HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-06-02, Page 31.11001.1•1•!mr.!4" 001 70,Ittoteomt.t..5 10.=. '!•••rrttri •'SERVING BY. PERSONAL.• • Oa.YOTION. TO. clift1.478 MarR, Goldea. ,Text -She- hath clone what she could. P'• Mark 14: S. , 4 THE. LFSSON IN ITS SETTING * aeppor at Which tteSuEl, wae :anointed took „alaca• on $4t4r4R$ eveiiing, ApriI 1, A.D..30. Abe art, ' :reagement of •;Iiidas • with the. •chief. „Priests' to, betra.y the ,Lord; was thaclq` on 'TueadaY.V the next week, April4; „. While-Chriet'si• 'feretelling ' of . peter'si . • . , . •• denial .• tot* place' after the , Lerd's ' Suppee 00 Thursday evening of that , week, April: - , supper eceee, was in DethanY.• All, the 'eat of theincidente• thiS Jepson. took:. ,place In the, City • •'p eiusaiem. • , , , • The exquisite 'story oT the anoliill'Ag • of,,Iesua by 'Mary is pleb found .•'in • Matt. 26: and,,, with :Many 'added details, in join -02:2-8, '• •• 3.', And While he WAS in lietbanY, -Bethany' is a littlaiillage on the, east-, , •era slope of the Mount ef Olives; just .'pver •tha tcip, sathat from Bethany the •: 'City: of Jerusalem'is net yiSible. 11 •'. Is to -day a .1.411Efey4ble village -of some ••• forty or fifty :'poor hales occupied by • fanatical '1Vioalem.s:• Here was the •'borne of Mary and Martha and their , brother Lazarus. ', "I.T,hdouhtedlY ,Jeans : foutuLthe.litiMabi „his faMily-'-the.riabst, ••• perfect pieceef retreat • fpr quiet, . • . , Jesus was pleased •to.re'vea • ;more ,Of the 'human side of.'; his eel*. Ple,X,•:nature than aryw.here It !•': the 'Mese of Simon,. he 'leper:We now o • ng more: :a oat this, nien.r It IS Moat -probable that Simeit'S..Was, the most' caniniodiOirii,horrie in. Beth- any, and ,could most,:eaaily accoMmit • date.,the la.rge:'nninbe,r: Of gtiesta. Who .were* initited..to.,thia: supper, and •thet. ISimon'S henie: is not to be identified! Mary"sclibm.e, Mit,that, she was atalp1Sr serving' or Welting •upon the! - .table hause,•on. that 'ecea,-, ;Sten: , ••Sinion,• of .eo.ruise, ,must have• been. healed, of, IiIS 1-reetiy.„ Ae, he sat. •, at meat, 'there Came.a,wonian. ...Sohn! telis ns- her .r. 'Mary, .not to be .; confused with ••Mary the. Mother .of' or with Mar; Magdalehe, Hav- fii''a The:ale:bast:dr . , theatioried-injhe--.Serlottires• IS genet-, .11.11Y2 known. oriental alibister, to, . . . , • -distinguish it. from the 'modern min- eral' called7hrtin •' .Stalagmitie • ropfi •• • or carbonate. of 'Was' of., a. seini-transpareht name Is, chnneCted • :'th.the town 'of Alibaatrbit i•-••••vp ,w' ahe.„ .O tone .••• was oar: fed-ff"IrwartighlY. esteemed fe"F: inaking.sMall. Perfume hottlea...or :alabastra. •, .pare !lord, Very tOstly.:. • .frag, %rent 'East. Indian.' Plant belonging to tha genea '•... ic.fi a.. jiitcf.! of odor :hied 'ell'ieritiiire •, • . • • ,• mix- cd.bk the •• • •' • An Act of Pure Love " And ..she ' 'Crase'inni:Pairrz; ied • it .oyer his •:.ad. • In the , hot' and. stiffing Chin ' 1!-•wtia grateful. and .,re- freshing, ' and to , anoint one's guesta, was lesY.,, The Sisters ' had 'often, pondered . how, they - could She • their4grat.'ucle • for • all he had been. anti' all that ' he :had 'do:la, for them, .1.la• had. li'alet1 Simon, ond, had given . the slaters and .their, brother, th,, hope .of. ' *yen, by WI/Ming. their ' soul3 to Mins:elf; •shown how truly he was the. tiesalah,.by 1:eing ack 4,- -1rnS frein 'the: •grave.: • Mary' was left . , eve. their. !-'• and grati- tude exprLatOn.