HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-05-19, Page 2;1 114•144m•sesie....ome”*.4,..11,04.40,H1“04010"!!!!!"1"...5114.6•141 LESSON Vill , 0,k13,V.INq THROUGH CHRISTIANCITIZENSHIP. ' ' • Mar . 12:1$1.2?, ' Golden Shalt: love • thy '-lotghbor as thyael&" .Mark 12:31. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING .of pASsiolt , • pace...,--jerusitieni. • Andthey• Send apt° certaih....,of the Bharieeee;tiateof• the; ,iker--lt4e.;'' thatthey 1411:04'..qt01.11114.11.14: .hind thia,Taelicioue: ihrp.ose.,:ortbese 'PaPPeeettly, •liOnerable. inett:Wali„-4 'hat: • red P. Of ,had'ttfready..prejedfccd. ItiaeadO; ..and had ,cloped,the.mirida Of these men•,te; thi5. truthfulness of his teaching and the realityf of his •lifesalalishiP,Thede :emisaarieS• Were e/hoseh,.tiechuse they oceupled:"different. :sides of the:411es, t...J 'leans. On, the qnes- tien of the paying of tribute, With all the corollaries, they wonIel be divided,. and Jeans, raus:i,oitend one • Or the COP hidl•answer. ;;The.,iferotliahsr felt; ' ed 'the•RoMan `AX:, .' While the, Phari! eadi opposed it •cantinuallY denianding for the .Iewish:PeOP11,, 'complete Inde- pendence, , of, Rome,. . A.::,,POnVerer,tizinal**rap' .• it And when they Were .cOine, they say .unto hira, Teacher,we, know that ' thou art true An unconscious witness to the.impreasion •Whieh,Christ's. life and teachinghad left, ,even, upon:one: mies. And caredt'' not for ,any one, , hAd.ahoWn' little COnsideratiah for rneii of leariiing and hierarchic: rank, •-doubtless 'equally indit- terent to the procurator and the em- pdror Ininself.,..,.Fer:,thonregardest net, •'tht.persoh„of inen.,,...„That:is 'a peraoa's, ,''.••OutWard-an'Pearafice'OY'paSititi.-.•tlit 7-7-Or4h- b4reib.W.711h01, way. of pod. •Thel. '.4rrafiged: with • the y,L,w..of disarming. suspicion, ,and • at the same time: preVenting, ea, cape.,They luring jeans to ,work 'hie Own 'destruction by „rneand., of :an, unguarded', statement -he ,:Mig,ht to -give:. tribute ',:nata daepar;' or. -not? 1. Shill. We give Or. shall we -hot .gIve T. The great rebel- lion against, Rome, -heeded': by ,.,Itidas• of -Galilee (Acts .5:37.)., hadforits war - cry, •Is r lawftl to • pay, •ttibIte , , to, Caesar." . JeN.vish"patriota. denogne, ed the nayment of tribute. I Christ. . said` hid accusers. would de, lietnice ;bun 'tck:,•,the :people. as an pressor. ' they coidd:.acciise '. him to the Romans ,aa'a rebel. But he, knowlng their: .hYpOeriay. :The -Ward-:',71:'-hYPOMIs:-"---ineans--11,terallY:- '1.4.ietingt''.,.salo•iinto".the*,".,Why :Make, '1:1rini me aTilenarlua: see Thelenarius is 'die , . name :of the mast; simple Raman coin . whfch thrtrigh the empire; , , cc.z .Were made. up. : ,,A., denarms weer, in 'the time, Of ..Otin.ierd,' the, dailY. wage •;,ef.: a laborer 16. kiid: they' brought it. ' • he .1liaith'aitto.theni,.*hoSe.ia: this ,linage And superscription? The image.. Of. Course,..Was the head of OapSai..ptacaP-; .'cI„ on; the.; con, while the 'emperacrip-: -.Hon .Ofisisted .of the Latin Words ;our-, younding...the -image oil, the edge. Of. the -‘C614:•:.. And'they Said nate: .hihi,' Caesar'. . All ',1"tonien,•.emPerers.“ were Called, Cat sar, • ,The... • , was Tiberius; answer Was pe- eulieriY.complete The Pharisees had •whose coin is "Current L- king of . • • , • . . . • Ttle.'171ings 'Tflott,re•.00psaes 11: And: jeans said unto tifeni,.Ren- der unto Caesar.....theLthings.