HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-05-19, Page 4:OS*
Baby Chicks - 90% Pullets Coelierala,
BARREDROCKS 9 14 , 6 ,
, , ,
WE -CAN sinri3LY Ou §'TARTED. cuXoti AND
PULLETS AT RipuT, PRicEs;:, SEA• .1.1B.• AND
'PHONE -38 or 38W:
• -,-"WINGHAM ONT:,••
Miss. Vera Robb R, N. Ilea reterned
to London after spending a week at
; her home here. ,
Miss Maud MacKenzie Mrs. Mun-
roe and Miss Hawkins Of. Detroit
••,4isfted friends, here last week. '
-13/CrIOW- glOrtiNni,
Mr and Mrd. gebt. Hunter; Torente,
were'iweek-end guests of the former,
parents, Mr..and'Mrs. as ,Hunter.,
Mr Dioikl Sterling is ill with Omni,
mehia his (laughter, MisE.LLYia,
London, is at his bedside, .
'Mr, and Nfr,. W, BarrettofCalgarY,
are, spending a eQuPlejof weeks with
the ",latter's parents; Mr. and Mrs
Noble Harrigan, here. 4. • .
Rey G Kersey ancligrs,AerSey of
Kincardine celled on friend here on
Thursday .avehing. • "
1V1isses ,Gertrude and Alice: Hewitt
have returned 'from Kincardine.
"Shower" of gifts -Was -held on
• Friday afternoon at ,the United
Church parsonage for Miss V. 'Dills
and Miss V. Venablee.,who have bon.
/ eluded their Evangelistic Campaign
here and in Kincardine Ladled of
' Dr. R. B Dlirnin- and Mrs. Durnin
of Great Falls; Montane, is visiting
the former's brether, Mr. .R. J. bur -
Pin. •
' Mr, and Mrs, Geo, Rodgers,„ Mrs.
Pearl Powles and Mr. Wm: Bowers;
$t. Thomasiwere week -end Visitors
With Mr. and ,•Mrs. Max Heffman.
• , Mrs. Everett Errington, Isabelle
and Norzna are 4visiting With relatives
at Seaforth.„ • • • ,
It is expected that the 'sawing at
the Ratt saw -Mill will be completed
this week.
Mr aed Mrs. HarveyMele .visitee
their uncle, •Mr. Bert MeWhinney on
' •
'Clarks, 'Purple prove, Kinloss ..and
eecuPied the pulpit Of ".the Presby- Bervie were present,and a very PIefts-'
terian Church ;on Sunday morningant afternoon. was 'enjoyel.. ;'•
The evening •service was withdrawn. Many farmers in this locality .have
Mia Betty Bissett nurse in ttain- finished seeding '
ing in the, Goderich 'hospital spent Miss .1...Irwin of Waterford is visit-
, the hist two weeks' at her home ing at the parsonage:
, The, •Kintail branch of 'the women's .:Salvation Army 'workers of Wing-
. .
Institute met last Friday 'evening at ham ;canvassed the village on Thurs
the .home of Mrs Neil' MacDonald. day.
Las. year holiday traffic on Our streets and. highways ran UP a terrible
• toll of seven killed and 215 injured in 145 accidents! We must not have "
repetition . Year.
One thoughtless -move on your part may bring tragedy into your own ,
or somebody else's home. Before you take the wheel, therefcti.e, resolve
to Use the utmost Care on the highway, and to'observe every traffic rule.
times. -
-7-keep to the right hand)side of the road.'
li-Never pass another vehicle .on a curve,or any. point where
the viewis obstrueted.
—Do net park on the highway .
—Signal the car behind you in plenty of time before you t
--Observe all road Signs and siginds‘
—See that. your car is in safe driving conditiou.
In the name of humanity drive (*tidy on this, the first holiday of sumnieir.
Help make the highway i safe for yourself and others.,,,
tfyou.drinii,don't drive.
The hand 'Of the law' is dealing
severely ,with dnuiken. drivers.
The maximum penalty for driving
while drunk is three months' im-
prisonment. If you have taken -
even one drink, don't drive.
• Minister
, • .
• Mrs. ..Wm. Can:When is Visiting for
a -while with her friends,- Mr. and lira,
Joh • Mosa.
• .
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Errington,
'visited their daughter, Mrs. Wallace
Black; Goderich; last • Tuesday. They
Were accompanied byldra'Wm: Bray
who Visited her sisters-in-law, Mrs.
