HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-05-26, Page 1• - • PA. A YEAR,44IN ADVANCE -40c EXTRA TO U, S. A. • KNO . /. • . . • TH.14.0spAy,,,•m•ky..goth. lamt . FOR ,SATara4Seed 'Flax. - E. G. . Una., 'Phon4D4.11-8-annan--7647:1;---7- . TO RENTA. comfortable six oom }use,, tOani. "inter. Tent& Clarke., . FOR SALE -The PtoPertY of the late P, Geddes. APPlY to. Joseph : Agnew. .• .FOR SALE -clean Pourse send 'very reesOnable. Apply within, next, two Weeks. at ,Toro 'Burn' s Iiucknow,, FOR*SALP=ila.:.--46*,; Part Jersey.; -Skit freShened•, Fred'IFInberlin, Leeknow. • FOR SALE -SOY Beans, Mandarin ' variety, Grow your !own 'protein at lieme.-S. E.. , BOBEIRTSON., LOST -4 book "Ike Life of Claude DehassY". • Plead* 'return, to Mies Peggy Bfecbonald.' • , . FOR.$,LE2?-7-QeantitY :baled hay :.timothy 'seed, GoVgradedand goat „•ean barley. fpr feed or seed.-ROd MacDougall. ' SEED CORN- 7- - Vance's No..1 grades of Early, . :Bailey, Improved Learning, .Golden . Glow,. White. Cap Yellow Dent and Vance'S. Sweepstakes for little • W. G. ANDREW'S. COURT OF REVISION .A (.OUrFet-Reiiiiiipiten. thp Aasess, .4:tent-Roll-of -West Wawanosh Town- ship, 'Will be held at the . Township teagdaY4 June h, .1.93, 14 o'clock- a.m. . DUrnin Phillips,. Clerk, RECEIVES B. 'S. 'A. Art ONTARIO 7"----ACTRICU,14-TURAV-COL-14-EGE----- Mr.- 'deorge Ar MeQuillin, son of the late Mr and ;Mra. William. Mc - ()Alin, St Helene, receivedthe de- gree of Bachelor of SCienee in Agri - vulture. frorn the Ontario Agricult- ural College, duelph, 'apeCializing in 1-greit,ornY. George left on, Monday or Ka9eskesing where he has ob- ;titined. a Position at the D'ondnien ; Experimental ' farm -situated tliere;,,; •'IT LIP .1)ISPLAY • • The annual spring tulipsdiSplay of the LucknoW Horticulturel' :Society. washeld on Saturday. There' was a very •;erediiableshowing of some twenty-six or more baskets of, this • 4. beautiful spring ; flower, of almost every color andhue. The,di play in . . . Davison's show window was the cent- ., . , re of inuch interest that evening. , 'WEDDING IN • jUNE • ; • A wedding of local'interest will be .„, held •in Vlir-nico 'United .Church, tearly in June, when Miss Lorna.Barber, a: graduate of the 1VIethercreit Hoipital •Toronto will-becemei,the,,,,bride of Mr. Alex C. .Cloire;46n-of 'Mr.- and Mes.''. Fred , Cloke, Harnilton. The bride - elect is ,the elder daughter of Mr. and .:gl'a•-Vtr:•_..J.,..P4ber' of .cr.9.43.jr,991c„ B. C„, encl.& granddaughter of Mrs. N. L. Campbell of Toronto fotineelyi of -MOW FOR SALE' OR, RENT -five 'mem cottage it Point Clark For keys. and •particulars .see Miss Gertrude • Treleaeen, Bed . and breakfast, • Met*, main Street Lucknow or write to Wit Arti-iitriprig--Spen 61 Cartier St. Apt 16 Ottawa Ont. If you are ambitious, this: ia:for YOU! !Success guaranteed! No risk Selling line Of 200 popular products in exclusive district! Join. our ,sales ore for profitable Wages! 750 men eyegge income of '835.00 , weekly! Per free particulars' Without obliga- tion, Write ,TODAY: FAMILEX CO. 676, St; clement, Montreal. -NOTICE ! Notice is hereby • given that .a ouitt to hear end..det,ermine the ap- peals against the Assessment Rpll of . , the Village • of Lucknowfor the year 1938 will be held in the Municipal , Offices ,On Tueeday. the Seventil;aley . of June,' 163att; eight ,o'Clock P.M. Dated at LucknoW, Ontario, this ! 