•! This act was :purely Velynfary oa Mary's part:, and...certain- ly arose de t ..;.,loVe:for• the , 4, • liut •there Fere some that had InclignatiOniani .11k. tlI('flI'olVOS, saying, **To " what :phi:Pose: hath.thia waste" el the ointtheni beenniade? .W.ertre'teld • hy •.,lohn".that the leaderAit this••Criti,• diszii.4.'MaryYs bectutifid net was .1u, ' daa. .'Whee •we aye .'fliinking man love and:. the .charni 1 Of •human pei•soriality, it Is .L'amigrnektia, 11- is a ,deseeratitin,:t6 •introduce the .thoaght, of .ailver and gold:. Thead things can- not be wel,hed. They, are 'we. "may' Call the pee(' ,•• of life. ' • FalteYardsticks • . 5. For Ulla, .bintnient •Inight, have ' been sold for abOVe three,. lini.:4red. • Willi I n gs, auil•,g1,•• „ to ,i14peer, - -And -they, iritirinureil against ter, The Word . here translated we have, natecl in it preVions lessor', Is the W.Ord "deziarina,:" • which • is the equivalent hoht .seVen teen onnts,..atig, was the !, wage for 'az tke tlineef our ; Lord: Our faise lileaSuringpt thine by d.reaterialia''i yard:SOO: will )when Molloy Is involved to the ` Most degeadingand disifoiuirablo ,totaitioas, IT But Jesus said, Lot hot alone; , why treilble.,ye hey.? she hath WrOtight ,a geed' 'Work otm Inc. It should he 'eat.e,. fulby bliserVed that. as far as 'the" re- :pp:A..101s tisl''MarY.,s1'..1...nothing, in de- fense or. her -(4o. act; . 44 -et.;, -aet7".traS • • ilood. work, 0110 Which pesiessed true' 'Moral blauty. • iths: geod-ess ot the Set ley la the grateful 'leve...which it ilispft'yed . Pedrye haye' the poor alwa...s with • you,and whensaaver.ye will2ye..Call.dp. 4hetti ,gret-t- Me ye,haVe, not. al- ways. I ',••• .: All She Cpuld. ..8, gh0.,htth 4000 what she COW'. This is Semetirees. t ''aft te'reean that;',. while it inay net beva been .7inch that Mary- did, yet she did ,what. she :was able to do.; .Sha.had done 11114hat she coud;• She -hath 400intett. iny boy .befOre114.10 for tha.•InIrYing. • Mary ful- •ohited, .the ,Lord, ith 'the prepenti- 'merit of, as w 11 AO With the •spirit of and 'divinely' beautiful :"§ynapathywith, that death .itself.„ Het action was en- tirely a.,•pro'plietio one'. She Was. eon, •of what, she did. .6. And verily I:Say 'rifila?..reo, Where- seever ,the go,spei shall 'be -.preached throughout the. yliple %VCJIId. that • aleo, whicb thle ,woman. hath done. Shail be •apeken of ter, a 'Memorial of her., • ;Marys act to • "leave was the one memorial JOE the ,,,fetitife'Seette„ the thing' Which did:..,,?ot'Paae, away. . It Will thing which didnot pass away. . -Mark 14; Ylh, 11. 10. And. Judas is- eArioti,he that Wasone of the. twelve, went away uhte's•he chief priests, that hi might 'deliver:him unto' them: 11. And 'y, When they .heard it, were 1„lad,-and ;promised to g'.7e- him -ioriey. And he Sought' hew he might tonve- t.iently deliver him unto them. Notice that ,Tudes•locariot *oven here et:this time, When his'awul sin abed .to be introduced, still blithered. aniOhg ;the twelve .apestles. Judas deliberate- ly:Vent to the ".'lef.priesta with the Intenti-Cti prbetTaTyliiillie'Verd. The ,proposal Came froza him; not fro'''the priests. , As MattheW, tells they ' gave, him thirty Pie cep ofsilver, .whlch: 4as,..the-Lequivalenti.,Of.,:ahoutpiteibir.d„ h h, Mar anobntd the LoS. ••••.• 'For self 27. Alid.'-iesnS'siiith -tint& tliem. All ye shall be offended. The diagiples• Will be trapped by What will hapPaii..",,to'Je- sus; , It upset them completely. For it is written,. ,I will "Mute the: 'shepherd,..eml.the Sheep shall be scat- tered ahrpad.,: This prophecy IS 4ohntl. bit Zech. . 