HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-05-26, Page 7••t; .• • 7-7 • • • • , . ' Here is the tire that is easy on Your Purse the. fire that puts money inyour pocket by what you save on its love Price. This sensational new Firestone Standard Tire hits a new all -time -high in value for it has everything you want safety, mileage and econ- omy. Standard Tires have all the extra features which ' make Firestone Tires fa- mous for quality. And every Standard Tire car- , ries the Firestone guaran- tee. Driire—iiito your nearest Firestone Dealer t� - day and see how he. can save you money. , assifie „AtAEN'170 ANT Ep '•,z4AN OR SqiiviAN :FUR CUPID CON,,i centrated ' Flavors. ,.Fitty. , varieties. Long..profits. Grand 'route Salesman • extra. Acme13drect Sales, 615 ,Yonge, ,Toroato. • •• ' • LIGHTNING ROD AGENT WANTED.' , To Sell Lightning .Proteetive ' SystemB Pbillips Conipany Ltmtt ed; Osborne „Avenue, Torento. • IF 'YOU, L1K.E TO DRAW, SKETCH OR '• 'Paint,write for TalentTeat (No Fee). 'Olve, age•and 'oecupanon. Box 52,.. 73 Adelaide St W., Toronto. • ' •Itrafiv, uniciris '' • ynt.7VF114,v . AND PO,PErt • • - -IALIPMEN'll,' • ' erticks ONE: CENT '.EACH FOR TEN EXTRA, with every .hundred ordered. "Ten Days in advance •ot.. delivery prices lower May 24th and June 1.8th, Witte for -'list -p -T -rent Electric,Hateh ' ery, Bak 533W..Trenton;tont..' • ' CHICKS" :HAVE BEEN REDUCED •IN. ' We silecialize in two breeds bred to; • lay parred ReckS. tifid Barron strain S.C.W.. Deghorns. • All breeders are •blood tested and :Dion -1.11.0:1'. „males. • Only 'the very besttype of': breeders : are used and: eggs _aet, weigh between . 25 and 30 oz. per 'doz. .Price 13arred --Rocks, 9 'cents; ,Leghorlis,-,2 cents each. 100% safe arrival.guaranteed. Z..D. Johnson; Fergus:- Ontario. . • • • 1511.10ES„ GREATLY' RE, ''clueed for ,I,utiec. BuY ITWeddle ' High Quality ,Chicks- now. at the ',Price ;' of ordinary ,fr,grade , chicks. ;'rweddle Chicks are noted. for livability, laY• ability and fast en,aturity. Don't. buy .tintit youget our.Illitost price list. Tweddle chick. Hatcheilea. • Linfited, , Box'10.; FerguS, Ontario.. • . . • . • • AAV1•ft.9370. BIZ,tY. WHITE ,Ltr,G1-IORN • -linnets, laying tinder 5• months, aver - Aged ;15.0 eggs Per bird. dUrnig. an 11 month period,1,.Order'Illay Chicks to- day for real profits next Fall. 'Write for prices.I'Bray• Hatchery, 130 John •' St North, Haitillton, Ontario, ' • GOVERNMENT MARKET: REPORTS strong. ergg• market' next: Fall and . Winter. Make the thost..or this' mon- ay-making opportunity.' with early- ! Jaying,Bray chiek.s. Write for priceS today. Bray Hatchery, 130j John St. • • North, Harnilton, Ontario.. BRAY'S •STA111.-tD, "1't.ri,t4FATS SAVE time and feed., ,Ght-moite' eggs :earn - 'Or AMP Fall. when ;1 prices arb high, Vv:itte . for reguitt). priees•..and .daily i •SpbeitilS today. ..ttray Hatehery,,, 130 :".•John St. Noi.th; Ilattilltbli; Ontario. , . y ed breeders.' EstabliShed 3., years, L'egliornA, 6c, Rocks 9e, AV.hite,1:31aeic ,.Olante 1'0e. •No better stack.' ':\VIly _Pay higher' prines. Schafer' Sanitary. Ilittchery..'Kiteliditer. 