23rd day 01 May; A.D., 1938: , - • joseph, Agnew, Clerk NOTICE TO. CREDITORS • "..,_11‘t_THE,MATTER'.'Of..the Estate of Francis Henry Haldenby, late; of the Toweship of •Culross in the' County of Bruce, ,Farnier, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN; pur- • suant 'to. the Statute in that behalf, • that all creditors and others having ' cialMs against the 'Estate of the said FranciS Henry -.11aldenby; deceased, • e died. an or about :the Fourteenth . ay Of February A. ,1938, are re- • •quired to forward' their claims ..'dttly• •• proven to the undersigned, Executer • of. the !will of the said Fran* Henry Haldenhy, on or .before: the Tpurth. day of lene, A. D. 1938; after Which' •date the said Executor Will proCeed . to distribute the assets of the estate betang ,regard' only to and . being rev • aponsible only for the claims of which he 'Shall then have notice. • Dated at -•Lucknew, Ontario • this • 12th day of May. A. D. 1988. '• William E. Haideriby,, • R. R.'1.,.Holyrood, Ont., *Exectitor. , PLAY AND DANCE • "Singing karineri," 24 sailers on . . • heard theGood Ship Lollypop, .pres- ented in Town Hall, Lucknow,-Friday • June, 3rd at. 8.15, by Knox .,Choir, Teaswater,. Iunder auspices Ladies ' Orange Lodge, Lueknew. Dance after: • Atinuepion to •play nrid &wee 25,e, ;Children 15C., „SPECIAL LEGION MEETING." Winghant' Legion is holding a pub - 4‘: 'lie Meeting for all veterans and .re-, tiir.nt, Men, in the 'Town Hall, Wing- hat 8 ,o'clock, Friday, May 27th. Lieut -dol. H R. Alle4-president Ont., • ..arie';Cornmand will he, the special , speaker. • SOCIAL EVENING • ; • Lucknovo Joint' Club` is holding a social evening this Thursday, i.May 26th, in the Orange Hall LuekneW, , • • . for Club inetribereand their families only •• ' DAN 'In Paramount Hall on Friday 3rd. Music by 5,, Piece swing hand. 'Admission 25c and 15c. Every, • - body., welcome, •. • . Explain Twp. School. Beard At Holyrood. Meeting Albert Aiken And xnppeaor Dobson SpeakOn Mondei. /slight!)At nab"- rood4Pard Of Five Elected In Same Manner -Ag-•....ToVnehiP'Conn, •.cil Would Have Oversight Of; All • Scheela in Township. • .. • . There Ayes -a meeting in the Town - .hip Hall at HdlYreed ,on M0.1.145f ev- ening .ealfed to consider the Township Scheel Heard, propoSititin. There Iva's' a. geed representative attendance .from all ever the Townshipe4-411r. F. W. Moffat was elected ChairMan o1. the meeting. He ;explained' the per. pose of the :meeting- and called • leh Albert Aiken, Sec: Treas, of the Bruce . County Educational, Associa- tion. Mr. Aiken' explained that the mat- ter of Township Seh,00l Boards has 'been,.before' nearly every Conven- tic,n for years, and•A committee wet appointed two years age to :take the matter. up '7ith some. of the. •ToWn.:, Shipe.It was in response to this that this Meeting was called. All Town and 'City schools are under on Beard. A Township ' Board of five would •have. oversight ef all the schools in .the 'Tewnship.and .be elec- ted' by. the ratepayers like the Town- ship Council. • . Abell another Aidinher. :of the committee stated,: that althc -Towns t__„111 . . , „ :• 'ATTEND DRUG CONVENTION. Messees. A. E. 'McKim and F. patterso,a were in. Owen Sctund -teat week atending the 'annual meeting OE 'District No, 12 of the Ontario Retail Druggists Assecietion.. Mr. McKim iS the immediate past president: New officers elected ateee, Pies, P. • A.