13e7. ••Tha :Shepherd' here Is, ef eointte;,,the Lord Jus. The .sheep _ are Ins'disciples. 'Falitilinent this prediction•is recorded . in ..tierse,156 ,Of - • chapter. . .. — • ,:..23::HovOiait.• after, I am raised. uP„.I .will go before. you Into GaIIlee. ' !r4e ••-••••••• ere deelar's the!, death Will not be 'able to..hOldllire, ,and thaVthe shameful .deparling of "the,- disciples Iront,their_z.J4bAla_en bOur. 'When be needed. them :iVill:net%Mean 0eir per- iiprient" Separatiaii' from him. :pr ,he• trein.,them they Will be forgiven,. they Will be restored. • • • ' 29. ',13,ut'''Peier said ,unto .him, not 1. The Werdslef Peterl.hera'are nothhig less' than..sheer 'boastfulness. 30. And Jesus 'saitli. unto him, • yerilY i.;say mita thee, that thouje-daY;.eVeti this hight;befere the.'eneli.erow shalt 'deny me thrice. The crowing of the cock Is not 'some cei3ual•'Crow- ingif.,--sorile-;indivithial -cock. • • Two • .'proWings were di„...tingatsbed, aff tlmne ,MatIts,;,.prie ,near-,..midnight,4,-thaether_, just before dawn.' • Peter' denied the: , Loyd .'withill..1Our hears' after his em- phatbc assertion :that nothing ..ctield: ever ,perstiadehint to leave the, LOrd'O. ,side. • • ' . • 31:- But he spalte exceeding vehe- mently, lf I' naiist die With' thee, ..11 will not deny thee, .An.d. in me Manner also said they all. They were all cere, but *One, :of themknew. his • oWn • Weakness. • . ,, • , • • th• ..•••• •New High Commissioner y Helped Forge the New AniloTreoch AllianFe • Pre/flier': Edouard Daladfer (left), and the French Foreign Mihister, .Georg ea Bonnet a.re shown on the • 'steps of the French Embassy in London as they arrived ,to weld a new and .stronger military partnership •with England.' • • ate' Service .ita n eres s Cana -MKingRevealgStepsfortiNew Zealand—_!slands ,Australasiai and U.S. 'Ake. Dickering Over , • Ownership. • .:Negotiations with reepect to owner- ship et „certain islands.in:Ithe'Paeific ..0emin are now,being carried On as One:. .0! the prelizraharY.Sterek,'tqwerdi'„ea-,. tabliehingan.,,eir service betWeeh.t•Sn,.. ada and' .New...Zedlen'd;..the House of Commons was informed last Week • by Priam Minister King. • . • TraiislOanada, Is. Link , • Though.' Canada„ does ' not figure di- rectly in the negotiations, :the Domin-. fon„ is •Vithlly, interested .• since the Trans -Canada' Air Lines' will, 'provide he eoarteaing tie and PacifieserVices. event ,t•Qiiritt!aisrn'...lie.•ato‘f• the 'Enipirei. scheme 1, around -the -world service: , . . ,The negotiations, the prithe minister said,: are :heing, carried •, :en between Great-;--BritainNew---Z-ea•land-andAirs ,traliaon the one .hand and. the United Statea, on the other., The Winds Cora.- peae a.,•,*.portion•bf • the •:Phodziix group and other islands' lying betWeen,Hoho- lulu and Australia.' ' . • may Be Part -Owner.. Though • the:Prime :nijniater gave detallae expectations. .are ' that this Country will be part owner In the .Pa- tilleirettlee,jnithajelftilhareitaIder-- in the trans-Atlintie tiehenie; Flights: of. an experimental :nature On the At - route, which Ware ...started:Mat; Siinimer. are to be resumed in the near future and It is believed that by :tali .the !tying , boats will. be Carrying mail and package .freight. , But t. May ha another year before. passengers .are '•carried. . • , ••.. • . Mr: King, Made • his brief.'statement In the Borise in.anewer to a qUettion. by W. fi.7 MaCt$01:1alti; 1.