HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-05-19, Page 1r
- 800 4-'YE41t^-1 jN ADVANCE -;-009 EXTRA TO J S.•
. •
Found -Set 'Or chains, Apply at
TO RENT -',..A comfortable siri raeM
house, town water. Te*Ple. Clarke.
FOR SAW r- A." few rattle, and
horses. • AWAY, tcf:'Jack McKay, at
Ralph NiXon's. • •••
•• FOR SALE-.-Queritity• _haled.' hay;
ti*P.thY see4r., 90v..• 0100. and $°64.
-lean barley .for 'feed or seed. -Rod.
"MacDougall. "."' • "
The. current' two pletux04 at the.
Lyeenni, Theatre,- Wingliarn,
.popular with theatre goers. . ThiS,
'Wee.k-e14 'Soeja Henie' and. TY;;PPOI
Power; . star in "Thin. ' . • :
^ Next Monday, Tuesday and Wed-
nesday,.. the . 'Special attraction
."Rosalie",' .statting.NelSon Eddy and
peortor,,PeWell and. featuring. Frarik
Morgan and Edna •Mar'OliVer.
FOR SALE -.-One, 14 • size...white
enamel bed and .one, frill siie.white
enamel 'bed, both with • springs and
• • mattress.' Bargain ' for rmiek sale.
•.'Annly by letter Sentinel Office.,
VaPee's 140 -CA grades of Early
Bailey, ImnrCrod Learning, Golden
• Gla*, White Ono' 'Yellow Dent and
••. • Vance's • Sweepstakes for sale *at--:
• W. • G. ANDREW'S.
•HOUSE TO RENT -1n the village
. . ,
of. Dungannon, in good repair, andnewly'
• .:garage, • and Ili acre • garden • and
• fruit.' Low rental to '•careful tenants.
-Mpg. Leroi,,Stingel. ".•
Spring Clearance Sale of • Used
• Piano's. Su& well-known Makes as
• Heintz:nen Nordheimer, • Mason &
• ••• I:thick, Weber, and others at reason-
able prices And terinlf.-Wxite-H-eitat;-
Man. dt. Co., 242 Dundas.St.,..-Londdif,-
for further 'Particulars No obligitiens,
Calling, All Salesmen! Agents! Would
•' ,l'ohVnrisl , it,ehan e the would
re -
Guarantied -foe -me le-
t Preparations. Lower prices,
• *remission.: Estee cash bow,
. ee gifts. If:you have, a car and
a cash and want to -sell sonie-
thing that repeats the year round in
exclusive district, write to :FAMIL-
EX 'CO. MO St Cement St. Montreal.
.1N THE MATTER, of the pstatemf
'Fran* Henry Hildeilby, late of the
Township of Culross in the County i of
Bruce. laimer,,'ideeeeied.:."
• ,34;mct HEREBY GlyEi•ir pur-
suant to the Statute in that behalf,
that all creditorit and ,others' having
Under the directipii ' of Mr,: E.
Beetson, number of boys have re-
ceived . their band instruments and
are ticeiving. lessons. We understand
some twelve or so boys have signed
up, With more eXpected to do so, and.
by the end of the trial' Period, the
leader ieeonfident that the boys will:
show real evidence ofprogress, and
that Junior boyar .-itan4 Luek-,
aeve will be assured.
. ,
' A quiet wedding was Solemnized
at the. Athfield parsonage On 'Set-.
urdaY, May 7th, by Rev: W.J. Patton,
when Edith Nide Larder,f daughter
of Mrs.' Jahn ,Larder' 'Of GOderich,
.1"cathe bride of William John'
tagenhi, Son of Mrs..' john • LasenhY,
of Lucknow.
-J.- After_ the ceremony, the happy
*acPherson;. Education' Mrs.,
• Londein arid other points.,"On their Mis.s
URSDAY, MAY .19fts 1938
Elected Inst•it4utneuerrrilisid-en 41;(*E' 1"*B411.14EERED.
4 naeetm0 was held here on Thurs-
r04 bocAL,, CLUB
Mrs'. Temple Clarke_-Meef, 0.11Yevening to erganige. a Boys' Cali
ings.V° Be Bela, In- • Town' Hell-, Club', ,to operate conjunction with.
