HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-05-19, Page 3'1; -74 imp 4101,00, 0 d -1=77 41 4 2- M 7--=7�' ............. As, O,f, F. I r es, V e. R a. W110i -#_t or "._0 0 C F Xaroltej�,M a baking.' sheet. )Brush w d ith milk, upg� child� teach "NOW IR infoL each best. 9 as o n B r has the old danil,0 got -pp ta-rild ?"-he, if you, h4y-.�., a.� yo, 064ed. er Eggs her'�to walk like all' indi4n,, w-th her.- #, Uer vill4lntitls Vy I LOJ, Irutt-z ed. Aland, wfi e, Iid PepPePP, ter; P4i�6 in.,hot.ovgnt .0nd. egg, is old 1114111-,, W4X, 40goWt" h 4 OM, feet �Argljej.,, And, CnOouragq, her -to d e.4_ with 've k W Serve s�j�roui e go's AtIll'a As'i soon ' AS' bhV; is old' t. Vat itb�p ttng�.,o sting"! e� quch,'tgs ci�oked. green$,. , jidqrful', for body strode dowu, the, st one -flagged, passage bnougll� This 'is wo, door con#9l and.',grae6. b�thrnlq 4nd- Nw - iIndl pastling open a heavy gaken ar e y9u, bAye,1ooked upollt .99,95 .45 disclosed. tbp,k1fch q, Rayp" Egg,Do f6lk" dancing exccoptit-, Eiji iinportgltit�'bqt' rather unint6r, ed,. ruddily, a�d Sh _expp -A bright 11 MjX..j,,/2 �Ups, In ni. w ite sauce.. irley T I leargpd- all these, a -family diet', R's -he 2. ver 'aild t I W It 3bed -table e5t no, p, W_ab +,�.,cup y _po , rt. of the of jgat64- c esi�,. cups, small ghild .4 t4b big, w1litely setut 'aul throughout. pim.ento, ch e h clitle, Ketl I'lCel-, gra Ott 0� 1,y tirke, to changd,of. thQ6 stood two ir4ys laden wft cool will makb her c prepEkratloaa are -dozens,- of ways ta'servP. thom Place. on I di gligges, audc and .1 cti� c, o her ift�. InEk Pell), more in d6pres- lc� tl teresting cheerful s4ngli ig 00m, two h.6 6�rrect Aikk,;varOneis all - 4 o en pla'ftex, To ppe eag -in T.he're, gre-9, qw.�- rp es, kettles, �Crid a,. lottd-voleed wall -clock AMOY I y the mothers' e an. afmost.� perf ect, foo1 oOt and -a. b hh't, are c 6r 0,i:o f iiwli fyour-pe IM61ted: e pA rove, d, if 1rus over wi., 0. 'nee d'e'd in them. th.-Wnr11F&1eyyq.Gurn. 'Keiii,yovir 'their hi Is in lu W, gath swi ripyer1po, la �:-�G hve"r gh quality and ��ouse, 'd ' . u 4 �et, -by Barlq. "orfg� lty fdr'..both t.Arinost everylel e hLl anallia .4or over alone rpka the stillness.; but of, �ji, per, an her of b Vr 2 �to -Wa �b- all e..c putting your: maint0hed- pur.ity 'ePt', Proqn(l.- "h;v supply .�Of B. k oWriglbj?S- Quin. Digby stared. 111 4 t is h an, an a'- sm ilildc oyon' bil� f aeing, e wall f b Ant fat dre he delicioiss-rp- �toes �a do 't en th6 ded6rtM inillions d6 ,Th aino ht. 9 III frojIt.9 t q irt also lov�- and'tiy)..Qf your nose u �fery st a amst 'It. cn ringe,an essayed -the; se J' be, 'ge ibje.''The yolk is ri& in iron.for 1;reshi�g'fi��o�of,Wii�ley'sooubtti your� ;Irm5. raisea h6jj�e today,., C, Mi -,and -the �a. h . . I 'gP*t, ben bows d red -blood co. nt. Take sprae.l. t01 a I d e r hei t lie A.A A A. A-. A that., * they 1w d the ql a outt, a, dim, dark:4,pEkrt4)exi.,..,.