-.113alial; Brant - City, Whii.:.quoted J. Muirheati,:•u/der:seeretary of air in the 13ritish Gbv rrithent, as saying that negotiatiens eoneetning. an, :eir •reute, betWeen•Canada and New Zealand are now. under wa.y'hetWeen the demi-idea; and the .I.Taited States..-The,prime mb- ister said the negotiatibiril Were abbet• the islands: '• • " • . •• Austrials.Told. To' Sked Ahead LINZ, Garinany: — MarShal. Hermann Wilhelin Goering, begin- ning a. week7s tour of ,Austria to in- angurate Vatioua induatrial -projects; speaking here told Austrians their proverbial cask -going aribde of life must- end now: during' working hours. -.Goering, No. 2` Nazi and 'head of Gerniany'S four -Year ' ecenomic sufficienCY plan, turnedthe first spade :of soil on a Site hear the. Danube where greater Germany's • Most portant steelworks, to -be called'the "Hermann, Goering WOrksfPwill_bn erected,. The plant is IS, designed to &vie a Yeitrii" productiontintiMateli ' of 4,000,060 tons, • • ' • Must Freve. Their Diligence , On his arrival the field marshal was handed bread, wind end ham by 4 the enthusiastic population, '" these, being the thiel7producttLot-tho-dis-- ',.coering 'told his WelcoMerst'', "The Austrian fi not intended Merely to cheek ielia.• • pore& unemployment but ;.to itry permanent foundations for 'hotter • and happier lik for coming ra: tions. sir, G'eraia etitoribeii su`dceedA•tii, "Atiatrianb *list now prove to the Francis Fiend as High Ob missiener that their*Verbial 1110venli, in Canada. for the United\ ingdeln,. 1100 iitigeeat To Dandelions Iron Sulphate May Be Helpful But ' • Cite Required, • .4 a rebt is not 'Milled UOrniiletelY, place a little „artimonivai, sulphate, .conimon. table Lsalt, gasPline or emir oil inAhe hole.' After ,weeds .ara des- troyed by hand digging it is irnport- ant to. start.. iminediately .groWirig.4 :strong .thrf where the weeds existed to .prevent new, Ones 'gaiaing,e,-.fOot.: The chief abjectien to the use of strong. chemicals lakyris:" is that they also .deStray .the ,grass ..as, well is the - . •. `Iron sulphate hr.s, tech. found ef- fective for dandelions.• The ether': • drawback its use has been the stain -whicIL it leayet upon clothing; :walks., and, buildings of: stonework. -When it is used, it d ditufeTd 1% , ponnds ' to a... .1411op of water: The •solutiorishould then be strained ,threugh, several.layers' •• :of elre6e 'cloth to ,remove "grit ,,•It . is :best . ap- plied with a .• pressure sprayer. One, gallon will cover 300 feet: Of turf • properly .'diStributed., , One application : Of • ;iron • sulphate Will not, .O.e,M.40.Y rid a lawn of daridelions ubfeis ..41ey .• are:: very small:, Two , thiee, spia§ings are required. The first just as the plants, Come:into blOom fn.:the spring. Sub • *sequeht applications. shetild be at In- terVals • of about two . weeks.' -Iron. inlphote will •kill, White, CloVer'.. and may injure, permanently, bent grass. Mining Firms Buying Farms Near ,ro,rt Arthur—Gold Rusk Is ; 'Spifiged by;Seniational,,Finds. . • • , . •. Sensational gold attics' folind•in diarnand haVe been.fOPOweti bk:a.utish at"gold miners, arid. proSPe6Lis •into, •the . Township of Gorham'," nine •..; rnilOS north of „Port Artinir, , . . • ", The drilling was -done by Gorham Gehl. Syndicate, haatied.hy. 3,41, Wright; well-known geolegist, ancl g,oing:to a depth about 60 feet under goeck serface showing gave an average' $33,20 uncut and $1940 cut across nearly fenk feet for a length of 390 feet. ' • Some of . the assays' bore' cUiting Were given a$ as 000'es• The Syndieate h„aa, beet" ,re.,,Organiz- ed, as a Company, Gorham ,Gold Mioes ./.4mited, fully •'financed ;for :drilling to,. a depth of 300 feet,' to- gether with shaft,, lateral work and. 