HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-05-26, Page 5'Cr1RtSDA.Ti''; 'A'-11iT`,HR•:.,; 9333' `.: A, •. ... _
P 4G* P '
. , yceum Theatre
Show ,starts of 8, pti 111.
Sst,--Sat. night two ehowal.
7.15 and 9.4,
Double. Bill
rad e,• E: • ,
Pa is ress �
Gene Autry, The Singing Cow-
boy Sensation Stars: In' The.
First Show, Which Is• A *eat-
" ern. The Second' Picture Is An
'Action Picture'. Starring Grant
Autographed Picturea Of en
Autry Will Be,Given' Away •To
The • Children..
Monday; -'Tuesday, Wednesday,
May r7 ?Of 31. June 11
NEIL., HA' LTOly '
11Portia On : Trial •
• The Story Of A Famous:Crim-
Ina' Lawyer.
.. ... .. ,
• '.4»
(Intended .For Last 'Week) •
Mrs. Wm.' Taylor of ;Blyth is' 'visit-
ing ;at 'Mr. Chester'• Taylor's ;
Mr... and, Mrs, Gordon. 'Elliott and
family : spent`, Sunday, ;with Mr. '•. and
Mrs:. E. Barbour." • '
Mr. Arnold and' Elmer •;Woods also
Mrs. 'D H. Martiinaspent Sunday with,
thit aisters''Mrs. Jas Irwin and. Mrs.
'i�. • J. Martin . Huron
Mrs., 'Hannah Taylor returned' home
from. Blyth' where' she 'spent, the Wint-
Recent _:visitors. with Mrs. George.
Philips -were :Iters:-How,le-and-family•
also Miss' :Fern ..Patterson of Dun-
Quite a" number•from n`here. went to
Curries School Friday ':evening' »last
and enjoyed' , their Mrii'strel. Show
which:. was exceptionaly good. •
Mr...La1rns� . and ; Archie 'Aitchison
were' in 'Durham .. Monday attending.
the funeral: of Donald. MacArthur.
Miss Freda' Rentoul. and;, Miss "Vera
• Taylor . returned home. from • Guelph.
where they, attended the Girl's Con
Terence - .
The May meetrng of the U F. W
O. was held•' at the limns of ,Mrs
Melvin Reynard on,Tuesday May, 17th
The' meeting opened by. singing the
Ode followed :by theJLord's prayer.
in, unison: The minute's of .:the last
meeting were » :approved The quilt
was sold to Mrs.: Albert Cook. A com-
mittee wasrIappointed to arrange for
the 'Paramount. picnic,. members; ••of
which are Misses Ruby Reid, Ethel
'' Martin and Mrs. Robt.Hamilton, The'
` Martu aiid 'Mrs. Robt Hamilton. The
Club 'decided. to •.meet at Paramount
•Hall on the third Tuesday evening' in
June; husbands and visitors are-invit• •
, ed. 'The committee is, Mr. :Campbell
.and- Mr. Goldie' Martin. • It was also.
• .decided to ::,make scrap'; books --for,
smallchldren up north. The. Ro111`Call'
was answered by :"hints •ftir garden-
•.. ing.r: ,'Interesting pictures were taken
as . it was :' Grandmother's 'Day. 1 A
splendid program `followedi Paper '
Mrs. Herb Ensign; •' Instrumental
Mrs. Webster;.. Monologue Mrs, Agas;
.Reading-- Mrs. MacDonald; Solo,-
Mrs., .Jack; Hamilton; duet=Mrs.
12obt. Reid ' and ,.Mrs. Webster;
,strumentel=Ruby Reid;.Paper-Mrs.
Jamison; 'Current,Events' Ethel 'Mar-
till and a • duet by Winnie & Gertrude
Reynard. The meeting clo's'ed by the
, ' National Anthem. •A vote of thanks.
