HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-05-26, Page 8• .4. bites... umnner ear ,..• T• ;I•DE'AL TTE •SHQE FOR DRESS . OR` SPOR _„ „-�C. ,. ,.OOL: ' FOR HOT WEATHER,, AND EASY TO CLEAN. IN. CUBAN: AND„ LOW, HEELS. A SMART WHITE SHOE, AT THE LOW 'PRICE OF_. --„, - •. WE INVITE YOUTOL00 OVER O R ARRAY O BUM- ' 'MER • F00TWEA� SNAPPY PATT RNS, IN ALL ALL TYPES ,. OF HEELS AT THE PRICE YOUWANT .. TO PAY. �HITE ''SHOES FROM: to . MEN s, W .. _ : 2.8�4 9. T ATI` ...A. h SHl E TEE7 EN ON L 'HAVE YOU TRIED... SU 1!1._•, E S S _ , • HTE simm. CLEANER:: ;' • athwell a'. ---Tweiveniow1l : 1 ,1endl h. Selection -" SUMMEW1JN`DERWEAR HATS a , CAPS FINE, SHIRTS" OVERALLS . ; WORK SKIRTS ?SPORT PANTS ..ANTS .., • +off man's ens War . e RECTOR IGNORES DANGER. ,. TO ' FREE TRAPPED. MOTORIST' How Rev: W A, Townshend; of London, Formerly Of Khdough Par•- ish, ,Escapes Death Is F',uzzle, To Hydro: _Eicperts . - • With -every condition` perfect.: for 1 0 aBe ter Pla a In Wh ch• Ta Liffe A Work; • A 'Series. of' Letters • from Distinguishedtanadia s: on Vital n 1 :l'roblems'Affecting the Future•Welfare: of Canada Specially Wien for Canadian. Weekly •'Newspapers , Association Dear Sir: I. ' have' ' always s ' felt-. that the ,' Weeklies" of this country are a fat. more influential and important sec tion. of the.Canadian, "Press" than our .people understand. They carry into the homes"„of their' readers intimate local" news that .has 'a direct interest and their, influence is: direct great. That is one"reason why I be- lieve that:the railways perform a use ful service to the, country in helping to.' to. make it possible• for...the- editors' and publishers 'of,• the -Weekly' news. papers oto:• travel, across the country once a year to, meet in convention and exchange ideas on public quesit ions. I believe It highly desirable that your membership 'should visit, various parts of. the country :from year to. year and thus . become' acquainted tragedy, death took a brief holiday. in London at midnight Thursday and; permitted a `miracle., In no , other way; could hydro ex- perts yesterday explain how. the "Rev. W. A. 'Townshend could stand be: tweeiiitwo: transformers -in -.•-blinding 'rainstorm, and pull Alexander Brown, from.wrecked 626 -,Queen's *avenue,. a car•-~at'the-corner-of-Adelaidedelaide-,street, near � ' while`� fallen wire Huron, , ,. • carrying 4,000 volts, Siting around the car' motor. hs: `r ' headlights a • :Blinde�:.ib ,the is of a • y ; g coming towards him;' Brown swerved LO DONw— � INGHAM • N MOTORWAYS ,• • SUS ` 5ERY11 FROM LUCKNO LEAVES—to Wingham, •Tor- • ' onto''and:;London daily .excet::Sunda s P Yand, Holidays, ,7.05. A.M. iI NOnly-4.00• P.M. L.► r• T0=-1iinc i e a d n dilly except t• Sundays annd Holidays, .. 0.20 , P..lYI. SUN.l -10.50 d'c HO' On p.m. FOR `FURTHER INFORMA- • TION SEE LOCAL':AGENT:.•: SMITH W S H. ToUCKNOW-----P I The• Eenmiller Nur series •Cansu PlY Your, need' in, G ERA N- •: lUMS, CANNAS,BORDERPLANTS or .TRAILERS, and in the . Finest Straifis - f- • ANNUALS also 'in 'the o A best varieties of TOMATO -PLANTS TS (e rlY)r aid, being.transplanted„ they` bear two weeks aheadof non -trans planted plants.; We ,have fine -varie of Cabbage,. �, tY' .. g J Cauliflower and -Peppers.' . TEWART S ROS. HENMILLER NURSERIES 'Phone Carlow'` 235 •••. ,with the problems which, our, wide& varying. 