• 'Campbell, doderich; Vice Pres., C....A.. FIobley, Walkerton; see:, J ,S. Luck ham, Port Eight.' . •INVITE 'CALEDONIA MINISTER • . . • Last* 7eek the . congregations..of the Monkfon .charge Of ', the United church, including Willow drOye •antci Bethesda, extended ,a call to Rev. Harold'Aeli.ert, 8. 'A. of :Caledonia. Rev: Jas. Gale, who has served .as. pastor at Maiiktonatear ListoWei foj the past: aeven . years, has , accepted A.•call, from Caledonia. ' ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr: and Ma -a. Alex MacLeod, 2nd Cori., Kinidag- Township, announce the 'engagement of ,t,heit only daught= el, Grace Mary, to Wilbert Edgar, Hodgkinson, eldei: son of Mr. and Mrs: J. B. ..Hodgkinson, of Kinlaugh Ontario; the wedding to teke.place in June. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr . and Mrs." Williani T. ,Gardner,; of AShfield, aenOUete the engagement of their yciungest Ada Ber-Y1, to, William George 'Hunter, only son of Mia. and 1Vira. deo. Hriater: of , Ashfield, the Marriage •to- take' place in early June: ' „ NORTHERN -TOWN GROW According to h• 6. P. despatch; transformation o'f. Larder. Lake:•frore a hamlet tiia-tOwn is proceeding rap- idly' now that winter's grip,has been released., and if the present . treed continues, the population soon'. will be double the 2,000 it stands at today.. .Sale of town IbtS dutieg April and May to date:hes .been the greateit in the'histerY Of the oewly,created Mee- icipality..Thel'irew air -roomed Public Selioel which was opened in January of this Year, isalrekdY"•Crowded to eapaeitY and additional acCOinniod, ;akin, Will be required "for the 'autirinn. Mr. 'a lVirs. Eldon Johnston, ••.forin- erlY. Of •Lecknow liaye been .teSidents. of this growing 'teayn for -about' a, .14YEAR.OLD CANTELON LAD. CHAMPION GOLFER Bruce .0antelon, the youngest .filf;111- , bet' of the Ridgetown Golf and Conn - try Club ,to: ever wie the champion• Ship, wee -presented With:the trophy emblematic of the' .1937 champion- ship at a dinner following the Open- ing tourney the first of 'the -Week. . 'Brace, the 14 -year-old Sen of Mr. and- Mrs ti Cantel0 , " to Inerly of , LtleknOV.V; gained batch of hi ex- perience fls ataidd ay.,,A.k,egirtilitetat4 ! one atilt° 'hest players' Of the chib, his hanclieap Of g being the ‘second lowest given anY: 'member., • He was tied with .,:three playera .for the IOW net for eighteen h»les : I r in the 'pest- further study of the act 'convinced .hnn," the interests'. of the pupils would be better .served by brie 13,oard. • Inspector Dobson was askeft'te 'ex-' plain the Grants and in a yerY gen- ial and efficient way told of the grants at present, arid • the Granti ender. Township •Board, ...showing a • verY good fi.naneial balance in favor of the le 40.,,,airci showed' an •nneven and um: fair 'school 'Costa at present Were a much more satisfactory and ecpia-, Omieel way Of hereilingt. • sureles :equipment from one School to anaL tber under the.. Township BPerd. While ,ne'aetilna was .t4en.. contd erable intereatWas.':sitere by. those 'present. • • • . • • 7 • RELIGf()US MOTION PICTURE, .