describe the Pontiac :Illustrated 1onfiec,De Luxe Sedan: with trunk,, sensation of gliding through the air with the greatest of ease ! But see for yourself g. behind the wheel drive Pontiac in traffic, on the highway . or back where the going toughest .. . for there you'll learn that in Pontiac all roads are smooth, You just seem to flea along . . . as though you sat on a magic carpet. One ride will prove that you can't improve on Pontiac . . 1 at its truly low price . . . with its array of starry features,'including Safety Shift Gear Control. Most advanced Knee Action with De lure models. New balanced springing with "Special " model, (De Luxe Models !Troia si,004) at factory, Oshawa. • Local delivered •price 'deter, •'mined by adding delivery charges which include freight, . Govecnmerit taxes andiicense fee, Convenient -term, er Pontiae "•Special" Business ranged' through the General Cou•per Motors Instalment Plan. P.248 ,,. • • • • 'THURSDAY, JUNE 2ND, • 193$. bion: Friends Honor x. Beryl Gardner Bride -Elect (ZION) To honour Miss Beryl. Gardner, bride -elect about' fifty of her friends and •neigh cors gathered at bar home on Monday evening and ; ahuwered ner with many lovely gifts, 'accomp anied-bye good wishes for-- her -future, appiness,. Centreing a • table 71,1;11;11081w as ' a 'lame `cupid, dole � dressed in yellow U a niniature bride. ' Hidden around this. were theg-i fts The bride-to-be' 'en- tered" the room to the %uam played 'by. Mrs. Wesley Ritchie' where: he was presented with the gifts, open ing and reading the wishes and ver- ',ses attached. In,, a few words: peril keherfriends. kind- ness. d ends'•' for t air in l! peas, I•ohowang'thas•.•was, an'interest- :ng program and community singing. Lunch: was then • served. • • Mr.:! ra C 1 ofi ' • hals s F ori :'Me bar cis Loc . h wa re a .` visit r 'au s a c nt o wit ', a un r hh t :vlrs, Isaac Andrew.. ' Miss Violet. Saunders spent • the week -end, with her parents •at 'Mafe-, kin g Mr ''and' Mrs, James Craig of `St. Augustine visited on Sunday evening with.. Mr, and, (Mrs. Will `Gardner.; Sunday School at '•Zion. ,10.30 am, on. Sunday. the, . government is :not` to . be iutim- idated'.by any demonstrations of kind.; A work -producing: programme, is to be 'initiated and it is hoped the: labor situation will be • cleared. up shortly.: '' „, TUESAY—Although the rest* t of Canada h,lidaYin ►' Parliament: Hill to -day was a, busy place. The .Prime Minister made his• long awaited ":.pro- nouncenient on the;; country's.. foreign policy', ; which: `as', far. as I• can; •see is Last the sails as' •we have been 'pur= suing. It appears tobe' the sane. and sensible course,;, one of peace and trying, .to• attend to, our own '.kniitti Y g'knitting; with . sympathetic -understanding = of -the-^views; of. others., -77.7 - • h leader a of . the Opposition,' ' .. T . er ein,-:the •e cera b 1ce=o •w a s, denounced in ••no uncertain terms the 'invasion o of China' by Japan. He also roclai a his i9 firmconviction c�nvicti • c o ' that pn ., the Germans:have'"the willfor war" In die • Senate ,Railway. Committee, Sir Edward ••Beatty, president of .the C P '; R. pictured' a gloomy future leis'the, •the two.:great • railway systems are. united.. The committee ream, • was crowded all day, the greatest interest that has s been shown 'in any committee this Session . prevaiLhig _ during the three ;, sittings ,. Wl tever._..has7,..been said of, the • progress of - Parliament lately►, nobody (could .possibly ;find fault' with' Victoria Day which was :packed' with action and interest :' ,WEDNESDAY—It was =announced today that it is hoped to'Conclude the session by July° 1st. If that, is not'•pos sible, in view .of the .progress, 'or lack of: it; in ..connection-:1with the, IL S.. Trade .Agreements; the"'dice *to ad- journ (riot ,preroguer.and come, 'back • • later on.:, I, may':day this Idea is' not popular.. 