'Ontario. . • . , HERE ARE OUR. JONlitt Pllt0ES ,POIL .00vernment Annoyed ,chicks from. • ItIondres tett,. Ft reef] art? .Legliorns.. New • Harnpalrire:RodSIlarred,.R0eits $7,95 ,SVhite Reeks ".$8.115.- Big Egg ' quality '1c"inOre. (litter .0hickS 10 . day eikl Add lc,. 2 Week Old. 5.14.,C., '3.' Week .olds 10e., C'ornplete • price list oh Oulle0.4.0ofitere,ls, .ete.rettlieSt. Bilden .E.leetrie .C)ilek Ralehety. .Raden, Ontario, ' SAVE . MONI1T , ON - YOUR .TUNE chicks,. Leglioths.,Vhe, pullets $13.95, cockerels 05c.,' New: Hampshire tteds • Ilarred '11Ock7%c,'s Wc, , $*95,. • codkerers. $6.95, Largo Ag. -g• .add ,te..teghorrf .pullets 2e, -Started • Chicks 10 ,dak old add 30,.,2';Weelt old, 4o, Week :old, 9c: ,A1V.chickS frettf • 'Goverhnietitbanded, blocidtested Stock..- 81v00 *derldtSit; '1).A:tailed% C.O.D. Lower .pfleeS for -last halt of ..ltme .,and Teo Netelt Chlekettel4 16 Wilson St Ouelph Opteria, ' .• r 0) Pik/MA_ At,: 6iischei F67;7'1154 4 • Achtistit Ott' hitinanotnitleint,Will iend . sChnitiet and PeitiOnaliti"Chati file 10 *Stain wheli9410 TivOnstisli het Olin; is Midi moth( to • k, and foil! be lea(itiseilletifidt S4410,0494' dien wOn'tinlul Walt iodiy enelet,ifit a stIl .,.titlilrivitd", jaaitertiat bish.thae. AdSaii" , )1telimri ri.4AsotittmouvitiAittO', A' 54 loisokldr CANADA: •„ , -.Looirr,nr,nrci-m PRICES.•:. , ALL BIG' ,4• CHICKS BACKED BY. guaratitee,,that we honestly:1believe has never before been offered' chick' buyers, Our catalogue tells you why. 1, ,Ifig••A chicks 'have extra vitality and ability' to lay more. and larger eggs because they are -backed by a definite ' breeding Program:. Breeders Gatern- ment Inspected, Blood -tested. ,'For , • Inimecilate delivery: Leghorn 'Stand- ards, 46.95:1 outlets $15.90, •Barred• Rock Standards, $8.95; ,pullets. $13.50.. .$7.95; • pullets $14:90l iLeghern cockerels $1.50. Heavy cock- erels ",$6.0,0, Pre'miums MOO more. • Write for sPecialprices on „Started •. chicks; Pullets alt ages, Capons,, and, .catalogue.„ 'Kitchener Big -4' Hatch-' -erg,--108-.1 1$ -ink St.- E.c-Kitchener, ' On - tart °. • • ' • • Amemniato FOR SALE FREE 'HATS, SHOES,...SHIRTS, TIES, etc.., with, elothing. purchase. Write . for 'free illustrated catalogue... Of • clothing hargain.sJagra, Yonge' Street clothing Exchange, 502 Xcin,ge • Street, Toronto. • 1 ' • • ' Y0RKSH1RES-AT THE HEAD ' ..Shadeland Farms herd' the Grand • Champion,. 'sire ot "Sainsbury Tro- phy" "Best ...Market •.Pen" at • Royal' Winter. • Fair. 'Sows.: include. ;First. andoecond .winners• Toronto and -First „Guelph •Young males' With . "Advanced' Registry", bac'king. 'For- Sele_Shadeland Farms, Bok .7, Edcn . Elgin . . itournyitmcittim LYONS Diastle, Reductions in Our Trade- -. In Department , • Everyarticle in the store marked &Own for quick clearance. We must havefloor space regardless of cost., Every piece is reconditioned, giieran- teed' absolutely clean and sold under 'a definite .money back guarantee of satis- faction. 6 piece hest room, suite, walnut finish, dressed, vanity, chiffrobe, bedtpa, nn ,spring, 4.14 new mattress •If`“•"•-• ;Large dresser, steel bed, SC t4 50 less spring, new mattress, • • 3. piece .suieb, new modern, floor sam- ple, dresser, Med and chiffon - $67 00' 4 piece stiTte-dreaser,' chiffonier,. felt spring • •.