-that.ate CacSars..atid,unt6 God the thingatliat are ;God's.. -When, jeans ' relined to their. ottestien; le: made :it a matter, ' of payment, :Saying would pret .strictly,."Pay ,to. the „,,Rainan gov- ernment , They' 'Meth- belVes."were. tacitlY •ieCtignizing the ..government, And .availing theniselv,es . of their .privileges under it•.h.Y. • its Coin, and that left .them. no Pretext , ;for ;denying • its -rights,- ,Iesha went la:'lk,yond what the...PhariSeea and lierocliand•eVer'eXpected.,in,aneWering .,One's, entire day of • lifeis not defined by his relationship to :goVernment, . "The things, of God" are all that our. relationship to hint hi- iblvedy 'con trition,., : faith, 'love, wOrohip • • • • • • • • • . , obedienCe:, , • • , ; 'And if 'blest O • f' Ali he• demands. the lavoiL4he...ltear.‘,"ttlii,cznarr,-,het.a,alSot••••ho'f• Can ask,Whoso ireage and..dhperSerip- :lion is. tlajer For in the image of God made, he ,inan.. And, they tha.rVelled, , greatly at him.... They ;WOndered,..Per- haps,, ' not so ,finich'at, the profound ' trtfat:or:the wortit•wafelf.ther 'could 'scarcely.. have realize4,as, it,./ the' fib'- . Settee in thenof anything :oh which ..they'COuld. lay 'hold., •••.,;.• Greatest Yeertieriandelenta.. 8. And and of the scribes carne,.and ••ittiestIoning together' . and. v.kitoWing• that be had .ansWered theni ; asked,flini. ;The 'do'ribe tully re - Cognized the suntan% qualities -of .3.& , IU8 teaching' and the rensark4e:' •.! question that ,had been 'Caked. Nxili,s,t•• " rillnahdnient is•the first of Mir. To. 1111 ersiand'ilfe. tkileition and the :anti. Wet. *a must recall that the rabbis Counted .tie 'dila than 61:3' Ceninialid, *Mk 248• POBItiVe; 365. negative., Solite :niegfifilbdt the :0Canniandinents the acr11ices, others the 4b, k , • , 'teaching of the First .aild Secead. COM:- maticlreenta.',"Thia sentence absolutely -PruMhits. the recognition, of any. gods' but the WM true OA, and the worship 'et. any being ether than. God himself. .3Q, And thou shalt love, the Lord thy ,Gad,, 'Thle is a quotation 'trona Dent, and, as Rabbl IIertz has gala larthefir.at instance in •,liturtan history that ,the leye. of God 'was ,de - bath • others 'the mw and regu- lations; about:cireninelsion.• ,.. 2.9...Teane answered, The .ilrat the. Lord our God, the- Loid ie one. .This verse !Urns, up,the nianded In any i-eligiou.:• The love .of qod. is the-distinetive..nterig'Ot. his 0.14 .werehinnere, Love of Gatv• must. be the rontebrue pf knowledge ',of .God." ' ,With all.: thyheart; and with • all thy $0n):and with all ,thY,,mind; and with all thy strength. . The'. first phrase .means that there is :to .,be no Part of our.•heart which. does pot 'love God., In theTsychology Of the ancient Hebrews the "soul" Was the organ of the de- sires. And affections, The "inind!'.here would seem to refer to the faCuity- of thought itself: When i've are told to love the. Lord with all of, our strength, it means thar we .are to yield tO him all th.e forge. and ,power •Whiph resides in ear being,especially in Our bodies.: .The'lteeping of all laws should he Dr- tiVed by lore; .Ig it is not, then. the value of..,otiedience is lost. Every •din is a violation Of the law of love, andevery grace and virtue Is an ex:-: presainh of love 111 rope or other .tot.fts, many 'aspects.; • . • 31. The second is this, Thou shalt love tbY ,neighbor. .as thyaelf,....:There none'': ether •Coniniandifient- greater than, The scribe did not ask for the. seeond' 'Commandment but the s a ement isincomplete without This :second: .e;-.tortieridnient. 