HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-05-12, Page 7• vertising AGANTO'WANTPD, • .A.A•ittl.N.4•,litor.1341.44.13 ifA§T lieinns„tionstitioNl..orodto40. Pne• OAS, West. Totontu. . . • •• • 31..411,1T,W.PR 'WOMAN.' FOR, ,CVPIP 'CON - bqntrutd: Fiavors, • xelfty VarletieS.1, Long prefits. Grand :route salesman; extra. Acrne ;Direct Sales, 61.5. Yenge, ; ..")..oronte, .., • ..., ...„ • • . AGENTS! SALESMEN! immirednerceet eennnissien, selling new household necessities,: Just '11XL, . vented, Canadian manufactured. I3e the first ;met make big, .money. Write today free litet•attire. Progress, Wares, . 27 1' P,, ThrentO.'' Aftlf• • let)t) LIKE TU VV,, SKETCH OR Paiht, Write for Talent Test • (N.9 Fee). Give ago and occupation'. ,Box 5:2, 73 Adelaide SI, .W., 1.`orontO. UF c,011U1$;-! Att, its ...Poi NOW YOU • gAN. Buy *. TWEIDDLE Chleksnoted for Egg Production, and livability • atgreatly reduced Prices, for May, get our May price • • list before .ordering: Twaddle Chick Box. 10, Fergus, •Ontrio.: . a . • • • . • , . . ONE VVEEK SALE OF SURPLUS (nicks commencing May 16th. Leg -- horns $5,U5; Pullets Pullets ;$12.95, '' Barred Rock and Ndiv,Ifunnishiee Iteds.$6.95, pullets $9.75, cockerels cts. Started, Chicks 3' weela'aid add .5 ctS, 3 weekg add '9 cte. per chick (Large • Egg ' Quality) I •c,t: extra. $1.00 •per -10.0 de- pcmit: Free- Folder: All chicks from ()overtax:wilt handed- • blood teated • --Stricit': -1.'"OttitNelififtell Ceti -0 es,7-3..17V11;,- son St., Guelph, Ont. . • , ,Ctilek8 °NB eBNT• EACI-I FOrt TEN • EXToitA, With every hundred ordered' ' Ten Days ili advance . of delivery, "prices ,IOWer May 24th and June:18th, • Write .f0r,' list. Trent Electric' Hatek- •erV • Box 533W Trenton' Ont. • , • , • . LOOK AT THESE .1'11IQES FOR Baden, nigh Quality. Chlektf . 'from , Government .approved, blood -tested • , 1)Mdets: StancitiTd. 1:egborns, • and ' New Hampshire. Rods $7.95 Barred • Roeks 56,95. Mg Egg 'Quality ' more:. :Special Stile of Older .Chielfs while they. last:' Two weeks old add • 3e, Three witeks Q1cl.ad4 5e. 'Send for folder.; linden:Electric. Chick' Hateli- erY- Liritite(l, 13ox 59, Peden; Ontario.- • • I` A -FAET:.7 • buy Bray ohiekS now L.ttstyear. 1-I, • Bray ,pullets laid.. at .4 V4, .• • months, hit 200- eggs dairy :at 5. 'Months. and -240' tit, 6 months, Write for dafalogue... 13ray, .1.4tehery, . 110 . 'John 'St. NOrth,,' Hamilton,'Ontario., . ..• BRAT .COC,KERELS • BRING • QUICK' : returns,.F...re. EfjaYiHybrikl;-,cettker'els? ' dressed.V.pound 4 -Ounces each .(heads. off) -at: 7 .Weelt.s.."' For further furor,. 'ma Lion .,writeL for, catalogue. ])ray •• i-wchery,. 130' JOho.St...N:0:th, .14,441111.1- ton; Ontario. .• . • PV's. .11`AST“.IRONVING 13RAY N,EW Hampshire ChiAaA sks nl at months, tVeighed 61/2 pounds at :6months. Pet ,prollts .with Bray Chick .s titre ,year. Free catalogue: Bray' }Fatah- -.icy, 130, John St., North; Hamilton, Ontario,. • , • • SURPRISE GL,ADIOL,1 13U1.13s, Pie'ardv, - :Bagdad, or tnixed. to 114" 51 d .25 •• hundred prepaid. W. (lass,-- Duff • Street, fliiinilten, 1,1..orrirArn Fon ,SA1.11., • FREE, FIATS, SHOES, x.:111RTS, , etc:. with 'clothing purekase: • write ' 'for free •illtotrated • catalogue of • /clothing bargains. 1Dept: N. YOnixe ,Stre,erBIOthing-Eiccliange,:5112 Yong( Street; Toronto., " ; NI: ANI) pit I STING EX.TRA SPECIAL WHILE THEY LAST —Two v:alutfble prerhitimS .gi'Ven with EVERY ..roll. developed' and border •pi in ted -t-28._ , r xv-tflf-EVER-Y-'1-2-re- prints 36c,, ••Mention Mem. when ordering. Fast :Foto tVinnipog. : • r .