• ' '•• • • bed ; anti Ss. gle s.s 139 00 8. piet2O„..soild oak . room Suite, buffet, table and..6 .1o/triter ,et2A.ag seat chairs..rerfeet 15 l3uffets 141 cthk and Walftlit 1 enlY, '9 mope' Malcolm Suite 1 r•i' buri walnut, in;rge buffet, china cabinet,' ex- tension thble & 6 chairs' upholsteret in *bine Cost neW Over ei9c nn $350, COMpletely•tefitlished ,!V•atIL'I'‘F.-11" Ilea tztieful 9 p ere ..wal 'rut 'suite,' buffet, ektensiqn -table, cabinet .,Andr., 6 lea.ther seat chairs, in,1.5,"fe4 $89.00 condition, • • . Z Only, 3 pleee-theSiertield'alli tett,' UP: holstered tii Freneh lacfluard,.$24.95 CcirilpletelY i•econditioned. •. ,.sit2,1010n,t;i-••Ii.dd'IOceQlsi,l4.7,r,31c,ciohteisistie,irpe$41-9•:.hoeod eteattelt ' • ' ,prece, red leather cliesterfleht $69 00 • ,; , , 13aut ful '3 Pleee ,rnbltair s,iito, revers- ibto cuiblons,,'Per. 'feet entulitiOn. • . 11"-P, 01•!V c,n4y ,Chesterffeld 'bed • wit:1149,2,00 WardrobelioX, rust rePp Tce Boxes $4.03; Rrealctitst,.Snftea siems, $5.95, Reds $2:;l0, New Mat - • treSSea $tl.D5. Kittheft Cabinets, $13.30, Gas. Stoves $4;95,.-Ch?,,st•erNld Suites $13.1110•131iffes Extension Tables 'JOAO: AltgrOhdriocarefulli,packed.readY for lintned.fate ,shininent 011 ‘retelpt Of mo- ey 'order and .sold under a,, deflnite thobeY-bnek gtiararited of satisfaction: ,WrIte• for free'.111usltrated' tatejoglie Of •neW and reconditioned furniture.. 0 LYONS. TRADE-IN.- • ..418 Voogd' 'Si., TorOotO, t diEDWAta A irt.; StOM- itch PoWdot, 'The Great 101iminatoP," contains tenet Nature'gtrigredletits, ttettiovitik, the!CaUite and ellInfitating rthettlniatiSini Ste:mach trOubIee,,Arth- ritis, Neurltls. Constipation,, • etesi; $i•OM $3.0% $5.'.0.0. All Druggists, *gents Lyniarta, Linked, IdOnt.real.4 issue. No. 22,--'38 • r eniti 0-1,111 • : ANNyA., ri.ovkrEns,, and Other ,edgisnl, iants.', spanel! • ii0Were. NM be inpre sturdy and thus In sole'eting a list, Of antiaal, flew-, rsems4Ilitell4te:"4,3,:ti;0(13'ea4,11(.1suracill' era, attention must be Paid, Pr' course, ,, to time or blOotning and colour:. be, tbitireci 9vt. Art Heiglit 4-4°41d. 418°.• be '11(3-'16'i as a ale' liire4.taSlig, diUnt, sized' Plant may .be:•hidden. by salso SoMe btiShY ,atecks or tall coinies, But ,,,Pel.,,hfporth„c:frtt1;473.71.4:si h'4bvepets,' .hecanfie :(lieSe• 4176,0141Y elealeatel'POlate•which developed every gardener of a few years,. ex., roots an inch; thin( mid 'tWq Pr. three PelOnCe. 'notes autoPaatiCallY: There , long,Tn�e4‘e, d6.:17:jurdYs .1.1Q; he oe aid ttil sh Oburlalt; foe; „are' other and diptinCtiont. shades' hlead. ve11 tOgdklier 514 f°11PW" 4PUI ti;° w"le 'r°W. eftienta wkole'bed' will be eelected'Witif •'` • 'this' blending. In ralad...: •Of course, fox ^ NOT TOO LATE th•la 'sort; nt *1 nil plants:In- lust. . ,4100nduring the Saale• period : !Frei, ' iiPt..t9Q.IsatQ':irl 1.40V Vir('s of r,ariee ahet110:be....taken'inteeePOUPCI'az 6a•r1444..t°'''°111r °I14 P14:14. 'Pe'rerirri°1 nowers4.and J,eVen shrubs . and ' 'eS ing there are'Sotneipley'thing like .Sgeateti,StOCk; Nicotine, rIgnon Oftent°71#1118. 