„ .You are invited toerrine and See a wonilerftrl-.LMotion--Picture-with-aP-- prOpriate music of, the Life. of Christ from the Nativity to the AScension. These pictures are actually filmed in Europe, Holy Land and Egypt •This picture is'..filined by the National But - eau for Religious and "Educational Filnis It will be presented in the taicknow United Church. on Saturday •evening, June .'4th, at 8,15. p.m., 'for hours Don't fail to see thii-apic- ture. • ' Card Of. Thanks We Are -.Sincerely• apPreCiative, ef themany acts of „ kindness :And .eX, pressions of sympathy at the 'time of the death; of eUr beloved, ;brother.- ' Mrs Jas E. Culbert, , Mrs. Bert ,Finnigan, .Mre. Audrey Teeft. n'niVersaries Marked In COrnmunity. Sunday Several Churches Held Anniversary Services Last' Sunday ,Includint'SL Peters, South ' Kinloss, Zion And Dungannon ' • .. Anniversary services were held in several ehtirclies in .this • carnniunity on Sunday. They; included gi,, Peter's- LutineW, South, Kinloss;0Zionsand Dungannon. , • In Se: Peter's Anglican Church, Bev. P. H. Rickard, who is shortly to leave . this parish • and be 'ordained, conducted the, morning .Service..• In the. evening, Rea. W. H. ilititley' of Kincardine. was . the guest Speaker. Carmen MeQuilliti, _ e '-;prortilaing 'young singer was the, soloist at . thiS . . sett:ice,. • • . • ' In $tPaul's Chutela ' Dungannon, v.,m, Rey.'.E,. ' . .MeRitehie, was the Mini- Yeesery p.eak.er at the morning ser - vi ee and ReY, P. H. 4ickard.';dondne-, ted the evening ' service. ''. • ' At historic South Kinloss :Church, Vbieh..,was sthir'first,•-porigregatiorr .ot,-. tahliihed.here eighty-two years 'ago, Rev. W. A, YOUtig Of lieriaell preach- ed fitting services both .trintiiing and 6:Veiling, key. Young is •A son of the present ' teeter,' Rev. G. M. Young, Who is the tenth resident 'thintstei4,itt the "Bi .Church"', ' • ” •At 'Zion, tette eongregatiVils Atten- ded. Sunday services, tohear a for.. Mer Aslifield 'boy,' 'ROY. .1. A. Agnew,• Present, pastor , of Empress .8treek, United Church, London. ' ' • . DDING BELLS. • A quiet Wedding took Place' at 5.30 Saturday afternoon, April 39th. at'Air Saint's Anglican 'Church, NeWinktma Ontario,' when 'Porthe -Elizabeth Culham", daughter.: of Ales, James Meir jainieson, .and the late ,John Celheni 'of • Galt,' became the • bride; Of yfaxeOlm 'Campbell 'Watson, only sea of 'Mrs. Watson and the late Tiles: Watsee; of ILeckilatf• • ' Re. Jame. Henry Aiim, offieiated. The bride looked lovely in a dress of Oink enibroidered net over: taffeta, halo hatand corsage. of forget-me- nots, sweetheart roses and lily -of -the Pollpiringa; short trip to Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. Watson will side in Newington, where' Mr. Wat- son with the . • Kraftf 'Cheese ,Co. For travelling, Mrs. Wet, 'son wore n Pink woolen suit, navy top coat and navy accessories. Jamboree Night Tuesday Drew 'Large Crowd Crowd Estimated From • 1200 To 1500' People 'Enjoyed Night Of Dancing And..q.19_nek The Clansmen staged 'another suc- cessful night.,oe-Tnesday; when CroWa" estimated from twelve to fif- teen. hundred •persona swarmed into *PeMninhitH:14,_ '465 of •games end-dancieg., , The 'Pipe Band 'paraded to the hall at • eight shortlYafter the binge, spin wheel, dark genie and Penny toss .booths were 4n fiallfsWing and enjoyed' a•brisY night until about midnight. The dance platform was well :patronized; and the dancers can; tinned'. to enjoy themselvesfor about an hour and a half after the gaines.! had Shut' down.-.