Stephen Miller, and ,Mrs. Copeland.
Mr. Fred Sandy, Goderich, Will
be engaged. with his stone crusher
nearby and will .make his home with.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Park.. •
• ,
• ,
• momE SCHEDULE :MAY 2411I
. .
Five ,Teams Entered -Four Teams In
_ .
Playoffs With Winnera'ContInuing
'le Playdewna. • •"„.
• , ,
.„Conveiled: .Lost':: :Week
Rev. C. H. MacDonald,Synod Moder-
ator, Conducted Installation Of New
QfficT8-7Pre.abYterlal TO Meet „In
I•meknew Next Year.
Although' the day 'Wag, dell, , it; did
Lecknew'e ;Maitland League' Juve-,,,
ride baseball teaniwiII inake their, de -
hut ,•her0, . next 'Tueidar,*afternOon,
.Ma,y 24th, when 'they open schedule
of the newly organized loop with.Dun-
gannon '' kids, as the opposition! .
It appears this will be the :only,or-
genized baseball here this seamier,
and the youngsters should become as
.popular onthe dimmed; as they were:
on the ice this 'past winter..
' For the early games at least; there
will. be no admission charge to the
'park; but n silver collection • will he
Six teams, are entered, Clinton,
Goderich, Dungannon,, Lucknoiv, Rip-
ley . and Winglzam. Four- teams will
-get into the playoffs With the lst and
';Ird Plate and the 2nd and Ind '4th •place
teinii meeting in •homaarid-home,
-c°,au.11-tthsreera.jegsi; The winners
and the league champs will then, con-
tinue in the, O. B. A. playdewns. A
.y.Tioner...Must_be declared.V.. the 6th
of August. yr: Wm. Fowler and Rey
Finlayson.s; attended 'Monday nights
Mrs: Helen' McFarland, who visited
het-, pareeta-^tdr;--end-'--Mrse-Cullep-
Pentlead; retained to her by bus
to Chicago. , • '" •
'' 'Mrs: Minnie Jones was visited. over
the week end ,by her ousins, Mr and
• Mrs. •Roht. Bates from Wiscoziabi.
Messrs., Raymond Brown aed. WM.
Mole,. spent Tuesday and Wednesday
of last vveek attending the Azightazi
' Chureh, Syned'in Louden. "
Mt, .ned Peen A.S".hh. dau-
ghter, Rose Marie 9f Ripley, visited'
'Mr. and Mrs. W..J". tobb on SendaY,
eot•preveet ladies taping out in large
numbers to the 24th anneal meeting
of Maitland Presbyterialof the W. M.
S. of the Presbyterian Church in Can,-
ada,at Ethel, on on. Tuesday, XittY; 144.
morning sessicni.,oPened, at to
k Nyith.the Presbyterial .Preeid;
int, Mrs. Kenneth ;MacLean, • Wing=
hafil, presiding. Warrn words of great,
, ing 'Were extended to. •the assembled
'.1a4athroabY0'hM!DDetailed and ndencouraging. )a*:' A''141a
teporte' were , received 'froni the sec-
retaries of each. breech of the work:,
Young Women's and ,Girls, Mrs: T. A.
Currie, Winginuni Mission Band, Mts.
J. S. • Armstrong, Teeewater; • Home
Helpers, .Mrs: A. A. 3; Sinipsoti,
Kin -
tail; SupplY, Mrs; Win: Douglas, Luck -
now; :Life Membership, Mrs. 'Harold.
Parker, Brussels; • Glad Tidings, Mrs.
S, Bowers, Ripley;' Library and Lit-
erattire, Miss C. Isbister, Winglutm;
Weldoiee and Welfare, Mrs. :Guthrie.
M. Olive
s show a
new Y. W. Auxiliary organized at
Ethel, increased inenibership. Brussels
has the banner MiSsien•Barici,,ia:num-
bet and.givings. lionne Helpers' open
a may for every woman to de soma,
thing. Supplies were bigger and bette •
consisting of •.clothing for, heirs and
gsairilSes oinf l'irteestioateunreee,"a,thquouilatato, '.dtotc.Y.ss;46e.t5c8.
almost doubled. deuhled..Welcome: and Welfare
work Wisstressed as being very, Mil
portent. The vice presidents, Mrs,
bialco m, rs.
rt. Davidson and .MrS., Williams re
potted goOd sectional -meetings filled
with inspiration to. "Ge Forward:" .