'A • feud \ seems •'to ': have '"developed, between , two, ,N,.,. �;members : over. the ques, ion o "sguing::b licences. to trawlers.: • it is held that ' these vessels which' scoop up . fish by the ton,. are detrimental to theinteresti of shore fishermen, who •go Out. ,in sall' ,boats . or dories , Permits to ttawlemrs were'.`granted in the spring ,but, now�v•there is a campaign to cancel .;them.'.,Mr. Finn Or Halifax is'' for • the shore fishermen and'.. Mr:. Isnot ..for the"trawlerg "and rthe, 'fu certainly flew today. Mr Finn. 'wasshful to read into Hansard the 'names of 1500 1 isherinen, Who have, sent in a petition. .This was not allowed but he road the, `prayer" and the names are to be ':duly recorded but • not On Hansard. The Senate Divorce• Bill ',which. has been on, the 'Order Paper 'for some days awaitinga sponsor" was• finally. 'taken in.:hand. by J. S Woodsworth and •. Angus. • Mclnnis. This ~bill passerd ,the Senate by,a` very Small .margin andgthe: out -look in the House' is not Asa ood., • • The: Minister of . •Agriculture got his .supplementary' estimates' through the House tonight and is leaving at once' for'. the "front".'in, Saskatchewan, This• election is of .widespread'interest 'because' of the Social •Credit• angle. ;Will Saskatchewan follow Alberta?THURSDAY-•-A question hal',been raised • in the I Buse in 'regard , to' the purchase' by foreign interests"of Anti= costir, that little island of great, value as: far as -.'Canada is: concerned. It is •at present"owned by the Consolidated paper Company and;a'few Weeks ago •they announced• that an option on it had been given to another ' company believed"•to consist of :Germans The opinion 'was voiced that that could. not' possibly he• allowed' to happen. Mr. King was reassuring -Oh this'point and stated that: this doorway •to Can- ada would -never' be opened. for enemy attacks: Of course, with. Quebec so strongfor "autonomy' this will be a delicate matter for; the...Federal government to• handle. • • -The Senate Railway, ?Committee be- gins to..figure on getting :through The C. 'P R. plan for' unification will be completed next week amt. the. fol=-. Iowing week the C. N. R. that will "be heard, It expected that after, Aleut: three weeks the committee will deliberate, on the • evidence presented and give its report f ' The Civil Service Commission in- guiry is=having a very stormy voyage. It! was brought out. yesterday that. the merit system only operates when nobody ,m uch is --interested : arid - that some jobs rare 'Sear -?narked"' ,even tvhen advertised. We are_finding out a number of things, padded ,expense:. accounts and "skulduggery'"' Of, all kinds • seems to prevail by Aimee, I 'have hada feeling, that this was the case, ever ; since t entered Par'lianlent ,and think •it is high time that either the Commission `is disbanded or: thingp' put on a foursquare •basis, TWO of the eggs were bad, and the lady had taken them back to •the shop.' ' That''s all right, Intim' rr said • the • greed's boy. "You didn't ,need to hying their ask. Your word iii jpet as good ilii the eggs;" ' • LUCKN..O'W' JUVENILES OPEN I • SCHEDULE WYTH' A WIN Seored Four Runs in Last Inning' To Grab 6. 