�.r-..11.ing i5f gr * ease aird'donlestle xnatters.1 p,,9sphoiVPs contetit.,is al4o Qopk' 4 ounces, 'of medium. or ne, Add to ern I t the wall. When. you� start dIled' agalfi� kreat., vA oodles and 'drain. ar ow, e, C lue to the man cup. Mrs, 131 .1 I "' h 'ib ;qpply of. u mediuni white. .9 gain "What, 'happened to th place*� ls� I I Eggs also have, a,' d Ramins anit 0. an grated large P; 0ur ear, shout er hip and .�vdryone� sptr ted away.,"., C rbed' ntep, 411' should -b in strailit', hai,d c6t)ked egg, chop, ots. inIiento, of 'vitamin' -D e -14sUnsihjfie7 �bopp,0,. 1 m A Moving, Can4j!t lways',lead-'With y6l�ir thigh line. Ach nd"§eas6hing sauce to tgstc 190W 0 ed the vitamin ur li.�ef­ 6rst, n�i prev6nts I ped n PqWder ylp St bringing 9 down g: his .,Most, house ive Lioe 4:jndividu dishea-w-j y �he �,t,egaih a pref er white eggs, at bAi , �a W a never' in 2 eggs t "Jenti c eits� Bi,e.ak 'neq hill. 9 the 0 ohouse, and: entered the, qutrpp 'e ive) , n polf -y ur. welglk co ridor leaOing, to the front of llave� is broWn, -but f, t "'00 ved th b 'exactly; tb of ed�h dish. ase� twa to - d Foi to tho ball, of "Your -foot., Follow. tkq� 4 axn'4, 'of fain't jr, I pro �e � - tff e 6t; voi: Sub3titlUte, Foilm, wak 0a of Wood een Seas � - � 11 - - . ! .;,! d, c 0 7�!�o a0 a, 10 ehr, and! lid' dre,. s4me in cill4i.lity And, t4ste. The' col-�- 13 Ill.t. gge,p), e set. a -as n ught; h1s h* A''Into tlie.shadblv may, S�� h othLL _A0__A0_ g feet in, h straight me,. 'of the Ii Imagine that yoll;,A"re� balanciog so ing on.our e -n�� !it hall. I o1k. - Yolk that �4st ina. 8.erve nl�ietb m#b. or of t ie' -y Toro,. no. one to �h.e., seen., Ev�. cO 01' 1! . _ u A , 1. - I., stbe.result of.the type' 1-f nitj,s�V60)71 soup PIT as an Off.petive-s b Vt te. tor. liver or, was, 'he into ov' '-dish',and ths, tteat- "Perfea Balaiage, ;just, 4s haIi 1bb he eats. or serving dried 4torriach extracts itn. d'� pn . .1 .� li-ere-'.4re'some new a Pare Y6 --sc-lrape a! Vbur i ;,pan p.qrn cious anaemiat wa. 'down, corre t food 4'ak 4 t 6lightul beAt. eggs into dish ment, 6f e, 1�.� remem e To 4t Ing, at thtb up- s to the v�el­�krltQwn "hen in' eggs pol'ted: --before obt a little, nolst;_came-catitiously as anplace. irr.ove. nearer to ex g,011 lak-�: Inkle. thi�ik 1111 A t1a the American '�bgjr than'the other one. Throw ionleoiie,;waii breisin: ning.jio' set." Spi City*. N.J., of' yq4r and �r est It t and sit i.&urn. o: over onto tliat 'foo gl�ated- ,society. or Clinical Illy gati6fl '6y� -E chee�,� 1 1 .. � ; your:.veig i ate ai .11i r' hands re-� r W Ite fciirdeir It vvith.