The report of the Finance secretary
and the Treasurer's Statement con-
tained- • a 'feeling of 'regret thatthe
allocation was not reaelied. :but, also
shoWed. that • nuntY of the auxiliaries
.had. an increase over the 'previous'
church Met -last Friday afternoon at
Mise Dreaney and :'engaged quilt-
ing' -kailt.'", • ,
funeral o te
The Iat'e. 'Ro bi
Wraith near" Teeswater, brother , of
Mrs. Theo.., Culbert, was attended on
Sunday 14 'Mrs.:Thos. ,Cel
bert, 'Mr.. and: Mrs ; Nelson Culbert,
gi..and,Miti. Jack: Errington, Mr, 11.
.Hall and. Mr: Thos. :Rivett. • , • •
'Kra C. Brown, was, Visited over
the week -end by. Mr Leonard Harris
, • ,
and daughter Ina of Exeter, and biro.
Jas Harris and son efLondon,
Mr; add, Mrs. 'Bean; Elaine,
Donald and Shirley from Carlow
, „ .
•-_,The W. 4. Ao. the .United' Chtirch
meets .at the home of Mts. Nellie
Stewart on Friday afternoon ;
Visitors 'With Mr.. and, Mrs Root
• Moore pe Sunda y: were Mr.' and 'Mts.
; Th0s." SandY, Goderich.MrMr. and Mrs.
001i-. eV/sr-drawn;
Up. ,
Ledknow genies era as f011Ois:
May 24.. -,-Dungannon `at Luchnow'
May 31 -Clinton -Clinton at LueknOW
June, 3-.Luckno* at ;
44 -le -4,ucknii* qnton.
, Juneat Lueknow
,1;Lticknow Winghain.
july".1-1Wingham pleknow
July 4.-Riplei.sit, Lucknew.
July 7--LueknoW at Dungannon
July 14:-.1.afektiow Goderich.
- The Bruce, League was split into
two groups groupa When • schedules were
draWn, Up :on ,Friday; night in
The Young ' VeoPle'a". meeting of
Olivet Sunday 'School Was. he'd in the
church On Wednesday evening May -
11th: ' The President, ,lean McGuire
In the 'ehair. There were 20' meinherf3 •
present. The :meeting Was, /Onendd' ii
.the naual, manner: After the ePen,ing
eXercises, Jessie Mec'harles ,,rtOok, •
Outrgeofthe toll ealland the read-
ing. of thi"ininntes. Reddie MeCharlea
read the Scripture Lesson. We Were
then. favored with•ft reading by Mrs.
W. J. RenIston. '.The topic was in
charge of Mrs. A. McTavish who gave •
us a very „interesting and helpful
talk . everyone e yed, Then'
'We had Rev. Me, Weir f Sttathroy
.givez us a very interesting, talk; We
'were glad, that he was .able to be .with
kis for our, last, nieetieg for this
son. He was our Paiter. eleven' years ,
ago. Rev'. Mr. _MacKenzie brought
our meeting to a elope with Prayer. '•
; Ther,e will be no Y:p.s.ineetings,
ing the • summer months; Any sports.
etc; for, the Summer will be in Cha.rge.
*of, our recreation, committee .
*allY friends were glad to see .Mrd.
Rev. Johnston from near London who
is visiting, awn:lg.:relatives and friends' • •
at Mrs., Rods 13Iacks and Mr: James
A number -ot*---•friends
in this com-
niunity ;Were sorry td learn.'"o4 Mts.
Lizzie ptree'VB operation In London
last week. She is Making good pro-
gress now, her home is in .Kinlatdine
Olivet W. M. S. • "
'The ,Olivet W. M. S: meeting was
held in the church On Thursday after- •
inion71Vrar '12tit-The -president,:-Mrs.----.,,
RI. Black teok the :chair for, the. first.
part of the 'meeting 'and took charge ,
'of • the liegizieSS-part.-There were -
menibcrs, present' and the roll call: Was
• ..*• * -7* • • • . •
. Font . intermediate "B" Clubs;
.QWen Sound, Meeford, Ilenover and
Chesley and .Wiarten, a .f,(3."
will .comprise:: the northern 'group.\ ;
Quart " i.ao
Sot 0 .60
Pint_ 035
/4 pita
Gives .spirkling beauty .and long
wearing protection Inwood and metal surfaces,
, ,
tnamel is the ideal' finish renewed lifp and
beauty to, shabby, lusterless furniture, Woodwork, toys,' boats,
garden equipment, etc. And it is"do easy to apply,. . . anyone
can uSe•it w0 Perfect results. Oows on snioothly, leaies..no
brush marks, and dries to a hard finish in four.hours.