'communities have , before them. r:b' • • You ask , me ;.'what endeavour I. would recommend; to your editors to help make Canada a better "place in which to live and work. It is a tre- mendous question: and :I am 'sure it is one -upon which -'every -one -of your in telligent and .Patriotically: inclined membership will: have. definite ideas. Canada is faced• with'; many prob- lems. We have• met and passed more or less safely through several during the last quarter century.. Those ahead,. are just as serious but if we meet them. . with •Courage and : a 'de= termination to consider onlythe wel- fare of the country_ it large, they will prove no, more ••insuperable than 'did those which ,form high•• points in ou r Pa-Sstomhies.Wotof- ou �problemsareeconomicand •perhapsthese are the more iousThey inOstly .mostlyhave found,-their basi i world i ., , , ,e' ; , , o= some ex en iib limn. tons imposed, by geographical' 'situation, , and.• there are those which are the direct result of public. extravagance' and :a general disregard: of the ordinary .laws ''ofec•- onomies in those' days when we were, more prosperous ros er us thanw'have lately been . • • There 'are problems ahead,'also,'' which seem, to arise out of racial diff erences and from the fact that: in var- ious parts,, of this country, we have eomi►runities 'who ;will find it "difficult to think along the lines of those of us who live in other -areas, • In:my humble Opinion, :the editors.. off the highway,Struck a post, w hich broke inthree atdthr ;two•.trans- formers ,Weighing 00,pounds to the b'Y'tl o, nd. 'Ttey..missed the car. by inch- es. The driver : was knocked ancon-' scious. bythe:force,•of the'im act and p suffered several head injuries. SP Speaking about' the accident' Mr.. Townshend said he "guessed" `•he wouldn't have • felt so -comfortable he�'"had known he` was', standing .be,' t o ier . He 'b ween': two: live traasf ret -: s e leved they were Part of the• wrecked. car, which was ,,on its 'side"•clear' of g Y the hi shwa • The . only thing 1 was thinking about. was.,to get thman out before. the gasoline" tank• exploded. Flames "were shooting up. seven .g 'eit ht feet ., around : the front of the-, ' car, and' I el a edit- as g so ane,;Instead it was°'the flash front the :fallen wire, Mr.* r * Townshend said. The:, injured man h ad ' to be P uled hough th tro tside`window. The task was: ubly diffult because of the fact he Was He ained •consciousness- for `•mo ent it �' a m . two,', -just, lon • enough to help hi m- s 1f Neither �an felt any shock.' • d Mr. and 'k Mrs. Townshend' ,were driving. south On Adelaide'street when he saw bl flan t u hes ahead of them' Y w e They ileliee d it Wits lightning. Five . minutes later they • , reached the Wreck- ed car, . and to• 'all appearancs the drive r was ,dead; • • 24th of May visitors with 'Mr: and, Mrs :Elsner -Alton were:Mrs. .Alton 's two ^ <nephews of ..London; Messrs. William and Sydney Manning, also their chums, Messrs. Frank Percer and'' ` r G .ham. • cAlphine' also -i Miss Anna: Ashmore of *Smith. '' Falls, f Fa .Mitis• l Elmira Alton, who has,spent the last: five weeks in`Londen, returned home. with their. )CAL and GENERI Father • Edward. Lyons; of is visifng: his cousin,; Mrs.WiQ . Hornell: Mrs. M. Cliff has returned to: her. home, here, after, • spending the,, winter in Toronto;, • Marjorie Solomon is: making, fav, orable recovery .having •been quite i11; with pneumonia; of the •weekly.n wspapers would do. • •- well' 'to'devo k " study ".lid; s ace • to'.• , . Lr s. .�• p •, Mr.. ,and:; ,1VIi $�: Jacic•.. MacKendrek such national •problems; as these I . of. Windsor have re urne to. their have indicated. I know of .no, better 0,._, t..", . db.. help' to: arriving at :sound constructive home • in. the village,, , `•, decisions than: may :be found in the„ ;' . •: .: ” • .; :, exchange• of ideas which it Mrs: Noble Johnston has.bee_ n... uite•• .._...