'does, not stand in . the Old Testainent. In • the ,eatitniahding yeeitlea 'et. the ...digt,' but is trotight incidentally- in Lei: .1.8:18, Where •;:naoreoyer, • ".neighbonr". is •:eVidehily''restrieted, to a brotliir •i•e:W., • Jesus .Puta it, in 'a . conerna,nding Ptiaitien andiWiclens the Meaning, of '"rieighbOur" to "Iellow 1111111." 32. And . the ,scribe..said; unto, him, Of ,*:a •trnth;.•Teacher,.., then hast well .qP'-id 'that...bele One; and.there is none :Other. but he. -, 33.. And to:. hive ..him' „With ,.a11 the heart and with all :thc. amtv with " all the, •.atrengtli„.end to love his neighbouraa bizaself, is 'much inore than all whole burnt::',:Offeringd and. sacrifices... The seribe.'e ..answer is Made ofiAnotatiOna ,froin:-...tbe-,-prOphets ;Whlett -ftit, the moral .over -the ,:oereniOniaI la,' '5.1..je"; '0;0): His words seem td.iMPly ;thet's.oitie„Of the Scribet, Were beginning to -understand not Merely ourLoi-ds teaching &Milt therspiritual meaning Ot4-tlie Taw, ,biit also that.there Was •a distinct syrnpa- thy 'between_ the idea of Jesus' and, those Of .the2.greater%prOphets. Seeme almost the first-frints Of those of the sect of the' Pharisees. who 'after- ward believed:. • • • • And when Jesus saw .that he and-, wored discreetly', he said tintn. Thouart not ',far 'from the kingdoin of , Thi. .• •, • . • :Seribe, was near the, Kingdoin (.0061,:usehe was deeply Otirreil, by. the answer. • • Thereie More than intellec- tual assent here. , There is •the' stir- ring of a, man's 'nature to its/depths. And no Man . after that durst ask him anyquestion," There,are •whole please's' and leireld-, of 'questioning whiChdisap- pear or • are- chasect-f-away as: cloudk are:. chased awe' fthe • ' Moment you bring ',Jesus Christ .,kpon; the ',scene. And this,beCause O his jeodness, be- Caue of his 'moral' greatnead; because of flie..quality.of,hini,: • , • • --Of Montreal accountant, who has been in the `bank. business for 25 'Years, ,says Toronto,. banks lost $25,- 000• a: year in ink "filched" by pet sons entering the bank buildings and ,filling then' fountain: pen0. - I ,. , "1 ,figure hist about every tenth person entering a bank either walks. aw.ay, With A .penholder :or ils lus foipitain ,pen," Fulcher said, • Nobel Prizeman Dies YQ111-11Canadial-Tkinklans RcceLvePi1ze for • it Conningo! r ter,j' OW_ hogs on pasture. vP9.41 ,fleg.iggt• dipping thq, gWOP 1 and lambs just as s,00n as the shear- , int' is ;done, " - ,D0n,ts, overlook testing - the e.c1 cern. Leeks 'are ing. • • Don't :give the colt too 'UK?, hcavy lead, for a few tlaYs,:f or antil„ his shoulders .beconie hardened, ' Don't *keep 4 tubercular hen on .the 'farm. : ' Don't try to raise. the pig crop in a yard where., pigs were kept the , past season. Don't Plant: any, but 'standard. var- ieties, of Potatoes., "• , 4 ap 00 411 'tt nneeggi ect t so dock praying bo - •',Don't fail to trim the horses'. feet °before ,they. start ,.,field Work': . Don't try to do field Work •befoi'b ever/ lTeld .rachine has been oyer- , Don't forget , the mdett. Vegetabledi.are a'. treat.' • • • • „. : .1)041.P t oreilook' testing -the drill' to see :that it is.. sowing the • right ,aMount. ,per acre. , • • ' Dort't- fail bt;ig.Phtiaenn usilltehelI)1\'ilrm ".rs and shrubs ; • • are -o Is Important In TliPae'P.,:y4Whei Thg."STaiP,of Moder*:140,, 13 1-4411. 