,Basi- tendered ' to the Hopteas•„ and a
erv.» °
dainty luncheiwas' sed'. •
Rev: 'Allan, Mrs: ;: Allan and child -
r,,,'• ren of Buffalo, spent a •eday;with.Mi
Andrew ,and!: Miss: 'Janet ° McDonald.
' Miss Jean McLelland of 'Windsor
'and 'Miss, Jean Craig Toronto,.d the 'fdrmer's home here during
.tb►',, week -end .
M. 'and Mrs. J., Buehannan' of''St,
Jacobs; also: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mc-
Arthur,' Toronto, and Mr. and 'Mrs:.
,of Kincardine; were
•Sunday visitors at the home of. theii'<
mother, ,los. !R T. Brown here.
tIMr, ~Wm. Scott and daughter, Miss
Marville of Kinlough;• :visited; Sunday
” 'at A.':Mel)onald's. •
RevMclean ail" Wingham, can -
tetl'sery ce lir`Knot �Ghtlz h+ last
Sunday, . the ' Church , having been
closed, for tome time, t '
The W M08. of, the Llnit'ed Ghuti'ctt
•'Mt ren Wednesday at 'Miss Rata
StilrgeQ&s 'home,. Forth
D N GA., .fN'
NON '.
Several nlerabers' of Vzetoria HMO.'.
•slid School: ••club, Goderich, ',motored,:
`to Dungannon. on Tuesday eveningto'
;attend' a meeting ,of°'the IJome and,
School Club there., The meeting -held
at the 'home .of Mrs;, C. Alton; was,
conducted by:Irs R.; Davidson. There'
was a large attendance, : rnenibers,
being -**sent s18.0 from elab"kit-Bile,.
aild S, S. No., 2,, West ;: Wawanosh.,;
Mrs, A, Taylor of Goderich, gave a:
report, of . the 'O E•• A. convention; and
-a short program,' 'included'• a• solo 'by'
.Miss 'Lo}s.. Treleaven 'and recitation;
by Billy, ' Stewart. Lunch »Was :served
by the members of the',rDungarinon
. Wm.• Wilson.and son -Wallace
of 'C
, spent
the week -end in TorQoto, visiting
lattei's'. brother, who? is recovering
from 'illness..
Mr. and .Mrs.. R. J. Dui;°nin; who
had the fernier's brother, Dr. R. B.
Durnin •and Mrs. Durnin'''(if Great
Falls, Montana; returned with thein
for a fortnight,
Mr.and-' ',Mrs..Stapley _Snell,
two children, ..
' St. Helens; spent ° Vic-
toric Daytheir with t e r aunt Mr t
Mrs. fto t.
M'r•, }and Mrs. Matthew .Spf onl' and
son' of Lucknow, spent • Sunday 'With
Mi anti'. Mrs'.. Rich. Park.
iViss''Lorna Roach 'spent the ,past
week with . her sister, . Miss'' Bernice
Reach :at Listowel. •
Miss Jessie Orr of LangSide Visited;
recently •with her .friend" .Mper:
ally .Robb. .
Mr..' and Mt ' C` r 1 e -
rs;;G. . T e coven Lois
Miss LucilleEedy. and Mr. Tho
Stothers, spent the week-end.,,visitin
friends and relatives in. Toronto.
Stothers Mr:while ina City, e a-
e, the, ty, sp nt S t
urday''after'noon 'with' his friend, 'Dr
i :him -enjoying`
very .good health
,Junior , Institute met :for the
May meeting'at the' home .of the pres-
' ident,. ' Miss Anna Reed last Thuks='
day afternoon,'with'.11 present Miss,
Cora Culbert who attended the Girls;
Conference at `Guelph, gavea report
:Current ,events' • were :read •by; Miss
Frances • Croier. The.. hostesses _ for
lunch '• were • Misses -PCora :Finnigan,
•Elsie Vint and 'Janet' •Altori The
'next meeting will be .held at the home
of .Miss Janey:I:Alton: '
• Mrs.. F. Courtice attended .the fun-
eral at:` Toronto of her sister=in-law;.