' Accepts . Invitation To Meet With the local 4.1011ae.eok ag-
Sf..11elen'a W. LOn .June .2na *. rienitural .representative from Clinton
was incharge of the, meeting.
••' At the May meeting of..tlie,•Wot few More boys are, needed. to
men's Inbtitute beld' in the .Town retied out the Gob, and those panning
Hall: on Friday, B.. Ander- to: enter should notify•the2secretarY,
son • was elected ,president, " succeed- Mr. Joseph Agnew, • .George Ken-
ing Atha, Temple Clarke, Who as ,nedY. and ' Fred* Martin, who ere
idea and , pre-VIM:14 as secretary, : 'OPetating with Mr. MacLeod in conW
has served continuously in these ca..' ducting . the Club. • •
pacitieS for over thirteen years:
The fell slate of Officers is as fol -
lewd.. Pres.,' Mrs:. W. B. ,Anderson;•
Vide Presidents, Mrs. W. V. John -
sten and Mrs. Temple Clarke; '.8ec'y.-
Treas., Mtg., Wellington Henderson,
couple left on it .wedding trip' to
Those who who maY net bed familiar
with . the Particulate governing- this
conamtitien, can have it explained . by
either Mr; Kennedy or Mr..' Martin..
For a boy to enter, it is necessary
for him to' have either a grade or.
Directors, Mrs.' Morgan, Henderson, nurehred calf horn between January
Mrs. Vir*Hilston, Mrs. • A. Strutherb, r.14 and MAY ,Istef this year. Liberal,
Mrs.. Wm. Douglas, Mrs.: W. Fowler, prizes are awarded,in connection with
Mrs. H. Thompson; District Dir- this Club Contest. • ,
-detoir,-Mti7Teriiiile-ChiliternaniSt; •, ,•• .
Mrs. • Natman. Assistant 'CHECK. UP CAUSES
Mrs. Viola Jewitt; Visiting "Com,, - RAID FOR FERmiTs
Mrs, J. 9.- MeNab, Mrs. G. Andrew; ..
Mrs, • Treleaven. Representatives A cheek up, being, 'carried out hy'
to: the district are the execu-
tive members and Mrs. W. Douglas
and Mrs. :Harvey Treleaven. •
Corenfittec convenors
pointed .;as follows; 'Home geonereicb
Farewell Messages
litirdi • StnidaY
Rev. J. K, MacGillivray, Paeter Of
,AShfield'''P.reabYteriari. Cherch. For
• 5W.- *jeers To' RretiCh Farewell Ser.'
4 , 4
SCInti Adhfield And•
, , •
Ripley Congregations To Joie
4 ,4
, , . • • - ,
" . • • .•'..
Rev ,'^J 'I( MacGillivary pastor of
Ashfield Presbyterian Olnirehfo:
years and 'Mdderatot of, Maitland
nreSbYtery this - term; will preach
farewell' sermOns, aandey,. May 22nd.:
The session of Ashfield 'chi:trek
have requested Rev. MeGillivary, 40
conduct the, -regular 'worship services
of^ the eongregation; t: Sunday , at
11.a.mrand-7-i80-p:m., when he Will de-
liver • his final message to his. cozigr,e-
MrMaeGillivary 'recently tendeted
bis resignation on the eve Of the un-
li311 of the Ashfield and con-;
'OeiatiPna, in Order that the . two
churches 'might' have a -free hand , in
cho.osing their. aeue pastor. •'
proyincia i.ilid 000ity, , To succeed Mr. McGillivarY as Mo-
diStriet, and who Were police.inthel^nVitchinis-'• .'" 'n
,,derator of the Presbytery, Rev. John
, Greig of Bluevale, was appointed
itY ...of Lackno'n, .on Saterday,• even- IL .
for the 'balance of the: term.:
ing, with a view to enforcing the re- ..:
Maitland Presbytery in sessiOn'.aast
‘Agticla'cilnussedoe tvhetitalibilgellswtaaYmsPe'Tderafffio: Week, in Ethel, sanctioned the joining
df 'Ashfield and RiPley congregations,
into one charge. The Bev: C. II, Mc:L.