44e' C. -'11:1:‘9t. the season, prieet are lower and while the •selec-•• ette,.'SWeet Sultan :and.Verbetta,•,which tion *14 not tv.i4e, :as ,earlier there 'while:fraher• plain: as .Platite,„ fill' the should be 4 good eholtie, q • Whole garden !NVith a delightful . • • : • eenSei more•eapecially in. the -:eYening: • riept:A.;11;;;;3ENwt,L .sha;cled 1.4.berQuO-i•ooted pegows, vanstes aid wlld 4Q*ers Perertolals are Planta'that.die to the WiIi do well Q.itC1!;e11..117 /Pol. e.;fepra'i.t.tlifaisi. gfrrn°M.Illithei'reot4t; ea*C1h4.t:PrriTIgc." 71'.r°aPl.e.Ye:a'4rPe the .permanent flowers in our gardena,, shade, Clarkia,:'Anaual Larkspur, Lu, pine,. $1Cotilte, Phlox' and Verbena.and °PC°. Plailte'ct. 41.° :$°1:'11)°Sed: to be should be grown Calend a094:wP:telraSse.Aili Psort11- .evIetr.4lrafatingl'toa Is a favorite, nacy however to think that SWeet-icented BiocksLinuin a It is .ever..pertnahent,, 'Ail. per- , las....anicipo„ • s414,9ivers;,. s.ebizap. ennial-lartiens-should be:replanted e -v,. y . • .• thus, Salpiglossis, Marigolds,v.:Petuni. three. years as and many ethere. Thee will also; P,erennialsmust haVe sun for at least .part OE the day, and the. soil successfull; .resist dry weathei. iirac- -t!Cli* tirse, ficiwet's May still s11°Pld. b°' [109q. topsoil tfi' (10,1?Ell, of piatwed successfun3.% , • 12 to 15 inches ; witb dFainage in 'tile' THIN.NING Thinning of 'both. flowers,'and vege- peat mos..- „,• bottom. If the Sell is clay, add' agri• cultural slag or ashes and eommereicti fertilizer. If sandx,„ add manure or tables• is . most irnportant after ...the; plants are Up an inch,: Or. so. With 4iowers-a-good-rule-1S-to halte-half7:as-- much spacebetween at the Plants will to high, This,Will be about a foot be'. and •asters,.,two;•or three feet between cosmos and dahlias, but only an inch or so separating tiny alyssurd; lobelia azd t.p." front • , Nothing Half. So Lovely • , , . What scenes', .prepared at 'great c:: -tense vast-itages to adorn Could rival roseate splendor of a 1'1.1 'ingstin at,morn? The fragrance of co;py Perfume, tho you Search fat. and wide,. ' VI'411 never equal lilacs in a breeze' at • even -tide. • " • • And ne'er a gorgeous diamond shines. inslegance ilipreme ' , But an' imitation of a sparkling There are so rnahy •ne*.apd bctier ildew.-drop's gleam.' varieties Of perennialavailable to,.Usli•Cf all delights thnt' wealth pan 'bring, that-'wer:slibtflil-rplant-theiftet.`,--eneSri-"-7"-YOIT-67"fire7"`"'"--..:" " ,denstilt,the catalogue Of Ait good put--; There's ,nothing half so.lovely as the serYinan. :things .that w e get free. • • - 99 9 9 9 9 0 an I he-, Official, .,,,enscor ' Uses corrunon Sense For 19 Years Canada's 'en;or Has: Followed Nc .9P.Iir Rule Rif 19 years Canada't official' ceaw sor, at Ottawa, J. SyclneY Bee, has heen PQring eVer• •c,Onfeasiea maga7 zings, -.horror tales, crime .yarnt2ad Tornographfb7Pictures• and today lie disclosed his only Yardstick Of Censor- ship is "good gammon , • NO puritan, Mr, 'Roe . judges each,'„ . hook ,and .• alaA'aZitle that f•naseek„..... through hands 1),n „ its „merits. 44.4 • bans few Of tbe,hundreds thiat•aretentr...., to him as,allegedlY ifmnoral,I,ast year 856 books and nia.