5 Decision,: From Strong Clinton: Squad • ,,Lucknow Juveniles opened t the Maitland,. League schedule here . op tIhueesdaY,with an exciting four-r u n rally in the final inning,- by which nosed outthe Clinton kids, 6 Y. ',The • local' lads who will, provide Lucknow's` only baseball this season, served notice that.' with some ,exper- ience 'and some added punch at the plate, ' they're likely • to: create :a lot of baseball interest. • e • Young" Murvin. Solomon,who hurls them in from' the ''port.sie took•othe mound for • the locals; and.after" being touched, for seven hits and three runs in the first two.innings, went therest of the 'route. ,scattering six 'hits: for Another pair:: of' counters. For six innings, Hocking handcuffed the' local kids; allowing only three hits, and struck out: 12' in the 7 inn- ings ;.He;'lacked control however and issued t, seven walks.. Donal F'inla •so rst d y_ n, fi._ man. up'for :Lucknow, walked,., and 'was safe at ascend • on a .low peg to the bag with Donald sliding into` third to beat the throw from centre,' He scored ',on , : passed ball nmh I..t t -s Sixth; -�' a e ix J ck •-Co k' -walked ..tole, second . and third and`scored ' on an 1error' by the pitcher. •, ' In .the In e , 7th,Finlayson and .1V ids. Y . a, y aach drew a .. base on balls.. Richards. Struck out;•Babe Aitchison -rounded• g, aut;'. advancing,, both runners. Jack HQLYROQ'D� Macs, Rachel Culbert Eva and Lorne - here recent visitors at Mr. 'Win.. .Eadie's.. Mr, and Mrs. • Jack Kilpatrick and: family of Lucknow, spent Sunday 'at Mt Allister Hughes', Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Hagei ,of Detroit .and• -Mr. and Mrs. Nick O Ha nidi of Riveisdate Were,.guests' of r. James-Valad s on ' Sunday. Mis Lillian • Doyle of Langside,: silent OundaSt with. Miss Anna Mar1e -0 Corrigan, , , Mr, -' Graham 'Pinkney spent Sun- day .;evening at Mr., Thos. • Harris'. M1. and -Mrs. Richard' Elliott and :` family spent Sunday at -Mr. Lloyd. Robb's,. Glamis. -Mr, Wm. Eadie purchased a new Hudso'n.car this week. Mr. Noble Pierce 'spent Sunday With' hiS sister, ALES ;ElizabethPierce..., Mr's' • Win._ Bailie was ax;recent vis,:..,, iter at*, Mr.. Thos. •Ilarris'.' ° Miss Celia Wa tt of Lanes ;visited', Holyrbod'friends .leat` week. • and Mrs.' Robt. MacDonald'and • family spent Sunday at Mr, J. E. Turnbull's, .Underwood;.'' k.RVXE Mr:K.n ac Ke zie ,a :s, de n i . iinise t M to nt . r in charge of Glamis Presbyterian ` • Church, occupied the pulpit in Itervie 'Knox.; ,Church. last-, Sunday;; Services _'.. will, be' conducted each '•Sunday,after-_ noon hire by Mr.::Ma Kenzie. M'r. Wilbur Waldron anent with. aa„ eek parents :ff. . is Mr. his: Joh Nicholsinis i:aitiord` h` '• n nAllenv ng .- sister, Mr's. H. C. C dbourne, ecu.'' 5. 'The monthlyi, °W,. M. ,•• meeting Was •.. held last Wed • iss Reta Sturgeon's - home, North : • Rev. L. S., Mott,attending. iecon ,.s.... ference in- s::Galt. • Miss- J. Erwin who has' been Visit- ing_ isit- in ar 'o s nae re r at 'tire tui d , , g- �► g' , ne OIL .' ,Mo. day to her home in Waterford, Aonday Y ac-. m u:ompanied by Mrs.. Mott , and. son Glenn; • Mrs. Dalgetyet of Sombra., as:'• th gt est. of..R.eii::. :_C. aMcRitc i . an - h. a .:. dT=�•^- Mrs.M Ri c i e ,at, the.'recto r3 •Mr: and Mrs; Mr hal Oros-_ n o o i ie o e,, � wee. Old friends' of Itev..W'. ,A. Town's end with Mrs. Forfar's mother, Mrs. R.