:allaWa.?:_' -i ..At . ::::s Taink.raud• '
erilteTTtirit'.1, egottre c:n Mates
will be heard in the near.future for
the purpose of calling A minister to
the tidal charge. ,.....„:. ' .
------------operators •perinits, at the. locat,,licen7
:return Ahoy will 'reside • on the 10th' Mc"rgiii:1
c,01,1. 0 e and; international:.'RelitionshiP- .Mrs •• 01g issuing office.. Tenaporary. .and
e -F•-•1 ".50
Ries :and Relief, Mrs. T.., Clarke; Leg.
islation and Cariridianizaitien, Mrs.
R. L. -Treleaven; Health ,and Child
Welfare,' Mrs: (Dr;)•'FoWler;
ical research 'Mrs: J. Campbell..
The Inetitate, accepted an .,;invita-
Hen to be the guests of the St. Hel-
en's branch . one -Thursday; June 2nd,
witliMrs: Joint, Mrs. Wilson and
Mrs. Fowler appointed nrograin com-
The ineti e.:eided . held their
.meetings during -the ensuing • term in
the Town 'Hall •1, • ,
The program incleded-a, reading
by , Mrs. (Bev.). Young, it health talk
by pr„ ;w4:1'. Fowler,' and 'a reading
hY. concluding
with a eontesy-and the serving. Of
inneh. •
eae neneeer
. . wee a
Distrid D.eputy:Viiited
01c1 Light Thursday
Some Seventy_Membeis And, Visitors
In. Attendance' Upon Official Visit
Of J. R. Wylie, 'District :Deputy
Grand Master Of North 'Huron
e •seventy •members and visitors
were n attendance .on Thursday even-
ing when J: H. Wylie, of Wroxeter,
District Deputy:. Grand Master, . of
claims against the Estate of the said North Huron, paid his ,official visit to
Frinchs :Henry Haldenhy,^ deceased,:
• .•
^."...whodied on or shout the Fourteenth
retired to -forward their , claims -duly
proven to -theundersigned, Executor
_. •
of the wilt of the said Francis Henry
Halcienby, .er . before •: the Fourth
Old Light Lodge, A.F. &.A.M.; Thurs-
day evening. • ; • '
--•The--evening-cencluded With •-re-
freshmenta_and -a toast list • presided
over by F. M. Paterson, Worshipful
Master of Old Light. -
The toast to. "The- Xing' had speC-;
tfl dity-of-luneLA._•13.,193f3aftet...,which...iaLsignificance_aa_,ItAnarked-the•-firet
date. the said Executor will proceed enniversaty of His Majesty's eaten. -
•Jack Leith, assistedbY Dave Howe,
todistribute the assets of the 'estate : ation. 1 • Was at it dangerous repair job on the
thaving regard only to arid being re- Donald Blue; . Past Master, lef d. 'I'Own Hall' this Week'. From -a ladder
,SafaIrdaY :m particular.
Vim. Fitzgerald killed
In Detroit Motor Accident
. •
. ,
Native, Of Ashfield
When His Car Struck Concrete
Safety torte, iik•petroitr4uneral
Held At The Home Of His'. Sister
Her*, On Wednesday
:William L. •Fitzgerald, ,formerly
of Ashfield was inetently killed: in
Detroit, on Friday4lay.18th; when
his car, which he Was driving, crash-
ed concrete safety _Zone in Ote•
_city of Petri:ALL,
• The funeral: service was held-, at
the hoine of his sister, Mei. .Tiunes
-Culbert, LucknoWi on: Wednesday,'
with ,„interment- in Greenhill -,Cetrie-
ttile,,•Fitzgerald; as he was popular.-
ly known by many 'friends in Ash-
field and taingatinini, was in bis. 39th
sPonsible only 'for the elainis of whith Light, Proposed ,the 'feast to Grand oloOdoink' ;the steep hiP s: tile hall y,ear. :Was' born Ashfield, being
, be shall then,. have•. napee. - , Ledge, whiCh was, replied to by : j. H. .rolef,' Jack ; worked, .applying: a .coat:
Pasted it n laiehnoW; Ontario, this Wylie; and .J: It.:,LaVvrerice of Cree- of preseivative•-••:,...ateriai to the inside
. 12th day of May A..D, 1983. . more, • lotother-in-law :of ReV. C. 1.‘l. .of .ti.,.uv •••oivtrOoghing. , around ,.',,the•
, ...--•eeilliant t HaldenhY; building. '..." • ' .