91.1 Tile41 The eYPs are One- Of. the, first tell,. ,tnles :of age, 'Long hefeire.„ there is: • I craw's, foot line oreven a faint ,p4gcr,...ion of el'ePiaess,• the' woman who, wants, to, '1004 !ter best 7 through 'the years begins to give the skin around her eyesi regular„an4:dor rectattontion ancl the eyes them- scives the coddling : they deserve.. , '7 With .gent)e rotary motions, she. massages rieh night Oredin around, rr• • ,her eyes every singlc night. She pate cream inte•:.the • artea :Where 'crovyre'• 4 ' feet-ggti be expected• to •appear in later years. ' Sh� weara dark. glasses,' , on; the ,beacli, for golf, motoring and ao0 011. h doesift., read -)n a tad,'" light;She ttriea:nsves to Squint, And • .1f. an ,eye" troctec..aYS..; she ought to Wear -glassee, she wears them. • • • •. Moderns realize that adequate' .. Plefity,:of outlook exereise and' ; lefe of 'Sunshine 'preserve the -nat- uialIv 'sparkle. that young , eyea have. One who 0 cultivates .good health, habits and really averages eight hours' of aleep:, a , night just 0 ..ra Seheol.. isn t .going to have dull, luotreleth, , . looking eyes by the time she is forty.' • . In WireCcige. Then,• too, eyes may not : be the ' ' mirrors of the sohl, as the poet said, We all know the familiar motor • • • . ycsadoeoli.: • . _ ce egal,recognition was, given to of young Canadian musicians in TZttawa, last :week When I iddieo d razil a complainhig and 'making herself • the Governor General officiated f•at the presentation of awards for the 'best mhaical compositions subnaitted in staid; reliable -looking ,Amn a. But • but•it is true that a happy, content!. ed, meted persbn 'has \ More Sparkle anthat collects anddelivers the a group , . 'her' eyesr..than_ orie.,1who •,alsvays is., • ' 171 ••• • a•—•••—r— • • the cOntest recently conducted by the Canadian Perforniing Rightt' Society. The Governer General Showed' particular interest in the winner of the special Juvenile' prize, 11,year-old Clermont Pepin, St. 'George, County Reauce, Que. The group includes: (FRONT' ROW LEFT TO RIGHT) Miss- Geergetth Dionne, St. George Que.; Eldon- Rathburn, Saint' John N B • winner of the scholarship et the Toronto Conservatory of Music; ' Clermont Pepin, St,. George, Que.;- Miss Francean Campbell, Toronto; Godfrey Hewitt, , F. R. C. 0:, Ottawa; (BACK 'ROW LEFT TO RIGHT) Louis Applebaum, Toronto; Hector Charlesworth, 'Toronto; Lord Tweedsinuir; Henry' T. Jamieson,president of 'the Canadian Performing Right Society, Toronto. , •.• • ara75 Dr. J. T.' Phan, Chief Medical Of- ficer for Ontario, Suggests Re- lationship of Disease to Sum- mer Flu in Report to Medica! Asiociation—Number of cases ,Up EVen in ,Non -Epidemic Years • • . • Dr' J. "`T: Phaiy, chief medical " of- ficer for ,Ontario, warned' the 'Ontario Medical . Association at Toronto last .week,..of a• steady Increaseininfant' e. paralysis in the •province during non - epidemic : as Well; as epidenile years: Dr. 