• ea meeting.h wt be: a ,._ q.._. illnatural. result of your • neu' onia but with P m_, , valescin 'favorably. • gether, in convention,: I have an idea. tha ' • an r b tr.m; Y of: these p 4 leets would` .tot exist were all Canadians even reasonably well informed on the points, of view: held;': by their fellow -citizens hi 'other parts of the';country ' Undoubtedly •seine of the,difficult- ies that confront us are the result Of bad leadership to which • we' have' giv- en undue confidence. Some of these, self -constituted. readers have ' been ed- ucated by, `self-interest and others by belief 'in economie theories •'more re- markable for their novelty and wide- ly heralded by thoroughly undepend- able •promises, of relief than they. were 'for the soundness.of ''their economic bases. The need is for Sound 'leader- ship in facing national problems; and I would suggest :that as these prob- lens move forward to their solution it-would--be-well-if --those-who--diseuso them in editorial.coluinns should look. towards sound 'dependable ' leaders. whose ;proposals for dealingg,�.with our problems art founded upon time -test- ed and proven fundamentals;:. and having found.. 'such; leaders, they daughter of Toronto ,were Sunday should: be given : Whole -hearted su . P r visitor ""with andMia • am ion • port•% even when -political expediency, s M .., . C e. would tti seem •. pointin other.direct- MacDoitalil. ions. iMSD Village streets :have'.been ree'eiv0V..• an. application ` of. seesra1 hundred. yards'`of gravel thisµweek. Mr. and 1VIrs, Herbert. •Mills,,•e4- nice andCliff, spent: the week -end - with, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rae.. -Misses•` Dorothy Bondie e a ' d Mar- ,I y B nd+_ garet Craig • of, ,London, spent the week end with Miss Margaret Rae. I Mr Kenneth -Cameron has return- ed to hishome here from;'near 'Paris, where . he has been for some time:' Mr. and Mrs.' Clarence'"Murdie and; s-� on Billy,'4of St: c'Thoiiras, were week. end :visitors in Lucknow and Kincaid=: hie. Mr. and Mrs: P. M. Grant and little ,. • I greatly fear that you will consider this letter, unnecessarily, long; but,` -I hope, not without interest: The • offer . • Mr. and Mrs.: Win. Hewatrand-.son-•• WE EXTEND 'TO YOU A. 96114..44, INVITATION TO, VISIT: • US AND INSPECT OUR NEW',, PANGE! OF; CONDOLE ^l •. 'GOLDS SEAL RUGS:;, THEY' 'ARE THE .;.SMARTEST,, MOST COLORFULTHI MANUFACTURE HA ': g. 0 PIOD.UCED. • AMOR FROM BaING STYL E , .L E.A DE R QNGOLEU M • APPEALNOTHER WAYS; THEY 'ARE ANITARY, EASY' TO , L N' LI F' LAT . WITHOUT. FASTEN NG. AS FOR: COST. YOU'LL_REAL_L X BF. SUHPRIS D FOR" HOW LTTLEYOU„.•CN PURC RASE? A ROOM SIZE RUG. meIn ' Out' Recelwe �: ; '•' . F` r' len' 1 :elsoIlne. .r.. MIS SUN LIFE OF 11111111111 111111 VVHUIE LIFE ASSURANCE NNUITIES,ENUOWMENTS AVID, READ OfrICE•MONT ocdl ,Agent: G.' H. SMI CANADA, :I 1111111111111r CHILLI EDUCATION FAMILY PROTECTION REAL LUCkN01 Y Bobby are spending the week at the ;home of ,'her parents:. Mr: and Mrs.. LETTER' TO. T EDITOR of advice on"other‘peopl'es'•business-is- 4. 11. Thom son: --,-•- — -•••• �« P r _ I asked a me'for my3deas these ,matt Miss Arabelle Cameron of the Hell. rr ` �6t hew-eei�•o , -.0. a tfiH . , 'iig�t Y e ff r is usually a,: thankless task, •butyou. have• :De r..E ar.M r di o inns ermore, we all see 'difficul'ties. ahead , the De artment of Hi hwa s. rs re rda in with. her , arents Mr. • and: 1' g Y for this country, and I believe you and Y g p leasing serie 'of •ad 'esti t our co . Mrs- R. .rasion . ,. . , , Y colleagues can do much to: help , ll " M J.C i s $ v semen s and. newspaper • stories in a deter - meet d meet -.them. I..ariz convinced also, that • , ". .. ;,;_ ••. insofarfas.:,you do so 'yeti, 'Will..str' Mr. Fred., Manning. Who' has. ;agent., mined :effort'. to, reduce •the. ,number Y engthen the ` .position of .your own'the ast' few weeks with.. his. cousin of__,,,highway accidents which each P, r', newspapers'. in