R. it:,11.. HolyeoOd, Oat.; • 'The.treighs.' Were leaking in soots
• 'ExeCtitor. '
MacKenzie. of Ripley, the new meirer
ber.: •
. The tOrist to "The ; Visitors" was-
ptePoeed by Dr.w,,'vf 'Johnston and'
Messrs Carson,' Foiter Mpffat and
•Gilitiore Of Wroxetet;;,Teeiwater, and.
i•Vinghanf ledges' respectively resPon-'
ded: Another speaker. replying to this
TENDERS' FOR COAL AND ',COKE toast Was Mt, Brown of, Wroxeter,
• Sealed ,..,Tenders addressed to the Past District Deputy of • smile thirty
. .
undersigned . and, endorsed , Tenders Years ago,: who with. the Present. tils-
-* 'for ..iCoaL"'. received :until trict, Deputy, are the only twd inera-
lr o'clock •, noon (daylight its/ging) tiers Wroxeter Lodge to have held
Monday, June 6, 1938, for the supply this office in its existence .of seventy
. :of , coil and coke for the. Dommton years. .
„Buildimi-throlighent-the-Provinceof- --T-he-toast to -the new inernber Rev.-
Ontario: 7, ' • - N. -MacKelizie Of Ripley was :Pio-
, Forms of tender With specifications posed by Rev; C. H. MacDonald„ Chap -
and conditions attached Ctin .be Obtain:. lain of ,Old Light and Rev.. :
.ed froin', the Purchasing Agent; Dp` Tucker.,
Pertinent of ,Public.. 'Works 'Ottawa; Officers' Of , Old' Light ealle4 ori for
and •,,the Supervising Architect, , 36 iMpreinntu remarks Were, F. M. Pat -
Adelaide' St. East,. Toronto, Ont. eraon,•• McLennan, and Orel'
• Tenders should be made, On the :Orti"Oferd.' Rev. WJ Rayner, of
. forma supplied by the DepiOnetit Wroxeter, ' Chaplain also
andin accordance with "departmental spoke during 'the evening,: '
specifications .and comlitio attached - •
thereto.‘, • .
• The Young 'People of Whitechurch
When the amount of a . tender ex -
United' Church will present ..their 3-
it,ceeds the. sum of $5,000,00, -whether
' be for One , or .mote.,• -the act 'PlaY, "Cabbitges' (A, Dollarc"--in
tenderers renst:attaCh to their tender:
a Certified cheque on a thartere,d bank
•in Canada, made payable to the eider'
of :•the Harionrable the Minister of
Publi, *Oka,* •• equal .to 10 per cent
• of the amount of the tender, or .Bear.:,
• ei Benda of the. Dominion of 0/nada
• ,
: or of the Canadian : National Railway
6.,.mpany. and its• ceristithent boinp-4
erghs, unconditionally guaranteed as
to principal iirid interest by. the Dern-.,
' ' inion 1,of • Canada, • or aforemeni-
ioned bends and, e. certified cheque,
--ifreetuired-toMalceriPrin- Odd-;itinoiinte
• " The Department also' teserVis the
tight to ,,deniand 'from any •suctesifoli
stendetfrt •security Alept.i4 in the
• Varna of a certified 'cheque or rliond.
as above, equal 0.0 per cent ,the'
•'Otitouni Of his linarantee, the
•.proper fiilfilment of the contract: "
*.;"order, 14: : •
m.,:s _tRVIP.4E,
s. ' • 'Secretary.
Denettnietit of Public Werke,
• Ottawa, May 61
4r. r
and the application' is 'expeethd ;to
reniedy the trouble • . until such time
within the next few seasons, when te
neir work May have to be done On
the. reef and- when the twenty-nine
year cid °,eaVetroughing will likely
have to be • replaced. •
.Clansmen , Prepare For,'
Jamboree On: May .24th.