�dIfficult''tu 16b a- 1 g- -h -t -aTW7W _:v� i th U.. ggs In Xesis pq 4,00 t p uireil, lWtirnori-. e. flom p 0, 'sition ifo� you;� anbl 4 'Ar�sl e hot r'l n. M. The �`est-, p aathe d o :'�f f over. Six pproong' suffering r.oib. pern.461 upon -:p hands. �rben Oeated is:'either -i,n our ihodgh b, rra.ngeii�,ent, toli ve�� te Thii Wai�d -and jl�ilshed surface. re: onion, 2" te"�d'ions chopped, -pLrm -yne y ouLaRAgn1j[p _r, _d, �one flected ..a t ave. When. you' are nrl ith h*scene'in an brielf secon a., su6eessf the, �a Kparsle ea 11 , The'Istory 00e, teil candle.. al been tre-a�tdd evon- ryour chair. D eeding thein a� Yefast. !"MYSTICU'S", , _ 0. mer h -p -saw-.'t.hat -it. Was. Tnov-.", 2/3- '011p grated" che6se., MiN, we ll:Ktel�, nf. 'with, 11.5ing. "from -'the chai.e, 'pii$b up e-ly,alar'min, 1 'r . WeIgnU._W,. -artiste v� th a gr t. e at giff. fdr-1coming pearl*, a'tq §ir�rfi in o i e �:miik---4nd easohink if. y a Brit S. '!ad -hisoturri d, ib 6. re . brokel the *elrd I.dwjjn haj' fiA'ished spee edt ittvIl The, yejatiis-�qw go forwara. fot This - (TO wit s beed-bonef i8prinkle �shellll' with s Vl' lnEf6b6 said tonl9td t, onto your --de 1ect b4tiance, and.,:: .1 .. r _. . yeast I glyc" you m ll� - yo,ung i will,,not- give- t y utes',t� dri $1 e UP. t Long- rawti rn Ill..' bays'. 'cur L * --a he w 'd d min - h hi brother.,. who 4 pepper in to edcji,. , f raok& te b1bod in, their. unearthl in, Me. -of 'hoti'st"ll;­ yours givili thd: sa -Vetileficial, ir. en e,avqv,rirtj...- gg-into. cakes elf otit of -6 piteh'alid lIrid.r..break:11,.-e, n- whil �h he - ..h ic gq estifts 91' t c t himsel't ln� V oAmp . fig high in -each. Sek.; home. 16 to liepj�er myst=4, of ers to ta a inor and susUctiled howl t timej-Dr, Wintrobe it .1n,-rhoderdte, c ty th entry of -tomato,. �Balcb uild, ''Po�r:. T4 Ri6sult `-Gover W top lic6 of the 'Arii find b6tte%, '..En9lhrtd,--but the conversaticn-As -17* Crash In Th'&'j_D.qrk l,ve U,n� .addeA thai ani vcgetatv:�_ niatie'r. has, Beth three, men, irst tliey,:'heltrd��..�ei3xiigd�.'t� The f be 0 tomatoes are tulider an'd' cggs� d., thtit; a !oil way 'i ked. w h s off. but the sedo.jd of 6ioua- itiiaemia. The' .:-�eas i1m who;, -peddudin Serve it -filu hro f I �Ldetitiabi, Diet' w. oill e...y'qunger' 'man-,cdme away, ith' 'pear.ed to be as though -treatmeni. would h' -rnudii: nearer; cheese sc be��iliiltib V 11 . . , 'I I' i-*,o.r libi efuses'a'nd the ola i bl�&th- .. 1. .. . . . . the the. liowltrig bound eould.'be' lax" ded expeusive %than t ie M. He r cied it, thi `11A grounds. of 0 . wia . Croff. -au 'the re i Ct Ain s De've(0i'NUkjei;. F iiot and lifi for. dca4 are.s herd..'-wag.ho�doubt%at all'about the btho�.,Ma6'Strong, ones 7S SO of 1: 06 1 t - f4de the.,.i 2 ups, di.1 9L 1aps'e� and, the -scene. niix:t it Wals: 6 m ou by, is, 6hango -!to .,,an 014 hour-li Owl's do soup� It's -a provea, now Ailuted sobp roftj -on the. -East Cbast"6f. mlrigl"d. 'Fin;a S, Uge; KLULLLUr:�WLLe-�L t or .1 cup �Ul 44 ­Wnd tusp4ted':Oy s6nie,-oi us -'for.- 1 cup''water. - bj an e�con- -ed RUnteri. ;,00' h 'b It ha-s.'beLen e, adteeth-Umallyi:- R 'K' l5tdo -bigpy' �)iail fialf,rl4eu -from'his ric, m4in to.,his nephew,..F, AN �cup dry'. -bread .6k.un of.our -genatj,6p.ape1.