Mrs. Wesley Treleaven,: formerl.
Ethel Maude Vine , of'•'Napanee, _•who
-succumbed afte ah- operation "at'
a Toronto hos ictal. •,She :leaves `'to
mourn •her .only ;daughter, :'Jean..pMrs.:
•Courtice . was accompanied; 'back by
Mr.: and Mrs. Norman Treleaven' and
ughte t „M s... Vesley,- ounkre . and
Bob- Treleaven who remained with
•relatives• for 'the•'.week-end' here and
at Crewe
The xnonttily:meeting• of the W A.
of the United Chul..ch_w.as,beld at tire,
home of Mid. Nellie' .Stewart; Friday,'
with twenty-five present. .After the,.
devotional, •period,. Miss . Celia Pent-
land read -the -..scripture lesson The
roll call. as ;answer•,el by;a. scrip:
ture verse pertaining, to Temperance,,
as: the theme of the : meeting "was on'
this subject.: A business period follow--
ed which: was mostly, arranging for
the garden party, ''which will' be held
in June..The .program' consisted of:
two. . readings, :' One, by 'Mks. Rob.t:
Moore "Ralph's Repentance' and
Mrs R. '• A McKenzie • "Harbour . of
Silence" The meeting was closed',
with a liymn,.and: benediction, rafter
which ,a ten scent tea was served''. by
Mrs. W. A. 'Culberts group, The June
Meeting, will' be held June 15th, :at
the home: of Mrs. Geo. TJ'Harris.
We are sorry 'fa report Mr.; Dav'd
Glenn's . condition shows no signs, ,of
improvement. After tieeovering, from
hisrevious .illne ' t'
p ssi, is hoped this
:Will' have the '"same ' outcome.. •...'
Mrs. H. A. 'Graham 'has -!•returned.
home after spending the'.past week,
with Embro friends `
m..Bushell. and son:' Ronald
;of London .are visiting •itll: her par
;grits', Mr: Old Mrs, J. B. Hodgkinson::
Mrs Hedley of- Kincardine. Twp.
ie visiting with. Mrs. M. McLean and.
either relatives» here. •u:
T eetin
The. next m i g of the Ht W. l:
will, ,he held on ' Thursday,' Juni grid.
at thehome of Mrs.. Ernest .Ackert,
with the.Teeswater Institute as their
guests' .\Convener, Miss' Hazel. Percy;,
Ass''ts., Mrs •Thos I•iarrit, Mis' Win.
nifred' Ackert; Topic, Aga icultnie by
Mrs., Art Graham-. Ro11'eall,, Exchange
Of, house plants:: Lunch (Eighth
Con: -Salad ent :: Con.').' ... ak
(.Twelfth ,Cop ), Siindwiches.. ,
Mrs. lio'y 'Graham'and ..Roiinie and
Miss Kathleen ,Graham;. spent a ,day
last', week, with Miss Kathleen 'Mac-.
Kenzie. :
Miss C; Borthruxek 451 St Cathay-
inesr-apeiit44.-linlidti-y titil her --iia
Should hav ari"iid
exits, Mr, 'end gra., Jas.. ,l'iodgins, •
The Week In Parliament
I FRIDAY: - Our P,arliamerlha'ry.
sleuth -Rene „Pelletier; M. P„'•. the
youngest Member' thinks be has •un -
I covered : 'sonieCbing • else ' ,.Stuspicious
in.the.low price, (aecordirig .to••biro)
for which the. Sorel shipyard .and the
St. Lawrence dredging fleet was sold
• by . the Government last' . year to
Montreal firm, Mr. Howe, the Min
ister of Transport, .denied this hotly,
stating that he would: resign his seat
were there the slightest truth in the
allegations and :insinuations' of: • the,
member for Peace River;. The Min-
ister intimated that the Social Credit.