• PI) it * S A 1.1;.1** PUltES'I'RLIP, firstfqJaIiy tA.Vilte for , prices.. , Order ehrl,y.John •111. I Abbotsford. . • Y0I/K:31•11.:1,11.13.S2---AT TH'E - HEAD., Of" ; • Shadeland Fa trus herd the Grand •Ch.ampion,sire,. of 'Salisbury • and "Reet Market •Pen" • at Reyal • Winter Sows • hiettide. • First • and Sect:old, wintiers,,,Torento • and FirSt(iuIph •'oung inales with• "Advanced ,ItegIstry", ,backirig. Per Sale Shade,leno:Verits::.130"7e. Eden pg.in .. • *11A1 BRESSINfX N. • 111'11 ftA 1 ' 1 ' 1 Common M�th IS .- A Dread Enemy. CLEARAINIcg: :SALE • ,REcONDITIONE1).'flATITORg• cleaned and reconditiened. and paid; under 'a definite . , „ . toOneY haVit guuxunte0 oE sii.tistaction; Thi j Yenr...411POrtnnitY. 41..14V0", high, class, reconditionedfurniture at a•tratt, ,ytiool4n;...os.romthuie..,• urctUottitl.4vgaol,ue. eBru4y4prorifs:ofiT1.9t. of. the amazing' Valdes picked:at ran,. dom.. front our en.ormOue. stock.. e24.og,.'Large 3 piece. .repp, .chestert 1'Vlar1344U 'r.q`40.FS ible..i,exthhienS, • .,Thoroughly cleaned. 13.95 ta'rKe three piece suite in EnK11.411. taRe,etry.; Marshall tuahRintl, :4,..snat„."; , , . • , $49 00 opw.i.orl..a.spite,, 3., nieces in • brand POW rePP'..POYei!, rust 'shade, ' :revet"Sibie Marshait . cushions (unclaimed).: • ' " • ' gn. :Ches1;4riliti4, xbecy vf7"•"7"`". c.O•ir'er, hos:largo Wardrobe •cortinartMent, in peri eiti condition. $21.50. Ltkre. dresser, . rich. walmit . ; • *, t finish, full size bed, wainut sagless' spring and brand new reit edge felt mattress. • p • ; $43.00 .13,ea'uti•fut• ,bed, roOM suite,'. • large dresser,,.chiffouler, .'size bed and Saglcapspring,„ completely i•eflaished. 57250 144r" '6 piece. bed room Skite, -. • 'Beatitifur dresser, ror 'vanity, loirch tchiffrobe, ,bed:and„sagless spring, , completely re ,finished•,, . . . .. •. Oalr--dining--:roorm. • . larg-e*buffet,:ex'tension table 6 leather upholstered 'chairs and 4 film 32 Piece dinner Set:$ 57 00 • • , , rfalg'ish :'oatt • ni roo .-sui letr.--stioare- .6xtensien table, ehinti ettliin21,. and ;leather seat 'chairs., Completely refini ' " • $79.00Fiiie walnut. dining ..riicirri , • . .suite,: Buffet, extension- table, • china' Cabinet and.:6 leather 'tinholsteked, chairs. Perfect aondttion; -Brealcfast .suite, 6 Pieces: $13.05! Gas $4.95x Kitchen: •Cabinets; Sewing•Maehine (Singer), $12.95; Dres, sers. $5.115;;• Chiffoniers. •$7.95; Beds; „ge...Ls.9j Spring,t, Itir59; ;I•sreW.: Felt,. Mftt•-. . tresses... $3.95; 'Extension. tables: $0.50;: Da V 13eds, $3.59; Tee Boxes. $4.95. •• . .Write for • free • illustrated, catalogue ;of .neW'„and, reconditioned, furniture and hundreds of,. valuable ;gifts free with pur,Chases. • • •• , . ,•• • • LYONS. VitApE,IN pEeT,7, ' Grant° 13E f'OPLII.,AR; LEARN HO*. OE't , what you Want by Al -taking. 'people like' you. Personal' Charm will give; you more. a.equalntances, friendships. fun. Valuable, Social and -business.. , contacts. Individual, Confidential'. co- operation: in 'easy lessons • by Send' 25 cents: for introductory:.trett.,... tise,, and, •inemliershin. ° (Prompt. •re- fund; if d issa Usti ed.) Catitidi a It ,Cha rut ClUb,,'081 Broadview. Ave.. Toronto: AltE Y(111 ..RUOT1211.ED? . RELIEF; comfort, peeitive stint:151.i with- our tPti n laced method., No elastic or un- der -straps dr txteel. Write . Smith Manufacturing 1)ept. 219„ Prefj-, . torn 'Ont: r • IF Volt WANT AN APFECTIONATE. romantic sweetheart with money, write:' Mary Lee. 445-0. Rohn; Mls- souri. ° QUITTOI3AMO, SNUFF. EASILY, expensively. .