%T Bre hend d: London, ofread. with ` ',`i • much .iter est an account, of his: bravery in last, .yeek's .issue of this paper, 'Mr. and Mrs. N. Harrigan- and William, also Mr. and M'rs W. J. Biretf�• Pinkerton last San-' ;day, ale .Carter walloped a double, scoring. Wylds and Cook and Jim, Webster's tong hit . to ,centre drove ` Carter in ,with the winning run. Lucknow'' • •:S:. ;ab r 'hP o a D. Finlayson, c ,-... 2. 2 0 ' '4 2 L. Wylds,:: 3rd ...3 1 • 1'; 0 ' 0 Richards, 0, 0 3 0 D. 'Aitchison, ss . 0 0- `2 1• J. 'Cook, If;2 1. ' 0 0, ti Steward, 2nd -. 1• 0 0 0 2 J, Webster., lit . „ 4 0 1 10 0 A. ,McKinnon, JZ Solomon, • 1. Carter, 2nd 1 1 1' 1 1 J. K. McKenzie, cf. -,.1 0 1 0 0•' 266 6 21 8 Clinton • ab • r ' h;.po . a i'owell, c. 0 0 12 2 Lockwood, 3rd 4 • 1 22 : o Butler 1f., _.4" 0. •3. '0- 1 docking, Ik , 4 ' 1 1: 1. • 2` G. • Montieth, ss '. __ »» 4 • 1 2 •2 '0: R.' Montieth, 1st.' 0 ' 1 • 3 '0 ;look, cf.i'- _4' .,1 2 '0 • 0 . alhoun, , 2nd .. 3 •0 1 °',0•' Q Johnston,; if. 3 1 1_0•_0 score By, Innings Clinton .- 121 - 000 1-5 Lucknow .... 100' -001 . 4-6 SCHOOL EDGES • OUT WIN _Continuing the' series.:, of . softball encounters,: last Thursday the 'School nine eked out a 16,to 15 win over the town teamsby virtue• of a,5 run --scot ,ing splurge in• the last inning.;. ' School—D. Finlayson, c;, H. Thonip don, 2nd; J. MacDo'na1'd, ss; G''Millet, lst;; 13 Hewitt, ;3rd;• J. Cook, cf; B.-. Jewitt, p, M. ' Morrison, lf; A. Ait ,bison, rf. Town—M, Johnstone, A. Maclntosh,.. H. Greer, J. Miner; Dr. Fowler,. E., Webster, S. Collyer, -"-Bob Thompson, 'E.:Solomon,'T. Collyer and 11. Ritchie, Umpires -G S..'Mclntyre, B: Sproul. Meaford; ;champion, in-and-outers of theBruce League, Awho • were re- admitted thia spring, have Withdrawn' again after;playing their, opening game,'which was a 'victory:' over Han aver. Medford will now fcompete : in .he Noi th•.'• Simcoe:: League,- although •public Opinion in Meaford is;,strongly. against the Club's' latest':move. With Clark Finlayson ,behnid: the plate -and. the veteran• ,Gordon Irwin n first, Goderich played ;their open- ing'game }iii•'•the` Huron -Perth League on Friday when they ;dropped ; a 6-2 decision to ' Cljnton. ' On Monday .the 'Sailers. defeated Hensall 5-1: '• Scoring . the wiiining " run in the' last of the ,ninth,. Teeswater , opened the Bruce League schedule on the 24th with A 4 to 3 • win. ' Wiley highly: tooted new Teeswater hurler whiffed - •*',* * ,* The Tennis Club will hold -a reor- anizing meeting ' in the Town Hall (tonight) Thursday, ' June ' 2nd .:at o'clock.;'' The Club .pans to hold a tourn- ament' at the courts this' afternoon (Thursday').•"There 'is no: entry fee and it is hoped this opening tourn— ament will interest`' a number in • the game. Prize„ -Winners Announced ' On . Tuesday, the publisher. broke the seals concealing the Iucky names an a card- of tickets sold by Miss Ruby Reid. The pri.ee,.winners . Were ae 'follows; .'Johip ,''RIC' of; .A• .. won the grand rize,. it fi set of P, , vanity 'set of. •:hest of silver while • Lorne Cook;, Mrs . Orland' Richards, Mrs . Clair Irwin, Mrs. John Jamieson,• Mrs, Peter Cook and Lorna Reid were ad- d�itio"nal winners who have • their, choiceof six handkerchiefs' or piece