sleuth"w s ,
verY young and
ullib e
Mr . H. C. Green). Conservat'ive
•Member, for Vancouver ;suggests, that
-W-e: borrow -a fleet from the .United
Kingdom for d;efence of ;the •Pacific
,coast, He says the • fleet can be re-
turned one.. at .a time as. Canadian
ships are built'to replace•jt. What
d g Misses . Annie Colwell and 'Elenor.
rati,iu "for�a'•new iublie buildin' a _ n a__. _
Ment takes., place, we will. • probably
return, as soon as the .agreements are
n oh'venie
ready, It :is z c nt, but the. re -
'Vision was ,promised for this session,
' . and that, means this. sessiop. In the.
meantime everything is going on in
the.. -spat •of.' suspense. Plans are
• more , or. Less, .,definite, but; when they
will be acconlplished,,�it is difficult to
HU,RSDAY-The; Senate conclud
ed today its study of the, phase of
co-ngeration and adjou> ned.till Tues
day: When it' is, expected ,Sir» Vdward
Beatty ;will take 'the stand It is
' thought he 'wi(1 have: some ne ,, pro
posais .to advance• ,along the lines .of
unified . operation with 'a view ''to,,
effecting more; substantial . ecorienties
Most of,'the day.. .was • a'gain. spent
on. farmer's ";problems . and; criticism
of the Farmer's .Creditors' Arrange-
ment'•Act was voiced in, both. Houses
In the,, Senate Senator. -Meighen
claimed.�;this Act' was 'wor king in .the
exac 'reverse _.to ha
t t Was'in
. in. that it allowed the, inefficient,
'farmer to'remain on, 'his farm while
thrifty' .,who,invested,;'in• •fare::mort-
•gages, with.a, 'view : to, something for
their old age find .themselves out in.
the colds with' very little to show for
their investments.
The•.: coming Saskatchewan election
is• . attrrting-a great deal'of attent'
'ion as the - results will show whether
the West means to adhere -to the old
order or tri” open' the door to. the new-,
'n the tva o mon tar e'
i e reform, Y f
Y itt,
20th 1938.
In the 'supplean�enilairy estimates.
presented in: the House of .Commons.
on Friday, there is a $.15,000• a pro
'w°ol 'the: United Kin dom , think •.f
The Max meeting of' .the •U. F. FV•., ,
0, was held at the home of Mrs, N.,1
McCallum' ori •»Thursday! last, : The.;
June meeting is to °be at the holue of ' • ,
Mrs,' H. Lavis on the 23rd of June,
Instead or the ,usual third Thursday..'.
ivIr.and Mrs. A Thompson, visited !
-at-'MSD;.L McKinnons:on Sunday"
Miss Elizabeth, McIver spent; the
week end at her'
Mrs. Wm Scrimt;eour'' , and •Mr»
LJohnst n of Palmerston spent f .~`
the ,holiday at' R..Middleton's,'
Mti Wm, Wells and•Mss Simpson'
o� Lonilsboro, spent Sun ay with: Mr.
d . Mrs., R; Moffat
s ar • Grahani'• of oronto l'
A -large ci owd .,:attended :anniver-
sary, services, on Sunday, where' Rev.
Young Was.the:guest speaker. .
•spentila't week at'her:h;�ome �;••
Mr': and; Mrs . 'Jas. Wraith I and
Gertie set Stinda , with Mr, and , .
p n .
Gordon b
G d Sto ,o.
»Mr. and. Mrs:.Wm. Alton and Ddu-'
Blas spent: the week -end 'with Mr.
and Mrs;;'Fred Th'gmpson; -
Mr.�- Mrs....
MC -and Gordon • McKee.of,
Toro -lite,. spent '• the.,.. week -endo• :with
Mr. and Mrs • • • A•• •
Hannah. •
. •
..,.N� AM1L,'lf`
."We're so tta4 you're:
• feeling better, ?VJotherl? ;
that 1 .wonder? I t MdBride .