• Guaranteed.; Advice free.' .,13ox. I, Winnipeg. The, ''Peot ',:ok8phyl.c4ktect Before It Lays ggAS And Ruins,. Your Wardrobe. Of the 10„000odd insect pests said, to .infeet... Ntirtn, Alnerican .0oritio• mit, the:v etinitpon clothes', /Moth is. per.. haps best Ictioyfy and rnost reyi:rpo., Yet the, moth:- IS, except as an •acces. ,ery. after the laet,' rather an iatioCent, Creature,. .it has no predatory ,stincts,: lives • bUt .h• 'iittle wliile, atid, ,cate. ',nothing. because...it is phys1caU , ine.aPable.:pr.• 0114 The 'female .of the Species. is 'only, More,' (lOadir than the. ',male beeatiSe.. of its habit of laying. eggs: "every day o its one, Or two. Weeks,. of it is ."at..the 'larva stage ef.,:life•.that;„ the •moth-species.,devonrsthes. thuiigs.. animal..origin, (*.which it finds itSelf •,Thils it eats..Woill,,tailh,1 feathers ,and. ttair, grows by. „what it feeds on and. 'emerges Into the chrysalis Stage:, at last taking wing after 11 has. Cast], off its ettee... Before The Eggs Are Laid .0. Olt the inOtli off in its prime one begin b,efo,te, it starts' laying eggs, but since it. dada Ibison the first 'day of its Abort 'life, being 13re:. copious, •-thereis little: time 'to. lose.- ; There, are ,s'averal v.v,ays of battling: theMoth species' other than' clapping nne!abands:-atrit-,-Theee-.-ways--.:aie,:ali- Cheinial. You can either repel Mother Moth, asphyxiate her, or Put. her' Or her progeny into a 'lethal chamber. ' The modern moth repellent differs much from. the •Victorian moth -ball Which WaS Composed at coal tar naph• thalene of varying purity,. and was only very little, less anathema to most "ffiffirdr-fis ban to ICrothad—Wr tlit'-gowa• days an •aroinatte organic chernica which is easily volatilized and readily aired from the go60, in sufficient..con centratiob, actually asPhYzieths the pest. . it, is, „, -.however,. quite, •b,artniess 010/F0ithe.Thirtcenh of May - :17 9Pee in • 004 ,c.P.M.g§... Friday , go frightened are the American people at the specter of .:the figure "13" that one of the largest hotel •systems in the United''States •-found, necesearY'to.,abolist 1.09rn yet the, proof is strong:that this ht .ed 1411110rais one of the, luckiest in all tlf arithmetic of 'life:: . • ' • Woodrow Wilson had Such faith r,s that he weuld be elected preSident, 'because his • nadle•Ade 1 fetter it, and ;the number had alwaYs' . brought biria sugeees.. I • , •• For .nianY.' years Woodrow•Wilson 'wore a- scarf pin a miniature of the great seal of the . United States. 'Why? . Simply keOallst) 13 S.t.00d out all over stars,, 13 stripes, 13 arrows, 18 'envie; 13, letters hi the motto, "E Pluribus' Unum,": Pumigation Often„ Needed , , 'the , Moth can . best be For. th'0.-\ge: such. as furniture, drapes, rugs etc.„ . thWarted by treatment of themateriaf with a Chemic,a1 *high does net•,Suit. the dietary fads 'of theIarva.'.:When. ever infestation with moth: eggs 13 p.ected.ordinarY reliellents. are of..little .Value, and the. ,safest treatinent18 furolgatani .with a higbly gaS.' This can only. be carried 'ant by prdp', ..erly equipped ; ' 'fumigators or ry Cleanerw--ane mosts.,iip.to-date dry:. cleaning. establishments noW offer a . • .• . • combined cleaning, fultrgation„and storage serVite.: otritijril _ If You fla,sh a Strang light at night on a awn -you wraith: ing•with 'emergent 'Worms. Give:one tap to the ground ,ankevery • Worm 25e Order. Roll film. developed and LARGEIVIENT_FitEE WLTH•EV-BRYWill . make two staccato movements, eight prints 25c. Reprints 3c. Estab-. lished over 16 years. I3rightling . ?Studio, .29 Richmond Street East,, To- PR.OFESSAONAL 'RESULTS COUNT --- any film developed and printed•ro er,ly. Mail"with, .25c tcy Professional,' .4 Dept. A, London, Ont. Send your OW11 choiceof negative. back Sv,ith your second film. for free Etchcraft largement. • .. It/1T 19.1X.99E1t9IINATOIP , , • • , . ALL. KNOWN".DISEASES CAN:13'E (3.A.1.1.