then: communities "i n .12r, Russel ''.Alton has � returned to 'year takesa terrible • toll of lives and �wliiFh .hey'live: `' rings of ;misery; f • his ome i � Loiido .' sunt mise and ma ortune a lj n � g d y. With' all ' ood wshe ' �' •' $ for .thesac-' • • cess• of your Convention and.for ,, in its wake.. your,. LOOK YOU '� BEST—Have our R e y remain, There are two ways in which this I n, ( Y se • Yours . very truly, E. W. BEATTY, President, `Canadian,Pacific ,Railroad 'Company. • Suit Cleaned '.and. Pressed—Pressed.; needless waste of life. and 'property 50c DryCleaned, _' ' To ', needless 'BRUCE','' SECOND IN '-CREAMERY BUTTER ,PRODUCTION Th cont ' ` Brnc u o i• `s " 'co f e se nd in Y the -production "of ` creamery. butter : amon , western Ontario o , counties, aceordin'g . t0 the Ontario "department ofrie I a i ultui�. g bulletin' released April 8. -.Brucproduced" . e. 719,891:pounds. of creamery% : butter ' the: ` first three - months of thisyear,- compared p Y with S24 23b�: ound' the ,. , p s for he•same period last year. ,The ,oil count. roduci" Y YP ni; niers in . Western Ontario is Perth. ' �T� P can be reduced -•and finally, eliminated THE BACK•j SEAT • DRIVER , Mrs: •Jon: it in• t o :her. M h G k P P seat, e c - o ': ori She gave directions to John" `at the' wheel, Her tones could be heard afar. I�. "No oh ou getting iri.,c w J n y r g, t g up too nm h., speed;• You are going ,to ,meet 'a car ,, Don't give" him. so much of the road"• you-oo I'll 'say you 'went ;out too, far.. inade to -measure 'Suits.'- by highways "There's :a car` , � :One is ,making •; the hi hwa s ; us • �� HOFF•MAN S; • Mens. Wear.•... • • ., � � safe ',and' ,'•`�ool�irooi' as:. possible Slie, said,•' • coning;, up' `be r ,• Our, engineers are,•conntahtlywork Seve al members of Old LightJust let• -it. ao. by: over there" on.. .thi aspect andproceeding s .. p .ares Lodge attended. the Masonic banquet•But'' 'the swank roadster whi' ' ed' •WILLIAIVI � BAIL IE PASSES •Y � L ' kr' : as 'financ'es will a11ow • ' ' ._• in Wroxeter on Erida . evening,' when q y rr ht . as y $ past Safe ,highwa s .are im ortant but' tris Grandy important, aster �: The' Most '• Wor-With tiro good feet s' • ' ; , •, •..: rM . ., o ..to are; - Wil safer rain .Bailie, .qne of_ the�promin-� ;shi ` ' -:Brother-,� '• �D to ': ' ' ,d avers absolutely •in aspen- •' pful W. J un p visited� sable _tn any effort.'.which is to esult_ ..Borne tittle -were- ' en figures'in in -municipal church and North 'Huron'District,• •c w e wandering over• the fraternal. . ircles ` in • bloodless moto . of, Huron. County:.' .F,' .•, , ,. ; . _. ring: '•Our :engin-:. ' •road; far : over., .a .half -century,. COME TO ' the. Apron' : and Towel eers can: design andconstr . rY, ,died last act a, safq. .h .• , : .. .. , . .. ..;... d, "They'll ditch' us f fear.. ... S e tris Wednesday .evening at, his home• m: Sale.Enjoy a •delicious, 10c After- highway, but no engineer alive. can Just',turn 'to trisri lit'=no left"Lno' g and ha8 been' i11 -heal f o'cloc :• � 011 the AngLcari � •Rectory rmt, u - , in th or P. � Steer." sever.. _ , 1 , rr, � .. ..:, ...,. , . . ,'.: :; Watch 'out you 11 hit. that steer. ro weeks.ands Wednesda. fternoon < un . g , , y a , J ; e . Safe drivers can only, 'r .,.: ., .,, ► .Y. be the result' ; He had,held -a leading• lac of strong public opmton, and •the There's` a: t1''ans ort .comin'g, along . •p e . in the.; • . - . , •. •, ; p , , :. .- res c tionof a. mass const;ousness, that :. that line municipal. life of :his native : West � Mr: ;and'' M>' Robert • .. .. .. • ` • s.. o ert Rae,, accom- hi hw .: g a safer ; is 'one of : t `- A r Wawanosh Towrnshi for ears, and • Y. , Y he essenL . nd the road is narrow liege. p .Years paired; b :Miss :Kate MacDonal 'and. - `` • ., is. of •:modern, civilization. Just hui•i- then a: similar' lace in 1� Y. and :get....to the corner p .