�he r-6st:.. eit,in culi cooked BY,.'who,., on taking, pb1sad.ssion. of kbe -and-- gripped Mite'r, by'thd arni. i'stiing b6dils a -do -we i1bigpo6n" U -0:4AP.IL . 'vTh6.:h6und-* -?tb6�9bC6 A47 , 0.4r, paildjits-thougar T, P, y NN, e -ing iivp K% Auate., diet. w ien we. re -young 1red"otit iiegIi6te,d.'-piar.,, is ajmo'st.. sc. stly ho4ind., 0 0 _F, a he I � . .� t 'us everything of his wits - b� what se'em to, Pqy,. Id Shag�6uf';, g4sp.ed.,111. 0-11%:you, it now 1 t, .16 happe-ings.. spot L 1Lll0W­ t h seems Wey silhijAy. D en list$, j* e hel p 'of,'M th I's 4 cup ­�ated there's &.,Ourse on ouse.," 111KRY.,A e d -e, are aware The ay,i i% -strong- bonei` othei's- KUNT47-1, -.�w.h.o -has a,'reputatl)n -for. �order- men- tace was w lite and -drawn Arid �. lie -alli KWO ME1 na 'p6tir''ifito-loilea alang. -i. 6, ane 04intidergd.ing fe&t: a b Q. te i.rivstigillO 06'tl ake si�6ke 'as. one wh 9 i e energy develop' must es; ere; -dish. CA1dally bieak -4:. eggs 'inta", ...up. residen.ce at'�,Owlla Croft, where' rhpntal �sjrain. b,�' e.1derly-cott- .4 W. -al cried. -lunter., I' -a sharp ap dis.euse, Clix 6 n- need 'ese. p1d"MR. a d M "S.'13ARLOW.- t166 ve sprin� _Vo are 86t.: 'Sot foods dai �;i-6W -an d,: It Dig, 1,,� t 6 ch 0 ese. ;�O�pf. an. 'U n a ory,--but P 'ac orv� aqe Un C. Mi I &r r its r servan 9 he engitges- ave -no gas.... �e. must 'Me' firIft that v0thc lectricity. out 0 A 'Ptaser.' -4ppoin(6' dency of. Christie,, VroWn nd dlldrei,'�. diets - '&a. 160ed I o �One� �peqlktsi r fute, Mus t� , stay;. hre,'.' explained Digby. -t light 'd bpkj'jig -d1sh Iiyers E., Edmond On the first' evening -of H uh.terls, 'the !anip 6mpany,, Limj.tpdj1r.9uc.e6edJ0e'Chas. s,,who'be�onies Charn PI, e, t tjl6n sli be s&ys thAtthe, �lxllqa P01 �,11 . iard-co.ok'edl `eggg' id's n tthle i 6 Un4cco'Unt- to,,ii aide -tabl&. o. oa . of -Directo r stay I housejhere-a� 'the.1B id tile %ize 0;'blundeved afte alin, o :,the �,qbi upi§&tlnj� pottery va se 'the. daek- '�j s�er- Ontario able n6isist� an.0 ringing., of Fr-a -a iiative' of Aitllur �ie'e-�Prsldcn t 'Ill. arl-d grated,, c ieese ijsillg-�'11�1 cups a band.'Y :'r'4� .0 cant.fy, ththqk- happen to qn. -a 4 n, ars': -ex-. egs and- eauart of Milk n erlt e hst eight, yeal a$: many e .1 du p ch cc charge d'. h Picture of..' a pr1eit P�Ie*�.ilyll f�oi- ""W 'at 4 fool I dm!".he continued with' �'sa. ce; in biscuit inaix�facturing 'SeAqbn each pep�er' cfiiid, neeas..,Wt quarx s eps -are "Of courpe, �and dots of u 't h eill O.d outside- the. 114'rry a*6 poakei tok.ch-, in,� tte�;i . jP'du,r /2 claps f-iXillk ,day. - T is �e�a not iny sqcye apy. e ill o Nv i 't e 9 a c t stumbling aer t h di drunk titleftl� �Wjth a. Ruuter:,and Digbk: iisiO�edl a a at' I mixted'witi) s, Ice, &eam -sini-. tumbled. ani6n Isom a 7 with:­U'eup ;Su6es., custa.l' % .1 ;,KE.RVESj " P �, " apartment he g e P.. Tj le 'd t heir sister. Th t tiie crumbs d ."for. -the, 'votes rose* -JL ol�rklned .hearing ers pil: a d6ski;, ahillhen, lumpliantly A 0 -'e iii mod' le -pud jngs iand.