'further ' eXifleratitei, Meanwhile the Lakehead Geld Mines ‘Limited, Id; joieingi' has, been finaneed for. a' . • ' The .1.,ThiverSal poiptaiioli")Syria- eate. is doing likewise, While other. interested parties are buying rip all the available fat:in lots in the vicinc- The territory Was originally Pros- pected by, -"Hard. Rock" Bill, Smith, whose erighial 'diseekerieS in Little -Long Lac arca Were the-pre:sent-Hard Rodli, and Maeleod,C4lishute FOrMation is described as similar to Little Long Lae, including the banded iron sek favorable to gold „dePositions in this territory. t. Having -610e -161," -86 5- liblif-ar" "the wife' official of' Sara, Jeyo, Vtigeslityirt, awoke as if noth- ing had happened and figted i'o/r a Insulin Hard to Pet Dr Charles IL.Beat iisiociate• of Si! Frederick' Bariting,in the discov- ery . of 1nsu1in told theEnglish speaking 'union in . TorontoreeentlY that more.. than 'a million .diabetica throughput the world were receiVirtg among„ yonnge •eop e- greatly • reduced, though thera • had not been 'much, Change ia t14 geri- eral.death rate, Obtaining of suffi- cient supplies ef insulin was becom-. Mg a Kehler'', ' ' irthrie yVomanSaves 1.1fe. of Bird; Grafts Part Of Hen On Turkey a ans rave ost Impatiently C0124.1aidea Sa.), Th4're Always In A Scramble to Get (:)ff, When:a Boat Docks Of 'all people, Canadians are about the Meat Impatient when it conieE3..to getting off ships. This le ple....cOgSeil- fills Of 13001011 anfengs,ateeniship pea: •Ine.' The overage., Oanatlien, fOrgets about immigration end ,cirstainc and, thinks it'S just like getting oft a; train. , • Inquiry leads to the Sad conviction. that Canadians are eitherinot very worldly, ,: or: ImPelessly' land-lubbgrs. This is speekine, generally, for seasori7 ed travellers are the same. the world Attacked Py A conrate 'file Regina I.,eader-Post published this: farm story from its •corresiond- ent at Woodfow, southwest of qaskatel.ewan Capital ' , Mrs. R.. O'Hara, Woodrow', $4$1.54, Was given the star role in a barnyard. drama staged on her farm southwest ofRegina and prbyed she has more, than 't rudimentary knowledge' of , fai•l'o surgery.. • : • The stary goes -iike •this: Mrs, O'Hara .saw a eoyote attaCk one 'or: , .her ntize inrkeys., •Sh•e drove the gni-. nriii• off before , the t.big bird: -Wes killed,:. but not befbre the raider had helped himself, to a• generelia.pci ton of.white.meati Mrs, O'Hara SaCrificed' a hen 'that Was handy; cased out a big slice Of breast from the; dead bird and atzer sterilizing ihs,ttunietits , and silk thread with a soletion• Of water and diainfeetant, proceeded to do :a. fcst bit of -ten-on-turkey skin grafting. .. Today, the prize turkey is strutting, . about a's sound as ever;inot a bit con- cernedabout being, part hen, Agen'y of Suspense , It is nOtable that when, a shin docks, the experienced Britisher doe S not make a dash' for the garig-plank.,. He let e' the •Canadians put on their :ever - coats, wraps and furs, grab all the loose- parcels, they want,' andstand around to 'Swelter foil. perbapahalf an hour.2,: Meanwhile the Englishman Watches thescene,.ai'if he were not getting off at all: Then when the leas