'hair, tnobi1izing medithi! forcea. :for an expeited:•thitlirdak:this Summer .Of the disease said not Possible to predict witli:-Certainty a season ..6f, igereaocd incidence." '• • His...miggestiOn..' of, a: possible. , , . • . rela- tlonship .between infantile paralysis: and---the-aeasonal-complaint--Affeeting Children, called "summer fig" was a .highlight, of, his report,' one oZ a .Sym,, pesium Presented by., Ave Toronto dee- tors .On infantile.paralysis; correctly: known as .poliomyelltis., . .identicai Groupe :Attacked The age group attached by the two diseases were in the .thain.„. the einie; the time time,Of onset of the diseases in terms. of Seasonal, distribution was .al - Moat • identical; the districts ' of the: city in which,' the bnlkof paralysis cases occUrred, were the 'dame-aafor sumrner flu. • , ..Many, Ontario 'dectora. believa ,a4 ,3. reetilt of :their clinicatieicp'eriendes-,of last year the conValeacent serum,. de, - rived from .a. person who suffered an attackof the disease; his :unauestiOn- ed merit, Ai,a.Jtreattilent4.--Dr.:-...-p-hair, s:aaid; but added logical arguments h.av'e been 'advanced in rebuttal. • , ; Entry' Through .Nose. • Atteriipti to produce ,en., immune horse derunf,LWhile..,.anCeessful.'ia.ex 46o ri.M.eilfalailigialS;` has --not- beenes- tablished as a Useful agent in humans he *ed.' While there is 'a:differenCe of gpinion', on the r /Jai Of entry, Moat. doctors favor the th'e'ory the germs vacle' the body, ;through the:nasal. mu- cosa,.• although ;Son* evidence Would. . . , indicate the theory,: of a. gat4rO-intes,- ,tinal invasion:. . "It' is not passible te.:Predict. a. sea,. son of inereased: incinence'Of .this dis ease,',i,Dr..Phair sald.,'."The infetenee,i based On preT•ions -ePidenlice that ,Out;';'. breaks in in Canada .begin In the; WeEtt .and travel eatt,Waa exploded laid year .NvIreit-epittertrferroceurred.:-RPS11!kagelilx ,eWan,,'Onterio end ther'Maritimea". Certain' Area*. More prone ' • • •Ontario, last summer .Ithere ,,were 2,650cases with •,2,544 rePorted. WhiCh. 'giVes a ratio' Of about 80 to". 100,000 'peOple. ...No satisfactory ' etplahation of its niarked seasonal 'CharaCterhad as ..tet been . offered, • The :theory .ad-' Van'eed .by Dr. H. Ji Anderson • Of To# • vonto is ot. more than acadenite In- tcre•st. . , . "It' of interz.,',Ot to note .cintittlea With: 1931 .ratos (of ' paralysis incld- cnce) Were adjacent to those showing a higher than average r ate, for thepeat tight yeard...., •Certain areas Of the pre- V1tteraPpear:'-partictilar1•Y'''"V"Oilr'16- greater': than average incidence, whlIe other distritte •refilitin year after year eoinparailyely free Of. The: disease In atlY torni.:"'• • • .• • • • • .With i'agin in a tibilatjel, phit piano:•stero,:• it was a eas of "business as „natal:" • •PiVe• Pianos Were gel(1. While firemen ,Weyo the •outbreak. ••• • Car) von Oietzky, winner Of the Nobel' ,peate Prize shortly after his 1 . release, front' .4 Goriniul detention camp in, 1981, passed away in a lin • sanatoriint.. After his saward, I Gerirolny ,forbade.: ateeptanee of ,Nobel prizcs ,by ariy Ottnian citizen, Radio Can 1.,..Ocae Gold Below Ground Prospe:tigIs DOne By Wireless Equipment Presence of Ore C4tiales Buzzing. 