•MeCagney's Orches - provided the music,' • The refreshinent booth Was run by the Juvepile Bill tekin and the boys did a rushing busineas. After dis- posing Of ;seine five hundred hot doge, business continued -brisk as the bort reseiteel to -"Wrapping the., dogs", in A brief program 'consisted of vocal. 'Selections' by. CemerqadeddeS,,a tap dance 'by • Miss E. .Johnstone of G'edericla. With Ernest: Button___per- fOrming'as thedoeal "nigger" clogger , :The net proceeds -of the nigtit were nat available at pnelication time. _ . ; 1ENGLAND'. • PROBSTH-A.iN-Suddenly, at 41 Greet :Rusiell. St.; -LOndon, England,. Mina .Murray '..Prebsthain, Wife Of Arthur Prehathain.',' • ' ' Probsthain wag aslater of , . Mrs. Frank ,Algeo; New York City,. and Mts. M. Welsh Of Itipl ay. Many . . Sentiriel: readers Will 'remember ,Mrs.: Peohathain and deeply regret hw.:!pai- sing as to extend. sympathy, to thei.bereaVed sisters: .• • ' Evening Auxiliary The regular Monthly meeting Of the Evening Auxiliary.was held on, May At the home of Mrs It' Alibi Theret;"'were eleverr..Meinhers and twenty-three visitors ..present, the latter, being the members of the W.• M. S., who Were invited to join with the Auxiliary at this 'meeting. Foll- oWieg. the :,t1sual, ,Opening • exerdises, Margaret ,McCallum read: the ,'scrip- ture lessen and a brief report of the Presbyterial, held at Walkerton :was .given by, the darega e Eva. Greer. 'Other nun -thereof interest Were , vocal ,duet by Marjoiie.lfoffraan and Fern Alton, an instruniental duet by Caroline and Veer' ‘a akocer solo by Mrs. 11.7:117refeayeti, and two:short' readings by. Miss Kerry. The topic from the study hook was omitted but a very." splendid addreris', entitled' "The Price of Victory"' Was given by Mrs. young of South Kinloss. Mrs: 'Rathwell: thenclosed the Meeting With prayer :after Which Chritesta and o Social ;half. hour .were much en- joyed. ,. • BRIDGE DAMAGED • • -- The•1as. �f the-Village!i old irood. en ,bridges,' Was clainiged on Monday by 'a grearel'treck; engaged in grata - ening village streets. The bridge is jut east of It T. bOuglaSi residence. The W6"st• end of the. bridge is broken down to it, degree that eloaes• it to et-Cblehy brid. 'ges inthS niunicipality have beenrc- placed by concrete ones, -until this wooden -bridge is the last remaining one 7of its kind, Within., the' pelity. Preaches Farewell.SennOn Rey. James K. MacGillivray, M.A., pastor of :Ashfield. 'Presbyterian ..1Cahsutrqhukii"Par:yaehoo etlitilaseuo . farewellaieil6o ;sce1"monf mettbera;.and 'frienda., who gathered to hear this eelta'red pastor once inoTe Preelaini the true,,Oespel.rnessege i !F'''T.uhemorningncertin;Sthemega.was '"Th Christien'f Minister's Ideals Realized and."Unrealized"...baSed on 1: Cor. .1,5, teliere,''Pael Plainly. teaches that true gospel preaching,: resulting in the salvation of: souls; does not con- sist` Of enticing Words of Man's' wis- dom iii:igw.but fGod'tohe, Prbacked p atiounof tthe he Living Power of the Holy • Spirit... A aserar effective niessige in: song ."Neer to the Heart of God".. Was kert.Zered„ by - Mr. Duncan McKay of. the Ashfield choir. The farewell. message of the even- ing "'Beginnings and Endings" based on the texts Mark la 1; Rev'. 