Start right -now to briglite up yank; home with :1V1111614.Jse.,-,
Enamel. 'Being made of th hest TialitY,Materials it gives.,
hard tough . surface that, willretain its beauty under the
• hatilest usage. '26 gloriems 'colors to choose frivri. •
orteous$, ti
tic ow
•Wilfied"Nivens and
and Mrs. 'John Anderson,
Little June- Glenn, seven-year-old
daughter of Mr. and : Mrs. , Frani
Glenn, :had: the misfortune' to 'fall
'from the top of the family 'play house
and broke her arm between the elbow
'and , wrist," 'at the. beginning of the
The :Village and 'surrounding coun-
. • ,
try. were 'very much shocked
an sor-
ry to hersof the tragic death of
formerungannon boy, / WM. Fitz-
gerald, Who has been employed employed'tat
the Feed factory, Detroit,' for the
, ,
past 17 years. He was instantly killed
.last Friday afternoon, while driving
his am'. that hit a safety zone. He was
about 38 years of of age, and was the
only son of the late' Robt.' and. Jane
Fitzgerald.' His remains were brought
Lueknow to the home of his sister,
Mrs. Jas. Culbert, ,where service was
held on Wedneeday,-. with •inteinient",
at Greenhill 'cemetery,
Mrs: C. C. Brown received -word of
the de.ath, of her uncle, Mr. Warren
Hutchison on Sunday near Mitchell.
. Mrs. F. Drennan of Goderich , is
visiting her daughter, Mrs.
Ed. Scru-
ton, this Week:'
• ,•
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Moffatt •ad
. .
, .
two sons of. Union, were Sunday vis-
itors at the home of her mother, Mrs.
Richard Johnston. Johnston' , , • • ,,
Miss Esther Patton ..of VacknOW.,
Visited over Week -end at 'the borne
of lir. and. Mrs. Thos.. Anderson.
- Recent. visitors with Mr. and 'Mrs.
John Blake were: ,Mr. and Mrs..Caim,
eron Inglis and Jackie of Atwood,
-.Mr,,,and "Mrs: Olivet 'Stokestincl.D.on-
nie, and Mr.. Jack Metcalfe of Turn -
berry: •
Misses• Olive Kilpatrick and and lean
, Andersen' spent the , Week.eild in Tor,
ontO. " •
. The W. M. S. will hold their regular
inaeting- •2'afterneoli; at
the home,. of Mrs. Tenite Cranston.
Mt. and , Mrs. SI Steithers 'and
family and Miss Maty porton of At-
thur,, visited over the Week -end with
-Mt."land Henry Aertee': :., •
Mr. . and Mrs. the% Anderson; 011,Ve
and Gordon, spent ,Sunday afternoon
'Atli kr, and Mrs. Harvey 'Webb Of
St: Helena., ' • • '
Mt: Philo, Shackleton Of • Mount
Porest. Spent the Vireek-eed with his•
The .,sofithiirm, grou will consist of
, _
teams all given "C" rating, Wingham,
Teesivater, Rineardine and Part Elgiri.
- The two high. teama in each group'
Playing off for 'championship honors,
with the "C" wieners in..the south
meeting Wiarton.in the final series:. • •
* • e • ",
Slit Junior entries were received,
'1Plenford, $onthempten''•Chesley,
Paisley, Walkerton and Kincardine,
.plus •Owen Sound's juvenile entey.
•An effert is being made to have
Meaford enter Junior also, and in this
case :the, .Junior teams would Wonld he split
-into two :groups: ,
. -
If such Were',the Case, a local dub:
, •
could be Omitted., With ,minimum
of expense 'and.lvq:Siiee-Iike to !Use
Lucknew Juniata get. a. chance, ter.
there's some likely looking material
raong the. Junior46.144
. , •
, , • .