Evening' Of Entertainment, Goatee
New Community Hall And 'Arena 'Will Ass*e Afk Minisak
"a son • of thee late Robert Fitzgerald
and •Margaret Egan.. 'Speeding his
early life on the home farm, as. a
young man he went to Detroit,' where
be has since 'been. employed. He '7was
an employee of the Ford Motor Plant
and atthe thne, Of the accidentws
accompanied by a fellow, workman,
who was seriously injured.
Surviving are three. Sisters; Mrs:
Cirlbert. of Lucknow; Mrs. 'Atl-
brey ,Teft of Cenbero and Mr?. Bert
Finnigan of Ashfield. -
eo.J. Douglas To =
Be Ordained Next Mnfh
'„-and ::.$00Say; -11,Fead
WEEK • :till)] SPECIAL'S
.., :CREAM', '
,1; ' . . . , • ,
., If .one thinks' this ,nionth slow
in warming up, • n leafing back et- the
weather 'records 'kept by the late
E.' ,MacDOne.ld; shows . that lin ‘i the,
spring of 1904,,the last .snowbanks
d not disappear -until. the, 8th • of
May. .
In.•making preparation for the 'au•L
ction sale Of , household' effects of.
, ,
the late pt. and Mrs l Geddes,
held. -last week, numetoris,7-interest-
iiig telies ef bygonedays Were -noted:
One was an. envelope,. the entire
back of. Which Was .deVated to an ad-
vertisement' :giving „publicity to.: the
Caledonian games Ofii•September ' 7th,
1887. $1000 in ies wasadvertised
That., was the spring following the
hard winter of 1904, when in the
month of ,Marth;•itains were blocked
.for_ a period. oler:_,two-weeks:
. There was still •snow in the bush
up to the last week of Aprilii and it
took warm • suns firat week in
Mai to melt' the liemainder of ,high
-sitovii.: drifts. that„..httani
t • win
r" -
along with the "best ,program eVel
offered" A .4uoiting tournament was
Sehediilea •Pit the PreviOniiiiii.-
A Scottish crest. was :used. bearing
the footnote in gaelic, we presume;
;"Shear •Coirnslieas • Glan Na • Balla
Unglue', Can anyone. translate it?
If you rcan, let's heat front you.
TwariRdemoristrayons of the work-.
ing an electrically charged fence,
held at the farms of. EarI,Pransten
and John 1Viequillin last. week, Creat-
ed :tench interest among residents :of
the district. • .
10 A single wire,. ,charged with elec-
tricity ' from 'a • Small storage battery
is that required to keep farm
stock within bounds, which soon be -
Come fence -shy after an experie
or two With the • "live wire"; 'which
however is not „highly charged.
Large COngrega03rs At
And Dancing-.To--Tle-Held' In The Ilis '
Nekt, Ttiesday' Night -Juvenile Brill' Of Drummond Hill 'Presbyterian
Game in ;AftentOtin Is A • Separate Church On May ,29th
• Attraction , • • '
George L.:, Douglas; honor
graduate from:Knott college, who
has accepted a call to ... Drumitiond
Hill '•Preibyteriiin Church, Niagara
Fills,. will he ordained and. inducted
on the evening Of May 26th and will
assume his ,thitiea• ea' Minister: the
following &Mask. The • -ordination
senate' will be Preached by: Rev:
Hugh Davidson, Pert Erie; a for-
Iner .Knox College tooni• mate of Mr.
Douglas, • '
The Clansmen are preparing for a
• , ,
gay night in ,:Lucknow's ,new Com-
munity Hall, next .Tuesday night,
May .24th. The, evening will consist of
a brief eritertaintaent, carnival games
and jitney dancing...There is no admis-
sion fee into the building. All genius
are a ni,cicie, end. the Club is ,confi-
dent that this holiday celebration bill
Whitechurch Institute Hall, Thursday, • will be highly pleasing to the buniaer
May 26th,. at '8.36 o'clock.,Adtnission: rqvd•that is eiPected,toittOlict•
Adults, 23c; Children' 10c. Anyone in-
terested in securing a play' for gar-
den party or ether purposes, will
Vnito Mrs Robb LucknOw, .R R 5
or , 'Phone, Winghani . 6124-12.