of silverware. ' IN, MEMORIAM In ineinory: of •pry dear mother, Mrs.' John Savage, Dungannon, who passed' away, June 7th, 1934 "Your Motherly love a'nd care for me will always be remembered with sweet• memoryl ; Daughter, Laura Mrs. N , McCallum entertained* the. ladies of the U. F W. Q. for. the. 11 ° Meeting., There was a .largeatten ince.r The,. meeting' opened by singing; the Opening Song, followed by'. re- ?eating the Lord's Prayer in unison, • rhe minutes of• the last meeting were read and adopted .The •Roll :Call ;was an exchange : of ; bulbs seeds or- slips. After the business•period, . a, splendid • • program• .followed 'which included violin selections by ..Mr. Wm.. McKen- alae, aocontpar icd by '• Mrs. -Conley. Current events by 'Miss 'Mary. McLeod =solo ' by K-athleen McKenzie -playing •her own. accompaniment on<the. 'guit- ar Miss Jessie McKay gave suggest- ions on•'sewing and .'remodeling Miss,. Elizabeth..Robinson. sang a solo accompanied by Mrs. Hughes. A papeim on theGlory of the''garden was given by . Mrs A. Hughes.:•Closing remarks:by Mist Wm. McDonald., The meeting closed=by singing, "Gad' Save The Xing." Refreshinents were served and a social.half hour spent. The'June Meeting. on the 23rd will, be at ,the ; home of • Mrs. . Lavis Mr:' and Mrs.' "Rob! Moffat and Shirley,'.' visited:. with Mr, nand Mrs. • Bert Moffat of Bervie. - Mr Rennnie' Graham and his sister Anna of Toronto,: spent the week-en'd '. at their',home... • Mr and Mrs. Peter` McKinnon and • son Harald, of :Flint, .are visiting with' rel iti ves • on: the sixth' and , fourth. Miss Isobel McLeod ,spent last week with. • her aunt Mrs. • Allan „D'urnin. Miss :Jean. Graham of., Kingston,. la: spending a weeks holidays with her'. parents Mi andMrs. .Ar; Graham -• Mis.° •D McLeod entertained, a Car; load of friends. from Detroit over the; • }week end.• , Mr, and Mrs. T. Morrison of •:White- church Visited' on Sunday' wth Mr. and, Mrs.- G. Hamilton Mrs. A McGillivray spent a few r days East week at Mr. A., )tittle's., Mr. A. '.McKenzie, .whop has. not°bee�� • -very well the.°past two' weeks is con 'fined to' bed WHITECHURCH• • 'Miss " Annie., 'Simpson of Jasper, Saskis visiting. her Sister Mrs., Frank, 'Henry. • Mrs • Hind of the west. is spending the surnrner with her ; mother Mrs. Prank Henry, , .who is, sick. Miss .:Myrtle: ..Beecroft, of New London,:.:Connecticut,' is'. visiting .her' ,rothei• Mr. Dustan Beecroft and Mrs. 3eecroft.• Miss /Irene Clark of Winghatn,. spent ;A, day last week with Miss 'Pauline•• Inglis, r • Messrs.. Alex. ;Inglis, and• Thos, Inglis Jr,, spent:a day at Toronto last ,week. Miss Olive Kennedy spent last ween[,'. with Mrs:. A..l ox and Mrs. Geo,_ Ida ?lenaghan. 10 There will be no service in the • Presbyterian Church here next' Sun-'• lay; owing to the; anniversar .at Cal:::.....:. ,tin: at 1]. A. M. and 7:30 P. M,,.when Rev.' Mt°. 1#oyle, a, fernier' minister Breach, ' er. will • The Y. P. S. 'of the ifnited Church put: on their play "Cabbages or Dollars';' n the .Institute; Hall blast •Thursday,. •evening, to a, well packed: ball. It.Was snjoyed by all present • Mr. Win Anderson of,the' west pent Saturday -With -Mrs. Catherine Fgglestene;, an old aegpaintance,. Iia. Is 50 years: since lie°went west, Lai We 1A impro ineased g sincer e hisracc di• • ` ent. • 4 tl • New Curtains Mid '1 aterials-,-CrL-:. tons Draperies'',N`ew Low Prices:11111 : 7`,111+1, .' MARKET STb',EE.