.Tennis Courts are in good Omit,
and .4 this sport can new.
set the gareein awing The ate-
.eetive,• points. out that. 'fees are now
due, at the rate of ,$2.410 for.pteViena
members and $1...611 for .new members:
Children . under 12 'Yeats 'are allow-
ta..free i.ese. of the, courts to, learn the
game;„ at any. iiine,„eourte-atanett.tes,'
qiiire.d by Paid '-eamideird:;,:.',
, Rev., W.;A. Williams brought .greet-.
inge.from•Meitiand presbytery whieb:
was in session in Ethel: ile Ommend-
ed,the W. M. for the fine Wel.k they
Were carrying. on ,Se successfully. due
: ..,
to right. liVing. , with God,. and living
close tocod.
.Pronptly at 1,30 Aleck the, pres-
ident 'called the afternoon- session
when deirotiend• were conducted ' by
Mrs; S. M. Scott", of Kincardine. Mei.
'Guthrie Reid, Teeiwater, the Preshy;
terialdelegixte±teithe7Provinciat W.
•M, S. held' recently 'at Galt, gave
very 'cleae,•coneise report of the meet-
• ings, the theme. • throughout being
"Forward with. Christ.",., Ates. Reid
outlined special items 'from the, var-
ious rePorts,•„peinting: out :the great
importance of some branches of the
Work. • .•`.• ; • 1
Mrs.. J. R. GteigiBluevale, •Corres-
ponding .Secretary, gave a very en -k,
coeraging report of the year's .work
within the, Presbyterial, spec-
mention of the happy co-operation
,betweenthe senior and junior auxil-
iaries and:' the prompt, correct manner
in which the secretaries had responded
At, this point a, solo by Miss' Sarah
K. MacLean, in her Very fine address
used aa:her,text "Love overflowing in
witnessing for Christ. ,
The gliest sneaker for the : occasion
wns Mrs. Douglas Wilkie, Of •'recs-
Water, formerly of ,Ferniciek Field;
Mrs, Wilkie; in'a Very. real, pleasant
Manner, painted such fine, Wordpicture
of . her work while . there, that one
woeldalmost see the hospital, eehools
and Happy Mouet., Leprosy 'icoleny.
around whiehher address was cent-
redteaching on. the effect of. the
earthquake in bringing souls: Christ
and the difficulties with; which the
missionaries.. have to contend through
the Japanese officials..Aintrestw-
part of- the afternoon pioran was
the presentation of the Mission Sand'
'awarde 44, Mts. J.! Armstrong, of
Teesivate,e, to Mies Dorothy -Arm-
strong, Of Brussels,for the best essay,
on the M. G. Abbey Idenierial Heine
at,Ainkluit, India, and Mission Band
exercise by the .Ethel Band:
Mrs.' Davidson; .01 Derigitiniozi
brought a report ,frona the Courtesies
committee. ' •
During' a short business session setsion an
invitation was extended by the
Auxiliary to to convene .there 'next
year.. This invitation was excepted.
Following the; report of -the -Nom-
inating Cominittee, 'Presented by Mrs,
Robert Mowbray of Whitechtirch, Rev.
C. II. ,MacDonald, of 'LucknoW,
erator of •the Synod of .Bamilton and
Londen,"&indileted.the installation. of
officers in a verY!'Solenin iniPreSaiv,e
manner.'" ' " ••.!
Offiers '
" Honorary 'PresidetiL-Mrs. Alex
Strachan, Bruasels:, President -,-Mrs;
K. Mae/Atilt, ist
* * * * * *
• --.
With a'. reyamped line' up„ and Bob
•ThomPsenon the „Inienid;the Town
team, On 'thavsday, get, revenge for
that doubleheader Baking ' the , week,
preVioes,• when they .walloped the
341001 team 18 to
'• Andthe end is not yet, so we heat
as another encounter Is likely to be
arranged for this afternoon.
With the exception of • :"Bud"
Thompson and MelvinMorrison, the
tebool-thzun' remained unchanged. -.-•.••
. The .t,own teem was, Alex McIntosh,
e; Bob Thompson, p,; Harold Greer,
.134 Biweed Solomon, 2nd; :Jack Fish-
er, SS& Mel.johnstek Ara; Outfield.
Elliott Webster, Fowler and Stew:
art Collyer.
. .