Tara •Presumably a; .postoffice Lion'- Mc)3aride visited Mr.and'Mrs. Ross,'
Ontario `Conservatives seem' to ''be.
Head gets 5 200 for. harbor• ,im rove- Sunday' evening.
having their ,»own •.difficulties;, Perhaps$ p
r i -th 'fact•
' r- ;_o -- he-.troubl m 1 e n
pa t , f t e.- aY e.
t11at their 'leader, Hon.Earl '.Rowe,
M. P., has to exercise "remotecon-
trol,' as • he is ,not a member of .the
Provincial House,, having been de-'
feated in the • lash Provincial.: election;:
One',factien :wishes' to hold..a .provin;
=ciafteon enfidi :prrur '.- _ e • e-,
one .;in .July and.'the': other side, in-:
eluding, Mi;.' Howe, is opposed to this.
•. Monday --Defense ' Minister
Kenzie 'informed' the ..House yesterday.
that Canada must,;;retily ;on •its ' °own
production for a supply of 'war 'mat=
erials ,in preparing for a national
emergency, as anti-aircraft gunsord-'
ered'.in 1935; and heavy guns ordered
months and months ago have not yet
been,; delivered. A survey. of Canadian,
plants -suitable' for the dnanufacture
of'•.armaments has 'been., completed
by,.' the Department and "it is : , hoped
arrangements' will be 'made to render
this possible. In answer to a question
tke Minister of :Transport made
. plain that noCpnadian, transport,
planes had been sold to Japan for';'the
very good reason that none are `made
here: y
`ether wise the--vt'eek ; starteit off
much as usual: No new matters Were;
introduced but some fresh aspects of
legislation already: under 'Considerat-
ion eame':ulp. The Minister of» Agri:.
culture -is.. anxious to get his estim
ates,,which: ai a already up,...finiShed,_
as • ii view. of the oncoming election;
in 'Saskatchewan;' it is expected he
Willbe ?needed on that field.
menta, and-there-le=a-•-vote•--of-47;500- Misses..Ethel...and ., Alice: Wall --spent=
for wharf, improvements at Howden-,
vale,' on , the » west 'shore of the Bruce
peninsula. Kincardine»harbor is ,voted
26 and, Goderich �-harbor i ' rant_
$ -,000 a ,, s giant..
9 296 ;' esti i : wnr_k
TUESDAY -Agricultural •estimat-
es were again up today. One feature:
was the; suggestion iof a new policy
to put snore Canadian'''beef ; ,on' 'the
overseas market. The': idea seems'_to
be• to slaughter huge numbers of •cat;-
tle • on' this side and,send over,'refrig=
elated beef: -"•Canada ' should be ex-:
porting 2011,000 head to ' both the
United • States and:'Great,. Britain. and
instead of this the fetal export varies
from ' 6,000 to':.60,000: a year..'»That
was the chief trouble last winter.
The year before .,very few cattle had
been exported •to, Great • Britain and
therefore the companies . did not Out-
fit sufficient 'boats for .the, increased
nuniber 'of cattle available this • •year,
It is :hoped to ' avoid; a .similer situat-;
ion by the means above suggested:`
Much of the interest of today was:
'centred in „the Senate. •".This :divorce;
: bill as amended by :the committee of
the whole is readyrfor third''readirig
and the -Railway committee, is near-
ing -the close of the initial stage of its.
inquiry, nanely' co=operation.TL1ttle'
has been :accomplished. The O. P�
R.'s, attitude: 'toward. cooperation ..was:
nder discussion 'today. '
One of,; our ' greatest ,worries these,
days ,is'the fact that .the . Supplem-
entary estimates,,' ;which are' due ' to
come', down any , day how,'.; are • under
review by a committee' of . the Trea-..