14: 6-7; and 1 Peter i;• 17, was a time of heart searching :for, both Christians and ueregenerate;d. Special mention was matie'te the Marvellous Grace"of God, His 'dealings with L.the.Chrli,• tiens, and the Lost •Condition .of those who havenever been , horn again. Rev- R.;A:MecConnell •assisted ,in this service:. . A • very gratifying feature of the :oluntarhelpjn the inusic,renderpti' by Mrs: Munn and e'deuble;quartet of ,Yeutig men 'frOin- ‘mRiePsiseeYge:vvsliPle.67:1OngghIevintItla4Pro"PGrOiadt'Se Way" and Ned Will Take_ Care Of You.' The praise 'selections at the elese, of the ' service were."Shall Gather it the River" and "God Be With, You Till, We Meet Again", and the Benediction, Jude 24, 25:- • ° This comingSunday Rev.. andl "1.4rs: MacGillivrayWill be in Guelph, as Kr. MacGillivray has been invited to occupy the pulpit of Knox Church for both. Services. This, is the church where Dr. A. J. MacGillivray, biaither of • Mr: MacGillivray labored for so man y . years -before:- he-was:-callad h , e 1 • Card Of Thanks ' 1. Mia. E. H. Agnew and members of ,McCullough 'wish to express their sumere appreciation of the Many- , kind . aets And expressions of sym- pathy during the illness and at .the tiineof the; death :of their Mother. • . , - An exchange „prodnees this bit of wisdom: "If You:think your town „is punk town, the first thing to do is to sit ,down fey a*hile,.. before . You .Say too retch about it, and ponder the question as to whether yo ti •eyei tried, to do anything to make it bet- ter" ." • Man Motorist . (barely avoiding a bit:tad:Side crash) Why on earth didn't you 'Signal"? • , •dirl Motorist :(who has crossed in- to home entrance).: alwaYS .tutn. in here, stupid! : Gravelling ',.11eing Done On. Highway West Sandy ..&. Salkeld Of Goderich Have :Contract For 2000 Yards Of Cresh- ed:Gravel On Highway From Luck, new W.: . • - " Work. has been ,underway for the past • week .in grayelling. )Pro- vincial tneknoY, to, Amberley"si Fred •Satidy'. tied .:jim *Sal- " . • . , keld of. Goderich, ,have the ,contract which cells ,for. some .two ,thousand 'yards of crushed 'gravel,' containing nothing' larger, than. Vt inch...rock And net ;More • then twenty-five per cent sand. G. H. 'Douglas - is engaged as Checker. at the pit And ,Dick McQikaig as inspector on the highway. e ' • Gravel is. being seaured in Tom Burn's pit' fill LuCkno.w. wherethe contradtors'have set up practically a. , . tew.crualria •.',V.liett the worKgoV.inte.. fair SWiiig 'the end of the week, feta. 4irucks w'ere engaged' in:hauling more than an.average of 150 ,yards a. day, sip- that about to weeks Was expec- ted to coniplete the jela. The erualier was beat by Thomas Sandy '& Sen. of Ooderich and is nte(14nnalia =ii!eftrS1-:*.74- twin tWenty-inee Crusher, cePable of putting through five litiedred yard§ of nih Material per day, operated.I3Y one man. The. plaht• drat, her itioitod find set,up withiti 4"cry short thrie; • P*ET. NOvis Unsoy Bread' *EH( END SPECIALS CREAM p(JFFS DOIJOHNUTS'..• CHELSEA -134.1.NS-• SI•API.E . CALL AT OUR ST.C.R.E AND .PROCURE'," ; BOOK. LIMITED .NtnuBBR.. •!!-- T•AYER, CAKFS JAM TARTS WA4ROT , 'TARTS A ' BREAD- DIET. • II3A.k ERY WEED CON'i*OL".1)ISCUSSED Al WELL ATTENDED MEETINGS.' . • ' - , • Menibers- of Municipal-.