'The end has come ler the roitian- tic, adventurous days of gol&pros; pecting. It's good-bye to. Weather- -beaten Oldtimers and ,their herage. Science has: soanded;!theit,. death knell Nowadays,'t'h`MirodPectOr gees forth by,'"Cai.and,•fiThas.kOld ',by radio,: • 4 Pbrtable one-nTan Wireless ap- paratus has been devised which ca locate gold • deposits:. within 25 feelf of theearth's' surface : This .equip- inent is already being used by 'seine 4,2000 institutions. ank individuala -throughout--America. •• Hears 25 Feet Dawn • The • prospector ,fitd on earphones, attached to the .apparatui. and walks overa-spot he judges 'May provide .an ore pocket. The presence of such a'podket is indiCated by a loud buzz- ing note in. the .earphones, Which is also .recorded on a' meter. : ,An OPei"ator of one of these "ele'C- tric prospectors" has unearthed $1 000 in gold And silver cpiaa .buried in'oldlug, and in 'Southern Ari- zona another. prospeeter found, ,the site of an old; buried ..sinelter'Which yielded Moregold and silver :bullion than a horse . could 'carry... Itthe Wet cornea through with even Pergitnt,', 'Of hernial croPs we Will. more, lthan oVereorrie that less.If SeakatChewan AlOhe tcrs of an average crap, that:al:me OVigOef More crop :Money than year ago.,",' Pont's For Farm, Field and Barn • , DeVf start the cows 'to -grass be-. fore there is . grass .th be ,eateri. o ' way •otit the 'schol- arS get More of , a thrill. Some cross more unhappy • than she actually had the t'right to be. ' •' the greet Salmon' River in A WirQ ; pulley cage. Others travel six ,miles in a genuine covered wagon. The school driyer:,cOvers 552 mileseach week. These $tiekk,'C'eats, „ Thanks to , new eiternicl..discov- ery, macititosbes,‘ and:tbber coats r . ;Ion darnp stickiness Which often: ellarag, terises them,' • They, wili feel' like leather, instead: • " .A coating Of latex--T•the from 'therubber trepH•-is :sineared ,over, the garnient, which is, • then dipped ' intoa. solution of sulphur chloride and benzine. •• Two hOurs soaking in iiater' tol- lows and the garinent.: is free from D n t forget to provide stin , Another Difficult Problem -Solred Handwriting Analysis 'By .LAWRENCE iligBERT Psydhologisf and Handwriting Analyst) ,A lady reader- writes as followa:. ",Some• tinie.. age I met a •Mair vvliti had. 'been very unhappily •Marriell. . Atter :innumerable . Squabbles.. hidl'wife left him, le0-ifig a.tkvo."-year Old baby. With ler liTilarid.r ...Altdr we had' seen quite a lot of.:each Other .we'realised that we were in love . 'we have been liVing together., for ever 'a• year...and. the kiddie 'la Very,fOnd of me lqo-bne could be •Iia`p," ler- than; we ,have been., The. ,Wife has consistently refused; to diyerce her • husband, and ,now she is pleading: with hlni to: go bach to her:, . . • . m71,11,•,he• 'refuses .to do 'although he akedrher 'an:ample Now, although [ love .him desperately, it 1 thought' it was .for his good, and., that of the' child that they berennited;: '1', would not hesitate tO..give him l up,. ninelt.,.aa it would, hurt -me.. • Do Yen think they :eatild liVe happily togeth.:, er? Oi would iny sacrifice siniply mean that the werhan•-would „cornplete the . ruih Of his ilfe that he started,' 'When they.livertegither preylmislY? The:' wife's 'writing shows her tip as a selfiah,. inconsiderate and heartless Woman. Her sole intereet 10 life is herself.