experienced travelters,flushed tihd tired and het, start' to Move off, \ he leisurely Pieks up his' things and goes. On the quay; the Canadian !memo to think he can clear ' his baggage, Ship- ping men' saY,' in abOul,, one minute., H he can't, then---'-"thereeught toz be a law'' doing soinething, to Semebody, be- -•ottnsa• he ean't. " • , • , • ,' ' It is noteworthy „ say shiPplag inen that Europeans take all.:•hou,1.'s delay Canada Hopes To Sell Seine Fish To Ireland; Product Enters Eire Free Under Its Agre‘ment With Britain. A study:, Of the„re_cent :treaty. lae....L.- tween United • kingdOm' and ElreA 'whOse- benefits : Eire extended to tan,•'• ada ha.stheeri,inade by trade experts .::-nofientLe-Wthroa-4;e04-n-PdOscsioibmiliniteieis-=-ce04eP f-7can41-7.., teskfish,bukiness_witb _tb'e fni me_ Free:.State' being increased... .eing is an. 'agohy 91.• sUspens.e, 7 • • ' Before' the treaty IriPpered , ARACTER FROM HANDWRITING - CASES FROM my NOTEBOOK • By LAWRENCE HIBBERT. (Graphologist and Psychologiat) •10, reeeet artielt,s..1-have quoted ,ae,• tual;easedF'froin, MY mailbag, lim the• hope that ,Other'reatier's; 'With perhaps similar problemso[ their own, might and4uidaziee.. , Were 'is:.a:•very",poignant 'case that.. 1- deaLt with some tinte•Ago.:1,reoeived. , i§tAk .fronic'.a girl whowas, net ,quite .13 years, old, but who, 14ad been mar- iied :.foe • 19, 'Months , and had -a :little. baby giri. She. said: 4Myhusband Is he ik.aot..a. bad man he Only'Stele.. to .prpilitle'for Me and the baby. I:Send you his writing:. Can you give' Meany- ,.rai of hope for our 'future? .1.4oVe' my bliaband ,• E41P..11 he was not as.,stahle..es he •rniglit: •lie..,was' toe:prone, to take the line of least- resistance. . However be,. conld. „ ,oVerconie.thig, And...he:had. Certain tal- ent petentiallifes..•I Made SUggeations .• , „ • 'for•Ma.kirig ,use••of them. '-• • . • :Later ;on . I. had the 'satisfaction '• of., hearing- that this little family hid:re-: . rneVed. to, a t' -ii manyMites• away : TreiShiTtli4i'-",VAFigdy homue, and the bus- . bend .waa in a steady; Positici.h.'„ and , . • : • accepthig hh reepcin'sibilitiee;; Tliat Wife'sfaith hi' her husband': was jus- tified, -but if weal:ra hamiwriting, anaIy sis. that blazed the .trail that.'he;wat able-te-4olloivronateSsfall3:- • , i Mr, .an a1ysi 19 50 bi'lpIcerild it not util- ized,.1Y businesS?" you"'Would oe. sOrpriied. Mr. 04 if you -1i,new"hoW inneh haidwriting an, elyale,14..efs,e,c1„Eit.:;.rai 'Sill a3:' '1.111tietk lOgs.,. There . dye net a :fe"ik large firths wbo use 1ta very •.00q...:d6.41.. .anee companies maka.n8O.'at it 1u the, checking efaliplicationa 'a,t times, and ether, firniatake advantage of it: When bal;101V.Yri)it.itin*glrhevtall:;„w17.1aVsivea.tyPYr'ar:tle9vatir sweetheart,frieti,da cr relatives; you'd like to krios., more ahOtitf.,3end !peel- mens:•,of thelland.:writieg you :want an- alysed, enclosing 10c for EACI-I:speci- - „men.send,:with..Stomped addressed en- velope Hibbert, :Room 4"21,' 7,3 • We•Acteialdez,LS.1.,...LTeretitO,,9ntarici. Please.rerd as lengthy specimens' as tsmaroifkfeclo:ftfithdgpooi,prigp inatop'9uEhirae ;1..trinttrt. leted ;fish diked ,gence. Under the treaty, they • enter free., StatiStica • show none ,of , this ,type p of ",fish ,was Shipped fregi•: Canada to Eire last., Otherwise the treaty is not expect- ed :to benefit` Canadian • trade, to any marked: deLvee...In 1937 Canada.:sold Lire -goods • 'valued at .