-- Councils, Road •Authorities, Weed .Inspectors and others •intereStecran .the welfare of the Comity and, ProYinee gathered in the board 'robin '• of "the Agricul- tural office, Clinton, last Wednesday far the purpose of . discussing The Weett.LCantrol problems of Weed ' Inspec- tors,, weed identification and eradica-' tiori also to hear aeggeation_ferl:int- proVements and 'to plan 'a -Provincial .Wide Cainpaign forr'1938. • , pprtance was evidenced V an atten- dance of fortyrtwo . at the morning session, and sixty .at the' afternoon session, both of which were presided: ever, by lan MacLeod, _Huron Conaty agricultziral repretentative." It Was the large:st attendance ever present at;:a weed meetipg .in the deanty., At a similar Meeting , in 'Walker- ton on, Thursday„ some sixty officials' throughout Bruce County Met to hear *radar, addresses. . Speaker's at .both meetings were, John " ,;MacLeod, • Department,: of, Agricelture,.. Toronto; Win. Wallace, Woodslee; • BrtuA ROBERTAnothei/ikthWtribAe IpTillene'er past aof-Bi ircej-couety-;Waa-broken,by-the- .death of Rpbt." Wraith, ef-Culroas, on May 12th, 1938; Only 12 days 'after his 84th birthday: He: is survited, in his :immediate- fainily by two sons. Walter and James; by two brothers, George and William; and. by tw%0 ,sisters,••Elizaheth,---(Mra.. Thos. Cui- - of Dungannon, and Alice, (Mrs. Walter Scott,), of Langside. Horn jn ICinlOsS Township on May lat;.1854',.son of Thoinas Wraith and Annie' MCManus, he spent his youth• on the :home farm; neer occupied by 4!,s: brother Wiltiam;:'. he lived there and labored .and ,attained a little schooling when ;the land was a vast pine forest and the wOlVes, ranged in:droves, In 1871 he, reineve'd as ferin hand to CerrokS Township. In 1876,1ie was married to Anne,. daugh- ter of the late Charles and Harriet' . • , Afta. year ._,speet_nn•.:WhaL.•,was then known as the-Manner'S farin; on the 8th Concession, the young couple rernoved.' to ,L,4 32, C.oricesSien.„10„ Culross, which .,was. their ..hinne,',fer•• the_zeinainder..of their days. It wea then a rough', uncultivated but fertile farm; by half - ii century. Of ceaseless toil they :made it fruitful' andvalu-. able .•,and gradually •eccemplished fin- ancial independence., . Although he was of only m4diurn build;:,13..oherC"Wraith, was one of the most. powerful- Men, ..physically, that l3ruce.. &panty produced! .his „prime he seal. ely knew hy, own: strength. ' Intellectually; he was •a Potentihl ,orator. And philosopher; but he lacked the appoaunity arid: the education: to develop. ,along these lines, Ilis ,Word was his bond; His integrity ' Wes never questioned..' ' • ' His wife died on January 21st, 19'36 after' a protracted period of failing health. He 'himself remained vigordus for his age .until only a few, Moritha ago.. His death' was due primariTy to heart weakness; and the tha Was as 0_0_40f:i1....as_ he . would _haven desirtid. . • • a — Takee Peri In, Drente Coriteit One ,of the Most: iiikesesting ' And eiiheational projects' spbnsied by th People of the Presbyterian Church thrroughout the ProvinCe• ke IIII51-6-":1 'ram • on est, he .Burns :of Milverian woe the 'silver Cup iii Stratford• Phsbytery, They titainatited `The Christmas Story;'', :Miss drace MaePherson, fo-iier1y of tuekilow tOOk 4.1 part' ii.1 'ttajg drama: Leading Minister, Son Former Resident Dies Dr. .TOhn MacKay, Principal Of Man- itoba College, Passes -Was Son' Of • Hector MacKay Formerly Of 144110W The 'following7article- records the death and life Work of Dr. John Matt- • Kay, formerly o EuclinoW. Hisfa- ther, the late Hector MacKay, Was a former resident .of the • Second of_. Kiiiloss and,Ineknow.' the family lived'adjoining the Presby-,' re 14.11. MacKay._acted., • as ,:caretaker. 