Winghem• Legion id helding a piih.
lic 'meeting' fer all veterans and re.
turned men, iti• the Towe• Hall, Whig-,
The LUclinovit Pine Band will be in
attendance- lira- will parade • to tho.
Hall at 8 'eclock sharp. The first nuni..
bet of a shoat 'program; that • will
entertain+ the crowd will be given at
8.36 Sharp. Cameron -Geddes, base,
baritone" is featured on the prograM
as well as one or two tap dancing
young ladies from ;Goderieh.' Illness
Mr,' Douglas le •at .pteeent yiSiting
here .the hoe of his father,' Mr.
GeOrge Douglas. Oti • Sunday, he
Condneted bah SeiltiCeS.. at EirSt
'Presbyterian Church; 'seaforth. •
After teaching 'school in Qatari°
and ":1VianiCka and tidal* en arta
„ ,
amuse' itt' the UniVersitiea,ot Tonal-
to and Manitoba,. Mr Douglas , grad-
:lined froni the latteririatitution
..,.P4RO, W. J.: -MCCU1.1.01.JRli.:
The-Ia7znmgBUddefli8S with—
Which the angel . of diatii‘aqes 'fit :to •'
visit the commanitY and anateh• front '
our midst our :wettest- and 'dearest
'friends and. relatives; . Serves._ but to.
reinind: us Of :the:.uncertainty of 'life
here below and the 'great importance
of being :ready When the contest, ,
the':"denth Of . Mrs: W. J.:"'Me
Cullough, for Many. yeare, .ireitident -
of Kincardine, who passed peacefully
away, • On Friday ;est :week, ' at. the •
her .son-in:1:' .
, AgneWV.., LUCknOW, fallowing an.
•,ness of but a few 'days the result of.
, stroke of paralysis; from which :the • .••
failed •to raily
• Margaret,. Harvey, ,• was. barn in •
Kincardine, a„ daughter. the ',late
It pays to save the conpoes. New
Preinioums here, -THE MAR-
..STORE. . •
Mr and Mrs. Samuel Harvey, pioneer
• . residents of the district.. Fifty-two
Appeal •To. Motorists. For • •
"Safe 6c Sane Week- n
4, years ago she was unitedinanernage
. • It; Mr. W. ,J. McCallou h "sthe
,Department Of. Hi' hwa • m -Men.'• ecea e er. fifteee years, ago. Up
tes Campaign Aiming To Cut Down
• Appalling ,Number Of Motor Accid-
ent Deaths And Injuries
Myurgent appeal for 7‘a "safe 'and,
sane" holiday , week -end has .hegn,
issued by Hon. T. S....,14,9Anesten, Ont.:
ario minister of highways, when he
announced that his depaittrient Wenid
once More cOndeet ,simuner7time
advertising and publicity campaign
with the object Of. cutting down 'the,
appalling number of • deaths _in,
juries which put all Ontario in mourri-i,
ing last May 24th week -end.'
. •
"Its . not Very. many years ago,
"said Mr. Mcquesten, "that the
important iworry i we. had Over the 24th,
was whether :our children would come
through With nothing more serious
than a 'aeotehett finger. Strong public
opinion -and ' determination to mike
the queen's, Birthday Isafe and sane'
his PraCtieally eliniinated the 'horrors
We used to witness each year from,
dangerous fireworks displays. ' If We
can make children- act witcr' safety,
and caution Wrten: they have a fire-,
cracker in their hands; it : seeins
leer assume. We can do the anie
With greWn-ups when . they have, a
steeringivvheel in their hands." •
He quickly outlined the .eight safs-
.which are•incorpot-,.
•Itey. 'Dr. Byrden Of , Knox College,
Guest Speaker -Eiger Male Qtter-
tette From Kitchener .Ably Assist.,
'ed la:Service Of Song - I
, Anniversary services of Lueknow
Presbyterian Church were largely at
tended' on ',Stindait; when fitting lier-
irideS Mal:kat:1 another milestonein the
hiatory of this congregation.