• __tie .,Goderich . Mi+: Thos:' Salkeld .motgred,;to St: . Goderich. He was .86 ears of- age, goon_ . ea served from 3' to 5.30• ,construct a safe driver fri a_1 lue y g , stop ' Making safe drivers,: then; is . op, Production in' Bruce' for the month h ,town • affairs..He •was •one: 'of the,old- � :Tho ... etas `.on: Saturday � to attend •.the ... .. ofMarch this . the� n—viously-the,~res nsibilit . '••th . M ch year was 284<<:328 °lbs. est masons: of the district,4DayPe• , pr oi- ,.. , .. ,; a member May :exercises at • College:: - • � .. Last year , it : was 290,'019 o nds. of. Morningstar Lod for: to instrument has„ proved' more Pounds. g Lodge A.F. and A:M , 'Miss • •Margaret • Rae. � accoinpamed, effecti • Bruce also wag' third Carlow ye in ';creating public. o inio in cheddar for 65 years and of Huron P th m home � cheese::production, ,being ,exceeded only by Perth and Waterloo 'Counties.. For the• first' three':;months: of 1938; 1.4,94 pound . , s wereiiT P educed.'' This is onllittle -..c , a . .more: that.' half that' produced'in 1937, when the poundage was `29,676. March production' in 1938. was 5,600 pounds as - compared with 11,626 the same period' last• year: • . "A tornado carried away my •ear:• riage and, blew an autoniobile into my yard!„ • "Ilia ; t wa, --- s no•• -tor " 0 0:• ad , brother; that wai a• trade 'wind!" Teacher:Now Robert '.'what . ,� f ,, are you :doing? Learning,_ something`? Robert:. No' •.sir, : I'm listening ,. tti, you. x'e oin ':Ch a tr e pt , Goderich, 'for .42 . Missy ;Winifred' Armstrong, ;R.N:; I am appealing to'••you .herefore years. He .was also an: honorary life , ° o Toronto•i ` ...: • . f visite ' • his wee w to ave th -,. D' • r . ,, • .., member of•Morningstar Lodge and d t, k nth her g , g spa tment of Highways. g , Par - 'every is . • �n 'Mrs. �:. -T rmco-o eration reci rent of manylong• • P , d . A P you of in forth- pi ;.. service medals ., strong,: accompanying her.father, •ering its efforts to `make Ontario's than the printed ; word nrc?i• i• (AIll( l i ( e €3 �or a F who returned -.from ' attending the roads.and streets places of :useful and O tometrical Con en ip Optometrical vl tion the , ' Q'iist . happy Safety, instead of dread avert _ of theues ' o f week in• rhe. city.: •� � •:� , o death: and •destruction; The ;Sacrament of:; the" l;ord's. Sup- - Yours faithfully,' ', p (signed), T. , B. • McQueeten, per will;be dispensed 'at th . morning e Minister of Highways; , .f ..'service in :the Presbyterian Church rovm • 'this Sunda Pre ar to 'c P ce of .Ontario, Y, . p,. ,at ry, aer�i-es ,.. will be • held on' ,Friday.. evening • at Harr •H id an 8' o'clock : and Saturday afternoon at ave you ever ri den in aeroplane'►" clock, 3..p0 0 ,conducted' �iiy Rev. Greig Chuck: NO I rn: afraid of aeroplane I' e of. k u vale an _ e T •_Tuck oison a Hrr .W�a�.. t a Lu cknow; ,respectively: Y h t . teQus. • .� I m sure you can: geti through, clear,'. • Johil?did•'as she said, he let I,iz 'e out .:.: He •just .let .her have:; the gas . With a ,grind of .brakes he., avoided a crash, `; fi Bua ,Somehow they managed Y g d to=.;Pass: Oh dear •.: "She breathed. a sigh Of* belief ",I'll• nev rid ei a out again. • S.ometirne You'll.; ,hit•:omethi'�' y .s n and . g kill ane • sure." John softly said; "Amen:'"' Theyas the el p s fields. of tender: green. •A.nd fields of fresh: plowed` loam, `.' Th old TheFord c u a' h s ow g nthe inudd:' Y • lane;• They are • Heine . again. Safe Home. E. R B Chuck. • One drop: and' your.dead, . St' Helens' 8rin oinethin ►tock. ouro • os ►;New of remiu ms No v .w f r ' Y• "' ria F.! •