-• and •stock by 'Itittnex—Harm- Ill I I ar ' lied by x•ato., Safeguard yOur home uSi lose :to intrilezis, ,flornestic, anifnals, pbultry, 'groundhog's,: etc. If .your dealer cannot supply you Send 356 -in ' • . • DWARF 'FLOWERS . asif at a sergeant's woid ,of corn-. niand, and within three 01 ,four sec- 071dS the Whole 'community will have 'vanished . . . . Their sense of vibration is as acute as the hearing Of the thrush that, de - 'Vann them., Co1imbus first sighted 'the lodnas off, the coast of North 'America* on Friday,- and be left' Europe on 4ay; left the West Indies for the re-' tuintl1pto Span On -Pridayi—ar:r rived at Palos Friday, March' latiti .1i.cturned to land fpr the'first time sin the • actual American continent, Pri-. day, November 22, 1493, discovered Cuba, Friday June .13;1494, and S. . America, !lic4ay, August : 3rd. • So :might the 'lucky hiatory of 1.3 r un-onL:i n d efinitely Throw, f ear.L.to the w.inds.: Engage ' berth 1,3' for a 'trip on Friday. the 13th and if it costs $18.1a•for.the journey, be glad ---that it doesn't cost niers! , • If the -Wish they make Ona wish -bone , Or lead of:hay It .is,.plerity of'.tirne • 1 To priry.. ; ;Daylight saving is founded on the 'old Indian idea of %cutting , off one 'end of the blanket arid sewing it on the 'other end to ler:ger. „,. • :(t� his father) --How many kinds of Wood are Used -in, Making a mntch? „ • ' ' • Father -Just two, son', "Ile woUld and„ slip would. • " Correct this Sen:t,en.ce — -board ia.--ptirt a -Mr37;.""said -the _einployer; .."so them the ,.best... :food I can btly." • ' ,• , • With Few ExceptionsThe Hai:d- er the Work the SMaller'the ,Pay: • White:* • File n are'. youdo- now; Sani? • Negro—'Ah' S an exportah. White Friend—An •exPort.erf,' • egro Company. was re 1 eb • xperts eclare., nvironment Is More Important Than Trlaredity; In. IGO Pe•Yellop4 • F;PZ:tio a Chi14!e •lnteflect the iiIttetel,Ireellies.enociecohritiel.raetniOnarib4et!..Woeietn par- ents; .' and. the , Influence Of', en.Viro;i-' mein determines growth. or.'decline of children's' ' intellectual development, 'according to the report of a '15 -year .study'orehildren'bY pr,,Flareld.,Skeele and Pr.,21-rtfi.7*ellinan1 of the Iovira University Child.'.Welfere., Station,' Dr. Skeels, psychologist ,for thelawa ,State Uoarf of C-entrel, bast.tliseev,-. .ered .that.•„anderprivileg.ed Children, taken'. from inadequate ,601ronnient and placed in....'feater homes,' respond' to ()Ye, interest • al110 V401t.. • by.;'..re.:, maphahle, intellectual gaths. ,. ptillqr In -Petit ..PUri°0tinding's " He findendwerreiation. between the intenigenee of true parents and their'. chii4rei7i-t but *onOteS the l iongeremail boy and girls remain in pOor' sur- roundlngs, the duller they beCorne..He. pointsout thatif. these children are remeyed.earlyrAndngh to,:fosterlioines they have a goad,„thatthe, to reach ner•-, nita or superior merfrir heinevement. Dr. Wellman has 'recorded ,that, higher intelligence ievds are !ithe rule rather than exception following. the. -stiMulating;--atmeSpher?,--.