'Aineeg:,the Surviving brothers and -, sisters, is his sister Belle, who . has .rnad,e her home with her brother for soMetime. In a letter to the Globe. , and, Mail, following ;his death, Rev • ;John Inkster p„aid, high tribute to .the% life and work of Dr. MacKay.., , Dr: John MacKay, ,principal of Manitoba College, recognized as : one - Of the leading educators .Of the Unit, ed Church of Canada, died in Win- nipeg last- week. He was in. his 68th Dr, MacKay, ' who fractured -.hip witen-he fell on Portage avenue Jan- Jary 26, had been'in hospital for 15 • weeka. "and- returned home 'feeling Much better. His death was due to a heart (attack. -. - • aa.- 7-1.1eliad--been at resident Win- nipeg since 1920 when he came, here from Vancouver to succeed Dr. Win.:' .Patrick as principal of Manitoba Dr. MacKay had a \wide ' range of -interestiAnd-his-ability--orr-the-speak- ing platform resulted in his being •-sought inall,Parts of Canada and the' ' United States. He was also known as. an author of • pate and, was, deeply :ntereste'd in Pacific relations.- . Born July 1, 1270; in Kintore, 03e - ford County, Ont., he was educated in his aatiVe villageand in Owen , Sound High Scheid: In 1894 he enter- ed the University of Toronto and : graduated with first class honors and was awarded the :governor-gefieral's gold rnedal. He :studied theology in Glasgow Uonsijgerraaidtyu,ateofqellovse.nFthis with a p In 1902 he was called to be min-, „ iater of Cresent • Street Presbyterian Church, Montreal, and his services •• were also utilizedits lecturer in the ' Presbyterian, College of .4Montreal. , ' In 1908, Dr. 'MacKay Was selected •' • t pheeoaudv. ear afterwards .ewtheological n ainedcollege y. minster Hall. He served as first pres- ident of the 'Peeific Coast Theological Conferenee,"' president of the Univ- ersity Club, and president-- of the. 'Canadian Club. . • " Later be was elected president of the .Asiociation of Canadian Clubs. He Was Model-attn. Of; the Presbyter- ian 'Synod of British Columbia. • .As head of Manitoba College, he introduced a correspondence .poSt-. graduate theological course, unique of its .kind, in whichji were ,enrolled rawly ministers, of ' other denominata. --- ions, 'Following ,establiehment..oirthe United .,:Church of Canada; Manitoba and Wesley.,collegea were united and Dr. MacKay was appointed to preside 'over . the theological •faculty. . • , - First opposedto church union; .he later modified his views and beeaete•a.,' a stauneh supporter Of it. lie Was a ".• contributor to The Round Table H bbert Journal', and many :Canadian • publications and 'prepared a special -study of the life of Christ in book . , • One son Mid a ilanghter survive.. , ELDERS INDUCTED • With a4PeCial ceremony, cOnduet- ,ed hy H. .MacDonald, Ort'Sun,'• , day morning, Messrs., W. W. Hilt, IleiitY Gardner, Dr. Jame Little and Camel -en MacDonald, Were inducted at -elders of the Lueknow -PreibYter, Anti Church.' • TRAINING -.crEN't Tv' GicibuATil 4 • ' • , Gi•eduation exercises Of the • aefa :Hanle 'Service Triiuiug, of the beminien•ProvinchtlIlYouth •. training 'pregriim were "ttecentry. held" in the IleSe Room 64 .the Y. W. C.A. toGill „St., Toronto. •Miss Jean Thorn' denklitee Of. • Mr, • and Mrs, E. Thom of St, Ilelens', was one of the gtednittet reeeiYiri h di t