-on In good for its ininera a,lia..." 1. niiii the' 1 -twins dir...Lon. o eratei�,oyqrl until 'top roNyns. e: Fruti.. is 11 -the hall.' WOT N �vho a Ight, over N%, h'toniato sa�ce, content a hani en y ng away to' 'it ' - t " ' r'6so :G rtied' h-olb ii o'b'd -tell In, strange fashion now -full -findl;g flksh--lamp -sent a bditin"of a b Sev� ALM ank fi, d d' oft6h, .to the al- er home. They'll evejy wIIjsp6r.'It- w'as aii uncanny for you, exc alme Good 1* d kiiinter,.. to. ar 6hild 9 ughbol An6tiffi-m;-iN,bo n . nr., iay., -anli W_a are -ed ta Ing' h pockiet torch andi.ftgs li,, zte-1A d' d �nail, QL�d e�eaIf4-. k t e Uny Uus;uAl Mistak6'P Toinato t�ij - who y Ybdis of very ie' b6ain to War_d s, ,t e in hat's-Tho-Wor3t.of 60 have �ideaclie -du Melt tblesp ris d II " eadathe vtrOgii eipe''rienpeo',"t'duld ribt llnd'an� h edluifi. TWi . n, '.11ohour, who ha.4'the, air of the: ol� biAter 'an III tb( ruitq:4 ikig i T lie b i C circle.. oo light fflumin- Wi . f 4ii rb �he; da'y Tb6 fias� iricul� 0 he W hour those ty.iii,percua toi stirring. ui antti%, al'so ding her eb�l t6' to this- scen6'In ljl�i kted ever�- 'detaill of 'kii old-fashlo�dj der.slater, s Ider i1jan. d e' "Wait I.hear.1 :iii he r it rank Thtir-.. til., 'Add :V1 te.a. 'tables', icaq ail D, a 17ieather4 Seated armchair, F -eklora� III1101111 Crdnst6n leane again no o1r. Tfi.6 chair man,.of 46tighbbrugIi, -put figure of d O'We're. gettInk i bit tired.'of.. this �theri. as %N on'hisi'be;i,, -d�- j fr�litl in hiLs diei spocln dry Inwaiting A)ld lisionifig attittift. t's A`116 *It' I�d Hine so e as middle ag6d �caqpoon pep, liar ',Ao ex egetables WAA elillpty, -suit;. bdught'-some flowers. and. proog llx�up: I h -in t1ling, , I . ' ' h pl�r "ana, V lmportant� O�t�146 �t� : howt the �'wind'; and 7 bng g r1j. -is -ed 9 iiild 44 -the tWo'nIen. -atared in. b, 11 , happen a lank di like-rthis 6. to 'the wr 1, - I III e� the r I U Aloppz;L 'C'60k, 1-6iti- 1)..Cr I c it C'e eat mine agath the -didn't nov...tiutil i"Their mo . tht�r I oboked.. fiailic�, %vill, find h 6 e 66 1' . k ; . 4 as aqed WdIrd Y,: its izement ther .146 Wd, "I't was wor'se, F orife Prqe. S, grat-Od elleose and -all hap tooth atiti- 1rim:This is'llovk" It pontd!­.' -ca 1k I hound. eTheir "fatlir of that myster ous h A'child b 0 t." 71n Ile g iateilla The ddil-6f never s,inin& which g4tct: '11-found'Dr. Puildlin Old ha proposed- to was prettY, once o old sb6uld one ti� e liT he p -a Vefti: over to Imild'itile tioll, my d, colldi e he' w, as d, "G.00d�by6 Honour otip. HT ner�es:- wen urlit -IAPT ,rNG CI rung -i,th6 d Vstllqs�.but nliait �to: ajk, looks just the AM ye Pre ean, ea.. W061,011 till U he .11) a �#d '11 L" ECZENA, eiosity m4y:�M jciiptit' ev. b th" to e, imulated Y'.itt Odle 8erYl F11 al dc It.turn. p D,4y. pf ;Your In Wh� at'the door, -aid:.reliief frond this �ohditioif- e beautikdl.',� b1 wa8hing .:.r rom ad t6:Fe%',.4,' i peering �In o he gfti,deb 'the d lveh nd, Elbnoiir areAwIns, they They jug made. the s,. jieArby: drug�is;� to(1a3-.