sury Board Who dare' engaged in; par-
sing' them . down to. the •'bone , .I ; ani
afraid sortie''' of 'us » are,, due for , dis
'appointment..' »Outsiders. •have ' little •
idea of ` the time members' . 'spend~`
working up their` case for•.'this little•
dock and. that little post office and
going{ : to the • Minister (mostly, the
Minister of •:Public Works, poor
ow! ). pleading; cajoling sand threat-
ening, • only to .find •ourselves »and 'our
docks and post'•offices dut in the .cold'
foil another 'year, when we' go at it.
again.Truly, "hope springs» eternal
in the. human breast.'' '
',WEDNESDAY -The amended Rill.
Bi 1.
regarding diVorce passed ,the Senate.
by 33' to 29. Party 'lines. `were".for
gotten;; and it is' expected it will'not•
.pass the Coininons ,
Denton Massey, nvas :the chief.
speaker 'in the House, today, when
agricultural ' estimates. were . again
col aider ed..•He Paid;; a visit •to •Den
mark 'sonre:little time ago"', and made
a study, of export 'trade: He showed
hey. had _airnexed much 'of...the- Bi3t�
ash market, by studying 'British tastes
intensively. He advised Canadaa'to.'do.
'the sabie and urs stabilization.• of•^
`farm prices, as 'the law ;of° supply and
demand too often operate in a tragic•
way foil ,the farmer.. "' ,,.
A subject .of' engrossing interest
r` f ust now . is _whither Parhi"ameiit
e joirninent,,penditg
the coirclusiori of the , trade • agree-,
'menta with, this United . States Who -
86'0A , to have • too ,marry ••problems "Of
their •own at the moment td bother
The quickest way to bring `a wife.
from, a» trip is ,tis: send her the local
neWsp aper With t,ne item clipped out=
to, he done there,
.Sunday with ,Mr.; and Mrs. Earl. Hod
, Mr; and Mrs. Win. Brewer. `' and
family '1!'Ir:: an -d -Mrs: Ale "-McKa ,'"
:a I�
Habit atch
s' -
The Watsonyoungsters, are'not ' merely
• playing . telephone -= they are playing
Distance, , for . LongDistance is a
habit' •with the Watson family —''an : inex-
it hat saves anxiety and helps
• '. hall that •
exY .. p
keep the family together...: Let ' the tele-
phone, extend our horizon' be and your
• hood.: Let : it ' keep
immediate neighbour ,, p.
oil iu touch with--farawa --relatives and
Y: y
friendq = the cost is;.'surprisingly:....
e ctionsn telephone rates-locdl'and to
Reductions P..
- c in. $S 4!u1:37,•,�have' elf_..-.
savings to .telephone users ,in Ontario and.
i ebec f-nearlyonq=tnillin�eart
• .4,44,4+$4444;:
.with 'such small ,'fry .as" Canadians,.
trade; If an: adjetira.
•!'1 • ,.. ,
(Signals ,,,Tenerally nndersmud, br Canodlw.
Most accidents are mists) '
preventable.Do, your pin e!'
clearly signalling your • intention before
making'a right or left turn.:
:RIONi roan '
Hand and anis yZte„ 4 d
,M+wcrd er n1evN
sw�ipteo inMiin hp,�ttA•
rear. to the her&
rgreatest s. • safety -get g` et BlueSunoco
vie , challenge (: you to ; find 'a .�`quicker
acting •m'o orfuel:
n : an emergency,its hghtnrn • q, uicl
pick-up snaps.Yoh`to'safetY•
sish.high knocklesg power tirninnizc
r .
' reduce one -handed 'e -.rin
'Nand and arm '
also iIntwNA tAeM l■d•d,'
. «'oa' : .•
Hand and ere,,, s* sMd,d
:fr. m. ts , freedom from harmful chemicals
and fro Corrosive action makes
safer for
our motor. .
TOP PERFORMANCE ... at regular gas price
S11f�i��S�. �tlCtillOW.