Rev: Dr. Bryden, .a professor in
Krieg TerentO; and promin-
ent and highly -regarded in the work
of, the ,Chureh, was the guest speaker
both Morrilng. and ,:evening.: •••
Evening services in ' Sonth..Kirildsa
and the 'United Churthes were with-
drawn, het neither of these elete,„
Men were able to be present on this
pceasion. • . " •
Rev, C. ,H. MicDonald7
'moderatOr Ashfield-itipley 'rehtirge;
conducted the morning serviee at, Ash,
field, ' bet was preeent' at , his own
ser -
ham'. S pteVent one Of the local "nigger"
church to assist in the evening May 27th.wiul ,: Vice •• • *
cloggees Arent Performing but is is
1936; In .the ef that Yrai • lie,
ated in the -adVertiseinent currently
ipPearing in the Ontario press. drive
at i„ safe' speed; keep, .the right,
on 'a hili Or curve or ...wilert
the view is obstructed, don't park on
the highway; ,signal iii plenty of time
before You tern,'Obierve all road signs
and signals, be sure your car. is in
safe driving condition, . and .most
emphatically; if you drink, 'tient drive:
"There is tiothing vague or diffi-
cult to'enderstand.abontanY of these
rules," Mr. McQuesten:inSisted. "Any -
No_one. who "[mot .given 6, license to
drive isganeble of fellovving these,
•ptiricipleb., The only : that- 'is•
needed to Make our highwaYs safe is
;f1 determination on th,e part of every
.driver -that he .N;vin ,carry ,out ever. burg, 'Ontario and Mrs. 13otlinet, •
:rule Of Safety all the flew; If sound i 1)°dge; 141)4 rull^4 '4;w6' brothers,
,simple -end • it's just as • simple.'as it
• ,
until•four years ago she continue to
reside in the .town in which She, had
always =Ole her home and since then
she visited at _intervals with .mem-
bers of her *family, in other netts of
the country. . The -past 'winter" she
spent with.. her :daughter, Mrs._ _Fred _
Bent, in Kitchener. She had '004 ,
her usual health: throughout and had
come to VisitetVitli her daughter *Mar-
garet • in ,Lucknovv, :only a' fel glaYe
i,vhen. she vvas stricken.
Mrs. McCullough vas a weman
highly respected, possessing those
aniiable .traits . of character, which at-
tracted] -4, her ;large' aumber of '
tree friends, •whe found in her a' per-
son of She had ever.
been a•.devoted mother in the home;_
one who Was deeply interested in the.
welfare of her family. • In 'religion, •
she was a staunch - Presbyterian and,
a faithful member of Knox Church;
Kincardine. '
• II
• The , funeral ' was :held 'on Tuesday .•
afternoon. After a short serviee, et,
the home of her son-in-law, Mr. How- ,
aid Agnew,. •Lacitnew, the., remains
were • taken to Knox Church, kinear-
dine, ,where` •services :were conducted
by Rev. C. 4:14AMpnaldi . of Luck -
". Presbyterian Church. iai6; •
le the Garden", Was sweetly retider,'•
ed Miss- Peggy MaCKeY..
ful floral tributes banked the. casket,
which ': was Verne by Messrs. Frank
Colwell, Wm. Harvie, Wallace Perrin,
Geo. McCarthy, John R. McKay and
Peter ,MeCallurin. A large number of
friends were in attendance. to pay
their tribute of respect end,. followed .,.
the, reMains to their last .
in Kincardine cemetery. ;:
Iler, survivors number five daugh-
ters and three sone: -Mts. •Fred "
(Jean) 'Kitchener; , Mrs. V. Andison,
(Marie), Windsor; 'qrs. D. Fleining,
(Alice); • Pert Colborne; hirs;: Howard •
,Agnew (Margaret), yLneknow; Mrs.
:Cecil Becker„ (Edna),. . Ann Arbor, .