$4,425,263 and b-cfirght $0,515711Te- 4)alance of .trade .accordingly is already' heavily ; in favor of . Canada:. : ••• , •E''-i7e11w6msbliicitriopl's:.Cedin4dWiahrieaPt, 1,3$7;3[s4 018; 1.80,794.; neweprint,, 4.400,$94,. and lelectric :,stoves • and parti,':0130;921., Tl•ie' treaty iiiaq0•11.6. 'ehange in tbe tariff of these coin- mo'dities.• Raw Weol: Wag , the; lareSt. single item himorted „Vern Eire. Voke-Records Correct Error • . , New Way for children to . Learn ?tirithin‘ etic Seen lby' Psychologist neW' wa • f hildren to learn arithmetic,' with aid of yoiee.'recerds, : was , reported in-. the :psychology de-; Partment of° Indiana ,lIniversity; ayette, Ind last week. Laf- - talk into a reeording device • Possible. •.• • . . 1 *pkit'or's. Son IS Wee. In 'England. . .. .. ................................................... 'Mr. Edward Ai' A. Shackleton, Of torfitel)'England,' and his In'ide; Missformerly 's§ Betty .Marguerite daughter of the late CaPtain C. E. Homan and Mrs. 1•10rinthf of 'Burley, New :Forest, Hampshire, England, leaving St.. Paul's Ohtirell, Knightsbridge, London., .folloWing theircdding whieh took place on April 27th. Thebridegroom yoUnge.0.„.$0.1.1 o thC I.Ate SirErnt Shek1eton,Th motis-Ar die' explorer, and th d to. Lady el' I c • t01.4'.1*ePtlY etohnleted-a•--leethre' tour im the United Stater and Canada, nn vas the.' guest for it Short time Of Their EXeelleneies th .fti'lerfter- 'General and the Lady Tweedsmuir, tit Government ,.„ Mr. Shatkletoa. is a nephew of the knaWn artist, 1.‘fliss'ItitillOan onacleton at present in Edmonton. • • and • add,. subtract, multiply and div. Thehthey listen •• to '..,their ewir • "7:9.iCie:e.. VA11c :boy ,hears hiniOelf '•saying.. f'six. pies • nine equals ' :14," he gets.. error,coriscie4st The rsu1t is a qtdelt methodof getting ricl 0 errors in arithmetic, wild -Prof 'Terrill T Ea - method of .getting iid o,ferrors. in. -tleyeloPed• the, .Xeacliers' listening to the re...,!;rds are able to find retison-s.why •chil- drei?. habitually 'make Miistakes and to /point 'them pat:' •'Tho teacher has ,a, conlplel•e, ture dV thc child's mental prec,6:•se-1 ,instead, of isolated faets,". Prof, E. -1 - .ton. said, Thc , new .Molliod• firida. that "11....,Jr- • ing is, bOlievino,'•' dven'.. more. thn "'seeing Cats Add Ophancd:, 'Sqt,tilierel* to Brocd:: 060 ariied Fosr FniiIy• 7 ' ,Tilt01411, tY00,di , $n white; Cat on, tho 'of- Rufus Labadie,• near I.Vheatley„ s, 'the Mother :Of two whit eldttens..Cli 'day recently some of the' .chileireb.,..; ••• .kciund one, gray, and two 'black .souir, rels' in the -weeds hear by; .There: • *as 'me potbei.' to be, found so (ho• • , children broughf. them: home ' and ' gave ihein to tlie',White,, eat Tal'ihy adoptel theni at, Once.; She 1101,e t.ho,ni and cares for thera; al:tenderly ae she does:her two kittens, . . . .0n another farm a eat pre'en'.cd her ni 1st r e ss w1th ' five - 1ttnst, " • .day .but the, next" day they hd 'apnea cl-"" Tabby wag. ',6" • , . . . , , • . • Seine :Clays Inter s.he %N'as tonnd in the' barn not1cbig,fjre 1-y--sr- 9 rontentedlY,....as..thottgir tToy .Ni'Or0 hcl trrOdiOOSkittens, ',%rhiqe!, , tonna them no ,orie know, 's.The , 'woods Ws a. mile from. the 'ttaA 811p1705QCI. ''.,S,h0;,r`C"akietT • 1.614 OTTO by onclill that disteneo: Pore -enthusiast eX;I:.ing A I f on•set . ' .. ,- .rbyaI yaehti the "IloManCia," is' in con 15 4--fis a ,.trat'V.101'..",STId' fghes.f sr' Seal meat. And Pin'. ii.eat: ... ' she netris later cannedti.k,•dog, ',food,: 1 . • l, , : •