- I do not bolleve she .fiai any Child.' Her desire .to 'have her husband back is inspired by selfishneSS'aS' We,11" Expect The Best - -Crop- Since -1933 Forecast Western' Yield 70 to .80 ..Per Cent of N,urmai So - far as Canada: is •concerned, prospects are improving almost daily this :spring for better :crops and therefore for more rmoneY'Iand More 'business Iiext fail, writes' Melling - ion 'Jeffers, 'financial . editor of the I Toronto Globe and. Mail. One auth- ority, whose sources of information and and whose opinion has proVed inval- uable in past' years, stated that in his opinion the conditions in Western Canadajustify expectation of the best crops-sinee ,1433;:- and that he considers it would ,be good betting odds to siv, that the Western,...erov hi yeai- wiiiatthc'minith'uii he 75t6 .80 per cent, of normal., ,Tet Aliowi"'Per ,Deficiencies Thid• opinion makes allO*Ance :for rather lowcrops in thevery large section - einbraced.. in ' Central , .and Southwestern:_ Sasiditeliewane. and .$otitheasteri• Alberta, which arestll defi,ctent in moisture and•which "could not bo expecte& to • stand up under any prolonged, "dry .peritti.. In :the gr i wing 'Season. Even making their deduction he! t'Arilcs that the •inini- muM expectation ean•be 7,5pet' cent, of normal, " • • -•' 'What do you Mean 'he Was asked. . • • . - "The' geteT41-average—fo-rliillifra' for the Prairies is froni, 850 16 866 bualiels . of, Wheat; ,200, bushels of "ciats:; 10 to 74 ,btitheld Of barleyand 10 tof2 hfisitela of flak ,.ntici Tye: , "tariactialls, have last *iri parclieS- file' power An amount of .$50,000t000 since last auturnii, due to, external depressions :and the" Consequent' drop. in dor/land for 'some .o,f,••our • as a "dog-ilithe-manger".• reluctance: to 'see him happy with another, woman. My correSpondeht's. Writhig, on the other hand,, Shows 4: clearly' what .a wealth ot arnia,a.thiYand lave'she -has., er that the man has falleh 111 If..Nve with • per and thatdhe ,hiddie- is So fond' ot her... ' ' My sympathies in this case are with ithe second' Woman. The key to the 16olution 1s•Money. 1 have little doubt , that the ;Man can use the matter Of an . • allowance is a leVer to gain perrhatr: ent .hapPiness.. • . •,' • : .know 'there are, people ,who,wjII Say'. the husband's Place is with hid Wife, no mattev. how, ill:suited' they 'are,' I cat-mat:subscribe Co it i, this case because; the Wife felt no.quaima about deserting her husband and the kt die. , , . Have YOLI. any problems you'd like, discicise to this writer? :pave Yeti any handwriting you :want analysed? your Own," or- a - -s Weetliearraror-per-- haps you whili to know rhOro abOut, friends: or reletives? Seal apecifnens• of the A:yritpgs yeti want analysed, enclosing 10C, • for. 'gACH. sPecithen. Sendwith-,stamped addressed envel7 op( -to .: 1.4...„Fibb,crt.,,RoOrn-42L-1-3-.-west Adelaide ,St., TorOnto, 'Ont., . All letters are. Confidential. ' • • • is Machine Flashes Colors By Air ." )4„ Jeati A, totnbatd, kft, explains the .iiitellariiCS thk• 'coloreodi, chine 'to 'Cannel SriCoAtj 'it! New Y61'ki, as the apai Atu cheeks off colors radioed The advicep„erpi its at:curate SeleCtion of eelei,elloieO, , •", Indians Were Here 60 Centuriet Ago At. Clearville, :on No.,, 3 highway,: near the ,eastern boundary' of Kent • County, Ontario, there: is ..a spot'. on whielf Indianj once had a fort' add If . the ground could he aystereatiCally hard of Blenheim it is likely 'there :would :be found •;Stone articles ' which ;Would proto.. that incl Ian:: tribes • '• lived there 6,000 :years Ago, .says the„ • St. Thomas Tinies-Jotirnal. ' , • ., • ,r‘t hada number ,of Children digging there., and one of; them found'e sample •of 'pottery of bath !mono's. arid Algon•- :quin :Indiana" Rey: Mr: Millay stated: - "There :has been nd,official .exce.vating, done at, Iat point.' 