-azines were refer, • • red' to him. ilei`eeptrimeilded,only2•34, be refused entry to Canada. They did .not nieat'dre.;.up•..,o the carmen Sense yardstick., " • ' .Goes In Cycles,. besply hie contact *ith risutte read- ing,' the furiner ' iieWspaperinanitII thinl.sthe world ' '!a, pretty good:, place in which to live." When hisday' of .inrork,fs. done ,lie lecks. his files 'of , suggestive trash and forgetsall about it, rending blograPhieS and Works on Political science. In 'his ,leisure. • Mr. .Roe believes, the faster tempo of the world today has caused. the break- down. of inhibitions,. Obsenity goesin• cycles,.le says. Often • he discovers" that the old say- ing-rabeirt--one-tot. being .able to te11 a hook by its deVer is true: Ins; book in,;:" noc'ently titled "Lives of the irish Saints," he found hudreds of Sweep - Stake tickets *here the, lives'. of the saints should haVe. been, •:, , Aliere'S an a*Eul SIct• of girls stuck : on me. •, , Jefferson--Yeal? Well, they must •be ala'awftil • lot - . • • • „ Mr, Jones-=-Nyhydu Tlways call yot:r wife "Heney.,"' Tend? '• :lorienci-Well; for one thing, honliy ias never agreed with me. : : May Blossoms „ Willing •wo:ritere, are 'nol"' Usually Wistfully waiting' . ,The business 'race is handicapped with 'too Many rd aused-to go_ cozy about jazz are now goirig crazier' trying :to, keep gir13',waY" from, swine. If you want to build a -good fonntiatien for success,. You'll, have to begin at the bottom . if you think: that fa"ce.,powder„ii not explosive, just let your wife find ,,some On your coat. . , fins ba c‘anr'tifee..t,stheavanytbing?polo0161; e.ar; t7liey,„.are•talwaye' im:Somethingwe can't afford, Planting' so, that colors harmonize ,and the high inlet are not .planted in fi7or1t of low varieties. PERSONAL , ARE 'YOU '.• RUPTURED?: ". ftELiEF, comfort, PosltiVe support with our adVanced.,method., No elastic' orun- der-straps or steel. Write Smith Manufacturing Co.. Dept 219. I'reS,. ton, Ont, • ' ' • • • • • QUIT TOBACC(.)...SNI1Pit; gASILY; IN - expensively: Guaranteed.' Advice free. 13ox 1, Winn:Ines. . t .'PAiuKAGE 11E1P,S. „ . 'ITALIAN PKGE, BEEP, WITH-SE)1,ECT queens -2 lb.:•$2.45-,3 lb. 83.15. Order "now. 'Percy Waldron, .Amherstbarg. Ontario. , , : ..• • , ..PEOTOIGRAPBY ENLARGEMENT FREE W1TALEVERY -25C.. order:. Rell-fIlm deVeloped and eight Prlets 25C. Reprints 3c. Estah- • nailed over 26 „years. Bright:ling Studib, 29 Richmond Street East, To, -RADEESSLONAT,_11,E_S_ULTS COUNT -- .any film developed.and..printed proff= erly. gall With -25c to Professional . Dept. A,' 4ondon, Ont..: SendyOur. own Choice of negative. back ...With your second.' film for 'free '1Etchceaft - En; • largernent, • rea.T 'px•TptimiainTon ALL KNOWN DISEASESCANBE CAR- ' ried by rats. Safeguard • your 'home- . and stock by using ,RatopaxHarm- . less to •human, "domeatie 4111h/111U, poultry. -Ratopax is guaranteed Jo kill all rodents. etc.' If your dealer cannot supply you. send 35c in ("On . for post-paid supply. . Dealers, write •• for particulars, • National Sales - Agency,' 57 Moor Wen, Toronto'. , „ . THE, NEWEST'GAME' AONSATI,OIC 13E. THE FIRST IN ..YOUR COMMUN-' Ity. to run the, Kentucky Derby for ••• your friendst. amusement. Each game' an actual, .exclang. race: ' Send 25c in Coin:for' eight complete races: . Agents write for particulars. Nation. al Skies Agency, Ellpor Bldg., Toronto._ MOS, Tot1PES, TRANSFORMATIONS, Braids, Curls, andall..4Ypes..of finest quality Hair, Goods. Write for Mina'. •'' trated catalogue. Special attentam to repair Orolek.