` . , L' - . I 1 .1 t I . d wslleatin a n d talk, alike', Alm t C16 hk alik��, -and-,' they 'PEI] C6011 lob e ege Gir 6red. UP left by� '.pin . dl�r 'clot ie e� tro ble U. the. last dihi light.'edthatt: 111,11r- we, '1�jlf u e igge Us s'to tell� W4 ttin Bi _over� W. e been I'm V Was Neevous' hIc44t ould-hdv' The"" williton, Ont.,writes, '610 f_or'au� to 1-J'Ass if Itholit Sl�, A �bli Phy6ch 'l11VJyhUsb0ndfvascov-:,. drid ibitji 4-�ema-fi,6ft- noueT, llg'-u lei' r' hetold liep T,�110r,Than 'Thelk M'01:6r Ai.66 6�ktile'M6 efid'of flie gnden in fh'e bally" Sidfo!j, Lon, tiied&l-ze 4,ji-.1148 11b, could d62een:ihe oq'tljt4 of a, ttiiii� n oabotit1t. age 4.6 Wed three b� zs�.. ble- "o a y a sum. ne -inci d w- old, buildftig-�ievideuti of to 'IN t ckaring alul now 'HEW t, hll. th�ir ma 'a tiiid. "AnyWay et'abolit OU td:foi ezi Iftla e I" bL ' jl� jitj sow as possib 6ifhis badk.'! b I .1 ca in a ysicl 1161-Zemi ;a an ent"' I w I 'We Y, Pee s h6rriffed when 11onbiir.a It. ticatnient I W(i L . A O� '1708 llibll, br'e6genih "d.kindred skib -6d me*Nv',Iiat-I Meant'by, proposing t "Do, Y,oti, ineith, you t1iffik fie is a o �,oirding to Miss kelen, Pi-. 0 'i%666 d ake I] eduda W "e d 39 -re C lmi&&Wy. n,m 3, of - tioti i(I[so ears,j# a e shadow of %$69pidloir pp vo_ oiilq� ti, co UP UKE �t" the'nionlent,,' retut H4utet. Belw& a, is neo-greAsy-hag a pleaa� n9 tile jtr�t odout­drie§ � quiqkly-does not,,, `1Y6U fflikd 09 the to KE house). WA I it, iccorkill g4. 0s t1lat e dise6lotw clahjng or bed .6cii it dift,. sIly, widi witr& or"Oold And Mint op�ed o; 0 �tjb'� ayve a even in extreme CRAW, is � soothifig �.dn& n6ii-irfktAtinig the UE MAN Water beeY adjoining 'bigbi shivered and deelae,4 to kol" P661 Putt a ic' ik g Lj'rette- i-bbaoo low his fridlid-and'4040he, f4j6urdbf TirM, bull tHeaty" Mvift"94. 116t�vd- tji�rqt S Y. by 10�jor Cenitrikts Trial keep" �Yodr lim heAtfit, sla yovi I Fod.- 80 yeal's la))(l �Stanf&d �uli had *him N 6 S of, Tr . . ........ "Izeiint "Otten", *wr Hite ii, out �6[ 6kiler. V56-H-UnteNTU tuctloil 8 ToW lier -desk 11ho'blood'of Poisons WAMPO V h, jaw to he Must inA6 sothe sort of 'a a nolutilt ids "do sd&r6h for 'ClrAliston. d, ifft,thin' Is Ilghtoll lid hiutterod, ea hilt, ",be Y,11 to'"supply, It by bvdry z,holps siornsic kidntyi'l0ind 13,EL E M, Mani in thht qua wl. t,eiiiiiieh It k 16110i2 fav 1106d t a r inAdb tron litits hiths, ivill'strelligthetil holgI I t (N, 1, lik 14 allidUlld tip your iver a nothing else will., you sito et�q, tall SAII 0A I)OW bra hd16stleko.. "ied how W611 loll, All' he bali'da � I 'Q 6 ft V Illy, YWI _'44hobd Idalu, 'to tile kitchmi, T