Thefeet that Many ic.". 024'a:hair
loOkk like 'ft smop (Vest*, :*i;irty, 'Sof;
potehiefit'S the *Atte, tet,iitle The te&
n• t,e •
retary, Mrs. ,Hreoke read t e mmu
-of the last Meeting. Then its Jean •
McGuire Was 'convenor for May s .
ing, she took charge Of the remainder ,
:Of the,,meeting.' She read a Peoill en- •
titled '"fA., Tribute To, Mettler" to 'Open, '
this part of the meeting. Mrs Black .• .
toOki.charge of, the Devetional. Leaf-
let. Y:fro. G. Brooks Very capably' took
'Amite . of Our Study Book. Mrs. Me
Gaire, our Temperance convenor, gave
es a very interestiek Temperance
.Talk. Then we had two well give
ports' by :Mrs:. M. Coiling; and ill .s.. ' •
H. ' 'Vegan. on The Convention .1108
Walkerton 'last Tuesday. Beth Mc :
TaVish ,favored lie with 4 saw.
Alex McTavish ,brought the :Meeting__Lj,
t0. a close • by, use of a prayer. . • ••
• The Maymeeting:charge':, Of
Jean 'McGuire and.' her group, Mrs. G.
Brooks, Mrs. Mrs. J. Bieck,Mrs. F. Mc
Charles and Beth McTavish. The next
meeting-willbe :held in June.
• • • ,
Vice McGee
Wingham:; 4th Vice Pres -Mrs W. 'A,
,Ariiiiwis;Cranbrook; 5th Viceprea.-
Mrs, D. Wilkie; Teeswatet; Teeaserer
"-Mrs. John' •Pollock, Whitecherchk.
Cor. Seey--idrs. J. R.:Grefg,.Blue.
vale; Rec. .Sec'7,-7-Mrs: W.; .3. .Mor'..
rison, Kincardine; Fin. Seey.-7Mrii.
Mowbray,/ Whitechurch; Mission .
Band Sec'y.-Mrs. J. S. Armstrong,
Teesweter; W. A. and Girls' Sec'y:
A. Currie, Winghaei; Home'
Helpers' Sec'yHkrs. A. A. J. Shiapson.
Kintail; Life" Membership
Mrs. H. Parker Brussels, Glad Tid-
ings ee'y.7•Mrs..S. Bowers, Ripley;.
Supply .See'y:-Litre. WM. Douglas,
Lucknowi:Welcome and Welfare Seey
Miss' Bean McLeod, South iKinlosst:,
Lititure and Literary7Miss'.C.
bester; Winghani; • Fess -Miss M. • .
Olive •BlueVale; Convenor�f
Neminating , Committee. --Mrs, R. •
'MowbraY, Whitechurch. ;
The Dedicatory Prayer, Was offered
by Mrs. MeWhinney, Dungannon, and
Miss Bean .McLeod closed the meeting -
„with 'prayer....'- .„ •
, :In the eyonieg a .Rally was held 'for
Young Women and Girls, with .the Y.
W. ,-Secretary, Mta, T. A. Collie, of--
Wingham,.'preiding. The, devotional
period was .conducted by. Mrs:, P.
Stewart; -Miss McLaughlin. .
itoll7Call'„-W, answered eY'represent-
,atives from Cranbrook, Ethel, Luck -
flow, Wingliane Goforth and and Merlon,
Whitechurch and Tees-
eeayeehai;oil: Itkivjvnitieap,biTehfeacgt7e4itt.
speaker; Mrs. Ekins, Hespler,•Was in-
troduced, . and .• delivere‘ an, earnest '
ifiessage young Stressing,
the point of 'giving our. beet to. the
Lord, first' our time, our talents and
OUr 1?°08sieha,' .
,Ifliss •Tennant, of Toronto,
Teen „Age Girls, ;Secretary, spoke '''ef . •
the close relationship of young people,
the daughters - were i' nieeting in the--. -
;religions and beliefs, that are beecini-!,
binagt•stb..O-tlenotni.tini on today. and !ley,/ to
-A. Pleasing sole by.Miss Myra Mac.
DeratIci; a duel by Miasee.
ItIn* Harrison and Betty' baynlianit
Winghain„ and a .chorus by the•Teeg-
Weter* .liferyyettes. Miss Mary King,
Winghani,.offered the .. Dedicatory
ing prayer.
oet.toitypord.,, Fisher the, 0103--
imreat8,, and Mrs. Norman Shack- dolt girl de°014 know what a Men Davidson, nuakeraloil; gitd • One hundred and iiiety4htee ladies
leton., ' Vice Pres. --•.Mies ' N. Malcolm, ICiii4.'reitistered for the afternoonlOn
' • -• like!
seas .,
. '