(1.L-IIUlise'yyl schools Significantly, during Summer Vacatietas at home, withput the incen- tive, of sehoot and influence of •cbra- panionehip,',ohildren show little or .no, develannient. :The Best Type of School Miss,Wellman studied the later pro- gress of many boys' and •giris Who re- ceived careful and SYmpatIletie' early training and discovered ,those trans- ferre.d to.' progressive institutions of. this type Continued to gain in intelli- gence, While these who 'entered . less. Progressive :Schocila.10,St. .C!cfuSiderabte "OT11 „. - " "c11,11(!ren 'thrive best," Dr. Wellman concludes; !In schools Where, they •are tautht to think fbretheniselveS1riStead of obeying blindly. They. do 'best in. :groups With • ch irdren- with • capabilities as great or better .than their :Own.".:, Comes T P.:r00.0 R apparently: isn't nec,...ssary y . nowa, das to into ,the jUngle' to:Obtain: big4ganie. “,bags.". The big .galine'oblig !ugly. comes.11to 'the eitiee,,, •In Abercorn, capital, of Nertaiern Rliodesia;.a motorist dri‘',ing,almig the ain-7stree t larained. on his braitC8 , • HAPPY RWflH OLL, QQ:pEN'S you're looking far a keen portnei in: rolling-lenurawne ste13," qui Oh ' Pgden:S Fine evt'CigatelterTcbaco9- pgden's rolls a happier. cignrefie—. osmooti±er, cooler; mellower. smoke, and Wise "roll/per-own*" have: •proved if pse the best lociperie or ,..',courselikouChanteeler'ter"\rogue" Pipe• Ask f, 'For Ogdeo'01 Cia t 1;sts.,1$ring. bout-Boytott, - OP SOU goods-,:—PevelapgAt:of ,Excellent su1'stigte*5, 1'44. Ggoo, Stettdily Alicad •'. • , Whete., official boycotts` rtgainat:,. • japenese goeds failed 'and: brought alarming warniap. from Itle.partreelt • of -trade and etomtnerce, heals in ev- • ery, qua try where ,sueli lb oyc otts, were urged, stylists • for ,milady.'s., summer wardrobe, this ear . actually • have brought about what amounts tci • a boycott,' • •,•'• .In -otherdwords high- class rayons, • PO' other .sntistitufes.'for silic • have .1 gone over in,„.a. big, way becae s'tYle , eXpertSdecreeif.„that. they. Y,.ere' ',the . th,k3 •Ye07, •Tbe, deVelbOrnent of excelle'ht-:Stie;. stitutes for has. beep ct,tri.i.e4 With • increasing , •ef.feetlynnecS lot severat'yeara.'htit the' standards. of quality have now reached ..the paint ..1 where.suh• Materiels are now F.12, ferred.to::sir; by manufacturer:rt.'. • • Stand Great, Peal -,of Wear . the :first pldce manufacturers' •and: retailershad to ,stand the quality. 'of .merchandise they •• Sold. And. silk -bas • lays • had is • weaknesses. When raYen:, Ote:',.fir4t . came out there were niany faults in pierri also. Bt:the have .heen over- ' cOine to such -an amazing extent, fo- cal dealers stated,. that now the sub - They :*wilk withstand Ironing, .' wash- in • arid •ardinary wear better than • silk. Silk has, always had, the fault Of Splitting. along Seam's, ,. but the • new substitutes haveovereonie this difficulty. • • . ' Colors have been .developed until there appears to be n ihnit to the inar:veloue..shadeS which-7ean-he--pro-, duced., • " • British and Canadian rayons and' ether., materials •• developed ,.,under • special trade names are stated to be. 'far •surpassing silks an.d. iayonsim- Yarn Mack Front - Wool and Flax Opetas Up litany New Cor.arnefcial PocslbIlltLea • The production 'of 'Yarns and ,fab .rica fain a .mixture_of fax arid, wee]. e-. e 0 0 the staff. of 'the Textile PepartMeht of: the University:at. Leeds; England, for some Months .past..'Agy,a resul.0 .conSiclerable. Corninercial• pdsalbilities 4. 4 • "Research In Qntritio, jaPan'predlicecl.!'rayons for several years at figures with which Canadian „ are yl4uolzed, ,e5pec:Iany..in pi:oduc. .,caonmdpBetrendti iti4shm, atIleuf jaacpt4tillreesres •cs.to 'hae ing novelty: dress Materials .;khich ',control= in Ca add of the sale •of the: will be. cheap .and yet Of goodappear; • anCe.. Low -Copt -Po as - The chearness te' the'Prot: auction by .;low-oSt,.pro-,ezses of a fltix . that readily . blends with fibre to• he spitable for ',blending .with inungo, in. ,place ,Of Incr:eased_ stren.g't11:: The :fibre ba,s char. scteiistics similar•to. cotton., and •paf-, tined fabricsare readily. Chtaiiied 11) the4blerid.