•• • *Toronto Human • •SIlliPlY Co...5211' 13a thurst Toronto: „ HEIP',IVAIrl'Ell-FEI1ALFI • • , wiANTET)-----8YOME1' WHO WISH TO earn . extra. 'Inoney at I-teraerefined' waric-free, training. Wtlie P,ox 1 iqta'.tt Orit irici, ' • IUARN To%',FLy,.•• ryuFFERINI FLY iNa SETtVICE GEITS Yeur license en easy terms. Class "A" InstrIldtors,' New Otitis, Address: Ba.rket rleld Tot'onto,,OtIt.' .A4rror.,ssns got!, siAi,r, . . . . 14ATTRESSEs,sPit Nr(1 13RGATNS- /IeW Felt ;Ma ttresseS.; $2.50 ; New Spring Mattresses,. 18.50. „Frem facterY to user. Veteran Bedding, 893 Qtleen St. West, Torento. • Biro -Life saved , By Sanctuaries Jack Miner's Werk Proves It- - Made for Large -Scale , Conservation Plans , ,By LANCE CONNgliY Naturalist . and wOodsman, JACIc 111,1iner's. `bidfor lasting -fame- -rests- on the sure foundation of ,hisestab- lishment of the` sanctuary system of bird " conservation. . :Kingsville sanctuary, fetnided inli)04, was Per-. haps the firs such sanctuary ,where 'artificial feeding 'was carried on to protect and conserve bird •life.; d'ay the systetit has spread not only gin -,Oinada •and the •-Thiited States, but also-te several taropeari conn- tria's; * Oddly enough, sentiment , among both great 'snorting osetipo, those who shoot and quite Who don't, is: squarely :behind ;the naturalist's conservation effbrts. Those who don't Shoot welcome the preservation Of their faiVerite .specieS., while thA hunters .realize their sporting••futtire hinges on reasonable tireservatIonof game Iife' • • • • '. • While the Kingsville sanctuary,has possibly g4i•np•ci, greater prominence through providing food and ,Shelter ,for waterfowl,'eqUal attention' has been given to upland game birds: ThOusARKIS pf , dollarshave gone in -maintaining and improving the KingsVille sanctuary; but it has been money well Spent N.ot.only::thrOugh • this. bird "haven but -through .Ofher similar sanctuaries: founded as a dl reiet reSult. of •the naturalist's ro ...eering_has bir.d_life • galas:Lwrie measure -of' protection from, threat- ened exteurniriation: Yet the amount bPseliton sanctuary Work is far less than salaries of the num-be r of "game. gaidens required, to perform :only a fractionof such 2conserVation ser= Phe -sanctuary System, along -with game ,wardens or overseers placed in • charge, will save bird life from ex- termination; is Jack Miner's firm be., lief,,based on his many 'years Of eia .perience. He!., should .:knoyv. FitTnotlit Dogs Saved From Life Sentence MARSEILLES, 1.'iltneeThe pick of' the St, 13:ernard, Monastery's dogs en' ratite to a new. hone in. the HiriorlaYat last.. W.,aelt, savel froM itnprisonrnent'';:by the lol,•alty :,ansi.;...c.calfideneeLef,-„Brither-GySii-on e - of OV‘.4. trainers '.at, the .Alpine Mon- ,astery, . . . The St. Bernard dogs, cendentrel " to Orpettial ',COntinenwent.tri the.mot- tistery for • the flital.:,atiele otc • ryf tr. tfcle on • a little' girr Int year, SnOeci' froni. Marseilles' for • •derTi1r, 1111- 1•„ protetfkii..! of 'their aged tritiner. •• •••• , • ”. ••••: • , , 'Brother. •diki. not lore •his roitli, in ,the4 natural.."genttenes's the adullala 'in 1.11!te, of, .1. he ,a1,- beileved...th'7 could ,still lifesitN'ilig • 'service in other Mountain regions.!,He; wion, permidl sion'td, take a' selected ,groupek the ,finest dogs to remote• Tibet.' They Will be stationed at A range.. built , by two. St, trernard lipethers at tatsti • . • 'Tees, -high .tip• in .the Himalayas, • tirOther• Cyril, who has never been Ontside.the French kProVince of Savoy before, will remain at • the , lonely :mountain..poinL- FoUr Low -Priced Stocks With Outstanding,, •• • ,Possibddres, CROWSHORE- 'LACOMA CHEMINS KIRKLAND GATEWAY 0 G. FIRTH , ROliElt 200 BAYBST. TORONTO • To bo content with; little. is' &Moult TO be' content•with much impossible "•-••••0--7 Peritin$0.1:1-7rOU my s band is, a second story Man.1: Mre. „Petereon-You. •o say! Mrs.,Perkinson---,Yes, litefirst •story, • • never fools me.: . -§,ambp----Do yob want nie to shoo the •fliefi in here • for ', -you? ,• Mr., Ciabbei-o 1 Let' ',ern' riin around' in their bare feet,,, . 1 • • • • J:...ckethit'-ipici.:you 'hear: about :the acci-dent. my. brOther..hairi He 'fell. .againet ti e piano and hit his head., . .Johnson'.,7-That's toe bad, • Did 'he hart .hinitelf? . JaCkton—Ch,:Lrio.';;_: not ',much.- You 'sere ife' :Stift -11,6d :11,- \.ElclerlY .Latly" .Siti her granddaugh- ,afraid: YOtt.'11- be late at the • pait'1' .„ • .1 : 2Y, -G11•1 . Ph, titat in, a.fashionable set tiabody., koe.Sto a party everybody ha Think,it Overi•-' ,Weli did the ancient: SagessaY. to.Me .the greatest 'bane " , • Is, n t thepin,ch of Poverty,,nor hitter. pangs .of pain. Net faithless friends, nor kin, unkind; , the pre such WoeSmay. be,. • Par Worse In Fickle Fort,ftiiC1.S'Smilet-.-, undue proSpdrify • s Poultry Marketi: Future Brig4t -8tiying70pecidation Appears • 'Fafrly Sife. • • able, egg and poultry production Over. the next 'several ,months,. say officials .' of the •Production and Marketing Ser- vices,- 'Dominion Departnient;.'of culture. For .this reason farmers and Cominercial poultrymen Would be, well. Advised to purchase' day *Old chitis Without delay, as ...stich chicks are' .ing sold it a'reasonable rate.. • ' •More For ,Export' ".. .The,eggtnarket is ,reported as un• Usually 'strong ;at present, In place ,ot.• the Usual (drop iti egg•prices lamed- • lately :following .Easter. .prices this year have riven. More inotiried are be- ing received from Great Br.itain for exPert:eggs than for' Seyeral. Years' in' the :past.. The prospective Market for poultry .meat is even raore.encourag7. ?Jug. present prices being higher, than. ,. for several -years;- and .'poultry stocks:, in storage being much lower`tilan'in 1937. Sales of 'chieks. in the: ,IInited ' States are ,reperted as being about tr... per ceht,:lower than laattYear; which .would.poib.e-to-a-shOrtageof-hotti cggs 'and poUltrylcrimat later in ,the season, in the State. This in. turn-affeCts the.: Canadian market.' , : 'reed Not ,Too Expensive . Present prospectsfor crept 'both In. the:East and .'yest_are. the best for veral years, and while Wit too earl