Armour Of Kincardine; James
and 'William of. 'Wiedsof; also, . two •
Sisters, Mrs. M. Stewart, , Antherat- •
uw Liept-Col: H. R. AMY, presidenLOnt-
exp.ectecLthe_otheria&wilLatep.it.off.. ,noriunerieeclhis.AlieOlogienLeotirse
Aiith e s were:, rendered the
arao Command will tr Ilies special A Vatter has been bet Up for Knox college, Tetonte, 'frpni which 'cheer at". both services, and the PreS-
Speaker, he graduated on April l2th of this et44'of the 'Elgar,,Male quartette
• .PARA1VIOUNT DANCES • yosr. tinting his course ie theologr :ed tnuth ..to the ser df Song both
: •
ney dsneing McCartney's: orches -
Atte. 'Carnival games, such as hinge,
sPin *heel; dart , gainee itrUlf penny
fill'. swing, wits
Dances .at Paranionnt: 141. -.this
litt.W011sevelf01 'sebolarShiPs` geii7 Mottling Red-----------
-ev ^ng. t the •conclu-
'erg preficiencY and' prize for el°, sion:Of the etteni service, they sting
• 1 n bet' ' that iimAl
May 2fitd, Mit'elterible'S• . Orellestra; :While wiiee aff,each eoncession, ..,‘ : chtion..'..1Vilasion fields, On Whieh 11.tr, sMrer.a . unl s, •.ere , .,
Friday, May Oth„ d ,nex,:il Monday, ,
Adrelbelen:060 Ooil'ik',.. Loh& Ootiii.. ' Leer**. Anireede. ball' 'teeth is Douglas 'served, 'include Bdisevii'n ceived by the congregation. The Oat.
_ter, thee* tebin„„EV:Siihe't.Welenme; .t0i0d4ltdt to plat tlIelt openifigogeme • st000woli and The Pei, in Manitoba, 'tette ,Wila •COMPrised of lt. d,,,Mistele,
L : . here that afternoon, So villagers and and -::.en Val s, in On-• first teilel 7. W. Stendr,
e• , baritMid;,,
,, .• .: : .., . • , • ''• • • ' . - • - --• '- - - Barien ritid•lhirkes . . - • • . ' '
•''' FOR .S1ALg•The Prhp'er.t,y'''',6f,•;:t1)6,.' thOde' in ' the .distriCti, teed' hen . 160' tette.' He is ii• brother .' frats;Migg 1:$61i., 6.::Jarenb,'bast, all of Kitchener, and
'late i)it,,, D., 'GeddeS,A..pply ,to 4eseen.,, elbeWherd Ar' g,ltli of Mar ente4aui, atilVo„ moons,' toissioriarr fil 'pot: :!t., ,A, . vIvc.oimvarst of the 't4i0ktiew :iii011114kand an St . IiitIP.60: Dhngan?:,rA•ot4iiettlnn.m•g. AfaurttElr, 8"t'lloattWo.,Pre,munna:.
Agnew'. ' ' magi ' ': :' " ' ' •'' ;, ...-, ;Motiat • ' • • • .'. , . • • ••• 'rebid Co,. ,seoohd, ftenor ' :',Iiitiii.i. 111 ille-Pveilii.lei
• Rev;. P. H. Rickard, .assistant in
the local Anglican Parish durihg a••••
vho are Ieft to mourn tier 1088.
l'orshiranirduting •the-Pastlear
part. of Rev. H. Geogheiates rec-.';••
'eistent to Rev:. A. A. Maloney, tanee 'ivete niso *'eietit at the
be -otdained in •Johns Church,
London, on June 5th, bit the Rt Rev.
A. Seager, Lord siohOp.of
1,ittron' bicidee, •
Rev. Rickard will leave this :Parish,
prior tdiiii$ Ordination. He Will ,ee1i..1
duet anniversary lbrVideg in St: Pet,‘ • • .
et's.- Clturehi tecenow on .gooday1„ Ilring in your ;6' pots and -1get
JOhe , ;Hervey o f •Washington,
C.;' and William of Duluth, Minn.
She ale..leaves sixteen gteridthildrenq
The. members of her ,farnily„ her bre-
ther Wiiliarn and sister; Mrs.. Stewart
were, present at the ferterei: Tne, sym-
pathy of „friends is , extended to alt• •
evil:. Mr.' Harold James Mc-
Kenzie, and Mrs W Calidori • Lake- '
wood Ohio. Mr. Chita, Stewart,. De.
ttoit; Mrs. Fred Alger, Amherstburg;
Mr. and 'Mrs. : Richard Dawson and
Miss 'Georgina, McCullough,, Toronto.