• ' ' tiliher] and;then,-accelerated huoied.ly-7-when Instead- of .the' re.tting.-process.:-of• he •SaW .10.0parsi standing' near the „treating the' flax which 9.CcuP;e'• a nai!ernent, a tew, yards frain the Gov - period -of, ,Weeks, the. fibre . • is • pro:- ..,erninent H..otiak.and the. shonningl cen- dueed by an' acqUa;tneclianpro: tie : The capital lias. •-•been .,suffering „cess -which..:takei only.. a few •fiTkia. • . - .. • . . ... laterjr.Trom the, activities' „orleopard5 .In addition, at is said to produce a in the vicinity of• the tOwn... ,Hhortly, higher: fabrie..yield,;:whieh;rnakei for . „ . after .the Motorist:a' experienee..a leo- its cheapnees. • 4 . • .• .parcr,' betieved to ,be the one 'be:saiy, . A' direct:A' Of the Lan'eashire limn as yapped ' and • kill'ed. : , of 'textile machinery. 'Makers and a ' 'A Simi of .$25, is paid to anyone 'Wild Chnadiari : tektile engineer have, In, ... eopar . . . . v,ented the ,pratesses,,' and "their .eX-• At SYlliet; Assam.- a. tiger Walked perlinents :: in ...Producing: flax .,'fihre :into a tea r.'gai'ileniThe tiger , fancied. a have stretched; over a", Period of four worker, Wlici retallated,With a spade. 'year's. •A. Lancashire firin oftektile . lie' •Wasn't. yery successful; •and wag niadhhiery.' maker's, Which has - deve1:! badly mauled before Other 'Workers kil.-7. ,,:•ricei rifac.hinery . for: producing the led the. tiger'-'with.ploks 'an,c1 snades., i'lax Ohre; 'eentrels• the'Pr6Cesscii . .. coin fol post-paid supp15. Dealers • for particuldre, National Salea, Agency, •97.•13loor 'West, Toronto.' ' (,u ti your' home.,and,.;:stoqk • itatpox.• • • , . • s T it A Vent:Rai' PL A Vis • ST It ANV13I.III ITLAN S—I Mfg). 0 :V E D. 1..,ADIEs. AND • GENTLEMEN LEARN. Dunlop, Glen l‘Itu•y, 131akemere, •Par- Hairdreesing° 6 '-'montbs ,575.,_ Jonesk„, • son's Beauty, 113:50: Herbert Itaspber, Hairdressing. fiction', •Listo.wee ,•Ota. ry. $15.90. thousand, Quantity clle- • Te., • counts. jiMan 1Vhittaker It.,3. Ches- . . . .'terville, OM, • • . .. • . - •,‘.' • HAIR, ()001)S • . . VOLIPES, TRANSb'ORIVIA'11(.)NS, Braids,:,t'itifs, and all 'types of 11110'(t ,quality Hair G'oods. \Ville for Rips, trated•ctttitlogtio. Special, lierition to repair ‘Vork. Teronio.. Human 1-1 Supply 528 Bathurst, TOrolitp, , , , SIMO *If.A..N1AS:(7A11'0 , . *23 11,:ft NNIN.; A, .1,8 • t41:1 A ST -',A DA ISI', :CatehflY, Cone flower, .,1,3old'eauft, Marguerite, Canterbury Bell, Oa 11. ' lardie,' 4etc.--'-.2 Evergreens:'• Tree; Shrtlb;t6 2911' Seeds. -.Prepaid " • jordars •.$1811. ,I)ol la r ;Niitseriesr thittxt•16. ' • ' A.IIS1 si.,!•R V IC.1,.;'• GETs yptir license." on.' 0,Laiy tet 1115 • A" 14rstrfleturs. ,New 'Cuba,. Address • Uurliet 1 Icid roro,iito, Ont. , . AJ 1111 S 'SAI.E. • , PRIM') 'BARGAINS NeviiVeltrAfattres'seS. NOW Mattyesslo::1, Frain- tiletory to. Us VelOr4V1 Vedding.893 Queen St, Witt Tort nth • itAVMAtt;:car.41'; r;;;;;;O'11 ' Advjser an:hi:060n 01-061init, s,stl ttact iChetailit; And'Peisotialitst Chet Irte itt anyon't who Writit 110: Thi .nniattiltt fret • Ci(i4i,11; [too t Yeattl'a lett. 