to predict with OorfA:4itY. they - will ; ,turn _put, present bonditiqns• give • be reasonable in price oVer-the some promise : tha.t., Poultry feed, -Will; tneinder of rthe year. :' practiCally alt 0? the larger. corn- . it -medal poultry, farmers':are raising substantial number' of Chicks • this • year, ,adcf from pi.psii,t;14dicatiohs it „would appear,' that.. Poultry.. Could; now be profitablyraiseilon many Road* Of .Sugar The niuch-discusSed,' Perfectroad surface has ,been • Occupying , busy Anglo-Indian •scientists. The 'fmper. ial Institute of 'anger Technology, India,: has just formulated a process for making reads, out of molasses. The formula remains.:a secret, and it will, he 'some tiMe:before the final verdict' Is known,' But we may yet walk and ride on sugar! 7 ' DEAFNESS 'AIDED: Se011ire -111' hearing nifl ited 'to „your Ind) vIduni needs, I,v the nittnufne- three: ot Itette'e Aida . for .Better: pleasing since ' ...Write for -,Free Demonstration . 7..:ACLOUSTICONT.INSTITUTE:j :s 330 BAY .• ST,,. 'TORONTO, 'ONT. —111t1J14ES_2_ Were's' 'nothing: tp ional hfinerd's. "talt.es holdr. Antiseptic, soothing, healing. ' oivOs, quick relief! IMPORTANT GF1:. A DAND,Y. ,HAMCO • . • COKE 'SMOVEL at a Iraction of regular , Post; SiAyour,deAler, , • • A'ali,hitn,;toO, about • itAMCO. AUTOMATiC ' DRAFT ,CONTROt. 4, - -ad'. " • ; IIOT WATER ' HEATER . r$:avO'oclollars fhiough- the next heating season by filhng your bin. With Hainco 0:;.ke Aalc your' iiainco Dealerfor... ftdl,riarticulais: • , _ "1,1.1.4tlyaN InviibtAnitT, COKE OVEkt, LIMITID • HAMILTON'. CANADA' - YOUR LOCAL DEALER'S NAME-. elsew4pre in this paper INSIST ON HANICO CANADA'S FINEST COKE •41' ernocracy Must Bring Prosperity, Or Succumb 4,, • . , , •Saii; torrner'.. Canadian Minister to Washingtoni# It;Pails,,_•.'It Dzes"—Canadians Must , Their Power To Maice. Win, • ' :•berno.craCy'S'now 'lob in'0,otrodit ,Is .to achieVe 'proncritY for, its CitiZend , a114.,f'if it., fafis: it dies." " ridge; • forOiorcano (flannnn to \S 1SIIII1IZIO,T shid in:a radh talk' trod .' OttaWit IttSf week,.'• Pras)erity' is tmftiral to the ties so• ciii 01(101 111(1"tienisicracY•Inintt get,' tit it prosperity for, its4", lie sid One Chance Left , „Mr,' •Ilet.idge ,deClored the tet of' ,ilentoc1 cy,1i6s in ;its ability to PrOVide ,prOSIterit1'.." °It 18the bettjest,'': he: elid.obecause,prosperity is ltanch Mere fItiOn Air ecOnainic, aclile.venten.t,• It Is the only ,fotinciatien, for freedoni.,It it the 'proof of the 11110 0? jtistico It Is 1110, Cleft for, the :tattreh kif•Chrit flan fiIth "tip to .1111S ;Ole. ,deMe.eraey has ,failed in ranada. It has this Snipe and ' only Chance left.: WhiCh'ethititities.:fOr a.thort time -,Reeta tittiens '1:• fr tiorridg6..sai4. the deci,Siett to. Jake this reniainitig thAncowroSts 'With the 011140111 .WhO i10•111) dttdocraCy; iio rvi,ornke ,6111ten..• toortui, "ifs ,eofe,et;tictti.'et(14',.tfte,,wb:11„1 tlio for111,'hitatk: O.( 001irrig to go, out Ap'et . old order! or reaction.. It will, be. the. lai .0.t••foire, his ,refusat• ..1lIPPOrt 21111 Ile' Saidthat ho hetieVOct, howev'eri • Ittat' ("Inatlinna lit1Ve the fortitude 'owl Dtti.poo to ota:I0 denlOcraCY ss • •••••,,t