1: filial); It Is• the , \most impilntant•pla,ce•in,:the ,world foi 'exeava thig for relics" of the •Indians : 'Who lived in this land 1 Would like to. See that :spot: preserve'd, and Mark- i'!.•,17 - ed by the Ilistorie ,Sites poard :With • , letaelI VIILMr.:11/1.111ar ;Some:inientlis ago'; began collecting Indian arrow and •• Spearheads., as :Well as Indian. Iools.. fashi•ched in flint ase nucleus ' 'to a „ museum.. at the IllehheimPublitib - rary2,' Already he has mere than • one\ hundred. pieces: in A collection, all of . which 'have y. beenfound ithin a re: Oils of of Blenheinf:', They have been ',donated, by varimis people :who, ,arb .inteiOsted, in the.. eollectiori. • , which his been started, `‘k think the dnialleet: estireate. we •. 'can !hake from 'Chiding :Of Certain things at Is 'tlia• 'Indiana 0.; ' ed • there .probrOoy 6,000Y:eark.. •ago,,"- Rev.gime stated: !me, is knOwii.jhat • in 1650 the thd ui fbrt.: at 'Clem:VH.0, Was destroyed by the Iroquois.;In VerYi shallow deposit' of .earth ,there have been,..P!found '"^:Lr,row and speir .heads, and -Other fools peoliar to the. , • . , indian: tribes. . • , .•• • theOrY is, that .if thee relics,. . caul found in "a• ,few ',inches ..ef tbe earth'S • surface, these •found se erar feet driwn, •would suggest they were. •V,11\dfl by Indians Who` ,• lived.: there ' many years age,''HFI sad there have , 'fieen artieles'foiind Iiih, tnbitn, eug• gest there 'have' been at least': three. .: • ditinet ciVilizations; with; an average' - Of .1,000 ,,;Aed.ri between each, ; Cancer Linked With Heredit Identicatl TWiita "Tinited:at MaY,Q, • , ...... • . ..Clin,ic Show.Same'DeivelopindOts': .:TwO. Women, who were Identical tvvifia;, that la f r6in . a single OVuM and alike. as Wo peas-, are Cited in the pro- , peedings :of the 1Vlayo ,Ciiiiie at's:Roch, - ester 1.1g,evidenee that heredity:Is •part.;:, .. 1Y reStiottsihie. tor eatiCer. . .polli ,woihen , Came to the'clinie .for' ea neer ' t reatmen t•,,... b.oth. •,:. Waite.-- EMI:red:4T apd, both' :are: still well.;. . One Slater . showed up thype years...ahead at • the citlieri., She had a ,eaneer in .0110 breast •• ..- : . I : ilblviccias•flti.eil another eailter .,iit the, other . ller eister chine. in efterwai"with . . . . . , . • exlictlY. 1116 , sanie canCella in', eine us, , 'the .&titie. locations. In •bdtb, the first ' o•fitne the'lifisreia:tdancera 'appeared en the s .. • , . ' ,p:r. Ilif 'It. 'Iliilline, Who etporied . the,' .i' 'Oases, giiiki they Vere•the. fit sI the; -•: ,Iiinti ilt -the. Mayo 'Cliiiier hut not the • first hi • finitliCal iiiatdrY. ;Ile told ' or t we:other identical ,t"witis,•Wometti Who eaelt had brt:itat etineers, oil. ilie Sallie . (47;1 (iltfl q 1!..,11111 tii 17:'11111tIll'itilp.orLiltill'''4iWri4ititilleoyf::weiler'i •,,,01, '. , :: • •. : , • " . ''' . ideiiiicat.tIvina 4re iicopte'd• tonong , seimitiatif Jah.,:nno ,ot the hest ineatte.;„„, • of stutlYirig „li'iireiiit,,,, .Tlio „Idea tli'at::, s4Seep3 ibllitY to, oaiicer 'ettli :be ;billet% i fed 'Iutal .liets„,ii grOW,Ifig,,Inieltna. by d*c'• easiOnal jilitiili eXtitnides, and by tile` spine kind tit rifibilt. the .stirkie Petted, ° ' lir end 11'44 , ti '6'1:Mehl§ ..bY' Wiilt 'tille: .. eels • iiiiiiii.1 Cancer alid all. have •the.., , .• ,