'itd t,II be ifitiboekl,o;viitb itsalOitleije; . elowie Weridertut 011;lett, tOav,, . i411...tlatifoxl, -,tionead • ‘anyilana ni:I;IfOut . , , tolkifittf tAft'Allfit • • listed. A-6 -1 IN A:VI/It:11S • 'YOUlt .C1-111.0REN suvri.ifil•rt PRont '• these' antroYing pests.," sand, two 'dol- lars for simple hoMe remedy. ()Tat-. -tan, Kelly,' pestal Station 1L',,Tfiron1o: . , • Glued His, Books • To House .Walls and contiVetors they are, all one to the income ta'x collector: . An elderly Man repOrted in his como tak f0.1111 that his wife".had ..ne',W 'baby. ,Alia! ..s;ild the. ineenie.. de. pal tinent, we must look into this. Sok- they-did; .tinci liis Wife had and they had to giro hihreXcinaidir, aceOrding to iingt ,Pattorson, 'ooltoett-Or for Toronto; . I ' •• • COptractors Razed It ' , Thcro was another inan who liedtie. emintitig trottlilo: 11e.. wrote in to the' ,depArtment that he was in a.ritiiinriary oar account of ZOntractors. Posirhig ithove all to keep his lltisincss in, order end Over' before bis eyelic had kept bis• hoolts jy noting' up dash and it -iv -inch -the* hal gltio0 td th&,WATI hig• §1161). ' Do'6hIl1g to 'make sorne :chnngoe 111 s his shop ..ho .11 id ll contractors, and, bbtore,•he 'cool& sify -1‘incorne.litit,"'„the contractol, stiat5.110.d " his; .dizy With lii "bOOki". etill"glned t� it.. " ...Tire ;in:Conk ti4 ,dePartinont, niade him .;,pronifse, Mi Patteson a1d, 'tb okeep,..picp.ge bodtS .• • In .the smaller' types Of easily grown flowers,are alyssum, white and 'dainty and useful for edging. These willirgroW inNtartial shade. and :mike exCellent edging plants." . F'Ortulaca is a spreading 'plant with bright yel- low, red ando pink .wax -like flowers. it-thtlx.es. in .hright. sunbbirie and :dry -SOO.. Nasturtiums; marigolds.; calen- •dnlas and •petunias will complete good. garden of easily -grown annudl- fiowers. , Thee are all useful for edging beds or walks. • CULTIVATION During .the early Part..,of • the sea- son. a'. little cintivatien every 'week- ' will help'planta along Wonderfully, The Ptirpose is two fold Unsightly .woods,..a,..ro killed: and valtiabl,e's mois- ture is conserved. Growth is 4hur- ri,d along. Later on as' the flowers or Vegetables' develop, . it Will not 'be. joeyrsa'rY to ,cultivate so often. Some- tihles a mulch Of short straw or grass' clipPingS is used to retain .1nOistute during' the summer. 'This mulch is Simply,. spread over. the , ground be-• t.Ween the Plants., It keep g the finddr-: •Iying soil inoist,' open and free frbrif s'veedS, ,SPREAD OUT VEGETABLES • . • - Several 'sowings of eaeh vegetable are advised. OthetWiSe' all • nmiute :at thez.same time and then,there will lie; a feast.' or a .famine. After all; With such, things..tti radith, • Spinach; 'peaS, co,ril or practically .anything else foiy that, matter, the thie they -tre-reaftrwortli :eatingis ,when they ate fresh; 'that if just mature, and Jusr IleeOrnbrobileil by: •yIr less! dro4ilsi ' ACH • taken right 'out of the„garderi. They, . , must .: be quickly grown and used int - Mediately when they .. have: reached: the proper ' size...These Vegetable's will deteriorate Whether they are left, in storage. Or :riperubg in the veg table - To aoid this sort v . , thing, the; goOdgardener has his . . vegetables . corning... along continuous- -1Y,, a". few • feet an , baby' carrot's and beets. ready ,Ifor the thblo. •• ,•. all season.' • . . WHEN TO PLANT • , . • Vegetable Asparagus rttiii.:/itMay an yg„ Beets: •, April ±o .July Bush Beans' .,.May toJuly Cabbage April to May Carrot's- - • April to July, :Cauliflower • April. to .Mai Celery .............. March•to',7n1Y Corn May t� lane , April. to ;rune Lettne'e ,Aprir.to August: Onions ..........• "APril to May parsley APrit to ',Tune' April' to May pPeaftrosnii.)s Potatoes .. ;Match to ;limo • - April t August ... APril August. „Toinatees. • " May to june 'I\urniPS April to •3illy • Radishes ••••••- —URNS Mix equal ppts off:Mintud's and sweet oil, .castbe oil, or creetto. Spread 44r4 brown scald. Before long the , " painful smarting sfops • ri NiMnr "KING OF PAIN" tiNimENI : Here is the ,tire 'sensation ,1„938.. New in design, p new in appearance, With a neW, high in Firestone qualr • ity at a neN'v Iow price. Thii new Firestone Stan- ' :lard Tire has e'ierything. you want—safety, lmileage, carefree ';dependability: • Never before have you , seen so ;rnuch tire for the Money. • Every' :tire carries the ...Firestone name And guarantee -.L-your assiirance • of greater non-skid , effic- iency, +greater 'safety' and . : longer inileager-'---' ' • .,' • letore ' you . buy any bte• this Spring, ' first go to your , nearest Firestone Dealer •and .see how he can sive you , money .with this new Fire- • — ttone Standarda the -great- -- ., est bre, ittlue ever offered these Iow. prices. cheaper, hnes nef, rayons.! The recent :report of the Ontario . • . , :Research . Poundatien reiYeale' that; fhiS' dephrtinent 'is doing considerable research WOI•lc- in '',co.:operation WAN • the ,:textile‘intinstris of :thisprov-N inc°vvti.fa 'Mike .hei hone ark visited hersitlintervals theNtith meni- - parts of country.,. The • Winter she Uspent With her idaughter, Mia. Fred ' • • Hent, in Kitchener. She had enjoyed -ber-Usual-health2thronghOut,--:-and--hatl,:,• corap.to visit with her daughter M.F! , . sir. keret . in Lucknow, only a few day. I when. she was stricken. Mrs'; • McCullough.' Vas a Woman , highly-- respected, possessing .thoao amiable traits character, which at.. traCted to her a large .nuinber of true friends, who found in christiart, ideals. She had ever been's. devoted Mother in the home; . one.: who was deeply iriterested, in the welfare of her family. In religion,. . she was a • staunch Fresbyterian. and faithfUl member of 'Santa.. Church,. Kincardine. r , ' noj Oi 1562 sfor; sh- ... s,es- The funeral was held,na Tuesday afteruoon,.. After 'a short. -seryLice.. a the homeofher. son -an -law, Mr. Havr.r, ard -AgneW,. LiiclMoW,.. the remains Were taken to Knott Church, ,Kincav, dine, 'where, services were conduCted by Rev." O. H.. MacDonald,. of LuCk- me.):. of chess, store found in the...ail- Cient' city of, Tepe'',Gawra, scene of , extensive excaVations .since, its dis- c0tliiy m 192/. ' • , s' The'.eheSsaien were'uneoyered. on . le el of' the cify ',Which was butit. • it thel-Ohe_id :the tinie.•of sOutbern, Mesopotamia's earliest ,settlements,as rePorted. ' . • ' • , Di . E. A. Speiser, directer of the Baghdad school 'and. yrofessor Of , Sernitics:ht the 'university.' here, .who-.. discovered the ,site Of the anClerit City, said the . Tope Gawra pieces were the iirst indication that chess,• or its Prototype, provided di- •• verSion., for the. prehistoric .11lestipo tamiana' of 'about 4,060 I3,.' C. DiseoNery Made • Ancient Torr./ale CITY.--ilis...ove,ryr, Or,11 , 11(',50' 'Tir.'111P)0'• ea at tho Worltl-f 1,11)04'11,10,n/ 02! I Alloii;Y. i:rehaeologitial '1•11111S, in OaXh-, I ea'. inviOunced hy br. •Alfon•-• Sh 'the tonlitle 'was l'otind •an ,iniineiqf" • hd,c•i.tx.,°01.111t1 11:11;i0 a' 1.11011.ii,na:111:11 S',:tlirx:i1S'o' ,Aj: tiati itt.1 r. Of .7,;npotts.can tion; it 0i.a.S...bi1ieCed' to kvcr 0p•Pc....-,t • : Ca's°. r. 10 r t:' 1 7, "C y Utes Willi movable bc,adg'ear 11the.- •'ant rs•-.414.44poi4s. •,• • Monte Alban; the archaeologist Ats=. chVhrecl, a 1,0,111,hi Uteri 2, fOct. kluorts, .contailcing ronmins • rfr 1 nn )c•nd or ritld'. iint surri...•ni:c 1, qiy (ferainie offeringq dieat inn- the high. 'est . A The' jinni* :of lc s, ated at'AJTO Vd)y. toti of-niea be.atlsil- AS Tar, fl'on th pccl.r..thohk , as 15tit$tli1e. '•